Looking back at the PA election calendar, the PA senate primary was on May 17. Fetterman had his stroke 4 days earlier on May 13. He should have withdrawn the next day. His wife/ team did him no favors.
On the bright side, the ever objective editorial board of the Philly Inquirer declared Fetterman the debate winner.
"A jury found Brooks [Waukesha killer] guilty of all 76 charges after deliberating for only two hours on Tuesday and one hour on Wednesday."
They had to pick a foreman/forelady, and they had to vote on each count. Judging by how quickly the verdict was delivered, it appears they were unanimous from the outset.
For anyone else (like me) who used to love NPR and still listens to it in the car, but is now completely baffled by its descent into bizarre Marxist propaganda, you should check out Peter Boghossian's new series called "All Things Re-Considered." This episode discusses their perplexing reporting on LGBT dinosaur emojis, and a positive look at Antifa.
Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising audiobook is a nice 31 hours on YouTube, that somebody put up for the war. Actual person reading, not the robot that philosophical works tend to get.
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations is also up with a real person reading.
I tend to put YouTube books on a loop and listen randomly over days.
The questions in debates are test questions based on the soap opera fictions that the media have been selling, a comprehension test over mindless drivel.
A joke-telling contest would be actually useful. Several elements of good character are called on in telling a good joke. Big plus for self-deprecation, even if concealed as it often is.
"For anyone else (like me) who used to love NPR …"
In another life, I used to send them money. Haven't listened seriously for years, but have been in the garage painting windows for the last few days so I've listened all day long for the classical music. The news items were true to caricature. Every store had to include the "black and brown people" perspective.
The most disturbing thing I heard was a voter interview segment with young people in Milwaukee. They truly do believe that "climate change" is destined to lay waste to the planet. The people responsible for inflicting this neuroses on our younger generation have a lot to answer for.
"For anyone else (like me) who used to love NPR …"
In another life, I used to send them money. Haven't listened seriously for years, but have been in the garage painting windows for the last few days so I've listened all day long for the classical music. The news items were true to caricature. Every store had to include the "black and brown people" perspective.
The most disturbing thing I heard was a voter interview segment with young people in Milwaukee. They truly do believe that "climate change" is destined to lay waste to the planet. The people responsible for inflicting this neuroses on our younger generation have a lot to answer for.
I liked Searching for Mr. Rugoff, a documentary about Don Rugoff, a New York cinema owner who became a big distributor of independent films in the Sixties and Seventies and then disappeared. It was at once a look back at the "heroic age of filmgoing" and the Golden Age of foreign and independent film, a case study in marketing, management, psychology, and even medicine, and a reminder that people who are highly creative and successful can be eccentric, difficult, pains in the ass, and can experience as much failure as success and eventually burn out.
I didn't love Paris, District 13. Didn't completely hate it either, but stopped caring after a while. Smug millennials making trouble for themselves with bad decisions, insensitivity, and stupidity.
"In fact, Nexstar’s production team went to extraordinary lengths to ensure the effectiveness of the closed captioning process, and to accommodate several last-minute requests of the Fetterman campaign."
A disjointed drifting thought that came to me as I had too many drinks at the biker bar:
how many decades went by with people convinced that JFK died as a result of a conspiracy, probably involving the CIA and/or the military? how many still believe that?
Were they Deniers? Did they believe the Government could do a Bad Thing?
Because being a Denier is a Bad Thing.
And the CIA was Evil. Until now, when the Deep State is Good.
Democracy died in Dallas, as the WAPO might say.
Meanwhile, the older guy at the bar with the well-worn Beavis and Butthead Cornholio shirt played some mean games of pool. Spinny cueball and shit like that.
One of his opponents was an older woman with a bum knee and a service dog that really wanted to be petted. I thought service dogs were against that sort of thing.
I see that Jerry Lee's 13-year-old bride is still with us (although not with Jerry Lee). She's now 78, so no longer jail bait. Time can sometimes provide perspective.
"Grandma was arrested for feeding people in need as it is a criminal misdemeanor (punishable by fines and imprisonment) in Bullhead City, Arizona, USA to share prepared food in a public park “for charitable purposes"
The Progressive Caucus, led by Pramila Paypal (D-WA), could have been the frontrunner(s) for the Nobel Peace Prize. Their letter requesting peace talks in the Uke - Rooskie war was a short-lived, but noble effort. But alas, cold feet (and a phone from war planner Ron Klain) will do you in every time.
The Weather Channel has a segment from Memphis running today. A river line owner and an Arkansas farmer are featured, but somewhere along the way the weathergeek refers to being in the Midwest. At least that's what I thought he said. I'll have to listen closely the next time.
Nothing against the Midwest--I've enjoyed my trips there--but we're the Midsouth, thank you very much.
I only listen to the NPR affiliate because they still play mostly classical music and publicize local artsy-fartsy events, and to keep up with imperial DC's line of the moment.
This morning NPR told us about the brave struggle of a Hispanic teen, shot by the police while eating a hamburger. That was the lede.
Interview with distraught mom, thankful that her son is so strong and determined to stay alive. (Good for her, loves her boy.)
He was shot when a policeman asked him to get out of his car and he backed up with the cop behind the door (IIUC, and no word on the cop's condition).
It's no surprise to find these narrative-boosters being administered by National Peoples Radio but I have to wonder how effective they are. ***************
Well, the local police thought the cop screwed up badly, and fired him. He is very likely to face criminal charges. The kid is still on life support.
Not a single article I could find said the cop was struck by the door or injured in any way. The kid wasn't "asked" to get out of the car, he was ordered to. Whether the kid panicked, or was fleeing the police, backing up the car---which apparently was not stolen---was not a justification for using deadly force then and there.
Cops don't get to shoot you on mere suspicion, especially over a possible property crime. The kid wasn't under arrest, so he wasn't even "resisting arrest."
George Leroy Tirebiter said... Some other original rock’ n’rollers still with us are Dion DiMucci, Duane Eddy, Wanda Jackson, Brenda Lee and 2 Isley Brothers - Eddie & Ronald. ***************
I actually have autographs by the first two guys, when they appeared at the tiny Masonic Hall in my town. Fire up the Wayback Machine!
I think Dion was then in a group called "Dion and the Belmonts".
(Not to be confused with "Teddy and the Delmont", which referred to the car he drove off the Chappaquiddick bridge while Maryjo was servicing him. As he often said, "Ohhhh it's good to be a Kennedy.")
"He was shot when a policeman asked him to get out of his car and he backed up with the cop behind the door (IIUC, and no word on the cop's condition)."
There is video of this. The cop mistakenly thought the car was from the night before that evaded him. It was not the same car. He pulls up, yanks the kid's car door open with his gun drawn to surprise the hell out of the young man actually just eating a hamburger. The kid drives away because the cop shoots at the car. The cop is never hit by the other car.
The cop was clearly in the wrong as his actions went way beyond protocol for that situation.
A video by Ukrainian journalist Illa Ponomarenko of a talk he gave in English in The Netherlands. Those who think the US is running this war, those who wonder why Ukraine fought back, those who wonder how Ukraine could have won starting in February-March 2022, those who wonder about reconciliation should hear this, the Ukrainian point of view from a Ukrainian. https://youtu.be/L3j3VHO97QU
I just saw that Sen Warnock gets a $7500 housing allowance from his church ( does he still do the sermon every week on Sunday and Wednesday night?). That would support a $1.7MM mortgage at 3%. Not bad for a servant of the poor and downtrodden. He should have a few spare rooms for the folks his church evicts from their apartment buildings. Ha ha.
The opening statements in the Weinstein Trial. The Defense Attorney seems to suggest that all these women ---the rape victims--- took money before and after, so if money changes hands, it's not really rape, it's prostitution, hence the word "bimbo" being tossed around. But, there is a money factor that can happen in rape---date rape, 5-star dinners, jewels, sugar daddies, fancy cars----they all give gifts. It's one thing to consent to sex, in exchange for favors.
But, this Defense Atty, seemed to be saying the women consented to rape, that's quite different. I think Defense is going to have a problem making that argument. Going to have to do a better job distinguishing between what was actual rape, and what was simply quid-pro-quo aka "transactional sex".
The woke "me too" brigade suggesting that all sex where there's a power differential equals rape, gets traction on Twitter, but I don't know if that works in Court. And yet, Weinstein was convicted of rape, real rape, ie Rose McGowan, who's still on Twitter? I think she may have left Twitter? Can't keep up. Anyway, McGownan turned Republican, so all the "me Too" Woke-ees abandoned her, even though she exemplified their entire narrative. It's all politics.
The other issue is Jury selection. 9 men and 3 women, seems crazy. It's the women that are going to save Weinstein. The Defense needed an all-woman jury. Women are the ones who judge other women harshly, and they'd be very receptive to the word "bimbo". I don't think male jurors will sign off on that word, publicly, even if they believe it privately.
Women built Weinstein, allowed him to flourish, warts and all, very similar to Cuomo, Bill Clinton ? Women are the ones who prop-up these types of men--who definitely need propping-up. Women they can hide behind, women who pamper and coddle these men. Women Jurors will come to the rescue. Male jurists going to throw the book at him.
US Congressperson Mayra Flores (R-TX) has been rejected by the Hispanic Congressional Caucus for membership. Being born in Mexico apparently does not qualify. When asked for a listing of the qualifications for membership, leaders of the group reportedly pointed to a nearby Planned Parenthood building.
Isn't it convenient that our government "just happened" to not file in time, documentation for illegals? Now their cases are thrown out, and we are stuck with them. A win- win for the Socialists running the government who want to overrun our country with these invaders they invited up so they get new voters. The more they do the more I despise the left. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/10/the_biden_administration_comes_up_with_a_sneaky_new_amnesty_plan.html
"As Republicans diminished the role of race, the Democrats grew ever more obsessed about it—and ignored class. The Oprahs, Meghan Markles, and MSNBC anchors of the world fixate over skin color in direct proportion to their own affluence, status, and privilege—as their hypocrisy turns off the middle classes of all races.
In sum, the party of old left-wing progressives has become one of rich regressives. And once country-club Republicans are becoming a party of middle-class populists."
Conversations last night with acquaintances in Philly, all self described intelligent people, shocked me. Oz was sleezy and Fetterman still acceptable.
All were reasonably wealthy city dwellers who have not yet been touched by the downside of everything Fetterman represents. High rise condos above the street crime, grown kids or private schooled children, inflation just means a better rate of return on investments. Right now insulated from the deterioration around them. True virtue signaling.
Truly there are people who live in a bubble. But bubbles eventually burst.
Narr said "I only listen to the NPR affiliate ... to keep up with imperial DC's line of the moment." (:29pm
Maybe we need a Narrative Channel somewhat like the Weather Channel with lines linking similar narrative acceptance fronts and hurricane tracking. "A topical depression centered over Philadelphia after Fetterman's debate performance seems to be spinning up into the election season's largest hurricane. As it moves slowly toward DC, streamers are extending outward beyond Harrisburg into parts of Ohio, southern New York, West Virginia as well as up and down the Acela corridor. The question is whether the streamers will finally extend and connect up over rural, suburban or city voters. That is to say: the Dem party has made it plain that a functioning mind is not a Dem party requirement, possibly not even an party asset, in races for the US Senate. In the face of this Dem policy, which segment of the country (if any) still understands that you need to be able to think to help run the USA as it faces war, cold, famine and hurtful memes.
I just can't get past the word "Bimbo". It's such a nothing word. But, it's the men who are going to be triggered by that. I feel their rage. ---The men who're gonna punish that Attorney for using it. Chivalry, in public, in the Courtroom alive and well. On Twitter, not so much.
A Czech monument to the Russian Red Army soldiers of WW II has had its pedestal base painted to resemble a washing machine to commemorate the looting by Russian soldiers now going on in the Ukraine
A medical alert has been for Pittsburgh area residents. It states in part to avoid Dr. Clifford Chen, primary care physician to PA senate candidate John Fetterman. Dr. Chen, a graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin, has given Mr. Fetterman a clean bill of health even there is strong evidence to the contrary. Democrat politicians are ignoring the alert as Dr. Chen has given thousands to lefty campaigns. One democrat wag stated: "Hey he may be a terrible doctor but he has an awesome checkbook!"
"Chen’s political leanings could raise questions about his medical assessment of Fetterman, whose race against Republican Mehmet Oz could determine which party controls the Senate. According to campaign finance records, Chen has given tens of thousands of dollars over the years to Democratic candidates and party committees. He contributed $1,330 to Fetterman’s campaign, including a $500 donation in June 2021, before he became Fetterman’s doctor. Chen donated to other Senate candidates running in close races this cycle, including Rep. Val Demings (D., Fla.) and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.)."
A medical alert has been for Pittsburgh area residents. It states in part to avoid Dr. Clifford Chen, primary care physician to PA senate candidate John Fetterman. Dr. Chen, a graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin, has given Mr. Fetterman a clean bill of health even there is strong evidence to the contrary. Democrat politicians are ignoring the alert as Dr. Chen has given thousands to lefty campaigns. One democrat wag stated: "Hey he may be a terrible doctor but he has an awesome checkbook!"
"Chen’s political leanings could raise questions about his medical assessment of Fetterman, whose race against Republican Mehmet Oz could determine which party controls the Senate. According to campaign finance records, Chen has given tens of thousands of dollars over the years to Democratic candidates and party committees. He contributed $1,330 to Fetterman’s campaign, including a $500 donation in June 2021, before he became Fetterman’s doctor. Chen donated to other Senate candidates running in close races this cycle, including Rep. Val Demings (D., Fla.) and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.)."
"I didn't love Paris, District 13. Didn't completely hate it either, but stopped caring after a while. Smug millennials making trouble for themselves with bad decisions, insensitivity, and stupidity."
You should watch D13, a parkour movie. Plenty of action, although not a great plot.
"I didn't love Paris, District 13. Didn't completely hate it either, but stopped caring after a while. Smug millennials making trouble for themselves with bad decisions, insensitivity, and stupidity."
You should watch D13, a parkour movie. Plenty of action, although not a great plot.
Thanks for the details on the NPR story--obviously I didn't hear the place of the incident but was struck by the presentation itself. It was complete news to me (maybe not to you) and I didn't look any deeper (it's NPR).
It's still interesting to me that it garnered that much coverage, and if I was mistaken about the details I blame their story-telling.
What is Justice Barrett's book to be about? The Guardian only says, "Barrett’s book will reportedly consider 'how judges are not supposed to bring their personal feelings into how they rule'". Perhaps this is old news that I've missed; the 'open letter' attempting to persuade Random House to kill the deal is new, at any rate.
Nazis would never lie to further their war effort and shore up support for the supply of money and weapons. There is plenty of evidence of war crimes from the Ukrainians, like bodies rolling into a mass grave that was posted first on a Ukrainian Telegram channel hours before it came out with the nationalities reversed, and with metadata indicating that it came from Ukrainian controlled territory. I could go on about white phosphorus and petal mines used against civilians, but you would just call it lies, and why not? Both sides have huge incentives to lie. Believing one side’s probable lies to justify us sending weapons until they run out of soldiers is worse than foolish, the Ukrainians are drafting up to age 59 now, but I know you feel like we owe the loss of a generation to Ukrainians, like that judge in Caddyshack said about how he felt about sentencing that young man to the gas chamber.
Wildswan, I see that you are genuinely rooting for Ukraine, that's ok and I respect that. The Ukrainian "journalists" have discredited themselves long, long time ago, all of them, you will not pay me enough to listen to any of their propaganda bilge. I don't know how much you know about that part of the world and the specifics of the Eastern European post-Soviet countries, these countries are actively rewriting their history and tell lies like they fart, the governments in these countries are regimes/dictatorships. These countries are shitholes to say the least, there is a lot of dangerous stuff going on there, the corruption is everywhere, but Ukraine is the champion of them all, trust me. Or not.
Fox anchor Harris Faulkner said her audience “shouldn’t assume anything at all” about the motivations or political beliefs of the people allegedly intimidating voters.
Joe Smith said... JLL could (and most likely still can) play the fuck out of a piano...
The Killer just pounded on the keys creating rhythm and screamed out of key.
He was better at killing wives. Shawn Michelle Stephens, wife #5, died at his hands in August 1983, 27 days after their marriage. His 4th wife Jaren Elizabeth Gunn Pate tragically drowned in a swimming pool a few weeks before they finalized their divorce in June 1982.
Jerry married his third wife, Myra Gale Brown, in December 1957. Not only was Lewis not officially divorced yet from his previous wife Jane, but Myra Brown was just 13 years old! On top of that: she was Lewis's first cousin once removed. Yikes! Due to this scandal, his British tour was completely canceled after three concerts. She divorced him in 1970, citing abuse.
gadfly: "Fox anchor Harris Faulkner said her audience “shouldn’t assume anything at all” about the motivations or political beliefs of the people allegedly intimidating voters."
I wonder which FBI graduating class that dude belongs to.....
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६० टिप्पण्या:
Looking back at the PA election calendar, the PA senate primary was on May 17. Fetterman had his stroke 4 days earlier on May 13. He should have withdrawn the next day. His wife/ team did him no favors.
On the bright side, the ever objective editorial board of the Philly Inquirer declared Fetterman the debate winner.
Finally surfaces... https://edwest.substack.com/p/the-tragedy-of-telfords-girls
The real shoking news about the Killer is that they didn't get around to inducting him into the Country HOF until about 10 days ago.
Ye yikes
I thought the most memorable line from the PA debate was Fetterneck yelling,
"Puttin' on the Ritz!"
"A jury found Brooks [Waukesha killer] guilty of all 76 charges after deliberating for only two hours on Tuesday and one hour on Wednesday."
They had to pick a foreman/forelady, and they had to vote on each count. Judging by how quickly the verdict was delivered, it appears they were unanimous from the outset.
Jerry Lee Lewis is not dead, but Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!
Just you wait.
This morning NPR told us about the brave struggle of a Hispanic teen, shot by the police while eating a hamburger. That was the lede.
Interview with distraught mom, thankful that her son is so strong and determined to stay alive. (Good for her, loves her boy.)
He was shot when a policeman asked him to get out of his car and he backed up with the cop behind the door (IIUC, and no word on the cop's condition).
It's no surprise to find these narrative-boosters being administered by National Peoples Radio but I have to wonder how effective they are.
For anyone else (like me) who used to love NPR and still listens to it in the car, but is now completely baffled by its descent into bizarre Marxist propaganda, you should check out Peter Boghossian's new series called "All Things Re-Considered." This episode discusses their perplexing reporting on LGBT dinosaur emojis, and a positive look at Antifa.
JLL could (and most likely still can) play the fuck out of a piano...
Some other original rock’ n’rollers still with us are Dion DiMucci, Duane Eddy, Wanda Jackson, Brenda Lee and 2 Isley Brothers - Eddie & Ronald.
Serious Question:
Do democrats Have To Lie to get votes? Or, can they just mumble and people will vote for them, because they LOVE Schmuck Schumer?
“I would say [to pro-life voters that] Mark Kelly is pro-life, but also pro-keeping the government out of our healthcare. I don’t know, something stupid like that,” Bronson told the PVA journalist.
Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising audiobook is a nice 31 hours on YouTube, that somebody put up for the war. Actual person reading, not the robot that philosophical works tend to get.
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations is also up with a real person reading.
I tend to put YouTube books on a loop and listen randomly over days.
The questions in debates are test questions based on the soap opera fictions that the media have been selling, a comprehension test over mindless drivel.
A joke-telling contest would be actually useful. Several elements of good character are called on in telling a good joke. Big plus for self-deprecation, even if concealed as it often is.
"For anyone else (like me) who used to love NPR …"
In another life, I used to send them money. Haven't listened seriously for years, but have been in the garage painting windows for the last few days so I've listened all day long for the classical music. The news items were true to caricature. Every store had to include the "black and brown people" perspective.
The most disturbing thing I heard was a voter interview segment with young people in Milwaukee. They truly do believe that "climate change" is destined to lay waste to the planet. The people responsible for inflicting this neuroses on our younger generation have a lot to answer for.
"For anyone else (like me) who used to love NPR …"
In another life, I used to send them money. Haven't listened seriously for years, but have been in the garage painting windows for the last few days so I've listened all day long for the classical music. The news items were true to caricature. Every store had to include the "black and brown people" perspective.
The most disturbing thing I heard was a voter interview segment with young people in Milwaukee. They truly do believe that "climate change" is destined to lay waste to the planet. The people responsible for inflicting this neuroses on our younger generation have a lot to answer for.
And presto! Your city is back.
I liked Searching for Mr. Rugoff, a documentary about Don Rugoff, a New York cinema owner who became a big distributor of independent films in the Sixties and Seventies and then disappeared. It was at once a look back at the "heroic age of filmgoing" and the Golden Age of foreign and independent film, a case study in marketing, management, psychology, and even medicine, and a reminder that people who are highly creative and successful can be eccentric, difficult, pains in the ass, and can experience as much failure as success and eventually burn out.
I didn't love Paris, District 13. Didn't completely hate it either, but stopped caring after a while. Smug millennials making trouble for themselves with bad decisions, insensitivity, and stupidity.
Nexstar fires back at John Fetterman who blamed the caption system for his performance
"In fact, Nexstar’s production team went to extraordinary lengths to ensure the effectiveness of the closed captioning process, and to accommodate several last-minute requests of the Fetterman campaign."
A disjointed drifting thought that came to me as I had too many drinks at the biker bar:
how many decades went by with people convinced that JFK died as a result of a conspiracy, probably involving the CIA and/or the military? how many still believe that?
Were they Deniers? Did they believe the Government could do a Bad Thing?
Because being a Denier is a Bad Thing.
And the CIA was Evil. Until now, when the Deep State is Good.
Democracy died in Dallas, as the WAPO might say.
Meanwhile, the older guy at the bar with the well-worn Beavis and Butthead Cornholio shirt played some mean games of pool. Spinny cueball and shit like that.
One of his opponents was an older woman with a bum knee and a service dog that really wanted to be petted. I thought service dogs were against that sort of thing.
I am Laslo.
I see that Jerry Lee's 13-year-old bride is still with us (although not with Jerry Lee). She's now 78, so no longer jail bait. Time can sometimes provide perspective.
We are losing it.
"Grandma was arrested for feeding people in need as it is a criminal misdemeanor (punishable by fines and imprisonment) in Bullhead City, Arizona, USA to share prepared food in a public park “for charitable purposes"
Link to video
The Progressive Caucus, led by Pramila Paypal (D-WA), could have been the frontrunner(s) for the Nobel Peace Prize. Their letter requesting peace talks in the Uke - Rooskie war was a short-lived, but noble effort. But alas, cold feet (and a phone from war planner Ron Klain) will do you in every time.
It's a new dawn for the victims of woke violence starting with Darrell Brooks thankfully rotting in prison.
This wasnt accidental the soviets cooked up an active measures campaign very early on what bittman a stb defector would call dezinforma
The Weather Channel has a segment from Memphis running today. A river line owner and an Arkansas farmer are featured, but somewhere along the way the weathergeek refers to being in the Midwest. At least that's what I thought he said. I'll have to listen closely the next time.
Nothing against the Midwest--I've enjoyed my trips there--but we're the Midsouth, thank you very much.
I only listen to the NPR affiliate because they still play mostly classical music and publicize local artsy-fartsy events, and to keep up with imperial DC's line of the moment.
Narr said...
Just you wait.
This morning NPR told us about the brave struggle of a Hispanic teen, shot by the police while eating a hamburger. That was the lede.
Interview with distraught mom, thankful that her son is so strong and determined to stay alive. (Good for her, loves her boy.)
He was shot when a policeman asked him to get out of his car and he backed up with the cop behind the door (IIUC, and no word on the cop's condition).
It's no surprise to find these narrative-boosters being administered by National Peoples Radio but I have to wonder how effective they are.
Well, the local police thought the cop screwed up badly, and fired him. He is very likely to face criminal charges. The kid is still on life support.
Not a single article I could find said the cop was struck by the door or injured in any way. The kid wasn't "asked" to get out of the car, he was ordered to. Whether the kid panicked, or was fleeing the police, backing up the car---which apparently was not stolen---was not a justification for using deadly force then and there.
Cops don't get to shoot you on mere suspicion, especially over a possible property crime. The kid wasn't under arrest, so he wasn't even "resisting arrest."
George Leroy Tirebiter said...
Some other original rock’ n’rollers still with us are Dion DiMucci, Duane Eddy, Wanda Jackson, Brenda Lee and 2 Isley Brothers - Eddie & Ronald.
I actually have autographs by the first two guys, when they appeared at the tiny Masonic Hall in my town. Fire up the Wayback Machine!
I think Dion was then in a group called "Dion and the Belmonts".
(Not to be confused with "Teddy and the Delmont", which referred to the car he drove off the Chappaquiddick bridge while Maryjo was servicing him. As he often said, "Ohhhh it's good to be a Kennedy.")
My understanding is that the Mississippi River at Memphis is near historic lows. And I agree: Memphis is NOT the Midwest. Sheesh.
"He was shot when a policeman asked him to get out of his car and he backed up with the cop behind the door (IIUC, and no word on the cop's condition)."
There is video of this. The cop mistakenly thought the car was from the night before that evaded him. It was not the same car. He pulls up, yanks the kid's car door open with his gun drawn to surprise the hell out of the young man actually just eating a hamburger. The kid drives away because the cop shoots at the car. The cop is never hit by the other car.
The cop was clearly in the wrong as his actions went way beyond protocol for that situation.
A video by Ukrainian journalist Illa Ponomarenko of a talk he gave in English in The Netherlands. Those who think the US is running this war, those who wonder why Ukraine fought back, those who wonder how Ukraine could have won starting in February-March 2022, those who wonder about reconciliation should hear this, the Ukrainian point of view from a Ukrainian.
Almost too good to check: Germany is dismantling all or part of a wind turbine farm to permit expanded operations at the Garzweiler coal mine.
It will amaze Progressives how few people wish to freeze to death in the dark.
Biden/Fetty 2023!!
I just saw that Sen Warnock gets a $7500 housing allowance from his church ( does he still do the sermon every week on Sunday and Wednesday night?). That would support a $1.7MM mortgage at 3%. Not bad for a servant of the poor and downtrodden. He should have a few spare rooms for the folks his church evicts from their apartment buildings. Ha ha.
Blogger MadTownGuy said...Nexstar fires back at John Fetterman who blamed the caption system for his performance
You mean they didn’t know they were expected to play the patsy if the debate went poorly? They did know, didn’t they, that Fetterman is a politician?
@Big Mike
Those carbon fiber blades on the windmills are non recyclables and will have to be cut up and buried. Bad, bad, bad for the environment.
The opening statements in the Weinstein Trial. The Defense Attorney seems to suggest that all these women ---the rape victims--- took money before and after, so if money changes hands, it's not really rape, it's prostitution, hence the word "bimbo" being tossed around. But, there is a money factor that can happen in rape---date rape, 5-star dinners, jewels, sugar daddies, fancy cars----they all give gifts. It's one thing to consent to sex, in exchange for favors.
But, this Defense Atty, seemed to be saying the women consented to rape, that's quite different. I think Defense is going to have a problem making that argument. Going to have to do a better job distinguishing between what was actual rape, and what was simply quid-pro-quo aka "transactional sex".
The woke "me too" brigade suggesting that all sex where there's a power differential equals rape, gets traction on Twitter, but I don't know if that works in Court. And yet, Weinstein was convicted of rape, real rape, ie Rose McGowan, who's still on Twitter? I think she may have left Twitter? Can't keep up. Anyway, McGownan turned Republican, so all the "me Too" Woke-ees abandoned her, even though she exemplified their entire narrative. It's all politics.
The other issue is Jury selection. 9 men and 3 women, seems crazy. It's the women that are going to save Weinstein. The Defense needed an all-woman jury. Women are the ones who judge other women harshly, and they'd be very receptive to the word "bimbo". I don't think male jurors will sign off on that word, publicly, even if they believe it privately.
Women built Weinstein, allowed him to flourish, warts and all, very similar to Cuomo, Bill Clinton ? Women are the ones who prop-up these types of men--who definitely need propping-up. Women they can hide behind, women who pamper and coddle these men. Women Jurors will come to the rescue. Male jurists going to throw the book at him.
US Congressperson Mayra Flores (R-TX) has been rejected by the Hispanic Congressional Caucus for membership. Being born in Mexico apparently does not qualify. When asked for a listing of the qualifications for membership, leaders of the group reportedly pointed to a nearby Planned Parenthood building.
Isn't it convenient that our government "just happened" to not file in time, documentation for illegals? Now their cases are thrown out, and we are stuck with them. A win- win for the Socialists running the government who want to overrun our country with these invaders they invited up so they get new voters. The more they do the more I despise the left. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/10/the_biden_administration_comes_up_with_a_sneaky_new_amnesty_plan.html
It's a new dawn for the victims of woke violence starting with Darrell Brooks thankfully rotting in prison.
@Mr. T, he’s not there yet.
"As Republicans diminished the role of race, the Democrats grew ever more obsessed about it—and ignored class. The Oprahs, Meghan Markles, and MSNBC anchors of the world fixate over skin color in direct proportion to their own affluence, status, and privilege—as their hypocrisy turns off the middle classes of all races.
In sum, the party of old left-wing progressives has become one of rich regressives. And once country-club Republicans are becoming a party of middle-class populists."
The headline read: "Biden: Airline 'fee' for extra legroom unfair to 'people of color'"
When asked to comment by 6'2" tall Steve Doocy, 4'9" White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer.
Conversations last night with acquaintances in Philly, all self described intelligent people, shocked me. Oz was sleezy and Fetterman still acceptable.
All were reasonably wealthy city dwellers who have not yet been touched by the downside of everything Fetterman represents. High rise condos above the street crime, grown kids or private schooled children, inflation just means a better rate of return on investments. Right now insulated from the deterioration around them. True virtue signaling.
Truly there are people who live in a bubble. But bubbles eventually burst.
The Killer lives!
Narr said
"I only listen to the NPR affiliate ... to keep up with imperial DC's line of the moment."
Maybe we need a Narrative Channel somewhat like the Weather Channel with lines linking similar narrative acceptance fronts and hurricane tracking. "A topical depression centered over Philadelphia after Fetterman's debate performance seems to be spinning up into the election season's largest hurricane. As it moves slowly toward DC, streamers are extending outward beyond Harrisburg into parts of Ohio, southern New York, West Virginia as well as up and down the Acela corridor. The question is whether the streamers will finally extend and connect up over rural, suburban or city voters. That is to say: the Dem party has made it plain that a functioning mind is not a Dem party requirement, possibly not even an party asset, in races for the US Senate. In the face of this Dem policy, which segment of the country (if any) still understands that you need to be able to think to help run the USA as it faces war, cold, famine and hurtful memes.
I just can't get past the word "Bimbo". It's such a nothing word. But, it's the men who are going to be triggered by that. I feel their rage. ---The men who're gonna punish that Attorney for using it. Chivalry, in public, in the Courtroom alive and well. On Twitter, not so much.
A Czech monument to the Russian Red Army soldiers of WW II has had its pedestal base painted to resemble a washing machine to commemorate the looting by Russian soldiers now going on in the Ukraine
A medical alert has been for Pittsburgh area residents. It states in part to avoid Dr. Clifford Chen, primary care physician to PA senate candidate John Fetterman. Dr. Chen, a graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin, has given Mr. Fetterman a clean bill of health even there is strong evidence to the contrary. Democrat politicians are ignoring the alert as Dr. Chen has given thousands to lefty campaigns. One democrat wag stated: "Hey he may be a terrible doctor but he has an awesome checkbook!"
"Chen’s political leanings could raise questions about his medical assessment of Fetterman, whose race against Republican Mehmet Oz could determine which party controls the Senate. According to campaign finance records, Chen has given tens of thousands of dollars over the years to Democratic candidates and party committees. He contributed $1,330 to Fetterman’s campaign, including a $500 donation in June 2021, before he became Fetterman’s doctor. Chen donated to other Senate candidates running in close races this cycle, including Rep. Val Demings (D., Fla.) and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.)."
A medical alert has been for Pittsburgh area residents. It states in part to avoid Dr. Clifford Chen, primary care physician to PA senate candidate John Fetterman. Dr. Chen, a graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin, has given Mr. Fetterman a clean bill of health even there is strong evidence to the contrary. Democrat politicians are ignoring the alert as Dr. Chen has given thousands to lefty campaigns. One democrat wag stated: "Hey he may be a terrible doctor but he has an awesome checkbook!"
"Chen’s political leanings could raise questions about his medical assessment of Fetterman, whose race against Republican Mehmet Oz could determine which party controls the Senate. According to campaign finance records, Chen has given tens of thousands of dollars over the years to Democratic candidates and party committees. He contributed $1,330 to Fetterman’s campaign, including a $500 donation in June 2021, before he became Fetterman’s doctor. Chen donated to other Senate candidates running in close races this cycle, including Rep. Val Demings (D., Fla.) and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.)."
Goodness gracious great balls of bullshit.
"I didn't love Paris, District 13. Didn't completely hate it either, but stopped caring after a while. Smug millennials making trouble for themselves with bad decisions, insensitivity, and stupidity."
You should watch D13, a parkour movie. Plenty of action, although not a great plot.
"I didn't love Paris, District 13. Didn't completely hate it either, but stopped caring after a while. Smug millennials making trouble for themselves with bad decisions, insensitivity, and stupidity."
You should watch D13, a parkour movie. Plenty of action, although not a great plot.
Thanks for the details on the NPR story--obviously I didn't hear the place of the incident but was struck by the presentation itself. It was complete news to me (maybe not to you) and I didn't look any deeper (it's NPR).
It's still interesting to me that it garnered that much coverage, and if I was mistaken about the details I blame their story-telling.
What is Justice Barrett's book to be about? The Guardian only says, "Barrett’s book will reportedly consider 'how judges are not supposed to bring their personal feelings into how they rule'". Perhaps this is old news that I've missed; the 'open letter' attempting to persuade Random House to kill the deal is new, at any rate.
Nazis would never lie to further their war effort and shore up support for the supply of money and weapons. There is plenty of evidence of war crimes from the Ukrainians, like bodies rolling into a mass grave that was posted first on a Ukrainian Telegram channel hours before it came out with the nationalities reversed, and with metadata indicating that it came from Ukrainian controlled territory. I could go on about white phosphorus and petal mines used against civilians, but you would just call it lies, and why not? Both sides have huge incentives to lie. Believing one side’s probable lies to justify us sending weapons until they run out of soldiers is worse than foolish, the Ukrainians are drafting up to age 59 now, but I know you feel like we owe the loss of a generation to Ukrainians, like that judge in Caddyshack said about how he felt about sentencing that young man to the gas chamber.
Lilly, thank you, a valuable listen.
Wildswan, I see that you are genuinely rooting for Ukraine, that's ok and I respect that. The Ukrainian "journalists" have discredited themselves long, long time ago, all of them, you will not pay me enough to listen to any of their propaganda bilge. I don't know how much you know about that part of the world and the specifics of the Eastern European post-Soviet countries, these countries are actively rewriting their history and tell lies like they fart, the governments in these countries are regimes/dictatorships. These countries are shitholes to say the least, there is a lot of dangerous stuff going on there, the corruption is everywhere, but Ukraine is the champion of them all, trust me. Or not.
Fox anchor Harris Faulkner said her audience “shouldn’t assume anything at all” about the motivations or political beliefs of the people allegedly intimidating voters.
Yeah, right!
Joe Smith said...
JLL could (and most likely still can) play the fuck out of a piano...
The Killer just pounded on the keys creating rhythm and screamed out of key.
He was better at killing wives. Shawn Michelle Stephens, wife #5, died at his hands in August 1983, 27 days after their marriage. His 4th wife Jaren Elizabeth Gunn Pate tragically drowned in a swimming pool a few weeks before they finalized their divorce in June 1982.
Jerry married his third wife, Myra Gale Brown, in December 1957. Not only was Lewis not officially divorced yet from his previous wife Jane, but Myra Brown was just 13 years old! On top of that: she was Lewis's first cousin once removed. Yikes! Due to this scandal, his British tour was completely canceled after three concerts. She divorced him in 1970, citing abuse.
gadfly: "Fox anchor Harris Faulkner said her audience “shouldn’t assume anything at all” about the motivations or political beliefs of the people allegedly intimidating voters."
I wonder which FBI graduating class that dude belongs to.....
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