८ जुलै, २०२२

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can write about whatever you like in the comments.

२२ टिप्पण्या:

Drago म्हणाले...

Hunter Biden called his stepmother Jill Biden a “vindictive moron” and a “selfish, silly entitled c*nt” in text messages obtained by The Sun.

Remember, Hunter Biden us "the smartest man" Joe Biden ever met.

Probably because Joe and Hunter share a common interest in young girls.

Even family member young girls, according to immediate Biden family members themselves.

Interesting note: Inga, gadfly and victoria from Pasadena praised the Biden's for their "normalcy".

Achilles म्हणाले...

The trailer video is at the bottom.

It is actually kinda funny and I don't laugh at these things typically.

It is a comedian who jokes about abortion and he bought the rights to his content back because the streaming service wanted to censor his content.

We could call it a test of Ann's "cruel neutrality."

farmgirl म्हणाले...

I really like the closeness of the water.
It’s a lovely spot. Water has a lovely smell- at least I think so.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...


Jimmy म्हणाले...

Probably old news to Althouse readers, but I just heard Musk has withdrawn his Twitter bid.
His lawyer sent a letter to the SEC, stating Twitter has not given him all the data he requested on Bots.
Twitter is taking him to court- there is a One Billion dollar walk away fee.
Re: comment on Tik Tok harvesting data: of course they do, they are CCP owned. I don't care for the app, but I'm sure there are other apps I use that do the same. online privacy seems to be a dead issue-tech companies just assume we are the product and treat us as such.

Narr म्हणाले...

Local NPR affiliate is pushing the J6 hearings as if they're being paid for it. Many reminders that they will have live coverage of all the proceedings.

For most of my life I felt a sort of American tribalism as well as a pretty conventional civic patriotism, based on the premise that with few exceptions most of the people I disagreed with about politics shared most of my values and argued in good faith.

How naive that seems now. The system has been deliberately sabotaged by the Ds in their greed and ambition, just like they did in 1860. Biden might as well be painting targets on the backs of the Dobbs majority justices.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm going whole hog tribal from now on. Civic patriotism is a fool's game when dealing with what the Ds have become, and what they intend.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Beautiful night on the lake up here in northern WI.

Glad you're keeping tabs on Mendota.

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a little long, but it has some truly hilarious moments. If you're a Nicolas Cage fan, you will especially like it. It's his Being John Malkovich, very meta. If you are a fan of German Expressionist silent films, the special features will make you laugh, too.

gilbar म्हणाले...

Interesting note: Inga, gadfly and victoria from Pasadena praised the Biden's for their "normalcy"

Well, if a family's details are pretty much EXACTLY like yours, (Drugs, Incest, Bribery, etc);
Then that family seems to you to exhibit "normalcy"

madAsHell म्हणाले...

Another sign of inflation.......

The panhandlers no longer ask for your spare change. Today, I was assaulted with “Gimme a buck!”.

Yeah, I’m in Portland. Nothing, but fat chicks with tattoos.

Mark म्हणाले...

Ran across one of those peach trucks on Monroe Street near the old custard stand Tuesday, made my first ever peach pie tonight with my teen daughter.

It was nice to make a great memory as it's not always smooth sailing with a high schooler in the house.

Those peaches are worth making the effort for, assume they will be back 11 AM Tuesday as will I.

Buckwheathikes म्हणाले...


I'll put it here then.

You really need to rethink your addiction to Tik-Tok. Do you consider yourself a thought-leader in the United States? I would think that you do, or that at least you should. You've spent your life trying to lead people, to teach people. A person doesn't do those things if they're not aware of their own ability to lead. Where are you leading people? Is Tik-Tok enlightening?

Tik-Tok isn't good for you. Since you've been posting about Tik-Tok, I've noticed a lot of weird posts. Not only about Tik-Tok. But about your personal life. Tik-Tok isn't good for you. It's not good for the people who look up to you.

I'm surprised, frankly, that you've given yourself over to such mindless drivel. You need to take a break from it. I know that I haven't clicked on a single one of those links. And I never will. I've seen what it does to people. It's not good.

Maybe you're going through something in your advancing years. I would have no way of knowing. But this is not the way. You are down the wrong path. Turn back. I beseech you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Wise words from the big guy

readering म्हणाले...

Musk's termination letter from Skadden addressed to Twitter and filed with SEC. Twitter will sue for specific performance of the contract or damages of difference between sale price and trading price. Well exceeding $1B. A bold better on Twitter's litigation success could buy on today's stock drop. Vulture funds pay lawyers to analyze that play. There will probably be separate shareholder suits and derivative actions. Musk raised money by selling Teams shares near the deal when more valuable. That gives him cash to negotiate towards a settlement.

Of course comments are cheap. Check out the comments closer to deal announcement.

gadfly म्हणाले...

Car & Driver reports that a bill currently in the works in the North Carolina legislature would allocate $50,000 to get rid of free public EV chargers unless free gas pumps are built alongside.

Sponsor Ben Moss isn't saying that free public Level 2 chargers, with plans in the works to convert to paid kiosks, definitely need to get crushed by a monster truck. That rule only comes into play if a town refuses to build free gas and diesel pumps next to the EV chargers. So anyway, warm-up El Toro Loco, we're smashin' some car zappers!

Just kidding! Ben Moss cares about the innocent consumers being harmed by these hypothetical free chargers—namely, any customer who arrived via an internal-combustion vehicle, on foot, or in a sedan chair. Why are EV drivers gaining some advantage based on a battery decision they made? That's not how life works.

Rt41Rebel म्हणाले...

Chef's kiss to Ann for promoting Tic Tok on her blog daily.

gadfly म्हणाले...

gilbar said...
Interesting note: Inga, gadfly, and victoria from Pasadena praised the Bidens for their "normalcy"

Well, if a family's details are pretty much EXACTLY like yours, (Drugs, Incest, Bribery, etc); Then that family seems to you to exhibit "normalcy"

I don't like the Bidens much so I don't comment on Slow Joe much, but when I think about your deliberate distortion, gilbar, I suppose that "more normal than the Trumps" works for me.

I do recall that I made a comment once that fathers often bathe baby girls but that is not incestuous. As for incest, I published a picture, one of many, that displayed Trump strangely holding teenage Ivanka on his lap. Donald Trump also told radio host Howard Stern in 2004 that it was okay for Stern to refer to his daughter Ivanka as “a piece of ass.”

And do you really believe that Trump's failsons, Uday and Qusay, didn't regularly suck down cocaine?

And then there are the brides accepted by Trump and the Javankas from the Qataris and the Saudis for well over $2 billion. Let's also not forget the money laundering that went with Trump's mafia friends and with the Russians. And on and on and ... until Donnie gets his 11,780 votes.

"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by."

wendybar म्हणाले...

Did XI have Shinzo Abe assassinated?? HMMMMMMM.......https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/revealed-chatter-chinese-twitter-shinzo-abe-completing-task-posted-17-hours-shinzo-abe-assassination/

wendybar म्हणाले...

Here's a REAL modern day lynch mob....https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/new-black-panthers-mob-storms-senior-living-center-search-emmett-tills-accuser-1950s/

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

Bathing a baby and showering with an 11 year old are two very different things, and one photo of a daughter on her father's lap doesn't out perv a lifetime of hair sniffing.

It's easy to assume without evidence that the children rich have tried cocaine and other drugs in their youth. If they are still doing it at 50 and have to go to rehab, that is a sign of a more serious problem.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Speaking of mindless drivel,” buckwheat, you’re denouncing something as drivel that you admit you have never seen. By your own confession, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

As for weird posts about my personal life, point to some specific posts. I’m curious to see them!

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Blogger farmgirl said..."I really like the closeness of the water."

That's one of the charms of a canoe. Love my canoes, especially the solo.