With skillful manipulating of the press, they’re able to make the victim look like the criminal, and the criminal look like the victim. - Malcom X
What the left is really afraid of is that the whites who have been kicked to the curb as deplorable, and blacks who have been locked out by these same forces, might realize that they have a common enemy.
Divide and conquer goes back at least to Caesar, and our elites know the playbook.
Slate’s most recent “Political Gabfest” discussed the case, and David Plotz opined that it Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim. Neither of the other participants (John Dickerson and Ruth Marcus) disagreed. But imagine if a young Black man, appalled by the riots, arson and looting in Kenosha, had gone there to help its innocent citizens and businesses, had been attacked by three separate white men who chased or ambushed him, and had defended himself. I doubt he would have been charged. Two movies on one screen indeed.
[some guy] opined that i[f] Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim.
[Some guy] is wrong, as usual.
"A [black] St. Paul man has been acquitted on all charges in a jury trial stemming from an incident where he shot at Minneapolis police officers in self-defense last summer [2021]."
Howard said... It's a shame the death penalty is off the table. I would love to see his last supersized happy meal depicted in a work of fine art.
11/12/21, 12:06 PM
For what?? Doing the job the cops were told by Progressive Politicians to stand down for? This is what happens when law and order are ignored, and riots and looting are cheered by the Pravda media and progressive politicians as peaceful. The people who live around there decide to protect themselves. There will be more just like this, if Progressives keep on getting rid of the police. The little Antifa Brown shirts are the ones who should be on trial...but they are free as fuck
The pudgy man-child came to the riot looking for trouble in a threatening manner. His victims acted in self defense and were murdered for standing up to the coward high on Trumper propaganda. Give him the Gary Gilmore treatment.
Gaige Grosskreutz' mistake was not unloading his weapon into Rittenhouse. Then he would be a vigilante hero just like Bernie Goetz and Charles Bronson.
I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place.
The Pudgy man-child came to a riot and used fire extinguishers to put out fires that the child-rapist started and then ran away from confrontation numerous times before being forced to defend himself. Howard was rooting for the child-rapist.
In the Charles Bronson movies Howard always rooted for the rapists. Might explain his mental state today as he was traumatized every time Kersey killed them. The Rittenhouse trial must be a traumatic flashback.
Convicted Child Molester Fanboy Howard: "Gaige Grosskreutz' mistake was not unloading his weapon into Rittenhouse."
That would be BLM rioter Gaige Grosskreutz and self-described commie revolutionary who was in possession of an illegal weapon.
I know Howard is impervious to actual facts (he still claims antifa doesn't exist and is just an idea), but all normal people like to know what actually occurred.
Wa St Blogger: "I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place."
The bigger picture is just that.
Howard and the rest of the lefties want their riots/attacks condoned/enabled by the authorities and these lefties want anyone who opposes their violence and threats shut down by their corrupted law enforcement agencies.
This is part of the larger effort to criminalize all opposition to the left.
It's been the same story whereever and whenever the left gains a political foothold anywhere in the world. Our marxists are no different.
Howard seems to have been following the legal arguments today re: provocation. His message is a classic volley intended to wind people up by endorsing the death penalty for Kyle.
Yeah right...no way this should ever have been charged as anything more severe than manslaughter -- the murder charges were always a bone thrown to the Antifa mob, not a thoughtful application of the law.
I would be curious to know if Howard is generally a fan of state-run executions for all capital crimes, or only for those who have embarrassed grandstanding prosecutors in the process of defending themselves based on the Bill of Rights. I assume Howard thinks the kid should die rather than make the DA lose face for impulsively bringing a political case into a criminal trial court -- where he is being flayed alive by Defense Counsel!
BTW, Binger & Kraus are amazingly bad at their jobs here; total amateurs in the courtroom who are probably used to coercing plea bargains that avoid having to prove anything to a judge/jury.
The real culprits are dead or maimed, except for the "kicking man" and the ridiculous Governor who refused to deploy the National Guard after several nights of mayhem that clearly exceeded the capacity of Kenosha police to manage. I note that Gov. Evers is keeping a very low profile at the moment.
As noted before, its no accident Team Howard, aligned with the Lincoln Pedophile Project, vigorously defends and lauds convicted pedophiles like Rosenbaum.
It also partially explains the lefts desperate need for open borders with rules that increase child trafficking across our border.
Rittenhouse's lawyers utterly shit the bed today. There is ZERO evidence of provocation. No witness with personal knowledge has testified Rittenhouse pointed his gun at Rosenbaum or Zeminsky prior to Rosenbaum ambushing him. Defense counsel let the ADAs filibuster and whine until they bullied the judge into letting them argue provocation. So infuriating.
Self defense is being portrayed by the prosecutor as willful disregard for life. Well, no, self defense is deeply respectful of life, one's own life, so much so that damage or death is avoided by use of force, the utmost final means of interpersonal relations. Vilifying this concept of self defense, as the prosecutors are attempting to do, is an extended example of a heckler's veto being supported: not just your speech but your life should be forfeit to the lowest common denominator of those around you. Bullshit on stilts.
Some say this trial is about white supremacy. But what are the consequences to the black community of bringing about the kind of reforms which BLM wants and which it was rioting for in Kenosha? In Milwaukee in 2008 there were 71 homicides with a clearance rate of 93%. In 2021 Milwaukee had 175 homicides in 2021 with a clearance rate of 23%. This is due to changes in policing caused by BLM reformers of the kind who visited Kenosha. 88% of those who died were members of the black community. Can we really say that the issue is black v. white? Aren't there a lot of causes and identities swirling about together?
The left-wing rioters came not to protest, but to riot. They came looking for trouble. Why is that OK? The leftwing rioters showed up with full intent to destroy property and more, and did so. Rittenhouse was there to protect property.
The pudgy man-child came to the riot looking for trouble in a threatening manner. His victims acted in self defense and were murdered for standing up to the coward high on Trumper propaganda.
So it is self defense to chase an armed individual down the street and lunge at him when he is down, not pointing his weapon at you?
Wa St Blogger: "I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place."
I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then fondling the corpse.
But who are we kidding. Rosenbaum only liked them much, much younger than that. But in a "good way", right Howard?
And, whether or not the defendant is a "pudgy man-child," or otherwise not someone you'd not car to know, is entirely irrelevant to defendant's claim of self-defense.
I'd stipulate that he should not have gone to the riot, as being present at a riot is something most sensible people avoid if they can. BUT although you could argue that if he hadn't been there no one would have attacked him that remains totally irrelevant to his self-defense claim.
For a right to self-defense is not abrogated merely because one has made poor choices. Then again, is not rushing someone holding a rifle, or attacking someone holding a rifle by smashing him in the head with a skateboard, or trying to grab said rifle by the muzzle, insanely stupider choices than choosing to be at a riot? But in any case, the question before the jury is not who made the stupidest choices (let alone whether defendant is unlikeable) but only whether or not defendant's claim of self-defense is justified on the basis of evidence presented.
I think an honest observer would have to agree that it is.
How "good" Kyle saw himself as a firefighter cadet is worthless - he told several lies (about his credentials) that night, too - he WAS "looking for trouble" and found it.
Some commentators here are consistently on point. Patently offensive comment? Check. Failure to add any real substance to the discussion? Check. Successfully goad others into responding (including myself, I admit)? Check. If only there was a term to describe such people.
I watched part of the trial the other day. I don't know if Rittenhouse or, for that matter, Zimmerman are exemplary figures, but they're significantly and demonstrably better people than their attackers. From what I observed, Rittenhouse looked like a decent enough kid. He certainly handled the DA's questions with poise and balance.......Larry Miller was a Nike executive. When he was sixteen, he shot and murdered another teenager. That teenager was completely innocent. He wasn't a member of a rival gang. He was simply in the age group of the rival gang. The reports don't say how much time Miller served, but he was out of prison before he was thirty. He went on to have a successful career as a Nike executive. He came forward now because he wants to diminish the stigmatism that attaches to teen age murderers. He's gotten some favorable media coverage for his courage in coming forward. We should all take Larry Miller's counsel and be more forgiving of teen age murderers.
Tulsi - a real woman - not a fake fraud of a fem like corrupt Hillary$$$.
“We remember very clearly that immediately after this incident, this tragedy occurred with Kyle Rittenhouse, the mainstream media, pro-Antifa politicians were very quick to say this kid is a white supremacist terrorist,” Gabbard said.
“The government absolutely failed to fulfill this most basic responsibility of keeping their community safe,” she continued. “Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn’t have gone and done what he did. But … you know, he’s a foolish kid who, like others in the community felt like they had no other choice but to step up and to try to do their part to keep people safe.”
“This is, this is the problem here, right? Is that there is no care or interest in evidence, or the facts, or justice. Really, it’s about politics. It’s about hey, are you one of us or are you one of them? Are you on our team? Or are you the quote-unquote, ‘enemy’?” she said. “And as we’ve seen in this example, and others, if you’re not on our team, then you are a racist, you’re a white supremacist, you’re a terrorist. And they levy out these allegations really without care again, for the evidence, facts or the consequences.”
Howard said... The pudgy man-child came to the riot looking for trouble in a threatening manner. His victims acted in self defense and were murdered for standing up to the coward high on Trumper propaganda. Give him the Gary Gilmore treatment.
11/12/21, 12:28 PM
Little Antifa Brown Shirts aren't innocent peaceful protesters. Are YOU on the FBI payroll too, because you seem to think those FASCISTS burning down cities are in the right.. I hope they get your city or town next. Then we will see how much you enjoy the downfall.
Well you know how child rapists stick up for each other. We see it from lefties here all the time. Yet they also are the ones who bring up Qanon and the “crazy” conspiracy theory our Republic is run by a bunch of pedophiles. Strange how our current child-grabbing girl-sniffing POTUS and DC-NY network caught with lifetime passes to Epstein Island. Oh and Hillary’s campaign manager with all the tasteful naked child fine art in his Tony condo. They don’t absorb the facts from Kyle’s trial. They just reflexively defend child rapist antifa scum because they share ideological identities with them.
This is the part of a criminal or civil trial that is rarely or never depicted in TV shows or movies, arguments over the jury instructions with reference to the evidence admitted at trial. The judge is going to allow the jury to consider provocation and lesser included offenses. But for the CVS audio, this never struck me as a first-degree murder case.
Rittenhouse was very interested in the video showing that Rosenbaum rushed him only after he raised his gun and pointed it at other rioters. He seemed genuinely surprised at that viewpoint of his actions. That’s the problem with gunfights. It’s very convenient to shoot someone without weighing whether you are doing all you can to avoid shedding blood. The guy who shows restraint ends up dead. That’s why the winner of such fights should go to jail, and self-defense should be accepted in very limited circumstances.
It can be argued that Rittenhouse showed bad judgement in walking among rioters and arsonists with a rifle hung around his neck. In the annals of bad judgement, however, that's nothing compared to the bad judgement of Rosenbaum who tried to forcibly take that weapon away from Rittenhouse after previously making a threats against him. ....Bipolar child rapists often show poor impulse control. Rittenhouse didn't, of course, know that Rosenbaum was a bipolar child rapist at the time of their encounter. However, you just had to exchange a few words with Rosenbaum to see that he was an extremely fucked up guy and not a person to whom you should hand your weapon. Rosenbaum's past history is far more relevant than that of Rittenhouse.
“1. Grosskreutz Approached Rittenhouse With a Loaded Gun
2. Grosskreutz Has a Prior Gun Offense But Is Not a Felon
3. Grosskreutz’s Gun had a Bullet in the Chamber; He Is Affiliated With a Protest Group Called the People’s Revolution & Is a Medic
4. Grosskreutz, Who Lost 90% of His Right Bicep, Is Suing Kenosha
5. Grosskreutz Described It All as ‘a Lot to Process’
Grosskreutz appeared on Good Morning America after his testimony. In that interview, he denied pointing his gun at Rittenhouse, whom he dubbed an “active shooter.”
However, during cross-examination in the Rittenhouse trial, Grosskreutz admitted pointing a gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him. “It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him… that he fired, right?” defense attorney Corey Chirafisi asked Grosskreutz. “Correct,” said Grosskreutz. He tried to claim at another point that he wasn’t intentionally pointing the gun.”
"I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place."
Remember how the Governor sat on his hands during the riots. They wanted violent riots that summer. There was a purpose. Making Trump look bad. The more riots the better. Yet the Wisconsin voters somehow, some way said, "Hey, give us more of that". Sure they did.
Why does anyone respond to what Howard posts when he is obviously trolling you? I don't mean that you should not insult him, because he certainly deserves to be personally attacked in any way you see fit. However, there is no reason to try and prove that what he said is incorrect. He is not looking to debate you, but only to annoy you.
"Gaige Grosskreutz' mistake was not unloading his weapon into Rittenhouse. Then he would be a vigilante hero just like Bernie Goetz and Charles Bronson."
Plotz opined that it Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim. Neither of the other participants (John Dickerson and Ruth Marcus) disagreed
Who says that pushing critical race theory isn't pervasive.
[...] The lefties want their riots/attacks condoned/enabled by the authorities [and the media] and these lefties want anyone who opposes their violence and threats shut down by their corrupted law enforcement agencies.
This is part of the larger effort to criminalize all opposition to the left."
Left Bank: "Rittenhouse was very interested in the video showing that Rosenbaum rushed him only after he raised his gun and pointed it at other rioters."
As you can see, the lefty lies will be coming even faster and more furious as time progresses.
Hinderacker with a nice summary of where we stand: “I am not sure how liberals expected the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial to go. Anyone who had seen the videos of Rittenhouse’s interactions with the men who were chasing him, striking him and trying to kill him knew that he had a strong case of self-defense. But apparently the fact that Rittenhouse has a defense–and is so bold as to assert it!–came as a surprise to the Left. . . . The depth of ignorance that flows from liberals on a daily basis is hard to fathom, as is the unremitting hate they express toward all who fail to agree with them.”
Well, given Left Bank's and Howard's latest missives we can see that full out and out lying is all they have left, this after 14 months of non-stop media/lefty lies so over the top that in the last several days many lefties are actually posting their "L's" on social media and lamenting how they have been lied to in their lefty bubbles over the last 14 months.
Owen: "Howard: are you really OK with that point of view? It makes you look, well, vicious and stupid."
There is no point in attempting to engage Howard or Left Bank on any substantive matter. They simply move seamlessly from one fiction to another.
According to Howard, there is no inflation, collusion was totes "Realz", there were no Americans abandoned to the Taliban by Biden's Earpiece, Hunter's Laptop never existed, CRT doesn't exist...except for the parts the do exist and are magnificent!, Abraham Lincoln's statue needs to come down because Lincoln was a Confederate, etc.
Plotz opined that it Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim. Neither of the other participants (John Dickerson and Ruth Marcus) disagreed
Sorry but blacks get a pass in Chicago/Cook County Illinois
Foxx’s office released five suspects in a deadly shooting that occurred on Oct. 1 after refusing to charge the men with first-degree murder or any other felony, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
Sources said police sought to charge all five of the suspects in custody with murder and aggravated battery.
But on Sunday, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Cristina Villareal told reporters that prosecutors had “determined that the evidence was insufficient to meet our burden of proof to approve felony charges,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
Villareal also claimed that Chicago Police Department (CPD) officials had agreed with that decision.
She said the decision not to charge the five men was made because the people who were killed were “mutual combatants,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
William said... It can be argued that Rittenhouse showed bad judgement in walking among rioters and arsonists with a rifle hung around his neck. **********
No, it CAN'T "be argued that..."
What the fuck is the point of legal open carry if not to dissuade rioters and arsonists from attacking you?
How "good" Kyle saw himself as a firefighter cadet is worthless - he told several lies (about his credentials) that night, too - he WAS "looking for trouble" and found it.
He should've been at home.
Is that what folks sometimes say about black men just before they kick the shit out of him? "He was in the wrong neighborhood."
I would have thought that was something you understood.
You, as an American, have the right to go anywhere public.
"She said the decision not to charge the five men was made because the people who were killed were “mutual combatants,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported."
It sounds like they are saying that black lives actually don't matter if they're taken by other black people. It's a weird form of white supremacy.
I still say the ADA Binger is prosecuting the GUN, and Kyle just happened to be the one holding it. He has an unnatural fear and fascination with the AR-15 gun. If he said "AR-15" once he said it 100 times in his rambling lying closing remarks.
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६१ टिप्पण्या:
I for one would love to see Ms Althouse on Nick Rekieta’s live stream.
With skillful manipulating of the press, they’re able to make the victim look like the criminal, and the criminal look like the victim. - Malcom X
What the left is really afraid of is that the whites who have been kicked to the curb as deplorable, and blacks who have been locked out by these same forces, might realize that they have a common enemy.
Divide and conquer goes back at least to Caesar, and our elites know the playbook.
Slate’s most recent “Political Gabfest” discussed the case, and David Plotz opined that it Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim. Neither of the other participants (John Dickerson and Ruth Marcus) disagreed.
But imagine if a young Black man, appalled by the riots, arson and looting in Kenosha, had gone there to help its innocent citizens and businesses, had been attacked by three separate white men who chased or ambushed him, and had defended himself. I doubt he would have been charged.
Two movies on one screen indeed.
It's a shame the death penalty is off the table. I would love to see his last supersized happy meal depicted in a work of fine art.
[some guy] opined that i[f] Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim.
[Some guy] is wrong, as usual.
"A [black] St. Paul man has been acquitted on all charges in a jury trial stemming from an incident where he shot at Minneapolis police officers in self-defense last summer [2021]."
Howard said...
It's a shame the death penalty is off the table. I would love to see his last supersized happy meal depicted in a work of fine art.
11/12/21, 12:06 PM
For what?? Doing the job the cops were told by Progressive Politicians to stand down for? This is what happens when law and order are ignored, and riots and looting are cheered by the Pravda media and progressive politicians as peaceful. The people who live around there decide to protect themselves. There will be more just like this, if Progressives keep on getting rid of the police. The little Antifa Brown shirts are the ones who should be on trial...but they are free as fuck
The pudgy man-child came to the riot looking for trouble in a threatening manner. His victims acted in self defense and were murdered for standing up to the coward high on Trumper propaganda. Give him the Gary Gilmore treatment.
Gaige Grosskreutz' mistake was not unloading his weapon into Rittenhouse. Then he would be a vigilante hero just like Bernie Goetz and Charles Bronson.
Don’t look for logic when reading Howie’s mincing musings, wendybar.
#miredinmush #L-L-L-L-Loser
I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place.
The Pudgy man-child came to a riot and used fire extinguishers to put out fires that the child-rapist started and then ran away from confrontation numerous times before being forced to defend himself. Howard was rooting for the child-rapist.
I for one would love to see Ms Althouse on Nick Rekieta’s live stream.
A thousand times yes.
In the Charles Bronson movies Howard always rooted for the rapists. Might explain his mental state today as he was traumatized every time Kersey killed them. The Rittenhouse trial must be a traumatic flashback.
Behold: Howard gives us a glimpse into what the mentally ill radical left are thinking.
Convicted Child Molester Fanboy Howard: "Gaige Grosskreutz' mistake was not unloading his weapon into Rittenhouse."
That would be BLM rioter Gaige Grosskreutz and self-described commie revolutionary who was in possession of an illegal weapon.
I know Howard is impervious to actual facts (he still claims antifa doesn't exist and is just an idea), but all normal people like to know what actually occurred.
Wa St Blogger: "I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place."
The bigger picture is just that.
Howard and the rest of the lefties want their riots/attacks condoned/enabled by the authorities and these lefties want anyone who opposes their violence and threats shut down by their corrupted law enforcement agencies.
This is part of the larger effort to criminalize all opposition to the left.
It's been the same story whereever and whenever the left gains a political foothold anywhere in the world. Our marxists are no different.
Howard seems to have been following the legal arguments today re: provocation. His message is a classic volley intended to wind people up by endorsing the death penalty for Kyle.
Yeah right...no way this should ever have been charged as anything more severe than manslaughter -- the murder charges were always a bone thrown to the Antifa mob, not a thoughtful application of the law.
I would be curious to know if Howard is generally a fan of state-run executions for all capital crimes, or only for those who have embarrassed grandstanding prosecutors in the process of defending themselves based on the Bill of Rights. I assume Howard thinks the kid should die rather than make the DA lose face for impulsively bringing a political case into a criminal trial court -- where he is being flayed alive by Defense Counsel!
BTW, Binger & Kraus are amazingly bad at their jobs here; total amateurs in the courtroom who are probably used to coercing plea bargains that avoid having to prove anything to a judge/jury.
The real culprits are dead or maimed, except for the "kicking man" and the ridiculous Governor who refused to deploy the National Guard after several nights of mayhem that clearly exceeded the capacity of Kenosha police to manage. I note that Gov. Evers is keeping a very low profile at the moment.
As noted before, its no accident Team Howard, aligned with the Lincoln Pedophile Project, vigorously defends and lauds convicted pedophiles like Rosenbaum.
It also partially explains the lefts desperate need for open borders with rules that increase child trafficking across our border.
Rittenhouse's lawyers utterly shit the bed today. There is ZERO evidence of provocation. No witness with personal knowledge has testified Rittenhouse pointed his gun at Rosenbaum or Zeminsky prior to Rosenbaum ambushing him. Defense counsel let the ADAs filibuster and whine until they bullied the judge into letting them argue provocation. So infuriating.
Self defense is being portrayed by the prosecutor as willful disregard for life. Well, no, self defense is deeply respectful of life, one's own life, so much so that damage or death is avoided by use of force, the utmost final means of interpersonal relations. Vilifying this concept of self defense, as the prosecutors are attempting to do, is an extended example of a heckler's veto being supported: not just your speech but your life should be forfeit to the lowest common denominator of those around you. Bullshit on stilts.
Some say this trial is about white supremacy. But what are the consequences to the black community of bringing about the kind of reforms which BLM wants and which it was rioting for in Kenosha?
In Milwaukee in 2008 there were 71 homicides with a clearance rate of 93%. In 2021 Milwaukee had 175 homicides in 2021 with a clearance rate of 23%. This is due to changes in policing caused by BLM reformers of the kind who visited Kenosha. 88% of those who died were members of the black community. Can we really say that the issue is black v. white? Aren't there a lot of causes and identities swirling about together?
Roderick Scott's acquittal was more egregious--NY is Duty to Retreat state--and he went down the memory hole.
The left-wing rioters came not to protest, but to riot. They came looking for trouble.
Why is that OK?
The leftwing rioters showed up with full intent to destroy property and more, and did so.
Rittenhouse was there to protect property.
The pudgy man-child came to the riot looking for trouble in a threatening manner. His victims acted in self defense and were murdered for standing up to the coward high on Trumper propaganda.
So it is self defense to chase an armed individual down the street and lunge at him when he is down, not pointing his weapon at you?
Wa St Blogger: "I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place."
I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then fondling the corpse.
But who are we kidding. Rosenbaum only liked them much, much younger than that. But in a "good way", right Howard?
And, whether or not the defendant is a "pudgy man-child," or otherwise not someone you'd not car to know, is entirely irrelevant to defendant's claim of self-defense.
I'd stipulate that he should not have gone to the riot, as being present at a riot is something most sensible people avoid if they can. BUT although you could argue that if he hadn't been there no one would have attacked him that remains totally irrelevant to his self-defense claim.
For a right to self-defense is not abrogated merely because one has made poor choices. Then again, is not rushing someone holding a rifle, or attacking someone holding a rifle by smashing him in the head with a skateboard, or trying to grab said rifle by the muzzle, insanely stupider choices than choosing to be at a riot? But in any case, the question before the jury is not who made the stupidest choices (let alone whether defendant is unlikeable) but only whether or not defendant's claim of self-defense is justified on the basis of evidence presented.
I think an honest observer would have to agree that it is.
How "good" Kyle saw himself as a firefighter cadet is worthless - he told several lies (about his credentials) that night, too - he WAS "looking for trouble" and found it.
He should've been at home.
And I'll say it again: I'm on his side. He should get probation. He made a mistake.
Jury instructions today. Closing arguments on Monday. I stand by my prediction that the jury will acquit within an hour.
Some commentators here are consistently on point. Patently offensive comment? Check. Failure to add any real substance to the discussion? Check. Successfully goad others into responding (including myself, I admit)? Check. If only there was a term to describe such people.
I watched part of the trial the other day. I don't know if Rittenhouse or, for that matter, Zimmerman are exemplary figures, but they're significantly and demonstrably better people than their attackers. From what I observed, Rittenhouse looked like a decent enough kid. He certainly handled the DA's questions with poise and balance.......Larry Miller was a Nike executive. When he was sixteen, he shot and murdered another teenager. That teenager was completely innocent. He wasn't a member of a rival gang. He was simply in the age group of the rival gang. The reports don't say how much time Miller served, but he was out of prison before he was thirty. He went on to have a successful career as a Nike executive. He came forward now because he wants to diminish the stigmatism that attaches to teen age murderers. He's gotten some favorable media coverage for his courage in coming forward. We should all take Larry Miller's counsel and be more forgiving of teen age murderers.
Tulsi gets it.
Tulsi - a real woman - not a fake fraud of a fem like corrupt Hillary$$$.
“We remember very clearly that immediately after this incident, this tragedy occurred with Kyle Rittenhouse, the mainstream media, pro-Antifa politicians were very quick to say this kid is a white supremacist terrorist,” Gabbard said.
“The government absolutely failed to fulfill this most basic responsibility of keeping their community safe,” she continued. “Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn’t have gone and done what he did. But … you know, he’s a foolish kid who, like others in the community felt like they had no other choice but to step up and to try to do their part to keep people safe.”
Gabbard goes on to say...
“This is, this is the problem here, right? Is that there is no care or interest in evidence, or the facts, or justice. Really, it’s about politics. It’s about hey, are you one of us or are you one of them? Are you on our team? Or are you the quote-unquote, ‘enemy’?” she said. “And as we’ve seen in this example, and others, if you’re not on our team, then you are a racist, you’re a white supremacist, you’re a terrorist. And they levy out these allegations really without care again, for the evidence, facts or the consequences.”
Howard said...
The pudgy man-child came to the riot looking for trouble in a threatening manner. His victims acted in self defense and were murdered for standing up to the coward high on Trumper propaganda. Give him the Gary Gilmore treatment.
11/12/21, 12:28 PM
Little Antifa Brown Shirts aren't innocent peaceful protesters. Are YOU on the FBI payroll too, because you seem to think those FASCISTS burning down cities are in the right.. I hope they get your city or town next. Then we will see how much you enjoy the downfall.
Well you know how child rapists stick up for each other. We see it from lefties here all the time. Yet they also are the ones who bring up Qanon and the “crazy” conspiracy theory our Republic is run by a bunch of pedophiles. Strange how our current child-grabbing girl-sniffing POTUS and DC-NY network caught with lifetime passes to Epstein Island. Oh and Hillary’s campaign manager with all the tasteful naked child fine art in his Tony condo. They don’t absorb the facts from Kyle’s trial. They just reflexively defend child rapist antifa scum because they share ideological identities with them.
This is the part of a criminal or civil trial that is rarely or never depicted in TV shows or movies, arguments over the jury instructions with reference to the evidence admitted at trial. The judge is going to allow the jury to consider provocation and lesser included offenses. But for the CVS audio, this never struck me as a first-degree murder case.
Rittenhouse was very interested in the video showing that Rosenbaum rushed him only after he raised his gun and pointed it at other rioters. He seemed genuinely surprised at that viewpoint of his actions. That’s the problem with gunfights. It’s very convenient to shoot someone without weighing whether you are doing all you can to avoid shedding blood. The guy who shows restraint ends up dead. That’s why the winner of such fights should go to jail, and self-defense should be accepted in very limited circumstances.
It can be argued that Rittenhouse showed bad judgement in walking among rioters and arsonists with a rifle hung around his neck. In the annals of bad judgement, however, that's nothing compared to the bad judgement of Rosenbaum who tried to forcibly take that weapon away from Rittenhouse after previously making a threats against him. ....Bipolar child rapists often show poor impulse control. Rittenhouse didn't, of course, know that Rosenbaum was a bipolar child rapist at the time of their encounter. However, you just had to exchange a few words with Rosenbaum to see that he was an extremely fucked up guy and not a person to whom you should hand your weapon. Rosenbaum's past history is far more relevant than that of Rittenhouse.
“1. Grosskreutz Approached Rittenhouse With a Loaded Gun
2. Grosskreutz Has a Prior Gun Offense But Is Not a Felon
3. Grosskreutz’s Gun had a Bullet in the Chamber; He Is Affiliated With a Protest Group Called the People’s Revolution & Is a Medic
4. Grosskreutz, Who Lost 90% of His Right Bicep, Is Suing Kenosha
5. Grosskreutz Described It All as ‘a Lot to Process’
Grosskreutz appeared on Good Morning America after his testimony. In that interview, he denied pointing his gun at Rittenhouse, whom he dubbed an “active shooter.”
However, during cross-examination in the Rittenhouse trial, Grosskreutz admitted pointing a gun at Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse shot him.
“It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him… that he fired, right?” defense attorney Corey Chirafisi asked Grosskreutz.
“Correct,” said Grosskreutz. He tried to claim at another point that he wasn’t intentionally pointing the gun.”
"I'm guessing that what Howard really wanted to see was Drone coverage of the child rapist killing a 17 YO boy and then claiming there was no cause to have a trial in the first place."
That would have him toobin' in no time.
Remember how the Governor sat on his hands during the riots. They wanted violent riots that summer. There was a purpose. Making Trump look bad. The more riots the better. Yet the Wisconsin voters somehow, some way said, "Hey, give us more of that". Sure they did.
And now the real facists are in charge.
Kamala just laughed again.
It's a shame the death penalty is off the table.
Your fellow thugs were attempting to impose the death penalty. He stopped them.
Why does anyone respond to what Howard posts when he is obviously trolling you? I don't mean that you should not insult him, because he certainly deserves to be personally attacked in any way you see fit. However, there is no reason to try and prove that what he said is incorrect. He is not looking to debate you, but only to annoy you.
His victims acted in self defense and were murdered for standing up to the coward high on Trumper propaganda. Give him the Gary Gilmore treatment.
Maybe the day will come when you are confronted or chased by those "victims." Good luck at that time.
"Gaige Grosskreutz' mistake was not unloading his weapon into Rittenhouse. Then he would be a vigilante hero just like Bernie Goetz and Charles Bronson."
It is too early in the day to be that drunk.
Howard: are you really OK with that point of view? It makes you look, well, vicious and stupid.
Why hasn't this been dismissed?....and the prosecutor hung from a lamp post?
It's a shame the death penalty is off the table. I would love to see his last supersized happy meal depicted in a work of fine art.
Howard is a sick fuck troll. He masturbates when you respond. Stop responding.
"That would have him toobin' in no time."
I'm stealing that.
There are a lot of "Howards" in this world. Many of them live in their Mom's basement after getting a degree in "studies" of one sort or another.
Plotz opined that it Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim. Neither of the other participants (John Dickerson and Ruth Marcus) disagreed
Who says that pushing critical race theory isn't pervasive.
@ DRago
[...] The lefties want their riots/attacks condoned/enabled by the authorities [and the media] and these lefties want anyone who opposes their violence and threats shut down by their corrupted law enforcement agencies.
This is part of the larger effort to criminalize all opposition to the left."
Spot on with minor addition.
Left Bank: "Rittenhouse was very interested in the video showing that Rosenbaum rushed him only after he raised his gun and pointed it at other rioters."
As you can see, the lefty lies will be coming even faster and more furious as time progresses.
Hinderacker with a nice summary of where we stand: “I am not sure how liberals expected the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial to go. Anyone who had seen the videos of Rittenhouse’s interactions with the men who were chasing him, striking him and trying to kill him knew that he had a strong case of self-defense. But apparently the fact that Rittenhouse has a defense–and is so bold as to assert it!–came as a surprise to the Left. . . . The depth of ignorance that flows from liberals on a daily basis is hard to fathom, as is the unremitting hate they express toward all who fail to agree with them.”
Well, given Left Bank's and Howard's latest missives we can see that full out and out lying is all they have left, this after 14 months of non-stop media/lefty lies so over the top that in the last several days many lefties are actually posting their "L's" on social media and lamenting how they have been lied to in their lefty bubbles over the last 14 months.
Can of Cheese: "Spot on with minor addition."
Quite so.
Owen: "Howard: are you really OK with that point of view? It makes you look, well, vicious and stupid."
There is no point in attempting to engage Howard or Left Bank on any substantive matter. They simply move seamlessly from one fiction to another.
According to Howard, there is no inflation, collusion was totes "Realz", there were no Americans abandoned to the Taliban by Biden's Earpiece, Hunter's Laptop never existed, CRT doesn't exist...except for the parts the do exist and are magnificent!, Abraham Lincoln's statue needs to come down because Lincoln was a Confederate, etc.
"I'm stealing that."
Fair use- no stealing necessary. Anyway, I can't guarantee I didn't read it somewhere else and just forgot where.
"Stop responding."
Is mocking still on the table?
Plotz opined that it Rittenhouse were Black, he’d have no chance of success with a self-defense claim. Neither of the other participants (John Dickerson and Ruth Marcus) disagreed
Sorry but blacks get a pass in Chicago/Cook County Illinois
Foxx’s office released five suspects in a deadly shooting that occurred on Oct. 1 after refusing to charge the men with first-degree murder or any other felony, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
Sources said police sought to charge all five of the suspects in custody with murder and aggravated battery.
But on Sunday, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Cristina Villareal told reporters that prosecutors had “determined that the evidence was insufficient to meet our burden of proof to approve felony charges,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
Villareal also claimed that Chicago Police Department (CPD) officials had agreed with that decision.
She said the decision not to charge the five men was made because the people who were killed were “mutual combatants,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
William said...
It can be argued that Rittenhouse showed bad judgement in walking among rioters and arsonists with a rifle hung around his neck.
No, it CAN'T "be argued that..."
What the fuck is the point of legal open carry if not to dissuade rioters and arsonists from attacking you?
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
How "good" Kyle saw himself as a firefighter cadet is worthless - he told several lies (about his credentials) that night, too - he WAS "looking for trouble" and found it.
He should've been at home.
Is that what folks sometimes say about black men just before they kick the shit out of him? "He was in the wrong neighborhood."
I would have thought that was something you understood.
You, as an American, have the right to go anywhere public.
So does Kyle Rittenhouse.
"She said the decision not to charge the five men was made because the people who were killed were “mutual combatants,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported."
It sounds like they are saying that black lives actually don't matter if they're taken by other black people. It's a weird form of white supremacy.
I still say the ADA Binger is prosecuting the GUN, and Kyle just happened to be the one holding it. He has an unnatural fear and fascination with the AR-15 gun. If he said "AR-15" once he said it 100 times in his rambling lying closing remarks.
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