३० एप्रिल, २०२२

At the Sunrise Café...


 ... you can talk about whatever you want.


४६ टिप्पण्या:

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

Paul Auster's son Daniel had died of an overdose after being charged with negligent homicide in the death of his daughter last week. It seems like that's the only way the story could have ended.

Minister of Truth Nina Jankowicz's Mary Poppins and lounge singer videos went viral. TikToking is for today's and tomorrow's political appointees what Communist Party cell meeting and dirty pictures were for previous generations.

But the adults are back in charge, so at least we have that.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...


There is no existing expression of sunrise I have seen that has sun expressed blue rays in conjunction with the band of gold,

then you bring the bring rippling waves;

I am done, this is it for all time. now let me go off to cry before your revelation.

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

Just finished Oliver Stone's propaganda documentary Ukraine in Flames. The filmmakers (Stone was only a producer) toss "neo-Nazi" and "neo-Fascist" around so much you could make a drinking game out of it. Their indictment of Ukraine doesn't hold water, but his charges against American officials are more substantive. What were we thinking? Aside from Russiagate being a hoax, it looks like Trump's crime was not pursuing provocative policies in the region.

Now it's on to Peter Bogdanovich's They All Laughed. Stupid plot it could be, but the visual look of the picture is fascinating. "Visual look" -- yeah, I know, it's silly to put it like that, but after years of getting told that camera angles and such were important and worth noticing it's nice to finally find a picture where they really are.

New York 40 years ago looks great through Bogdanovich's lens. I doubt things were better back then, but can't help feeling that something has been lost. It's also nice to see Audrey Hepburn getting some work in her post-kittenish years. Ditto for Ben Gazzara in his post-Cassavetes, post-TV phase. I don't get the whole Dorothy Stratten thing, and wish that PB had stuck to movies rather than get involved in all that.

RIP, Naomi Judd. Rumors of Selbstmord.

William50 म्हणाले...

Ahh...the Blues before sunrise.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

When I was new at Reddit (fresh from a comment shutdown, here) they would discourage me from spending too much time there. Popups would say... "you are doing that too much", or some demeaning things like that. I had no choice but to come back later, as Reddit suggested.

Maybe Twitter needs something like that.

Town Halls have time limits to talk.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

What is your favorite calculator?

I like the HP 35s now, What do you all say?

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

I will need to ask,

What is your favorite calculator?

Mine is the HP 35s but you can't buy it from HP anymore.

The only ones who need calculators are stem students who need to calculate during exams.

David Begley म्हणाले...

“You really should be a better person in the second half of your life than in the first half.”
Warren Buffett

David Begley म्हणाले...

“It seemed like a good idea time.”

Warren Buffett on how men justify their extramarital affairs.

StephenFearby म्हणाले...

Red State
US Artillery Delivered to Ukraine Is More Than Guns, It Is a Game-Winning Change From the Present (plus some war and weapons pr0n)

By streiff | Apr 30, 2022 9:00 PM ET

"...I’m an infantryman, but despite the inter-branch rivalry, I’ve never met an infantry leader who had any desire to go into combat without his artillery forward observer within arm’s reach. From its earliest days, artillery has been THE killer. As much as we infantrymen have a romance with the bayonet, artillery accounted for 70% of casualties in the European Theater in World War II (both sides, both fronts) and 60% of American casualties during the Korean War. Putin’s War in Ukraine gives us data points that nothing has changed."

"...The reason for my literary prelude is that many people are making a big deal about supplying Ukraine with high-performance aircraft and modern tanks. Of course, those would all be nice and will, I’m sure, happen in time. But, for the battle Ukraine is fighting right now, the right weapons are being supplied: modern artillery and lots of ammunition.

Ukraine started the war with about 1,800 Soviet-era artillery pieces. Many were in disrepair, and most did not have a trained gun crew assigned; they were missing meteorological equipment, gun chronographs, counterbattery radar, reliable ammunition, and a host of other things that makes the artillery the King of Battle and the God of War.

Nearly 200 modern artillery tubes have been pledged, and about half delivered. A third of those are self-propelled guns; the remainder is towed. Most are the excellent M-777 howitzer. Over 40 top-shelf multiple launchers are pledged, and about half are in Ukraine. Over thirty modern counterbattery radar units have been committed; about half have arrived. About 180,000 rounds of modern 155mm ammunition have been provided."

The artillery and ancillary materials sent to Ukraine by the West will give Ukraine qualitative advantages over Russia in several areas.

Equipment. [With further explanations about each one]

M-777 155mm ultra-lightweight howitzer...
French CAESAR 155mm self-propelled howitzer...
British AS-90 155mm self-propelled howitzer...
German Panzerhaubitze 2000 (PzH 2000) 155mm self-propelled howitzer...
Slovak ZUZANA 155mm self-propelled howitzer...
US M-109 Paladin 155mm self-propelled howitzer...
US M-270 Multiple Rocket Launch System...
AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder counterbattery radar system...

"...While we don’t know this for sure, there is an assumption that some of the artillery ammunition will be the GPS-guided M-982 Excalibur round. Excalibur can hit targets as much as 40 miles away with +/- 2 meters accuracy..."


It was about time that the Biden administration finally wised up to Ukraine's plight by sending this equipment before it was too late.

Ryan म्हणाले...

Omg awesome pic esp that first one.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Headline: Russia’s Putin To Hand Over Keys To War While He Has Cancer Surgery: Report

Here's a good time to take twitter's temperature, i.e., never pass a chance for a crack hit, i.e., how many abandon twitter users come back to the crack...twitter, just to wish for Putin's death?

walter म्हणाले...

Hard to chit chat under umbrella of that imagery.

ussmidway म्हणाले...

Amazing images Ann -- quite lovely!

Thanks for sharing --

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

First picture is stunning! Thanks

StephenFearby म्हणाले...

WaPo Updated at 4:42 a.m. EDT

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made an unannounced visit to Kyiv with Democratic lawmakers, meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the first official congressional delegation to Ukraine since the Russian invasion.

In a video posted by Zelensky, Pelosi could be seen walking the streets of Ukraine’s capital with House lawmakers, including Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gregory W. Meeks (N.Y.) and Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (Mass.).

Democratic Reps. Barbara Lee (Calif.), William R. Keating (Mass.) and Jason Crow (Colo.) were also in the delegation, which has now left Ukraine for Poland, according to a statement from Pelosi’s office. The group met Zelensky on Saturday evening local time, a Pelosi spokesman told The Washington Post.


NO Republican congressmen. Were they invited but declined, or weren't they asked? Probably the latter.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

There is something soothing being next to a body water. Even a small pond will do, but larger lakes are awesome. Nice pics.

Played in a pickleball tournament yesterday in upstate New York. I played above my rating (3.5) and down in age against the younger crowd. Did Ok but did not medal. Several Canadians participated. How Trudeau let them escape remains a mystery (sarc alert).

Humperdink म्हणाले...

Bill Maher has blasted Twitter's suppression of Hunter Biden's laptop.

To borrow a quote: "Maher's always there when you don't need him".

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

My favorite calculator was always the slide rule. Calculators were available but expensive, but the profs in those days would accept "slide rule accuracy."

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Some of the connections between US white supremacists and Ukraine are kind of disturbing. In Charlottesville, there were marchers with "blood and soil" flags similar to the Ukrainian army's fascist flag, and apparently Ukrainian Nazis have been recruiting in the US over the past few years. I always dismissed stories of any "white supremacist" movement here as lies because of the way Democrats call anybody who disagrees with them on policy "white supremacist," but I am not so sure anymore. There is also a picture floating around of a known Ukrainian Nazi among the troublemakers on J6.

Ukrainian racism:


Howard म्हणाले...

Trumpers have always been in denial about neo Nazis until they get the opportunity to join Vladimir Putin's Stalinist Union Army of useful idiots to promote rape and murder of Ukrainian civilians. That's Okay. When the Russians are defeated and the traitorous Quislings look for cover, they can claim they were victims of gaslighting just like the Tinder Swindler would be trophy wives and the Bad Vegan embezzlement queen.

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

They All Laughed: Lousy plot (it broke down in the middle, leaving us just waiting for the thing to end), lousy dialogue (with one character, that rapid-paced or non-stop comic delivery that seems so unrealistic today), but I still liked the look of the film. Maybe Bogdanovich just shooting on sunny days was the reason.

In the special features, Bogdanovich spills the beans: Hepburn and Gazzara were in love and dying to make another picture together. Patti Hansen (Mrs. Keith Richards) is also in the flick. I don't get her either. Was it the freckles?

When we excavate old movies it may not be the things in the foreground that interest us, but the stuff in the background -- the stuff people may not have noticed at the time but that now characterizes a vanished era. Sometimes the things that don't work now (and maybe didn't work then) characterize the age best.

Also, bad movies and failures can be as interesting or more interesting than the quality pictures of their day. Some day I'll see PB's At Long Last Love, not that it could actually be better than The Last Picture Show, but it could be instructive and even entertaining.

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

Adam Schiff is head of the Intelligence Committee?

What happened? Did Swalwell turn the job down?

William50 म्हणाले...

My favorite calculator, Texas Instruments TI-30Xa. Used it everyday at work for years. Doesn't get much use now that I'm retired.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

It has been reported that 50 intelligence agency professionals are in complete agreement with Howard's assertions. Dossier to follow.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

I heard the propaganda the first time from the source in the Clinton campaign, Howard. It's kind of funny that you still believe it even as the liars are slowly being brought to justice; you wouldn't know that because CNN and NPR are keeping it from you. I hope you are enjoying the war that has resulted from making talking to Putin politically radioactive. Plenty more soldiers to die for your pleasure.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

"We are all anti-war until the propaganda starts." - Somebody.

Michael McNeil म्हणाले...

My favorite scientific calculator is an HP-32SII — though I use an HP-42 simulator app (not from HP) on my iPhone — known as “Free42.” For financial calculations (compound interest and the like), I use the HP-12C.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Howard said...
Trumpers have always been in denial about neo Nazis until they get the opportunity to join Vladimir Putin's Stalinist Union Army of useful idiots to promote rape and murder of Ukrainian civilians. That's Okay. When the Russians are defeated and the traitorous Quislings look for cover, they can claim they were victims of gaslighting just like the Tinder Swindler would be trophy wives and the Bad Vegan embezzlement queen.

5/1/22, 6:54 AM

We aren't the warmongers Howard. The Democrats, Progressives and Rinos are. Trump kept us OUT OF WAR He is the President of Peace.....Biden is putting us back in...YOU voted for this. Suck it up.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

Notified via my cell phone that I was being tracked by an Apple air tag in/on my vehicle. Sweet. As the details emerged, it was harmless, but an eye opener nonetheless.

It is my understanding an Android phone would not have picked it up. I could be wrong.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

If you pushed 3 (or was it 4?) corner buttons, on the old Texas Instrument calculator, they gave you something like a random number. If memory serves.

Andrew म्हणाले...

I guess it's part of growing up, but it really is disconcerting when one celebrity after another passes away, and you remember them becoming big when you were a child or adolescent.

Rip, Naomi Judd.

Lazarus म्हणाले...

There is some disagreement about who Serhiy Dybynyn or Sergei Dubynin, the Ukranian or Russian at the Capitol on January 6th is, and who he is working for. Confusion and misinformation are to be expected both in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and in the January 6th events and the larger context of those events. When the internet can't even figure out what his name is (sites can't match up the Russian and Ukranian halves of the name correctly), it's hard to get reliable information about who he was working for.

Maynard म्हणाले...

In Charlottesville, there were marchers with "blood and soil" flags similar to the Ukrainian army's fascist flag, and apparently Ukrainian Nazis have been recruiting in the US over the past few years.

How many of these American Nazis are FBI agents?

Back in the day we used to joke about Gus Hall's Communist Party. If it were not for FBI infiltrators they would have had their dues cut by over 50%.

Michael McNeil म्हणाले...

Glenn Greenwald posted this today on Twitter: [quoting…]

Noam Chomsky, in an interview this week, says “fortunately” there is “one Western statesman of stature” who is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine rather than looking for ways to fuel and prolong it. “His name is Donald J. Trump.”


Lurker21 म्हणाले...

“You really should be a better person in the second half of your life than in the first half.”
Warren Buffett

True, and it often works out that way. In the second half of life people don't have the energy it takes to be really big jerks. Some reflectiveness may also come into the picture. How much of the sentiment, though, is a way of excusing how much of a jerk one was when young?

And what about the people with whom it's the other way around? The people who were decent when they were young and timid, but jerks when they outgrow all that? There's also quite a story there.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Trumpers have always been in denial about neo Nazis until they get the opportunity to join Vladimir Putin's Stalinist Union Army of useful idiots to promote rape and murder of Ukrainian civilians.

Howard, projection doesn't just happen in movie theaters. Take your medicine.

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

Just four of the 13 presidents in office between 1945 and 2020 -- Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush – officially brought the country into new full-scale wars (Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq). If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.

The United States has only officially declared war 11 times (last time in WW11). Carter and Ford were 2 other presidents not starting any new wars while in office. Even though not officially declared "wars" I helped bury many of my fellow Veterans during those undeclared conflicts from 65-72. Declared or Undeclared dead is dead

Meade म्हणाले...

Michael McNeil @8:33AM

Nice. Donald Trump, the anti-war candidate?

walter म्हणाले...

In case you need a laugh:
·Apr 29
I have tried taking a break from Twitter recently, but I must say: the company has always tried to do its best given the information it had. Every decision we made was ultimately my responsibility*. In the cases we were wrong or went too far, we admitted it and worked to correct.

n.n म्हणाले...

Nice. Donald Trump, the anti-war candidate?

Anti-war, anti-rites, anti-Green, etc. Choices have negative connotations. He's the spring forward to summer candidate with a pro-peace, pro-life, pro-green orientation.

n.n म्हणाले...

In case you need a laugh:
jack ... the [Twitterazi] has always tried to do its best given the information it had

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumps the shark.

BudBrown म्हणाले...

My friend's granddaughter gets alexa's help doing her math homework.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

The "D" in Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) refers to the Disinformation Party. The party of white supremacy, segregation, slavery, neo-Nazis and fascists. The party who will use any smear they can think of to keep someone off the ballot or tank his/her campaign. As an example, I give you one Hillary Clinton, creator of the Russia Collusion Hoax. Starring in a secondary role, in no particular order, are Barrack Obama, James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, Joe "Two Scoops" Biden, the WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and the Atlantic.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

It is my understanding an Android phone would not have picked it up. I could be wrong.

There's an app for Apple airtags for Android.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Humperdink said...
There is something soothing being next to a body water. Even a small pond will do, but larger lakes are awesome. Nice pics.

Played in a pickleball tournament yesterday in upstate New York. I played above my rating (3.5) and down in age against the younger crowd. Did Ok but did not medal. Several Canadians participated. How Trudeau let them escape remains a mystery (sarc alert).

I like to walk the dog along the river. I find it calming.

I shot sporting clays this morning and some trap. The average age of the shooters was mid 50s. I didn't embarrass myself. A good day.