२७ एप्रिल, २०२१

"You ever get the sense that people in faculty lounges in fancy colleges use a different language than ordinary people?"

"They come up with a word like 'Latinx' that no one else uses. Or they use a phrase like 'communities of color.' I don’t know anyone who speaks like that.... This is not how voters talk.... Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It’s hard to talk to anybody today — and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party — who doesn’t say this. But they don’t want to say it out loud.... I think it’s because large parts of the country view us as an urban, coastal, arrogant party, and a lot gets passed through that filter.... And maybe tweeting that we should abolish the police isn’t the smartest thing to do because almost fucking no one wants to do that. ... People always say to me, 'Why don’t Democrats just lie like Republicans?' Because if they did, our voters wouldn’t stand for it. But I’m not saying we need to lie like they do. I’m saying, why not go after Gaetz and Jordan and link them to Hastert and the Republican Party over and over and over again? We have to take these small opportunities to define ourselves and the other side every damn time. And we don’t do it. We just don’t do it...."

Said James Carville, in "Wokeness is a problem and we all know it/James Carville on the state of Democratic politics" (Vox). 

Despite the headline, most of the interview is a mishmash of political strategy, mostly about how the Democrats need to hit Republicans harder. It's a lot of babble, including raving about child molesting. He'd have the Democrats talking about Dennis Hastert and tying him various Republicans, and not about how Democrats have gone way too far with wokeism. He wants the talk to be about perverted sex, sex, sex. It works for Q Anon! 

I'd say Carville is himself "urban, coastal, [and] arrogant." He looks down on the people. He's not really criticizing Democratic insiders, just saying they're on a higher level than the voters and they need to step down from that to win votes. But don't lie! The would-be Democratic voters won't stand for lying! Just run with that child molesting story and pound Republicans with it over and over and over again.