১৭ নভেম্বর, ২০২২

"Trump Faces Five Major Investigations. He Has Dozens of Ways Out."

This is a brilliantly displayed series of flow charts, showing so many ways for Trump to win, as figured out by Ankush Khardori.

(Khardori has been a prosecutor at the Department of Justice and has "defended corporate clients against charges of fraud and other crimes.")

I don't know how averse you are to clicking on NYT links — I think nonsubscribers get X number of free reads — but if you were to click on one article a year, this should be the one.  Unless you don't read about politics at all... but then why are you reading my blog? Well, I can see why. My blog is, I think, a good filter for readers who loathe politics. So take my word for it, this graphic display of all Trump's escape routes is damned impressive. 

Anyone who thinks there are so many investigations that something will stop him and he can't make it to a victory in 2024 might lose their mind. How can the law be like this? The Trump pardoning himself outcomes are especially aggravating.

I once did a law school exam question with a fact pattern about a President pardoning himself. It was back in the 90s. Clinton was President.

৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

Antiantifa বলেছেন...

Why are you reading my blog? I laughed out loud at that question, then realized you pegged me with your answer. Reading your blog has taught me a way t think about politics that has made me more sane. Thank you for that.

Howard বলেছেন...

An aggregator a sifter a screener a separator and a filter. Of course Trump can wriggle out of it all. Our justice system is designed to entrap the poor, scare the middle and allow the wealthy to get a pass.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...


That's basically why I wrote it. The description of the blog in the banner used to say — back in the beginning, circa 2004 — "Politics and the aversion to politics...."

What was the whole thing? "Politics and the aversion to politics, law and law school, high and low culture, and the way things look from Madison, Wisconsin."

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Your blog examines politics, but I don't think of it as a political blog because your focus is on language and intention, not who's right and who's wrong. The political sphere is a treasure trove of language trickery and when you're on a roll, you cover it better than anyone. (In that sense, I you're similar to the old Protein Wisdom, but less abstruse.)

For instance, a focus on politics would discuss how the five major investigations are all politically motivated and so will turn not on legal niceties, but on public opinion and the attitude of the new Republicans congress towards a Trump candidacy.

Similarly, the New York Times is focusing on legal niceties not because they believe the investigations are legit, but because they are trying to prop them up and give Democrats cover to keep pursuing them.

Rocketeer বলেছেন...

Our justice system is actually designed on a foundation of the presumption of innocence, but you go ahead and float that evil old orange-haired witch, Good Magistrate Howard.

iowantwo বলেছেন...

I'll try the link next.

But before I look, I will posit, Trump has yet to be accused of a crime. The NY AG filed a civil, not criminal suit......because she lacked the required elements to prosecute a crime.

All the rest is the very pedestrian Democrat Lawfare, slight of hand.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, the Obama cabal, the Clinton cabal and the Biden cabal gets away with more corruption than Trump ever dreamed of, but when you have the DOJ and FBI as your gestapo, you don't have to worry about it.

dbp বলেছেন...

Here is an archived link to the story...


iowantwo বলেছেন...

. Our justice system is designed to entrap the poor,

Silly Howard. Still hasn't figured out, compared to the government, ALL are poor. That's why all are innocent until a trial and jury have finished their work. Something Howard never learned in school.

DaveL বলেছেন...

If you look back on previous prosecutions, a Trump ally is guaranteed to be convicted in the DC courts. If Trump himself was convicted they'd probably ask for and get life in prison.

As for the first bright-red issue, those who mishandle classified information typically are only stripped of their clearance. If their activity caused grievous harm to national security, that's another matter. I've heard claims that Trump might have allowed that by accident, but none that he deliberately caused harm to national security.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

Althouse sure spends a lot of time obsessing about Trump for someone with an aversion to politics. Maybe the endless Trump posts are presented to just amplify blog traffic? Only Althouse knows for sure.

James K বলেছেন...

Aggravating? It's a good thing that bogus lawfare doesn't always work. The process is the punishment, as Flynn found out.

Democrats like Hillary who commit actual crimes have a much easier way out. They never get charged in the first place.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Maybe I’m reading into this but it sounds like Althouse is hoping for a Deux ex machina to stop Trump, even if it’s one of the endless pointless “investigations” launched by partisan actors for explicitly partisan reasons. (i.e. Leticia James etc.)

RMc বলেছেন...

1. Trump isn't getting re-elected.
2. Trump isn't going to prison.
Settle down, everyone.

RMc বলেছেন...

1. Trump isn't getting re-elected.
2. Trump isn't going to prison.
Settle down, everyone.

John henry বলেছেন...

Right, Howard?

"people are innocent until alleged to be involved in some type of criminal activity."-CIA head spook John Brennan

Allegations is the most anyone has made against our president emeritus so far.

After 40 years in the public eye, no charges have ever been brought for anything. Just allegations.


Right Howard?

John Henry

n.n বলেছেন...

The ethical euphemism of the story: Democrats can, everyone else take a knee, beg, uh... "donate."

n.n বলেছেন...


Off with his head! But is he viable? Just do it! Perhaps in a "sanctuary state" including New York, California, "District of Corruption", where civilization takes two steps backward.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

All of the investigations are witch hunts...
They will all vanish - as the left realize they want Trump instead of a more stable electable candidate.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Anyone who thinks there are so many investigations that something will stop him and he can't make it to a victory in 2024 might lose their mind. How can the law be like this? The Trump pardoning himself outcomes are especially aggravating."
Hey! I didn't write the laws. What was it that Dylan wrote about lawyers dying in the webs that they spin? You helped build this edifice. Don't complain. Fix it.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

But what if New York, California, and Florida all pass laws that in order to appear on the presidential primary ballot all candidates must publicly publish 10 years of tax records and collect 10,000 signatures in the name of ethics and transparency? He seems pretty committed to keep them secret.

MikeR বলেছেন...

tl;dr Way tl;dr. The first one put me to sleep. Taking home documents: "Well, the Feds might decide not to prosecute! Or, if they do decide to prosecute, he might win his case! - Oh, but, the Feds usually win their cases!"... Uh, maybe that's because they don't prosecute unless they have a good case?
Actual flow chart: Maybe they'll decide, as all investigations have decided so far, that it isn't absolutely clear that what he did was illegal at all. Or, maybe they'll decide to prosecute even so, in which case they will either lose, or the Supreme Court will overturn the conviction, because, uh, it isn't absolutely clear that what he did was illegal at all.

iowantwo বলেছেন...

But what if New York, California, and Florida all pass laws...

Primaries are run by two corporations. The DNC and GOP. They make the rules for people running in their specific primaries. The Govt has no constitutional power to dictate who the GOP and DNC allow in their primaries and who is allowed to identify as D or R. A candidate does not have to be a member of any party...only submit the required number of signatures to be included on the ballot.

Passed that, the requirements for the office of President are clearly enumerated in the constitution.

He seems pretty committed to keep them secret.
Because the law says they are secret. Besides, Trumps tax returns are meaningless. Nobody can balance a check book, but somehow they can decipher a tax return with a thousand real estate transactions? I've sold and bought four homes, and did a 1031 swap on a farm sale. but I have no idea how to interpret all of that on a tax return.
The only reason the Dems want them, is because they can "interpret" the returns and tell people what they mean, and it would all be a lie, but the media will never call it out.

Just like the Document disagreement. All of those Presidential documents are declassified. It is impossible for the govt to prove otherwise. But the media never explores that reality.

hombre বলেছেন...

This is a very impressive piece of work. I read it as a former DA (Democrat, 20 years) and cannot fault Khardori's conclusions.

Another factor emerges for me. If Trump's lawyers are as astute as Khardori, and I assume some are, this Democrat "lawfare" against Trump - much of which appears unethically selective - may have forced him to run. That's all fine, unless he wins, in which case these political prosecutors will be hoisted by their own petards.

Rusty বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver said...
"But what if New York, California, and Florida all pass laws that in order to appear on the presidential primary ballot all candidates must publicly publish 10 years of tax records and collect 10,000 signatures in the name of ethics and transparency? He seems pretty committed to keep them secret."
If you see them. What do you think you'll find?
I would suggest a CPA well versed in tax law to go over them with you. That way you can understand them. Maybe.

Drago বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver: "But what if New York, California, and Florida all pass laws that in order to appear on the presidential primary ballot all candidates must publicly publish 10 years of tax records and collect 10,000 signatures in the name of ethics and transparency? He seems pretty committed to keep them secret."

Hey dummy, how are Trump's tax records a "secret" when multiple agencies of the US Government and State Governments have ALL of them, and have always had ALL of them and will continue to have ALL of them?

And given the US Govt Agencies and State Agencies are appendages of the New Soviet Democratical party, as are the all the legacy media entities, that makes the number of people who have access to Trump's tax records likely in the hundreds of thousands.

Sounds super duper scary "secret"!!

Do you think maybe Trump keeps his tax records super duper scary "secret" because that's where he hides all the super duper "secret" nuclear launch codes that he sells to other countries?

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard: "An aggregator a sifter a screener a separator and a filter. Of course Trump can wriggle out of it all. Our justice system is designed to entrap the poor, scare the middle and allow the wealthy to get a pass."


Yeah, this government is really all about giving Trump a pass!

You really are as stupid as gadfly and Inga at times.

Drago বলেছেন...

Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "All of the investigations are witch hunts...
They will all vanish - as the left realize they want Trump instead of a more stable electable candidate."


Wrong again. The democraticals are attempting to launch even more investigations while simultaneously exploring other Lawfare tactics to keep Trump off the ballot.

And according to you, the left doesn't need to "realize they want Trump instead of a more stable electable candidate", they supposedly ALREADY realize it and are somehow, secretly no doubt, working to make Trump the candidate..........except they aren't doing that...they are working to keep Trump from running....which is not what you are claiming, or sort of claiming because what you claim differs a bit every time you claim it.

You might want to start jotting down notes about what your "official" rhetorical position is at any given time so you don't continue to contradict yourself every 15 minutes.

n.n বলেছেন...

Trump has earned the judgment of deplorable but useful to his antagonists serving time on bended knee, beg, "donate", good boy.

Gerda Sprinchorn বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
cf বলেছেন...

downloaded the link, thnks dbp
as far as an NYT graphic bank I'd like to see them apply their Covid-19 micro data daily display talent to our Southern border statistics:
-- how many entered today from all stations San Diego to Brownsville;
-- citizenship status
-- processing status
-- shipping: how many shipped to where?
-- receiving cities:
Data on who is now registered in what towns/states
Families on WC?
Status w welfare and medical

I figure catholic charities etc up here in portland oregon has flooded our area we are awash in dominicans these last few years. and they are happy, doing very nicely. and why wouldn't they be?

the Obama Nation hates the singularity of American citizenship. ptewy. nothin special. stomp stomp. flood the floor. throw our individual rights out the window on the way down past venezuela uh oh, i got myself going ...

Blair বলেছেন...

Some of these allegations are ridiculous. The claim is that he inflated assets for the purpose of procuring loans, but deflated them for the purpose of paying tax. Oh really?! You mean like literally anybody who has ever owned a house ever?!

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

We are to believe that the lending institutions the size that finance trump properties don't have appraisers?

Also from WAPO,

"Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter."

So he kept souvenirs from his time in office. At least he didn't have to return stolen furniture.