November 11, 2021

At the Rainy Day Café...

 ... there's no photograph — I didn't go out — but you can talk about whatever you want.


BUMBLE BEE said...
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reader said...

For the first time ever we have someone learning the tuba somewhere past our backyard. Scales over and over. My husband and I started grinning at each. A new generation. These things can make you happy if you let them.

Clyde said...

This Sunday marks an interesting historical date in my family: 250 years ago, one of my ancestors, an indentured servant named Howell Dawdy, ran away from his master in Salem, New Jersey, across the Delaware River from Philadelpha. He and his family ended up in the uplands of South Carolina within a couple of years, and after the American Revolution, he was one of the first settlers of Shelbyville, Tennessee. Here is the text of his reward notice (there were also two other runaways on the same bill, but we're only interested in this one):

Salem, November 18, 1771
Run away from the subscribers, the following persons, viz,
"HOWELL DAWDY, about 26 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, of a sandy complexion, red beard, with a hair mole on the right side of his chin, sandy hair, which he wore tied, thin-visaged, he pretends to be a carpenter, is a well-made fellow, sings a good song, and is very fond of company; he took with him a light coloured saggathy coat, nankeen jacket and breeches, a pair of leather breeches, an old green lapelled jacket, ribbed worsted hose marked I. B. on the top of each stocking; it is supposed he stole a light coloured surtout coat; he plays a little on the violin; he went away on the 14th of this month, and it is supposed that he has gone to the eastward.

The 10 Pounds reward that was offered was for all three of them, or four pounds for any one of them. The notice was correct; he had indeed gone eastward to Monmouth County, New Jersey, where his wife Phoebe was from. Their second child was born there in 1772, but it must have gotten too hot there for them to stay, because by the time the next child was born in 1774, they were in Pendleton County, South Carolina, near Cherokee territory. He served in the American Revolution and got a land grant in Tennessee afterward.

That runaway servant advertisement is a treasure trove in giving a vivid description of a very distant ancestor. I don't have anything like that about any other ancestors from that time, both in terms of the physical description as well as skills and hobbies that he had. So on Sunday, I'll be raising a glass to Howell Dawdy's memory.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Watching “Cowboys & Aliens” before it is pulled from Prime.

rehajm said...

The Clinton dossier should go down as one of the biggest scandals in U.S. political history. Not just for the breadth of the con, but for the time it has taken to expose it.


Jersey Fled said...

What's up with Biden and Satchel Paige lately.

First he goes into a long story about Paige in a disjointed conversation with the Pope a couple of weeks ago, and today he calls Paige "the Great Negro" in a Veterans Day speech.

(I know, Mediate says he didn't say that, but it's right there on the tape)

As far as know, Paige never served in the military. And it seems unlikely that the Pope even knew who Satchel Paige was.

Makes me wonder ...

Original Mike said...

I enjoyed the day off from fall yard work.

Glad I cleaned the gutters yesterday.

rhhardin said...

Morning picture

The leaves were mostly gone by the end of the day, after 30 mph winds.

pacwest said...

I commented this last night and will again. This is not small potatos, so to speak.

Farmers are going to be using 30-40% less fertilizer on their crops due to higher prices and long lead times. Do the math. Added: They are also planning on planting crops that have more value as a soil enhancer than nutrition value.

This is happening worldwide, I've seen reports and had several personal anecdotes on this. It's been fifty years and before the widespread use of chemical farming since I had knowledge of farmING outputs, so I have no way of knowing for myself what the math is as far as how this will effect crop yields, but it can't be good.

n said...

“There is no bad weather, only bad gear.” I’m now seeing this is a Scandinavian mom thing. 2 year old grandson and I were bundled up against the blustery morning weather, digging on the pea gravel path. Priceless.

pacwest said...

These things can make you happy if you let them.

About 10 years ago they built a church behind our house. It was attended mainly by the resident Polynesian community. We spent many a summer Sunday evening listening to those beautiful voices.

Narr said...

Not even a tidy desk pic for a rainy day? Sad.

A quick bit of rain this morning and eventually it cleared nicely. The colors were late to change but have made up for lost time.

That's an awesome story, Clyde.

I'm Not Sure said...

A whistleblower has leaked an email exchange dating to October 2020, in which the Chief of Staff to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz tells the state’s Department of Health that the Department’s numbers on how covid was spreading were “less useful than what I expected” because “these numbers are small.” The Commissioner of Health said, in turn, that “people look at the primary case numbers and think those are small impacts that don’t justify the dial backs we propose.” She urges her staff to engage in “creative thinking.”

madAsHell said...

Biden's Veteran's Day speech was noteworthy.

He managed to start with the Great Negro Satchel Paige, and then dropped Jackie Robinson's name. After that, you couldn't really understand who, or what he was talking about.

In the end, he praised the parents of Anthony Blinken, the Secretary of State.

Joe Biden should be drooling on a bib in a rest home. This is Governor Le Petomane territory.

TaeJohnDo said...

We haven't seen much NFL the past few years, but we put on the Miami - Baltimore FB game a short time ago - we have some interest in Tau since he is out of Alabama. It is amazing how much less enjoyable the game is. Guy fumbles the ball, the announcers are careful to say it may not be a fumble, did he catch the ball, did he have control, OMG, it was a fumble, you twits. Two fouls called on Miami - one guy tackled the QB just as he let loose with the ball - it was too rough and another call on Miami because he got in the QBs face - didn't knock him down, pulled up as soon as he could and he still got called. Ridiculous. Maybe I'll check back a few years from now. It will probably be flag football by then.

Gospace said...

So the dreaded covid vaccine raises A1C levels, raises it enough so that pre-diabetics, like me for example, can be pushed into full blown diabetes, a lifelong debilitating disease. Even worse- it's likely the most serious comorbidity that people have that the dreaded covid kills. And- the vaccination doesn't actually keep ypou from getting the dreaded covid!

And, as mentioend before, it's been known since the beginning of the covidiocy, the very beginning, that there's an inverse relationship between Vitamin D blood levels and ICU admission and death from the dreaded covid. And the newest analysis of the numbers show that with a level of 50-60 ng/ml you're not going to die from the dreaded covid.

So- is it really constitutional to force me to get a vaccination that will sicken me and lead to an early death to protect people who are vaccinated against a mostly non- deadly disease from getting that disease that I don't have? Because the vaccinations don't work...

You know, if they had actually done long term studies before forcing the vaccine, maybe all these things would have been known... Well, the Vitamin D was...

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys only want to talk about CRT to avoid talking about what really is happening and really matters: how the NewAge Movement is warping our world.

You want to avoid talking about how Jim Carrey and Robert de Niro worked with Robert Kennedy, Jr. in 2016 before going on SNL, specifically to make down Trump, just as you want to avoid the obvious connection of all their early antivaxx activism to QAnon’s rise today - which gets blamed on Trump.

You want to avoid talking about how almost all of our enemies - the leftists - are NewAgers. You want to avoid talking about Bill Clinton mentioning his guru, Ken Wilber. You want to avoid talking about how Ken Wilber works with the former Whole Foods spiritualist, Marc Gafni, who also rapes like Bill Clinton, though Gafni gets a tiny bit of social condemnation for it, while Bill is allowed to just keep rolling along, three confirmed rape allegations trailing him, that no one seems to care about but Donald Trump, once, in his 2016 campaign). You want to avoid talking about how there’s a LOT of rapists in the NewAge Movement. But why not? You’re doing nothing about them.


The Crack Emcee said...

You want to avoid talking about how Oprah promoted the rapist John of God. And that Homeopathy’s been promoted on Oprah. You want to avoid talking about how, if Oprah couldn't run for President because she’s a fraud who promoted misinformation, quackery, and pseudoscience - as Seth Macfarlane of "Family Guy" pointed out in 2018 - none of the political geniuses around me mentioned that when she was campaigning with Obama. You want to avoid talking about how a listing of her sins alone (and they are many) could’ve spared us Obama and changed American history - but nobody said nothin’. You want to avoid talking about how, if she promotes misinformation, that would be a damn good reason for huge NewAgers, like say Meghan & Harry, to go to her with the lies of "their truth”. Where’s that pointed out in the press, anywhere? You want to avoid talking about how the NewAge Movement gets a free ride, when it’s - literally - EVERYWHERE. You want to avoid talking about how Oprah’s already executive produced a movie that turned the story of the Central Park Five around, on Netflix, to make the rapists innocent and all the whites evil.

You want to avoid talking about how the "spiritual" Kamala Harris fucked Montel Williams - TV's talking-to-the-dead guy - when she was working as a U.S. Prosecutor in San Francisco. You want to avoid talking about how politics doesn't get much more cynical than that, from the city that put Jim Jones in office, until you see the likes of her become VP. You want to avoid talking about how the Democrats had Marianne Williamson running for President, for goodness' sake, because that would raise the obvious question of when are y’all gonna wake up?

You want to avoid talking about how everyone picks on Aaron Rodgers when Prince Charles has been a homeopathy advocate his whole life and he’s gonna be the fucking King of England.

You want to avoid talking about reality.

T J Sawyer said...

On a shelf in my office I have a baseball pitched by Sachel Paige and fouled off into the stands and my hands during the final game of the 1961 Pacific Coast League season.

"Sach" pitched for the Portland Beavers that summer on his way to the Cleveland Indians.

I take it down and look at it every time a politician tells a Sachel Paige story.

tim maguire said...

he pretends to be a carpenter, is a well-made fellow, sings a good song, and is very fond of company

Love that description. It reads like something you might see on eharmony. Pretends to be a carpenter! Sure, raise a glass, he sounds like someone you’d want to have a drink with.

Rory said...

"...he calls Paige "the Great Negro" in a Veterans Day speech."

Beyond this, it doesn't seem like any part of what Biden said was true. Per Baseball-Reference, Satchel Paige didn't pitch on his 47th birthday, or his 46th or 45th birthdays. He did get credited with a win near his 47th birthday, or even pitch in a game won by his team. And he wasn't the first pitcher who won a game at 47, Jack Quinn had done that a generation before.

Rory said...

5:25 should read, "he didn't get credited with a win...."

rehajm said...

In response to attorney’s FOIA request, US CDC admits that it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from COVID.

Jersey Fled said...

So it turns out that the NSBA coordinated with the White House and DOJ before sending the letter that was used to justify investigating parents at school board meetings.

farmgirl said...

I know I commented last night- I mustn’t’ve (heh) hit the publish button?

I talked of 2specific things:
1) re: commercial fertilizer
Being organic, I view through farm practices through that lens. I believe you are very correct that this will have a negative impact on productivity for our food chain. Yields will be lower. Maybe some positives will result, though. Less waste, building better, richer soil structures, more localized distribution- maybe less export and more domestic distribution? A healthier product? Less industrialized farms and an increase of market opportunity for the little guy? More independent thinking and gratitude for the ones who feed the faces… one can hope.

And b) Mr Howell Dawdy. How blessed you are to have lineage of such a wonderful character. A sandy-haired, red-bearded man! And Tennessee- as many Louis L’Amour books as I’ve read, reread and read, again- he could’ve been a Sackett compatriot. Here’s mud in your eye!

Mr Emcee- I hope you are well.

farmgirl said...

I know I commented last night- I mustn’t’ve (heh) hit the publish button?

I talked of 2specific things:
1) re: commercial fertilizer
Being organic, I view through farm practices through that lens. I believe you are very correct that this will have a negative impact on productivity for our food chain. Yields will be lower. Maybe some positives will result, though. Less waste, building better, richer soil structures, more localized distribution- maybe less export and more domestic distribution? A healthier product? Less industrialized farms and an increase of market opportunity for the little guy? More independent thinking and gratitude for the ones who feed the faces… one can hope.

And b) Mr Howell Dawdy. How blessed you are to have lineage of such a wonderful character. A sandy-haired, red-bearded man! And Tennessee- as many Louis L’Amour books as I’ve read, reread and read, again- he could’ve been a Sackett compatriot. Here’s mud in your eye!

Mr Emcee- I hope you are well.

Gospace said...

AH, Crack, the New Age movement, with crystal healing (I have read Hillary is a fan), spread of Wicca (unfortunately way too common a belief in the female potion of the sci-fi community), belief in astrology, promoted by every single newspaper that carries a column, labeled for "entertainment". And a reason I strongly disliked William Weld- the man who appointed the first ever state official astrologer in the US history. I have reason to believe this is what derailed his appointment as ambassador to Mexico and why he decided not to run for NY governor in an attempt to become the second person to govern two different states.

All these concern me. I neither watch no pay attention to Oprah. I wasn't aware of Kamal and Montel- but Kamala's rise in the Democrat party is no surprise. They embrace depravity of all kinds. I mean, how much MSM coverage has there been of Hunter and his crack habit? The MSM coverage is genteel, he has "problems", he's engaging in art to solve them.

Most of it comes from the anti-Christian bias of the elite- preached by most universities, even those nominally Christian. Don't know who said it, probably more than one, but if you don't bring a child up to believe in a religion- they'll believe in anything. And the New Age rise is a direct result of a few generations of kids not being dragged off to church every Sunday. I remember the day Mrs. Payne, my second grade teacher, took the Bible from the stand at the front of the room, placed it on bookshelf, and never read from it again. Schools can teach the Five Pillars of Islam- and do. But are prohibited from teaching The Ten Commandments.

Achilles said...

<a href=">So the FBI raided Veritas and promptly gave all of the private communications between Veritas and their lawyers to the NYT's.</a>

And the Veritas is currently in a lawsuit with the New York Times.

The FBI and the NYT's are both criminal institutions that are openly engaging in fascism that are completely amoral.

Anyone who gives the New York Times money for anything from here on out is a terrible person.

jaydub said...

"Being organic, I view through farm practices through that lens. I believe you are very correct that this will have a negative impact on productivity for our food chain. Yields will be lower. Maybe some positives will result, though."

Positives such as starvation in the portion of the Third World that depends on our exports would certainly help with climate change and worries about over population? Higher marginal labor costs due to lower productivity could also reduce farm income so that farmers have less money to purchase carbon spewing machinery. Periodic outbreaks of manure fueled ecoli and anthrax could help reduce the demand for food in the US as those diseases cull the population. Of course much of the gains in organic food production would require significant increases in the supply of animal dung, so there would be some offset due to the methane emissions produced by the enormous livestock herds required to generate the amount of dung necessary to eliminate nitrogen based fertilizers. Still, it's hard to argue against smaller yields and higher costs to both the farmer and the consumer. As President Brandon says, a little inflation is a good thing. Plus, there is always night soil for a backup if animal dung supplies run low.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gospace said...

"Don't know who said it, probably more than one, but if you don't bring a child up to believe in a religion- they'll believe in anything."

Religion - a Middle Eastern belief system from before the Dark Ages - is your answer to misinformation?

You people are hopeless.

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