December 31, 2021

This is a big day for those of us who've been watching the gradual unfolding of "What a Wonderful World" — one letter at a time.

The fabulous moldogaa has done 20 of the 26 letters, one day at a time, a new recording for each letter, piled on top of all the preceding letters. She's been withholding the vowels, and — with the exception of "w" (which much be last, obviously) — she accomplished the last consonant yesterday:

##duet with @moldogaa this will be the final day of happiness for team consonant ##fyp ##foryou ##crygirltiktok ##newletter ##lettergirl

♬ original sound - moldoga
It's been quite a strain, because this is how she looked back on November 15th, when she started — on the letter "T":

##duet with @moldogaa the rest of the alphabet better be nervous xo ##fyp ##foryou ##singing ##singingcover ##duet

♬ original sound - moldoga
And now it's New Year's Eve-Day, and we await the astounding gift that will be, at long last, a vowel. 

All hail the great moldogaa! 

Your fan, 



hugh42 said...

Sorry you did this. Please remove it. Are you ill?

Wilbur said...

Hmmm. On Cameo she claims to be "the Louis Armstrong letter girl" Any clue on that might mean?

I figured out the "letter" and "girl" part, but Louis Armstrong is a puzzler.

wendybar said...

I can't believe anybody would waste their time watching this. Boring, and dumb. So many other things to do with my time. Not sorry.

Tina Trent said...

If you've going to glom onto celebrities, at least be coherent.

Ann Althouse said...


I'm surprised you wouldn't know that the song she's doing is a huge Louis Armstrong song.

Ann Althouse said...

This is a brilliant video project. Anyone who doesn't like it is on a different wavelength from me (and it makes me wonder what you're doing here, reading this blog).

rehajm said...

(and it makes me wonder what you're doing here, reading this blog)

Objection! Asked and answered.

Kevin said...

I get it.

It’s a list!

Temujin said...

I don't know if I'm on the same wavelength as you, but every time you come up with one of these TikTok videos I'm left amazed at how much creative talent there is out there. I went back to watch a number of her videos and I'd have to say she's both hilarious and off the boards creative. Also- she's obviously focused on the goal of getting this completed, maybe to the point of obsession. I've gone back to watch a few of them and ....they're just so bizarre and funny, I can't stop watching.

Help me.

Howard said...

Not my bag, but I'm happy it gives others joy.

wendybar said...

I come for the excellent comments....but not the ones from the trolls.

Rollo said...

Context? Meaning?

Using email and texting on mobile phone changed the way we write. Errors became expected and accepted. It might have seemed like we learned to read around them or figure them out as we went along, but probably we just ignored them.

Now that we are experiencing the internet on a slim and tiny 2×5 card and what used to be buttons are now millimeter-sized virtual characters too small for our fingers, people have less tolerance for the enigmatic.

John henry said...


Rollo said...

Sorry. I see now that you did give context and I missed it ... which proves my point about modern attention spans (or at least my own).

Wilbur said...

Ann Althouse said...

I'm surprised you wouldn't know that the song she's doing is a huge Louis Armstrong song.

Well, you got me. I only looked at the first video. Again, I'll sheepishly slink away.

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narr said...

Moldogaa? Aren't they next on Putin's list, right after Ukraine? (U ever notice how nobody argues about Ukraine/The Ukraine anymore?)