१३ जुलै, २०२२

"Tapper didn’t immediately stop Bolton, who worked in the last four Republican administrations, when he admitted orchestrating coups abroad."

"Eventually, though, the CNN host asked his guest to elaborate, and Bolton pointed to the attempted effort in 2019 by Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to overthrow the government of President Nicolás Maduro. (At the time, Bolton publicly said the plot, which the Trump administration supported, was 'not a coup.') When Tapper asked him if 'there’s other stuff you’re not telling me,' Bolton played coy: 'I think I’m sure there is.'"

From "John Bolton Admitted on National TV That He Helped Plan Coups"
(NY Magazine).

६२ टिप्पण्या:

Howard म्हणाले...

Agreed. The most believable defense is President Flounder didn't have the brains or balls to pull it off.

Howard म्हणाले...

"Jake Tapper": Sounds like the name of a second tier porn star in Boogie Nights.

Kevin म्हणाले...

You can’t handle the coup!

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

This stuff isn't real
The deep state is imaginary
You're a conspiracy theorist
Don't be ridiculous
Go back to bed John boy

Beasts of England म्हणाले...


Temujin म्हणाले...

I"m shocked, shocked to hear that the US Government has taken part in coups.

Trump was not attempting a coup. He was flailing about, knowing that Joe Biden didn't get 81 million votes, but somehow the numbers said he had. He was pissed and he had a very engaged and enraged following. It was a day of high emotions. Remember- going into that election, the Democratic/Progressive groups were literally threatening all out chaos in our streets and cities if Trump had won reelection. And you can bet your bottom dollar that those groups would have been sponsored by some very high profile Democrats. Based on their dress rehearsal in the summer of 2020, I think most of us took that threat seriously. There was going to be trouble no matter who won.

Trump was not used to having to accept a defeat with no recourse. As President, his only recourse at that time was to stand down. Not something he is used to and not something he wanted to do without being sure. And the reality is that even now- today- a majority of Americans still think there was skullduggery that took place in November of 2020.

gilbar म्हणाले...

that's the sort of Pro Democracy Republican that Lizard Cheney thinks should be in charge, right?

Enigma म्हणाले...

The sky is blue, the grass is green, major countries interfere in the governance of smaller countries.

US in Argentina???
US in Cuba (Kennedy)???
US in Grenada (Reagan)???
US in Iraq (G. H. W. Bush)???
US in Haiti (Clinton, with the most comical special forces moves of all time)???
US in Israel/Palestine civil war (Clinton)???
US in the Middle East after 9/11 (G. W. Bush; several countries)
US in Libya (Obama -- killing of Gaddafi)
US in Iran (Trump -- killing of Soleimani)


Jimmy Carter was perhaps only exception, per his profound weakness in Iran, boycotting of the 1980 Olympics per the USSR invasion of Afghanistan, and setting up Anwar Sadat of Egypt up for later assassination with the Camp David Accords.

This is the norm for Great Powers across all times.

Light news day? Partisan spin?

wendybar म्हणाले...

The biggest coup in our country was the fake Russian Hoax where the Intel agencies got together with the Obama administration and the Clintons to take down a duly elected President because they didn't like him and didn't want him to tell all their secrets that they use against US. Every single one of them belong in prison, but because we live in upside down world, that will never happen.

Mike Sylwester म्हणाले...

I hope that the public eventually will learn what role the Obama Presidency played in the Maidan Uprising, which caused Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych to flee from his elected position and from Ukraine in February 2014.

At that time, President Obama's "point man on Ukraine" was Vice President Joe Biden.

Yanukovych had won Ukraine's Presidential election in January 2010. The European Union had observed the election and declared that it was fair.

Nevertheless, Ukrainian zealots in Kiyv complained that the election was "rigged" and "stolen".

Never did the Obama Administration or the USA's mass media declare that such complaints were:

* baseless

* debunked

* lies

* a Big Lie

The other justification for the Maidan Uprising was that Yanukovych and his supporters were corrupt.

After President Yanukovych was removed from his elected office, the Ukrainian natural-gas hired Vice President Biden's son Hunter Biden to serve as a $85,000-a-month consultant on corporate compliance. That is how the removal of Yanukovych led to the elimination of corruption in Ukraine.


Yanukovych had campaigned for election as President on a platform of improving relations with Russia.

This history is discussed practically never in the USA in regard to Russian's invasion of Ukraine.

Michael म्हणाले...

Of course he planned coups. That's a basic requirement of the job description for the national security state.

We ought to hang a sign on the CIA building saying Coups-"r"-Us

Leland म्हणाले...

John Bolton, the same guy that wrote a book claiming Trump tried to get China to finance his re-election. I say extradite Bolton to Venezuela for his admitted crimes and let him face justice.

MayBee म्हणाले...

But planting a picture of Bernie arm wrestling Jesus was the most unprecedented election interference ever by any country ever.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Turkey comes to mind. I am sure they want somebody more compliant there and there was a coup attempt. Obviously we were behind the coup that overthrew the Russia friendly govt in Ukraine. Biden once said that during that time he "spent more time talking with Ukraine than he did with his own wife," and we have the Nuland transcript, not to mention the Ukraine on Fire footage.

We live in an empire of lies. As citizens of the empire, we enjoy a high standard of material wealth. The empire requires non-stop war. They lie to us about it. We are not allowed to vote on it. Obama was elected in large part as a reaction to Iraq in 2008, Democrats took over Congress in 2006 certainly as a reaction to Iraq. Yet the empire went ahead and picked a regime change fight in Syria which produced millions of refugees and destabilized Europe. Let's not even talk about what NATO did in Libya. Trump ordered troops out of Syria and the military simply ignored him and lied to him. Trump was anathema to whoever the eminence grise is who runs the empire, he was a simple businessman who only wanted prosperity through peace, he could not be countenanced.

I am voting for Tulsi Gabbard if Trump is not on offer.

Quayle म्हणाले...

We're such ignorant hypocrites in the U.S. We talk a good game about democracy, but when it comes to stability in some other region, we couldn't care less whether they have or don't have democracy. We'll sacrifice their democracy for our desired stability. Case in point: Egypt.

Kai Akker म्हणाले...

Reminiscent of The X Files "Smoking Man" character. If only Bolton had been as good at it. Or been kept far, far away from the fun and games, as these types think of them.

Support for our friends, opposition to our enemies, that's all good -- if we had more Presidents wise enough to know them apart, unlike Obama and Biden. But you can only wonder how much damage, net, our cloak-and-dagger aficionados have caused us and others, worldwide, in their zeal. It is too much stretch, for me, to imagine that they have been net-positives.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

It is all in his book, Bolton says. This just in folks: our national security apparatus destabilizes and breaks the laws of other countries. And now they are doing it in the USA, too.

Did they ever get to the "armed insurrectionists" in those phony-baloney Jan 6 hearings? Megyn Kelly said yesterday that they never asked Pat Cipollone to confirm Cassidy Hutchinson's water cooler gossip report.

Didn't the only shot on January 6 fired come from a trigger-happy Capitol cop who killed a lady? Is Biden going to give him the Presidential Medal, too? That was some armed insurrection!

We have always known that the way to get to the bottom of something is to let a Michael Moore-type pull together out-of-context clips and phony narratives to make a good story. The Jan 6 Commission is the "2,000 Mules" of congressional investigations.

Mike Sylwester म्हणाले...

The main public justification for the first impeachment of President Trump was that he was using US Government resources to collect dirt about Hunter Biden that Trump could use politically against Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential election.

I speculate, however, that the fundamental justification was that President Trump eventually might discover that Vice President Biden had played a secret, significant role in supporting and encouraging the Maidan Uprising that removed Ukrainian President Yanukovych from his elected office in 2014.


President Trump was very critical of NATO and might be willing to begin processes to remove the USA gradually from NATO.

Furthermore, Trump eventually might reveal the secret role that the USA had played in the removal of pro-Russia Yanukovych from the Ukrainian Presidency.

Those are the real reasons why Vladimir Putin might have refrained from invading Ukraine if Trump still were the US President now.


Here again I will recommend an hour-long YouTube video titled Maidan Massacre. At least watch the two minutes beginning at 3:05 to see how violent the protests were.

The largest portion of this video is an attempt to determine who the snipers were who shot people at the scene. The conclusion was that their identities and motivations remain unknown.

You will see, however, that the snipers' primary targets were the law-enforcement officers who were trying to restrain the protestors.

Watching the entire hour-long video will be well worth your time.

TreeJoe म्हणाले...

I genuinely do not understand why this is a story.

Almost every single administration in the last 70 years has worked to overthrow foreign governments. Some were behind the scenes, some were open about it. Most commonly the effort was the deliberate supplying of funds and arms to resistance groups, but it's been overt as well. Libya comes to mind.

donald म्हणाले...

What’s piece of shit.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

It's not news that the US supports coups from time to time. Most of the time we probably shouldn't, but Democrats and Republicans both have been doing it since at least WWII.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Bolton is right. Trump could barely keep control of the executive branch and the military when he was the clearly elected President. The idea that he thought inciting a bunch of angry citizens to rush into the Capital Building would result in himself becoming a dictator supported by the people is preposterous. Trump's gifts were in the area of persuasion, public image, branding, things like that. Trump could read a political situation as well as anybody ever could. He would never have deluded himself into thinking he could just take over the government.
You'd have to have a lot of pieces in place to effect a coup. At a bare minimum you'd have to have the military on your side, you'd have to have people at the major agencies who run the government and keep the agencies functioning. You'd have to have enough of the media on your side to take control of the narrative. Trump had none of that.
Any coup in the US, that didn't result in civil war, would have to be a secret coup, not a overt one. If anyone had the ability to put the pieces in place to support such a coup, it was the rabid opposition to Trump within both parties and within the government.

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

Reminds me of when Trump was told Putin is a killer and he responded, “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country’s so innocent?”

We’re all Chomskyites now.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Hillary is cackling at Bolton’s admission. Qaddafi could not be reached for comment.

JAORE म्हणाले...

Bolton is one of hundreds of formerly relevant people I'd like to never see again.

gilbar म्हणाले...

You forgot Panama! Don't forget Panama!!
One of our bartenders had a boyfriend that JUMPED! into Panama

If it wasn't for Panama, the 82nd would STILL be getting flak from the Sky Soldiers in the 173rd!
(of course, my cousin in law Timmy (GOD rest his Soul), that Jumped during Junction City, would say that the All Americans weren't worth time it took to give them any flak.
Come to think about it, Enigma! You TOTALLY FORGOT vietnam. Cousin Timmy NEVER forgot vietnam, he did enough tours there

MikeR म्हणाले...

@tim in vermont "As citizens of the empire, we enjoy a high standard of material wealth. The empire requires non-stop war." Interesting comment. Why? What would happen if we just stopped those wars? All of them, for the sake of argument.

MikeR म्हणाले...

I don't usually respect Bolton, but his comment on Trump and Jan 6 is exactly correct. And, of course, perfectly obvious to anyone who isn't deranged.

Blair म्हणाले...

Most things that come out of that man's mouth are bovine excrement. Why would he be telling the truth this time, just because it suits a particular narrative?

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

The US backed coup which for everyone is currently paying a huge price the the one the CIA orchestrated along with John McCain and Lindsey Graham in Ukraine; 2013. John McCain was a warmongering asshole who spent his entire life keeping the cold war alive.

Oliver Stone’s “Ukraine on Fire does a good job showing the history of Ukraine and the 2013 CIA backed color revolution that pushed out the elected pro-Russian gov’t. It's on Rumble. YouTube banned it of course.

Former US Ukrainian ambassador Marie Yovanovitch has her dirty fingers all over it too. Remember she was a “star” witness at Trumps first sham impeachment.

I would bet anyone with a Ukrainian Flag in their profile either chooses to ignore the United States’ dirty hands in all of this, or just goes about virtue signaling comforted by willful ignorance.


Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Enigma said...

US in Iran (Trump -- killing of Soleimani)

Killing Soleimani was not a coup, and it was not an attempt to overthrow the Iranian Gov't. The guy was in Iraq, and Trump blew him up on a runway to PREVENT a war with Iran or reigniting Iraq. It worked. He didn't miss, and didn't kill women and children taking this guy out...like Biden did trying to save face in Afghanistan.

It was a shocking game changer. You're supposed to send in hundreds of thousands of pawns to die. You don't blow up the bishops and knights first thing. How gouache! The elites were offended because that's not how the game is supposed to be played. You're supposed to drop bombs and keep wars going to keep our Military Industrial Complex happy.

I noticed you skipped the 2013 US backed Ukrainian coup that took place under Obama. That's the biggest one. The US got exactly what it wanted. A war with Putin, where we send Ukrainian pawns to the front lines and spend shitloads on US manufactured weapons. Win-Win.

Wilbur म्हणाले...

No coup for you!

Mark म्हणाले...

So Bolton admits that he has no problem lying when it suits his purposes.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

"Reminiscent of The X Files "Smoking Man" character."

LOL! Well observed!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

This is hardly news, is it? Is it news only because they couldn't get Bolton, a true life Trump hater, to support the idea that anything that happened on January 6th was a coup?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Bolton. Yet another mistake by Trump.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

John Bolton has just admitted to being a party to criminal behavior.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Killing Soleimani was not a coup, and it was not an attempt to overthrow the Iranian Gov't. The guy was in Iraq, and Trump blew him up on a runway to PREVENT a war with Iran or reigniting Iraq. It worked."

It was murder and a war crime.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Cook has once again declared his allegiance to our enemies. God forbid we support overthrowing Maduro. He might refuse to sell us oil. Soleimani was killing our soldiers, a practice Cook supports.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"I genuinely do not understand why this is a story.

"Almost every single administration in the last 70 years has worked to overthrow foreign governments. Some were behind the scenes, some were open about it. Most commonly the effort was the deliberate supplying of funds and arms to resistance groups, but it's been overt as well. Libya comes to mind."

Yes, our history of international crimes is a long and sordid one, but it is unknown to most Americans, (or, if known, mostly either applauded or met with utter indifference).

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

"It was a murder and a war crime." Do you feel the same way about the Bin Laden raid? It was not as if Soleimani had not done worse to many others. It was revenge, like when the US shot down Admiral Yamamoto.

I never thought I'd see anyone go to the mat for Soleimani. Seeing that picture of his detached hand with the ring was one of the best things that happened in the past ten years.

n.n म्हणाले...

Obama/Biden's World War Springs (WWS) including coups without borders in progress.

Democrats, Pelosi, Antifa, Some, Select Lives Matter et al multitrimester national and District insurrections and coup attempts.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

Nobody in public life has disappointed me more than John Bolton.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

It was revenge, like when the US shot down Admiral Yamamoto.

Yamamoto wasn't about revenge, if so it probably wouldn't have happened. The reason why the attack was possible was because we had broken the Japanese codes, and knew what plane and where and when it would be. We were worried the Japanese would change their codes in response. It was finally decided that removing their most capable commander, and the one who knew America the best was worth the risk. There was nothing dishonorable or unseemly about Yamamoto's death, and not even the Japanese complain.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

Yes, our history of international crimes is a long and sordid one, but it is unknown to most Americans

Cite the point in history when empires and nation-states behaved any differently.

Narr म्हणाले...

Trump, without really meaning to, threatened the national security deepstate like no one else could. (Bernie? Give me a break.)

And that deepstate had already turned against it's own populace, as they always do. People who make a habit of subverting other countries eventually turn their skills and methods inward.

What goes around comes around.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

" Do you feel the same way about the Bin Laden raid? It was not as if Soleimani had not done worse to many others. It was revenge, like when the US shot down Admiral Yamamoto."

Yes, I do feel the same about the bin Laden raid. He should have been apprehended and put on trial.

"Revenge" is not a legal rationale for murder.

Kai Akker म्हणाले...

---Nobody in public life has disappointed me more than John Bolton. [Gahrie]

Not Bill Barr? Not Paul Ryan? Not Mitt Romney? Not John Roberts? Not David Souter? Not Denny Hastert? Not Sarah Palin? Not George Bush I?

That list could go on a long way, couldn't it?

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Cite the point in history when empires and nation-states behaved any differently."

I don't claim otherwise. However, we are always crowing about how different we are, how we behave lawfully, we are the great historical exception to the international bad actors historically and currently, etc., etc. If we are going to commit murder, and plot to overthrow foreign governments, and directly and indirectly bring about the torture and death of citizens of other nations, as we do, we should at least call it what it is. We cannot claim greater moral virtue than any other nation that commits murders.

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

It was murder and a war crime.

Yeah, no. It was called that reflexively at the time, but Iranian claims under international law have gone nowhere even in the most sympathetic world forums. The United States had an agreement with Iraq to defend it against foreign military intervention, and Soleimani made the mistake of intervening. He chose poorly.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Robert Cook said...[killing Soleimani]..was murder and a war crime.

Thanks for conceding it was not an attempted coup against the Iranian gov't by Trump and didn't belong to be grouped as such. That was the point to my comment. Awesome dude. I'm on a roll.

Trump blowing Soleimani to pcs on and Iraq runway was a kick-ass "war-crime". Probably prevented escalation and the deaths of thousands. But hey, that's beside he point. Right Bob???

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed म्हणाले...

" We cannot claim greater moral virtue than any other nation that commits murders."

Sure we can. Only America-haters such as yourself can't figure out how to make that simple and obvious moral argument.

Cookie - supporting the Blame America First crew since forever and a day.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Trump blowing Soleimani to pcs on and Iraq runway was a kick-ass 'war-crime.' Probably prevented escalation and the deaths of thousands."

Assumes facts not in evidence.

mikee म्हणाले...

GW Bush and his advisors should never be forgiven for allowing the 2002 coup against Chavez to fail.

M Jordan म्हणाले...

Bolton is such a moron. He takes umbrage at the idea that it doesn’t take brains to attempt a coup. Is there anyone of the “expert” class that isn’t flat out ridiculous?

realestateacct म्हणाले...

I have a more respect for folks like Gordon Liddy or Oliver North who keep their mouths shut about what they have done for their country.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"GW Bush and his advisors should never be forgiven for allowing the 2002 coup against Chavez to fail."

They should never be forgiven for having been involved in the coup attempt.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"I have a more respect for folks like Gordon Liddy or Oliver North who keep their mouths shut about what they have done for their country."

They didn't do anything for their country.

Michael K म्हणाले...

They didn't do anything for their country.

Ollie North did. He helped defeat your communist boys in Nicaragua. Gordon Liddy followed orders and took his punishment like a man.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Cook has certainly given evidence today that he qualifies for a job in this administration. Comptroller of the Currency with a Moscow U degree, for another.

I fear that the Cooks in this regime might be successful in their goal to destroy the US. Cook will be cheering them on until he starves to death.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Ollie North did. He helped defeat your communist boys in Nicaragua."

North actively committed crimes by participating in the illegal US efforts to overthrow the elected government of Nicaragua, during which innocent citizens were executed by the Contras we helped and funded...and then lying about it later to Congress. This was not done "for" our country. It was simply the US showing it would not tolerate any governments in our hemisphere that were not sanctioned by the US.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"I fear that the Cooks in this regime might be successful in their goal to destroy the US."

The US will be destroyed by our government's ongoing overreach in trying to dominate the world...as we can see in the history of failed empires. Unfortunately, we may take the rest of the world down with us as we fall, either because of unstoppable unintended consequences or by intent.