March 29, 2021

"Stay home Patrick of Tennessee. We don’t need maga anti-vaxers spreading pestilence across our country. As a matter of fact, don’t even leave your trailer park."

"Board the doors shut and stay inside with your AR-15. I think all of these anti-vaxers should be required to have ‘do not resuscitate’ tattooed on their foreheads." 

Says the top-rated commenter on a Washington Post article, "‘Vaccine passports’ are on the way, but developing them won’t be easy/White House-led effort tries to corral more than a dozen initiatives." 

The commenter is responding to this: 

There is evidence vaccine passports could motivate skeptical Americans to get shots. Several vaccine-hesitant participants at a recent focus group of Trump voters led by pollster Frank Luntz suggested their desire to see family, go on vacation and resume other aspects of daily life outpaced fear of the shots, particularly if travel companies and others moved to require proof of vaccination....

Some attendees dissented and warned that requiring a credential would backfire. “I would change my travel plans,” said a man identified as Patrick of Tennessee.

Is the developing opinion that only troglodytes resist vaccine passports? Because I just noticed this:

Don't conflate resistance to vaccine passports with resistance to getting vaccinated. That's what I think the WaPo commenter did. Patrick of Tennessee objected to "requiring a credential," not to getting vaccinated.

ADDED: I think Wolf may be an anti-vaxxer, so her warning isn't scary.

SO: Let's look at the Guardian article she links to, "Give pause before you raise a glass to the prospect of a vaccine passport/The prime minister’s ‘papers for pints’ scheme is nothing less than a national ID card by stealth." 

Obviously, that's the UK, and in the U.S., the "passports" would probably be handled at the state level, like our other IDs. I can imagine the question of vaccine passports in the U.S. getting swirled up into the voter ID drama. Is getting an ID oppressive or something everyone should gladly, willingly do? 

From The Guardian: 

The UK has already toyed with national ID cards. It rejected them in 2010. As Theresa May, then home secretary, explained in 2010: “This isn’t just about cost savings, it’s actually about the principle, it’s about getting the balance right between national security and civil liberties, and that’s what the new coalition government is doing.”...

Already, the Conservatives have announced plans to introduce a bill to make photo ID mandatory from 2023 for all UK-wide and English elections....

Aha! It is already mixed up in the voter ID matter in the UK. 

[T]here would be no need to make photo ID mandatory at elections if people could simply use their “vaccine passport” – because, once we’ve built a system that links our identity to our health data and made this a condition of re-entering pubs, cinemas or concerts, or even our workplace, we could link it to other data too, public or private. This could be used by more than just pub landlords or election officials. The data on our vaccine passports could be used by the police, just as Singapore’s authorities admitted in January to using contact-tracing data.

All this – effectively, as I say, a stealth national ID card without the necessary debate – when we don’t even know if vaccine passports would help to solve our biggest problem: stopping the spread of the virus....

In January, the health secretary, Matt Hancock, said: “We are not a papers-carrying country.” Yet, here we are, with the government reviewing plans to become just that. Only last month, the vaccine minister, Nadhim Zahawi, ruled out vaccine passports, arguing that they could be “discriminatory” since it is not compulsory for people to get the vaccine.

But some Americans (like the commenter at WaPo quoted above) are enthusiastic about discriminating against anti-vaxxers.

Israel, Estonia, Sweden and Denmark are all countries that have introduced, or plan to introduce, vaccine passports for domestic use. There is a key difference: all of them already have a national ID card system. If we are to follow their example, we would first need an evidence-based explanation as to how vaccine passports will help to stop the spread of the virus.... 

The pandemic has made armchair public health experts of us all, but we need to hear from the real ones to know which trade-offs are necessary, and which are not, as we move into whatever phase is coming next....

I don't think that public health experts can be the last word on "trade-offs," and I don't even know if they can be considered experts on vaccine passports. The issue is whether, given the level of immunity we've already built up, we should limit certain facilities to people who've had the vaccine and, if so, whether we need  them to prove their status with an official government document? 

And what are the collateral effects of this document? Are we concerned about government surveillance and losing our privacy? Are we collaterally enthused because the document could become the voter ID?


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Browndog said...

If you require passport for a vaccine, you can require a passport for another thing. Then another.

Until it's for all things.

This takes me back 1 year when a few of us were screaming about lock downs and masks. I said last April if you don't fight the masks now, you'll never be able to take them off.

Now, we're onto vaccines.

A year from now, it'll be something else.

Yancey Ward said...

"First of all, it has not yet been proven that the vaccine is safe for everyone"

I know you are an idiot, so I probably shouldn't bother, but they haven't been proven safe for anyone by the normal standards required for FDA approval. We are doing the actual Phase II and Phase III studies on over half the population of the United States. The only thing that was done before the emergency use authorization is a very short term Phase I safety study, and even that wasn't done correctly because we no longer have a placebo arms for any of the vaccines. For a vaccine, a Phase I safety protocol that only lasts 3 months before going to market is a joke.

The vaccines, all of them, are probably a net benefit to people age 70 and over, or people who are extremely obese and/or have hypertension. However, the same definitely can't yet be claimed about people under the age of 60. The problem is we won't really know if the vaccines are safe for at least 2 years of post market surveillance- this is what is called Phase IV in the pharmaceutical business.

Mark said...

I understand that a little prick in your arm may cause an owie.

No one cares about a little prick in the arm. They do get annoyed, however, at big pricks on comment threads and in society in general.

F said...

Here's a thought: let's have the vaccination passports be used for voter ID too! Two IDs in one!

independent said...

Pants says "Also, properly run states have plenty of vaccine availability-my own state has zero age or condition restrictions as of this morning. There is no end of the line, idiot."

Got it. There is no line because everyone is eligible for a vaccine. Actually, that means the line is longer. And no state has received anywhere close to enough vaccine for everyone.

BogDog said...

Ann, you really disappointed me by blowing of Naomi Wolfe as an "anti-vaxxer". This is a slander used by people to shut off discussion and you fell for it. I suggest following her twitter feed and understand this is about LIBERTY and not anti-vaxing.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

independent said...
You're right. You don't understand. Just like you didn't understand that mRNA vaccines don't change your DNA.

Apparently "independent" has never heard of reverse transcriptase.

This is biology, so I guarantee you that someone, somewhere, will get that mRNA back into his or her DNA.

First of all, it has not yet been proven that the vaccine is safe for everyone

But we're going to force everyone to take it, and deny them the right to travel if they don't.

Second, it isn't 100% effective

But we're going to force everyone to take it, and deny them the right to travel if they don't. Because we're thugs, and get our jollies by bullying people

Third, the protection from the vaccine may be relatively short-lived

That's a new one. Why should it be short lived? The whole point of the two doses is to prompt an immune reaction, and then reinforce it.

But hey, I understand that a little prick in your arm may cause an owie.

Actually, you can't even feel the prick. Of course, you're being a big enough prick to make up for that.

"I demand that everyone take this experimental vaccine that might not be safe for you, and might not actually protect you, and if it does protect you, it won't do so for long. And if you disagree with me it's because YOU are the dummy!"

Greg The Class Traitor said...

tim maguire said...
independent said...You're right. You don't understand.

In addition to your list, there is another concern--variants. The more virus is out there, the more variants we get. The more variants we get, the more likely one of them is to be immune to the current vaccines. Once that happens, we reset the clock and start over again.

You know who's the most likely to produce a vaccine resistant variant? One that might actually re-infect people who had it before, and kick off the whole pandemic again?

People who've been vaccinated.

So, congratulations, you've come up with a great argument for not getting vaccinated, and for just waiting until it burns itself out.

you want to think about that a bit more, and then try again?

GDI said...

I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I don't trust big pharma particularly when they have a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. The vaccine wasn't thoroughly tested over a sufficient period of time so the long-term side effects aren't known. None of my 3 twentysomething daughters are getting the shot because they are young, healthy and the long-term effect on fertility isn't known. The vax passport is purely about control. We are frogs in a pot and the heat is gradually increasing until it's too late and then we're all cooked.

ndspinelli said...

Naomi married a PI. I think he got her mind right. We've engaged on Twitter and I can tell his experience has altered her worldview.

Ken B said...

I wonder if Yancey is cynical enough about passports and exemptions. More likely than an exemption I think will be to issue one anyway. Part of the favored group? You get a passport that says vaccinated even if you aren’t.

ndspinelli said...

BogDog, You are correct about our blogger and Wolf.

Darcy said...

I'm not an "anti-vax" person, and I don't think Naomi Wolf is, either. I simply don't think I need the vaccine at this time and would prefer to wait until there is more compelling data to encourage me to take the jab.

I'm not against it at all. I think the "science" based decisions have been way, WAY off on this whole virus and time will tell whether the vaccine is necessary or just part of another hysteria. I also don't want to encourage the idea that EVERYONE must get vaccinated for this virus and the viruses to come. I don't think that is good science, either.

Why is this so hard for some people to understand? Why do some people refuse to look at the damage reactionary policy with regard to this virus has already caused? I'm convinced our population used to have much better critical thinking skills. Or maybe it is just plain common sense we are lacking. Also, get off my lawn.

narciso said...

she's nutz for sometime now, but dave cullen from the emerald isle, agrees with her for different reasons,

RigelDog said...

I'm concerned first of all about the mandate to get the vaccine, period.

My young adult son and my young adult son-in-law have both already definitely had CCP virus. Not only do they NOT need a vaccine, there is concerning evidence that they could be harmed by getting the vaccine because they already have antibodies that will react strongly to the introduction of the vaccine. This is especially the case if they get the second shot---that's like getting at least 3 shots given their pre-existing immunity.

My young adult healthy daughter is at essentially no risk if she were to catch CCP virus; she's sad that she hasn't caught it yet despite living in a tiny apartment with an infected husband back last May. However, the rate of serious complications for this vaccine---while not sky high---is still higher than the rate of complications from the virus itself for someone in her age group. So, she should take a bigger health risk and get a vaccine, why??

SDN said...

"Obviously, that's the UK, and in the U.S., the "passports" would probably be handled at the state level, like our other IDs."

Uhhh, no. I work in IT at one of the Big 5, and both HHS and CSC are soliciting proposals to make this national, even if only by mandating the states forward their vaccine cards to Fed databases.

Rt41Rebel said...

I'm guessing that if Blacks are too stupid and lazy to have a photo ID, they're probably not capable of obtaining a vaccine passport either.

cubanbob said...

Enough of this safety theater. By June anyone who wants to get vaccinated can get vaccinated. In Florida one week from now eighteen and over can get the vaccine. It's a free country. Those who want to be vaccinated can get vaccinated. The others are free to run the risk. Enough with this fascist nonsense. End it now.

mockturtle said...

As someone who gets her flu shot every fall, I'm hardly an anti-vaxxer. For various reasons I choose not to get the COVID vaccine. At first, I was merely ambivalent but now, with the pressure mounting by the day, my resolution is deeply confirmed.

Anyone else hear that chiff, chiff, chiff noise? It's the sound of shit hitting the fan.

effinayright said...

tim in vermont said...
I want a digital vaccine passport because I want to go to Europe this summer, if at all possible, though it looks like the lack of the benefit of Trump’s foresight may keep Europe closed for longer, but the idea of using it to restrict the freedom of Americans is hideous.

My wife knows flight attendants who have been over recently. Nothing is open.

You might as well stay home.

n.n said...

What's with the pejorative "anti-vaxer" label?

The interest is treatment, and immunity, which may be acquired through vaccination. The goal is to mitigate disease progression, normalize community immunity (i.e. control exponential blooms), and minimize collateral damage.

Mark said...

“I’m going to pause here. I’m going to lose the script, and I’m going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said Monday. “We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are and so much reason for hope, but right now, I’m scared.”

Whiskeybum said...

cacimbo said...

I am unaware of any state that requires proof of id to register to vote or vote. In NY and CA - there is definitely no requirement for either.

Cacimbo - two points:

1- I wasn't trying to imply that all states require ID to vote, although it may have come across that way. I was trying to say that there is the means to implement this in existence today without creating any new ID or passport. Also that where used, ID for voting does not affect anyone except at the polls (not at the store, the restaurant, the cruise, etc.)

2- To your point of being unaware of any state where ID is needed for voting or registering to vote, here is a list:

State-by-state requirements
Photo ID required (strict): Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
Photo ID requested (non-strict): Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Texas.

Sydney said...

Way up thread commenter Mike (something in parentheses Wolf) said:
And I’m agnostic on the so-called “vaccine” because there are persistent medical reports of people who not only get C-19 again but are extremely ill compared to unvaccinated people in their risk group who contract C-19 are.

Do you have a link for this assertion? It is something I am monitoring and looking for because this is what has held me back from getting the vaccine. There were reports in animal studies of the first SARS and MERS vaccines which are the forerunners of the COVID vaccine. I want
T to know if it’s happening in people with the COVID vaccine, but can’t find any data.

traditionalguy said...

Wife and I got vaccine first chance because we are seventy somethings with heart issues. The kids also pressed us. But now the good news is Crystal Cruise Lines is reopening 7 Day Caribbean cruises leaving from Nassau, this July. It requires vaccinated passengers. It it is our favorite cruise line. The ships are 800 passenger like all high end lines. The other newest ones are 5,000+ passenger disasters.

DavidUW said...

1: Would that be 3 feet, or 6? I prefer not to be in crowds, and love it when other people are kept away form me. But there's not the slightest shred of scientific research backing the "social-distancing" hypothesis.

yep. The only thing that matters is not distance, but whether or not it's indoors or outdoors.

God of the Sea People said...

I've only been on a handful of cruises, but I like the bigger ships because they have more to do.

n.n said...

So You Want To Believe The So-Called 'Experts'?

claim that nobody has been killed by these vaccines yet VAERS, the CDC's own reporting data which is public, shows roughly two thousand associated deaths. The number of associated deaths with the annual flu shot from last year's flu vaccination which shipped roughly 170 million doses, was twenty-

That means the Covid-19 shots are associated thus far with roughly seventy five times (7,500%) as many deaths as last year's entire set of flu vaccines! Remember that we give flu vaccines to old and morbid people just like the first priority for Covid-19 vaccines, so these should produce similar "associated" rates of bad events if they are similarly safe.

reference: VAERS

You will need to run the report yourself. It may be a coincidence or not causative. But, then again, so may Covid-19 attributed deaths. Also, outcomes may and will vary with vaccine and type, preexisting conditions, and other factors.

mockturtle said...

Per Mark's post re Rochelle Walensky: "I'm going to lose the script, and I'm going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom," she said.

Yes, by all means, lose the script and share your feelings of 'impending doom'. After all, SCIENCE!

n.n said...

Would that be 3 feet, or 6?

4 meters.

Aerosol and Surface Distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Hospital Wards, Wuhan, China, 2020

However, exposure risk was also present in the upstream area; on the basis of the positive detection result from site 3, the maximum transmission distance of SARS-CoV-2 aerosol might be 4 m.

KellyM said...

And now, at what I suspect is a super left-leaning Novus Ordo parish in NJ, now declaring that confession and absolution will only be given to those who have been vaccinated. It's possible that the pastor is elderly/ill and that the majority of parishioners are elderly, but still. If that were my parish I'd be raising the roof on this.

It's the ultimate Catch-22: you want to go confession so you can't lie, but lying would get you to confession but it wouldn't be valid.

I'm not going anywhere near this so-called "vaccine", and I'm not one who shuns vaccines. I've gotten the Shingles shot and kept up with Tetanus/TB, but this has so many layers of 'nope' to it. I did read that the current MMR vaccine offers some COVID immunity but I haven't delved into it enough to know why. Has anyone else here heard/read this?

n.n said...

yep. The only thing that matters is not distance, but whether or not it's indoors or outdoors.

Yes, the greenhouse effect. Outdoors, where there is mixing, the probability of transmission is zero, not impossible, but improbable.

Infectious SARS-CoV-2 in Feces of Patient with Severe COVID-19

Don't play with black holes... whores h/t NAACP, and wash your hands now, and always, to mitigate fecal transmission.

Mark said...

It would help if people would actually name names, rather than make people go hunt and search.

bagoh20 said...

Are they talking about the TRUMP VACCINE? The one Trump made possible? The one Trump pushed for? The one only Trump said would be here, and that they all said was impossible and dangerous to even talk about being here so soon.? Yea, I'll get that, and I'll thank the man who made it possible with vision, determination and common sense. Thank you President Trump for saving millions of lives. That's what Trump did. Like everything they touch, the left will now ruin it by making it political, oppressive, mandatory, and a weapon. Do they know how to do anything else with power?

Now can you do something about dementia? That's the nation's biggest problem at this point.

Jim at said...

I don't expect many of them to have the courage of their convictions and voluntarily wait until everyone who followed the rules and guidelines go ahead of them.

I don't plan on ever getting it. Just like I never get a flu shot.

Is that enough courage and conviction for you, coward?

Browndog said...

KellyM said...

And now, at what I suspect is a super left-leaning Novus Ordo parish in NJ, now declaring that confession and absolution will only be given to those who have been vaccinated. It's possible that the pastor is elderly/ill and that the majority of parishioners are elderly, but still. If that were my parish I'd be raising the roof on this.

Speaking of church, take a look at this. Everything that is wrong with everything in two pics

Francisco D said...

mockturtle said...Why should the vaccinated ones be so concerned about the unvaccinated? Isn't the purported reason for the vaccine to confer immunity?

The pandemic is no longer about disease. It is about conforming to our moral superior's wishes.

I had a somewhat rough weekend after getting my second Pfizer shot. I did it because my wife works as a school teacher and was terrified that she would bring home the WuFlu.

I have no issues with vaccinations, but it is ridiculous to mandate that people put an illness producing foreign substance in their bodies.

Mark said...

What is remarkable about this is that Naomi Wolf was a Biden supporter. Emphasis on the past tense.

She says that she strongly supported Joe Biden . . . but did not sign on for THIS. And it has her a little miffed.

The question is -- How many other Biden voters are willing to give voice to what they also feel inside? How many of THEM are willing to say, "Oh HELL no"?

I don't expect them to become Trump supporters, but if things are going to change in this country, it will need to be because of those same Biden voters telling Biden to go eff himself.

Will they?

KellyM said...

Browndog said...

“Speaking of church, take a look at this. Everything that is wrong with everything in two pics...”

I’d totally be looking for another church, if only for the ugly-looking interior. Good Lord, who could worship in that space and feel uplifted or joyous? Guess I’m just one of those ‘bad’ Catholics who likes statues, side altars, and banks of candles flickering softly.

mockturtle said...

Per Francisco D: The pandemic is no longer about disease. It is about conforming to our moral superior's wishes.

Which is why I used the term 'purported'.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sydney I can’t find the blog with details (that I got to following an Insta-link) but it did have a link to an article on insurers refusing to cover side-effects of the experimental mRNA therapies. And to the Vacci-nazis no I still won’t be forced into this so-called vaccine but yes I got the flu shot for this season.

While this link didn’t show me the blog post but wow what an article on how Moderna patented their C-19 therapy within 48 hours of the COVID-19 DNA sequence being released. Fast results indeed!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“At the time, mRNA was difficult to work with. Scientists could isolate only small amounts of the material, which was then easily destroyed by RNA-chopping enzymes found on skin and in the air. And immune reactions to mRNA injections in animals suggested the technique wasn’t as safe as Karikó had hoped.”

Despite the foreshadowy paragraph I quoted from 2018 the article is chock full of clearly written facts about modified messenger-RNA therapies which are decidedly less scary than permanent DNA therapies they improved upon. Sydney I’m still looking for that other article.

Michael K said...

Guess I’m just one of those ‘bad’ Catholics who likes statues, side altars, and banks of candles flickering softly.

The Latin Mass might even get me back after 40 years. I did see John Paul II say Mass in the Vatican about ten years ago. Last time I've been to Mass.

Michael K said...

Blogger God of the Sea People said...
I've only been on a handful of cruises, but I like the bigger ships because they have more to do.

I like the smaller ones that don't flood the port.

Ken B said...

Interesting that so many of the worst trolls seem to be catholic.

The churches seem on balance utterly useless in standing up to wokeness. Islam seems much more resistant.

Beth Donovan said...

Honest to God, it is no one's business what my vaccine status is. Not only that, but the US government has no right to decide who travels and who does not. The idea of a vaccine passport is really abhorrent. I have had the vaccine, but it is every American's right to make up their own mind, and a government that would basically tattoo people with an OK sign that they can travel is no better than any fascist or communist government with police that ask for your papers when you cross state lines.

Gravel said...

There are 245 comments at this point. I'm willing to bet, without looking, that a substantial number of them are from the resident totalitarian apologist Inga - making apologies for requiring this totalitarian move.

Mark said...

It's bad form to reflexively attack someone.

Inga hasn't commented yet.

Gravel said...

I'm shocked. I see plenty of idiocy but none from Inga. This is why I rarely gamble.

Browndog said...

New profile who dis? said...

I'm shocked. I see plenty of idiocy but none from Inga. This is why I rarely gamble.

I would have taken the same bet-

So would Inga.

chuck said...

injectable nano particles designed to release a dose of whatever in the population upon activation

May I suggest The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer by Neal Stephenson.

Gahrie said...

The Latin Mass might even get me back after 40 years.

The final blow for me was reading some history of the Catholic Church, and learning about Vatican II. To be honest, if Vatican II had never happened, there's a damn good chance I'd be a Catholic priest today.

Mark said...

All the people who ushered in all the bad things the traditionalists always rail about were brought about by people raised in the Church pre-Vatican II and with the Tridentine Latin Mass. Most of the sex abusers were pre-Vatican II guys too.

Mark said...

The whole point of the Second Vatican Council was to counter the secularization and modernity that began several decades before and to instead strengthen the Church and practice of the Faith.

Paul said...

Here in Texas I only wore a mask in church this week... the Priest says to ... the Bishop give the nod to allow optional mask if the local Priest ok'ed it. Ours didn't.

Durn near everywhere else... mask is optional. Lowe's, Crunch gym, Walmart, Target, Academy Sports, etc... I don't wear them anywhere!!!!

YEA!!!! Biden can jam his mask up his posterior. His 'dark dark days' are just a bunch of hokie left wing bull S***

Gahrie said...

injectable nano particles designed to release a dose of whatever in the population upon activation

May I suggest The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer by Neal Stephenson.

We're actually living in a Tom Clancy novel. Rainbow Six. Some "Save the Earth" types with money and power conspire to wipe out humanity to save the planet, except for a chosen few right-thinkers of course. They do it by developing a biological weapon, and two immunizations for it. The first immunization protects you from the disease. This is given to the people you want to survive. The second not only doesn't protect you, it actually helps spread the disease. The plan is to release the disease, panic the world's population, and then distribute the second vaccine to the world. The chosen would huddle down in enclaves designed to protect from the disease and the public disorder it will bring while 7 billion people die.

There are people out there that would do this if they could.

Michael K said...

Most of the sex abusers were pre-Vatican II guys too.

Most of the sex abusers were in seminaries in the 60s when gays took over the priesthood. Read "Goodbye Good Men"

There were some perverts when I was a kid but the big shift came in the 60s.

Michael K said...

Blogger Ken B said...
Interesting that so many of the worst trolls seem to be catholic.

Taking a survey, are you ? Interesting to see how you know all those anonymous trolls.

Leland said...

If you require passport for a vaccine, you can require a passport for another thing. Then another.

I just read elsewhere that this is a trial run at China like social credit. I had a VP at my company tell me that he wished he could create away to award people with social credit rather than money. He thought himself a citizen of the world.

Money has always been social credit without strings attached. Money is paid for the value we see in another's labor/effort. But when we give that money, the receiver is allowed to do whatever they want with it.

Chinese social credit is about preventing the receiver from doing whatever they want. By default, you can do very little. As you behave as the government determines, you can do more of what you might want to do. That is the credit the Chinese government provides.

This vaccination passport is simply a way for elites to limit our freedom. Call it, A Great Reset. Today, you may be willing to accept the vaccination passport to regain what was once a common freedom of traveling by airplane or cruise ship with simple ID. Later, you may be willing to purchase carbon credits to move from California or New York to Texas or Florida. In China, you need to have sufficient social credit to use public transportation of any kind, such as a commuter train to work.

Vaccination Passport solves no problems that has existed. As many noted previously, if the vaccination truly works and you got one, then you shouldn't fear even an un-vaccinated person. Your fear is irrational and people shouldn't follow advice from irrational people. If you are willfully un-vaccinated, you do so at your own risk or perceived benefit, but you don't in anyway threaten those that are vaccinated (willfully or otherwise).

Mark said...

Most of the sex abusers were in seminaries in the 60s when gays took over the priesthood.

So you are saying that they were raised in the pre-Vatican II Church. That's what I said.

The John Jay report identified that the reported sexual abuse cases by established priests had a sharp increase in the 1960s, having begun before then. Again, like I said.

Mark said...

This was the purpose of the Second Vatican Council, to defend the faith and better position the Church to be able to address the major challenges of the day:

The major interest of the Ecumenical Council is this: that the sacred heritage of Christian truth be safeguarded and expounded with greater efficacy. . . . Its intention is to give to the world the whole of that doctrine which, notwithstanding every difficulty and contradiction, has become the common heritage of mankind—to transmit it in all its purity, undiluted, undistorted.

It is a treasure of incalculable worth, not indeed coveted by all, but available to all men of good will. And our duty is not just to guard this treasure, as though it were some museum-piece and we the curators, but earnestly and fearlessly to dedicate ourselves to the work that needs to be done in this modern age of ours, pursuing the path which the Church has followed for almost twenty centuries. . . .

What is needed at the present time is a new enthusiasm, a new joy and serenity of mind in the unreserved acceptance by all of the entire Christian faith, without forfeiting that accuracy and precision in its presentation which characterized the proceedings of the Council of Trent and the First Vatican Council. What is needed, and what everyone imbued with a truly Christian, Catholic and apostolic spirit craves today, is that this doctrine shall be more widely known, more deeply understood, and more penetrating in its effects on men's moral lives. What is needed is that this certain and immutable doctrine, to which the faithful owe obedience, be studied afresh and reformulated in contemporary terms. . . .

It is more obvious than ever before that the Lord's truth is indeed eternal. Human ideologies change. Successive generations give rise to varying errors, and these often vanish as quickly as they came, like mist before the sun. The Church has always opposed these errors, and often condemned them with the utmost severity. Today, however, Christ's Bride prefers the balm of mercy to the arm of severity. She believes that, present needs are best served by explaining more fully the purport of her doctrines, rather than by publishing condemnations.
-- Pope John XXIII, Opening Mass

Clark said...

What I remember about Vatican II is that it ushered in an era of really terrible catholic liturgical music.

Joe Smith said...

You get goodies (travel, restaurants, etc.) if you behave yourself.

Rewards will be tied to being vaccinated.

What about not recycling enough...using too much water on your lawn...not driving a hybrid...not voting Democrat.

Flip a switch and your passport becomes useless.

You must fucking obey.

Big Mike said...

No one brighter than a lobotomized rhesus monkey would trust the vaccine id to a federal government as flippant about information security as the federal government. Only Trump seemed to understand the need for security, and I have reason to doubt his concerns went very far down into the Deep State. Under Biden-Harris, I expect the government attitude towards information security will revert to the attitudes of the Obama administration.

Just give us a piece of paper, as has always been done in the past, and inform other nations that they can choose to accept it, or live without American tourists.

Browndog said...

Take a look at this shit. Biden, today, telling us the only way we can have weddings and what not is to wear a mask. He sounds half dead

Michael K said...

So you are saying that they were raised in the pre-Vatican II Church. That's what I said.

Vatican II was 1962 to 1965. "The sixties" were about the same time and later. John XXIII was trying to "update" the Church. He was a nice guy, my mother-in-law met him, but he set off a disastrous period. I am certainly no theologian and am, frankly, an agnostic. I did like the era of the Latin Mass better.

Inga said...

“It's bad form to reflexively attack someone.

Inga hasn't commented yet.”

Well thank you Mark. That was very gentlemanly of you. I was out with one of my daughters for a great part of the day, we are both fully vaccinated and we actually ate indoors in a very nice restaurant, with NO masks! What a great feeling to be fairly certain that even if we are one of the 5% who gets Covid even after being fully vaccinated we will survive it with a mild illness. She’s young so she would probably do ok anyway, but I’m an old lady with a pulmonary issue, so my chances wouldn’t be so great.

Carry on, have a good rest of your day.

Ken B said...

Michael K
You are troll #1 on this site. Well, not if you count Chuck or Birkel, but they are banned. And you confessed to being Catholic-ish: one who skips mass.

Temujin said...

DeSantis isn't playing either

Anonymous said...

Those who came before us tried something unprecedented. God given rights. That's what it was. It was Revolutionary. It was everything.

While it lasted, it was pretty cool. We benefited from that singular idea.

That idea freed slaves. Pretty cool.

So many stay slaves, imprisoned by the prison cell their minds create.

There is no door on the Prison Cell. You can just walk out. People are led to believe they must first be empowered.

Anonymous said...

Browndog- "Take a look at this shit. Biden, today, telling us the only way we can have weddings and what not is to wear a mask. He sounds half dead"

Biden is a clarion call to those who would remain free. Precious few. We are FemWorld now. Be safe. Stay safe. Safety is the 1st priority. In an abundance or caution...

A lot of Yin, not much Yang. China or Islam will end up restoring the balance. Whatever comes in this World...the balance will be restored.

Anonymous said...

Fear. A soft people are easily manipulated by fear. Variants. The new fear. Covid itself was not a fearful thing. It was a flu. 500,000 deaths the fear mongers proclaim. CDC said only 6% of those deaths were actually caused by Covid19. A normal flu season. Powers that be made sure that was not reported.

We have stuff, though. We want to keep our stuff. We want to live forever.

There are seasons in this life. The hardest season is the last one...letting go.

Refusing to recognize you can't take it with you, some are willing to cripple those younger to make a statement that we are 'protecting' them, when we really are bitterly clinging to the time we had, that is now ending.

A signed copy of a 1st edition of Kerouac's 'On the Road'. How can you let go of that?

Wear a mask. Get an experimental vaccine. Anything.

Anonymous said...

I left the trailer park this morning intending to spread pestilence across 'our' country. But...nobody here wears a mask or gets vaccinated. There's just nothing to work with here. All I need is one Progressive who fears...the other.

Went to the coffee shop and got a donut. It turns out that if you want to spread pestilence across the Country, you need a minimum number of Progressives who watch CNN all day.

In truth, I didn't actually get a donut. It was a bearclaw. A sugary confection, none the less.

Francisco D said...

Ken B said...
Michael K
You are troll #1 on this site. Well, not if you count Chuck or Birkel, but they are banned. And you confessed to being Catholic-ish: one who skips mass.

Karen B turns out to be an attention whore like the Resident Idiot, except he is more of a tease.

Anonymous said...

Tim 'masker' in Vermont - "They are obviously scared of the next election and afraid of the people of the United States."

Really? The massive election fraud of 2020 is just swept under the rug, but by golly, by gosh, they're scared of the next election?

They have ballots...all they can produce. They don't need voters. You wear a mask. You proved to them they can do anything they want.

Kirk Parker said...


You lost me right at "Let’s create a national identity card".

No. Full stop.

FinnHarps said...

I'd agree to a vax passport (with picture and proof of citizenship- ideally part of DL) if and only if it was required to be presented, scanned and validated before ANYONE votes.

Compromise of vax passport for mandatory voter ID could work...

Sam L. said...

I trust nothing from the WaPoo.

Gravel said...

FinnHarps, I see where you're coming from, but I don't know that I'm willing to open that particular portal. The democrats have made it clear that they have every intention of telling you what you can say, what you can't say, and what you must say; they want complete control over every aspect of your life. Don't give them a tool for it.

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