२३ मार्च, २०२१

"The Christian Baker Who Said ‘No’/Jack Phillips is again in court for refusing to bake a cake with a message he objects to."

Headline at the Wall Street Journal. 

Philips was in the news years ago after he refused to make a same-sex wedding cake. He's dealt with that problem by not making custom wedding cakes anymore (and, we're told, losing 40% of his business). 

Now, he's accusing of discrimination against transgenders:

In her original complaint to the [Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Autumn Scardina] wrote that she’d told the bakery the design was “intended for the celebration of my transition from male to female.”

Blue icing on a pink cake.

After Masterpiece turned down this cake, Ms. Scardina called to request another. This one would feature Satan smoking a joint. Mr. Phillips declined....

“Jack didn’t single Scardina out for being transgender,” [said Kristen Waggoner, general counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom]. “He wouldn’t bake cakes with those messages for anyone.” This is a baker who won’t even make Halloween cakes, she adds, and serves everyone regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation....

२०६ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   206 पैकी 201 – 206
I'm Not Sure म्हणाले...

"An excuse to implement martial law and keep us locked up forever."

The loony left can't do this all on their own, they'll need some help. Will they get it?

mockturtle म्हणाले...

The loony left can't do this all on their own, they'll need some help. Will they get it?

I used to wonder about whose side the military would be on but the events this past week have revealed the unhappy truth. :-(

The Godfather म्हणाले...

My wife and I lived in south Florida for several years and had a lot of gay friends. At that time, Florida didn't recognize gay marriage, but a number of our friends married elsewhere and then lived as married, and others just lived as married, regardless of what the State said. We treated our friends as married regardless of the State law at the time.
But the idea of FORCING others to endorse gay marriage was not part of our ideology or that of any of our Gay or Straight friends at that time.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

If he agreed to bake these cakes, only a fool would eat them. It might have a certain je ne sais quois.

@walter, is je ne sais quois how the French spell syrup of ipecac?

Greg The Class Traitor म्हणाले...

mockturtle said...
IMO, this is what they really want. An excuse to implement martial law and keep us locked up forever. Or in re-education camps. And I'm not kidding.

The problem they're going to face is that no one has ever achieved that goal in a place where the targeted population was
1: Widely armed
2: Widely trained in using them
3: Widely positively connected with the people the gov't needs to use to throw them into the camps

Yes, the Generals are largely screwed (and that's a failure by Trump, not flushing out Obama's people). But what I'm hearing is that the left wing indoctrination sessions are being routinely rejected by the troops.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Per Greg: But what I'm hearing is that the left wing indoctrination sessions are being routinely rejected by the troops.

I'd like to believe that and pray that it's true. Who knows what 'treatments' our soldiers will be receiving in the future. The Chinese are already genetically 'enhancing' their troops. I wouldn't advise my grandsons to enter military service today.

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