The episode covered the entire trial. What jumped out at me wasn't the show's focus, but it mattered to me because I care about what government can do to protect citizens from each other.
None of the shootings by Kyle Rittenhouse would have occurred if Joseph Rosenbaum hadn't behaved in a deranged manner. Presumably, Rosenbaum would have done better if he had taken his medication, but he couldn't get his prescriptions filled because the pharmacy was boarded up — closed, because of the riots.
I'm reading more about his condition — here, in The Washington Post — and I see that the plastic bag he threw at Rittenhouse was a small collection of items — deodorant, underwear, socks — that the hospital had given him when he was discharged after a suicide attempt. That's what he had (and lamely threw at Rittenhouse). What he lacked was his drugs: "Hours after he was released from the hospital, Rosenbaum stopped by a pharmacy in Kenosha to pick up medication for his bipolar disorder, only to discover that it had closed early because of the unrest."
They released a mentally ill man into a chaotic city with a prescription for medication that he could not fill. A suicidal man proceeded to get himself killed at the hands of Rittenhouse and to unleash the ill-fated rush to stop Rittenhouse. There are immense and unknowable costs to letting a city decline into chaos.
Rittenhouse and every other individual — except a truly deranged person, such as, perhaps, Rosenbaum — are responsible for his own actions. We tend to focus on the actions of other human beings, and the trial was a spectacle commanding us to focus on Rittenhouse. The government puts on that show, and that show distracts us from the failings of government.
"Why Didn’t [Wisconsin Governor] Tony Evers Prevent the Carnage in Kenosha?" John McCormack asked (in National Review, while the jury was deliberating):
On the afternoon of Sunday, August 23 — three months after the murder of George Floyd and the riots it sparked — a Kenosha police officer shot African American Jacob Blake. The shooting was far more complicated than initial reports indicated: Blake had a knife, resisted arrest after being tasered, and was reaching into his car when he was shot.... But the video of the incident almost guaranteed that riots would occur without decisive action....
That evening, instead of deploying the National Guard to Kenosha, Evers sent out an inflammatory tweet suggesting that police may have behaved “mercilessly” in their encounter with Blake. “Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin... While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.”
A few hours later, 100 cars were torched in Kenosha.
It wasn’t until the next morning, August 24, that Evers called out the National Guard — and even then he sent only 125 guardsmen to Kenosha, which has a population of just under 100,000. That night, arsonists set fire to dozens of buildings in the city. On Tuesday, August 25, Evers sent another 125 members of the National Guard. But that evening, the Washington Post reported, law-enforcement agents were “overwhelmed” by rioters and “the only visible law enforcement presence was around the Kenosha County Courthouse, where an 8-foot-high fence was erected around the building, with about 1,000 protesters gathered outside the barrier.”
Evers had turned down an offer of federal support earlier that day. “I have no regrets because the only thing I said no to was Homeland Security and I knew that would not work out because of what I saw in Portland,” Evers said after the fact. Evers has defended his minimal deployment of guardsmen by saying, “We have fulfilled every request that the leadership in Kenosha have asked for.”....
Evers is at fault and so is the leadership of Kenosha.
ALSO: More government responsibility for chaos in Wisconsin: "Milwaukee County DA admits it was a mistake to grant $1,000 bail to SUV-driving felon days before he smashed into Xmas parade: Darrell Brooks was freed after running over mother of his child and is now charged with homicide after killing five" (Daily Mail).
८१ टिप्पण्या:
The government puts on that show, and that show distracts us from the failings of government.
Sadly, this could be an Althouse tag.
Althouse said...
>>"A suicidal man proceeded to get himself killed at the hands of Rittenhouse and to unleash the ill-fated rush to stop Rittenhouse."<<
Yeah, to I stop Rittenhouse from breathing anymore. Editorialize much? The ill-fated rush was pretty clearly to catch him and punitively beat him to pulp. I mean, the evidence for that is right there on the video.
Here's a thought: When you see someone standing with a rifle, leave them alone.
Don't run over to them. Don't yell at them. Don't get in their face. Don't threaten to kick their ass. Don't question whether they have a right to be there. Don't call them names. Don't pull your own gun on them. Don't threaten to get your own gun. Don't see how close you can get before they react. Don't demand to see their credentials. Don't dare them to point the gun at you, or shoot you, or put down the gun so you can fight them.
Don't do anything. Just keep walking.
As a matter of fact, behave the same way if they don't have a gun.
Not only will you remain alive, the world will be a better place.
None of the shootings by Kyle Rittenhouse would have occurred if Joseph Rosenbaum hadn't behaved in a deranged manner. Presumably, Rosenbaum would have done better if he had taken his medication, but he couldn't get his prescriptions filled because the pharmacy was boarded up — closed, because of the riots.
Apropos of this; former NYT report Nellie Bowles guest posting on Barri Weiss's substack:
"The part of Kenosha that people burned in the riots was the poor, multi-racial commercial district, full of small, underinsured cell phone shops and car lots. It was very sad to see and to hear from people who had suffered. Beyond the financial loss, small storefronts are quite meaningful to their owners and communities, which continuously baffles the Zoom-class."
She also relates how the NYT would not let her publish her report until the day after the 2020 election.
(Scroll down a bit to find her full post on the matter.)
...and I see that the plastic bag he threw at Rittenhouse was a small collection of items — deodorant, underwear, socks — that the hospital had given him when he was discharged after a suicide attempt.
Also, anyone willing to bet that Rosenbaum had been on a 72 hour psychiatric hold and completely missed the Blake shooting that occurred two days earlier?
There are immense and unknowable costs to letting a city decline into chaos.
I don't know Althouse. That seems to be an increasing feature of Blue Democrat cities.
When the Government turns your community over to the rioting mob, you are truly screwed. That's why I said it was poor judgment on Rittenhouse's part, to step up to protect certain properties in Kenosha. Good heart, poor plan. A small group of well-intentioned people against a voracious mob has little chance to make a difference, and a huge chance of getting into some deep legal doo-doo (sorry for the technical legal terms). From the 'teasers' I've heard of Tucker's interview with Rittenhouse, it sounds like Kyle has reached the same conclusion, and won't be doing that again.
That said, the responsibility lies not with Rittenhouse's decision, but with the Government's. It was the Government which chose to let the mob have its way, and everything that resulted from that, including the deaths of Rosenbaum and Huber, and the crippling of Grosskreutz, is on the Government.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that the Government is politically allied with the mainstream media, we won't ever get that story widely disseminated. Instead, we get endless repetition of the mindless "crossed state lines" and "white supremacy" narratives. It's enough to make you feel like you've suffered a significant loss of IQ as collateral damage from listening to those morons.
Don't you get the feeling the country is descending into chaos one blue city at a time? "May you live in interesting times," which I'm told is a Chinese proverb of sorts.
I despise this POS governor. Every action he took or rather, didn’t take, back then was motivated by Trump hatred. Every single thing. He is a miserable POS who deserves to go down in infamy. But he won’t. Like all the other white, beta, male, educated, ruling class progressives he wreaks havoc and skates off into the arms of his clapping tribal seals.
One thing I’d like to add: Evers is a POS. That needs to be acknowledged.
None of the unrest happened in spite of government actions; they happened because of them
Your Government WANTED all of this (except of Kyle's verdict; They should as hell didn't want That)
Evers is at fault and so is the leadership of Kenosha.
I wonder if any of them will be voted out of office?
The hospital needed to fill Rosenbaum's prescription, at least provide a small supply to allow him time to get to a pharmacy for full refill. And, the discharging physician can write a prescription, enter it into the hospital system, and direct patient to hospital pharmacy. So many different "if only" scenarios from hindsight, for Rosenbaum to get home safely.
This is a NEW THOUGHT to you -- that actions and INACTIONS have consequences?
I sincerely believe that government officials like Evers and the Kenosha mayor should be held criminally responsible for the death and destruction in Kenosha. The governor because he first inflamed the mob by lying about the circumstances of Blake's death then stood back and let the city be overrun by the mob he inflamed. The mayor because he failed to even attempt to properly deploy the police force or to ask for backup from the state or surrounding communities. Both of these officials voluntarily ran for the offices they occupy and both were expected to fulfill the responsibilities of those offices, not the least of which is protecting the life and property of the electorate. The Kenosha riots are a case study in criminal negligence by left wing elected leaders. Hang em.
This is what happens in riots. All the demons congregate. Rosenbaum was out of control, but everyone there was at little a bit crazy, because that is how riots are. How many times since the mid-sixties have we seen normal people behave like thieves and worse during riots?
In Kenneth Branagh's film "Belfast", we see his alter-ego, Buddy, take a box of OMO (a brand of laundry detergent) from a market being looted by rioters in Belfast. The OMO sits there like a monolithic silent witness while the family decides they have to leave for England. They can't live in this chaos anymore. That's what riots do. They strip away the veneer of civilization in everyone who was there.
Rittenhouse and every other individual — except a truly deranged person, such as, perhaps, Rosenbaum — are responsible for his own actions.
If Rosenbaum was too ill to be responsible for his actions, he was too ill to be released from hospital.
McAullife, and the Democrat mayor, in Charlottesville had police steer the two groups together for some media ready violence. It went bad for him when the woman died from the panicked kid driving down that street. They were able to cover that with a conviction far higher than the crime. But then McAuliffe's payoff just this month didn't come through
Evers did similar in Kenosha. Let the city burn, refuse to let any real law enforcement happen, all for the media and the election. Kenosha too went bad for them, and they tried to do similar to Rittenhouse, way overcharge and hope to throw away the key. But Rittenhouse had video. We still see that the government isn't going after the bad actors that night, such as Joshua Ziminsky, and wife, who were instigators and likely zeroed Rosenbaum in on Kyle. The wife was pleaded out and Joshua has "charges" conveniently delayed so that he could use the 5th amendment if the defense tried to call him. He fired the instigating shot, into the air, itself a deadly act as bullets come back down.
But these states keep electing these Democrats so they deserve to burn. I do wish someone would help out the burned out small business owners, but only on the condition they leave their old businesses vacant derelict lots and a monument to the Democrats and perhaps put the cities on the path Detroit has pioneered.
All of the rioting was one giant jerk-off of hate towards Trump by the collective left.
Evers is at fault and so is the leadership of Kenosha.
Evers, Governor of Wisconsin, Democrat
Jim Kreuser, County Executive of Kenosha County, Democrat
John Antaramian, Kenosha mayor, Democrat
I think there might be a pattern here.
Most of these awful incidents around riots can be blamed on bad policing, almost always caused by the politicals telling law enforcement to stand down.
The chaos in Charlottesville that lead to a death & then a prosecution for murder was the result of bad policing by everyone from the governor of Virginia on down.
"There are immense and unknowable costs to letting a city decline into chaos."
You are absolutely right. And I hope that stating this fact does not put you at risk.
Evers has no regrets about not accepting help from Homeland security. Incredible. From the milwaulkee J/S 826-2020;
We have a National Guard standing by that if the General for the National Guard needs additional help, we're there to do it," Meadows said. "But today, that request was denied by the governor."
The governor informed them that we would be increasing Wisconsin National Guard support in Kenosha and therefore would not need federal assistance in response to protests but would welcome additional federal support and resources for our state's response to COVID-19," Evers spokeswoman Britt Cudaback said.
Evers also faned the flames (before the facts were in) of racial feeling on the jacob blake shooting on August 20, 2020 with the following official statement:
“Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.
Did Evers denounce Antifa? Or did he pretent - like fucking Joe Biden - that it didn't exist and was "Just an idea"?
All this was unneccessary. But then 50-60 people died in the Antifa/BLM riots of 2020. And no one seems to care, or want to hold people responsible.
"None of the shootings by Kyle Rittenhouse would have occurred if Joseph Rosenbaum hadn't behaved in a deranged manner."
This is probably correct but Rosenbaum was only one of many acting out that night. Your use of "deranged" tends to excuse it as purely the result of a single episode of extreme and unchecked mental illness. There is not enough evidence to substantiate that assessment. Aside from a bipolar diagnosis he appears to have also been simply a violent jackass.
Reliance on the closed pharmacy and unavailability of his medications doesn't help much. He was only a few hours out of a mental hold and the idea of going totally manic after missing a dose is mainly a fictional prop.
There is such a thing as a bad boy.
"Milwaukee County DA admits it was a mistake to grant $1,000 bail to SUV-driving felon days before he smashed into Xmas parade: Darrell Brooks was freed after running over mother of his child and is now charged with homicide after killing five"
The headline is practically a whole freaking paragraph but it's somehow important to *not* spell out "Christmas"?
Evers is at fault and so is the leadership of Kenosha.
You will be hard pressed to convince me this wasn't coordinated from Nancy Pelosi's office.
Evers should be taken out and executed.
Short take:
Progressive Democrat Governor fails to stop an ongoing riot in Kenosha, and multiple violent rioters die needlessly.
Progressive Democrat DA fails to properly enforce the law for a convicted felon who just tried to run over the mother of one of his kids, and multiple innocent people die needlessly in Waukesha.
As HL Mencken observed, "Democracy is the political theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
I hope that somehow the progressive Wisconsinites who voted to put these 2 idiots into office feel a bit of responsibility and guilt for these outcomes. As another great American once observed, "Elections have consequences."
It's much better to be shot in darkness.
Meanwhile JoUrinal Sentinel is yapping about Jan 6.
The voters got what they voted for.
Stop voting for lefty democrats
If you still believe these sex offender rioters were present that night out of randomness or some political motivation you are not a serious person.
The sex offenders were there because they are paid to be thugs by politcal interest groups aligned with Democrats, and have the promise they will be protected by the DAs paid for by the same political interest groups.
So, enough with the couldn’t fill his prescription bullshit. You’re not helping. You are making it worse…0
Governor Evers is the proximate cause of the Kenosha chaos and he should be recalled from office.
Just saw Kyle Rittenhouse interviewed by Tucker. A remarkably mature and poised young man. Exceptional in every way.
"Joseph Rosenbaum ... spent most of his adult life in prison for sexual conduct with children"
"Rosenbaum...dumped on the streets of Kenosha."
"...Kyle Rittenhouse, a heavily armed teenager"
one gun
"A third victim, Gaige Grosskreutz"
third attacker
"Officer Rusten Sheskey fired seven rounds into Blake’s back"
If you turn and face away from the cops, they can't shoot you! Them's the rules.
A lot has been made off Rittenhouse crossing a state line. He did, but it was only a mile away. Kennosha, where he had a lot of connection (Job, family, lived there earlier) is pretty much the next town over from Antioch (20 miles away)
Of the 4 involved he traveled the least distance and had the most connection to Kenosha.
It might have been better if Rosenbaum had taken his meds. It would have been a LOT better if he had not crossed about 10 state lines to get to Kenosha, to which he had no relationship at all.
John Henry
The USSC has on several occasion made clear the point that the police, and by extension the state/government, has no duty to protect the citizens.
Scott Patton
well done. Our media is garbage.
Miss Scott Walker yet?
"Why Didn’t [Wisconsin Governor] Tony Evers Prevent the Carnage in Kenosha?"
Because it benefited himself and his political collaborators. It's reprehensible.
Trump was impeached for less.
Remember that the violence of the summer of 2020 was in service of replacing Trump. Evers did his part.
Congrats, Tony.
rehajm said...
If you still believe these sex offender rioters were present that night out of randomness or some political motivation you are not a serious person.
If YOU were a serious person, you would offer evidence to support your claims.
Stand and deliver!
Don't forget the busses that brought rioters and Antifa to Kenosha, across state lines...paid for by whom?
Big Mike said...
"Evers is at fault and so is the leadership of Kenosha.
Evers, Governor of Wisconsin, Democrat
Jim Kreuser, County Executive of Kenosha County, Democrat
John Antaramian, Kenosha mayor, Democrat
I think there might be a pattern here."
You left out Josh Kaul (D), Wisconsin Attorney General.
San Francisco in the 1850s had vigilance committees to enforce the law when the weak governments couldn't. Blue cities like Portland and Seattle could use those now. The district attorney aren't interested in maintaining order. Antifa runs Portland and the city government is staffed by left-wing anarchists like Jo Anne Hardisty, who would rather eliminate the police department and close all the jails. The inmates have taken over and the residents are in peril.
Seattle elected a Republican city attorney, which may start the turn around there. The city attorney prosecutes just misdimenors, but that may be enough to start up broken-windows policing. Let's hope so.
What were they all thinking, all the powers that be who chose to let the summer of 2020 play out as it did? Will we ever know what they all were thinking?
I do not have a generalisation about what any public officials should have done. I do bring a small area of expertise. For over 40 years I was part of releasing those Rosenbaums to the street with few belongings and uncertain access to follow-up treatment. I was the guy who was supposed to be making sure that we made that as possible as we could, in the face of pharmacies suddenly not being open, within the constraints of mental health laws that sharply limited what we could or could not do to ameliorate the grim reality. Rosenbaum would be nowhere near the craziest person I ever sent out, though he would have been among the angriest.
You can change the laws about who we can hold. Even a slight stiffening would double the size of your hospitals and also result in holding a lot of "false positives," whose rights are being curtailed just a bit more. But you could. Or you could figure out where to house a lot of psychotic or personality-disordered people that landlords want nothing to do with, especially at the prices they can collect. You could hold people down and make them take the long-acting medication that at least helps - and sometimes fixes everything quickly, though you're not supposed to say that.
Or you can make sure that the circumstances they are returning to are always ideal, with no stress on the streets, and pharmacies that give away meds for free, and lovely supportive families and neighborhoods who will make sure these people get what they want, no matter how many times they have been ripped off or assaulted themselves.
I understand unicorn farts are also useful.
What does seem unreasonable to me is the idea that Kyle Rittenhouse could have done much to avert this. Is it not abundantly clear that if Rosenbaum did not have Kyle to challenge and abuse who would have found someone else? This was a psychotic person challenging someone with a rifle for no reason whatsoever. People who are suggesting that he was upset at him for some rational political reason that had to do with cultural support of black people are merely projecting what their reason would have been if they had been there. That has nothing whatsoever to do with what psychotic people think. I have seen this for years. Some Americans think that the Iraqis or the Afghanis or Chinese, or whoever resented us because of bad roads and schools, and George Bush not treating Muslims respectfully enough, or hundreds of years of Crusader oppression, or the Gadsden Purchase, or not respecting the UN enough. They are projecting at a deeply primitive level (My allergy shots were cancelled because the war just started in Irag I and they hate me and want me to die - that's a true account from a child at the time.)
They are fucking insane and I have no solution other than repeatedly asserting simple truths. And I live in the sanest state in the nation (NH). We are doomed, as Derbyshire said.
"I care about what government can do to protect citizens from each other"
But you abstained last time. So how much do you care?
Until you and the other Althouses of America stop aiding and abetting Dem malfeasance, your care means little.
You see the problem, and I respect you for it. But you haven't made up your mind to resist the destroyers just yet. Neither have your fellow Althouses. So there we are.
Oh, Jesus. The DA responsible for freeing the criminal who mowed down the Christmas parade is John Chisholm.
John Chisholm
"A suicidal man proceeded to get himself killed at the hands of Rittenhouse and to unleash the ill-fated rush to stop Rittenhouse."
I have watched all the videos available multiple times- all three men and jump/kick guy were stalking Rittenhouse before Rosenbaum's attack. It is, at best, a mischaracterization to say or imply Huber and Grosskreutz were attempting to stop Rittenhouse because he shot Rosenbaum- the evidence doesn't support such a claim
If the government doesn't provide a service, you can bet someone will step in to provide it. In this case, it was public order and security.
You let the mob reign, don't be surprised when the countervailing impulse rises up in the general public's hearts and minds. Just like it was back in ye Olde Weste, you don't have civic order, then you can expect someone to set up those nasty Vigilance Committees and they'll impose it for you.
I don't think all these lovey-dovey left-wing types have really thought through the implications of what happens after they destroy the public's certainty that justice will be done, and that by calling 911, you're going to get the police to come out and adjudicate a situation and take malefactors into custody for justice to be meted out. Once the general populace loses that certainty, the social contract wherein they gave up the right to private justice and vengeance is pretty much a dead letter. After that? Yeah; as Instapundit has constantly tried to get across to people, the law enforcement system doesn't exist to protect Joe Average from criminals; it exists to protect criminals and those mistaken for criminal from Joe Average. Joe Average has an alarming proclivity for shooting or beating to death first, then asking questions. Mob justice is where they're taking us with all of this, and it won't be a pretty place. For anyone.
I fully expect that the next time Vigilance Committees get going, you're going to see the current set of prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys strung up next to their clients that they got successfully released back into public. That's presupposing that they aren't turned out of office at the ballot box, which is a distinct possibility.
Were I Mr. Chisholm, I'd be contemplating the fate of one Ken McElroy, and considering the fact that some 30-plus years on, we still don't have any idea who shot him in broad daylight in the middle of town. You think we've left that sort of thing behind, but the reality is, you don't provide that public service of delivering actual law enforcement and the perception of justice...? Then, someone else will, and they're not likely to do it nicely. Or, with any real restraint or fairness.
People in America, and the politicians too, have forgotten that the first job of government is to provide for the safety of the population and protect their property. Instead, people vote for politicians based on the goodies they promise and the social policies they want to enact.
If the voters remembered their priorities they would not have these problems, but what happens instead is that once these problems are taken care of people forget the purpose of government and vote in social liberals until such time as the problems return and they vote them back out. Lather, rinse, repeat.
The hospital didn't fill a prescription.
The Governor wouldn't send enough help.
Police couldn't protect the community
And one month before the riot, Kenosha County 'Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion' a Class-A misdemeanor Bail Jumping charge against Joseph D. Rosenbaum; punishable by up to 9 months in jail.
JDR would still have been in Kenosha that night -- probably behind bars.
Kenosha County Case Number 2020CM000903 State of Wisconsin vs. Joseph D. Rosenbaum
You left out Josh Kaul (D), Wisconsin Attorney General.
@MadTownGuy, what I really left out are the gullible voters of Wisconsin who over the years have fallen for the fiction that the Democrats are the Party of Good Government. Thy are, in fact, terrible at governing, though very good at graft and corruption.
Like "Can of Chess for Hunter" said, Scott Walker would have had the National Guard out there. Instead, what you have is a government that caters to violence like the hapless parent of an out of control three-year-old.
Kevin said:
Here's a thought: When you see someone standing with a rifle, leave them alone.
Isn’t that what started the riots to begin w/?
Isn’t that why BLM exists for? Mostly? Isn’t that why Jacob Blake was shot- not respecting the authority of the law who was a man w/a gun?
When dehumanization begins w/the vulnerable children in the womb- is it any surprise no recognition is given to br(others) on the street?
"She also relates how the NYT would not let her publish her report until the day after the 2020 election."
That's weird, the same thing happened with the vaccine, the study was put on hold until the day after the 2020 election, when it resumed and was approved within days...
The election wasn't 'stolen,' it was 'fortified.'
“Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into [a] treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody?” he [Chisholm] told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in 2007. “You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.”
It's fiercely urgent that we keep electing Democrats.
Praeger (idk about the spelling) has an interesting point emphasized in his talk: Liberalism is not Leftism. Yet, Liberals vote Left a great percentage of the time b/c they view Conservatism as the enemy of their cause(s). How wrong they are.
Don’t mental health facilities have their own pharmacy and wouldn’t they have sent him(Rosenbaum) home w/a starter kit dosage of meds before releasing him? If not- just another instance of a broken system.
According to Fox, according to Rittenhouse;
One officer told him to "go home," which the teen told Carlson was likely because he did not hear him admit to shooting the rioters.
Does our emcee think it happened differently?
HE keeps Saying: Kyle shouldn't have been there; the police Told him to go home
If this 'go home' telling took place AFTER the shootings, it seems to be NOT what emcee said
For want of a prescription, the country was lost.
AVIdiot- thank u for a rundown.
Having lived w/a schizophrenic brother when younger& watching my folks deal w/the hospitalization &treatment of him- repeatedly… having lost out 1 state mental hospital and feeling it intensely… having watched a close friend jump through judicial hoops to gain guardianship and court-mandated meds w/her young son who was a danger to himself, his family and society- I don’t know if I agree w/your advocacy. I don’t have to.
A public debate on care for those w/mental illness is long overdue- the system is broken.
How little thought, and ink, is given to why people obey laws as opposed to the excuses for those who break them. Prager distinguishes liberals from leftists. He is clear on these issues.
Not to excuse Evers' default, but I'm guessing that there is probably more than one pharmacy in Kenosha.
I’m waiting for the news article that notes the violent rioters, seeking justice in the town of Kenosha for the police shooting of Blake, are the definition of vigilantes. They are members of a self-appointed group of citizens (BLM), who undertook enforcement of justice without legal authority. Until that happens, the initial bias is blatant. If you think vigilantism is bad, then recognize the riots for what they are.
We had a really good governor -- one of the best in the country. He cut taxes. He stood up to bullies. He wasn't a patsy for the Woke mob. His name was Scott Walker.
For reasons I will never understand the good people of my state decided that it was not appropriate to have an effective, plain-spoken sensible governor. They replaced him with Tony Evers who is a man notable for his total lack of ability. A block of concrete has more common sense than Evers, and more initiative.
Why, Wisconsin? Why?
Kyle was alone. If he was not alone and had some backup then maybe this would not have happened.
Strange how we were able to keep the all of the Rosenbaums of the world in institutions where they were not a danger to themselves or others prior to the 1960's. We had the resources then. It's not a question of resources.
The far left is trying to make chaos across the US. Illegals flooding the borders, riots in liberal cities where the government prohibits police/National Guard from doing anything, easy/no bail for criminals, etc... COVID restrictions, and more. All for power. Even a senile puppet president!
But they need to prohibit self defense so all will be afraid to even leave their homes. Hence gun control and arresting anyone who defends themselves (claim they are racist, they 'provoked it', had guns, etc...)
And this is what it is all about. Notice both Rittenhouse and the Waukesha incident had people who clearly should have been in jail.. but were not! NYC is full of criminals walking the streets due to no-bail laws!!
The not guilty verdict for Rittenhouse just threw a wrench in the works, but don't fret.. they will find someone else to crucify.
Thank God for out 2nd Amendment! Keep it strong!
George Floyd was not murdered, he died of a self-induced drug overdose.
I'm going to keep repeating that fact every time I see the false "killed/murdered" BS come up until it stops, which it never will, but I'm going to fight the good fight anyway.
oh, golly, "john chisholm"!!! thanks for pointing that out. that's the guy that strategically terrorized Scott Walker's supporters way back when. He's still empowered?!!! wow.
I remember reading the series of articles by David French back in 2015 and was stunned at the ruthless, politicized audacity, but I didn't focus on Chisholm. But its clear he was running a dress rehearsal for the kinds of Lawfare that would be unleashed to fight the game-changer Trump and all his supporters. worth a review:
G*dspeed, America
Our Government is largely failing in its basic duty of protecting the citizens. Democrat leaders are happy about this and encourage and hasten this, thinking they will be in power when it is all said and done. Once the crowd reaches a tipping point - from both the left and the right - many of them will be consumed in the rage that will be. They are too greedy to resist. May they all reap what they sow.
tim in vermont,
I like "Can of Chess for Hunter." Maybe he could do with a can of chess. Or One Night In Bangkok, perhaps.
If the NYT says he was without meds, it must be true. Also, way more fun to be hyper,excited and crazy by not taking your meds, than to be sleepy, calm and boring after taking them.
If a shot was fired at Rittenhoue but misses, can it be described as "fired into the air"?
On the afternoon of Sunday, August 23 — three months after the murder of George Floyd and the riots it sparked — a Kenosha police officer shot African American Jacob Blake. The shooting was far more complicated than initial reports indicated: Blake had a knife, resisted arrest after being tasered, and was reaching into his car when he was shot
No, he was reaching into the car of the woman who had a restraining order against him. In that car were her kids, which he was trying to take away.
Said woman had called 911 for help.
You can not know what was going on, support Jacob Blake, and be a good human being.
You can not comment on this sh!t and be a good human being, when you haven't bothered to find out what happened before you open your mouth.
But here's a hint: If you're resisting arrest, the cops are going to do everything in their power, up to and including kill you, in order to make you stop resisting arrest.
This situation is a requirement for having "the rule of law". Because if people are allowed to resist the police whenever they don't want to be arrested, then there is no law.
If someone is hurt / killed resisting arrest, your starting presumption must be that they deserved it, and wait to find out what they were doing when they were harmed by the cops.
There are lots of a$$hole cops out their who abuse their authority, and harm people during an arrest without legitimate cause. So it is not the case that "the cops say they were resisting arrest, so whatever happens, they deserved it."
But if you do actually violently resist arrest, you are going to get hurt, and you do deserve it.
And no, having a darker skin color doesn't excuse you
FullMoon said...
If a shot was fired at Rittenhoue but misses, can it be described as "fired into the air"?
It can if you have video of the shot, and it clearly shows the gun was pointed in the air and nowhere near Kyle when the trigger was pulled.
One hopes that that was the situation
Robert Marshall said...
A small group of well-intentioned people against a voracious mob has little chance to make a difference, That part of your comment is false. A few volleys direct into the mob and the rioters will scatter. They won't mount a frontal assault. Then keep firing aimed shots until the street is empty. and a huge chance of getting into some deep legal doo-doo and this part is absolutely true- because they're doing what the National or State Guard (for states that have one) should be doing.
Of course, if they're all in masks- like antifa, dressed in black- like antifa, leave their cell phones at home along with any other electronic ID (use older model cars, no EZPASS or equivalent), and after firing a few volleys scatter- they'll never be found. And their phone's will prove they were at home!
"Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement."
Truth: Blake was shot while stealing a car that had been rented by a black woman he had raped, in the process kidnapping his black children who were trapped inside, after arming himself with a knife and foiling numerous attempts by police to take him under arrest by less-dangerous means.
During the riots in the summer of 2020, numerous times Leftists mobbed victims' cars in the street, pulled them from their cars, and beat them, sometimes causing serious bodily injury and/or death. This happened to the non-Leftist driver-victims while they had their foot on the brake pedal of their car in order to prevent the car from plowing through a crowd of Leftist people surrounding it, all the while those same Leftist people were screaming to kill the non-Leftist driver-victim. All the non-Leftist driver-victim had to do was remove their foot from the brake, and push down on the gas pedal, and the murderous Leftist crowd would have been seriously injured or dead, instead of the non-Leftist driver-victim.
Yet the non-Leftist driver-victim did not do it.
The reason the non-Leftist driver-victim maintained restraint, even at the cost of their own well-being, is because non-Leftist driver-victims care about other people. Non-Leftist driver-victims are not genocidal white-supremacists, the way they have been depicted by Leftists like Antifa, BLM, the DemocRAT party, and other communists.
This, by the way, is what it looks like when a Leftist drives through a crowd in a car. The driver is Darrell Brooks, a black anti-Trump Leftist, and he is killing parade marchers and spectators in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
The only reason Darrell Brooks was not behind bars is because the Leftist district attorney of Milwaukee, Wisconsin let him out of jail with minimal bail, despite Darrell Brooks having a lengthy violent criminal record, and serious pending felony charges.
Leftists warn about being victimized by the very same people whom Leftists victimize.
That is called "projection," and it is a mark of derangement.
Leftists are deranged and dangerous.
Treat them that way.
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