February 15, 2022

"Instagram removed... a post from the Suffolk County Police Benevolent Association’s Instagram page urging followers to boycott The Super Bowl in protest..."

"... of half-time performer Snoop Dog’s song lyrics that promote anti-police violence. According to Instagram, the Feb. 11 post, which decried anti-police violence, was 'removed for violence and incitement.' 'Encouraging people to shoot police officers apparently earns you a spot as a headliner at the Superbowl,' the PBA wrote in the post.... The post included lyrics to Snoop Dogg and J5Slap’s song 'Police,' screenshotted from a New York Post column by sportswriter Phil Mushnick questioning the NFL and sponsors’ money-grabbing decision to allow the rapper to headline. The song, which features incendiary, anti-police lyrics was released on Jan. 22, just weeks before the big game."

From "Suffolk County PBA’s post condemning Snoop Dogg removed by Instagram" (NY Post). Instagram later restored the post.


rhhardin said...

Lesser intellects do the everyday removing and higher-ups restore the embarrassing removals.

The problem is that the idiotic mechanism is there at all. If it's not illegal, it stays, is a good policy.

rehajm said...

We know the Facebook censors are all backed by Soros but who are the Instagram censors? Same?

rehajm said...

Now that they muddied the waters with that Meta thing it’s more difficult to tell…

gilbar said...

so let me see if i got this: Snoopy's asks listeners to murder and kill police
(which is GOOD! and he is rewarded)

The police post an Instrgram saying: "HEY! that guy's calling on folk to Murder and Kill us!"
(and THAT is BAD! and the police post is 'removed for violence and incitement')

Okay, i think i got it now

gilbar said...

have the #MeToo people ever mentioned any issues with Snoopy being a child raping and child abusing pimp?
Didn't think so

tim maguire said...

This is something we see in too many places in our society--we want to institute some kind of protection measure but don't want to pay the cost of doing it properly so we do it half-assed and then make it the victim's responsibility to sort out the mistakes.

tim maguire said...

rhhardin said...Lesser intellects do the everyday removing and higher-ups restore the embarrassing removals.

It's worse than that. Usually, the removal is done automatically based on the existence of complaints. Nobody, not even a lesser intellect, reviews it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

As Will Durant observed, “in the end a society and its religion tend to fall together, like body and soul, in a harmonious death.

iowan2 said...

Dont you dare us the (starts with the letter that follows m)word.

Howard said...

Cancelling cancel culture.

Gunner said...

But Steve Schmidt, stalwart Conservative Republican, said it was the most American halftime show ever! He also compared himself to Snoop just because they are vaguely in the same generation or something.

Lyle Smith said...

Corporations getting closer to enslaving us.

Owen said...

You will be permitted to see and hear only what's good for you.

wendybar said...

It's disgraceful. It's also disgraceful that he put out a video of himself shooting Donald Trump, the then President of the United States. Imagine if a Country star put out a video of himself shooting Obama, talking about killing the Capitol police and then the NFL giving him the Half Time show?? It would never happen, and it shouldn't.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Why at this point in time are the censors so absurdly bent on appearing to enforce a speech code that in reality they have no interest in applying equitably? The dichotomy is so obvious. The “mistakes” only happen to normal Americans not the elite enlightened ruling class and their like-minded entertainers. Instagram Facebook GoFundMe are all psy-ops to demoralize anyone who deviates from the monoculture running Hollywood Sports and Newsertainment. Trudeau personifies this effete ruling class and his invocation of emergency powers shows how little they believe their own BS when faced with a true nonviolent grassroots protest. When not in complete control the Trudeaus and Pelosis and Squads will squeal about dissent being the highest form of patriotism. But when in power but challenged by commoners they snarl and punish all dissent and declare patriotism itself as presenting a darker threat. This necessitates absurdities like enforcing speech codes in a way that applies punishment for opposing the monoculture even if they have to claim your call for non-violence is itself violent rhetoric. Language is just another tool to misuse as they misrule, mumbling themselves into a culture war. As they do the shooting wars too.

Rory said...

Voluntary systems don't work if one side doesn't have an ethical commitment to free exchange.

DanTheMan said...

Black Lives Matter.
Unless they are cops.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The obvious explanation is that Instagram took down the post because its reviewers thought that “SuffolkPBA” was a rap group encouraging the shooting of police.

Ann Althouse said...

It seems the post was removed because it quoted the thing it objected to, which means that the censor *agreed* with the poster.

rcocean said...

Hey, if they can censor the POTUS, they can censor anyone. How many times can we do the "Wow, just wow, did you see who Big Tech censored this time?!" before people get motivated to do something? Big Tech needs to be regulated - and forced to allow freedom of political speech. End of story.

Yancey Ward said...

Sure, Althouse, that was the reason.

Yancey Ward said...

I am smiling sardonically.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

anti-police rhetoric is protected speech.

Banning Rogan and banning Trump... well that's OK.

Michael K said...

Rappers are a new protected class. Fortunately for the sanity of most of us, they seem to shoot each other frequently.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Instagram lose translation: The police benevolent ass. is an “imperfect ally.” They have not been empowered to cancel anybody or anything.

PM said...

Wait, there was a halftime show?

Stephen St. Onge said...

Ann Althouse said...
It seems the post was removed because it quoted the thing it objected to, which means that the censor *agreed* with the poster.

        Possibly true.  But also possibly a good excuse for removing material a censor found objectionable, then obfuscating the real reason it was removed.

        The important thing about all this, IMAO, is that Facebook is dedicated to not having standards that can be objectively predicted, standards of which you can say “Yeah, you can see why they removed that, it’s clearly against their rules.”  Non-objective standards are there to facilitate tyranny.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Ann Althouse said...
It seems the post was removed because it quoted the thing it objected to, which means that the censor *agreed* with the poster.

So, your claim is that Instagram is not run by evil totalitarian censors, but by totally moronic censors who are utter failures at reading comprehension?

Could you explain why you think that's better?

Could you please explain why a society that's even remotely sane would grant censorship power to totally moronic censors who are utter failures at reading comprehension?

n.n said...

The audacity of deplorable persons to question a handmade tale.