२ ऑगस्ट, २०२१

"Someone had a dirty sense of humor at AP."

A reader named Jake emails, linking to "It’s in and it’s big: Senate unveils $1T infrastructure bill."

२ टिप्पण्या:

Meade म्हणाले...

Democrats, getting a look at the … package: “And just who do you think you’re going to satisfy with that?”

Republicans: “Why US, of course!”

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Temujin writes:

"Everytime our Government passes a massive omnibus bill or health bill or, in this case, Infrastructure Bill, you had better grab your ankles, and let your kids know to grab theirs. Because three things are about to happen: (1) Nothing good or nothing at all will happen to our infrastructure, (2) Huge numbers of new government employees will be hired along with their healthcare package and pension plans, and (3) Your Kids will be holding the bill when it comes due in about 10-15 years.

"Tonight you'll see politicians congratulating themselves, as corporate media talking heads smile broadly about how much the Biden Administration is keeping their promises.

:I'd like to write more but it's difficult to type while bending over, but if you look at the roads and bridges in your neck of the woods, give them another look in 12 months. I can assure you that what you see today is what you'll see next year at this time. Only it just cost more to stay that way."