२१ ऑगस्ट, २०२१

"The Clyburn-led veterans [of the Congressional Black Caucus] have hugged close to Ms. Pelosi to rise through the ranks, and believe younger members should follow their example."

"They have taken a zero-tolerance stance toward primary challengers to Democratic incumbents. They have recently pushed for a pared-down approach to voting rights legislation, attacking proposals for public financing of campaigns and independent redistricting committees, which have support from many Democrats in Congress but could change the makeup of some Black members’ congressional districts. And when younger members of Congress press Ms. Pelosi to elevate new blood and overlook seniority, this more traditional group points to Representatives Maxine Waters of California and Bennie Thompson of Mississippi — committee chairs who waited years for their gavels.... Mr. Clyburn makes no secret of his disdain for progressive activists who support defunding the police. In the interview, he likened the idea to 'Burn, baby, burn,' the slogan associated with the 1965 Watts riots in California. '"Burn, baby, burn" destroyed the movement John Lewis and I helped found back in 1960,' he said. 'Now we have defunding the police.' [Rep. Gregory] Meeks, the political point man for the caucus, said he expected its endorsements to go where they have always gone: to Black incumbents and their allies."

२६ टिप्पण्या:

Chuck म्हणाले...

I expect your readers to sneer at this story on just about every level, Althouse. But just think how consequential Clyburn has been.

At a point where the Biden Campaign was floundering (at best!), Clyburn made a big endorsement of Biden, helped him win the South Carolina primary, and served as a springboard to the nomination. Where, as the most notably-moderate Democrat, Biden beat Trump. End of story.

I know that your readers are fantastically opposed to the Biden Presidency and will remain so, and will wonder how and why I chose an "end of story." Fair enough. "Ending the Trump Presidency" was the "end of story" for me. The end of Joe Biden's necessary role. Made possible by Rep. James Clyburn.

MountainMan म्हणाले...

They should be more precise. It is the Congressional Black Democratic Caucus. Black Republicans need not apply.

CJinPA म्हणाले...

“Diverse”? Is the New York Times selectively applying “ideological diversity” to a meaning it usually restricts to racial diversity? (I have no free articles left to read it.)
Clyburn has contempt for the “defund the police” movement that Democrats have assured us is not a real thing.
It’s hard to write an article like this while simultaneously denying non-progressives details on which to pounce or seize.

cassandra lite म्हणाले...

By definition, how can the CBC, which is 100% black, be "diverse"?

If it's protean enough to apply to different geographical backgrounds and age cohorts, as it is here, then a theoretical CWC would also have to be considered "diverse" by the NYT.

R C Belaire म्हणाले...

What I'd like to see established is a Congressional White Caucus. Fair is fair, no?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Gotta kiss queen corruptocrat's ring.

wendybar म्हणाले...

As Nancy says “People will do what they do.” She thinks Black Lives Matter riots and looting are wonderful. As Maxine said "“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event"

And yet, they wonder why America is so divided? It isn't white supremacy or Trump that makes progressives nuts. It's the conspiracy theories in their heads. Thanks Obama!! Great job.

Drago म्हणाले...

It's actually the Congressional Black Democratical Caucus.

Leora म्हणाले...

I thought about including something about majority minority districts in the recent redistricting post. Many Black Caucus members owe their seats to the creation of racial rotten boroughs approved by Republicans because it isolates a constituency difficult for them to reach and approved by Democrats to increase black representation. This leads to districts where 90% of the vote is Democratic which is not a healthy thing for representative government.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

The dirty little secret is that these people are in gerrymandered districts for the most part- a gerrymandering that the federal courts have more or less demanded as compliance with the various Civil Rights acts and their subsections. It is what led to the fall of the Democrat majority in the House in 1994. What is amazing about this article is how they now find themselves being marginalized within their own districts. That's progress for ya!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

And I see Leora beats me to it.

Chris Lopes म्हणाले...

"Ending the Trump Presidency" was the "end of story" for me."

Apparently not. Pretty much every comment you make includes some reference to Orange the Clown. You just can't give the guy up. He's living rent free in your head. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad. Get help my friend, the bad orange man is gone.

Roger Sweeny म्हणाले...

The Black Caucus is diverse?

Would a White Caucus be diverse?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

for some reason Chuck thinks we care that he's a sell-out who supports a crook.
We already know this about Chuck - and we have moved on.

Mikey NTH म्हणाले...

Machine politicians are opposed to any challenges to the machines that are the source of their power. And yet the machines always fail.

Skippy Tisdale म्हणाले...

"At a point where the Biden Campaign was floundering (at best!), Clyburn made a big endorsement of Biden, helped him win the South Carolina primary, and served as a springboard to the nomination. Where, as the most notably-moderate Democrat, Biden beat Trump. End of story."

Try selling that dogshit to the Americans trapped in Afghanistan.

Bilwick म्हणाले...

Yes, Chuck, I sneer at that story; or rather sneer at the State-fellators the story is about. At this point in history, you still think the State is our best friend, and the more power you cede to it the better off you'll be, you are, in a very real sense of the term, retarded. Especially so if you belong to one of the groups whom the State has historically most victimized (Blacks, Jews, Gays, women, people in the arts, etc.).

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR Chuck: "Fair enough. "Ending the Trump Presidency" was the "end of story" for me. The end of Joe Biden's necessary role. Made possible by Rep. James Clyburn."


I am afraid "teh interwebs" is forever and your explicit public goal and objective, which mirrors those of the Lincoln Pedophile Project and The Facebook/Google Bulwark, of a permanent democratical majority at every level of government as well as the advancement of every democratical policy preference is well established and irrefutable at this point.

My gosh, in your incredible self-delusion, did you really believe you could reset the clock to 2014 when you had not yet completely yourself as a pro-democratical, pro-marxist moron?


I'll bet you DID! You really thought you could do that!

Hilarious! I cant imagine what you'll be telling your Reid Hoffman pals down at Whitmer reelection headquarters about your latest failure here.

Oh to be a fly on that wall!

Tom T. म्हणाले...

Clyburn saying "John Lewis and me" makes me think of the famous quote from Stacey King of the Chicago Bulls, after a game in which Jordan scored 69 points and King made one free throw: "I'll always remember this as the night that Michael Jordan and I combined to score 70 points."

Tom T. म्हणाले...

Chuck blaming Clyburn for the fall of Afghanistan is not what I expected when I opened this comment section.

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Gosh, you mean "Progressives" only care abotu the interests of upper class white "liberals" (mostly female), and not about the "minorities" they claim to care about?

Wow! You could know me over with a feather!

Drago म्हणाले...

Tom T.: "Chuck blaming Clyburn for the fall of Afghanistan is not what I expected when I opened this comment section."

When you understand that LLR Chuck's purpose at this point and time is the protection of Biden as well as obama's legacy and policies at all costs, it all makes more sense.

Any "port in a storm", so to speak.

LA_Bob म्हणाले...

I'm not too sure how the CBC breaks down, but I think I'd hate to be a minority in the Congressional Black Caucus.

Breezy म्हणाले...

Younger vs older… It’s all about the power of seniority, not the power of merit, or of good new ideas. Such a shame.

Patrick Henry म्हणाले...

Chuck reminds me of the guys in the movies (and often in real life that end up shooting up schools): he'll burn the world down rather than have it in its imperfections.

Trump, who I did not vote for in either election (because I lived in states where it was safe not to do so), was a far better president that Biden (or whoever is behind the curtain). While Trump may have figured out how personally profit while breaking a few things, Biden's family already has profited from his "service" in government and don't care if they tear down the whole country - in fact that may be a feature, not a bug.

Every time I read one of Chuck's comments I just think "what is wrong with that guy"?

walter म्हणाले...

On many levels, MLK would object to hugging close to boutique ice cream Pelosi.
When does the disparate impact/equity element re vax mandates impact decisions of so-called B/black caucus?