२९ मे, २०२१

"Look, to his credit, Donald Trump brought many new voters into our party, and we want them to stay. He’s a former president now..."

"... but the issues and values that held so many Republican voters and turned so many Democrats into Republicans, those issues and values still matter.... In a lot of manufacturing towns, and in other once-forgotten places, people know who’s speaking for them, and more than that, who’s listening to them. Like the Reagan Democrats of another time, these voters feel respected in our party, respected for the work they do, for their way of life, and for their love of country. I can’t think of any better evidence that the Republican Party has been doing at least a few things right. Having joined our ranks in the last five years, there is no reason these voters cannot go on adding their conviction and support to the conservative cause. All good-meaning people from every background should feel welcome in the forward-looking, inclusive, aspirational movement that we must be...."

From "Paul Ryan Reagan Library Speech Transcript May 27: Future of GOP" (Rev).

1 टिप्पणी:

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Ray SoCal writes:

The Paul Ryan speech is all about the direction of the Republican Party, more inside baseball stuff. He is trying to make sure the GOP goes back to the time before Trump, and gets rid of that icky idea of punching back. Republicans should only focus on important issues, and leave the culture stuff to the Democrats. And Joe Biden is a friend of his!

Paul Ryan represents the establishment GOP. I am still astonished at his lack of support for Trump during his two years as Speaker, especially the lame duck session. With McCain's death, what a perfect time to pass stuff that McCain has stopped. More funding for the wall, etc. And look at how Ryan did nothing to stop, much less question the Russian Dossier. No subpoenas, not questioning, and he sidelined Devin Nunes, with a Democratic "ethics investigation". And then Ryan resigned, with a lot of other GOP establishment types, and helped throw the house to the Democrats.

Paul Ryan recently held a fund raiser for Liz Cheney:

Roger Kimbal did a good analysis of Paul Ryan's Speech:
Paul Ryan’s Impotent Appeal

And Trump also responded on Paul Ryan:

The only reason that Paul Ryan got any press in the main stream media, is because he is against Trump, and this continues the narrative of a Republican Civil War. For the majority of Republican Voters, Ryan is impotent, as Kimbal noted. Note how focused Trump on his posts, is about the direction of the GOP. Trump is not wading into critical race, or other easy targets. Instead he is focused on the future of the Republican Party, which is highlighting voter fraud, and working to make the GOP more popularist (focused on stuff voters care about in deed, not in words only). I am surprised at Trump's focus, I wish he would also comment on other areas, such as how the "insurrectionists" are being treated and still in jail, compared to BLM "mostly peaceful" not insurrectionists.