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StephenFearby বলেছেন...

What Woke Nonsense Has Come To...

Daily Mail UPDATED: 19:50 EDT, 13 May 2022

Wisconsin mom says son, 13, was accused of SEXUAL HARASSMENT and hit with Title XI sexual harassment complaint for refusing to refer to non-binary classmate by 'they/them' pronouns

A Wisconsin school district lodged a Title IX complaint against three middle school students for using the wrong pronouns while addressing another student

Three Kiel Middle School students are being investigated for what the school has termed 'sexual assault' in connection to the incident

They include eighth grader, Bradon Rabidoux, 13, who is among those accused
Bradon's mother, Rosemary said that the district had taken things too far by filing such a complaint


"Kiel is a city in Calumet and Manitowoc counties in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The population was 3,738 at the 2010 census. Of this, 3,429 residents lived in Manitowoc County, and 309 residents lived in Calumet County. Wikipedia"

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

Query for the Althouse Irregulars:
There has been much speculation concerning the purpose and intended effect of the SCOTUS leak.
Most assume that the Leaker is a lefty who is trying to gin up a furor and get a mind changed, but I have read mostly on the lefty web that they suspect it's a righty mostly 'cos anything evil is from the right.
The leaker has taken pains to remain anonymous, and has been successful so far. My question is- why would a righty leaker trust a lefty publication like Politico to keep his/her secret?
It has to be from a lefty source, in my view, if only because it was leaked to a lefty website.
What am I missing, or is the suggestion that the leaker is a righty just more gaslighting from the side who seeks to destroy fundamentally transform America?

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

This guy knows how to build a bird house


The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

You know what would sound kind of funny… probably.

The voice of Alexa reciting the 10 commandments.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"It has to be from a lefty source, in my view, if only because it was leaked to a lefty website."

If it was someone on the right, they'd have been identified, doxxed and there'd be protests ongoing at their home right now. Is that happening? No? Well, there you go.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Well now, West Tex, you seem sure about all this far-right reasoning.

However, the first suspect out of the box was Chief Justice Roberts who supposedly wants a more watered-down version of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case to go no further than Mississippi's new abortion law permits.

As for Politico, it has never been leftist and the company's recent sale to German publisher Axel Springer was conditional on maintaining its reputation for political neutrality.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

The real puzzle that no one wants to talk about is, why is there only one existing photograph of John Durham?

n.n বলেছেন...

Wisconsin mom says son, 13, was accused of SEXUAL HARASSMENT and hit with Title XI sexual harassment complaint for refusing to refer to non-binary classmate by 'they/them' pronouns

Transgender conversion therapy is not limited to individuals in the transgender spectrum.

That said, binary sexes (i.e. genetic): male, female, binary sex-correlated genders (i.e. attributes): masculine, feminine, respectively, and a transgender spectrum.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

I actually give Jen Psaki a lot of objective credit. She was very good at her job. She might be the only person in the world with the talent to defend this administration with such aplomb and condescension, and without the benefit of an appealing or charismatic appearance other than being a ginger. I wish her well as long as she doesn't actually believe the lies she told us.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

In 1987, Billy Joel toured the USSR back when it was the USSR.

If you look up the videos on Youtube, 'A Matter of Trust: The Bridge to Russia' you will find a ton of songs from the live concerts.

It is astounding.

I am an old guy and love '70s and '80s music so I have a bias.

But watch three or four of these videos and tell me with a straight face that he's not one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century.

You won't because you can't.

Make sure you crank up the volume, and thank me later...

gadfly বলেছেন...

The latest rumors about Vlad Putin's blood cancer remind me of Osama bin Laden's demise in December 2001 from renal failure and then 10 years or so of voice-only communications from the al-Qaida leader as his band of soldiers for rent maintained their terrorist image.

But years of misinformation from the CIA, which credited bin Laden for the 911 attack, was laid to rest by a fake raid by the Obama administration on a tiny compound in Abbottabad to assassinate a much shorter, stockier, bin Laden with a much less eloquent nose. From rich Saudi to poor al-Qaida leader never made sense to anyone who has thought about it. And we buried the body at sea?

farmgirl বলেছেন...

Does Alexa sound like Siri?

My daughter had to change her voice to a male b/c Siri’s tone always sounded too bossy to her. Something like that.
I think that would sound funny, Lem. Driving gives you a lot of time to think lol.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

Gadfly: is that a conspiracy theory?
It is interesting. Gives me hope that you’re not 100% a demobot!

Christopher B বলেছেন...

West TX

As I've said before, the usual fantasy that one of the five joining the leaked opinion did it to 'strengthen resolve' makes no sense, and is almost certainly false.

A couple things have given me pause about specifically assuming it was from one of the three liberals. The post at SCOTUSblog where Goldstein pushed the 'two leaks' line, also false, did have the useful tidbit that Politico played their cards very close as did the WSJ. The inclusion of Ward on the byline calls the initial suspicion that Gerstein got the leak from one of Sotomayor's clerks because they had previous contact into question. Goldstein's conclusion was Ward almost certainly got the mention because he got the leak, and if so, then the question is where? Making the reasonable assumption the the WSJ leaker is the same source then it appears the leak was moving in a different channel than the liberal justices.

There is also a question of benefits. While upholding Roe and Casey likely appeals to the three liberals that's the best they can hope for. The Alito opinion does overturn them but it doesn't create the anti-Roe of a nationwide abortion ban. There will be other abortion regulation cases coming so the writing is (maybe was) definitely on the wall for Roe as the five votes appear pretty solid. I'm leaning against the three, even Bryer, blowing up the court with a devastating leak for what appear to be minor gains. Even assuming their motivation was to influence the mid-term election more than the decision, leaking the opinion early might be harmful as other events could overtake the decision between now and the election.

I am a bit surprised by the recent leak that no other competing opinion has circulated. While I thought Roberts might put his compromise on paper, I can see why he didn't if the other five are solid. He has no hope of the three liberals really joining his opinion as it's not their fight. I can only surmise that he wanted one of the five to bolt first so he can tailor the opinion to their views, or to start circulating another draft opinion for him to join.

The public response to the leak benefits Roberts in persuading one of the five to bolt and the Biden junta in their efforts to distract from their dismal record. If the leak came from inside the USSC then Roberts might be the source, or at the least gave his approval for publishing the information. The White House likely got a heads up leak, and probably needs it if they took six months to come up with 'Ultra-MAGA". Either scenario is consistent with the leaker not yet being identified as a hero as he almost certainly would be if it came from the liberal justices.

wendybar বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
wendybar বলেছেন...

Pretty much how I feel at this point....
Meghan Maureen
I just don't understand how I can cook dinner, sew KKK hoods, homeschool, go to secret yoga QAnon meetings AND now make my own baby formula on top of it. Being a right wing extremist under the guise of "motherhood" is tough.


Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Vermont shows the unpleasant truth about the covid "vaccines." From Berenson:

"About 90 percent of adults over 30 in Vermont are have been jabbed. Most of those are boosted - including about 85 percent of adults over 65.

"Yet Vermont is now suffering its second major outbreak of Omicron in five months. Since late March, Covid hospitalizations have soared to the second-highest level ever in the state, trailing only the initial Omicron peak. The number of patients in intensive care is up even more.
"The surge is occurring almost exclusively in vaccinated people.

"Each week, Vermont reports data on hospitalizations by vaccination status. They have shown a remarkable change in the last several weeks....

"In March, as the first Omicron wave ended, hospitalizations in both unvaccinated and vaccinated people plunged. But since Omicron surged again in April, almost five times as many vaccinated people have been hospitalized.

"Even accounting for the relative population sizes, vaccinated people were more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated, state data show. (Those figures do not adjust either for age or the relative health status of the vaccinated.)"

If five-sixths of hospitalizations are vaccinated people, that seems commensurate with the 85%-90% vaccinated figures he gives. What it shows for certain is that the "vaccines" do not protect people from bad covid outcomes, bad enough to require hospitalization. Yet one more claim for the treatments that is proving false -- just about the last beneficial claim possible, in fact.


wendybar বলেছেন...

ALL 4 of these pictures that you took could be posters. Beautiful, and so colorful.

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

Go to fec.gov, search for employer "politico." There are 217 political contributions listed for the current cycle. One for a conservation outfit, one for NACPAC (pro-Israel site) from a D representative, and 215 to Act Blue, individual Democratic candidates, or other D causes.
Politico is as impartial as George Stephanopoulos.
I have seen speculation that the leaker was the CJ, with reasoning as you cite. I think it supports my position, the the CJ is trying, and so far failing, to pull the SC leftward, as has been his habit.

Mason G- thanks. That is my point, which you made succinctly. I don't follow lefty sites enough to know if Nina Totenberg, who was the most prominent useful idiot to float the trial balloon that the leaker is a righty, has walked it back or received pushback from any lefty site.

Chris B-
I can't argue against anything in your post. I still think it was one of the 3 lefty justices' clerks- they all have means, motive, and opportunity. She will be sacrificing her immediate future as a big law partner, but will be able to find at least short term succor as a law school faculty member. I would not rule out that a large sum of bitcoin might change hands to soften the blow (pure speculation).

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

Go to fec.gov, search for employer "politico." There are 217 political contributions listed for the current cycle. One for a conservation outfit, one for NACPAC from a D representative, and 215 to Act Blue, individual Democratic candidates, or other D causes.
Politico is as impartial as George Stephanopoulis.
I have seen speculation that the leaker was the CJ, with reasoning as you cite. I think it supports my position, the the CJ is trying, and so far failing, to pull the SC leftward, as has been his habit.

Mason G- thanks. That is my point, which you made succinctly. I don't follow lefty sites enough to know if Nina Totenberg, who was the most prominent useful idiot to float the trial balloon that the leaker is a righty, has walked it back or received pushback from any lefty site.

Chris B-
I can't argue against anything in your post. I still think it was one of the 3 lefty justices' clerks- they all have means, motive, and opportunity. She will be sacrificing hre immediate future as a big law partner, but will be able to find at least short term succor as a law school faculty member. I would not rule out that a large sum of bitcoin might change hands to soften the blow (pure speculation).

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Even accounting for the relative population sizes, vaccinated people were more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated, state data show. (Those figures do not adjust either for age or the relative health status of the vaccinated.)

In other words, he has no way to know, it's highly likely, in my opinion, which comports with my observations of my own circle of friends, that high risk individuals are getting vaccinated at a higher rate.

Not to mention that the linked article concedes that the vaccine worked very well against Alpha and even Delta, meaning that the statement that the vaccines were just a lie is B.S. Omicron is so infectious that it is infecting higher numbers of Vermonters, meaning that even a lower hospitalization rate will potentially produce a higher number of hospitalizations, and it is no secret that the vaccine is less effective against Omicron and that the effectiveness of the vaccine fades over time, just like natural immunity from infection.

Not going to argue about this; minds are made up. I will be getting my second booster in the next couple of weeks, I am sure you won't be; whatever.

walter বলেছেন...

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