After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) September 16, 2022
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) September 16, 2022
८५ टिप्पण्या:
The Left is going nuts because DeSantis is exposing their virtue signaling hypocrisy. They’re keeping quiet when Biden does the same thing.
The best information that came out of Martha's Vineyard was the private Facebook group posts, where the locals were strategizing how to get the illegals off the island as quickly as possible.
This resulted in the Governor of Massachusetts literally activating the National Guard. He sent 2.5 armed Guardsmen for every one of the 50 illegal immigrants and forced them onto a bus and shipped them to a military encampment where they were placed into tents. A modern-day concentration camp.
And not a single Democrat objected.
AOC didn't object to these people being placed in a military concentration camp.
On the contrary, she claimed that giving them a free bus ride to the beautiful beaches of Martha's Vineyard was a "crime against humanity."
You simply cannot make this shit up. Democrats are COMPLETELY UNAWARE of themselves and how ridiculously stupid they look.
But if someone else is piling trash on your porch is then OK to remove it or are you supposed to keep it.
Funny how these "Kinsley gaffes" keep happening. You'd almost think that was how progs really think.
That's nothing. Ken Burns thought it was a replay of the Holocaust.
It's been fun watching the Left charge uphill to retake the moral high ground only to come sliding back down into the mud.
Like taking out trash? That's nothing. AOC says it's a crime against humanity.
This whole thing reminds me a little bit of the movie Clerks 2, when Randall finally realizes that his beloved grandmother really was a total racist.
"After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) September 16, 2022"
It doesn't actually. It clearly means to describe the obvious attitudes of Governors DeSantis and Abbot, who are treating these human beings like trash. The people in Martha's Vineyard have been treating these abused persons with good will and an outpouring of contributions of food, clothing and money for their care.
Governors DeSantis and Abbot have shown themselves to be garbage human beings.
if NBC are quoting/reporting what some other said why delete it? unless it is falsely
Good example of how media and activist people (particularly young ones with weak biased education) often are no very bright.
Is this what you would call a "freudian slip"?
Was that Inga or Readering they were quoting?
My local leftists have melted down over the very idea of sending illegal immigrants to leftist Marthas Vineyard. Melted. Down.
Only icky Republicans and poor people should be forced to deal with illegals, see. Not good solid rich Democrats! It's human trafficing and a capital crime to send illegals to Obama's back yard!
I do like how they quickly used military people to round up all those illegals and concentrate them into a military camp. Concentrating "undesirables" into camps? That's totally on brand with Biden's "Let me go full Adolf!" theme lately.
The foundation to help refugees will still take your contributions, I'm sure.
Just realize it's the foundation, not the refugees, which stands to benefit.
The corrupt Biden admin have dumped and delivered thousands upon thousands of illegal entrants to obscure airports all over the nation - in the middle of the night.
A small fraction go to WHITE progressive enclaves - and the progressives lose their minds.
oh - and that twitter post proves progressives are heartless racists - who look down their lying noses at immigrants. These are the same hypocrites with those silly woke virtue signal signs that pompously preach "Science is real" and "no human is illegal."
There is so much wrong with that take. Ignoring the insult, if you are taking something to places you live, then what's the problem? These immigrants were transported to the sanctuary cities that said they wanted them. It is a win win. They wanted to go, the cities said they wanted them, so why are Democrats acting like this is an evil act?
I suspect it is because Democrats wanted the immigrants from socialist countries to swamp the deplorables in Texas, Arizona, and Florida. This is why Democrats lie about the border being secure when even the immigrants say it is no problem to walk across it. Everything was fine with Democrats until the immigrants began swamping enclaves that already had deep blue voting blocks. Illegal immigration is about changing voting demographics, and it doesn't work for Democrats if the immigrants end up in deep blue cities and states.
Well, we do have to pay fair regard to the "Arlo Principle".
You know: "One big pile is better than two little piles" so rather than bring that one up you decide to throw yours, down...
Terms racist New Soviet Democraticals refer to brown people.
And if those brown people reject the sick groomer policies and patronizing white savior complexes of the typical democratical, well, thats when the really sick insults from self-appointed Democratical Plantation overseers to those brown people who dared to have an independent thought begins in earnest.
Beginning with "white hispanic".
When they tell you who they are, believe them.
The dems are sure lucky they own both the media and the invincible electoral fraud machine.
"Founding member of a foundation." Which was founded on principles found by themselves to be foundational.
"But if someone else is piling trash on your porch is then OK to remove it or are you supposed to keep it."
If you're going to compare human beings to trash, perhaps you might want to first take down your "All Are Welcome Here" signs?
Just a thought...
"The people in Martha's Vineyard have been treating these abused persons with good will and an outpouring of contributions of food, clothing and money for their care."
For one day Robert. For one day. Once that narrative was set, the mask came off, and the guard came in.
I could always trust you to curse both sides of the aisle. This one surprises me. But I'll keep it in mind as I read your comments going forward.
God fucking dammit. For the last time, @NBClatinx. Next time interns are getting fired. Don't think I won't do it!
The same sort of people who liken “undocumented immigrants” to trash had white the city of the vapors when Trump referred to the places they came from as “shithole countries.”
DeSantis followed the government's redistributive model of shared responsibility. NBC characterizes it as selecting, cannibalizing, then sequestering the carbon "burdens". Is this Twit anti-illegal alien, anti-Green Deals, anti-abortion, pro-progressive prices, or anti-emigration reform?
Just realize it's the foundation, not the refugees, which stands to benefit.
It depends on how you construct the political congruence ("="). A class action ethical conundrum.
Terms racist New Soviet Democraticals refer to brown people.
Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry).
"white hispanic".
An attribution problem at best. The real issue is when the judge and label human life in color blocs (e.g. "People of Black", People of Cuba (PoC)), or the 1/2 compromise (e.g. Asian-American, fetal-baby).
Latino, yes. Latina, correct. They prefer strongly gendered national pronouns. LatinX is a mutant judgment and label.
It doesn't actually. It clearly means to describe the obvious attitudes of Governors DeSantis and Abbot, who are treating these human beings like trash.
So, helping people here illegally get to places that say they want and support them is evil? That some lefty logic, Cook.
Hypocrisy is not a sin to lefties. It's what allows them to do what they do. If John Kerry was not allowed to fly around on private jets what would be the point of marrying those crazy rich women?
After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it.
"After realizing that this tweet reveals their political allies TO BE horrific people, only then did NBCNews delete the tweet."
It's not just optics, or narrative. They really are evil, horrific people. They don't just appear to be, as if it's some sort of mirage. They are literally Hitler and we should hang them in Nuremberg.
After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it.
"After realizing that this tweet reveals their political allies TO BE horrific people, only then did NBCNews delete the tweet."
It's not just optics, or narrative. They really are evil, horrific people. They don't just appear to be, as if it's some sort of mirage. They are literally Hitler and we should hang them in Nuremberg.
"The people in Martha's Vineyard have been treating these abused persons with good will and an outpouring of contributions of food, clothing and money for their care."
This must be why the National Guard came to take them off the island.
Anyway, we have it on Cook's authority that the MV people love illegals and take good care of them. Plus MV is one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the U.S. There must be a fair number of vacation homes sitting there empty right about now. Ergo, send more planes.
What DeSantis needs to do is also activate the National Guard and put them on the busses with the illegals so that when they get to Martha's Vineyard, the illegals have protection from the locals.
DeSantis should put 125 armed Florida National Guard soldiers on the busses with the illegals, so that the local people cannot kidnap them off the island like they did with THEIR National Guardsmen - which is a horrible, horrible war crime against humanity that should be tried in the Hague, according to our new national leader on immigration: Brooklyn Bartender Alexandria Ocasio Blasio.
Robert Cook: "It doesn't actually"
It most certainly does, actually.
Emigration reform to mitigate the progress of immigration reform and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. #HateLovesAbortion
Robert Cook: "Governors DeSantis and Abbot have shown themselves to be garbage human beings."
Cookie thinks his pravda press pals have covered up what his beloved fellow leftists were rwally saying about the illegal aliens.
Of course Cookie is wrong, as marxists invariably are.
Those "wonderful" MV lefties wanted those icky illegals off the island, post haste and got their wish...with armed soldiers bussing them out after just 48 hours.
And cookie thinks the MV lefties ,"poured" out generosity.....for 48 hours...while demanding removal of these brown people!
Sorry cookie. Its all out there and documented. You and your leftist pals will have a very difficult time trying to rewrite and airbrush this event.
Good luck! Stay Pravda Strong comrade!
Drago writes, "It most certainly does, actually."
You might as attempt to reason with a snake than someone as thoughtless and depraved as Robert "Latinos are trash" Cook.
That is a classic Kinsley Gaffe.
Robert, you make me laugh. Marth Vineyard's government cared for them for exactly 1 day before getting the governor come take them away. They are hypocrites.
Sure, DeSantis was using them for a political purpose, but the fact remains they went volutarily, and were sent to one of the wealthiest localities in the United States with the financial resources to care for 50 illegal immigrants. I don't see how that is a bad deal for the 50 at all, unless of course Martha's Vineyard ships them somewhere else using force, but that has nothing to do with Ron DeSantis.
Robert, you make me laugh. Marth Vineyard's government cared for them for exactly 1 day before getting the governor come take them away. They are hypocrites.
Sure, DeSantis was using them for a political purpose, but the fact remains they went volutarily, and were sent to one of the wealthiest localities in the United States with the financial resources to care for 50 illegal immigrants. I don't see how that is a bad deal for the 50 at all, unless of course Martha's Vineyard ships them somewhere else using force, but that has nothing to do with Ron DeSantis.
Robert, you make me laugh. Marth Vineyard's government cared for them for exactly 1 day before getting the governor come take them away. They are hypocrites.
Sure, DeSantis was using them for a political purpose, but the fact remains they went volutarily, and were sent to one of the wealthiest localities in the United States with the financial resources to care for 50 illegal immigrants. I don't see how that is a bad deal for the 50 at all, unless of course Martha's Vineyard ships them somewhere else using force, but that has nothing to do with Ron DeSantis.
Cook has no enemies in the Democrat Party. It means nothing to him that despite huge numbers of empty bedrooms, massive wealth, and signs everywhere that "all are welcome here," they were put on a boat a day later and taken to a military base off the island.
I used to respect Cook too, but he has unswerving loyalty to wealthy liberals, it would seem. Surely a "sanctuary city" with MV's resources could house these people and find them jobs. But I would be satisfied if they just admitted the truth and took down the signs, and had a yearly "Yom Kippur" type holiday to think on their sins and feel shame for their actions in this matter.
The people in Martha's Vineyard have been treating these abused persons with good will and an outpouring of contributions of food, clothing and money for their care.
It seems that DeSantis and Abbot are heroes. Think about the largesse these people got as a direct result of DeSantis' actions. If only the people at MV would have been as generous to all the people on those states BEFORE they showed up at their door step and then shipped off to concen... Coast Guard barracks.
It clearly means to describe the obvious attitudes of Governors DeSantis and Abbot, who are treating these human beings like trash. The people in Martha's Vineyard have been treating these abused persons with good will and an outpouring of contributions of food, clothing and money for their care.
I used to respect Cookie as a good natured and honest Socialist.
You have become just another hive mind leftist.
They had to boot them off the island, otherwise DeSantis would have been right.
I think it's a brave step for Democrats to come out in favor of tent cities and children in cages over relocating them.
If those border states don't like handling 7-8 thousand people per day, they should have been a northern state. And it's not like the northern states don't have their own border to worry about. Those Canadians might start swarming down at any moment. Sure, they'll apologize for it, but that doesn't mean it's not a real problem.
“ It doesn't actually. It clearly means to describe the obvious attitudes of Governors DeSantis and Abbot, who are treating these human beings like trash. ”
That’s clearly what they meant to say.
But THEY thought up the trash analogy. That came out of their head. That’s why they deleted it.
Replying to Robert Cook who said, "the obvious attitudes of Governors DeSantis and Abbot, who are treating these human beings like trash." I'll admit that the governors were almost certainly motivated by a desire to profit politically from their decisions. But I don't think they are "treating the immigrants like trash." Setting aside the question of motivation, the governors are actually doing what is best for the immigrants. The options are: (1) keep them here in Texas (Arizona, maybe Florida) where people are fed up with illegal immigrants because they are so overwhelmed with them, or (2) send them to places that are not overwhelmed, and places that have explicitly voted and expressed a desire to support and be more helpful to illegal immigrants. A governor that chooses option (2) is not treating them like trash, but is treating them like humans who want to be in a place where they are welcomed and loved.
I really wish Abbott would step it up. He has almost a million illegals to go.
"Sure, DeSantis was using them for a political purpose, but the fact remains they went volutarily, and were sent to one of the wealthiest localities in the United States with the financial resources to care for 50 illegal immigrants. I don't see how that is a bad deal for the 50 at all, unless of course Martha's Vineyard ships them somewhere else using force, but that has nothing to do with Ron DeSantis."
The asylum seekers were not told where they were being sent and the agencies in the area who could and should have processed them on their arrival were not even notified they were coming. My understanding is they were sent to the Coast Guard base for temporary accommodation and care of the families, as appropriate facilities were not available for them in Martha's Vineyard. (A food and clothing drive by the comunity in Martha's Vineyard does not magically produce a facility capable of housing this group of people.)
According to reports, the families will not be separated, and they will be provided food and health care, as well as legal services, etc. Civil rights attorneys are working with these immigrants. Another rotten aspect of DeSantis' and Abbot's cheap stunt was that a number of these people have immigration hearings this week many states and miles away from where they were sent. (As these people had been in Texas, why did DeSantis insert himself to have them moved?)
A total scumbag move by DeSantis and Abbot, but not at all surprising.
Yesterday, before a meeting with a marketing VP at work, He explained that the people in MV pay a lot of money for their houses. People in Texas don’t pay as much so they should expect to have all the illegal aliens around them. I told him he was a real Democratic Party thought leader.
To be clear, the people of Martha’s Vineyard came up with the analogy that immigrants are trash and then forced them to leave the Island. Those are facts. Just like it is a fact that Cookie also calls people he doesn’t like garbage. These people claim a moral superiority that appears inferior to me. I’d like to see Cookie come to Laredo, TX and care for the thousands of immigrants that didn’t make it to Martha’s Vineyard, yet.
So- I'm supposed to believe that with all the wealth and privilege that exists on Martha's Vineyard, the enlightened progressives there couldn't figure out a way to deal with 50 immigrants for more than about a day? I mean- aside from rounding them up and shipping them somewhere else?
Sounds about right.
Is anybody else interested in seeing how progressives would react if the National Guard in Florida or Texas rounded up the illegal immigrants in those states and sent them somewhere else? I know I am.
Political refugees from Venezuela used for a political pawn.
What virtue signaling from the pro religion and pro life folks. Remember WWJD? I do.
(A food and clothing drive by the comunity in Martha's Vineyard does not magically produce a facility capable of housing this group of people.)
But Mayor Lightfoot took her immigrants out of the sanctuary city of Chicago and put them in Burr Ridge where they went to hotels. Apparently there were no hotels in Chicago.
But by google, there are dozens of hotels in Martha's Vineyard but the brave sanctuary island had them hustled out of town anyway by the National Guard. Did any want to stay? I am sure you have "information" that they did not. I am sure that you can point to informed consent that they agreed to leave.
Hypocrisy sickens me, sorry, but it does. And now you can say "But DeSantis!!"
Robert Cook said: "Another rotten aspect of DeSantis' and Abbot's cheap stunt was that a number of these people have immigration hearings this week many states and miles away from where they were sent."
1. As if they were likely to show up at those hearings.
2. Surely a national government as big as ours can handle the re-scheduling and re-locating of those hearings, if any of them are interested in showing up.
3. Whatever inconvenience and setback occurs to their bogus "asylum cases", the fact remains that they got on the plane/bus/whatever, voluntarily, attracted by the promise of "sanctuary" which our sanctimonious blue state fellow citizens have offered, but apparently don't really mean.
So, the fraud was on the part of the sanctuary jurisdictions, which were only virtue-signaling, not really meant for anything except for purposes of self-admiration. (Whatever you do, do NOT take us up on this offer of sanctuary!)
Kudos to Martha's Vineyard, for the fastest deportation of illegals in US history. "No human is illegal . . . until they've been on Martha's Vineyard for more than a day."
What DeSantis did was kind of a dick move, but it really paid dividends. The people on Martha's Vineyard have been publicly exposed as total hypocrites when it comes to their public support of illegal immigrants. Those NIMBY, rich bastards got those undesirable migrants removed from their rich affluent island and interned at a military base within 24 hours.
“All people are welcome here.”
Except it’s all bullshit and nobody should actually believe it.
You know, I'm thinking -- migrants have a right to stay in Martha's Vineyard. They can sleep in a tent on the courthouse lawn, or park an RV in front of the police station. No one has the right to round them up and send them off the island. They need attorneys to protect their rights. Lots of attorneys, to protect their rights, and lots more immigrants. Stronger ones, tougher ones, organized ones. Immigrants ready to fight the fascist government of Massachusetts for their human rights!
A total scumbag move by DeSantis and Abbot, but not at all surprising.
Cook has researched all these accusations he is spitting out here. Right ?
No, just more bullshit from you-know-who.
Progressives could have pwned the Republican governors who sent the illegals to MV had they just- you know, lived up to their professed beliefs. Pretend to welcome the illegals for a few days or so, get lots of adoring "personal interest" coverage from a lapdog media and then, once the focus was elsewhere, round up and discard the illegals like a used Kleenex.
How could those governors be sure that wouldn't happen? Because they're dealing with progressives, that's how.
Is it too soon to have a conversation on "privilege"?
Cook. Every country in South and Central America has an American Embassy where asylum can be applied for. Every. Single. One.
“Political refugees from Venezuela used for a political pawn.
What virtue signaling from the pro religion and pro life folks. Remember WWJD? I do”.
He’d tell those rich fucking cocksuckers to share the wealth with the poor dipshit.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Political refugees from Venezuela used for a political pawn."
You New Soviet Democraticals have been doing that for about 40 years now, so yes, lots of people are getting tired of you democraticals using illegal immigrants as political pawns.
Even the latinos, hence their increasing political migration away from the New Soviet Democratical plantation to the republican party.
And it couldn't be happening to a nicer bunch of marxists.
And you have the colossal gall to bring up WWJD? Well, according to you New Soviet Democraticals, he would apparently be happy with carving up babies. And your own Speaker of the House said exactly that.
Square that one Dumb Lefty Mark. Not that you ever could of course. Still, it might be entertaining watching you flail and blather about in the trying.
BTW, just so everyone knows, the Democratical Mayor of El Paso just sent 7 more busloads of illegal immigrants, who allowed to just walk right into the country by Biden's Earpiece's administration (so I assume Klain on obambi's orders), on their way to NYC!
Yes. That's correct. The Democrat mayor of El Paso.
Here's who that guy is: "Mayor Oscar Leeser assumed office on January 5, 2021. His current term ends on January 7, 2025. He previously served as Mayor of El Paso from 2013 to 2017. After retreating from public life to deal with some personal health issues, he returned in a new run for Mayor, winning the election with 80% of the vote.
Mayor Leeser was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, and arrived in El Paso with his family at 9-years-old speaking no English. He is now the owner and operator of the largest Hispanic Hyundai dealership in the nation and is serving his second term as Mayor in one of the most diverse and progressive international border regions in the world. He believes in leading with integrity, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and a no-nonsense business approach to management"
The coup de grace:
El Paso is, as of 2020, approximately 82% Latino (sorry Howard, not Latinx like you marxist/groomers prefer to label them)
So, a Mexican born mayor of El Paso, a democrat (apparently not such a democratical), elected in a city of 82% Latino voters with 80% of the vote, has just sent an additional (he's already sent a few) 7 buses of illegal aliens to the Fabulous and Diverse and Welcoming and Very Democratical "paradise" "Sanctuary City of NYC! How amazingly wonderfully astonishingly perfect!
NYC getting stronger via diversity by the minute! Congratulations NYC! And all democraticals! Just as you have always proclaimed was needed EVERYWHERE!
Of course, now we must turn our attention to Noted Althouse Blog Racist Poster Dumb Lefty Mark. Dumb Lefty Mark, being your typical racist white "karen"-type, is severely, some would argue "racist-ly" attacking and denigrating the decision of this amazingly accomplished Latino mayor who has the vast support of his Latino dominated voting public.
And if the New Soviet Democraticals have "taught" us anything, its that no weak lily-livered privileged automatically-racist-via-skin-melanin dude has the right to criticize any "Person Of Color". For any reason. At any time. Unless, naturally, that "Person of Color" is not a lefty. Then, of course, all bets are off. Including going after their spouses and children.
Now, back to the point. It looks like its time for Dumb Lefty Mark's next, very eventful, Maoist struggle session! Will there be cake? I'm sorry, that's a bourgeoisie thing. Sorry.
Personally I'm hoping Robert Cook leads that reeducation moment for Dumb Lefty Mark. I think Mark would be in very good hands.
Haha, right "asylum hearings" that the illegals will surely show up to because they're "Asylum seekers."
Speaking of someone living in Southern California and dealing with rampant illegal immigration, the thing I find most ironically amusing about the tweet is the fact that the illegals come from a culture where it is perfectly acceptable to dump your garbage along random roadsides instead of taking it to the dump like civilized people.
A food and clothing drive by the comunity in Martha's Vineyard does not magically produce a facility capable of housing this group of people.
[shrug] I dunno. At age 26, my husband and I attended our annual church picnic. When a woman there, the neighborhood coordinator of a foreign exchange program, explained that two of the students' host families had fallen through and she was looking for two families willing to take on these young men for a week or two while she could figure out other arrangements, we and another family immediately stepped up. There were maybe thirty families at this picnic.
Martha's Vineyard can't do at least that well? Lord. Many wouldn't even have had to share living space - they have garages, guest houses, gardeners' sheds, land. We were in a 2-bedroom duplex.
(Turns out we ended up hosting "our" kid for the whole year, by our choice. But all we were asked to commit to was a short-term hosting while other arrangements could be made - the same could have been done in MV.)
"What DeSantis did was kind of a dick move, but it really paid dividends...."
The real dividends are far more important than exposing the NIMBY, DeSantis has forced the MSM to cover the story of the border invasion for the first time since AOC cried about kids in cages. What's more, instead of burying the issue ASAP, I'm now reading that the Dems are using the MV 50 to sue DeSantis. It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them.
Martha's vineyard: Population 17,000
Illegals flown in: 50
Del Rio, TX: Population 34,673
Illegal crossings in June: 57,000
"It doesn't actually. It clearly means to describe the obvious attitudes of Governors DeSantis and Abbot, who are treating these human beings like trash. The people in Martha's Vineyard have been treating these abused persons with good will and an outpouring of contributions of food, clothing and money for their care.
Governors DeSantis and Abbot have shown themselves to be garbage human beings."
You mean JOE BIDEN IS TREATING THEM LIKE TRASH. He is midnight flying them around the country. HE opened up the borders and invited them in. WHERE else should they go, and WHY shouldn't the elite take some in since they are the ones who keep BLEATING how compassionate they are, and how they love everybody. Share the wealth Robert Cook. Share the wealth.
Robert Marshall said...
Kudos to Martha's Vineyard, for the fastest deportation of illegals in US history. "No human is illegal . . . until they've been on Martha's Vineyard for more than a day."
Robert? There is a division of labor here. People Need to do their Own tasks
Reading the minds of republicans, and announcing How Evil they are; is Igna's job
YOUR job is telling us THE ONLY REASON we are having these problems, is because TRUE COMMUNISM has yet to be applied
That, and reminding us; that there are NO (true) LEFTISTS in the United States Government
People on both sides are treating these people like trash.
What Ron Desantis did was a stunt. He is just doing the same thing the Democrats are doing.
Yeah he exposed the leftists that live in Martha's Vineyard as racist shitheads.
We already knew that democrats are racist shitheads.
Now they are racist shitheads with 2 plane loads of mail in voters. They will just use a bit less of your tax dollars to put them in the place they wanted them.
This is just the sort of "own the libs" not actually do anything for voters crap that Desantis's new GOPe DC handlers have been giving us for years.
They know those illegals will be voting for the right people in 2024 if not 2022.
With Robert Cook - One must start with the fact that he is an Illegal entrant denier.
It's not even happening! Millions allowed in illegally by the Biden admin? why - *nonsense*!
So -those mere 50 must also be a figment of our imaginations. Right?
Martha's vineyard: Population 17,000
Illegals flown in: 50
Del Rio, TX: Population 34,673
Illegal crossings in June: 57,000
How many Americans are illegal entrant deniers - based on their denial-- based on the complete media(D) blackout it is even happening?
AND, MV is keeping the donations they've received for the immigrants in a slush fund for...reasons to be later specified.
I've gotta agree with Cook. Exposing the hipocritical left isn't fair. That's not playing nice. Just stop it already.
To all of the folks calling the leftist commenters evil. I don't believe that for an instant. Most of them a good hearted people, who have got caught up in a cult. They deserve our sympathy, not condemnation.
"treating these human beings like trash."
Oh, get off it. How are those racist Ukrainians treating those poor Russian refugees who came to their land seeking asylum from the brutal tyranny of Vladimir Putin?
On their side of the border, they're your neighbors. On your side, they're invaders. Duh!
made *themselves* look horrible. political allies share some taint of association.
Comrade Bob said, "A total scumbag move by DeSantis and Abbot, but not at all surprising."
But not controlling who or what crosses our southern boarder is OK?
Can't catch me, Blogger!
Gonna delete the shit out of this one.
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