March 29, 2021





mezzrow said...

We have too much oak pollen to see a sunrise this morning. It blocks the view.

Owen said...

Amazing sunrise. Are you getting fallout yet from Iceland?

Howard said...

Prime Amazon Sunrise.

Temujin said...

Have a nice week, everyone. Time to make the donuts.

Time to make the donuts

Mark said...

Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stevew said...

Looks like a cocktail I used to enjoy.

Tequila Sunrise

Mark said...

So, spot what is wrong with this Washington Post headline -

This new ruling could let the suspect in George Floyd’s killing go free

tcrosse said...

Suez canal finally un-blocked.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


meanwhile- The FBI is useless and merely a corrupt partisan operation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howie Carr:
"So now it turns out that the FBI knew all about the accused Boulder shooter, but paid no attention to the obvious warning signs until police say the rabidly anti-American immigrant from Syria murdered 10 U.S. citizens in the supermarket.

“The suspect’s identity,” the New York Times reported, “was known to the FBI because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials.”

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

The Famous But Incompetent FBI likewise knew all about accused shooter Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa’s fellow Muslim immigrants who committed mass murder, like the Tsarnaev brothers — but did nothing until those welfare-collecting “asylees” blew up the Boston Marathon.

The FBI also had early warnings about the Muslim terrorists who shot up the gay nightclub in Orlando, the Christmas party in San Bernardino, Fort Hood, the cartoon-drawing contest in Texas … and yet the G-men sat on their soft hands until scores of Americans were murdered in cold blood.

But it’s not only foreign Muslim terrorists the FBI can’t be bothered lugging. It’s domestic killers as well.

For instance, in 2018 the FBI’s national tip line got a 13-minute-long earful from the aunt of the Parkland High shooter Nikolas Cruz — but did nothing until 17 people were gunned down.

Remember serial killer Gary Sampson? Before he murdered three innocent men in 2001, he called the FBI office in Boston from a pay phone in Abington and offered to turn himself in on some unsolved bank robberies.

But it was a Friday afternoon, so the FBI “disconnected” his call and didn’t bother to pick him up. The next day, Sampson started his two-state carjacking murder spree."


tim in vermont said...

Howie Carr would have been a great replacement for Rush, but the sponsors would never allow it, and the moneyed people are the ones who decide what people get to read and hear.

tim in vermont said...

Mark Steyn’s “Known Wolf” is evergreen. Wasn’t the mass murderer the very kind of person who would hopefully have been caught by vetting by Trump’s “Muslim ban” which was of course no such thing, unless you are thinking that a Muslim is not “authentic” unless he has a violent hatred of America, I guess.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When the FBI is investigating a would-be Islamic killer, the Clinton foundation or Hunter's laptop - rest assured - they will get to the bottom of it!

meanwhile - the left continue their corrupt harassment of Trump.

tim in vermont said...

Whiteness is a public health crisis. It shortens life expectancies, it pollutes air, it constricts equilibrium, it devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds) wars, it flattens dialects, it infests consciousnesses, and it kills people—white people and people who are not white, my mom included. There will be people who die, in 2050, because of white supremacy-induced decisions from 1850.

Now do the number of people who are alive today because of western medicine, the agricultural revolution, the mechanization of farming, etc, etc, etc.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If whiteness is all bad things - then the white left should lead the way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

News you won't get from the MSM(D)

On 28 March, 2021, #antifa gathered in Salem, Ore. in a pre-planned riot. They wore ballistic vests & carried guns, bats, shields & gasmasks. They assaulted drivers on the road by throwing paint & rocks. One vehicle's windshield was impaled by a tree limb.

Nonapod said...

They finally dislodged the Ever Given. That's a weird sentence. This sort of thing might start to happen more frequently as container ships keep getting bigger while the Suez and Panama canals stay the same size.

Unknown said...

Interesting; FBI homicide data by sex, race, ethnicity at age of the offender - bumps/peaks in male 20-24 year-old and 25-29 year-old white & black offenders (black offenders about twice white and little less than 5 times Hispanic/Latino), doesn't seem to be as dramatic an increase for Hispanic/Latino but as a percentage of murders by age overall it's pretty similar up to the peak values. Oddly, the white numbers don't fall off as fast as the ages increase. Wonder what the underlying reasons for old white guy murders being higher (twice as high for 60-64 year-olds and 3-7 times higher above 65) than old black guys and old Hispanic/Latino males?

Unknown said...

Wisconsin Supreme Court rules it can't be rape because she chose to be drunk. Wisconsin.

tim in vermont said...

The Pentagon has a problem. Troops throughout the armed forces aren’t going along quietly with programming designed to educate them about “extremist” views and activities. The problem, says military leadership, is that too many enlisted personnel are wondering why last year’s violence fueled by Black Lives Matter isn’t viewed by their superiors as negatively as the riot at the U.S. Capitol earlier this year. “This is coming from every echelon that we’re talking to,” said Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Ramón Colón-López. - The National Interest

All is going according to China’s plan.

Quaestor said...

Wisconsin Supreme Court rules it can't be rape because she chose to be drunk.

Is there a similar case in Minnesota that got resolved the way on the same day?

Or did do the bad thing again?

My money is on Slate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ashlee Babbit was killed - shot to death

The police officer who died - died later and not by way of fire extinguisher bash, as reported by the press.
What is going on ?

The other 3 people who died (were killed) (at the Capitol) What do we know?
Anyone else think it is odd that we don't hear about the details of their deaths?

tim in vermont said...

Looks like “Unknown” did the “bad thing."

tim in vermont said...

"Anyone else think it is odd that we don't hear about the details of their deaths?”

Now do Charlottesville.

rhhardin said...

Suez is Zeus spelled backwards.

rhhardin said...

Zeus lan a canal Suez

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Total black-out of any information that might go against "the narrative"

Narr said...

The Jan 6 info blackout is part and parcel of the whole D approach--stonewall and distract while the MSM willingly suspends disbelief about it and SO much more.

Vive de Lesseps!

Mark said...

Now give an honest reporting of what the Minnesota Supreme Court actually ruled, unanimously.

Michael K said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...
Howie Carr would have been a great replacement for Rush, but the sponsors would never allow it, and the moneyed people are the ones who decide what people get to read and hear.

I agree that he would be good. I used to listen to him in 1994-95 when I spent a year at Dartmouth. He probably doesn't want the daily gig anymore.

I remember "Virgin Boy" and the "Chump Line."

stevew said...

I know, I know, George Floyd died but he wasn't killed!!

Mark said...

The evidence at trial will show whether Floyd was killed or died naturally.

A pre-emptive acquittal is as inappropriate as a pre-emptive conviction is.

Quaestor said...

Zeus lan a canal Suez

A man, a plan, a canal, a palindrome without a verb.

Rusty said...

My son in law became a US citizen friday. He went in think it was only for the test. He passed the test and was directed down the hall to be sworn in. Gotta admit. Kinda chuffed.

Sydney said...

Lovely People, a short graphic novel about a social credit system. Free and quite good!