२२ जुलै, २०२१

"Five speech therapists were arrested this morning by Hong Kong’s national security police, accused of conspiring to share 'seditious' children’s books."

"The arrests, during which hooded suspects were led away by officials, came after three books, published by the General Association of Hong Kong Speech Therapists, described Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists as sheep who were protecting their village by fighting a pack of wolves. Pro-Beijing newspapers and politicians have called the books an attempt to 'poison' the minds of children by promoting freedom from Beijing in the territory. A senior Hong Kong education official claimed that they had used fables to spread political propaganda. The two men and three women arrested, who are aged between 25 and 28, are accused of 'inciting hatred among the public, especially small children, against the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong judiciary, inciting the use of violence, and encouraging disobedience of the law,' according to the police."

The London Times reports.

1 टिप्पणी:

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Temujin writes:

"We should be doing everything possible to help the people of Hong Kong. And Cuba. They are both crying out for freedom. And had Trump been President, they would have received help in some form. China would have felt the sting, we would have allowed for Hong Kongers to emigrate. Instead, the cabal running the Joe & Kamala show are working hard to make nice with the terrorist leaders of Iran.

"Everything is completely upside down right now. And there is no better example of this than the US handling of Hong Kong and Cuba. We used to stand for freedom. We used to be a beacon to the world for freedom and people would risk their lives to come here- not for handouts, but to have the chance to live their life for their own sake. Now our FBI works to concoct events to portray their own citizens as enemies.

"Sounds eerily like the CCP. Not sure there's a difference anymore."