২২ আগস্ট, ২০২১

"Desperation as Afghans Seek to Flee a Country Retaken by the Taliban/A surging crowd trampled a toddler to death near the airport...."

The NYT reports. 
On Saturday morning, a former interpreter for an American company in Kabul... pushed ahead, desperate to secure a flight out of the country for everyone accompanying her — her husband, 2-year-old daughter, disabled parents, three sisters and a cousin. Then the crowd surged. The entire family was slammed to the ground. People trampled them where they lay.... The girl was dead, trampled to death by the mob....

Another former interpreter for the U.S. military was also in hiding in Kabul Saturday. He... said he had abandoned any hope of getting a flight for him, his wife and young son after two terrifying forays to the airport. “I’ve lost hope,” he said. “I’ve lost trust in the U.S. government, which keeps saying, ‘We will evacuate our allies. Evacuation is impossible.... Your child could get trampled.... If the U.S. gives me the entire universe after I lose a child, it is worthless.” 

১৩টি মন্তব্য:

gilbar বলেছেন...

“I’ve lost trust in the U.S. government, which keeps saying, ‘We will evacuate our allies. Evacuation is impossible.... Your child could get trampled.... If the U.S. gives me the entire universe after I lose a child, it is worthless.”

You can't worry forever about your mistakes. You fucked up, you trusted us

gilbar বলেছেন...

Seriously, is it OUR Fault; that Some Afghaniis are SO GULLIBLE, that they'd trust the USA?

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Biden could profit from a study of Tsar Nikolai II Alexandrovich, but that requires a working brain.

Robert Roy বলেছেন...

My concern is that it seems all too likely that a sense of betrayal towards the US could easily lead to radicalization and a resurgence in Al-Qaeda ranks,from people who could have been allies or at least neutral.

Kevin বলেছেন...

At least the trampled child wasn’t in a cage.

Children being properly cared for but restricted in their movements is the real crime, we’ve been told.

wendybar বলেছেন...

WHO in their right mind would volunteer to go into the military now?? And WHAT allies in THEIR right minds would ever trust the USA to keep their word again after this fiasco??

CWJ বলেছেন...

NBC's Afghanistan story Friday evening focused on an American citizen waiting for transport out of the country. She had her "ticket" and waited for the plane to take her away. She appeared to be of Afghan descent and identified more with Ajghanistan than the country whose passport she carried. The plane arrived, and she and 25! family members got on board. What kind of pull did that require?

Such a contrast with the stories in Althouse's post.

Drago বলেছেন...

According to Howard and a certain LLR, that was a "relatively peaceful" trampling to death of a child, and, if that death has not been properly recorded "officially" somewhere, according to Left Bank it cannot be viewed as having happened.

These are the new "rules" our leftists have introduced....in just the past few days....and its just a coincidence the issuance of these new "rules" coincides with the this Installed *"President"-ial screwup.....which the leftists assure us has gone as well as could be expected....because Biden is so smart and brave and courageous.....and Biden/Kamala had claimed complete credit for the entire plan and the timetable....but its all Trump's fault because his plan was sacrosanct and no deviation was allowed...except that Biden changed all of Orange Man Bad's plans across the board because the Orange Man was very bad....except for this plan...which was terrible and Biden had to execute it.....but it went great because "Biden"......

This could go on for hours and every single one of the Althouse lefties/LLR-lefties has been arguing all these positions simultaneously for over a week now.


For the lefties/LLR-lefties, history once again begins anew every 15 minutes.

Public Service Observations:

Things No One In The World Is Saying Right Now:
1) "Trump/Biden" Plan
2) "I wonder what George Conway and David Frum think we should do?"

Things Everyone In The World Might Be Saying Right Now:
1) "How many trips to the buffet table is that walrus named Conway going to make tonight?"
2) "Just how many members of The Lincoln Project were actively grooming young boys for deviant sexual purposes while others there covered it up?"

Drago বলেছেন...

When democraticals/LLR-democraticals hear about a child being trampled in Afghanistan, their usual first inclination is: Gee, I hope we can harvest the body parts and sell them at a profit from this "spark of divinity" "very late abortion".

Drago বলেছেন...

wendybar: "WHO in their right mind would volunteer to go into the military now?? And WHAT allies in THEIR right minds would ever trust the USA to keep their word again after this fiasco??"

I have family members who just received their commissions in the last several years and trust me, these cats "know the score" and what is going on and I was extremely impressed by how knowledgeable and prepared they were to deal with the nonsense and still get to where they want to go within that structure.

And there are alot more of them than you might think.

They give me hope.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

We don’t deserve anyone’s trust.

AlbertAnonymous বলেছেন...

See, if only they would have put up plexiglass shields and required everyone to wear a mask and stay six feet apart, this trampling never would have happened…

Science people, science.

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

So, a lovely portrait of the two Americas, brought to you by the comments section on the NYT and (as in the prior post) the most-reads on the WaPo. Gotta love all that competence and empathy from the die-hards rooting for Team Biden!