From "Can We Talk About Critical Race Theory?" by Jay Caspian Kang (NYT).
November 11, 2021
"One would think... that Democrats... would be more than happy to defend the idea that racism exists at every level of American schooling and tout the work of educators to address inequality."
"Instead, many have embarked on a great campaign of denial. This is particularly strange, because significant, equity-based changes in schools across the country should be seen as progressive victories.
The problem seems to be that some small portion of what’s produced in the name of equity in schools is pretty embarrassing. That stuff, which mostly can be found in diversity trainings, then gets blasted out to the world as proof that the race hucksters are taking over the schools.... If you’re getting mad at an equity or antiracism idea gone wrong, make sure it’s either an actual policy or part of a curriculum or a training program. This means not getting worked up over singular examples in which a teacher says something in a classroom and then suddenly every 'woke' teacher in America has to answer for them.
Try to disregard ephemera like quotes from random parents and, especially, students.
Do critically engage with school board members, especially in big cities, and, of course, politicians.
As much as possible, try to talk in concrete terms. This goes for both sides. Moral panics feed off ambiguity and confusion...."
There's nothing wrong with diversity. You want some blacks to hedge against whites and Asians turning out to be the stupid ones. It's like a financial portfolio.
That would explain it to skeptics.
CRT is racism straight up.
When minorities can't compete they scream racism.
It's getting very old and very tiresome.
I have enough problems in life to care about people who can't or won't keep up.
The Democrat party was founded to defend slavery.
The democrat party was defeated in 1863 and forced to give up slavery.
So they wrote Jim Crow laws and segregated schools
Then they were forced to give up Jim Crow laws and segregated schools.
Now they are busy resegregating schools and injecting racism into every child's life.
More of the 'you're too stupid to understand" cover.
Have the "equity-based changes" improved black student performance?
Have they put down the phones to engage with the material?
I didn't think so.
Dems should be "happy to defend the idea that racism exists at every level of American schooling and tout the work of educators to address inequality."
So, the educators who staff the American schools which are chock full of racism, are also the ones to address inequality to fix the problem? How does that work?
Racism is a human attitude. You only have racism if you have racist humans. If schools are full of racists, such that racism is present at every level, then we should rid ourselves of those racist educators, and start something new.
Change my mind!
What is the actual affect of Affirmative Action?
Every race has a distribution of achievement. There are 100 IQ white kids, Asian kids, black kids and hispanic kids. There are 80 IQ and 120 IQ in each.
Now you add in affirmative action bonuses.
In the average schools you have 100 IQ white kids and Asian kids. But you gave 10 points to the Hispanic kids and 20 points to the black kids. Now the average school has 100 IQ white and asian kids, 90 IQ hispanics and 80 IQ black kids.
The lower tier schooles have 80 IQ white and asian kids and 70 hispanic and 60 black.
The upper tier schools have 120 IQ white and asian 110 Hispanic and 100 black.
At every level of society you have now sorted the races to ensure that no matter where the black students are they are the poorest performing.
This does not lead to good outcomes for the black students.
This is done on purpose by a racist progressive movement whose only goal is to push division and tribalism.
I find it stunning. The argument always concludes that ending racism can only be accomplished with segregation.
Jay Caspian King is a dreamer. The school teachers in my hometown all watch MSNBC and believe it.
Also, Jay Caspian King is in for a rude awakening. The "woke" really mean it, they just don't know what "it" means.
The most startling thing to me is not what the public schools (and corporate HR departments) are pushing, it is the discussions my friends have with their college-credentialed children. All the Marxist and neo-Marxist tropes are there: race, class, and gender make the world go round. Individualism and thinking for yourself are not on the agenda.
"...the idea that racism exists at every level of American schooling...
Instead, many have embarked on a great campaign of denial."
They should deny it because it's not true.
...significant, equity-based changes in schools across the country should be seen as progressive victories.
For example? Getting rid of testing, a terrible idea, or what?
"Moral panics feed off ambiguity and confusion"
Particularly the fabricated progressive moral panic over "racism." Gotta keep the rubes and deplorables "confused" about the "ambiguity" of CRT, which is only taught in law schools, after all, or in minority of "trainings," or comes up in the occasional comment by the occasional teacher. Nothing to see there. But Amerikkka is still Amerikkka.
The kitchens in an elementary school will do their best to provide good nutrition to their students. They will follow the best guidelines to provide nourishing, balanced meals to kids, taking it as given that doing so is in the best interests of the children.
This is not the same thing as teaching "Nutritional Science" to children. Certainly, Nutritional Science is very important, and informs the selection of menus and food handling within a school and throughout the school district.
School boards and teachers unions could quite truthfully say something like "Nutritional Science isn't being taught in their school system."
But it'd still be there.
If it is so simple and innocent, why hide the curriculum? Like the 2020 election, the Democrats give an impression of guilt by hiding and threatening any one who would want to see the truth. If you are not guilty, why act like it ?
Alternative solution: replace the assholes on the school board...
I would say "Great! You first."
Yeah, that’s perfectly logical. The fact that these race-obsessed morons are only producing truly outrageous garbage SOME of the time, are only brainwashing the children SOME of the time with utterly poisonous trash and at other times fail to do so,…
That just shows that everything is totally fine.
As this is a new tag, is this guy (Caspian whatever) someone who is noteworthy?
Just confusing the issue.
The Left doesn't have the power - right now - to force this anti-white training on people. So, they have to play the "THere is no CRT" game. And "Gosh, its so complicated" and "How can you attack CRT when you don't know that it is?"
Again, we've seen this Leftwing game a hundred times. People have a right to be upset. People should organize and gain control of their school boards. This brings up the question, who controls what your kid is taught. The Parents or the Education establisment?
Anyone who starts off with crap about "equity" instead of "equality" is on the wrong side of history, and should be treated the same as people who say "ni--er" in non-scholarly settings. I am a firm believer in equality of opportunity, and equally firmly believe that anyone who believes in equality of outcome is actively evil.
If the people of the United States, the one country on earth with the might to stand up to totalitarian regimes, allow a senile old fool to be installed as President, then said totalitarian regimes will revert to form, IE, the strong do as they will, the weak suffer as they must. I hope that Taiwan does not fall before we are able to vote him out beyond the margin of cheating. As for Eastern Europe, they should be frantically researching and building nuclear arsenals. Because the US has proven to be a fickle ally, over and over again.
With an appreciation that I only have a small part of the total input I still feel confidant to state what I only wished, in naivite, Althouse would have lived up to, based on her professed ideals.
When M.E.G. made actual threats, actual threats of violence, not just hyperbole, Althouse wouldn't have highlighted and agreed with the proggie comment, that confirmed her sterotypes, about right wing men being the problem in her little world of blog comments.
Neutrality was a scam. It worked. You at the Althouse blog lied and mislead really well. You got reactions and got paid*. You took action behind the scenes but ignored those actions when it came to honesty, instead raking in some more influence because it hurt your mental schema to acknowledge it was a lesbian women and not a right man who really threatened you.
In hindsight I had to use the word C&nt because I wasn't able, in my mental schema, to allow liars to lie and get away scot free. Yes, I knew at the time I was a parody of the Coen's great charactor Johnny Casparo in the film "Miller's Crossing" who proclaimed, to his ultimate demise, "I never let a son-of-a-bitch walk!"
*Paid with pious recognition is my assumption, certainly not blog hits or links or actual dollars
Kang, not King, as in "Kang and Kodos", the two aliens in the Simpsons.
Most memorable line: "Keep your slimeless hands off me!!"
(paywalled, so that's all I have to say)
Alternative title: "Just the tip"
"CRT doesn't exist and it's racist to prohibit teaching it."
Is that about right?
"Can We Talk About Critical Race Theory?"
No. No, we cannot.
One would think... that Democrats... would be more than happy to defend the idea that racism exists at every level of American schooling
It's so weird to talk about "racism" like it's a poison in the air, like it's COVID-19, and we can't see it, it's microscopic, but it affects us all.
Historically "racism" was an idea, and people either held it, or they did not. So when somebody says "racism exists at every level of American schooling," then what that means to me is that there are racists at every level of American schooling.
But she's not accusing anybody of racism!
And so it's quite weird to say that the people who are responsible for all this racism in the schools should go in there and fix all this racism in the schools.
How does that work?
I agree racism is poison. But it's a poison of the mind, dreamed up by people. And the way you fight it is to attack the whole idea of race and racial division.
She has no interest in doing that. She just floats this "racism in the schools" idea like it's a virus or a UFO that's been sighted. It's no one's fault, apparently. No actual racists are named. No human did this, apparently. It's just invisible racism that needs to be defeated. And so we're going to institute a bunch of racist remedies that will fix everything.
I wish they would consider, just for a second, what a bad idea it is to teach 9-year-olds that they are white and bad. When they're teenagers, their either going to deal with serious self-hatred issues. Or they're going to go out on the streets thinking, "I'm white and I'm bad" and fuck things up.
They mean, "Can we talk while you deplorables shut up and listen?"
I have listened enough. American society, however imperfect, has done more good for more people (including BIPOC), than any other society in history.
I have considered your proposal to tear everything down and rebuild it along your suggested lines of equity and inclusion, and unequivocally reject it.
Those of you who see racism and sexism behind every tree, in the highways we drive on, in the structure of our language, and in the souls of every person can go peddle your nonsense elsewhere.
I'm not buying it, literally or figuratively, and I'll fight by any means necessary to preserve what has served me, my family, and hundreds of millions of others so well.
The battle has begun.
""One would think... that Democrats... would be more than happy to defend the idea that racism exists at every level of American schooling and tout the work of educators to address inequality.""
Where does this racism in American schooling come from?
What evidence for it exists?
"One would think... that Democrats... would be more than happy to defend the idea that racism exists at every level of American schooling and tout the work of educators to address inequality."
There's the problem right there. Start with a fallacy and everything that flows with that assumption is false on its face.
There people live in their own alternate universe but effect the real world. I suppose physicists would call the negative energy dark energy. See, even the real universe is racist to the core.
It's time to bring up The Snow Queen, for CRT.
Editors' introduction to the "Sociology of Literature" issue of _Critical Inquiry_ v.14 n.3 (Spring 1988) p.428-429
A metaphor that cannot be avoided deserves closer attention. If we examine the mirror more closely, we may find that the metaphor actually serves the sociology of literature in unexpected ways. The marvelously revealing mirror in Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen" offers a case in point. In this tale a demon invents a unique mirror : it does not reflect, it systematically misreflects. Andersen's mirror shrinks and distorts every good and beautiful thing, and it magnifies everything evil or ugly. In this glass pleasant landscapes look like boiled spinach, normal people appear hideous, and kind thoughts become wicked grins.
The demon creator appears mildly amused by his invention, but his students, simple reflectionists, take it very seriously :
[quoting The Snow Queen]
All the pupils in the demon's school - for he kept a school - reported that a miracle had taken place : now for the first time, they said, it was possible to see what the world and mankind were really like. They ran about everywhere with the mirror, till at last there was not a country or a person which had not been seen in this distorting mirror.
Eventually the mirror breaks. Shards of glass fly through the world and lodge in people's eyes and hearts. These shards retain the peculiarities of the mirror, so that everyone sees the world through bent, distorted, and misshapen images.
We have spent the last twenty plus years watching fringe positions become required opinions that failing to hold will ruin your entire life, all the while being told by those smart people that the slippery slope is a logical fallacy and we are overreacting. At this point, overreacting is the appropriate response in all cases. It simply is not overreacting as the most extreme position will be pushed with the full power that can be mustered by the government, big business, the teachers union, and the media.
You cannot have a reasonable discussion with people who are unreasonable, and it is not paranoia when not only are they actually out to get you but they are hoping you will not notice them openly conspiring against you for the umpteenth time.
More hot garbage from the New York Times.
Do you notice how the left always have marching order and lectures.
Do this, do that. Think this way, don't think that way.
Sorry for the poor quality, but this clip includes prologue.
Charlie = Cultural Elites
That Woman = CRT
Wife = Concerned Parents
Can we accept that CRT is itself systemically racist, as defined by CRT? And that replacing what is supposedly racist now - which could be eliminated by outlawing government notice of "race" as a group identity - with what is clearly even more racist is not progress?
They say that CRT is nothing to worry about because it is not on the curriculum. But racism was never on the curriculum either. "Racism" wasn't even defined until about 1903 and wasn't widely used until Hitler's laws made it a universal topic. Does that mean there was no widespread racism till 1934?
So ignore "ephemera" like students and parents (i.e., the clients of the educational service) and write off things teachers say as mere anecdotes; instead, pay attention only to school boards (who have openly displayed hostility to parents and students by sic'ing the FBI on them and who are not actually present in the school systems which they oversee) and politicians (like Merrick Garland, who also sic'ed the FBI on parents and students, and who are also not actually present in or direct participants in the school systems of the country). Jay Caspian King sounds like a genius...
The Democrat party was founded to defend slavery.
Nope. The Democratic Party was formed because Washington insiders stole an election from Andrew Jackson.
The democrat party was defeated in 1863 and forced to give up slavery.
The Democratic Party was defeated in an election in 1864, and the South was defeated in the Civil war in 1865.
So they wrote Jim Crow laws and segregated schools
The Democratic Party was allowed to do this because of the corrupt bargain that made Hayes president.
Then they were forced to give up Jim Crow laws and segregated schools.
Now they are busy resegregating schools and injecting racism into every child's life.
Arguably true.
I guess Ann posted this because I just said you guys were into moral panics. That you want to engage with stupidity is pretty stupid to me.
wildswan said...
They say that CRT is nothing to worry about because it is not on the curriculum. But racism was never on the curriculum either. "Racism" wasn't even defined until about 1903 and wasn't widely used until Hitler's laws made it a universal topic. Does that mean there was no widespread racism till 1934?
around 1776 Immanuel Kant called Americans a mongrel nation and gave birth to idea of national purity etc.
The longer I live, and the more I see how a sizable portion of people have bought into the idea that I am evil AND should not object to being treated as such, the more I am convinced that this will not end until a few hundred thousand Americans ---on their side---are going to be killed.
(but not by me, a simple, gentle soul...)
You guys are idiots: whites have always been the racists in this country and your protests now are just you trying to still keep the upper hand. You've never apologized or paid reparations - whether at the time or later - so claiming everyone else is racist against you is bullshit:
You're your own worst enemies.
One would think... that a writer about Critical Race Theory should, in an early paragraph, define "Race." Jay Caspian King is not such a one.
The left strains to focus the debate on a specific theory called CRT. But the abhorrence to what is being taught is based on teaching that whites are inherently racists. So it's impossible to have a fact-based discussion with people who operate on the basis of unsupported premises.
The author asserts that racism exists at every level of education. That is a slur on millions of dedicated teachers who are not racist in any conventional sense of the word. I fail to understand why teachers are not rising up to object to being branded as racists.
Systemic racism exists in America and its fountainhead is the teachers' unions. They refuse to permit minority students trapped in failing schools that provide a criminal level of education to opt out for a chance of real education like the white people that the author calls racist. If you are holding minority students back, who is the racist?
I've had my fill of true racists like the author who are merely part of the socialist movement. Ask any minority who lived under socialism in Russia or China if they experienced equity or equality. The greatest evils in the world have arisen from the ideologues on the left who advocate a society that has never existed and in practice was worse under socialism.
How do you put a leash on a cat. A little bit at a time, first, you get the cat used to the collar...
"Shhhhhhh... Be vewey quite.." - Elmer Fudd
The problem is that the New York Times is trying to argue a negative here and pretend that counterexamples don't disprove negatives. The only time they ever did it was the times they got caught. Send your kid to school in an "It's OK to be white" t-shirt and find out.
Sorry I called you "she," Jay, my bad.
On the positive side, you failed to identify your pronouns, so the mistake is yours.
With regards to ‘singular examples’ that are ‘embarrassing’: why do they exist? These are teachers who have gone to school to learn how to teach. Haven’t they? Part of that is supposedly focusing on how to reach the actual subject being taught. If you are not an educated - qualified - teacher then the nonsenses that the author is talking about seeps out.
If they are educated, then these nonsenses are being taught to be taught. These same ideas (if yo7 can really call them that) are cropping up far too often to be dismissed as anecdotal. School administrations are so top heavy that even these anecdotal, single teacher, incidents are endorsed by the dozens of non teacher educators (sic). It is part of the structure and plan.
"CRT doesn't exist and it's racist to prohibit teaching it."
Is that about right?
Yep. Kinda like how Antifa doesn't exist and it's racist to oppose them.
This means not getting worked up over singular examples in which a teacher says something in a classroom and then suddenly every 'woke' teacher in America has to answer for them.
Because the left would never do that to the right...
"One would think... that a writer about Critical Race Theory should, in an early paragraph, define 'Race.'"
Yeah, sure, define terms. What? Do you want to suck the power out of it? Next you will be asking him to define "White Supremacism" and "Racism" in the way that he uses the terms.
What they want is to change what the terms denote, while keeping the dreadful connotations of those terms. Just like the CDC calls it "sexual coercion" if you leave a girl because she doesn't want to sleep with you anymore.
Kang is sloppy in his thinking, but doesn't sound like he wants to poison the minds of America's children. That's an improvement.
Being placed in the "yellow group" is mildly offensive to Kang, and he doesn't want his daughter to be force-fed an identity. That sounds normal to me, but Kang is uneasy siding with the anti-CRT people. He's stuck because everybody tells him that Republicans are bad, but he is certain that Democrats are wrong.
There are many Americans who think of themselves as good Liberals, but find themselves in a progressive party that intends to teach racism in schools because America is inherently flawed. Race-based discipline policies, reduction of actual educational standards and authoritarian stifling of free speech are non-liberal policies that repel good Liberals. People like Kang are at least trying to help, so we shouldn't throw them in the pit with the Progressives.
r singular examples in which a teacher says something in a classroom and then suddenly every 'woke' teacher in America has to answer for them
Like systemic racism. All whited are racist. All blacks are oppressed? Avoid that kind of broad brush accusations?
Just as an aside, I can't figure out the NYT logic behind which pieces are closed for comments. In this op-ed, Jay Caspian King is directly speaking to the leftist NYT readership. I'd be fascinated to read responses.
Gahrie said...
The Democrat party was founded to defend slavery.
Nope. The Democratic Party was formed because Washington insiders stole an election from Andrew Jackson.
Why did they steal the election? What did the democrat party want? You would have to mention the Federalist collapse over congressional pay raises if you are going to go down to specific issues leaving a 1 party system of the Democratic-Republicans. Why did the Democratic-Republicans split? Andrew Jackson was a Democratic-Republican and he destroyed the federalists.
The democrat party was defeated in 1863 and forced to give up slavery.
The Democratic Party was defeated in an election in 1864, and the South was defeated in the Civil war in 1865.
They surrendered in 1865. They didn't participate in 1864 and had their own president at that point. They were defeated well before that. As in most wars it took some time for defeat to sink in.
So they wrote Jim Crow laws and segregated schools
The Democratic Party was allowed to do this because of the corrupt bargain that made Hayes president.
They wrote the laws because a founding principle of the democrat party was maintaining white supremacy.
Then they were forced to give up Jim Crow laws and segregated schools.
Now they are busy resegregating schools and injecting racism into every child's life.
Arguably true.
Arguably 4 for 4.
The Crack Emcee said...
You guys are idiots: whites have always been the racists in this country and your protests now are just you trying to still keep the upper hand. You've never apologized or paid reparations - whether at the time or later - so claiming everyone else is racist against you is bullshit:
You're your own worst enemies.
Crack is mostly right. The government and institutions are infested with racists.
The people of the country are still racist.
The people of the United States are the least racist people in the world and the United States is the least racist country in the world by a long ways.
But there is still a group of people that wants to divide this country along racial lines and keep Black people down.
They are all in the democrat party and uniparty right now and denying the existence of racist institutional policies by democrats is as he says stupid.
You people are making a huge mistake focusing on IQ and talking down the problems black people face. Notice the places they are suffering are controlled by democrats.
"One would think... that Democrats... would be more than happy to defend the idea that racism exists at every level of American schooling"
Why would one think any such thing?
Democrats have adopted wholesale the creed that the existence of racial disparities proves racism. You don't even have to identify a person treating minorities unfairly: the discrepancy is itself proof, the racism is systemic.
If I accept that premise, then the absolute most racist system in this country is the public schools, controlled almost entirely by Democrats, and a major source of support for the Party. I'm sure Democrats would be more than happy to acknowledge that.
You've never apologized or paid reparations -
What a horrific thing to post, on labor day no less.
Tens of thousands of young White boys paid the last full measure to end slavery and free black people from bondage.
Fuck you you racist scum.
The Crack Emcee: "You guys are idiots: whites have always been the racists in this country and your protests now are just you trying to still keep the upper hand. You've never apologized or paid reparations - whether at the time or later - so claiming everyone else is racist against you is bullshit:"
You are the very definition of a racist and a racialist.
And you can continue to modify the definition of "racism" as many times as you like but it wont change anything.
Yeah let's blame the teachers unions for unequal outcomes. Yet they're not strong everywhere and they're illegal in some states.
But the achievement gap problem persists everywhere.
'You guys are idiots: whites have always been the racists in this country...'
You guys are idiots: DEMOCRAT whites have always been the racists in this country...
Fixed it.
And Louis Farrakhan would like to have a word...
"You guys are idiots: whites have always been the racists in this country "
And it was white people who formed the Republican Party to end slavery. The real problem most people have with CRT is the broad brush: that there is no escape from the charge for any white person. The only way out of being called a racist is to vote for the Democrat; that seems awfully convenient.
What a load of horseshit! They want us to disregard the vast evidence that they're bigoted racists and focus on their publicly stated intent (wink, wink). Not gonna happen. CRT requires its proponents to disguise their true intentions. They're liars. They're racists. We don't believe them.
Why did they steal the election?
Because they could.
What did the democrat party want?
When they stole the election, the Democrat Party did not exist. The Democratic-Republican Party has no ties to either of the modern political parties. The Democratic Party was founded in 1825 specifically to oppose the Democratic-Republicans, and the Republican Party was formed long after the Democratic-Republican Party ceased to exist.
Andrew Jackson was a Democratic-Republican and he destroyed the federalists.
The Federalist Party had been gone for ten years before Jackson either ran for president or formed the Democratic Party.
They didn't participate in 1864 and had their own president at that point.
The Democrats most certainly did participate in 1864, and there were real fears that they would win the election. McClellan ended up with 44% of the popular vote.
Maybe they realize that successfully destroying the schools won't be seen as a victory by the general public. Hence the subterfuge.
"The problem seems to be that some small portion of what’s produced in the name of equity in schools is pretty embarrassing. That stuff, which mostly can be found in diversity trainings, then gets blasted out to the world as proof that the race hucksters are taking over the schools...."
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