When @BariWeiss describes the kind of madness that we have all witnessed, @BrianStelter pretends as if he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Such gaslighting is of course a big part of the problem. | pic.twitter.com/q5JZlTl7K1
— Mike (@Doranimated) October 18, 2021
१८ ऑक्टोबर, २०२१
World gone mad?
Bari Weiss,
Brian Stelter,
cancel culture,
५६ टिप्पण्या:
Stelter is nicknamed 'The Potato' not only because of his physical resemblance to said starch, but because his IQ is akin to a Russet...
"When @BariWeiss describes the kind of madness that we have all witnessed, @BrianStelter pretends as if he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Such gaslighting is of course a big part of the problem."
Brian Stelter = All LLR'S
Tater does not seem very receptive to such ideas.
Defund the police was a common leftist cry prior to the 2020 election.
faux-journalists like Stelter gaslight that one, too.
The Stelters of this world continue to deny Antifa thuggery and violence. Then have the audacity to blame the police. I'm sure there is tape of Stelter himself advocating to defund the police. If not - then certainly gaslighting and turning a blind-eye to the insanity of defunding the police.... and the insanity of white-left antifa thuggery. The leftwing corporate press like that Antifa are given a blank check to intimidate and destroy.
The answer to Brian's question - who is preventing it - is:
"Your own CFO, who demands that the CNN revenue targets be met, and therefore demands that you, Brian, keep feeding the target audience its daily quota of fear mongering and smug self-righteous affirmations, and that you, Brian, NOT fed that target audience and potential content sources any stories that would upset or conflict with their world-views, lest they stop leaking to or turn off CNN."
A world gone mad? @Althouse, do you recognize the role you and other affluent white liberal females played in making it go there?
Great questions by Brian Stelter.
Great patience, in fact, in his letting Bari Weiss spew like that. Very appreciative of the fact that he didn’t talk over parts of answers that he didn’t like, or cut his guest off as is so common on Fox News, past and present, in the form of a Tucker Carlson or a Bill O’Reilly.
So Bari Weiss equates “unequal treatment, and unfair editing, in some parts of the mainstream media, with being “silenced.”
What a rotten, illegitimate construct. I knew so little about Bari Weiss; I had to check her bio to see if she ever had any law school training. She doesn’t, and it shows.
Great questions by Brian Stelter.
Great patience, in fact, in his letting Bari Weiss spew like that. Very appreciative of the fact that he didn’t talk over parts of answers that he didn’t like, or cut his guest off as is so common on Fox News, past and present, in the form of a Tucker Carlson or a Bill O’Reilly.
So Bari Weiss equates “unequal treatment, and unfair editing, in some parts of the mainstream media, with being “silenced.”
What a rotten, illegitimate construct. I knew so little about Bari Weiss; I had to check her bio to see if she ever had any law school training. She doesn’t, and it shows.
I thought it was just women and the people who sell their eyeballs to advertisers, not the world. The women make a choice about what engrosses them as entertainment, and the sellers adjust accordingly.
The right has picked that up now in the reporting of crazy leftist stories as deserving outrage, outrage being one of the most self-satisfying feelings and great click bait.
It's world gone mad only in the sense that those are universal owing to being profitable, but how much of the world's time is taken with those is probably pretty small.
When white suburban women vote for Trump’s opponent because of his mean tweets only to unleash a horde of policies that are highly destructive to Americans, weaken American defenses against our enemies, and flood America with men who will rape their daughters, the world has gone mad.
Far be it from me to defend Brian Stelter, but it is a common journalistic practice (just as it's a common legal practice) to ask a question that the reporter already knows the answer to because they need the other person to say it. Stelter may have known full well that Weiss had good answers to his questions; he was just giving her the opportunity to make her argument.
She was really the perfect person to have this conversation on CNN. Because she worked for the NY Times. She's a known commodity, a known Liberal with the 'proper' credentials. Stelter is a functioning imbecile. So whether or not he actually knows what she says to be true is not a sure thing. And while there are thousands of examples going back a number of years, or just in the past few months, the 'Fact Checker' for the network that censored the Hunter laptop info plays his part in acting like it just isn't quite so.
The loathing of our media continues to grow while the media itself continues to feed the loathing.
Ms. Weiss has done a great job with her Substack articles and her Podcast, 'Honestly'. I love her courage to spotlight all sides of a discussion. And here's the funny part: That didn't used to be considered 'courage'. It used to be the way most of us operated.
But... an Inquiring World, NEEDS TO KNOW..... What are Chuck's views on this?
Chuck? Inform us... Please!
@ Big Mike - "A world gone mad? @Althouse, do you recognize the role you and other affluent white liberal females played in making it go there?"
Just what would that role be, and how--if at all--does Althouse's role differ from other females?
(Full disclosure: I hate rhetoric that blames "white people" or "straight white males" for various ills of the world. And I feel the same way about "white liberal females".)
We live in a world in which hysteria about literally everything is running rampant. Systematic racism! Climate Change! Transgender! Everything is an emergency that has to be solved right now (by giving the government more money and power) or we're all going to die!!!!!!!
Why? Because it works.
Repeal the 19th.
I must say I am shocked that Cnn even allowed that to air.
Tater has to feign confusion so often that one must conclude the spud is not feigning.
Very amusing. CNN doing what it does best, offering comedy to lighten up your day. CNN's whole shtick during Trump Time that the world had indeed gone mad (proof positive being that Orange Man was president).
Stelter looks like he's trying to take a page out of the Tucker Carlson playbook but can't pull it off. And nice to see Bari W in fine form.
I suppose all the canceled universities/college professors and scholars are a figment of the collective imagination? To me denying what’s happening is part and parcel of the madness.
Gaslighting by a gasbag.
but because his IQ is akin to a Russet...
And yet this snippet shows he's quite clever. He keyed on one word "allowed", and was able to point out that in fact Weiss and others have been perfectly free to talk about the Wuhan lab, COVID-19, Hunter Biden laptop, etc., whether CNN and other corporate media have talked about them or not. I think Weiss is also very smart, very clever, but she created a trap for herself and Stelter exploited it to score points for his team. That doesn't make Stelter dumb, rather the opposite. But it does make him look small and petty.
Bari spoke of Biden's lap-top. The corporate press ignore Biden's lap top.
The corporate press laugh at Biden's lap top, and deny Biden's lap top.
The corporate press rush past any and all negative news about Hunter. The corporate press give Hunter kid-glove treatment and deny his creepy access to big intentional money, despite his not have a drop of expertise an any area that would justify his vast wealth.
Just a happy coincidence that his daddy is a big wig. Hunter is talented at screwing hookers, creating crap art for the the Chi-coms, and using drugs. Imagine if Trump had a son like that.
I'm surprised CNN let Bari mention Hunter's laptop. I'm also shocked Bari isn't arrested, forced into a re-education camp, after being labeled a domestic terrorist by Biden's creepy obedient Merrick.
The charitable and polite view?
She's a smart journalist.
He's a hack news reader.
The wrong woman got fired.
"The Stelters of this world continue to deny Antifa thuggery and violence."
Of greater concern is the denial (and therefore, tacit approval) by most in power that the thuggery and violence of the police--currently and historically--is a greater and more widespread problem.
Brian Stelter is a laughable mediocrity even by CNN's pitiful standards. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Big Mike. What has @Althouse done to make the world gone made? Explain.
You should say what you think the role is, or else how is she to answer "yes"? We should all acknowledge the ways we consented (by not saying no effectively enough) to what ails us now. It's common for good-hearted abstract-thinking people to imagine that the results of loosening seemingly inconsistent, illogical, karen-seeming status quo norms will have everywhere the result they and their classy friends would choose with the new stretching room. What's needed instead is not stasis but a limited, honest, humble, left-extremist-takeover-resisting (how?) best-forecast-then-measure program of improvement, driven by locally autonomous pilot programs (let Portland do its thing, etc).
Brian Stelter's smirk says it all.
It's a shame that she didn't focus specifically on Stelter, who, if you noticed, immediately changed the subject after asking "Who on CNN said that," because he probably realized, in the seconds it took to utter that, there'd be countless CNN names--most often his.
So of course he avoided the issue that CNN, as a putative news network, is supposed to cover those kinds of things and not leave it to the internet. It's no mystery why their viewership ratings and credibility ratings are so low. Bari could've noted that. Once you've burned the NYT, burning CNN on its own air is no biggie.
I wonder why we keep complaining about the media…. Why do we expect anything different? Are we so addicted to what they do and say that we can’t break away from them altogether? They are dying, and we should help them along by just not paying them any attention.
I do like Bari Weiss’s truth telling, though. She’s a breath of fresh air that deserves more space in our media ecosystem - just not CNN and the like. They are unsalvageable, IMHO.
Shelter, like what's left of his audience, lives in a bubble. No one is canceling him (though his audience is becoming more "selective"), so cancel culture is not real. So it's not gas lighting as much as genuine cluelessness. This kind of elite ignorance is what got Trump elected in the first place.
Little Tater reminds me of someone who is a reliable lefty source, maybe a frequent poster here.
It makes sense. The Althouse community has a much broader audience than Stelter (aka Little Tater). Give the boy credit for wanting to move into the Big Time.
The "I dunno what you're talking about" is just Standard Liberal/Left technique 101. There is no war on Christmas. There is no CRT. There is no antifa. There were no Hunter Biden emails. There is no Biden corruption. There were no Hillary emails. Illegal aliens aren't committing crimes or taking away jobs. There was no election fraud. Etc.
They control the megaphone, so they just play dumb and deny. Or they say stupid crap like "Well, i Live and work at XYZ, and I've never seen that". Its like Bill Kristol saying he didn't see a border crisis or have any problem with illegal immigration because things were A-0K in his wealthy DC suburb. "what's the big deal?" he said on Fox News.
Someone does a mock high-pitched Tater voice. Now whenever I see Brian (isnt that the male equivalent of Karen), I hear that high pitched voice. I suggest looking for it and you will laugh at Brian even more.
This may be an exception to the quite problematic if you ain't fer us yer agin us rule discussed earlier. It would seem obvious that everybody ought to eschew lies and embrace truth, but then there is the cynic's dilemma, and there is the white lie, which most reasonable people accept as socially preferable to naked truth under special conditions.
However, falsehoods promulgated for political ends are the meat and potatoes of tyranny, which is why Brian Stelter must become a drooling idiot trice daily.
Gaslighting is overused, misused and abused in our discourse, but this is a good example of it since Weiss is perhaps deleteriously to her argument speaking of madness, and Stelter is telling her she’s the mad one. It’s not madness we’re dealing with, but it seems that way to a Bari Weiss who was overly credulous of people claiming to have and uphold principles that were only always a means to power and prestige. There’s a new way to get power and prestige, now, and it isn’t by pretending to believe in fusty old liberal principles.
Brian Stelter is so unlikable and unattractive that I cannot understand why CNN keeps him on the air. He’s the kid in elementary school that everyone wanted to punch or the kid that was always chosen last for any activity by his classmates. But Brian is a shill for the Left. So, I guess he is still employed because he will repeat anything he is told by lefties no matter how false and absurd. Brian is a propagandist. He has zero credibility.
Big Mike: “@Althouse, do you recognize the role you and other affluent white liberal females played in making it go there?”
Why “affluent?”
If you watch the whole interview, you see that Stelter came aboard the boat a bit after Weiss made her points.
With a face like that, he got nothin’ to laugh about…
Almost all MSM mentions of race, universally, are part of that "gaslighting"; that's why I enjoy correcting things like their claiming that the Nobel literature guy is "black" when the real blacks kicked his family out of Zanzibar for being Arabs. Or today, calling Colin Powell "black" for no apparent reason since it's irrelevant, when he's obviously whiter than Obama, who is also not black. The inverse and more subtly manipulative part of the gaslighting is when a real black does something naughty, like stabbing a Member of Parliament or attacking elderly Asians, in which case he's not black, he's not anything at all except obfuscated.
Here's the best Jerry Clower video I ever heard: Tater Rides the Moped (4 minutes)
I think Weiss is also very smart, very clever, but she created a trap for herself and Stelter exploited it to score points for his team.
Yes, I thought so too. She should have come back with: "Allowed? Sure individuals can shout whatever they want, but try doing it on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube and risk being booted out, demonetized, or otherwise censored. I appreciate being allowed on CNN to make these points, but it doesn't change the fact that editorial decisions are made by CNN, the NYT, and the other major media outlets to stifle any coverage of these stories."
Blogger Drago said..."Brian Stelter = All LLR'S"
He is doing the same thing Rolfe does.
Who "allows" or "doesn't allow" certain discussions?
Jack Dorsey
Mark Zuckerberg
Jeff Bezos
and the ilk. Media "thought leaders" and "influencers". Yes, CNN -- but name names. Freeze. Polarize. Personalize. That's the rule, isn't it?
Tweet or post or even write a book that "causes pain" to certain sacred animals and you will find your work disallowed and your identity linked to deniers and haters and Nazis. Those doing the disallowing and linking are, or are empowered by, the new billionaires who own the platforms. Name names.
Of greater concern is the denial (and therefore, tacit approval) by most in power that the thuggery and violence of the police--currently and historically--is a greater and more widespread problem.
Other than anecdotal instances that manage to make it on to Twitter, what possible evidence is there for this assertion when measured against the thousands of uneventful police interactions with the public every day? The problem that the lefties continuously avoid addressing is that when people resist arrest or fail to comply with lawful commands, hands-on action is necessary, and the pearl-clutchers go "Oh dear!" when some asshole is taken to the ground.
Also completely ignored by the lefties is that police have families who live in dread of the day that they might get a visit by a caravan of black official vehicles and a priest steps out to knock on the door. Why would anyone wonder that personal safety is the highest objective in any situation where the John/Joanna Q Public citizen is anything other than polite and compliant?
An extraordinary number of law enforcement personnel were injured, many severely, and some were killed during the riots last summer. And let's be clear, it wasn't the police who were rioting and emptying the shelves of retail stores across the country.
The police are not the problem. The lefties are the problem.
- Krumhorn
Remember, on the show Stelter dedicated to "truth" and reestablishing trust in media and calling out Fake News, Stelter went Full LLR and brought on....Dan Rather!
What a perfect lefty/LLR-lefty show that was.
Remember when AT&T was a private company that provided a service you could choose to buy or not buy, and that was free to do as it pleased and thought was in its own best interests as a private company?
Remember when Standard Oil was a private company please to act as it believed was in its own best interests?
Neither of them sold a product that mattered a damn to a single person's life in 1850, and yet they became indispensable.
But Lance thinks that access to the public square in a democracy is somehow different, and its fine that it's own by a few private companies controlled by billionaires who have untold billions of dollars at stake in government decisions.
Stelter got his job because he is stupid. Profoundly stupid. Too stupid to question the narrative or to believe that it is even possible to question the narrative. That doesn't exclude the possibility that he might accidently be competent on occasion or even have some degree of cunning.
Weiss isn't the best advocate for her position, but she certainly is more forthright and "thrusting" than others have been. But it's wrong to focus on her. She could have been brilliant and spoken with the tongues of angels and Stelter would still dismiss what she had to say.
The larger question is why is she virtually the only guest on the show who ever questioned Stelter's and CNN's view of things.
Tater--dumber than a sack of hammers--and so he gives all the other sacks of hammers a bad name.
Bari Weiss income from substack could be close to a million dollars a year.
Nice pay bump from her NYT gig.
Responding to Roger Sweeney, papper, and hombre, affluent white female liberal (AWFL) is the latest, and best, acronym to characterize what used to be called “soccer moms” (Althouse’s sons are grown, and presumably don’t play in youth soccer leagues) or suburban housewives (Althouse lives in a modest-sized city). Is Althouse affluent? Depends on where one draws the line, but despite being retired she can afford the ridiculous property taxes Madison charges it’s residents so she is certainly financially comfortable.
What do I not like about AWFLs? How about their elitism? How about their support for the heckler’s veto? Trump is icky? Was that because he was inherently icky or because the Democrats that the AWFLs adore spent four years painting him as icky and sending Antifa and BLM to burn down cities unless Trump lost? (Though I see that Antifa is still burning things down; one wonders whether any AWFLs have caught on that they were had?)
I despise AWFLs because ther biases got set in college and reality matters to them not one bit. Democrats are gooood. Republicans are eeeil. Republicans are racist, don’t you know? Althouse has called me, personally, a racist when all she knows about me is that I am a conservative Republican. I won’t hold my breath waiting for an apology.
But above all I despise AWFLs because of their implicit support for the neverending culture wars. They got abortion so it has to be unrestricted abortion. Gay rights? Gays can’t truly be free until teenaged biological males are allowed into girls’ rest rooms and locker rooms on nothing more than their say-so that they identify as female. And it was “insensitive” of conservatives to suggest that this policy would lead to rapes of schoolgirls. Except it did in Loudoun County Virginia, and to more than one girl. How about Dane County Wisconsin? Would the Madison school board allow it to be reported if it did? Would any AWFL care? They have theirs; who cares about anyone else?
I had to check her bio to see if she ever had any law school training. She doesn’t, and it shows.
Yes, it does. She’s an honest, objective person. You, on the other hand, regularly demonstrate how law school training prepares one to intentionally misrepresent things.
The fact that you think that your observation reflects poorly on Bari Weiss is, as always, entertaining.
Robert Cook said...
"The Stelters of this world continue to deny Antifa thuggery and violence."
Of greater concern is the denial (and therefore, tacit approval) by most in power that the thuggery and violence of the police--currently and historically--is a greater and more widespread problem.
How many people were wrongly killed by US police in the last 10 years? In the entire country?
How does that compare to the number of people murdered in Chicago, the majority of them black, in the last year?
"Black Lives Matter"? The f' they do. Only the lives of criminals who happen to be black matter to you, and your cohorts, cookie
In arguing with Weiss, Stelter said "people are allowed to cover whatever they want to cover," which goes against his constant repetition that CNN was dedicated to bringing us The Truth and FNC was devoted to concealing it.
Then he pivots to calling out a small group of internet complainers, rather than the media in general, and ends up talking about her substack, but he gave the whole game away by admitting that CNN covers whatever it wants to cover and isn't striving after some obsolete notion of Truth, let alone Balance.
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