२५ जून, २०२१

"Staving Off G.O.P. Attacks, Democrats Show New Urgency on Crime/A strong showing by Eric Adams in the New York mayoral race and President Biden’s announcement of a new crime-fighting agenda signal a shift by Democrats toward themes of public safety."

The NYT reports. 

The article calls Biden's speech his "the most muscular response so far." If he hasn't been tough on crime all along, it's silly to refer to his new speech as "the most muscular."  

The Democratic Party is, we're told, suddenly shifting to "themes of public safety." They're going to "to lean hard into that issue in the coming month." 

"Lean hard" after "most muscular" seems to be ludicrously straining toward macho masculinity. The article even says that Biden's speech happening at the same time as Adams's achieve caused an "artificially sudden climax." That is, the Democratic Party had intended to arrive at this new postition in a more slow and elegant fashion, but Adams's performance made it so crudely obvious and intense. 

Adams "derid[ed] 'Defund the Police' activists as a collection of affluent whites and accus[ed] a progressive rival, Maya Wiley, of focusing on left-wing sloganeering 'at a time when Black and brown babies are being shot in our streets.'" 

ADDED: Interestingly, Adams did well in the black neighborhoods that the "Defund the Police" activists portray themselves as wanting to help. Wiley was the Defund the Police candidate, and she did best among the affluent people who are asked to give up their white privilege for the sake of others.

७ टिप्पण्या:

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Bruce writes:

Too little. Too late. The polls for the sort of violence condoned, if not encouraged, by Dem politicians over the last year or two, are horrible. Their problem is that this is a bit like piloting a huge ship - once the ship is nudged in one direction, it is hard to change direction. Aircraft carriers can figuratively almost turn on a dime, with their four nuclear reactors. Supertankers (etc) take miles to turn. Police departments, built up over decades, have been decimated in months, if not weeks, by Dem DAs indicting and prosecuting police, for, at worse, being a little zealous doing their job, while dismissing charges against violent insurrectionists and criminals. The police, who can jump elsewhere, are doing so, and those who can’t, are hunkering down, avoiding danger, until they can. It is going to take years to rebuild those departments, and that isn’t going to happen, until pro criminal and pro radical insurgency DAs and mayors are replaced.

Of course, there is a suspicion that this is all talk, since the Biden/Garland DOJ dismissed most of the federal charges against AntiFA and BLM, presumably for political reasons. And, since the mayors and DAs who facilitated, if not encouraged, mass criminality, are replaced.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Amy writes:

In the ‘added’ paragraph, you began with ‘interestingly.”

I would have said “predictably.”

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

George writes:

“ADDED: Interestingly, Adams did well in the black neighborhoods that the "Defund the Police" activists portray themselves as wanting to help. Wiley was the Defund the Police candidate, and she did best among the affluent people who are asked to give up their white privilege for the sake of others.”

I guess it’s interesting, sort of. But it’s just reality coming to the top over the progressive narrative. Law abiding blacks that are forced to deal with crime, especially violent crime, know that police are the answer and want them. Liberal whites aren’t about to sacrifice what they have achieved and know that defunding the police won’t affect them. But it makes them feel good about themselves. Madison progressives are the poster child of this…how many have BLM signs and bumper stickers, while leaving in the whitest neighborhoods on earth.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Amadeus 48 writes:

Will the Democrats get away with their sudden reversal on law and order? The press is as docile as any wartime propaganda machine, so maybe they will…if anyone is watching. But NYT has a large and national readership, and WaPo is the house organ of the DC hordes, CNN and MSNBC have a few watching, so those folks will get the message. And the right has its own little guerilla propaganda operation going in the Murdoch properties—Fox News, WSJ Opinion, NYPost. The demographics of all this are interesting, with college degree-holding white people—who should be most critical-- being the most willing to subjugate themselves to the phony authority of “experts” on all things COVID, and affluent white people uncritically supporting BLM and CRT.

One is drawn back to Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic, that gem of New Journalism. When it is Leonard Bernstein throwing a fund-raiser for the Black Panthers, it is funny. When it is the Bolsheviks toppling the Russian government in 1917, it isn’t funny. When it is the revolution led by failed lawyers in Paris in 1789, it isn’t funny at all. But I think we are in an extension of Radical Chic, with the players being more radical and less chic. Do we really want these people heading up a law and order government?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Amadeus 48 adds:

Think about the presidency of the great proto-liberal, government-by-experts supremo Woodrow Wilson. When the US entered WWI, the great liberal cracked down on dissenters. German immigrants got thrown in jail for saying nice things about the Kaiser. Holmes’s famous dictum about falsely shouting “fire!” in a crowded theater was issued in support of the conviction of Schenk for passing out leaflets opposing the draft in violation of the 1917 Espionage Act.

We don’t want progressives in charge of a law-and-order government. That is the Ingsoc Party in Orwell’s 1984.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Temujin writes:

Too little, too late. I don't think anybody outside of the NYT newsroom is buying any of this. No one has forgotten the summer of 'peaceful protests' that ripped apart the cities of America with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and company smiling and encouraging by their strategic lack of comment, and constant berating of the police amid their own calls for defunding.

No one has forgotten. And more people every week are coming to the realization that Democrats own and have owned for up to a century, the worst managed, most dangerous cities in the US. The most dangerous group to the Black Community is a Democrat in charge of your city surrounded by a Democratic city council. Detroit, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Baltimore, Portland, New York, Newark, Washington DC, Atlanta, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis and on, and on, and on.

The NYT is living in such a hard shelled bubble, they sound like school kids telling stories to each other. While America lives and dies under the policies the NYT has backed for decades, they want us to breathe easier because Democratic pollsters have noticed that the public is up to their eyeballs with Democratic lunacy in regards to public safety. From the border (notice Kamala being forced to 'visit' the border because Trump is going there), to the cities (the praising of a strong public safety Democratic candidate who was a former policeman), the Democrats are scurrying to look like responsible, clear thinking adults. It's too far gone for anyone to buy that.

Also, just for the record, Eric Adams, the Democrat, is running against a guy who has spent his life working to protect New York citizens (Curtis Sliwa, Republican). It's telling that Sliwa is rarely even mentioned. For the NYT, it's not about public safety. It's simply about electing a Democrat. Public safety is just a frantic hook for them to claim at this moment in time. Democrats destroy the city. Then they call out the horrors. Then they claim only they can fix what they broke. And the NYT helps close the sale.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

MartyH writes:

In news stories, the lede is often buried, but this article’s headline explicitly states the reason for the Democrats’ new found interest in fighting crime: “Staving off GOP attacks, Democrats Show New Urgency on Crime…” The important issue to Democrat is not the physical attacks on the citizenry, but rather the GOP’s political attacks.

I could attribute that to a poor headline writer, except here is a statement in Axios is in a similar vein: “Democrats, in private and public, are warning that rising crime — and the old and new progressive calls to defund the police — represent the single biggest threat to their electoral chances in 2022.”

Democrat’s motivation right now appears to be a fear of a loss of power, not good governance.