I found that at "Gavin Newsom’s TV ad slamming DeSantis fills a void among Democrats" (WaPo).
I was going to end this post with just: "Catch up!"
But that made me think of Trump.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I found that at "Gavin Newsom’s TV ad slamming DeSantis fills a void among Democrats" (WaPo).
I was going to end this post with just: "Catch up!"
But that made me think of Trump.
९० टिप्पण्या:
Keeping Trump and DeSantis viable candidates for as long as possible means the Democrats have to divide their money, attention and vitriol.
LEt me be the first to suggest he take Beto aboard as Veep. The pair would be quite the road act, unless granny-killer Andrew Cuomo is somehow rehabbed in time for 2024.
Gavin Newsom's own state wanted to recall him, and would have had he not been backed (always) by Gettys family money, power, and connections. His state has bled productive people and companies over the past few years, many of them fleeing to Florida and Texas. His state is in decline. It's a mess. Civil society has broken down in it's main cities. The schools, once the top of the national pyramid are seeing people leave in droves, choosing private schools or leaving the state. His budget surplus is there only because of a giant bail out by the Feds and the golden goose of tax dollars that resides in Silicon Valley. It is not due to a well-managed state. And of course, the taxes and property values are both too high. So high that unless you have your home and business in place, you'll not be able to start up a new one today. And his idea of security is to open his borders, proclaim California a sanctuary state, and allow for free health care, education, and housing for anyone coming in. That's not management. That's chaos, which seem to be the only thing Democrats are good at developing.
Florida is the exact opposite of California in so many respects. Free. Low tax. Encourages entrepreneurship. And is attracting more and more of the best and brightest in many fields. The Governor here continues to work to keep the family secure in this state, and is not afraid to point out that fads demanded from on high may not actually be in the best interest of all the people.
What Newsom's ad points out is the size of his ego, the obtuseness of his thinking, and a total lack of understanding of his own work and what is has wrought. That he and his handlers would even think the rest of the nation wants to look like California today tells me that he doesn't leave Napa very often to check out his own state. What I've seen there is not what I would wish on anyone.
Sadly, some people will actually believe Governor Hair Gel. Not enough to win Florida, but enough to get him the nomination, if Biden and Harris get out of the way.
What a sack of lies!
"Restricting speech in classrooms"
- Restricting over-sexualized topics that are wholly inappropriate for young children.
Each one of Gavin's BS talking points can be batted down with an honest retort.
The left have nothing but lies.
wendybar said in an earlier post...
SCOOP: @GavinNewsom is on vacation in Montana. His office had been loath to disclose the location until now.
Montana is one of 22 states to which CA bans state-funded travel due to anti-LGBTQ+ policies. It's also likely to institute an abortion ban.
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— Emily Hoeven (@emily_hoeven) July 6, 2022
Well, why not? He has successfully run California into the ground, it's natural for him to set his sights higher.
Like Pulp Fiction, the high level of praise Ron DeSantis receives is completely unwarranted.
Didn't Newsom say, just a few days ago, that he had no interest in running? Dear Gavin: how can we miss you if you won't go away?
In any case, I suggest campaign videos of beach lockdowns, COVID Stasi raiding California bars, rail car porch pirates and ships congregated at harbors waiting for an open berth.
He's a lying elite hypocrite vacationing in a state that HE refuses to let California do business with because of their stance on “one of 22 states to which CA bans state-funded travel due to anti-LGBTQ+ policies. It’s also likely to institute an abortion ban”:
He forced people to stay home, whilst he was out partying unmasked at the elite French Laundry Restaurant. If people want California policies...MOVE there. He is ruining California, so if progressive idiots are dumb enough to vote for him, they get what they deserve. Shit in the streets for EVERYBODY!!!!@
The saying is ‘Make America Florida’ not ‘Make America San Francisco’. Good luck, Dapper Dan!
The Dems are the party of Inflation, High Gas Prices, High Crime, Closed Schools, Open Borders and Gender Benders.
Willie Brown’s Other Protege isn’t much better than Kamala and both are worse than Biden.
The Dems have to change their policies. They are disastrous.
Oh wow. He’d be horrible for the GOP. Gavin Newsom as the top of the DNC ticket would destroy all challengers. He is more mentally competent than Biden. He has more executive experience than Harris and Buttigieg. He is less corrupt than Clinton. I hope they don’t throw us into that briar patch. I rather face Klobuchar.
Navin Gruesom is but a hair gel stain on the Road to the Presidency for DeSantis.
Bringing California values to the great unwashed.
Today: "San Diego Loses 22% Of Its Police Force Due To Vax Mandates"
Newsome is a self absorbed elitist fuck… he’s been running for President his whole life. If he wins it’ll be because he got 200,000,000 mail in votes.
He has no ideas and doesn’t give a shit about anyone he doesn’t know personally (and doesn’t give a shit about most of the people he knows personally either). Everything he does is contrived and intended to amass more power.
Can’t wait til we can say we’re not voting for him because he’s an old white male landowner.
just have a commercial showing him flouting his own edicts.
The seals will still clap of course.
The very first DeSantis campaign add will feature a half hour bike ride through a a ten mile long Los Angeles squatter encampment. The second campaign buy will be a 15 second clip of a giy taking a dump on the sidewalk in San Francisco. No voice overs for either one.
If Newsome's pitch affects any Florida residents (I doubt it will), it will do nothing but make Florida even redder. And California bluer (if that is even possible).
On the one hand, I can't think of a better 2024 litmus test: should the US be more like Florida or California? The downside to that is just how screwed we will be if it chooses the latter. But the upside of a Newsome vs. Desantis contest is Trump not being part of the story. Which I'm betting Trump will be incapable of letting happen.
Having a dinner party at the French Laundry while everyone else is in lockdown misery is all I need to know about him. If we vote him in, we get exactly what we deserve.
Newsom might not even be able to win the primary in his home state, but he's supposed to win nationally? Who outside of a handful of reliably Democratic states look at California and think, "that's what I want here!"?
Newsom has as much chance of being the Democratic nominee as Bloomberg did the last go-round. As much chance as AOC or de Blasio have. Seriously, how do these people touting Newsom manage to build careers out of their political acumen?
When you have NOTHING else, get Nasty Nancy's nephew (by marriage) to take the reins of destroying what is left of the country.
Newsom suffers from the same high self-esteem issue did Kamala Harris did when she ran. California is a political snow globe. Pols think it's the whole country.
This unctuous nothing, programmed only with select words and phrases, will travel less well than Harris did. And ain't no one choosing him as VP running mate. It will be a giddy pleasure to see him forced to confront the realization, "They don't like me, they really don't like me."
(You can confirm the righteousness of this prediction by watching any video of Newsom with the sound off. The disingenuousness just jumps off the screen.)
His bet is that Republicans in some state will go too far and, say, criminalize going out of state for an abortion. That would be played up in the media and rouse Democrat voters. Add the necessary voter fraud, and Governor Hair Gel becomes President Cream Rinse.
Make Sidewalk Shitting Great Again
The real speech police in classrooms everywhere? No conservative viewpoints allowed.
Washington post promoting their candidates. SSDD
I have to believe that the opposition research agains Newsom would be like shooting fish in a barrel.
Guilfoyle alone should have enough coke-fueled orgy videos to take him out.
Of course, that might gain him votes as well.
Beto will run after he gets beaten AGAIN. It’s not as if he has anything to do. Democrats want to shut down highways, not build them.
No doubt he's running. He's been running since he first got into politics in San Francisco. With the gerontacracy running the Democrat party he's actually a pretty attractive candidate. He'll run on the huge budget surplus ( most of which is from federal COVID spending ) and all the jobs created ( after he shut down the states business during COVID ).
Tim Maguire, I think you're mistaken. Newsom won the recall against Larry Elder and a 100 other candidates and got nearly 60% of the vote. Don't count him out. Besides he has Getty money and Pelosi money behind him. Always has.
Yes, of course. Because everyone in this country has been exclaiming, "I wish our state was more like California! They have more homeless than anyone and even have maps to help them avoid the poo on the streets".
Dear God, please let Gavin Newsom run. The California dreaming, $8 gas, no more nuclear, free everything, no police candidate will be beat like a rented mule. Oh, and please God, let the Dems burn through billions to promote him. Amen.
If de Blasio can do it...
If you want a pres who makes gas expensive and shuts down the economy, Newsom is your man.
Democrats are afflicted with cognitive dissonance, also called Donkeypox, of which this ad is a prime example.
This link explains it "very well": verywellhealth.com/cognitive-dissonance-5248814
I am on record on Althouse from last year that Newsom will be the Democratic nominee in 2024.
Tim Maguire,
The DNC just has to select him and, voila, everyone else drops out.
Meh, so he went on vacation to visit family.
Newsome is the epitome of the entitled psychopath, so far removed from the governed that he's incapable of relating to them in any meaningful way, and so successfully insulated by his family and in-law Democrat-machine dynasties that he withstands public scrutiny. He'll get the same red carpet on the National stage, I'd wager. But past the teeth and the hair, he's an empty, ambitious shell with no ideas, just hunger.
I agree with Russell. DeSantis/Newsom would be a clear choice for those moderates in the middle - the self described independents.
As has been said before, the ads would write themselves. Also, as I've said before, the D nominee will be either Newsom, Polis or a businessperson like Mark Cuban. Or maybe General Miley. He's woke enough for the D's and can be packaged as a patriot to the middle.
He's good-looking, has a good voice and he publicly thanked President Trump for his aid in the CA wildfires - which alone would make an effective campaign commercial to Republicans. The nation's gonna vote moderate in 2024 and he'll come across as one, as he would say, "whether you like it or not."
The ad is almost completely about left-wing issues and themes. Nothing about taxes, the economy, things that appeal to "average" voters. Sounds like he's running in the Democratic primary, positioning himself as the Democrat to represent the "AOC wing" against the presumptive Republican nominee. Probably not a bad primary strategy, but it might not sell in the general.
To me he is so slick, he could probably lube a hundred tractor-trailers.
The best shot for Democrats in 2024 would be to run Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts for President. But I don’t think the Sanders/AOC wing can get on board for an unorthodox move like that. It would rather have 4 more years of Trump.
The nation's gonna vote moderate in 2024 and he'll come across as one, as he would say, "whether you like it or not."
And the "Bullet Train" is going to be a symbol of California's "Moderation"
Interested Bystander- some quick points.
He will be running in 2024. The surplus will be gone by then and so will the COVID lockdown favorable job creation stats.
Winning a recall with 60% of the votes is not good. It means that at least 40% of the people want you gone and would take anyone over you. They don't even want you to finish your term. A 60/40 win is not something to be proud of.
I think he would run if they made it easy for him to win- if the skids were greased for him. He won't run if he actually has to compete in the primaries though. Too much hard work.
He would get creamed in an election vs. Desantis. Against Trump I am unsure because there are still people who would vote for Satan rather than Trump.
Interested Bystander said...Tim Maguire, I think you're mistaken. Newsom won the recall against Larry Elder and a 100 other candidates and got nearly 60% of the vote. Don't count him out. Besides he has Getty money and Pelosi money behind him. Always has.
Which means 40% voted to recall. And that's WITH Getty and Pelosi money screaming that a vote to recall is a vote for Trump. Getty and Pelosi money will get him far less in presidential primaries.
Expect more of these kind of stories as Dem leadership and media quietly force Old Joe into retirement.
Yancey Ward said...Tim Maguire, The DNC just has to select him and, voila, everyone else drops out.
That's how it worked last time, but the DNC has to select him first. The DNC didn't select Biden despite his being a doddering old fool, they selected him because he was a doddering old fool. What are Newsom's stooge credentials? What makes him stand out from, say, Kamala Harris?
He has an interesting way of talking and it's obvious that he's been working on his speaking voice lately. He has a strange cadence, almost like Shatner, and he peppers his speeches with corporate-speak phrases like "meet the moment" and "Period. Full stop."
He screwed his best friends wife.
I'm pinning my hopes on Newsome's incredibly irritating speaking style. Whenever he's speaking off the cuff, like during his covid press events, I wanted to shake him and scream "Shut up! Why can't you just Shut Up?"
But he never did. Dude loves the sound of his own voice.
Aggie, yes, exactly. He's Pelosi dynasty involved, is just about padding the already bloated corruption of those ties.
Whomever the dems run will lose. 2024 will be the changiest of change elections.
Just wait until DeSantis decides to run commercials against Newsome. Entirely different Ball Game. The coasts won't see what hit them.
He's basically a scam artist and people pleaser. Exactly what the American Public demands of it's leadership.
Back in the dim recesses of the legendary past, a reporter (Roger Mudd?) was almost able to derail Ted Kennedy's presidential campaign by asking him a hard question or two. Nobody is willing to do that now. How all the empty suits would crumple -- Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Buttigieg, Fauci, Newsom -- if somebody in the media were willing to ask a few serious questions.
As a Californian, I'd be happy if Newsom campaigns as a moderate, as he'd have to show some moderate governing over the next few years to back it up.
'He screwed his best friends wife.'
He's a politician...what did you expect...the Spanish Inquisition?
How many Florida police are sent to arrest one man on a sailboard, for being outside, and offshore?
How many fathers were handcuffed in front of the children for being in a public park?
How many skateboard parks in Florida were filled with sand when citizens ignored the government closure order?
How many restaurants in Florida were closed while dense packed catering tents were allowed to be set up outside for a movie production?
During the CA recall campaign, Larry Elder was called by the LA Times, "The black face of white supremacy." That may fly in CA but not in many pink or red states.
"Moderate Democrat" is a problematic phrase now, at least where politicians are concerned. Not being AOC doesn't make you a "moderate" where social (crime, trans, abortion) and environmental issues are concerned. It would also be hard for Newsom to dissociate himself from California's follies and failures. Plus, the blindingly White Newsom will have real trouble with African-American voters.
Lurker21- I agree but I also think the reporters of today are not as smart or knowledgeable as in the past. The few times I have seen them try to be aggressive they often don't ask the right questions. For example, Cavuto on Fox interviewed Buttigieg yesterday. Buttigiet kept blaming oil companies for the price increase and talked bout how they just need to drill more. Cavuto tried to push back but kept stumbling. All he needed to do was read the quotes from the administration about putting the industry and fossil fuels out of business and then ask- why would anyone invest millions of dollars to pump oil in a business environment where your own government says they will eventually put you out of business?
The obvious questions don't get asked. I think even the reporters and commentators who want to be aggressive don't have time to do the homework to drill down on the right question.
To what Lurker21 wrote at 12:08,
"Governor Newsom, welcome, sir, to this primary debate. I would like to start off with asking you how you handle being so handsome and well mannered. Also, if you could, tell us your favorite color, and how Ron DeSantis hates the colors of the rainbow."
"Just wait until DeSantis decides to run commercials against Newsome."
What, the ads that will be called disinformation and not allowed to run anywhere?
"Just wait until DeSantis decides to run commercials against Newsome."
What, the ads that will be called disinformation and not allowed to run anywhere?
Michael K @10:56 said: "And the "Bullet Train" is going to be a symbol of California's "Moderation"
C'mon now. What's more moderate than a high-speed train ride between Merced and Bakersfield?
Perhaps the 2024 Dem nomination will come down to a choice between two Californians -- VP Harris and Gov Newsome. What a mud-wrestle that will be. Hard to see the white guy coming out on top, and even if that were to happen, the identity-voters in Dem-land will throw even more mud at him for his gross violation of Dem ethnicity preference rules.
They've got themselves into quite a hole. Their only hope is that the Reps nominate Trump again. It would be truly pathetic if 2024 came down again to a choice between a weak Dem and a narcissitic Trump.
This is why we Californicators have been transitioning to red states.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Back in the dim recesses of the legendary past, a reporter (Roger Mudd?) was almost able to derail Ted Kennedy's presidential campaign by asking him a hard question or two. Nobody is willing to do that now. How all the empty suits would crumple -- Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Buttigieg, Fauci, Newsom -- if somebody in the media were willing to ask a few serious questions.
Mudd asked Teddy why he wanted to be POTUS and Teddy (The Lion of the Senate) could not come up with a coherent answer. He answered just like Kamala and Little Petie would if they had not already rehearsed a response.
Roger Mudd was a liberal who did not want to derail Teddy. Nowdays, they vet those questions with the DNC first so as not to have the same disaster.
“(You can confirm the righteousness of this prediction by watching any video of Newsom with the sound off. The disingenuousness just jumps off the screen.)”
That’s no jump, the disingenuousness quickly congeals into an oleaginous pool.
Please don't tell me he's been getting speech coaching. My worst fear, like the Cold War Guy who said his biggest fear was that the Soviets would discover Public Relations.
“What are Newsom's stooge credentials? What makes him stand out from, say, Kamala Harris?”
He uses less ChapStick®?
The immediate reaction of Mudd to the Kennedy interview – the biggest thing in his career - is interesting. Mudd thought the interview had gone badly from his, Mudd's, point of view. I doubt very much he wanted to be tough on Ted Kennedy. See: Ted Kennedy: The Day the Presidency Was Lost - ABC News (go.com) https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/TedKennedy/story?id=8436488
"I think even the reporters and commentators who want to be aggressive don't have time to do the homework to drill down on the right question."
A quibble; they don't make the time, as they should. It is their freakin' job, after all.
Richard Dolan: "They've got themselves into quite a hole. Their only hope is that the Reps nominate Trump again. It would be truly pathetic if 2024 came down again to a choice between a weak Dem and a narcissitic Trump."
You mean "narcissistic and most conservative Republican President since Reagan, and arguably more conservative in policy than Reagan".
But hey, icky tweets. We get it.
Lets nominate a dem-approved and well behaved republican like Kasich.
I love nothing more than having a republican nominee that despises the republican base more than democrats.
That would certainly be the "respectable" thing to do.
This idea may have been posted already, but I believe Newsome only escaped recall because the voters (Californians, after all) were reminded that the health of Dianne Feinstein is fading fast both physically and intellectually. In a senate with a 50-50 split, all she needs is a pulse and someone to indicate her vote for the Dem party line. And who was it that brought this to the attention of California and rest of the country? Larry Elder! Elder was very close in the polls til about a 2 weeks before the recall vote he tried to use the Feinstein factor as a fund raising bid to the rest of the country: recall Newsome, win the senate majority! His numbers declined from that point forward.
Blogger PM said...
Michael K @10:56 said: "And the "Bullet Train" is going to be a symbol of California's "Moderation"
C'mon now. What's more moderate than a high-speed train ride between Merced and Bakersfield?
If only... The Bullet Train construction stands as California's Stonehenge.
Well he's pretty, per a couple of female friends.
That's worth 35+ percent all by itself.
I absolutely love this ad. Takes guts. Which most Republicans don't have, including DeSantis. He is a bully.
Vicki from Pasadena
Yes, I'm a Democrat and live in California. It wasn't the people of the state of California who tried to recall Newsom, it was the Republican party,(as pitiful as they are), backed by Trump, in the State of California who tried to get him recalled. Epic Fail, EPIC FAIL
Lying tube of hair gel.
Takes guts.
Ah yes, guts of the flavor described by the great Tom Lehrer in his introduction to "Folk Song Army:
"It takes a certain amount of courage to get up in a coffee house or a college auditorium and come out in favor of the things that everybody else in the audience is against, like peace and justice and brotherhood and so on."
If you listen to the audio, those words are dripping with sarcasm. He would, without a doubt, be a Newsom voter by the way.
I'm sure that vicki from Pasadena agrees with the LA Times that Larry Elder was "the black face of white supremacy."
Democrats have not changed and are still angry at Republicans for freeing their slaves.
Californian's and that includes your average Newsom voter don't really understand how toxic the word "California" has become. I spoke to a shell shocked neighbor who came back from a trip in Tennessee complain about how vilified California is. He doesn't understand "where does all this hostility come from?"
So yeah, by all means run Newsom. You can add him to President Nelson Rockefeller and President Hillary Clinton who bought their way into the white house.
Unlike Joe Biden, DeSantis does not shower with and sexualize his daughter.
This angers victoria from Pasadena. She said this was perfectly normal and was proud of the Biden's.
And I havent even mentioned Hunter's use of underage Chinese and Russian trafficked girls, which victoria cares not a whit about.
Just another day in a "normal" democratical household.
"Takes guts."
Did it take guts for Newsom to disregard his own COVID rules? On several occasions?
Did his disregard bother you at all? Or did you take it as, Strong Leader?
Larry Elder was too conservative for California. Also, Coastal California is die-hard Democrat country. Newsom didn't hurt the pocketbooks of affluent Democrats enough for them to vote to recall him. The state has changed since Reagan -- and even since Schwarzenegger. The old middle class is gone, or doesn't have the influence it once did.
This reminds of how Chicago ran an ad in the Dallas Morning News for businesses to flee backwards, abortion-hating, voter-suppressing, COVID-ignoring Texas for the "business friendly" progressive Chicago.
Chicago did get a lot of publicity out of it, and I am sure that a full-page Sunday ad is not too, too expensive. But did one single Texas business move because of it? Just money in the pockets of Texans.
Similar to the money brought in by Progressive candidates for Governer/Senator. Lots of publicity, not much effect, although in this case, there is always a chance the Republican candidate will have to drop out at the last minute, too late to find a replacement.
Larry Elder allowed himself to get walked over.
He did not punch back. He could have taken some lessons from Trump. But, he kept himself above it all.
And his "take back" did not help.
And he got heavily outspent.
Not to mention the issue of voter fraud. We have an election system in CA that is impossible to audit.
I don't think "freedom" means exactly what Governor Hair-gel thinks it means.
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