१२ एप्रिल, २०२१

"Someone needs to change that headline which seems to state the judge had drugs and thought she was Harry Potter"/"Absolute word salad."/"Confusing headline, for the deceased judge’s sake please correct."

Washington Post commenters cry out in near unison over a wretched headline. 

The headline — here — has now been tweaked — lamely — but I found the cached version and made a screen shot of the 2 headlines. The old headline is shown first and the current headline second:





The deceased judge is Sandra J. Feuerstein. I offer sympathy to her family and friends.

Perhaps you will think it interesting that the driver's name is Nastasia Snape. I'm only mentioning that so you don't feel you have to email me to express that interest. But you can email me here if you want to comment.

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