"... [a term] derived from the Greek myth of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, wherein the nymph Salmacis begs the gods to unite her with her male object of desire, Hermaphroditus, and the gods merge the two into a single androgynous being.... [One Salmacian] said they’ve received messages telling them they’re 'making a mockery' of the community by 'only going halfway.' They described a torrent of derogatory comments from self-proclaimed 'trans-medicalists'—those who believe transness is contingent upon a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and a full medical transition. 'That was the hardest hate mail to take—other trans people saying, "No, you're doing it wrong"'..."
"The vast majority of trans people never receive genital reconstruction
surgery.... Most of those who do undergo genital surgery end up with
'binary' external genitalia—a penis or a vagina.... Patients seeking
bigenital surgery aren’t the only trans people receiving less common
forms of gender-affirming care. Mels, a 34-year-old office manager in
Delaware, is agender and asexual. She wanted a full gender nullification
procedure—a wholly smooth exterior. 'It used to always be at the
forefront of my mind—anytime I'd go to the bathroom, take a shower, or
change my clothes, so multiple times a day,' Mels said. 'But now that I
don't have any genitals, it's not something I think about, which is the
७९ टिप्पण्या:
"Mels, a 34-year-old office manager in Delaware, is agender and asexual. She wanted a full gender nullification procedure—a wholly smooth exterior."
Sounds like it still needs a little work around its pronouns.
The cable TV show "Nip/Tuck" ran from 2003 to 2010. One plotline involved plastic surgery to remove nipples and make "Barbie Doll"-like people:
As for a patient who wants her nipples removed, she should be immediately referred to a psychiatrist. “There is no described procedure for removal of nipples other than in conjunction with mastectomy [breast removal] or lumpectomy for cancer,” Hoffman says, adding that the promise and surgical creation of nipple-less breasts without scars “is ludicrous and does plastic surgeons an injustice.” Scars, no matter how small, are never invisible. Aston calls the concept a “scriptwriter’s procedure,” rather than a surgeon’s.
That was the hardest hate mail to take—other trans people saying, "No, you're doing it wrong
Kind of like how bisexuals get a lot of pressure from the gay community to pick a side. Gender is a continuum, unless it's not.
Dragqueens: "Non-binary is beautiful. Fuck the binary world. People are born that way!"
Also dragqueens: "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!"
I know, I know. But someone's got to say it. Those "Salmacians" can go f*** themselves.
I prefer Elagabali myself.
There are hermaphrodites but it’s very rare. The three chromosomes.
We’re now at the Hold My Beer phase of Transmania if people are identifying as hermaphrodites.
a matching pair?
Go fuck yourself!
I only read the excerpt, but my favorite thing about this is considering whether Vice’s earnest tone here is sincerely validating, or neutrally pulling back a curtain on the flaming insanity of these poor people.
We’re definitely going to need more people to be born. (See today’s earlier post about World population decline)
Decades ago I read a short story by Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem in which the technology for humans to explore extreme body modification is taken to its logical and even absurd extreme ends, such that modifications of genitals as described above would be barely noticed amidst the panoply of other, wilder overall body modifications described. Lem had an insight into the desire by some (many?) humans to escape or transcend their innate selves, effected through body decoration and modification, (rather than internal growth and change, a slower and more difficult proposition), and he knew there was no extreme limit beyond which (some) people would not trespass. I cannot recall the name of the story.
Lol. Finally an answer to the oft-asked question of who these people end up having sex with.
I believe men are already outfitted to give and receive.
Brain hemisphere communication is more important than plumbing. Women see as insight what men see as noise.
it seems, like there Should Be a word; to describe these people?
in fact it seems, like there Used to BE a word; to describe these people
It started with a 'C', i'm pretty sure.
a 'Cr', in fact... And i Think it ended in a 'zy'?
Crizy? no, that wasn't it
Crozy? that seems close, but Still not quite
Crezy? Cruzy? Nope. I must be missing it; can anyone help?
Barbie anatomy is ideal then, except for the wide hips and big tits.
he knew there was no extreme limit beyond which (some) people would not trespass.
There is an envelope and it must be pushed. Some mistakenly think this is a slippery slope kind of thing. It's not. human nature us such that people need to be special, and to do that you must go beyond what was done last.
That's why I'm writing a book explaining and illustrating all the possible mutilation variations to elementary school kids. I'm calling it, "101 Salmacians."
Two ways of asking for the surgery are “Make a hash of it” and “I’d like a Harvey Weinstein please.”
Looks like we’re going to need an updated “I’m my own grandpa”
Set a minimum age. Let people do what they want to themselves.
We need to eliminate the public education system to keep the groomers from poisoning minds and fueling confusion in adolescents that are already naturally confused.
Really at every level the answer this issue is less government.
Maybe this is how Harvey Weinstein got his soon to be infamous "fish-like" genitals.
A trans pioneer. He was a Democrat remember...
Thanks Ann for continuing this spelunking. The NYT article was just the first circle of Body Mod Hell, and I have much to learn. I am thinking “Salmacian” is a great candidate for crossword puzzles.
Also, the extravagant ambitions and ferociously tribal attitude of these creatures reminds me of car customizing enthusiasts, arguing over the best way to chop a ‘34 Ford or what kind of supercharger to stuff into the engine bay.
Please make it stop.
For these people, wouldn't a lobotomy be less intrusive, with a more successful long term outcome?
No hemming and hawing necessary around them any longer. No 'special appointments' to West Point or the military. No special percentages required at universities, or in corporations. No worrying about which pronoun to use any longer. No worries about anything any longer.
I think it would work for everyone.
he knew there was no extreme limit beyond which (some) people would not trespass.
I talk about this with my students. This is a generation of multiple piercings, and multiple tattoos. We discuss what their children will resort to in order to rebel. My vote has been cutting off body parts, and maybe replacing body parts with machinery.
There's no telling what genetic manipulation of embryos will bring.
If you call it "affirming" you can do damn near anything, including to children.
Oh well, at least we're not falling for a "moral panic" or something.
"affirming care"
Is it too early to advocate for SMOD?
I keep thinking we've reached peak insanity. Apparently there are infinite additional layers of crazy that I haven't even contemplated.
"pulling back a curtain on the flaming insanity of these poor people."
Oh it's a shitshow over on reddit. So much arguing about terminology, like so many marxists and leninists and trotskyists.
Transmedical insist you must have dysphoria to transition, tucutes or truscums or xenogender say nonsense, they feel like cat gender today etc. and should get any sort of modification they desire, respect my pronouns you haters.
Abigail Schrier says it was Obamacare that enabled all this in the name of non discrimination. Thanks again, Justice Roberts!
Meanwhile the surgeons are perfecting phalloplasty, which may provide dividends for you under endowed cishet guys someday too.
Why limit yourself to variations of human anatomy? Why not go trans-species? There are lots of mammal variations that could, with the right immunosuppressive therapies, be grafted into human use. Dolphins are fairly spectacular, from what I saw on the Discovery channel one time. Prehensile, even. Someone like Karl Hungus might prefer an equine organ. The possibilities are endless!
I have to say, however, that I'm not interested in my taxes or my insurance premiums being used for this sort of nonsense. Which is nearly certain to happen, if this catches hold.
Also: who would write an article like this, unless they wanted to hold the subject up for mockery? That's the only possible reason I can imagine! God help us if that's not it!
Old: we need to provide mental health support for those with body image issues
New: we need to make people’s body fit the image they have of themself
Chop chop
'I know, I know. But someone's got to say it. Those "Salmacians" can go f*** themselves.'
My very first thought..
This insanity, like "Recovered Memories," will end when enough unhappy people sue and the malpractice insurance companies run for cover. It is just not a good business plan to do non-reversible surgery on people who are already mentally ill. The consents signed by minors will not stand up to legal challenge. Some of those surgeons could end up in prison.
I'm waiting for the Reign of Terror to end. They always do, after the most passionate achieve their goals and after the anarchists achieve anarchy.
We'll know the end is here when a wave of 'happy transitioners' commit suicide. The anarchists will strongly defend this, just as widows of dead mountain climbers say "He died doing something he loved." But. They'll be dead, and the non-suicidal people around them will grow cautious and push back and plan a viable future.
The Summer of Love 1967 begat Woodstock 1969 begat Altamont 1969 begat Yuppies 1980.
Bigential or bigenital?
The guys just can't seem to make up their mind.
"Actually receiving this perverted procedure isn't easy"
Fixed it for them.
Good lord my beloved country is losing its goddamn mind.
Do a search on:
one hand Jason BIID
and consider the possibilities.
I, for one, will be glad when this fad has run its course.
But then again, who knows just how insane the next one will be.
These sorts of folks used to populate sideshows in circuses in the past. We decided as a civil society that this was wrong. How is this any different? It's just another kind of sideshow.
We have now entered the Twilight Zone.
These people are seriously fucked up.
“Affirming care”? The only things being “affirmed” are the patient’s delusions…
Noah, get the boat.
Bigential body and mind. The stable transgender fields choose the latter, perhaps a change of clothing to celebrate their mood swings. The unstable fields choose the former, which ends with progressives incongruities, even self-abortion.
Good lord my beloved country is losing its goddamn mind.
A minority, yes. Another minority support progressive compensation to progressive prices in an Ouroboros redistributive scheme. The minority majority proceed with their daily lives, sincerely clinging to a normal alternative of family, friends, and productive pursuits.
"I'm not interested in my taxes or my insurance premiums being used for this sort of nonsense"
Sorry, it's already happening. The kids threaten suicide, or their therapists do for them, and it becomes a "medical" necessity.
But don't dare threaten suicide for being cut off pain meds in the last great moral panic. That's different.
"Gender Affirming Care" is not fraud, if the victims don't call it fraud.
Apparently, that's how "Cryptocurrency" works, nobody calls it a Ponzi scheme.
It's all in the name... at least for a while.
Man, I feel like a woman.
Woman, I feel like a man.
Johns Hopkins, the majority feel incongruent, even nonviable, before, during, and after... but time may heel confused states, particularly in females who experience the most overt changes in body and mind.
Just sad.
South Park did it already. Only better.
So if we tell one of them to go f*** itself, they can say “Don’t mind if I do.”
Are Salmatians related to Salmon? Sporting a parthenogenic salmon between his legs (according to sworn testimony) may just be enough to get Harvey Weinstein off the hook, if his/her lawyer is smart enough to deploy the LGBTQ+ defense (trial is in California, isn't it?).
Oh, for Fuck's Sake. A frontal lobotomy would solve all these problems in a less complicated way.
Robert Cook: The Star Diaries, The Twenty-first Voyage.
"I talk about this with my students. This is a generation of multiple piercings, and multiple tattoos. We discuss what their children will resort to in order to rebel. My vote has been cutting off body parts, and maybe replacing body parts with machinery."
To the best of my ability to recall Lem's story, this describes (some of) the sort of thing he explored in his story.
And wouldn't you know it - the penis goes on top.
The patriarchy never quits.
Those bastards.
Cruella DeVille is back and scarier than ever in the new movie from Disney Studios, 101 Salmacians.
“I believe men are already outfitted to give and receive.”
Dat’s an exit, not an entrance, son.
...derived from the Greek myth..... With "myth" being the key word.
Looking forward to Disney's "101 Salmacians."
Just when trans was getting accepted as a consumer lifestyle choice, they push the envelope and we're back to thinking of them as crazies.
Yes to Bill R’s statement.
Yancey Ward: ECT instead of lobotomy.
And yes-we need therapists strong enough to say you are mentally unbalanced instead of affirming their craziness.
I first thought "bigential" had to do with size.
Little did I know.
Like Rh said. "I think like a guy."
"He died doing something he loved."
I wonder if Mohammed Atta's mom said the same thing...
Some people have just taken the limerick beginning "There was a man from Nantucket..." to the logical next phase:
"Doctor, I'd like you to do some work on my dick and left ear..."
I first thought "bigential" had to do with size.
late 14c., "pertaining to (sexual) reproduction," in membres genytal "the genitals," from Latin genitalis "pertaining to generation or birth; fruitful" (also a by-name of the goddess Diana), from genitus, past participle of gignere "to beget" (from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget"). Hence the English word came to mean "pertaining to the organs of generation." As a noun meaning "sex organ" from mid-15c. (plural genitals is from late 14c.).
- genital
Do medical simulations, social constructs qualify?
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yule-tide gay
"[Those] seeking bigential anatomy“
I don’t need big entail anatomy surgery. But I am not against less well endowed people seeking help.
"[Those] seeking bigential anatomy“
I don’t need big entail anatomy surgery. But I am not against less well endowed people seeking help.
Most of these people are plastic surgery junkies. A friend who worked for a pricey plastic surgeon said they want the drugs, attention, and postoperative medical care, and most are repeat customers.
Add in forcing the rest of us to cover this garbage with our tax dollars and healthcare resources while limiting actually necessary medical care as they play oppression Olympics is evil.
Why don't the just donate a kidney?
Has there always been this much mental illness, or have we created it? Was it underground? Is it a trend or is it organic?
I blame this crazy on comfort. When everyone had to work 14 hr days just to survive, there was no time for this nonsense. Without the internet, no one knew or cared about your fetish. Someone should somehow convey to these twits that these procedures are irreversible but at the same time they are changing their minds daily. One of the greatest joys in life is having a spouse (including sex) and children. These people will not be able to have either. Sad
I blame this crazy on comfort. When everyone had to work 14 hr days just to survive, there was no time for this nonsense. Without the internet, no one knew or cared about your fetish. Someone should somehow convey to these twits that these procedures are irreversible but at the same time they are changing their minds daily. Mental illness by definition interferes with rational decision making. One of the greatest joys in life is having a spouse (including sex) and children. These people will not be able to have either. Sad
Hey Professor -- you KNOW that all these people have mental disorders, right? Sometimes I'm not sure whether you're posting these stories because you support these disorders, or whether you're like the blogging version of Libs Of Tik Tok ...
"The Star Diaries, The Twenty-first Voyage."
Thank you, Oleh!
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