২৩ জুন, ২০২১

"Four Saudis who took part in the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi are reported to have received paramilitary training in the US."

"The training was provided by the security company Tier 1 Group, which is owned by the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, under a contract approved by the State Department, according to The New York Times. Louis Bremer, a Cerberus senior executive, said that the training was 'protective in nature' and took place in 2017, a year before the murder of Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and critic of the Saudi government. It is said to have included 'safe marksmanship' and 'countering an attack' as well as surveillance work and close-quarters fighting."

The London Times reports.

1 টি মন্তব্য:

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Robert Cook writes:

I find it incredible to think that at this late date any Americans might find it unbelievable--or even surprising--that the US is and has long been directly and indirectly complicit in the murder, torture, and unjust imprisonment of people all over the world, through our supportive alliance with and political/financial support for despotic governments; through our training schools (such as the School of the Americas) where foreign military personnel learn tools and techniques of torture and oppression; through our eagerness to sell expensive weapons to nearly all buyers, (excepting only those we may deem our "enemies" for reasons having nothing to do with the objectionable behavior we may accuse them of, (and of which they may well be guilty); and through setting the example ourselves by our own criminal aggression and barbaric behavior abroad and domestically.