August 15, 2021

"Marissa Meizz, 23, was out to dinner with a friend in the East Village in mid-May when her phone started buzzing. She tried to silence it..."

"... but the texts kept coming. They all wanted to know: Had she seen the TikTok video? She clicked the link and a young man appeared onscreen. 'If your name’s Marissa,' he said, 'please listen up.' He said he had just overheard some of her friends say they were deliberately choosing to hold a birthday party when she was out of town that weekend. 'You need to know,' he said. 'TikTok, help me find Marissa.' Ms. Meizz’s heart sank. After getting in touch with the man who posted the video, which amassed more than 14 million views, she confirmed that she was the Marissa in question and that it was her friends who had conspired to exclude her from their party."

So begins "Now Going Viral: Meeting Online Friends in Real Life/Marissa Meizz became a TikTok meme after her friends excluded her from a birthday party. She decided to do something about it" (NYT).

Here's the original "TikTok, help me find Marissa" video: 


Iman said...

These are adults? De-evolution is real.

Temujin said...

My brain is bleeding.

Wilbur said...

"I hate to stick my nose where it doesn't belong"

Any better example of a self-evident lie?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

finding out your "friends" don't like you.
Get new friends.

Jeff said...

Hooray! We can all relive junior high again!

typingtalker said...

"Humans are highly social beings ... "

It's hard to keep good genes down.

Sally327 said...

At the end of the article Marissa acknowledges that she hasn't spoken to the friends planning the birthday party so she has no idea what was really said or why. She took the word of some random guy and terminated those friendships, if they were really friends in the first place, who knows? She is today's version of the NH hermit, being adopted by strangers and getting her story in the newspaper. Maybe the way she chose to handle this explains why those birthday party friends decided they didn't want her there, if that's even what they said.

JK Brown said...

Tik Tok is world wide, he and Marissa's friends were obviously in the same city, same country, etc.

Reminds me of back in the '80s when my federal agency got email. Someone would say "there's a car in the parking lot with its lights on" but send it *.* which went agency wide. We'd email back, "forget about which building, which side of the building, could you tell us which side of the Mississippi the car is on". Not soon enough, the global addressing was locked down.

But this confirms this observation

“Imagine being in the worst aspects of junior high school, 24 hours a day, forever.”
--Prof. Greg Lukianoff on social media

Skeptical Voter said...

Mean girls do what they gotta do.

Readering said...

For years her former friends will be able to dine out on the story, I knew Marissa back when ....

Yancey Ward said...

The Taliban would take New York in 24 minutes.

Phil 314 said...

If only she could “reply all” like you can with email.

Lindsey said...

@Sally327 Her 'friends' didn't even try to contact her either. You'd think at least one of the would have the decency to apologize or provide context.

RMc said...

Basically, everybody under 30 should be sent to a desert island without cellphones!