I wish I had a verbatim quote, because I'm interested in whether she used the word "curious" and whether she apologized for being curious.
I think we are in a very dangerous phase of cultural development if people are learning that it is wrong to become interested in things and to read and talk about notions that are not the entirely mainstream, agreed-upon stories. Are doors closing, with self-interested, cowardly people taking a stark lesson not even to consider looking at what's in there? Freedom of thought entails a freedom to explore what is out there and to get things wrong and continue in a process of learning and thinking. The message should not be don't take any side roads because, later on, people may see that you journeyed that way, and they'll regard you as tainted and shun you.
Greene seems to have gone wrong not by being curious, but by passing undigested material along without processing it through her own critical thinking. I haven't read much of the stuff she posted, but I did see the one Facebook post with something about the Rothschilds and California wildfires. It looks like the kind of text that naive people copy and paste because the text itself demands that it be copied and pasted. Quick! It's important! That is so dumb. But the nitwits who do it are probably not malicious. They may think they are helping and not even recognize the signs of, say, anti-Semitism.
That kind of reckless text propagation is dangerous too, but the solution is not to punish and control people even more and to shut down their curiosity and path of intellectual exploration. It is to encourage people to go deeper and to generate their own questions about everything they read and to keep going. Don't vouch for anything you don't know! Maintain sharp awareness of what you actually know, which often is just that you have only read something, and not that it's true.
Freezing and focusing on Marjorie Taylor Greene is not going to save us. And by the way, isn't this whole MTG kerfuffle about saving Liz Cheney? You need a prisoner to do a prisoner exchange.
१३३ टिप्पण्या:
She was just experimenting with Qanon. Now that it cost her something tangible, she regrets her youthful indiscretions. Good for her.
That's is good.
A prisoner exchange. Did not see that coming.
"I think we are in a very dangerous phase of cultural development if people are learning that it is wrong to become interested in things and to read and talk about notions that are not the entirely mainstream, agreed-upon stories."
Amen, sister Althouse. (The science is settled...)
My esteem of her is lower as a result of this walk-back. She owes no one an explanation or apology for whatever her interests were. Maybe we should cancel every congressman who has ever looked at porn.
Perhaps we need a tag saying "the Overton Window is closed".
This the chinification of our society. The next phase will be rampant snitching.
I am not Curious.
Am I Yellow?
Welcome to 2021.
"The message should not be
No, it shouldn't. And you are doing you part to create a free space and set a good example. I appreciate it, truly.
But you have also been cruelly neutral when the culture war was raging about you, and you also abstained on the one occasion where the right choice could have made a difference. Multiply by a couple of million, and add fearful prog fellow travelers slightly to your left, and you see how liberal women have aided and abetted the purge that is now upon us.
I think we are in a very dangerous phase of cultural development if people are learning that it is wrong to become interested in things and to read and talk about notions that are not the entirely mainstream, agreed-upon stories. Are doors closing, with self-interested, cowardly people taking a stark lesson not even to consider looking at what's in there? Freedom of thought entails a freedom to explore what is out there and to get things wrong and continue in a process of learning and thinking. The message should not be don't take any side roads because, later on, people may see that you journeyed that way, and they'll regard you as tainted and shun you.
I agree. On the surface things certainly seems to be moving away from the spirit of freedom of speech, thought, and expression these days. There seems to be a strong desire from the elite and powerful to tamp down any thought that is viewed as dangerous. There's even serious discusion of establishing a "Reality Czar" to officially determine what is "true" according the government's judgement, which of course is almost literally a Ministry of Truth.
I have no idea where all this is going and if there will ever be a truly meaningful pushback against it. But as of right now it doesn't seem like things are going to be getting better any time soon, just the opposite.
Progressivism relies on control. It is anti-freedom. How can you be certain of what the future of humanity will be if you allow people the freedom to make the future?
I have no idea what the GOP on the national level believes in terms of policy.
Right now it’s just opposition to the Dems and personality issues.
If you're curious about Q - off to the gallows!
You shall be silenced!
Meanwhile- chuck Schumer can get away with actual threats of violence to the Sitting Supreme Court Justices.
When will MAD Maxine Waters and little girl with the big mouth from the Bronx (really Westchester County) apologize for their lies and incitement of hatred and violence. Until that happens, who cares about what MTG said. AOC lied and said Ted Cruz wanted her murdered. Then she tried to claim the Capitol police officer who went to her office to check on her was giving her funny eyes. She is a drama queen that the press made into a little Democratic star and she is a fool.
Will all of the democrats who supported Antifa thuggery be asked to recant their support?
mccullough said...
I have no idea what the GOP on the national level believes in terms of policy.
Right now it’s just opposition to the Dems and personality issues.
2/4/21, 10:18 AM
No. They cave to Democrats every single time. They held a SECRET vote for the Cheney fiasco, because they don't want their constituents to know how much they are hated.
Shorter Democrat: There is NO sexual exploitation of children. Bill Clinton assures us all. and the splooge on Monica's blue dress? why - that splooge was planted there by the Russians... and Jill Stein.
and Tulsi!
How come it’s Republicans who are having these discussions about “curiosity” and exploration of non-mainstream thinking? Living in the Bay Area, I am surrounded by highly educated, smart liberals (I say that without sarcasm), many of whom once were iconoclastic, funny people. Now they don’t dare voice anything at variance with the party line.
If the collective left want to inspire hate and violence- they get a pass.
If they want to Maddow-Hillary lie to anyone who will buy it (the hivemind) those lies are all A-OK!
Biden family international grifting is all... RUSSIAN LIES!
I can see her personal add now:
SWF, Q-curious, I like long walks on the beach, sunsets, monster trucks and Trump rallies. Looking for my long lost brother.
mccullough said...I have no idea what the GOP on the national level believes in terms of policy.
Right now it’s just opposition to the Dems and personality issues.
Trump's policy approach was clear, consistent, and effective when allowed to do its thing. The heart and soul of the Republican Party is still Trump and will be for a long time.
The idea that it is just anti-Democrats is ridiculous.
What is "the qanon conspiracy theory" (singular)
I don't follow them much but it seems like there are at least a couple dozen.
Is there one that is particularly problematic?
If so, which one?
John Henry
This isn’t new. Colleges and Universities have been promoting book, speech, and idea burning for decades, and enforcing heavy penalties.
The Democrats want to strip MTG her of committee positions so she can’t speak and ask questions during their upcoming inquisitions. She’s a loose cannon. Good. We need some fearless loose cannons from Trump Country. The left defends and embraces ALL their bat shit crazy members. The GOP are such pussies.
“I think we are in a very dangerous phase of cultural development if people are learning that it is wrong to become interested in things and to read and talk about notions that are not the entirely mainstream.”
This is beyond baffling to me, particularly when it comes from people who purport to be liberal/progressive/left-wing. I’m 41 - it’s not anything like long ago to me that people like me had to hide or play down our support of gay rights in mainstream circles. 2008 Barack Obama had to do it, for crying out loud. It is only because there was space to talk about these non-mainstream ideas that things changed. I grew up lionizing the other cultural heroes, MLK, Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Dorothea Dix, and so on, who dared to buck the mainstream. We were told “question everything.” What is this attitude that thinks the mainstream is suddenly so infallible?
Who in the GOP in Congress is actually pushing Trump’s policies?
Most of his policies were done by executive order or administrative rule-making.
Trump pushed for $2,000 Covid stimulus checks. McConnell said no.
The GOP is not pushing to get out of Afghanistan.
The GOP is not pushing to disengage economically from China.
Trump is gone. Is there anyone effective in Congress pushing for these policies? They didn’t even get through when the GOP controlled Congress.
Repos and demmies have to "buy" committee seats via fundraising for the party. A seat on a b level committee might cost $5mm. A seat on an A level committee $1mm or more. A chair as much as $5mm.
So if she loses committee seats is she relieved of fundraising obligations?
If I was a congressman I'd take that deal.
John Henry
I agree with everything you wrote, Ann.
The selective shunning of nitwits only goes one way.
Plenty of nitwits and out and out lying goes on, on the left, too. To a larger damaging extent, & the media file in lock-step to push the lies, excuse the lies, or ignore and hide the lies.
None of that is to defend MTG, who I have strenuously avoided learning anything about. I assume she’s kooky, but she’s hardly the first.
$500m ($500,000) not $5mm for a b level committee
John Henry
The Liz Cheney’s of the GOP long for the old days when we actually believed and trusted her old man Dick and the Bush Clan. Now we know they are just war mongering assholes that lied their way into Iraq.
Hopefully Matt Gaetz can get Wyoming to wake up in 2022. They are pissed at her impeachment vote. Liz Cheney is currently being censured by local county GOP.
The problem is that a lot of these folks are dumb enough that they're only willing to consider that they're wrecklessly undermining truth and reasonable thinking when they have to face consequences. We had one recently defending '3REICH' and 'FUHRER' plates with the ridiculous idea that maybe those were last names (I'm happy to get into why that was so ridiculous,kind of frighteningly that's likely necessary).You don't get to say crazy things and then not be stained by them. That's as it should be.
"I think we are in a very dangerous phase of cultural development..."
Paul said it this way: "You must understand this, that in the last days distressing times will come. For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to the outward form of godliness but denying its power.... who are always being instructed and can never arrive at a knowledge of the truth."
Turn away from such.
And by the way, isn't this whole MTG kerfuffle about saving Liz Cheney? You need a prisoner to do a prisoner exchange.
@Althouse, so you do understand Republican internal politics!
Liz Cheney needs to go hunting with her Daddy.
"I think we are in a very dangerous phase of cultural development if people are learning that it is wrong to become interested in things and to read and talk about notions that are not the entirely mainstream, agreed-upon stories."
Oh, you do, do you? Good thing you sat out the last election. Now maybe you'd better just sit down and shut up. The New Owners might not like hearing your opinions.
Isn't it interesting how "Question Authority" and "Dissent is Patriotic" have recently become Right-wing bumper stickers?
"Co-Exist" still remains safely lefty, though, since it involves forcing mostly other faiths to put up with Muslims who would do them harm, and doesn't involve any lefties having to "co-exist" with any evil political ideologies, like Republicans.
Paul also said, "By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
I would prefer that our political and social leaders were of this kind and character, rather than the other.
I think it might be more useful and illuminating when discussing and thinking about our current state of affaris to abandon descriptors like "left" and "right". To me these days it seems like there are those in positions of power and those who are not. There are populists and globalists. There are the rulers and the ruled. And among the ruled, there are those who follow and those who resist.
I mean, what exactly is "right wing" about the vast majority of current GOP Senate and House members? What policies are they currently championing that could reasonably be described as "conservative"? And what values are the supposedly liberal Democrats pushing forth that could fairly be described as actually classically liberal ideas?
This isn't left versus right anymore. Those are just terms that are useful for keeping the masses divided.
Piglegged Pescador wrote:
You don't get to say crazy things and then not be stained by them. That's as it should be.
Apparently you feel threatened when people are free to say crazy things. Also, you don't think of this as your problem, but a problem for the people you believe are saying crazy things.
I feel bad for you.
Why hasn't Q been doxxed, outed, even arrested for inciting the Capitol riot?
Why hasn't the person behind Q been exposed? Something doesn't pass the smell train.
"Freedom of thought entails a freedom to explore what is out there and to get things wrong and continue in a process of learning and thinking. "
Henceforth your betters will do your thinking for you.
Liz Cheney is dead to me.
I’m still curious about the China virus coming from a laboratory rather than a wet market. I’m really curious about whether or not is slipped out, or was released on purpose.
I’m very curious about Andrew Cuomo and other Democrat governors using the early days of COVID to empty out their nursing homes to either ramp up the death numbers quickly, and perhaps to even save money.
I’m curious about how much BLM money goes to Democrat candidates through Act Blue.
I’m curious about the massive election fraud in 2020 that installed our first executive order dictator. I'm curious as to how many establishment rulers are actually "elected" through fraud.
I’m curious about who really planned the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol.
I’m curious as to how much unreported Chi-Com money has infiltrated our Universities and Gov’t.
I’m curious if Liz Cheney’s Dad KNEW Saddam didn’t have WMDs. I think he knew.
I’m curious as to how many people in power were being blackmailed by Jeffrey Epstein.
There’s a lot of dangerous shit to be curious about. This isn’t about Q-Anon or Marjorie Taylor Greene.
This is about making sure you don’t demand answers to the wrong questions.
Althouse knows the fear of asking the wrong questions. Take the election fraud for example.
That's why you ought to be allowed to write the n-word. The fragility of blacks is something you can't talk about.
That pretty much keeps blacks out of the mainstream. A strange, stupid and easily offended tribe is what they're made out to be to whites.
The only real people left are white men.
Funny how this works
I rate Quriosity right up there with pee-tapes and Kavanaugh's accusers. Same wheelhouse, but no less partisan.
Well perhaps there were, but empowering iranian backed militias like the badr wasnt worth the effort.
She didn't inhale.
Being curious about far-fetched conspiracy theories is not the same as accepting such theories uncritically and passing them on as facts. The former is healthy, the latter is nuts.
Not enough people see that the worst part of this story is the capitulation being forced on Wrongthink, compared to whatever the hell Greene said or thought or pondered for even 5 seconds.
Telling people which opinions they are allowed to have is authoritarian bullshit that has no place in a country founded upon individual rights endowed by Our Creator and not by our government. Full stop. We have GOT to regain control of this movement because it's already out of control.
In a social media world, this type of monolithic public scorn IS the torches and pitchforks of days past. It's all they need today.
You mean like this
The real parkland story how doj and doe collaborated to protect the shooter how the local authorities did nothing to protect the students is much scarier
Same with the pulse shooting they kept 5he shooter off the radar because his father was an fbi snitch who frankly i cant find any evidence he provided any info.
On NPR last night I caught a news bulletin to the effect that the claim that COVID came from Wuhan is . . .
On the BBC (tv) this morning, the newstart was badgering the head of a religious freedom organization to quit bashing China over all these unproven rumors about Uighur oppression.
Is it OK to call the Quran a conspiracy theory?
Then they came up with the narrative he was a closeted gay muslim, they ignored the incitement was arising from the local imam for years, the bodyguard for the sheikh who trained him any possible accomplices he may have met on his hajj.
What is "the QAnon conspiracy theory"?
Puzzling messages were posted on the Internet by someone who seems to be President Trump or someone very close to Trump.
The messages are riddles, often ambiguous. They are like Delphic Oracle messages.
The essence of the messages seems to be that Trump's supporters should support him, because he has the dire situation under control. Trump will prevail.
Exactly how is this a "conspiracy theory"?
Suppose, for the sake of argument, that QAnon is Eric Trump writing these messages. Suppose further that his father Donald Trump knows about this and even contributes an occasional tidbit, using the alias QAnon+.
That's what I think. Suppose I am correct.
I suppose that arrangement could be called a "conspiracy". Eric Trump and Donald Trump are "conspiring" to send out these puzzling messages, to be read by people who like to read, decrypt and discuss them.
So what?
It's a conspiracy merely to send out puzzling messages to encourage people to trust Donald Trump.
What's the harm of looking into and discussing that phenomenon?
Is it wrong to study and discuss historical writings about the Delphic Oracle? If someone does that, then is he a "conspiracy theorist"?
Qanon has always been a troll by the chans, like the OK sign as a symbol of white power politics. A guy named Microchip who put similar effort into trying to drive up the value of bitcoin during the bubble tried to convince people he was Q, but failed.
But our Congress has a point. We could stop a lot of the divisiveness on both sides of the aisle caused by these nasty elections if we simply allowed the Party to appoint our representatives, with the ability to play well with others and zero tolerance for disinformation at the top of the criteria list.
Mark Steyn covers her and our new "post-political order" in the opening of Rush today.
You see why i wrote my novella because a whe lot of the story didnt make sense, comung out of yemen
The part that hsbc deutsch bank bananex play in the global laundry and who enable it through scant enforcement that gleeson comey mueller et al. Add pat fitzgerald for larry nassar
On the other hand, suppose that QAnon is a hoax. Someone is pretending to be Donald Trump -- or someone close to Donald Trump -- and is posting these puzzling messages on the Internet.
That is very possible.
So what?
The essence of the messages still seems to be that people should trust Donald Trump, because he has the dire situation under control and will prevail.
Sure that is a strange hoax.
Another strange hoax is that QAnon has been turned into such a boogieman.
They pay a pittance 100 million dollars on billions washed and dried, but these honorable men all are to be trusted.
Our next installed Ruler Kamala Harris initially believed, defended, and promoted the Jussie Smollett MAGA attack hoax. I didn’t. I’ll bet Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t either.
The current red headed White House Press Secretary believed and promoted the Russia collusion hoax. I didn’t. I’ll bet Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t either.
The MSM and Joe Biden believed and promoted the “fine people” hoax from Charlottesville. I didn’t. I’ll bet Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t either.
Liberals still believe the “drink bleach” hoax. I didn’t. I’ll bet Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t either.
Liberals believed Hydroxychloroquine would kill you. I didn’t. I’ll bet Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t either.
Half of America believes the COVID numbers are real and not manipulated. I don’t. And I’ll bet Marjorie Taylor Green doesn’t either.
I’ll go out on a limb and bet the vast majority of GA 14th Congressional District never bought into the bullshit I’ve listed above.
But Marjorie Taylor Green is a nit-wit, and her constituents just racist red-necks . Right. Got it.
Take marc elias who laundered the beer. Hat of a suspected russian spy through a burnt spy who worked for the same russian oligarch that made manafort suspicious.
Most of those other beliefs have had consequences often fatal in not insignificant numbers
This whole kerfuffle is designed to distract us from the fact that joe Biden is reporting to work from 5-7 pm each day and the bureaucracy is running amok. Amok is a great word borrowed from Malay to describe insurrectionists. Bureaucrats pointing fingers at Trumpists literally running amok so we won’t notice bureaucrats are figuratively running amok. Can’t wait to see the DoD white supremacy report compiled during the 60 day “halt.”
If you can't write the n-word, the terrorists have won.
You see just a few examples of whats tuled out of bounds, parkland was a crisis 'enabled' and then exploited by government and media.
As far as I know, QAnon disappeared from the Intenet many months ago -- like, more than a year ago.
Maybe I'm wrong about that. It's my understanding that QAnon was deplatformed by Reddit or Ichan -- or whatever the platform was -- many months ago. I followed QAnon indirectly, via Praying Medic. I stopped watching Praying Medic videos, so I lost touch.
It's not impossible that someone else -- not the original person -- recently began posting QAnon messages again. It's all a mystery, with plenty of potential for new hoaxes.
I speculate that the original QAnon was Eric Trump, but that -- if someone is posting QAnon messages now -- someone else might have taken over the project.
Who gives a farthing, you have actual enablers of terrorism and destruction of lives and property, but mccarthy couldnt deign to mention that in other than oblique ways.
Cant address anything of substance
Or call a liar a liar
Look, if she doesn’t have the courage to take a stand against the Hebrew Space Laser, we don’t want or need her in our movement.
Who needs Q-Anon when we have MSNBC.
That was bin ladens favorite channel.
Very stable people
Althouse: Freezing and focusing on Marjorie Taylor Greene is not going to save us. And by the way, isn't this whole MTG kerfuffle about saving Liz Cheney? You need a prisoner to do a prisoner exchange.
Liz Cheney does not need to be saved but Kevin (You can call me Charlie) McCarthy needs to be replaced by a Conservative with ethics, whose Dad was super-conservative Dick Cheney, to turn the Republican Party away from Trump worshipers now being led by the nose ring in the hands of Margorie Taylor Green (R-Qanon) and her bunch of always pissed-off MAGA co-members in the so-called Freedom Caucus including Gym Jordan (R-OSU), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Lauren Boebert (R-CO).
Shes been bring torches and the pitch since 1991,
I agree with Mike Sylwester above - this whole QAnon thing is way overblown, and is only known by the general audience because politicians and the media find it a convenient way to tar anyone who questions pretty much anything in DC as a "conspiracy theorist" aka "nut job".
It's Psyops, from the same *actual* nut jobs who pushed an *actual* conspiracy theory that was in *actual* fact 100% fiction.
So pardon me for not giving a shit what any of these people think about anything.
Gadfly - Well - you have the anti-Semetic "Squad" of liars and fakers in your corner.
The Democrats are not seeking to sanction MTG for being curious about Q. Surprising that AA would post this a day after proudly posting, "Honestly, I don't even know what she said. Okay, I'm setting my timer for 1 minute and will look only that long. . . . I have nothing to add. I did spend that minute reading things."
At least the "Q-Anon" speculations never were widely spread by Netflix -- unlike the 2005-2009 "Loose Change" (9-11 "hoax") conspiracies so popular until Obama was elected.
Surprising me, none of Obama's more fervent supporters condemn him for continuing the "cover-up" of the Bush government's complicity in the 9-11 coup. It's almost like either (a) Obama is just as bad as Bush or (b) the whole inside-job notion was a deliberate malicious and knowingly unfounded political attack on Bush and the Republican establishment.
I suppose we'll never know the real truth.
Or appoint a 9/11 denialist like van jones as climate czar or something, the 9/11 left much out of the story that the 28 pages filled in.
The collusion between Biden/Son of Biden, Fourth Estate, Leftist causes (e.g. labor and environmental arbitrage, Planned Parent/hood, re-education camps, progressive prices, wars without borders) and the CCP and other foreign parties? 17 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, JournoListic braying, and protests including insurrections and incitements to violence in progress? #InStorkTheyTrust
I don't recall NPR interviewing a "Q-Anon" analyst as they have a "Loose Change" promoter.
not crazy at all:
Blogger mccullough said...I have no idea what the GOP on the national level believes in terms of policy. Right now it’s just opposition to the Dems and personality issues.
If there is no difference, why does Biden need to issue so many executive pronouncements?
You'd best stick to chainsaws.
I miss John Stuart Mill.
First of all, Liz is nothing but Dick in a dress (your joke here).
They are both globalist war-mongers who hold the profit margins of the military-industrial complex above doing what's best for American citizens.
Hopefully she will be primaried. Not so terrible for her as I'm sure she'd be on the board of Raytheon in a heartbeat.
"Why hasn't Q been doxxed, outed, even arrested for inciting the Capitol riot?
Why hasn't the person behind Q been exposed? Something doesn't pass the smell train."
As long as Q doesn't make an internet video, 'he' is safe.
its rather striking what they focus on, and what they ignore, any economic or political liberties are out of consideration, but squirrels chase them as if they were real,
Freezing and focusing on Marjorie Taylor Greene is not going to save us. And by the way, isn't this whole MTG kerfuffle about saving Liz Cheney? You need a prisoner to do a prisoner exchange. (redux)
Latest news is that the Democrats will remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committees anyway. Those Republicans who thought they were swapping her committee assignments for Liz Cheney may have given up something for nothing.
MTG standing in front of Congress today...she looked rough. Gone is the belligerence, wearing a mask so the smirk is gone too, limp hair, looking disheveled. She is going to play the contrite confused dabbler in QAnon for a while, until she feels safe to be her obnoxious self again. She doesn’t play the victim of internet conspiracy theories very convincingly, she thinks Americans are stupid (some are) and will believe her schtick.
Liz Cheney comported herself as a dignified statesperson.
Quelle surprise
The lecture from Russia Russia Inag is brought to us in part by her bad faith and complete hypocrisy.
So Russia Russia Inag - Is there any sexual exploitation of children? Careful - if you amswer "yes" - you might be a Q-anon plant. Or a Rachel Maddow believing loser.
gadfly said, " Conservative with ethics,"
You wouldn't know what ethics were if they grew teeth and bit you in the dick.
“Is there any sexual exploitation of children? Careful - if you amswer "yes" - you might be a Q-anon plant.”
“...she think Americans are stupid (some are) and will believe her schtick.”
Now they don’t dare voice anything at variance with the party line.
In 1984 it was actually safer to be a prole than to be a member of the Party.
so those carbon taxes maccaroni saddled the country with, didn't actually solve the problem,
true, the inner party was considered untrustworthy, you could ask yezhov, yagoda and beria, but you might have to wait, some like pyatov were so enthusiastic, they over confessed to,
You don't get to say crazy things and then not be stained by them. That's as it should be.
And just who gets to determine what is and is not crazy? You?
crazy like a fox,
so you can incite riots against major cities, you can speak in favor of hamas and al shahaab, you can be a literal fraud,
I see Russia Russia Inag is unwilling to answer a basic question.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
"I see Russia Russia Inag is unwilling to answer a basic question."
You may need to illustrate it with crayon on brown paper.
MTG standing in front of Congress today...she looked rough. Gone is the belligerence, wearing a mask so the smirk is gone too, limp hair, looking disheveled.
Sounds like Nurse Ratched and her friends are enjoying their power.
I will not submit. So go fuck yourselves.
"I will not submit. So go fuck yourselves."
"The Turtle moves."
Those who know, understand.
"I like the stock."
Those who know, understand.
"You can do that, but it is wrong."
Those who know, understand.
"I regret that I have but one life to give for my country."
Those who know, understand.
"I will not submit. So go fuck yourselves."
Yeah, not as literary, but it still gets the point across.
I haven't seen the original of what Ms Taylor-Greene posted but I think conflating a post about Jerry Brown conspiring with financiers to start wildfires to make way for his high speed train project with anti-semitic memes is a stretch. Crazy, yes - anti-semitic, no.
I grew up with people who didn't know the Rothchilds were Jewish- they were more concerned about the Pope controlling John F Kennedy's policies.
I am willing to have Ms Taylor Greene judged by her peers so long as they also judge Ms Tlaib and Ms Omar for their clear anti-Semitism, Adam Schiff for his Russian collusion speculations and and Mr. Swallwell for consorting with Chinese spies in considering their committee assignments. Since they won't, I defend her right to sit on committees.
I too am disappointed that MTG has sort of walked this back, if in fact she has. Typical GOPe "lose with dignity" crap.
And no, the Dems are not about to do the same with anyone on their side. That's not the point. The point is to push those who disagree with them into a corner and use it against them, and apply pressure where it hurts most - public opinion and with the deep pocket donors. Anything to gain some leverage over them.
What MTG should have said was, "I don't care" and moved on.
“ Surprising that AA would post this a day after proudly posting, "Honestly, I don't even know what she said. Okay, I'm setting my timer for 1 minute and will look only that long. . . . I have nothing to add. I did spend that minute reading things."”
The topic here is apologies and freedom of thought and the package deal with Cheney. I’m skeptical of the USE of MTG and that is consistent between the two posts.
“ she looked rough... , limp hair, looking disheveled”
Whoa... sexist.
Apologizing for anything a democrat accuses you off is counter-productive. It is never accepted, it won't be moderated or forgiven, it will just be used to gain more democrat power. That's what they do, that's ALL they do.
“she looked rough... , limp hair, looking disheveled”
“Whoa... sexist”
What? Men can’t look rough and have disheveled hair? Nothing sexist about the observation.
Well. Next struggle session might be of a monkook.
I believe not one word from MSM when they "describe" what somebody said.
What MTG should have said was, "I don't care" and moved on.
@KellyM, I note that this strategy worked perfectly for Liz Cheney.
Doesnt seem kosher
MTG ,new precedent....11 non reQicans join to get her off committees(especially education)(199 aligned with Q drippings) Hatfields and McCoys open up new battlegrounds. Skys the limit going forward with banning Congress people. Yup BRAVE NEW WORLD. They ain't in Kansas anymore Dorothy! How's that unity thing going? Grim Reaper celebrates LIZ, McCarthy, ball less wonder, stumbles around the room. Gonna be exciting couple years up in there. Dems finally show some agates! AMTRACK JOE working out plans for new high speed rail. Fast and furious man. Its time to get our families $1400 nuggets on the way. Joe you got 2 reconciliations this year ,lets go, LUCKY BOY in the 5th at Belmont ready to run. :)
As I said upthread, any Republican members of the House who thought they were doing a sort of prisoner swap of Liz Cheney for Marjorie Taylor Greene got taken for a ride tonight. Will they learn?
Every politician has two ends, one for thinking and one for sitting. And since everything they have depends upon their seat, the other end gets atrophied.
Prisoner swap? I bet MGT secretly voted in conference to oust Cheney, who voted publicly in Chamber to seat MGT.
MGT may or may not have tried to apologize in conference for curiosity, but it was clear in Chamber that this was not about curiosity.
Run Amok is what water buffalo do from time to time. Even those long trained as beasts of burden just go crazy for awhile and attack everything and everyone. People there, know to stay out of the way until it's over.
You will be assimilated, resistance is futile. Fortunately for me my professional and social circles don't behave this way.
This, though, and the Liz Cheney kerfuffle are such inside the party nonsense. The Democrats have their problem members too that say crazy things (see AOC's recent attack on Senator Cruz) but they deal with them quietly or not at all. Remember too, Swalwell has an affair with a China spy and there are no consequences for him.
What the Republicans did to MGT is much more chilling and harmful to her and the district she represents. They did this, it seems, to answer complaints from Democrats. To try to build bridges, or something. Cowards all of them. Appeasement never works.
"We were told 'question everything.' What is this attitude that thinks the mainstream is suddenly so infallible?"
Erdogan captured the concept perfectly in his wonderful, dreadful statement, "Democracy is like a bus: when you reach your stop, you get off."
I still don't know what QANON is, other than the BUGABOO it is said to be.
Still haven't seen anything Ms. Greene believes that's as stupid, or leads to such disastrous consequences, as the State-cultism your average "liberal" or "progressive" believes in.
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Her social media stupidity was known to the voters before the election. It's a non-issue now except that there is a group that wallows in the gore of gang mutilation for the purpose of signalling their own sterling virtue.
Her views are none of anyone's business except her constituency. They get to decide every two years whether she has earned her seat at the table -- not her congressional rivals.
But Congressional rules let them vote on committee membership, not her constituents. So everyone voted and here we are.
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