August 15, 2021

What people are actually reading...


Temujin said...

What people on the subset of NY Times readers are actually reading.

Which is why my relatives in New York keep asking us in hushed serious tones how we can live in Florida and aren't we fearing for our lives from Covid or rising sea levels?

At this point someone could actually do a study to see how reading the New York Times separates people from the reality on the ground on numerous topics and affects their lives, their attitudes on life, and their ability to get along with others.

Jamie said...

At this point someone could actually do a study to see how reading the New York Times separates people from the reality on the ground on numerous topics and affects their lives, their attitudes on life, and their ability to get along with others.

'Twas ever thus, apparently. I'll bet even when Philadelphia was the Big City and NYC its wannabe little brother. Must be the ley lines running under Manhattan or something...

Anon said...

"But what people are actually reading is"

Right. No one cares about Afghanistan.

But then, no one cares about their fellow citizens either. How many Dem NYT readers regret Covid deaths in the South? Who among them worries about illegals making life harder for American workers?

Caring is for show.

Tim said...

Heh. Actually, what people are reading is pretty much anything but the NYT. They have managed to throughly beclown themselves over the past 20 years.

TWWren said...

If you substitute 'liberals' for 'people', he nails it.

phantommut said...

NYT readers are (mostly) people who aspire to being welcome in the new American Versailles.

mikee said...

In other news, my demolition team is making good progress on removal of the heavily-rebarred foundation of the old house I'm replacing with a new house here in Austin. This work continues apace despite the deviation of "trendibg" from "popular" media stories. Heck, of much more importance to my guys was the portajohn delivery this morning. Perhaps the NYT could be kept handy at my work site. I can see it being useful in several ways not often anticipated by its local readers in the Big Apple. Of course, the Austin Statesman generally suffices for a single portapotty.