৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২২

Sunrise — 6:24, 6:30, 6:34.




Talk about whatever you like in the comments.

৩৯টি মন্তব্য:

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Waiting for the power to get shut off...am sure it will happen at least twice before midnight.

I love 'green' energy.

Is 'green' the ancient Indian word for 'inadequate'?

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

Love the striations in the water…

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Catastrophic claim, if true: Since Jan 2020 the Fed has printed 80% of all the printed dollars currently in existence.

“At the start of 2020 there were $4.02 trillion dollars in circulation. By October 2021 the number was $20.08 trillion in circulation.

God help us.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Brett Weinstein says the NYT is making an egregious claim against Trump, bordering on treason.

Copy pasta to your browser 👉🏽 https://youtu.be/UyLmvlfOfHo

Inga বলেছেন...

Ben Wikler did a great job explaining what is wrong with Wisconsin government, on Chris Hayes show on MSNBC. Thank goodness we have a Democratic Governor who has vetoed over 100 Republican extremist laws, as gerrymandering in WI is as bad as it gets. One of the reasons we have abortion law from the 1850’s.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

DOJ is leaking to WaPo again. Supposedly, nuke secrets of a foreign country were found at MAL.

This really is an outrage.Judge Cannon should personally sanction the DOJ lawyers.

Inga বলেছেন...

What was Trump doing with the nuclear documents of another country at MAL? So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?

Narr বলেছেন...

Memphis and its attractions got Tucker's A block tonight. He said that Memphis was once a rich and well-organized city.

Unfortunately it has never been rich, at least since Yellow Fever, in comparison to other large cities, and has been the poorest large city in the country for ages. As for well-organized, Memphis back in the day was pretty progressive and forward-moving sometimes, even ahead of the curve, but it has stagnated in comparison to the past, and to other cities.

Still, for me as for Eliza Fletcher, Memphis is home. Not the suburbs of Memphis. Memphis.

Andrew বলেছেন...

One of my favorite blogs is calling it quits.


There aren't many left. Please keep it up, Ann.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

Whenever the WaPo says they have an anonymous source, that's WaPo-speak for "we're just making this up, 'anonymous source' just let's us pretend that we're really, really an honest newspaper, when in reality we hate Trump and all Republicans."

Drago বলেছেন...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "What was Trump doing with the nuclear documents of another country at MAL? So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?"


Just 3 weeks ago Inga was claiming Trump had the NUCLEAR CODES AND WAS SELLING THEM TO THE RUSSIANS!!! OMG!!! TrumpIsATreasonousTraitor and has to be arrested STAT! Does Anyone have Mueller's phone number? How can we stop the coming nuclear onslaught?!!!! Espionage Act!!

Now, its going to be a letter from Kim Jong Un to Trump with a reference or two to potential nuclear deals that Trump held onto for adding to his memoirs. Oh, and a pair or two of Melania's underwear, possibly a pair of Barron's underwear as well (not surprising, considering the New Soviet Democraticals appear quite keen on adults showering with underage children). According to Inga, that's "perfectly normal".

Oh, did I mention the passports? OMG!! The PASSPORTS!! They had stamps in them and everything!! Where did the stamps come from? Were the stamps STOLEN? How did Trump even GET a passport? Did Putin give Trump his passport? Is it really a SECRET Russian passport? Does the Secret Russian Passport have invisible ink writing in it? Did Trump grab the passport while yelling "this is MAGA country" and stealing the secret service agent's subway sandwich and pouring bleach on him?

Not only are The Walls Closing In, but also The Tipping Point Has Been Reached with these Latest Bombshells!!!

Walls! Tipping Points! Bombshells! Lions! Tigers! Gators(Florida, duh)! Oh My!

We won't really know what is happening until Inga reports back tomorrow with her updated, new and improved Mindreading At A Distance For Fun And Profit schtick. You remember, the one that worked so well for Inga for over 2 straight years as she told us daily "You Don't Know What Mueller Knows!"....while pretending she did.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Bloomberg is on board with

blotting out the sun

Can I make this shit up?

You know, if you stick your head all the way up your ass, there would be no need to blot out the sun.

What is wrong with New York City?

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Bloomberg is on board with

blotting out the sun

Can I make this shit up?

You know, if you stick your head all the way up your ass, there would be no need to blot out the sun.

What is wrong with New York City?

(and Blogger! what is wrong with Blogger!)

Drago বলেছেন...

What I love most about this latest DOJ/FBI fake leak to their New Soviet Democratical FakeNews allies re: DOCUMENT RELATING TO ANOTHER COUNTRIES CAPABILITIES!!! is that the lefties aren't even bothering to claim its a classified document.

Given how many newspaper clippings and magazine articles the Stasi-DOJ/FBI Collusion hoaxers took, it could literally be a magazine or news article about some nations defenses.

But hey, these Stasi-cats know just what little dribs and drabs lies they can drop to spool up the now quite Professional Moron Class inhabited by the Inga's, gadflys and Howards et al.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

What was Trump doing with the nuclear documents of another country at MAL? So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?

What part of "he can declassify anything he wants to" is too hard for you to figure out?

Gospace বলেছেন...

Joe Smith said...
Waiting for the power to get shut off...am sure it will happen at least twice before midnight.

I love 'green' energy.

Is 'green' the ancient Indian word for 'inadequate'?

Only in the same manner that "vegetarian" is an ancient word in all languages for "bad hunter".

I notice fewer and fewer people posting in open threads anywhere about the dreaded covid. Almost as if it's gone away. Let us not forget as November rolls around:

Democrats allowed riots, but closed churches, because of covid.
Democrats arrested people on open water all by themselves for being out in public, unmasked.
Democrats threatened your livelihood if you refused to submit to an untested experimantal vaccine. And are STILL kicking people out of the armed forced for refusing to submit. According to many reports- comirnaty, the only APPROVED vaccine, is still not available.
Democrats allowed paint to be sold- but only whte and other premixed colors. Couln't get Aqua Blue.
You could shop in big box hardware stores, but buying seeds was prohibited by Democrat orders.
If you took your youth groups camping- they young people weren't allowed to cook or do any of the other things you take young people camping to learn. Everything had to be done by adults. Why I didn't take my Scouts camping for two years- there was nothing theyouth were allowed to do. I've managed to camp ONCE since stupid restrictions were lifted.

I'm sure most here can add to the list. If you vote for a Democrat at any level of government in November- you're saying you approved of all of this.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Everyone should realize the odds are in our lifetime the Bidens, Hillarys, Nancys, Cheneys, and Romneys are probably going to win this thing. You’re up against a force and a population willing to do, and say anything. It’s tough to beat seething hatred. Especially if it doesn’t exist inside you. Its also tough to beat powerful people who’s corruption must remain covered and protected at all cost.

Power and control for them is like the The One Ring ring to Gollum. They love and hate the ring, just as they love and hate themselves. We even see the physical manifestation of this power lust as they distort and abuse the young human form and infest it with violence, drugs, mutilation, and mental destruction. Power and control has become their precious.

Tell me you don’t see Gollum in Biden, Pelosi, and Hillary. In the last six years, and especially since COVID, America has created a shitload of Gollums.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

‘What was Trump doing with the nuclear documents of another country at MAL? So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?’

What are nuclear documents of another country? And how do you know he had them?

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

No school for the poor kids in Seattle on Wednesday. 95% of the 6000 voting Teachers Union members have authorized a strike after locking kids out for almost two years. Gollums. All of them.

They want their precious.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Inga said...

What was Trump doing with the nuclear documents of another country at MAL? So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?

Stupidity is its own reward. This is what the other party has descended to. Pitiful.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

The SF Chronicle is reporting the the algae problem is SF Bay and all the dead fish washing ashore is caused by “poop and pee” being dumped in the bay though an outdated treatment system. Of course the liberal city first blamed climate change.

Can’t make this shit up. Ba-dump...pssss

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

DOJ just keeps leaking to shape public opinion in the Trump Chase, even after being rebuked by the judge and told that their prior leaks helped convince her a Special Master is needed. People less dense than FBI brass would take that huge hint and shape up. Not this FBI! I’m leaning farther towards the level-Hoover Building-salt-the-earth as a good option. Maybe keep forensics and kidnap assistance. Treasury agents can track bank robbers.

gadfly বলেছেন...

A simple walk around Trump's Florida judge:

DOJ needs to file a simple “possession of stolen materials” charge. The government documents belong to . . . wait for it . . . the government. File the charge and move for summary judgment.

“We served a lawfully granted search warrant and seized hundreds of government documents, none of which belong to the former president but rather belong to the US government. The documents seized are the stolen property, and the actions of the former president to illegally retain them, disguise what he had taken, drag out discussions with the National Archives and Records Administration, and falsely represent to the DOJ that he had returned all of the documents in June 2022 all demonstrate his illegal possession of the documents and desire to retain them.”

And file it in DC (per the Presidential Records Act), in Beryl Howell’s courtroom as the fruit of the grand jury investigation she is already supervising.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

At the top of Twitter's 'What's happening' right this minute:

"Absentee voting methods are safe and legal in most states, according to fact-checkers"

Really? Fact-checkers you say. OK, I (a voter with no mind of my own) will accept what you say without reservation or question.

Most states? I wonder which ones aren't safe and legal?

I'm sorry, I should never question you, oh checkers of fact.

Owen বলেছেন...

Great pics. The first two show clearly a “catspaw” on the surface of the lake, where a puff of wind has raised little waves. It makes me think of the nap of a fabric like velvet that has been brushed “against the grain.” In the case of water, it shows the action of the air above it; its texture at a very local scale; the work that always underway even in a calm.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

" The first two show clearly a “catspaw” on the surface of the lake, where a puff of wind has raised little waves."

Thanks! That's a new term for me. I often see those and enjoy the texture and shape they bring to the images of the lake.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Headline from The Hill: "Climate Overwhelming California's Power Grid" Don't they mean weather? *cough*

In an unrelated story, San Francisco bay overwhelm by poop and pee, causing algae blooms. Sweet.

A veritable Liberal heaven.

Humperdink বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Humperdink বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Humperdink বলেছেন...

"According to a WPA Intelligence survey, 22% of Democrats think that “some men can get pregnant.” (American Thinker).

So we have Inga, Howard, gadfly, Jim5301, and Freder. Trying to guess which one answered in the affirmative.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think that it would be great if they threw Trump in prison for possession of White House towels, or maybe he took some china, like Hillary did.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Gusty Winds is right.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
"What was Trump doing with the nuclear documents of another country at MAL? So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?

What part of "he can declassify anything he wants to" is too hard for you to figure out?" Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...

"What was Trump doing with the nuclear documents of another country at MAL? So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?

Stupidity is its own reward. This is what the other party has descended to. Pitiful."
They only say what they've been told to say. They don't need a towering intellect for that. In fact. Critical thinking is a liability for them.

It's all about the graft, the graft. No honor.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Glenn Greenwald
It is astonishing to watch Dems and their allies in media corporations posture as opponents of "fascism" - while their main goal is to *unite state and corporate power* to censor their critics and degrade the internet into an increasingly repressive weapon of information control.
7:22 PM · Sep 6, 2022


Andy বলেছেন...

Thinking of everything going down with Trump from the January 6th committee to the raid on Mar A Lago, isn’t the government trying to get around the prohibition on Bills of Attainder by abusing the 14th amendment to create a virtual “legal” one. Isn’t this a massive civil rights violation especially since this prohibition was written into the body of the constitution and not added latter, showing that this on the forefront on the minds of the founders.

Drago বলেছেন...

The Hopeless gadfly returns to his "Emptywheel" vomit!

Emptywheel has been one of the foremost pushers of every single lunatic left conspiracy theory for 7 years.

Basically, imagine a blog run by and Inga and a Howard with about 5 additional brain cells.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

To believe Inga Gadflea and Howard one has to believe that in April Joe Biden RETROACTIVELY reclassified the documents at Mar-a-Lago SIGHT UNSEEN and the DOJ just "accidentally" swept up clothing, trophies, magazine covers and clippings, passports and medical records THINKING THEY WERE NUCLEAR CODES.

Sorry dudes we are not as dumb and gullible as you and the best way to protect yourself is to recall all the things the FBI said about Whitey Bulger, Hillary Clinton, Dr. Steven Hatfield, Richard Jewel, and the entire Russian Collusion Hoax, because within that context only a complete idiot would even try and trust Chrissy Wray on this one.

Shorter answer: stop supporting fascist government raids!

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'So is someone going to claim he declassified this too?'

Some beat me to it, but I will type slowly so even liberals can understand.

A president can declassify anything.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

Trump could of said "These documents are personal items and belong to me." while he was president. That's what Bill Clinton said about his cassette tapes. There's nothing the FBI/DOJ nor the National Archives can do to refute that. The FBI can assert that the documents at MAL are government property, but it'll take a trial to prove that.

The FBI's been in a seditious conspiracy to remove Trump from office ever since Trump announced in 2015. They hate Trump and are afraid Trump will dig up all the figurative bodies. They'll do and leak anything to get Trump. Dissolve the FBI.