৯ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

"The Justice Department said Friday that it would not seek federal criminal civil rights charges against police officer Rusten Sheskey of Kenosha, Wis...."

"... in the shooting of a Black man last summer that reignited social-justice protests.... 'After a careful and thorough review, a team of experienced federal prosecutors determined that insufficient evidence exists to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the KPD officer willfully violated the federal criminal civil rights statutes,' the department said in the statement...." 

This is not surprising, because there was evidence that the man, Jacob Blake, had a knife, tasering hadn't stopped him, he was getting into a car that had children inside, and (based on the call to the police and prior incidents) it was a domestic abuse case. 

২৪টি মন্তব্য:

gilbar বলেছেন...

a team of experienced federal prosecutors determined that insufficient evidence exists to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the KPD officer willfully violated the federal criminal civil rights statutes,'

So, they were TRYING to imprison a Police Officer, for Trying to Protect Children???
Are there plans to rename Garland's Justice Dept?
Perhaps to something that more correctly describes their function?
Maybe, the Injustice Dept? Or the, We TRYING to Destroy America Dept?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"So, they were TRYING to imprison a Police Officer, for Trying to Protect Children??? "

I think they were trying to assure people that cops don't get a free pass to commit violence.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I wonder if Kamala will insist on angry riots again?

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

'The next day, after the first night of rioting, Joe Biden egged on the rioters:'

Biden: "... His children watched from inside the car and bystanders watched in disbelief. And this morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force. ... "

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Well, it’s true that, on paper, that’s what federal investigations are supposed to do. But there are ample state resources for doing that, and unless I’m confusing cases, the case had already been reviewed by the appropriate state authorities.

The feds have become an activist group bludgeoning officers who were clearly doing nothing wrong. Happily, even they couldn’t Trump up enough false charges to hang this brave cop. The media pours gasoline on the fire. A good cop has to go into hiding, his career and life ruined and his family endangered.

This isn’t semantics. It’s a lynch mob.

I hope he sues every responsible party — from reporters to the plethora of activist groups that refused to accept prior exculpatory reports, to every single person who threatened or attacked him and his family. This garbage won’t stop until there are serious consequences for abusing people because they are police.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The people pushing this are driving the current crime wave.

They have blood on their hands.

This is intentionally destabilizing.

Richard বলেছেন...

Crappy police work. Blake defeated seven cops in hand to hand combat including taking taser hits. He went around the car with the cops following as if in a parade. Control consisted of one cop having one hand on the guy's tee shirt.
As with Daunte Wright, if they'd been able to control him, everybody would be okay.
Are cops forbidden from using control techniques that work? Various footage I've seen shows cops doing various forms of grabbing. No wrestling, judo, nothing.

Mikey NTH বলেছেন...

"I think they were trying to assure people that cops don't get a free pass to commit violence."

That may be their intent, but I suspect that those people who think police officers are routinely murdering blacks aren't going to care how much effort was put into it. And at this late date those who could be convinced are unlikely to remember the incident that sparked this investigation. The DOJ has to turn these investigations around faster to get to those people - strike while the iron is hot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

who called the police? Is was a black woman.

The white left cannot scream "racism!" if blacks call the police.

Don't like the police? Don't call them to help you out. Hate the police and think they are all racist criminals? Why would you ever call them to help you out?

Kamala wants to de-fund the police and border patrol. Fall in line, leftists.

Duke Dan বলেছেন...

The event help can the flames and keep the riots going when it happened. It served its purpose to the progressives. Any one with an IQ knew it was bullshit.

Maynard বলেছেন...

I think they were trying to assure people that cops don't get a free pass to commit violence.

Unless they are Pelosi's Capitol Police. There are different rules when the officer is a Black Democrat and the victim is a White Trump supporter.

That is because Officer Byrd was trying to save democracy and prevent AOC from being raped and murdered.

Howard বলেছেন...

That's right Achilles. Just like you And your Trump conspiracy theorist cult have blood on your hands for Ashli Babbitt's death.

Drago বলেছেন...

I'll bet Romney marches with BLM again over this.

mdg বলেছেন...

Evidence that he had a knife?

From the story:

'In his written report, Graveley said Blake was carrying an open knife in his right hand. The report also says video footage showed Blake carrying a knife.'

He had an actual knife.

We don't say 'there is evidence that Jack Ruby had a gun.'

Owen বলেছেন...

Prof. A @ 6:48:
"So, they were TRYING to imprison a Police Officer, for Trying to Protect Children??? "

I think they were trying to assure people that cops don't get a free pass to commit violence.”

The process is the punishment. That police officer will never be the same; and everyone else who watched him go through hell for the past year has gotten the message.

Expect a lot more retirements and work-to-rule by our nation’s finest.

john mosby বলেছেন...

Richard: good point. Many of these confrontations could have been ended early, by prompt application of decisive nonlethal force. But cops are afraid to do that, because of the firings, prosecutions, and lawsuits. So we get the perverse consequence where cops use less force initially, and the situation degrades to the point where the cops have to use more force, which gets someone killed. Which leads to more riots, prosecutions, and lawsuits.

But as other commenters have said, that’s not a perverse consequence - it’s the intended consequence of the lawsuits and prosecutions.


TreeJoe বলেছেন...

Maybe there’s two sides of our National story that can both co exist:

Police have often let their own be overly aggressive or corrupt and then circled the wagons to prevent the abuser from facing the right consequences.

After citizens have begun to uprise against police, sleazy politicians and lawyers and others have inflamed the issue beyond what is reasonable to get a result they are seeking.

Both can be true. Both can need to stop.

I was cautiously excited last year that qualified immunity would go away. But no. Now we just have a pissed off divided population with no real progress on any side.

Ceciliahere বলেছেন...

The mother of the children in the car called police on Blake. He had a warrant out for domestic violence. He was resisting arrest. He had a knife and was reaching into the car (for what?). The policeman did what he had to do to stop Blake. If this was a white man resisting arrest, etc. it would not have made the news.

Aggie বলেছেন...

The Washington Post reports the news, and is disappointed to have to do so.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I think the tasers and stun guns the police are allowed to use these days are wellnigh useless. They would have done better to hit him with pepper spray, but even that isn't allowed to pack much a punch these days.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

"...a team of experienced federal prosecutors determined that insufficient evidence exists to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the KPD officer willfully violated the federal criminal civil rights statutes..."

I suppose this verbiage is necessary, but it still has the ring of damning with faint praise. I'd be curious if the officer feels vindication or relief, considering the Feds had such a vice-like grip on his future.

Jacob Blake is lucky to be alive considering the cop could have blown him to hell. I think he would have been justified doing so. Presumably the taxpayers will be on the hook to keep the animal alive.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...

I think the tasers and stun guns the police are allowed to use these days are wellnigh useless. They would have done better to hit him with pepper spray, but even that isn't allowed to pack much a punch these days.

Are you kidding me? I can tell you from personal experience that the pepper spray (in the UK at least) is VERY effective. Even against extremely intoxicated and belligerent suspects, it just flat out works. I've never been Tasered, but I've know a few who have (in the USA), and it seemed to do the trick... . Of course, the cops did all have to join in. They just love their non lethal toys.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

The most dangerous thing about American cops is the fact that they do not have to be big and strong. Very few women are capable of subduing a man physically, and yet many are cops. It's the same with little guys, they reach for the gun first because they aren't capable of anything else. Go to Ireland where armed Guards are vanishingly rare, and have a look at the guys you see in uniform. (Yes, "guys" is mostly what you see. Female cops are called ban guarda). The lads drive around 3 to a car and they are big strong young fella's. They are not above using a bit of violence, and it works.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Old and Slow,

I have seen way too many videos of cops tasering suspects to no effect. Perhaps I am only seeing the handful of videos where it doesn't work, but there are often 2 or more cops doing the tasering and the suspect isn't incapicitated.