२६ नोव्हेंबर, २०२१
"When is a racial hate crime not a racial hate crime? When it doesn’t advance the left’s, and the Democrats’, narrative."
"When white teenager Kyle Rittenhouse shot three white men who were violently assaulting him, it somehow got treated by the press and politicians as a racial hate crime. President Joe Biden (falsely) called Rittenhouse a white supremacist, and the discussion of his case was so focused on racial issues that many Americans mistakenly thought that the three men Rittenhouse shot were black. But when a black man, Darrell Brooks, with a long history of posting hateful anti-white rhetoric on social media drove a car into a mostly white Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring dozens, the press was eager to wish the story away. (The New York Times buried it on page A22.) Even when a Black Lives Matter activist connected it to the Rittenhouse verdict, observing 'it sounds like the revolution has started,' the media generally downplayed it."
५९ टिप्पण्या:
Short-term propaganda sets one up for a very, very, very hard fall. This is why the political pendulum swings and why Trump happened.
See the tortured effort to avoid admission that Ahmaud Arbery's father said "all lives matter"...MSN reports that he said "all life matter," so it's okay for the propagandists now!
I expect the left narrative to shift dramatically either before or after the next election.
To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To the Dems and the Fake News, everything is viewed through the lens of race.
The drive from the alleged knife fight to the parade
Click on the View button.
The speed limit on the route was 25 miles an hour, but Brooks was driving about 50 miles an hour. Therefore, the video plays at 2.25 speed of the re-enactment.
Brooks' driving speed can be estimated from the radio conversation, which begins with the policeman responding to the knife fight.
Glenn's not wrong. He also makes a good case, if you want to live under the rule of law.
The people who disagree don't really want to do that, though they will say that assertion is a lie. They would rather burn it all down, then tell us it was mostly peaceful. Most of human history has been like that, and many people yearn to return to it for reasons they don't have an ability to articulate or understand. That yearning was compressed into a few seconds of direct action in Waukesha. These same people will tell you that there's "nothing to see here, move along" should you mention that. No racial hate crime in Waukesha, big racial hate crime in Kenosha.
Give those people their way if you want more of that. I don't want any more of that.
The corporate media bears so much responsibility for the divide in this country. From pushing the Russian collusion conspiracy, the "we are all going to die from Covid" hysteria, to the white supremacy racial hate narrative. CNN and MSNBC are the worst and both should just disappear from the airwaves. In print media, NYTs and WaPo are both culpable. Neither can let a day go by without pushing the divide wider by promoting some new fake news story.
Gus Portokalos:
Kimono, kimono, kimono. Ha! Of course! Kimono is come from the Greek word himona, is mean winter. So, what do you wear in the wintertime to stay warm? A robe. You see: robe, kimono. There you go!
"When is a racial hate crime not a racial hate crime? When it doesn’t advance the left’s, and the Democrats’, narrative."
Or more generally, when is A not-A? When it doesn’t advance the left’s, and the Democrats’, narrative.
But go beyond the parade killer, look at patterns. The pattern is that interracial crime is overwhelmingly black-on-white. In 2019, there were 472,570 violent incidents with black offenders harming white victims, 89,980 violent incidents with white offenders harming black victims. "Difference with comparison group is significant at the 95% confidence level," the Bureau of Justice Statistics adds delicately. Is there any point at which the sheer scale of black violence gets counted as "racial hate crime"?
It's a single belief, that black people can't be expected to do any better because white people are picking on them all the time. There's no room in that for a double standard analysis.
The more the left pushes the fake, every white is racist, bullshit, the madder, and more leary of race people are becoming. It is sad. Obama set us back 50 years or more with his rhetoric. Nothing but division. The left loves segregation now.
Not to be outdone by the dishonest MSM, deans and professors weigh spread some some lies:
James Madison student claims Rittenhouse killed two black people
University Instagram post says Rittenhouse killed ‘two beautiful black lives’
Journalism professor Nikole Hannah-Jones spreads Rittenhouse trial falsehoods
Princeton dean condemns Rittenhouse verdict: ‘sets a dangerous precedent’
Cal State Long Beach holds Kyle Rittenhouse verdict ‘debriefing’ for students
'Counseling and Psychological Services staff will be present.'
Fitchburg State U. offers safe spaces after Rittenhouse verdict; includes 3 lies in campus email
On a related note, there's an excellent Ammo Girl column about racial issues here:
It articulates very well my own opinions of BLM, CRT, black leaders in general, etc.
Just replace white for jew in any of these screeds and it makes more sense. Tis is the National Socialist playbook. Anyone who gives money to the NYT's in any capacity is supporting evil.
I can understand why people kneel to National Socialists.
But actively supporting them is unacceptable.
"Because Kenosha “killed” a mythically unarmed Black man, Kenosha must atone through ritual purification of fire. And the people that Rittenhouse shot, and 2 of them killed, were the agents and angels of that purification.
Rittenhouse blasphemed by besmirching the ritual cleansing. And so the iconography of his infamy sprung up: the dreaded crossing of state lines; his insertion into a community to which he was an alien; the hunting down of peaceful protesters against the background of a righteous protest."
As my late father to say, timing is everything.
It took a number of coincidences of timing for him to live past VE Day, which is probably why he was sensitive to the subject.
So we have a number of chin-strokers on the subject of racism in the Rittenhouse case. Followed by a mostly white jury convicting three white guys of murdering a black guy--IN GEORGIA, followed by a black guy running over sixty people and killing half a dozen. Of the rest, there have to be life-changing injuries including crippling or brain damage.
Reynolds usually has at least some originality in what he writes. If everybody already knows it, he doesn't bother. Missed that here.
As my late father to say, timing is everything.
It took a number of coincidences of timing for him to live past VE Day, which is probably why he was sensitive to the subject.
So we have a number of chin-strokers on the subject of racism in the Rittenhouse case. Followed by a mostly white jury convicting three white guys of murdering a black guy--IN GEORGIA, followed by a black guy running over sixty people and killing half a dozen. Of the rest, there have to be life-changing injuries including crippling or brain damage.
Reynolds usually has at least some originality in what he writes. If everybody already knows it, he doesn't bother. Missed that here.
Tuning into and believing in the narrative pushed by the left is the real hate crime here. I'm beginning wake up and to actively challenge family and friends who swallow the daily garbage. It's not fun nor pleasant to do so, but it's so very necessary.
WSe need to fight back against the media and their lies and misinformation. We can do that not by going after them but by going after their customers.
We need to figure out who the big advertisers are and organizing a letter (not email, physical letters) writing campaign.
Perhaps something along the lines of "If you advertise on MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NYT etc and so on, I will not buy your product."
Perhaps we could get some kind of TRUTHful organization to do that. This fellow has the right idea:
TRUMP: We’re going to start something now very big program. We’re going to start boycotting businesses and recommending boycotts of businesses. There are more of us than there are of them.
The TRUTH is out there. www.truth.social can't come online soon enough to suit me.
It is the policy of the Democratic Party to release criminals back into society and let society feel the pain for society's faults. That is their actions from Philadelphia to Milwaukee, San Francisco to Seattle, Los Angeles to Austin to Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis and others. They may give lip service otherwise, but one only has to see their actions and the results of their actions to realize how much disdain they have for society at large- as it is. They want change. So apparently, their plan is to keep criminals doing criminal acts until things get so bad we'll ask for Government to save us.
AOC and Carolyn Maloney came out just days ago demanding that local DAs seek lower bails and "empty out our city jails". Of course, these are the same people who think our southern border should be kept wide open and illegal aliens should be referred to as undocumented immigrants. And they should be given money, homes, schooling, healthcare, and your job.
One wonders how this Party is still even allowed to operate, let alone gather breathing adults willing to vote for them. Just what goes into being a known Democratic voter these days? I just don't get it. There is nothing today's Democrats stand for that has any relationship with reality. Not a thing.
Yet they keep getting boosted by our media, Big Tech, corporate boardrooms, and of course, K-12 & higher ed. Our most 'educated' people. WTF?
My own comment at 6:50 AM
The drive from the alleged knife fight to the parade
I assume that Brooks did begin his trip at the knife-fight location, since that detail seems to come from police sources well after his arrest.
If so, then I wonder where Brooks was driving to. He drove quite a long distance on a main road.
I assume that he was living near the knife-fight location.
Although his trip might have started as an escape from that knife fight, at some point he was driving to some other, distant destination.
It's likely that the knife-fight and the long drive involved illegal drugs.
Maybe he was being pursued during his drive -- or at least thought he was being pursued. Or maybe he was driving to a drug-supplier.
After watching the video, I doubt that Brooks was headed toward the parade or that he even knew about the parade.
This is why the political pendulum swings and why Trump happened.
@Enigma, and may very well happen again.
It's my understanding that, after crashing through the parade, Brooks drove to a residential home and parked his SUV in its driveway. I remember seeing a photo that the SUV had been backed into the driveway, with the SUV's front facing the street.
Was that the house of an acquaintance?
Then Brooks walked to a nearby home, where he said that he was waiting for an Uber driver, who did not seem to be coming. Therefore, Brooks needed to borrow a phone to call Uber.
If so, then how had Brooks called Uber in the first place? Did Brooks himself not have a phone?
Perhaps the nearby acquaintance had called Uber for Brooks, but had told Brooks and Uber to meet at a spot that was some distance from the acquaintance's home. In other words, the acquaintance did not want his own home ever to be linked to the Brooks-Uber meeting.
@John Henry, about time.
Basic critical race theory holds that Black men cannot commit hate crimes against whites because of the historic power inequities. To accuse any Black man of a racial hate crime is itself a racist perpetuation of white supremacy.
Ever notice how the left focuses on one or two racial incidents? Yet we’re told they happen all the time. Pretty revealing that the left can’t bring forward more cases. And that they have to attempt to portray the Rittenhouse case as a racial incidence, which it manifestly is not. The demand for racist cases far outstrips the supply.
More speculation.
How did the police know where to find Brooks? After all, he was inside a house, eating a sandwich.
I speculate that the acquaintance initially had called Uber for Brooks, but told Brooks to wait at a somewhat-distant location.
Then, after Brooks walked away toward that location, the acquaintance learned about the parade incident from news reports. Then the acquaintance himself called the police and reported where Brooks had gone.
A further speculation.
The acquaintance told Brooks he had arranged an Uber meeting, but the acquaintance did not actually call Uber.
Rather, the acquaintance called a drug-gang assassin and told him where to find Brooks.
When you think crime - think The Democrat Party. They are the party of White Left antifa rage and arson... and crime crime crime.
The reason the Maddow-MSNBC CNN left use lies and half-truths on their loyal fan base is because it works.
If you lived in the hood, grew up in the hood, or have family police officers in a major metropolitan city, you know that police deal with the Brookses, Rosenbaums and Hubers all day long. On bad days, perhaps several times an hour, all day long. You hear, or live the stories reported in the media. Your radar gets finely tuned through exposure. The multitude of videos like the one Mike Sylvester linked have brought new awareness to America. Althouse's relentless parsing of "the narrative" helps provide the soundtrack to the awareness.
You have seen these guys. Read on...
Anyone think Maddow, Cuomo, Lemon, Stelter, Stephanopolis, The old bitter B's on the View, et.al.. care about this innocent 8 year old boy? who was killed by a terrorist?
nah - Jan 6th!!!!!!!!!
deans and professors weigh spread some some lies:
LOL oopsy.
Waiting for the Hive's usual party-line faithful to check in here, in three, two, one . . . .
Help me understand: If only the corporate press had covered a black man’s actions as irresponsibly as it covered a white man’s actions, Glenn Reynolds would be happy?
Nationalizing dopey local crime stories is a recipe for disaster.
Gee, I thought it was an SUV that ran over all those people in Waukesha. The newspapers said so.
Andrew said...
On a related note, there's an excellent Ammo Girl column about racial issues here:
Now there's a column everyone should be able to agree with. Should be.
"Acting white." How dreadful. And it's a commonly used phrase. What does it even mean? I can make some guesses. But I can see several places where it's seemingly embodied, and how many of us strive to bring up out children, with organizations to help.
The 4H Oath.
The FFA Oath, Pledge, and Motto,
The BSA Oath, Law, and Motto
The GSA Promise and Law
These, and many other organizations, teach success, teach values, which are applicable to everyone, and identified with "Acting white".
apparently the reaver, brooks threatened to bomb a casino, but you know loundoun county parents they are the real danger,
Speaking of double standards, NPR sometimes plays recently declassified tape recordings from LBJ's White House, commenting on the old bastard's folksy charm in blackmailing and intimidating his former colleagues in Congress into voting for his programs. And yet the Watergate hearings of LBJ's successor Nixon showed Congressmen outraged, shocked and outraged, that phone & voice recordings were made in the White House under Tricky Dick. Odd, that.
THe Regime media is in full coverup mode. An obvious hate crime by a black man, that killed a child and 5 old people. How many more children will be crippled for life is unknown.
We know that if the races had been reversed, the libards would've been on social media and on TV, crying copious tears, and no doubt George Bush and Mitt Romney would've issued statements voicing the grief at this piece of "Domestic Terrorism". But because the victims are white they are indifferent. Some Leftwing twitter creeps are actually tweeting their approval.
But some Hate crimes are more equal than others. Where is Fucking Joe Biden? Is he still too busy calling Rittenhouse a "white supremist"? I wonder if Darrell Brooks -this hate filled black man - was triggered by Joe Biden's calling Rittenhouse a Racist?
The other point that Glenn Reynolds makes in this article is that in Wisconsin we are seeing governmental incompetence by the bucket full. From the inflammatory remarks made by Governor Tony Evers in the wake of the (justified) police shooting of Jacob Blake (make that “incendiary remarks” when you consider the “fiery but mostly peaceful” impact on downtown Kenosha), to his dilatory response to the riots sending in National Guard troops by dribs and drabs, to the prosecutors bringing a case against Kyle Rittenhouse that could only be won by death threats against jury members, to a known bail jumper, Darrell Brooks, being freed on $1000 bail, where does it end? It ends when the voters abandon the foolish notion that Democrats are the Party of Good Government. With few exceptions they are quite the opposite.
A neo-Nazis were sued for 25 million for inciting the Charlottsville riot in 2017. I wonder if the victims of this hate crime in wakeosha (sp) can sue BLM and Joe Biden?
"When is a racial hate crime not a racial hate crime? When it doesn’t advance the left’s, and the Democrats’, narrative."
When "racism" is defined as something only white people can do then (by-def) a non-white person can't be racist. Just as surely as a woman can have a penis if he says that, really, he's just knows he's a woman.
Of course there's a world of rebuttal to all of this too-clever word-gaming, but that's only available to those who bring reason, logic and evidence to bear. Unfortunately these methods have have been defined as white supremacist ...
The real question (as Humpty Dumpty replied to Alice) is always, "who is to be master." That, and, is the public ever going to finally bellow its outrage at this absurdist public bullying (wherein insisting that "2+2=4" has been defined as Thoughtcrime)?
A neo-Nazis were sued for 25 million for inciting the Charlottsville riot in 2017.
It wasn't the neo-Nazis who started the riots. They had a valid permit for their demonstration. It was the antifa thugs who attacked the Neos and the Charlottsville police are complicit in the attacks as they did nothing to maintain crowd control.
Temujin said...One wonders how this Party is still even allowed to operate, let alone gather breathing adults willing to vote for them.
One would have to "follow the money" as they say. I suspect it would be a trail of Soros.
How fast can white people memory hole the Ahmaud Arbery trial? Stop it.
Ann said blacks "bellyache" until she found 500Songs.com.
Whites are all over the board when it comes to truth - unlike what they told us growing up.
Whatever would the media do without its go-to slaves?
Whatever would the media do without its go-to slaves?
I was wondering when someone would bring up Charlottesville. There, one person was killed by a guy speeding through the crowd. Here, six people were killed in the same fashion. The one killed in Charlottesville was a counter-protester; the six killed here weren't protesting anything, just participating in part of smallish-town life. Going about their festive business.
I have no idea where Brooks thought he was going, but there is absolutely no way he crashed through that line of traffic barriers without knowing that he was impinging on some event.
"Wouldn’t you think that the “leading intellectuals” of a historically disadvantaged group would look around them, carefully note what habits of mind lead to success, and urge everyone within their sphere of influence to emulate these habits?" Thank you, Andrew, for the link to that piece.
The way out is so fucking obvious, but progressives seem hell-bent on destruction. I am at a loss.
Hey Crack, waddya complaining about. The Georgia jury said lynching is illegal and at least half of your Trumper comrades agreed. That's real progress.
Of course, the crackers didn't wanna prosecute until the video leaked out. That's the kinda details confederates like Glenn Reynolds skip over.
The Ahmaud Arbery trial wasn't used by the press to beat us up 24/7, dear Crack.
I am pleased with that verdict. Those men killed an innocent black man, as far as I can tell.
Ernest Prole: having the MSM cover both events responsibly with an aim to telling the truth would be a rare thing indeed.
Perhaps you should drop snark as a rgetorical device; you do not seem to be good at it.
"How fast can white people memory hole the Ahmaud Arbery trial?"
What's to memory hole? You had 3 dumb ass white boys who decided to play cops and robbers with real guns. In the process they killed a black man. A jury made up of mostly whites decided the dumb ass white boys had committed murder. The only downside is that they won't be facing the death penalty.
In the language common to the Brooks brethren, David and Darell, the (white) lives of the dead and injured in the Waukesha parade massacre literally don't matter.
The habitués of the New York Times and the mean streets agree about their shared enemy, the middle class straights who attend their ceremonies of innocence blithely ignorant of the hatred their mere presence excites in the hearts of their enemies on high and below. How long?
"Help me understand: If only the corporate press had covered a black man’s actions as irresponsibly as it covered a white man’s actions, Glenn Reynolds would be happy?"
Since you asked for help, I'll give you some. How about the press not acting irresponsibly at all? How about not using their coverage of a story to drive a narrative and agenda? Glenn's point is that the irresponsibility is aimed at projecting a specific world view. It's not an accident.
South China Morning Post reports: "Cultural Revolution was a catastrophe and Mao was responsible, China’s Communist Party upholds in landmark statement"
Howard and Howards Heroes hardest hit!
"I am pleased with that verdict. Those men killed an innocent black man, as far as I can tell."
Yeah well, let me explain it to you. 2 men did nothing. There was no "Those". 1 man was attacked by Arbery who instead of running away or surrendering, decided to ATTACK an old man with a shotgun. Arbery hit him, knocked him to the ground and tried to take his shotgun away.
The old man thought he'd be killed if he let go of the shotgun. Result: One dead Arbery.
But then, you're just sayin' an opinion. "As far as you can tell". Not like you know the facts, or Nothin'
"Hey Crack, waddya complaining about."
Do not feed the troll in blackface.
"1 man was attacked by Arbery who instead of running away or surrendering, decided to ATTACK an old man with a shotgun."
Yes because running away from someone who is pointing a gun at you never results in you getting shot.
What authority was Arbery supposed to be surrendering to? If you aren't a member of law enforcement, forcing someone to "surrender" to you is called kidnapping.
Chris Lopes: "What authority was Arbery supposed to be surrendering to? If you aren't a member of law enforcement, forcing someone to "surrender" to you is called kidnapping."
You appear unfamiliar with the laws of GA governing citizen's arrest, self-defense as well as being unfamiliar with how the McMichael trial judge allowed the jury to come to their own conclusions regarding matters of the law vs doing what juries are supposed to do: come to conclusions on the facts of the case and then deliver s verdict.
Even worse from a defense point of view, the Judge waited until AFTER the Defense rested to give his judicial interpretation that completely negated the entire Defense theory of the case.
Those are egregious actions that will have ripple effects in other cases regsrdless of whether or not the ultimate verdict was the correct one (and it might very well have been) in the cosmic sense.
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