This is so good that it makes the View watchable for once!
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 24, 2022
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
This is so good that it makes the View watchable for once!
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 24, 2022
७३ टिप्पण्या:
Clearly, no one on the stage or in the audience cares in the slightest what the facts are.
Only the lefties are allowed to shout. Biden signed a law that allows only lefties to shout.
It seems odd that The View is allowing its audience to be informed that Democrats too have complained about elections being stolen.
The audience is not supposed to be informed about that discrepancy.
The view women are so excruciating and vile.
I hope The View Inspires massive amounts of Men to vote. VOTE! Dudes! VOTE! Hold your nose and vote against the propaganda yelling lairs and bitches the ARE the democrat party.
Too bad Cruz didn’t respond to Anna Navarro: “Okay. But we’re in a different world now, sweetie.”
Cruz: Reads clippings supporting assertion.
View: "Lower your voice."
"Don't want to me shout, blowhard? Then don't interrupt me."
Lower your voice, Ted, some of the pinheads might hear you!
The clip is not great. The shout-overs by the Leftist totalitarian-inas of The View makes it almost impossible for Cruz (or anyone) to get his point across.
Ugh. That show is a joke.
Recall when Rand Paul was on and the stupid left-wing totalitarian femo-Nazis
self-righteously slimed him with their stupidity. Saying "Don't mansplain me"
Whoopie looks like she needs a run on the treadmill. Oink.
Mike: "The audience is not supposed to be informed about that discrepancy."
The producers weren't expecting information. It was just supposed to be a lefthag beatdown.
His ears were probably ringing from the screaming of the Climate Change Protesters that broke out "spontaneously".
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...The clip is not great.
PM said...
Cruz: Reads clippings supporting assertion.
View: "Lower your voice."
PM nicely sums up why the clip is, indeed, great.
"Lower your voice" is their way of saying shut up.
You watch that show and there's no joy and nobody is going "whoopie!" And nobody's fucking sunny, either.
"Babies Who Were Cursed With Happy Names for $100, Alex."
Child rebellion is a thing.
I predict that Elon's child X Æ A-12 will hate math and science but will also be super cool, a lot of fun, and will never be on the View.
Poll topic (If @Althouse wants to create one):
Is it better that low-information, easily manipulated voting women watch The View or their old practice of women watching Soap Operas and game shows?
It is better for humanity and society that low information voting women watch:
A: Shirtless men ripping women's bodices and kissing them passionately
B: People "come on down" to guess the price of a new car and maybe win a car. For free.
C: A curated group of politically motivated women spout bias, bigotry, and propaganda as their corporate/Party overloads describe it expression of "free speech"
Oh, the "we don't scream. lower your voice" tactic is a classic with women. When losing so many women find something then turn into scolds to "change the narrative".
Remember- Joy Behar actually once said that the GOP were successful gerrymandering the Senate.
Those gals are really fat.
***For the dummies out there- The US Senate = 2 seats per state. It cannot be gerrymandered.
Joy Behar - MORON(D)
The View is womaned by the dumbest women in America and are responsible for manufacturing more dumb women who make up 100% of their viewers. Embarrassing.
Senator Ted Cruz has revealed he was in "a supply closet with stacked chairs" during part of the January 6 storming of Congress.
But at least Cruz came out of the closet to admit that some members of Congress and the Vice President were threatened with death. I suppose that hiding with other congressional members who went to Fort McNair was an unnecessary alternative because no rioter would harm him anyway.
Ted Cruz is now under investigation for what sounds like a crime against American democracy for working directly with Donald Trump and John Eastman to overturn the 2020 election.
Shame on me! Cruz was my candidate to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
The view hosts sound like Darrell Brooks.
Yes, they don’t scream… they shriek.
What a black comedy.
“Only the lefties are allowed to shout. Biden signed a law that allows only lefties to shout.”
It passed by one or two votes…
Once again the Stable Geniuses of The View bring out their ACME Republican Smashing Machine.
They put on their roller skates and strapped rockets to their backs with the words "Hillary conceded the next day", only to go right over the cliff while Cruz calmly eats the birdseed.
Cruz could bring the entire show to a halt by insisting only one person talk at a time.
While Cruz was in the room, the collective IQ almost achieved room temperature.
Kari Lake does it best.
Gadfly - go hump a Biden blow up doll, and get it over with.
Gadfly in on board with the banning of free thought and free speech.
It's illegal to be in a room with stacked chairs.
Is it illegal to wait to certify two states that had highly suspect vote totals?
No way - the democrats won and you will be forced to DIE or repent if you dare not obey.
right- Gadfly(D)?
There is absolute NO vote fraud in Chicago or Philly.
They need to stop wasting their breath on the obvious hypocrisies, because for Progressive Leftists, it is no perceived as such. To them, it's the natural order of hierarchy that allows them to behave and think in this way. They believe themselves superior and immune to the consequences of their choices. It's a political caste system. Instead, they should point out an example, and then demand that the Leftist explains why they have special treatment. They want a caste system? Make them own their elite, privileged caste. Make it untouchable.
I was watching the neighbor's kid play football last week, and sitting with his parents. They recently moved here from Washington State, where all of the voting is mail-in, by law, and all of the ballot envelopes are identified with party affiliation - making it easier to sort the mail, so to speak. It's Jim Crow, for white conservative people.
They both said to me, separately, how much they were looking forward to voting in person. Imagine, something like that being a notable feature in life, a relief: Voting in person, casting a ballot personally, seeing it tabulated. Just imagine. They were so tired of imagining, they bought a house here last summer, sight unseen. A sister moved with them, at the same time. His father has just bought a home down the street, and is putting his Washington State home up for sale. Then both he and another sister, are moving the Texas too. She already has a job lined up.
Early voting started this morning in Texas, and I was done before noon. A healthy line; all polling stations up and running and in continuous use. The line was quite a bit longer when I left, but not yet out the door.
Change is good.
Norm was the best guest on The View.
The harridans on that show are so accustomed to being heard that it is a challenge to be challenged. Throw in navarro to give heft to the argument which is ludicrous. Prove your points girls. Shouting doesn’t count.
Cancel culture:
Former President Trump tore into his onetime communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin on Sunday, saying she should be fired by ABC as a co-host of its hit daytime political talk show “The View.”
“Alyssa Farah totally misrepresented her true feelings about me and the Trump Administration in order to get her job at ratings disaster CNN, and a seat with the low IQ people at The View,” Trump said in a Truth Social post. - The Hill
"Biden signed a law that allows only lefties to shout.”
Somewhere on the Rehoboth boardwalk, Biden signed his name for the name to call out when the ice cream order was filled. Later, they told him it was an executive order to get any white male who mansplained, i.e. contradicted, a member of the View. But now Biden remembers the bill passing.
Why would Cruz appear on that show? He's not stupid. He had to know what was coming so why would he waste the most precious commodity humans have: i.e., time?
Philly and Chicago have pristine vote counting methods. It's illegal to question.
Is gadfly pretending to be a principled lifelong republican again?
Too funny.
"The View" would be much better if it was Whoopi yelling at a bunch of Muppets.
The first time I saw Joy Behar and her View Crew I thought it was an elaborate Onion parody illustrating the synonyms for shrew-bitch: harridan, harpy, termagant, crone, battle-axe, and hag.
gadfly at it again.
Ted Cruz is now under investigation for what sounds like a crime against American democracy for working directly with Donald Trump and John Eastman to overturn the 2020 election.
Shame on me! Cruz was my candidate to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
Sure he was. Then you mailed in a half dozen votes for Biden.
gadfly said...Ted Cruz is now under investigation for what sounds like a crime against American democracy
Yeah, sure. I followed your link. It says he's under investigation, but never says by who. And his crime? I got your crime right here, buddy: "Cruz planned to use part of the Bush v. Gore ruling to argue that states had the power to nominate their own slate of electors"
I don't know why I keep hoping you'll stop being a troll and actually post something in good faith. Probably the same reason I keep falling for clickbait that I know won't deliver on its promises either.
"Crime against American Democracy"
LOL = You better be a Cheney Democrat, a Bill Kristol Democrat - or else.
I just found out that the democrats are going to make it illegal to question them.
If you do dare question them - you are committing a "Crime against DEMOCRACY."
Putin and Xi approve.
Cruz was at the Astros-Yankees game in NYC last night, right behind home plate. Apparently, he didn't get his fill of Lefty Trumpophobia on The View. He seemed to be drinking from a bottomless cup o' beer and generally enjoying himself a lot.
“Throw in navarro to give heft to the argument…”
Now that was just mean. Keep it going!
They recently moved here from Washington State, where all of the voting is mail-in, by law, and all of the ballot envelopes are identified with party affiliation
Post-2020 election, some very progressive Seattle friends of ours were visiting us in Texas. When we expressed misgivings about the brand-new and unprecedented provence of mail-in balloting in certain states (you know the ones), they responded that Washington had 100% mail-in balloting and it has never had any problems.
Of course it hadn't - from their perspective.
That party affiliation is marked on the envelope is new information for me. But it sure explains a lot, given the dramatic cultural differences between the Puget Sound area and the rest of the state.
It’s called “The View” because there is only one View allowed.
I think Ms Navarro was fairly disrespectful when she referred to him as “Ted” after telling him not to shout. Her tone was parental, and deflected from his point. She had to put him in his place.
gadfly said...
Cruz was my candidate to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
Bar bet?
Anal Navarro is an embarrassment. As Redd Foxx famously said, "[She's] got to wash her ass!"
Good on Cruz. The remedy to people trying to censor is more open debate. That The View allowed Cruz on is good on them, but I suspect they expected to dominate him. He's had tougher assignments. Perhaps this makes up for his comments back in January? I doubt it. Those who dislike Cruz will remember what they want to remember.
Speaking of remembering what they want and disliking; I always remember The View for mocking a Miss America contestant for claiming her job as a Nurse as being a talent. There is just so much wrong in the mocking that it is a showcase in itself about what's wrong with our self-appointed elite and their misunderstanding of the zeitgiest.
'Those gals are really fat.'
How fat are they?
They're so fat...
Always fun to watch Dems move the goal-posts. Hillary conceded and turned around to say the election was stolen, sorta’ like Leonardo DiCaprio or Al Gore buying carbon credits while jetting around.
Ted Cruz was vilified as a "rapist" and a "murderer" after he demanded an "emergency audit" of the 2020 election results in the disputed states. People got super emotional over a proposal that would not change a damn thing. It was impossible to verify the signatures on a few thousand, randomly selected, absentee ballots due to ballot secrecy rules. A double envelope system was used -- voter identification appeared only on the outer envelope and the inner envelope contained the ballot. Once signatures were matched, the ballot was removed from the double envelope and put into a pile to be counted. There was no way to go back and figure out which votes were crooked (i.e., the Biden ones). This is something we need to fix. Absentee ballots are not secret ballots and should not get the same protection as a real vote. A signature needs to appear on the absentee ballot itself so we can conduct emergency audits in disputed elections.
Paraphrasing @gadfly: "Are you now or have you ever been a Trump supporter?"
At least Cruz got the average IQ up to almost 100. Not counting the audience, of course.
That party affiliation is marked on the envelope is new information for me.
They initiated it just in time for the 2020 primary. You know, when Trump was the only Republican on the ballot. And said ballot just happened to be marked on the outside as a vote for Trump. Where EVERYBODY who came in contact with that ballot knew your name and knew it was a Trump vote.
Only with the best intentions, I'm sure. It's not like the left would gather a bunch of names and addresses and post them on-line. Nope. Never.
Jesus, gadfly. Get a life.
Breezy said...
"I think Ms Navarro was fairly disrespectful when she referred to him as “Ted” after telling him not to shout. Her tone was parental, and deflected from his point. She had to put him in his place."
Cruz should have pulled a Barbara Boxer and told her to address him as 'SENATOR Ted.'
Thank you for that Norm link at 12:51.
It's kind of amazing. He calls Bill Clinton a murderer in the first three minutes. They're all laughing and trying to shut him up. Joy Behar actually puts her hand over his mouth. And then Norm says...
"All right, all right. Manslaughter!"
Cruz said that he would argue challenges to the 2020 election in front of the Supreme Court for Trump and Texas. Democrats got anyone with those qualifcations/abilities? Bueller? Bueller? anybody? Gadfly?
So female. "I say this" "Actually, you're wrong" "Why are you shouting at me?"
Even if I'm wrong, I'm right!
Don't know if you misunderstood your neighbor, if they were blowing smoke up your ass (a neighborly thing to do, right?), or if they really are that misinformed about their former state of residence.
Whatever the case, NO! Party affiliation is NOT marked on the ballot envelope, nor anywhere else; we don't register by party, and overall state election law is fairly hostile to the very concept of parties.
(I do totally understand these folks bailing on the Soviet of Washington, of course.)
What Cruz forgets is that women are allowed to change their minds. The View membership often does this within a single sentence, between any two spoken words.
Party affiliation is NOT marked on the ballot envelope, nor anywhere else Washington state.
Whew, at least there's that. Thanks for the correction!
@Kirk Parker: Well you made me look, a 10 second google search.
Did this happen, or not? I take your point that it was for the primary season (if that's what your point was), but also that it is diametrically against the principle of anonymous balloting - which is why my neighbor has left the state - the environment of increasingly organized / institutionalized hostility toward Republican voters. The greater complaint, as we have seen from others here, is that the Democratic Party has encompassed and cemented control over state politics to the extent that Republican candidates have no chance in certain localities. So no, I don't think they are blowing smoke.
"Michael K said...
Only the lefties are allowed to shout. Biden signed a law that allows only lefties to shout."
"It passed by a couple of votes..."
As that one Facebook relationship status option says, "It's complicated."
The article you site is accurate as far as it goes, but there's a lot of Washington State related stuff that might not be obvious to lucky outsiders. (Incidentally, the author was my state senator and state representative for a number of years. He's a good guy; I've communicated with my occasionally but I don't think I've ever met him in person.)
This issue is only related to presidential primaries, and (again presumably) The legislation was passed to avoid what was probably an inevitable series of lawsuits from the parties regarding the aforementioned state hostility to political parties and to the freedom of association implicit in a party primary.
I certainly agree with Mr O'Ban that our state and county election apparatus should not be financing primary elections for the political parties. This really only comes up in regard to the presidential primaries, because for everything else it's entirely a state matter. And in our state, as I already mentioned, the state law is very hostile to the ability of parties to actually control who runs under their banner. I'm actually kind of surprised that no one has attempted a First amendment case against this. (The freedom of association also implies the freedom to not associate, which seems to me to implicate every state that requires open primaries.)
I am also very much in agreement that some kind of solution that doesn't involve exposing which primary the voter is voting in to public view is a very good idea.
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