Did Sinema really have vote against a $15 minimum wage for 24 million people like this? pic.twitter.com/Jv0UXLKLHI
— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) March 5, 2021
We watched that about 20 times. It's hard to know why she did it like that. At first, we thought maybe she was emulating John McCain, whose dramatic down vote on the GOP health care repeal was done with a distinct hand gesture.
But look at that — here. It's not much like what Sinema did, which was a whole body movement, bouncing down and back up as she did a sassy thumb's down. McCain held his hand out to get attention — because he was voting after the point in the roll call where his name had appeared — and when he got the attention, he briskly pointed his whole hand downward.
McCain took the position that the left loved, and Sinema was on the side the left hates. I can't remember the worst things the right said about McCain and his dramatic moment, but the left is spewing hostility at Sinema. I'll just highlight this from Lawyers, Guns & Money:
I get that Joe Manchin is just a narcissistic conservative asshole having the time of his life. But what the living fuck is this shit?... Of course, she’s claiming that criticism of this grotesque display is sexist...
ADDED: I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber. It should express something more like: I'm sorry, I want hard-working people to make more money too, but this is the wrong way to try to make that happen. The gesture Sinema gave feels more like: Ha! So there! That's not appropriate to the occasion. It makes her seem as though she doesn't even understand what she's doing.
२१६ टिप्पण्या:
216 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»1) Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
2) Import hundreds of thousands of colored immigrants.
3) Give them the vote as soon as possible.
3) Blame high unemployment on racist Republicans.
They're lucky the thumb is the finger she used.
now do a good thumbs down on Nancy's pork.
White = Highly educated, financially comfortable, privileged.
Colored = Poorly educated, financially struggling, disadvantaged.
Situation = Prejudices based on skin color.
Solution = Import hundreds of thousands of poorly educated, financially struggling, disadvantaged colored immigrants.
"Grotesque display." Everything is so over the top these days! LET'S ALL GET TOGETHER AND SCREAM!
Are they the same people who cheered when Nancy ripped up Trump's SOTU speech?
The online right were... not fans of McCain. Even today you'll see people saying they hope he burns in Hell for the vote. Still, I imagine almost anything the left has to say about Sinema is going to be on about that level, because the Internet brings out the worst in people.
Pelosi wanted her to be a Good Girl and vote Yes.
Sinema juxtaposed the Good Girl with a contrary vote.
Sexy, sexy high school.
I am Laslo.
I was disappointed when Krysten Sinema was elected to the US Senate, but now I really like her.
Obviously trying to be Sinematic.
Whoa, wait. Is this an opinion piece? I actually clicked through to the link: "Sinema’s office responded to a question about the gesture by making the absurd claim that the inquiry is sexist. “Commentary about a female senator’s body language, clothing, or physical demeanor does not belong in a serious media outlet,” Hannah Hurley, a spokesperson for Sinema, told HuffPost."
I remember when the right was attacked for joking about AOC's silly college dance with *the exact same sort of attack by AOC's staff.* Welcome to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Sinema. Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin will hold a quick conference on "How Right Wing vs Left Wing Women Are Treated" to help explain the new rules you'll live under.
The slightest hint of independent thinking from one of their own sends them into a tizzy.
I said it early on when Sinema kept posting support for the military, police, and border security-
She's not one of them-
SHE'S ONE OF US......even if she doesn't realize it yet.
She's cute. I like her.
In my first two comments on this thread, I inadvertently wrote the expression colored immigrants
I apologize. I meant to write Immigrants of Color.
Please make the mental correction.
She should wear a schoolgirl-uniform to be appropriately sassy.
Knee-high white socks, Ms. Sinema.
I am Laslo.
I'm do not hold out much hope for Sinema and Manchin - but they are really all we have between us and 100% leftwing totalitarian sh*tshow.
McCain was called a maverick for being his own man and whatever.
Sinema is not allowed to be a maverick on her side of the isle?
Her tweet explaining her vote. Link
I think she might want to get re-elected. We'll see how Kelly does next year after the big money from CA tails off now that Trump is gone. Maybe AZ is not as purple as some think. It would help to get rid of the Soros Sec State and Election guy in PHX.
@DanTypo tweets...
"Can we just trade Manchin and Sinema for Romney and Sasse?"
"Her tweet explaining her vote. Link"
-- One of the posters: " This vote was important to the guy who cleans my pool. He has two children & he makes $15 & his wife works & makes below $15. It's disgraceful. They're stressed out."
I kind of want to tweet in reply: "Have you thought of just... choosing to pay him more on your own?" But, I also don't want to get involved in Twitter more than I have to.
She cutely dramatized it because she is kinda cute...a rare thing these days for Democrat womyn-folk.
Whatever the reason THIS is the Congresscritter we can thank for Saving the Republic today. Such are the whims of fate. I gotta take a W whenever and from whomever I can.
"Obviously trying to be Sinematic."
And the people who oppose her are anti-Sinemetic.
If she had given a double thumbs up with a little hop, would she be accused of "cutely dramatizing" her vote?
I was disappointed that Martha McSally could not beat her when they ran against each other. I was thinking McSally, a former female fighter pilot, conservative, in Arizona? Surely she should win. But Sinema beat her. And since then I've noted that Krysten Sinema is very much a Democrat, but she is her own person first. She is not there to please the masses. And by masses I mean regressive and liberal bloggers and talking heads. She's using her brain to think each situation out for herself.
And she has surprised me on more than one occasion, which is more than I can say for the other 49 Senators. Frankly- I wish we had more independent thinkers who would look at an issue objectively as possible and vote accordingly. Sinema will vote with the Dems on 85% of the issues. She's a Democrat. A Liberal. But she seems to be first- her own woman.
I like and respect that.
A National mandate to raise the minimum wage is stupid. Every state is different. Here in CO - in many areas - supply and demand already dictate an even higher wage at fast food joints. 16/hour at the local Good Times.
Other states have different circumstances.
Now with Joe and his puppet masters letting in massive illegal entrants... low wage earning Americans will be hardest hit. The leftwing billionaire class do NOT care.
"If she had given a double thumbs up with a little hop..."
I like how you think, Matt Sablan.
I am Laslo.
"the left is spewing hostility at Sinema"
You see how they treat slightly non-prog Dems. Now extrapolate to us deplorables.
Maybe she finds it difficult to speak loudly through a mask, and she just wanted to be sure her vote was registered correctly. If she had pointed up and done a little jump, would we even know about it?
Could Sinema be the only one to take down Kamala in 2024?
Time to get this talking point going.
I am Laslo.
I was expecting a much larger wiggle/dance. That was it? big whoop.
Looked pretty innocuous to me. She dipped her knees a fraction.
Nothing more serious to get worked up over than this? Good!
(Except there are a few things worth getting worked up over.)
I think Sylwester’s on to something at 10:17am...
who is going to clean Google's toilets?
"She dipped her knees a fraction"
You need to let your imagination do the rest.
I am Laslo.
I’m in favor of a pretty woman doing dance moves that involve her hips.
They let HR1 pass and WE. ARE. DONE.
Another L for the party of hate.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
I was expecting a much larger wiggle/dance. That was it? big whoop.
Hey, give her a break! Now is just not the time to be installing a stripper pole in the Senate Chamber!
"Baby One More Time" (or "Oops, I Did it Again") should have been playing in the background.
With an albino snake around her neck for good measure.
Someone said “... Sinema will vote with the Dems on 85% of the issues.”
This is one of those Gipperlike sit-she-ations in which we agree with her 15% of the time and call it a win. An opponent not in lockstep is a rare beast nowadays.
If you want me to be impressed with the independent mind of Sinema -
I'd like to see her vote NO on Nancy's pork & vote fraud/ No ID required BILL - the bill that will enrich democrat party insiders while the American people get a piddly little check.
She was just goofing off. If she had it to do over, she probably wouldn't do it again.
One thing I like about the Left, is they hate Traitors. there's none of this "Oh Gosh, Gee whiz, should I say something bad about a RINO?" that's always the Republican take. For example, the idea of a Democrat Congressman voting to impeach Biden and then keeping him the House leadership would strike the Democrats as insane. It would never happen.
But the Republicans do it.
If you really thought the Democrats were going to give you a $15 minimum wage or anything else their billionaire donors don't want, you're very naïve. why should they please the so-called Bernie Bros and tick off some Billionaire like Mike Bloomberg? I mean, the Democrat voters will always vote Democrat. Why waste time on them?
She did not vote against $15 minimum wage for 24 million people. At most $20 million people would have gotten the $15 minimum wage. The other 4 million would end up with $0, the true minimum wage.
From my understanding, she just doesn't want it to be part of this package. She thinks it should be debated on its own. She'd probably vote for it if it was a standalone and not married to more important stuff. The utter betrayal of pro-life Blue Dogs during the passing of the ACA has made moderate Democrats wary of making deals with their own party), I think.
Good. Let them chase and abuse Sinema, Manchin, etc., right out of the Party and over to Mitch McConnell (if only). What deranged people today's Progressives are! They must know that a national minimum wage set to play in NY, LA, and Chi will destroy the lower middle class in places where the cost of living is much lower. But of course that's a feature - drive them into the cities where the Machine can look after them.
Iman said, “They let HR1 pass and WE. ARE. DONE.“
Which is why this post has our interest. The gesture she made is the news hook (and brings out some good Lasloisms) but the heart of the story is we are only one vote from legislative disaster for the foreseeable future. It is interesting how Big Media continually shake a toy (“she’s gesturing!”) to distract from just how radical parts of both “covid relief” and HR1 are. You'd think these bills had Hunter’s videos in them the way Big Media is avoiding the actual contents.
Why should she have to copy John McCain to be legitimate? That is sexist.
I'm glad she voted no, but she probably should have taken it more seriously. Not that I mind watching her bounce around.
The harshness of tweets or an unserious gesture is >> important than actual results.
Style above substance.
And that's the kind of thinking that gets you a dementia patient as POTUS.
I love her.
Dems are literally dismantling the US though flooding the border, changing election laws, hunting down dissidents (insert other things here) and a major news story of the day is a cutesy hand gesture.
I'm going to preform a magic trick. Watch my left hand very closely.
It make her seem as though she doesn't even understand what she's doing.
That really is reading a lot into it. It looked like she, a taller girl, was using a microphone set up for shrimpy Congresscritters like Pelosi and Nadler more than a “cutesy curtsy” to me.
How about people doing what they really think and feel...
Instead of following the HR/PC protocol on sentiment?
seems to me she was (slightly) overdramatizing the "no" because of the mask. Looks like she had to communicate her vote to a person some distance away, who might not have heard the word clearly. So she reinforces the NO with a widely understood thumb gesture, and does a little dip at the knees to reinforce THAT.
I don't really sense a glib attitude.
I find the video mesmerizing and am grateful you highlighted it.
When they say (they say) repent (repent), repent (repent)
Just tell them to get bent
When they say (they say) repent (repent), repent (repent)
Just tell them to get bent
When they say (they say) repent (repent), repent (repent)
Just tell them to get bent
Temujin said...
I was disappointed that Martha McSally could not beat her when they ran against each other. I was thinking McSally, a former female fighter pilot, conservative, in Arizona? Surely she should win.
McSally was a dud as a candidate. Kelly did numerous ads where he touted his combat experience as a Navy pilot (didn't even go into the whole astronaut thing), she never once pushed back that she was the first female Air Force pilot to fly combat operations.
I'm beginning to believe that Democrat Establishment isn't really serious about getting rid of the filibuster. They can pass anything they really want through the reconciliation process or tacking it onto the NDAA or some Monster Bill like CV-19. So, they'll keep the filibuster. That way, they can blame the Republicans and filibuster for NOT passing things their Bernie Bros and working class types want.
It also makes a few less radical D's the "masters of the Senate". Joe from WV and the chick from Arizona can sell their vote for a quite a price as long as there's a filibuster. The R's need to them to stop the filibuster, and the D's need them to pass legislation. They're sitting in the cat bird seat.
Reminds me of the bruhaha when Tom Brady tossed the hunk of metal (super bowl trophy) to his receiver on/in? the boat behind his.
Sinema isn't a knee-jerk liberal, unlike her newly elected colleague, Mark 'I was an astronaut' Kelly. When I contacted him about the Equality Act on the basis of what it would do to women's sports, he responded with the usual Prog spiel about LBGTQ people and how much they are discriminated against and how they really need this bill. Of course, I also contacted Sinema on the same issue but it remains to be seen how she will vote.
What?! No comment by Ann on the Senator’s outfit? Very cool and fashionable. I loved it!
Sinema was on the side the left hates.
Two-thirds of Americans polled by Pew supported a federal $15/hour minimum wage. And that was already two years ago. Distorting the wage issue into one of "right-vs-left" is really a disservice to the readers. What a scourge gerrymandering has made of many people's ability to understand America.
One wonders how after these hundreds of bills to restrict voting in America you might choose to skew it by saying the right is just doing what it must to keep black Americans in cities who do not drive from voting, same as it did with poll taxes, voter literacy laws and other Jim Crow era disenfranchisement efforts. Does pretending that dividing these problems and attacks on our democracy into right-vs-left make them seem more defensible, less unpopular, more just political? Are there no popular stances that improve life in America or strengthen our democracy that you'll just admit the problem of pulling support for, at least in a non-political arena? Or does this blog seek to just recreate the politics of Congress?
McSally was a dud as a candidate.
She really was. First of all, she began her campaign with a never-Trump attitude, which didn't help, then both she and her campaign were lackluster in both substance and form. My comment on Mark Kelly above.
I did vote for McSally, however, and donated to her campaign. Also suggested a little makeup wouldn't hurt her image.
And she’s carrying a giant purse! Fashion icon!
Progressive prices or costs?
Emigration reform or immigration reform?
Insourcing and outsourcing?
Labor and environmental arbitrage?
Shared/shifted responsibility?
Americans first, second, and last?
Progressive wages or affordability, that is the question.
Can they abort the baby... Fetal-American, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too?
Althouse does significantly better analyzing 60's rock music than political gestures and policies.
No, that's about the gravitas it needs. The national $15 minimum wage is an incredibly stupid policy fronted by people who simply do not care about rational justifications or the consequences of their actions. Mild mockery is perfectly appropriate. Per their own studies (such as Seattle, whose government actively tried to suppress their own analysis when it deflated their delusions), Sinema was acting to protect those poorly-paid workers. She has nothing to apologize for.
Professor, I'd like to suggest that you've failed to apply your own maxim to this situation. "Better than nothing is a high standard", and the $15 minimum wage doesn't even come close to clearing that threshold.
I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber.
I disagree. Or rather, I agree as a general matter with respect to all business of Congress -- her body language was not really in keeping with the decorum of the Senate -- but at this point, after Pelosi's little stunt ripping up Trump's speech, two farcical impeachment trials, and a long pre-Trump history of hearings being exploited for gotcha moments and TV adverts, Congress can aspire at most to a kind of mock solemnity.
As for the minimum wage, it's something people are emotionally invested in, but has minimal impact on most workers. I think as of 2019, roughly 1% of all workers were paid minimum wage or less. Some poor people will benefit, some poor people will lose their jobs, some business owners will pass costs on, some will eat the costs, and some will simply close up shop. But all these changes, for good and mostly for ill, will be pretty marginal. It's a silly, superficial thing for Democrats to be invested in -- more propaganda slogan than serious policy -- and so it doesn't deserve any more solemnity than any other Congressional act.
I'm going to preform a magic trick. Watch my left hand very closely.
A little legerdemain. Watch the left and right hands, and, with classical liberal roots, the center, too. Both hands, and a rebellious minority in the center, will, at any given time, diverge from The Constitution.
Form over function?
Repeal the 19th.
To empower women, to get more of them into the halls of power, into the armed services, into board rooms and laboratories, everything American now resembles a slumber party.
serious question
is there a person here (on the planet Earth) that thinks this costs her net votes in Arizona?
I'm gonna guess this was more of a "fuck you" to Schumer and Pelosi (and whoever else from the leadership that threatened her).
"If she had given a double thumbs up with a little hop..."
And a ponytail....don't forget the ponytail!
...Sinema juxtaposed the Good Girl with a contrary vote.
Sexy, sexy high school.
I was disappointed when Krysten Sinema was elected to the US Senate, but now I really like her.
Serious (rhetorical) Questions...
If (WHEN!) Krysten is on a treadmill.... Is her hair in a ponytail (You KNOW it is!)
Would it go "swish swish" ????
if she was a calculating b*tch; she'd register as an independent, and let each party bid on her
you know... become BI partisan
This vote is nothing- the leadership of the Democratic Party didn't want the $15/hr minimum- they know this will only choke off employment gains going forward, and the Administration can't have that going into the midterms and re-election in 2024. The parliamentarian is a Democrat and was instructed by Schumer to rule it out of the porkulus bill, and Sinema was given permission to vote against it on a stand-alone provision.
I promise you this- if Schumer wants a yes vote on anything, Sinema will provide it, and so will Joe Manchin.
rcocean, the reconciliation process is only available for 1 use each year.
Hard to get past the streetwear and the bag over the shoulder (did she think somebody in the senate chamber would steal it?). Looks like she popped in to vote on her way to Target.
I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber. It should express something more like: I'm sorry, I want hard-working people to make more money too, but this is the wrong way to try to make that happen. The gesture Sinema gave feels more like: Ha! So there! That's not appropriate to the occasion. It makes her seem as though she doesn't even understand what she's doing.
She's doing what McCain did but now it's wrong? Is that because he was a man and she is a woman? I would expect you, Professor, to recognize that Sinema understands precisely what she is doing. Is feminism only feminism when it supports the Democrats?
I know Sinema is a Democrat, and I have reasons to be pleased with some of her ideology. Her problem is that Democrats are going to be red-hot MAD at someone who insists on stabbing their party in the back, over and over. The neoliberals in charge at the DNC thought Sinema and Manchin could take all the blame when the more lunatic plans fall in the Senate, but when 8 Democrats vote against a core campaign pledge? That's a betrayal far more intense than anything to be blamed on John McCain, and it's already proving a disaster for the Democratic base. They're furious! And they're right to be. This sort of repeated treachery destroys representative democracy as a concept- I would argue it's already dead. I don't know what will replace it (hopefully autocratic nationalism led by someone as soft-hearted as Trump), but it won't be pretty.
Althouse said:
“The gesture Sinema gave feels more like: Ha! So there! That's not appropriate to the occasion. It makes her seem as though she doesn't even understand what she's doing.“
Maybe I’m wrong, but her gesture looks to me like the good Senator knows exactly what she is doing. To me, her vote and accompanying gesture says something along the lines of “This idiotic law will raise the minimum wage to more than 30 grand a year. The minimum wage...30 grand a year? That’s crazy talk, and it will receive from me all the respect a dopey idea like that deserves. No!”
But, as I said, maybe I’m wrong.
Let them eat cake! Literally, she brought a cake too, carrying it in with her bouncy self. She’s going to get primaried.
People who think raising the minimum wage is a good idea hate poor working people.
They are stupid.
They are wrong.
They hurt people by raising the minimum wage.
They should be treated like stupid mean people who are wrong.
To empower women... everything American now resembles a slumber party
Keep women appointed, available, and taxable. Abort. It's too bad that their "rape culture" witch hunts and warlock judgments didn't pan out to justify their wicked solution to cannibalize profitable parts and sequester carbon pollutants. Forward!
It's time for a 'gravitas bullshit' tag.
The issue is progressive prices and availability (e.g. Obamacares). We need market and emigration reform to mitigate their progress. And, yes, labor and environmental arbitrage, and Planned Parent/hood, are bad, even wicked, solutions.
ADDED: I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber. It should express something more like: I'm sorry, I want hard-working people to make more money too, but this is the wrong way to try to make that happen. The gesture Sinema gave feels more like: Ha! So there! That's not appropriate to the occasion. It makes her seem as though she doesn't even understand what she's doing.
It would be cool if she could explain the issue.
Raising the minimum wage prices the lowest skilled people out of the job market.
They never get a chance to improve their skills or make themselves more valuable to an employer and get paid more.
This effectively takes a significant percentage of the population and removes any opportunity they have to be productive in society and to take on meaningful work.
It destroys the lives of people on the margins. The people who push it are dangerous and stupid and evil.
In lieu of explaining this issue and the effect it has on those people at the margins I would prefer that the people who are pushing minimum wage increases are mocked like the vermin they are.
I promise you this- if Schumer wants a yes vote on anything, Sinema will provide it, and so will Joe Manchin.
I agree with this although both are Democrats is largely red states. A competent GOP nominee would have defeated Sinema in 2018. Even with the California money and the Soros Sec State and Election commissioner in PHX.
I think you should give yourself the civility bullshit tag on this one.
hpudding said...
"Sinema was on the side the left hates.
Two-thirds of Americans polled by Pew supported a federal $15/hour minimum wage. And that was already two years ago. Distorting the wage issue into one of "right-vs-left" is really a disservice to the readers. What a scourge gerrymandering has made of many people's ability to understand America.
One wonders how after these hundreds of bills to restrict voting in America you might choose to skew it by saying the right is just doing what it must to keep black Americans in cities who do not drive from voting, same as it did with poll taxes, voter literacy laws and other Jim Crow era disenfranchisement efforts. Does pretending that dividing these problems and attacks on our democracy into right-vs-left make them seem more defensible, less unpopular, more just political? Are there no popular stances that improve life in America or strengthen our democracy that you'll just admit the problem of pulling support for, at least in a non-political arena? Or does this blog seek to just recreate the politics of Congress?"
Is this 1964? How old are you? 16?
You need to let your imagination do the rest.
Laslo, I think I speak for us all when I say that I'd rather have your imagination do the rest.
ADDED: I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber. It should express something more like: I'm sorry, I want hard-working people to make more money too, but this is the wrong way to try to make that happen.
Sorry, but you're wrong.
The minimum wage is a bad idea, that harms people at the low end.
The actual "minimum wage" is $0, it's what you get when your work isn't worth the "Federal minimum wage."
There's damn few hard working American citizens out there making the minimum wage, and those that are, are doing so because they're just getting started, and ALL they have to offer is their willingness to work hard.
They get a minimum wage job so they can prove their worth, and establish skill that make them worth more.
Raising the "Federal minimum wage" is evil, because it blocks people from getting that first job, and starting on a path to a worthwhile wage.
She SHOULD be happy about rejecting it
I support Susan Collins because she's the best Republican you can get by Maine voters
I oppose Murkowski, Sasse, Cheney, and the rest of the RINOs because you could get a lot more conservative politician elected with their voters.
Any idiot who thinks you could get an actual Democrat through West VA voters is a moron of the first water
Minimum wage as a policy idea has been shown to be idiocy long long ago.
Her attitude is perfect.
I have a gesture for the State-shtuppers of the Hive and all their coercive schemes. It isn't a cute gesture, either. I have that gesture right here.
I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber. It should express something more like: I'm sorry, I want hard-working people to make more money too, but this is the wrong way to try to make that happen.
Why "somber"? She was voting to save millions of jobs for low income workers who would be the victims of this legislation. She should be proud. Thumbs up!
Her outfit does not help
Re: hpudding
Was that satire? Or just a collection of debunked policy memes and "Why don't people vote like meeeeee" fretting?
Depends on who the real audience is. Was she making a point to Democrat powers that be about the need to haggle with her?
“Could Sinema be the only one to take down Kamala in 2024?”
I have been saying since she was first elected she is the one to watch. So Laslo might be joking but I think she might be.
It won’t be Cuomo anyway ...
It could be that she thinks it’s an unserious bill put forth by unserious people to appease clowns. And she’d be right. But if that’s the case, she needs to get on the messaging pronto.
More political stagecraft. Democrats don't want a $15 minimum wage because they don't want the negative impact it would inevitably cause to promote dissent within their ranks. They sent Senator Cinnamon up there to take the hit. It won't hurt her politically in the least.
Also: she had a backpack full of crap draped over one shoulder. A backpack full of crap draped over one shoulder forces strange contortions to counterbalance it and keep it draped over one shoulder.
Again, a $15 minimum has two-thirds support of America. I assume two-thirds of America includes many people who don't "vote like me." Note that I don't need to restrict anyone else's vote to prove my point, or to support a living wage.
(No, kids don't need a living wage. It's kind of ridiculous though to pretend that kids not getting a job if the wage were raised is a reason to keep millions of adults on sub-standard, below subsistence wages).
There are people on this blog who think there shouldn't a minimum wage at all. Notice that even congressional Republicans have never proposed doing away with the minimum wage entirely. Are they stupid and immature to take that position? Or are the right-wingers here further to the far right than even the people they can manage to get to represent them in congress? Even with widespread voter suppression efforts?
I always thought the people here were middle-of-the-road right-wing. But increasingly it seems like they're on a far-right fringe. Either that or the many Republicans throwing away their registrations proves that the extremists truly do rule their party, like they've always wanted to. So the far right really is stronger than any moderate right-wingers, even though neither of them can command a governing majority and they don't mind shrinking their power more and more in order to push for their very unpopular positions.
People who voted for her knew what they wanted and what they were getting, and the majority of the state probably agrees with her. They weren't voting for what the party represents in New York or California, but for the alternative that she provided for Arizona. That is the way Congress ought to be. Representatives voting in the interest of their district and the country, not because the party tells them to.
It's likely, though, that Schumer let the eight defectors know that this wasn't really what the party truly wanted right now or told them that they could vote either way. Now everybody gets a soapbox to stand on as they say their lines attacking the bill or attacking the dissenters. It's theater. Everybody does what they have to do to get in good with the party and their constituents without going so far as to lose either group.
The best way to increase wages was the way trump was doing it, decrease the slave labor pool.
Also, Republicans wanted an "investigation" into the 2020 election they lost simply because 20% of the American people didn't believe Biden won.
So if Republicans can push for something based on the support of 20% of the American people - the same people that Trump and his congressional lackeys lied to in pushing the "fraud" narrative that they lost in court 60+ times - then why can't they do something about what's considered substandard non-living wages by 67% of the American people?
There really isn't a more incoherent party anywhere in the Western democracies. Or maybe even the world. They really seem to just exist in order to make things up that they say are obvious, even when it's not even really clear that they believe these things themselves. They just like to get political power out of them, since they don't have the courage or honesty to tell the truth to the people instead. Sad.
Very tiresome article in Slate on Sinema and her fashion sense. Articles like it are why Americans hate politics.
Who cares how she indicated her vote?
Higher minimum wage = higher unemployment anyway.
Minimum wage laws are stupid. I suspect that her voting down the amendment in such a manner probably has more to do how she was treated by fellow democrats leading up to the vote. My guess is that she got a lot of heavy handed communications from other Democrats and their staffers telling her she had to vote for the amendment, and she would be ruined if she did not, instead of trying to kindly persuade her to vote for the amendment. But I don't know that for certain. But I do know that minimum wage laws are stupid and the real minimum wage is always zero.
Primary her? Shouldn't you at least determine if her no vote was because minimum wage laws are stupid or because mandating the wage be $15 is stupid? Because a lot of smart people agree with one and not the other and she *might* be on *your* side. E
But ripping up the President's State of the Union speech on the dias, as your invited guest in your house, in front of God and country was... more acceptable?
It won’t be Cuomo anyway ...
He's no longer viable. Karmic irony.
"I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber. It should express something more like: I'm sorry, I want hard-working people to make more money too, but this is the wrong way to try to make that happen. The gesture Sinema gave feels more like: Ha! So there! That's not appropriate to the occasion. It makes her seem as though she doesn't even understand what she's doing."
Already flagged by others, but: WTF?
Ha, so there, is exactly the right message to send: it's not only a stupid idea, you guys tried to pressure me into doing the wrong thing. Sure, there will be pearl-clothing women who think I should be somber and all, and act like a phony politician who knows how much money other people should make, and play to the soap-opera audience, but I'm not gonna do that. You're telling me that people think I don't understand what I'm dong? Are you kidding me? Those people should read more fiction so they can learn to read minds better.
Interesting how many of the right-wing commenters think Sinema's attitude of telling low wage workers to stick it where the sun don't shine is the right attitude to take. No wonder they wanted to re-elect a guy who got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed.
How is it that killing people's jobs, increasing their heating and gas costs, and throwing them off social media is improving life in America? Or are those not the people whose lives should be improved? Who are the people whose lives are to be improved? And what are we to do with the rest of the country?
hpudding said...
Also, Republicans wanted an "investigation" into the 2020 election they lost simply because 20% of the American people didn't believe Biden won.
No, asshole, we want an investigation into the 2020 election because obvious fraud took place
1: In Uganda, everyone knows that blocking poll watchers is complete proof that vote fraud took place, and the election results aren't valid
In Atlanta, Philly, and Detroit, blocking poll watchers was the Democrats' policy (blocking poll watchers from being right next to poll workers blocks them from actually being poll watchers).
So the results in GA, PA, and MI are obvious fraud
2: No honest vote counters stop counting on election night while they still have votes to count.
That happened in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Fulton (Atlanta).
So all 4 States' results are presumptively fraudulent
If you look at those two things, and say "I see no fraud there", it's because you're dishonest scum, and not worth listening to
How is it that killing people's jobs
You mean the way Republican president Trump did? (2.5% job loss over his term. W. Bush wasn't much better, either).
increasing their heating and gas costs
You mean the way Texas Republican governor Greg Abbott is doing?
hpudding said...
Again, a $15 minimum has two-thirds support of America. I assume two-thirds of America includes many people who don't "vote like me." Note that I don't need to restrict anyone else's vote to prove my point, or to support a living wage.
More than 2/3 of Americans support requiring voters to show State issued photo ID before voting.
So when you STFU about that, and stop accusing Republicans of "vote suppression", then you can talk about "going with the voters".
Until then? You're as much full of shit as your "minimum wage" proposals.
Blogger Sebastian said...
Already flagged by others, but: WTF?
I think Althouse is right about the tone thing. I suspect I agree with you in thinking that minimum wage laws are stupid and actively cause harm to those their supporters claims to want to help. That doesn't change the perceptions many have about the laws. And if you are a politician, perception is a game you have to play. And you can see how her no vote is being perceived by many. Now I think it is an incorrect assumption of her intentions. Why would any politician make a physical gesture with the goal of trying to mock low-income earners? But her gesture did seem kind of mocking and snide. Which is why I suspect that her real intentions were to give a middle finger to Democrats who were threatening her to try and corral her vote. While I can understand that motivation I think it was politically the wrong move. The best explanation I can come up with for why this may have been an acceptable political move was if she wants to separate herself from the other Democrats and put herself ahead of Joe Manchin as the Democrat the other Democrats have to win over to get things done in the Senate. Being the 1 vote that brings it to a 50-50 tie for the democrats is far more valuable than being the the vote that brings it to 48-50.
It’s Ol’ Puddin’Head Saturday?
That’s not pudding!
No, asshole, we want an investigation into the 2020 election because obvious fraud took place
That's true. You must mean the three Republicans found so far who fraudulently voted, including the one in PA who cast ballots for his dead mother. The Texas Lt Governor offered $1 million in reward money for such cases, but failed to pay up. I guess because he wanted to find examples of non-Republicans fraudulently voting, even though most of these minuscule examples were Republicans doing just that! What cheap bastards!
Other than that, if you can't find cases "obvious" enough to show to a court of law, or numerous enough to change an election - although we'll subtract those fraudulently cast Republican ballots, thank you very much! - then you're obviously the traitor (as your name indicates) who disregards the court system that you would prefer to dismantle, and is not worth listening to!
increasing their heating and gas costs, and throwing them off social media is improving life in America
Shared prices, shifted responsibility, social distancing, backed by sociopolitical myths, scientific prophecies, and em-pathetic appeals, is, apparently, forward-looking policy.
its like dr. evil when he found out about starbucks coffee,
then why can't they do something about what's considered substandard non-living wages by 67% of the American people?
Well, they did try to something. You raise wages by creating a tighter job market. Supply and demand, economy 101. And it was working and looking to get better. Since the present admin took office they've taken steps to lower incomes. Increasing supply through immigration, increasing energy costs, among others. Raising wages by fiat is counterproductive as it eliminates lower paying jobs. But..... Magic!! I think if $15 is good $30 would be even better. Why can't we set it up so everybody gets 6 figures a year?
The Dems need the populace dependent on them to hold power, pure and simple. Morons are the easiest first target.
More than 2/3 of Americans support requiring voters to show State issued photo ID before voting.
So when you STFU about that, and stop accusing Republicans of "vote suppression", then you can talk about "going with the voters".
Even though you want to dismantle the court system that threw out nearly every one of T-Rump's and melty headed Giuliani's 60+
lawsuits, you'd probably lose this as it clearly discriminates against older black urban voters who don't have drivers licenses, the most common form of state issued ID! (Or as the Nazis called them, papieren!)
Republican Mike Turzai famously indicated that these efforts were not about clean elections but about getting Republicans elected. So has Rand Paul. Your own side is giving you away!
So yes, that's differed from a constitutional effort to make slave wages in America a thing of the past.
Don’t know why she did it that way but I sure appreciated it. When’s the last time a Kool kid from the Left sided with the Right? I’ll tell you: Never.
This was a first and for that I give high praise.
now the so called bug bill, gives 850 billion, that's nearly half to left wing organization, and applies a billion dollar net tax on the gig economy, that went 50/49, who forgot to vote,
better than fideloflake, certainly,
The Dems need the populace dependent on them to hold power, pure and simple.
Oh, I see! You mean economically, rather than through spiritual and moral mind control as the worshippers of the golden T-Rump statue at CPAC are!
Well yes, without a government you get the low living standards of places like Somalia, so I see what you mean.
Somalia = Appalachia. Take your pick.
Minimum wage opponent Joe Manchin is definitely the one to tell America how to improve living and employment standards, given how horrible they are in his own state of West Virginia. Interesting how one of only two wage increase opponents is from one of the poorest states in the country. Clearly he has his poor white working class laborers' interests in mind, or at least those of the corporate lobbyists who don't even pretend to care about, let alone represent them.
Re: hpudding
So, memes and differing opinions it is.
>"Again, a $15 minimum has two-thirds support of America."
And in America, majorities don't get to steamroll minorities for the contents of their wallets. Well, at least that's what it says in the contract.
Small Business owners (you know, the ones most unable to absorb the costs of artificial minimum wage hikes?) get a vote too. Why do you hate small business owners? Small businesses are the largest employment sector of the economy. Big business loves policy like this, and minorities will be disproportionately harmed by this policy. Why do you hate minorities and love big business?
If you didn't hate minorities, you'd have supported Trump's policies, which reduced minority employment to historic lows. He was really bad at the whole racism thing.
And no one is restricting anyone's voting here.
Speaking of pretending, imagine thinking that small businesses are sitting on piles of capital, or are generating so much revenue that they're not going to have to raise costs to compensate, which will only end up hurting the poor the most (particularly the ones they're going to have to let go). Why do you hate the poor so? If millions of adults want to relegate themselves to low-skilled, entry level work that kids do, then they should be prepared to make a kid's wage, not demand more value for their labor than it's worth. You do know that those wages have to come from somewhere, right?
Why not raise the minimum wage to $100/hr? Take your time.
>"There are people on this blog who think there shouldn't a minimum wage at all."
So? Do you understand their argument, or do you simply think that your gasps of disbelief represent a coherent position?
>"Notice that even congressional Republicans have never proposed doing away with the minimum wage entirely."
So? Public opinion is supposed to take the lead from its politicians? Perhaps on the Left, given the conformist nature of leftist philosophy.
You'll probably find a lot of people on this blog who find congressional Republicans stupid more than their position on min wage. I've seen them make their case. Right now, that's more than you're doing.
Not that you're really making much of a case here, but the idea that congressional Republicans are "far right" to you tells me that you must think the center falls somewhere near Trotsky.
Oh, and no one is suppressing anyone's votes. I've been told by the Biden administration that this last was the most free, secure, and fair election, after all.
>"I always thought the people here were middle-of-the-road right-wing."
You poor dear. How ever will you manage?
Yes, national sovereignty, equality before the law, equality of opportunity, record low unemployment, the idea that men can't declare themselves women and proceed to trample on women's rights, and respect for individual rights does seem to be an extremist opinion to some. Alas, the times we live in.
>"Either that or the many Republicans throwing away their registrations proves that the extremists truly do rule their party, like they've always wanted to."
Got a cite? Considering that Trump increased his support from 2016, and has overwhelming support and favorability among registered Republicans, I'm going to need you to prove your extraordinary claim of "millions".
Considering that Republicans increased their share of seats in the House, didn't lose the Senate when they were expected to, and maintained sizable majorities in control of a majority of state legislatures, you don't seem to have a good grasp of the facts relevant to these strong opinions of yours.
its like dr. evil when he found out about starbucks coffee,
And baby-back ribs.
Not so wicked. I nominate Dr. Evil for, not a Novel Peace Prize, but a Nobel... Noble Peace Prize.
Speaking of fat bastards... and beautiful is a comorbidity.
The Narrative Crumbles
Re: hpudding
"So yes, that's differed from a constitutional effort to make slave wages in America a thing of the past."
Then apply it to your own meandering argument here, because you're just cramming these two points together up and down the page.
By the way, slaves don't make wages. And some of the most vocal Democrats and Democrat supporters (including major CEOs) have no problem using slave labor overseas. So you might want to back off the rah rah team bullshit.
can't we get trolls that don't phone it in, it's time to bring in graham chapman,
Re: hpudding
"No wonder they wanted to re-elect a guy who got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed."
I'm pretty sure no one wants to re-elect Cuomo.
Considering that Republicans increased their share of seats in the House, didn't lose the Senate when they were expected to, and maintained sizable majorities in control of a majority of state legislatures
Wars with borders, with cause, and emigration reform is an equitable, forward-looking policy.
Revitalization, Rehabilitation, Reconciliation is an equitable, forward-looking policy.
Diversity of individuals, minority of one is an equitable, forward-looking policy.
Twilight Amendment notwithstanding, Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness is all-American.
I'm pretty sure no one wants to re-elect Cuomo.
He's no longer [politically] viable. Karmic irony.
It would be nice if - just once - we could get a left-wing commenter here who isn't a lying piece of shit.
Just once.
None of this stops NYC, LA, or San Francisco from raising their minimum wage as high as they liike. Is $15 enough?
“No wonder they wanted to re-elect a guy who got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed.”
The democrats did re-elect Roosevelt several times so they liked a president who got a half million Americans killed. Similar result with Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson.
Trump's policies, which reduced minority employment to historic lows.
I don't know if Trump or his policies reduced minority employment to historic lows, but he did lose jobs by 2.5% by the end of his term in office, so it's possible.
Living wage doesn't have to be a high earner wage. If you say it might as well be $100/hour then it's obvious you believe it might as well be $1/hour. There are people who want to do away with the minimum entirely and if you're one of them, you should go elsewhere because as I said even your congressional republicans don't propose that. Or even lowering the wage. I don't see any point in arguing with someone too extreme for even congressional republicans. Did T-Rump say there should be no minimum wage? Either way it's a narrow argument. Wages should generally track living standards - that's the mainstream argument - and if in bad faith you pretend to think the minimum should be $100 then it's clear you'd be ok with wages and living standards reduced or as low as you could get away with, also. That's not a position mainstream enough for me to waste my time with.
Got a cite?
Yeah, a few:
Did you need more? Your party is too extreme to offer anything tangible that improves people's lives and you know it. All it does is rile them up about silly stuff like how trannies shouldn't exist or whatever. Very hot button stuff that most Americans really organize their lives around - men being men, lol. OK whatever. Fight for sexual integrity! Hahaha. Keep your focus on the crotch there, dude. Crotch-oriented conservatives. Where would America be without them?
Too funny.
I'm pretty sure no one wants to re-elect Cuomo.
Maybe. But the people who want to re-elect Trump clearly would like to kill even more Americans than that. NY is less than 10% of America's coronavirus deaths in total. Texas governor Greg Abbott (and his allies in other confederate states) are once again going against their health commissioners as of this week.
hpudding said...
You mean the way Republican president Trump did? (2.5% job loss over his term. W. Bush wasn't much better, either).
More bullshit from the sack of shit.
Covid lockdowns killed those jobs. Before Covid, Trump produced an economy that had the lowest black and hispanic UNEMPLOYMENT rates ever recorded.
Not going to be matched under the Democrats in the next 4 years.
Especially if they get to jack up minimum wages
hpudding said...
A whole bunch of nothing, that didn't address either of my points about blocking poll watchers or stopping counting
Because it knows that they are clear signs of fraud, and has no response
Thanks for agreeing that the Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election
hpudding said...
Me: More than 2/3 of Americans support requiring voters to show State issued photo ID before voting.
So when you STFU about that, and stop accusing Republicans of "vote suppression", then you can talk about "going with the voters".
Even though you want to dismantle the court system that threw out nearly every one of T-Rump's and melty headed Giuliani's 60+
lawsuits, you'd probably lose this as it clearly discriminates against older black urban voters who don't have drivers licenses, the most common form of state issued ID! (Or as the Nazis called them, papieren!)
Ah, so having over 2/3 of the voters on your side doesn't matter, when pudding head doesn't like the idea.
And every single State offers a State issued photo ID card for non-drivers. Every State that requires photo ID to vote also allows those with low income to get those IDs for free.
So, other than the fact that you're completely full of shit, good job
Covid lockdowns killed those jobs. Before Covid, Trump produced an economy that had the lowest black and hispanic UNEMPLOYMENT rates ever recorded.
Oh, I see.
So T-Rump let the china virus (I'll even use your own leader's jingo terminology) in, pretended it wasn't any big problem, pitted states against each other in bidding wars for PPE, lied about the danger (after admitting the truth to Bob Woodward), made masks seem like a statement of how "macho!" he was, said it would magically disappear by the spring, that you could research getting bleach into the body to treat it, touted quack remedies and even super-spread it around his own white house before he got ambulanced on over on an oxygen tank...
But the GOVERNORS caused the economic fall-out!
Right. Hahahaha. So many other countries had the brains to figure out that only by controlling the pandemic could you sustain the economy but since your leader felt less macho doing that and instead lied to the country about how they should pretend it away and go out shopping instead then nothing's his fault.
Right. This is exactly why he lost. He thought dead Americans could sustain his economy. What a psychopath. And what psychopaths Republicultists are to have bought into that BS.
Well yes, without a government you get the low living standards of places like Somalia, so I see what you mean.
Meh... with teh BLUE governance you get a half century or more of Somalia on Steroids living standards. And lotsa rats...
Ah, so having over 2/3 of the voters on your side doesn't matter, when pudding head doesn't like the idea.
Or when it's unconstitutional. Or when it's done to suppress the black elderly vote and instead tilt elections that Republicans have trouble their way, as Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham have admitted to. They're both on record admitting to their fear about election outcomes unless the suppression efforts were stepped up, and we would sooner buy into the truths they admitted to than your lies about how they didn't actually say that and actually somehow AREN'T invested in ginning up these stories for partisan outcomes.
I posted about the three documented cases of Republican voter fraud. Texas lt gov offered $1 million for each. Why hasn't he paid up?
Are those Republican voter fraud cases the ones you're interested in or do you admit that you are only pushing a dishonest partisan agenda for partisan outcomes?
I repeat... that ain’t pudding, Greg.
Yancey Ward said, "I promise you this- if Schumer wants a yes vote on anything, Sinema will provide it, and so will Joe Manchin."
Makes sense. But this is the second time I'm aware of that Sinema has voted contrary to expectations on a procedural issue (overruling the Senate parliamnetarian). Perhaps Sinema is actually interested in process.
The first time was to retain the filibuster. Do you think Schumer gave Sinema permission to do that? If so, how did Schumer perceive it in his interest to do so?
hpudding said...
Interesting how many of the right-wing commenters think Sinema's attitude of telling low wage workers to stick it where the sun don't shine is the right attitude to take.
hpudding wants millions of people who don't have enough skills to be worth 15$ to ever have a chance to get a job.
He wants them to be unable to work. Forever. With no chance to learn those skills to be worth 15$.
How much do you have to hate those people to tell them they will never have a chance to work and to learn those skills and work ethics?
How much of an asshole does hpudding have to be to consign these people to permanent unemployment and dependency on others?
indeed siad barre, was a soviet trained officer, interesting it was involved in a proxy fight with another soviet puppet, yemen, in the 80s, miss omar was the daughter of one of the political officers for barre, had they known, she wouldn't have lasted long in the kenyan refugee camps,
If at his age Achilles can't tell that the dollar sign goes before the number instead of after it, I can see why he thinks people should be permanently incapable of learning basic skills, or work "ethics," etc. But good on him for promoting low wages in labor. Hopefully he could walk the walk by donating some of his already low salary to me until it gets down to $7.25. Or less.
I mean, he's subsidizing Republican politicians, making their self-serving arguments for them. Low wages make the corporations and their lobbies richer, which bolsters Republican election campaigns. So at the least Achilles can take some of his Republican politician-subsidizing labor on his time off (unless he's on the job now) and donate a bit of his light paycheck to me, too.
hpudding said...
Me: Ah, so having over 2/3 of the voters on your side doesn't matter, when pudding head doesn't like the idea.
Or when it's unconstitutional. Or when it's done to suppress the black elderly vote
Except it's been repeatedly found to be Constitutional, and the Democrats have utterly failed to produce any significant # of people who can't get teh IDs. The Indiana Photo ID case won in the Supreme Court in 2008 because the Democrats could not produce a single person who was unable to get the ID.
Not one.
A majority of blacks favor photo ID laws, because they understand that teh arguments against it are utter bullshit.
They're both on record admitting to their fear about election outcomes unless the suppression efforts were stepped up
You're full of shit. All Republicans are aware that the Democrats are the Party of vote fraud, and that not stopping vote fraud will let the Democrats steal the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.
Opposing vote fraud for that reason is not disqualifying.
I posted about the three documented cases of Republican voter fraud.
Wow! 3 whole cases!
You ignored the massive vote fraud of the Democrats cities that stole the election by blocking poll watchers from being able to do their job, and by halting their vote counts while they waited to find out how many votes they had to fake up, and then faking them up, that stole the election.
You ignored the NYT article about the Uganda election this year, where the mere fact of blocking poll watchers was taken as conclusive evidence of vote fraud.
Because if you addressed that reality, you'd have to admit the truth: Biden stole the election, Trump actually won.
This thread has certainly brought the lockstep State-shtuppers of the Stupid Left out in force, hasn't it?
Wow! 3 whole cases!
Hey, at least they're documented. And prosecuted! Unlike the cases alleged by right-wingers against non-Republicans. It's just one big case of projection.
The only people who even pretend to believe poll watchers weren't allowed were melted-head Giuliani, and his crack team of Melissa Carone and the Indian lady who spoke to the Michigan legislature about how she thought the election was corrupted because she saw a Chinese guy working the poll, and since she believes all Chinese people look the same, that he might have been a foreigner! LOL!
Then Carone nasally whined at the (R) legislator that because she signed an affidavit and could go to prison and because he didn't, that her affidavit (which a judge called "not credible"!) was all the proof needed and that he must have done "something crazy" to the ballots. LOL!
A majority of blacks favor photo ID laws
Cite that.
If you want cites of Paul and Graham admitting that they only want to make sure to rig the vote so that Republicans win, I can provide them. I can definitely cite Mike Turzai saying just that. Again, Republicans admit what they're up to, so you can't convince rational people that you have a good faith non-partisan reason for backing it.
Lol. Uganda. Nice.
Yes, we don't doubt that what you liked best about Trump is his effort to rule America like he was Idi Amin. LOL!
The impeachment was the most bipartisan in history. Romney told his colleagues to stop lying to the people about fraud that didn't happen and that Trump lied about - even setting it up ahead of time by saying he could only lose if the vote was rigged. That's called setting the stage for making people believe a lie ahead of time. Anyone so out of touch with reality (and 60+ court rulings!) to blankly assert that as fact is not worth taking seriously or talking to. Although it does mean his profile (with the name "traitor" in it) is accurate. Greg the traitor, lol!
You believe Trump won and Biden lost, and that it's "obvious" (except to courts of law) and that's that. Ha ha. Right. And the moon landing was faked and probably that Hugo Chavez rigged the machines. Ok, ok. Too funny. You've made your point. You want to dismantle the courts and run America like Idi Amin ran Uganda. Point taken, you're obviously a lunatic. With a potty mouth and poor temperament!
"So T-Rump let the china virus (I'll even use your own leader's jingo terminology) in
Wait, was this when the media and the Donks (BIRM) was telling him travel bans from China were racist? Or when Democrat judges were issuing injunctions against his efforts to stop it from coming in? Or what about when Fauci and various bureaucrats were bringing them in without clearing it with their bosses?
But do your thing and ignore/redirect so you don't have to confront those pesky facts.
"pretended it wasn't any big problem,"
Was that before or after the media was saying the Flu was worse, or Fauci started his serial lies?
"pitted states against each other in bidding wars for PPE,"
That would be what academics refer to as "unadulterated horseshit".
"lied about the danger (after admitting the truth to Bob Woodward),
He's only as good as his Obama era advisors are. The number one liar among them is still mugging for the cameras to this day.
"made masks seem like a statement of how "macho!"
Only in your fevered imagination.
"he was, said it would magically disappear by the spring,"
It would have if we didn't take absolutely stupid steps to kick the can down the road a year. Sort of like it's doing...this spring.
"that you could research getting bleach into the body to treat it,"
I'll take a cue from lefties here - you're taking what he said out of context.
"touted quack remedies and even super-spread it around his own white house before he got ambulanced on over on an oxygen tank..."
You mean like HCQ? The treatment that two prestigious journals published a fake article from a fake company about and then had to retract? And that is now recognized as an effective treatment by the medical community? That "quack" treatment?
"But the GOVERNORS caused the economic fall-out!"
The only thing you've managed to screw up and get right. Good job!
GMay's got an excuse for everything. He represents the party of national irresponsibility well.
Go polish that shrine to Trump in your bedroom, GMay. I think there's a speck of dust on Dear Leader's head.
Maybe try a different brand of bleach or something. LOL!
Yes, your leaders suck and have horrible records and lie wantonly. I can see why you're so worked up.
"I don't know if Trump or his policies reduced minority employment to historic lows,"
Clue: They did. It was in all the papers.
"but he did lose jobs by 2.5% by the end of his term in office, so it's possible."
When governors shut down businesses, that's not the President's fault, Spanky.
Regarding your living wage argument, why doesn't living wage need to be a high earner wage? What's a high earner wage in MS? Is it the same as NY? How about a living wage? what does $15 an hour get you in WV as opposed to CA? And no, it's not "obvious what I believe" by posting a hypo, genius.
If I wanted to do away with the minimum wage, then I'd say whatever the hell I damn well please and won't be going anywhere. If you're unable to handle a debate or an exchange of ideas on the subject, then you're probably the one who doesn't belong.
I personally don't see any point in arguing with someone who unironically says "T-Rump" every paragraph, but I'm easily entertained.
"Because it's not mainstream" is a fallacy, by the way. You're doing great!
"Yeah, a few:" [cites]
Checked 'em out. Nothing that supports the idea of "millions", at least to the numerate among us. Also it doesn't prove causation. What you presented could be just as easily explained by disaffected Republicans leaving the party due to the establishment GOP's handling of the 2nd nonsensical impeachment and election investigation.
"Your party"
Let me stop you right there, Spanky. The Republicans aren't "my" party.
"is too extreme to offer anything tangible that improves people's lives and you know it.
I've already given you one major example that proves you wrong, but here you are again, railing against the facts with your "Rethuglikkkans BAD!" bullshit.
When a congresscriitter votes to raise the minimum wage, he/she isn’t giving some benefit to low-wage workers: he/she is trying to require OTHER PEOPLE to grant a benefit to low wage workers at no cost to the congresscritter. What he/she will actually do is cost a lot of low wage workers their jobs. If a particular congresscritter opposes that, I praise her for celebrating it.
why did the Republican Governor appoint a losing candidate to the open seat? I'm losing track, but didn't McSally lose, and they Kyle retire leaving her the seat. And then she lost AGAIN?
I'm also puzzled why McSally was AWOL during "stop the steal". Shouldn't McSally have been upset - like Trump- at the voter fraud? The two Senate losers in GA acted the same way.
If you'd told me in 2012 that 8 years later, we'd end up with 4 Liberal Democrats from Arizona and Georgia, I never would've believed it. I don't know who in the establishment is pushing for these lame candidates but they need to smarten up.
An excellent non-response, Puddin'.
It's been years since I posted here, so I always appreciate when the trolls self-identify.
Used to be Garage Mahal. Whatever happened to that guy? He was a slightly better caliber as I recall.
Once again, GMay is effusing ebulliently about reducing minority employment to historic lows. Sure, after Trump's record of shrinking the workforce by 2.5% I agree it's possible. But why are these right-wingers so enthusiastic about putting minorities out of work? I thought they like putting minorities to work, usually for as low a pay as possible. Or for nothing at all like prior to 1860.
Interesting how many of the right-wing commenters think Sinema's attitude of telling low wage workers to stick it where the sun don't shine
Will you please show a citation for when she said this. I missed it...
Althouse hates long responses so I try to keep things short and sweet. If there's a long list of partisan pot shots going on I don't see a need to indulge. Partisans gonna parti-san! Ideologues going to ideologize!
More facts, less fantastical rationalizing. That's the way to go.
The 11:33 and 11:34 comments came to mind, rehajm.
So no citation then. You just made it up?
The minimum wage is always $zero.
That being said. $/hr. is just on form of payment for labor. Vacation, PAID holidays, sick days, disability insurance, matched 401k, to just name a few, non-salary remuneration.
Of course Democrat Party bigwigs, are either oblivious to how payroll works, or are fully informed and intentionally lying to low-information-voters, that will never understand unintended consequences.
FFS, who gives a shit how it feels? It's a binary choice. A $15 minimum wage will do more harm than good for those minimum wage workers. Go ahead though, you'll feel better and most of them will lose their jobs. Feels and appearances have no place in government policy making.
Mike (MJB Wolf) is right. It's a curtsy, and it is adorable and transgressive and a little ill mannered.
I didn't make up a need to not interpret what two commenters are saying when they believe it's right to make fun of a vote to improve people's income/earnings. When they said to make fun of the vote, I can accept their lack of seriousness toward the workers addressed in the legislation. But just like the capitol rioters - or any number of Trump's numerous lies, you can ignore that condescending message for your own partisan purposes if you want. In fact, I fully expect that someone like you would do just that.
Walmart raised wage to fifteen around here. Result is two humans and twelve robot checkout cashiers and scarcity of floor workers.
you'd (well, i'd) Really think, that with all the money George Soros spends on trolls,
he could get some that had ANY talent at persuading
Some union wages are based upon minimum wage.
2 bedroom apt san jose 3200.00
3 bedroom apt boise id 1400.00
Regular gas at San Jose Costco 3.34
Costco, Boise, 2.62
More arguing with trolls. Time to move on.
Hey pudding head
Why does Biden spokes creature Jen Psaki never wear a mask when giving her press briefings?
Was she just seduced by Trump's machismo?
Hpudding: You are just tiresomely wrong about the status of judicial actions on the 2020 election. The summary below is dated (the Supreme court has dropped a couple of cases because the issue was "moot), but essentially correct: Few cases heard on the merits, most dropped for standing, proving little, one way or another about the election.
The report as of February 4th, 2021 shows:
There are 80 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
In 28 cases President Trump was/is the plaintiff
In 48 cases President Trump was/is not the plaintiff
In 4 cases President Trump is the defendant
21 of these cases have been decided on merits
Of the 21 cases decided on the merits, President Trump won 14 of them or two-thirds of the cases
25 cases remain active
I see it's feeding time for trolls.
Perhaps Meade had Althouse watch that 20 times, in order that she might adopt a few of those moves.
"If there's a long list of partisan pot shots going on I don't see a need to indulge. Partisans gonna parti-san! Ideologues going to ideologize!
More facts, less fantastical rationalizing. That's the way to go."
Projection isn't an argument, Sport. Do better.
Few things are more hilarious than how ridiculous the 2020 Dead Enders are when they complain about how not ALL the cases they lost were due to lack of evidence! Nope, some where lost due to lack of "standing." Lack of standing just means the lawyers did not understand or care about election LAW, i.e. whether the law could be used to mount their cases in the first place. If the former then they were incompetent. If the latter then they just brought the suit to make a political statement, i.e. a publicity stunt. Either way, a pretty pathetic way to protest the outcomes of their anti-democratic efforts. Nope, Trump and his childish followers could win very little on either account. Either they lied and didn't care about the facts or just thought they could sue their litigious way into stealing an election. Pathetic all the way around.
Enjoy those 14 out of 80 cases. I'm sure they made a huge difference in your naked attempts to disenfranchise the 81.2 million voters for the president, a full seven million more than went to the LOSER, Trump! Who lost the 2016 popular vote as well!
Republicans have lost 7 of the last EIGHT national popular votes! One would think they'd have accommodated themselves to their loser status a little better by now. Just as their policies are unpopular (which makes sense, Republicans can't point to a single one that they're proud of or that has done anything for America), they are also incapable of producing any well-liked national leaders. Sad!
Though many of the arguments for early voting and against voter ID laws frequently cite minorities' voting access, nonwhites' views of the two policies don't differ markedly from those of whites. Seventy-seven percent of nonwhites favor both policies, while whites favor each at 81%.
Proposals to require voters to show photo identification before being allowed to vote draw overwhelming support. By 77% to 20%, voters favor a requirement that those voting be required to show photo ID.
A separate Pew Hispanic Center survey finds that 71% of Latino registered voters say that voters should be required to show an official photo ID before they vote.
The study revealed that “Strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any subgroup defined by age, gender, race, or party affiliation.”
The only people who oppose photo ID requirements are people who want to disenfranchise all voters, by enabling vote fraud to steal elections
Hpudding asked for "More facts"
Fact: Under eight years of Obama's policies the real per capita income of the bottom quintile decreased by 0.6% ($13,874 in 2008 to $13,789 in 2016.)
Fact: under three years of Trump's policies the real per capita income of the bottom quintile increased by 10.8% ($13,789 in 2016 to $15286 in 2019.)
Fact: Since 1967, the real per capita income of the bottom quintile has increased 42%. ($10,738 to $15,286).
Fact: The real income under of the bottom 20% grew more in three years under Trump (10.8%) than the 44 years From 1972-2016 (10.2%, from $12,512 to $13,789)
Fact: Income inequality, as measured by the GINI coefficient, decreased in 2019.
Source: https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2020/demo/p60-270.html
Table A4.
Conclusion: raising the minimum wage is not a requirement for increasing the real income of the poorest Americans.
There no such thing as a "national popular vote. There can't be, until such time as every State has the exact same rules for elections and voting.
So, when you're ready for:
1: Strict Photo Id requirements
2: Strict poll watching requirements (as in, we can send poll watchers to every single polling places and monitor every single count, as close as we want)
3: No absentee voting other than for very limited causes
4: No ballot harvesting
5: All ballots must be received before the polls close, including mail in ballots
6: No every voting other than the limited absentee balloting 9it's Election Day, not election month)
Then we'll talk about a "national popular vote"
Until then? FOAD
Trumpies are so sad. If only they could think for themselves, things might be better for them. But they have no choice but to believe every lie that comes out of his mouth, no matter how outrageous. No independent thinking at all! Sad!
There goes Greg the traitor again, trying to disenfranchise the 82 million Biden voters. He can't find a single local Republican official who would agree with Trump Team claims of fraud. Not a single one. Just RNC officials who censure any Republican who supported or voted to impeach the ringleader of Trump's Terrorist attack on America's capitol! Sad! Groupthink at its worst, supporting allegiance to the tyrant.
Bills to restrict voting hours on Sundays or make it a misdemeanor to provide food/water to people waiting in long lines at the polls are not about the myth of "security," and never were. Republicans just want to control who can vote because as Rand Paul said, that he might not control branches of government that way!
The national loser of the popular vote doesn't necessarily lose the office (just in the overwhelming majority of cases), it's just an indicator of how much the nation hates him. How unfit he is to lead or unite the country. Republicans like Greg the traitor who defend and weasel around that fact are just expressing how strongly they feel about ending democracy and granting to a tyrant who only represents land and farms and small towns and the fewer Americans who live there than elsewhere. A shrinking whites only minority rule!
Everyone can see that you want to restrict the vote. Just look at Trump's call to Brad Raffensperger! "Find the votes!" LOL. So corrupt and mob-like. Can't wait til he's in prison.
Poll watchers were allowed, what they want is voter intimidation. And Republicans were the ones who pushed for widespread absentee voting.
States don't all have to have "the same rules," nor would they have to if the national popular vote legally determined the winner. States have rights, but I understand that you're as interested in restricting those as much as you are in restricting the right of the people TO vote! (Except for right-wing dictators).
"Notice that even congressional Republicans have never proposed doing away with the minimum wage entirely. Are they stupid and immature to take that position? "
No, but I'll tell you one thing they are: miserable oathbreakers. You can think having a minimum wage is a good idea, or a bad idea, but one thing you cannot do is find the slightest Constitutional warrant for the federal government to have any say in the matter
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