Trial first, investigation afterwards. Kind of risky, isn't it? Just to assert that now what we need is an investigation is to make the fanfare of the last week seem, retrospectively, sketchy. We were urged to believe that we saw everything, and we know what we saw and what it all meant. Are we just supposed to forget all that and imagine we're back at square one? How can this commission dare to find things that don't synch with the prosecution's case? Was Brian Sicknick beaten to death with a fire extinguisher?
From the Forbes article:
“Of course” we need a 9/11-style commission, Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.) told ABC News’ This Week on Sunday, arguing it should be "impartial,” and “filled with people who would stand up to the courage of their conviction."
Who is impartial? And who are "people who would stand up to the courage of their conviction" who are also impartial? What does "their conviction" even mean if not that they are partial?
"There's still more evidence that the American people need and deserve to hear,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos Sunday.
Note the implication that the evidence heard at the trial was all good evidence. Nothing amiss there. Just that there's "more evidence." I doubt if Coons is open to a commission that draws the evidence presented at trial into question.
The House Managers' trial memo said "The insurrectionists killed a Capitol Police officer by striking him in the head with a fire extinguisher" — an overeager assertion that isn't holding up. How much more damage to the Insurrection Myth can American tolerate? Is the point of this commission — the one elected officials are getting bipartisan about — to shore up the legitimacy of the already-concluded proceedings?
Defending himself as one of the few GOP lawmakers to vote to convict Trump in an interview with ABC News Sunday, Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana called for “a complete investigation” including “what was known” and “who knew it” so “this never happens again in future.”
Notice how Cassidy doesn't open up the question of what "it" was, just what was known about "it" and by whom. And by the way, what did you know, Mr. Cassidy, when you chose to vote guilty when there hadn't been the investigation that you say is needed now? What I wanted to know, what I thought was the crucial question in the impeachment, was whether there was a plan to breach the Capitol and whether Trump knew about it when he gave his speech. That's the “what was known” and “who knew it” that matters to me. Why didn't it matter to you, Mr. Cassidy?
Also I'd like to know whether whether there was a plan to breach the Capitol and whether those in charge of Capitol security knew about it and, if they knew, why did they not provide adequate security? And then if there was a plan and if Trump knew about it, did he have reason to rely on Capitol security to prevent any fulfillment of whatever plan there was and to focus his intention on the free-speech-protected rally of his supporters? Were they overwhelmingly peaceful?
Though Republicans and Democrats... disagree about what the committee should focus on. On Sunday, Graham said he wanted to know if there was a “pre-planned element to the attack” while Coons wanted the commission to focus on Trump’s role in the riot and “lay bare the record just how responsible and how objectfully violating of his constitutional oath” the former president was.
You can't trust Republicans and Democrats to do this Commission properly, because they have such a strong stake in justifying what they have already done. The 9/11 Commission was given an appearance of impartiality by balancing 5 Republicans and 5 Democrats. That approach won't suffice this time.
२४७ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 247 पैकी 201 – 247Who killed Ashlii Babbit?
When after all, it was you and me.
If President Trump suggested or offered augmented security at the Capitol, and Nancy Pelosi declined, can Pelosi be shown to have enabled and abetted an insurrection?
Asking for a friend.
The American public isn't buying it.
The Regime is acting precisely like an illegitimate thugocracy would act and we all see it.l
There is no such thing as impartial, fair or honest when it comes to government anymore...if ever. The United States is flopping around and dying. All the "commissions" in the world are not going to revive it.
The US is dying with the help of too many commissions.
"And if her family brings a wrongful death action (unlikely given the shooting clearly was justified), he will be named."
-- If her shooting is justified, we basically can't ever have an unjustified shooting.
Tell me: Was Ashley armed? Was she a physical threat? Was anyone's life in immediate danger? If the shooting was justified, why did no other officer there open fire, including the ones BEHIND the unarmed woman who let her walk by them?
This is one of the clearest unjustified shootings we've had in a long time. But, hey, she was on the wrong team, so let's just pretend it was totally cool.
Also: If the argument is that shooting her was justified, every other security officer there needs to be fired. They were in a situation where lethal force was justified and required, and they were derelict in their duties. If you honestly believe this shooting was justified, every last officer and security personnel there, from the people on the ground to Capitol Police leadership, failed. We should be seeing heads roll.
The simple fact is: Not even the other officers who were there clearly thought that shooting was justified *or they'd have shot too.*
Maybe Joe will visit the spot where Bernell Trammel was killed.
If I recall, the barricade was still up when she was shot. Try shooting someone who is pounding on your door, but who has yet to breach in, who is not armed, and has not threatened you and see if you get off with it being justified.
It wasn't considered "justified" by most of the people on the left when home owners just brandished weapons at a riotous mob who had broke through a gate to siege that one couple's house. But shooting this other person is justified?
I'm not buying it.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe: "If it's found that Nancy blew it because Trump wanted more security that day, and she said no -"
Trump made 10,000 troops available to DC several days prior to Jan 6 and both Nancy Pelosi and the DC mayor, who are responsible and have authority for capital security, refused that assistance.
Almost as if they wanted to make sure there would not be any real force to stop the crowd from waltzing on in.....along with the security that was there standing back and letting the crowd waltz on in....
Thats why the mere threat of calling both those morons as witnesses slammed shut the short lived Soviet desire to call witnesses during Shampeachment II Electric Boogaloo.
Shades of the post-obamacare passage walk by Nancy and her Soviet minions past anti-obamacare protestors and then lying about people using the N-Word and spitting on congresspersons....with a thousand cameras running from every angle showing none of that ever happened.
Which was baby-stepping childs play for our Soviets who spiked the Hunter Biden/crackhead/underage girls/ChiCom+Putin pal funded hack as well as telling us 30 cities on fire and 60 dead and $2Billion in damages from antifa/BLM rioting...never even happened at all.
"Trump made 10,000 troops available to DC several days prior to Jan 6 and both Nancy Pelosi and the DC mayor, who are responsible and have authority for capital security, refused that assistance."
-- It's worse than that. Bowser accepted on the condition that the Guard deployed without weapons (lethal or nonlethal) and without body armor. She wouldn't accept them as actual protection, but she WOULD accept them as potential bloody shirts to wave.
Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.
Also: If it is determined the shooting of Ashli Babbit is justified, that's going to be an interesting standard to apply to all shootings. Rittenhouse walks; nearly every police shooting over the past few years walks. Hell, the ones where the suspect was on the ground are probably justified if Babbit was justified.
Is that the precedent we really want?
Not clear whether you're asking about the woman he walked in with, who is Jade Sacker:
JUST IN: Republicans have written a letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding answers as to why she denied a request to activate the NG ahead of Jan. 6, and why it took her over an hour while the attack was on-going to approve a request to authorize the NG
walter: "JUST IN: Republicans have written a letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding answers as to why she denied a request to activate the NG ahead of Jan. 6, and why it took her over an hour while the attack was on-going to approve a request to authorize the NG"
Uh oh.
McConnell and Schumer and Romney and 85% of the now Well-On-its-Way-To-Full-Lincoln-Project-Status National Review are NOT going to like that.
At all.
According to the recent TIME article bragging about stealing the election, Democrats ordered their Antifa paramilitaries not to show up on Jan. 6th and fight with Trump supporters, which would look bad.
They were only allowed to appear if they put on a red Trump MAGA-hat and rioted while pretending to be Trump supporters. Antifa obeyed the orders because Democrats control their funding. That’s why you saw no clashes on the streets. Pelosi forbade it.
99% of the fighting and property damage at the Capitol was done by False Flag Antifas, agent provocateurs staged there as a Trump-trap by Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser. He didn't see it coming because his brain doesn't work like these career criminals and perverts.
The FBI/DOJ is trying to hide those MAGA-hatted Antifa goons who were arrested by padding them with as many non-violent Trump protesters as possible, charging them as trespassers--if you can call somebody a trespasser who was invited and ushered into the building by Capitol Police, who held the door for them.
This isn't law enforcement; it is Police State Narrative-making. It's a purely political prosecution. The FBI/CIA/DOJ Apparatus engineered this Election Coup along with most of the crooked politicians inside the Capitol. They stole the votes of those protestors--and now they're framing them for the crime they themselves committed: Overthrowing an American Election.
It is the dream of all criminal syndicates; to frame the innocent victims and walk away "free as a bird", as Bill Ayers put it.
Well Drago, right above that tweet is:
BREAKING: The Lincoln Project's fundraising page has been shut down following multiple reports of sexual misconduct -NY
independent said...
Greg - You're overthinking it. And you're wrong. Which explains why NOBODY agrees with your interpretation (excluding a few morons on this blog of course)
I've following the law, and the claim meaning of the words as written. Which is why I'm right, and your'e full of sh!t.
Offices UNDER the US are appointed offices.
As Seth Barrett Tillman and Josh Blackmun have been pointing out for some time now.
And that fact that the only "response" to them is tantrums from morons like you shows that they, and I, are right.
"No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States"
All of these things are different, which is why they are all included.
Learn how to read, and to think. The Presidency isn't included there. Therefore this section doesn't apply to it
BTW, in case anyone's forgotten Senator Rack Coons was the big buddy of Flakey Jeff Flake. And he's working with Mittens on several Bills. Seems like he has a thing for back-stabbing Republican Mormons who hate their own voters. Maybe all three are in the closet. If you know what i mean.
We are at a political impasse with no resolution. The only thing we sane folks can do is to construct a separate, parallel society. Start with schools. No parent should have to let their children hear the kinds of 'lessons' being hammered into little heads today even in kindergarten. Then our own law enforcement and our own city and county governments.
I always get a Gay, effeminates vibe from Mitt Romney. If we found out he's like a Ken Doll and has no balls or a penis, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe should say Effeminate Gay because some Gays are macho. which Mitt Romney isn't. Since Althouse was interested in Trump having female attributes or speech patterns maybe she could analyze Mitt Romney, who seems to act and think like a woman. And I don't mean that as a compliment to women.
"We are at a political impasse with no resolution. The only thing we sane folks can do is to construct a separate, parallel society."
Of course, the Center-right could FIGHT, but they have no stomach for that. You know why we've reached this "Impasse" its because the Left will fight and organize when they have 3 people or 30 million and the Right WILL NOT. And if you think the Left is going to allow you to set up your "Separate society" think again. They aren't going to let us alone, anymore than Hitler let the Jews alone, or Stalin let the Kulacks alone.
Its surrender and submit. OR Fight. The left is giving us only 2 choices.
"Republicans have written a letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding answers as to why she denied a request to activate the NG ahead of Jan. 6, and why it took her over an hour while the attack was on-going to approve a request to authorize the NG"
Huh. Interesting. So why weren't ASKING about this one week ago? Two weeks ago? Three weeks ago? Oh, that's right. They wanted to destroy trump. Now that the impeachment sham is over, NOW they're asking QUESTIONS.
What is the point of having republicans in the house? From what I can tell, it doesn't matter whether Pelosi had 430 members or 219. Give her a 1 vote majority, and she rules completely. And McCarthy does NOTHING. He won't even fight for Trump or MTG. He's worthless.
How about a Commission to investigate all civil disorder in America, beginning with the death of George Floyd and ending on January 6? Participants would have to swear to use the same investigative rigor for all episodes of disorder and to apply the same standards and language to all cases. But then, Progressive Democrats might agree to that - but they would never do it. To them the only truth, the only justice, and the only love is "revolutionary truth," i.e. the Progressive narrative. Anything else is false, unfair, and stems from hatred. The words have no other meaning.
@ Matt Sablan's comments re: the murder of Ashlee - excellent analysis
The left's standard is - how dare she be there. The leftists there, like Mr. Sullivan - if he was shot, the left would be going bananas.
Democrats need to be reminded that more tears are shed over answered prayers than over unanswered ones.
Matt Sablan wrote: This is one of the clearest unjustified shootings we've had in a long time. But, hey, she was on the wrong team, so let's just pretend it was totally cool.
So true.
This is stupid. Whoever of jet fuel melting a fire extinguisher?
Perhaps the collective left can drag old Mueller out of the closet and have him preside over Hillary's new Schitt Show.
Democrats desperately try to save face after a rushed through, bullshit impeachment. That, and nothing more than that.
"The invite-only town hall will broadcast on CNN at 8 p.m. Tuesday."
This translates to pre-approved questions and pre-written, teleprompter-read answers.
Biden is a fucking disgrace.
I want to know how much money Nancy Pelosi and her husband made insider trading over the last 30 years.
I want to know how many times Senator Warner met with Russian Oligarchs.
I want to know exactly what Putin got for his 145 million dollars given to the Clinton Foundation.
I want to know what Senator Burr learned at his committee meetings just before his miraculous stock trades.
I want to know how when CNN learned that Sicknick was never struck by a fire extinguisher.
I want to know some details about that water main break in Georgia on November 3rd.
"It turns out the only person killed as part of the events of January 6 is Ashli Babbitt."
Two Capitol Police Officers have committed suicide since the Jan. 6th disturbance. Was one of them Ashli's killer?
This is a display of the "violence" that went on:
Sounds like Trump induced narcissistic personality disorder by proxy
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
rcocean- And McCarthy does NOTHING. He won't even fight for Trump or MTG. He's a wanker. FIFY
I've been watching a lot of British TV.
You have to understand that in the lexicon of "liberals" and other State-fellators, "impartial" means "following the same party line as the rest of us in the Hive." Because there is no truth but Hive Truth, comrades.
The US Constitution says:
"No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States"
"Independent" says that "what it really says it "No Person shall hold any office, civil or military, under the United States", and that all those other words are meaningless.
"Independent" is truly independent of any rational thought
"I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want"
Sounds like the liberal mantra...and nowhere is there an expectation to pay for anything.
Howard said...
Sounds like Trump induced narcissistic personality disorder by proxy
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
I want
When confronted with the things Howard supports he cannot defend any of it.
So he turns to stupidity as his only refuge.
On Jan 6, 2021, Americans gathered in the hundreds of thousands on the Mall in Washington, DC to seek a redress of grievance. Their complaint was that brazen fraud put an imposter into the White House.
These concerned citizens travelled from afar to seek a delay in certifying electors until the questions of massive voter fraud could be resolved.
The denizens of our filthy, corrupt cesspool of our 'sacred' Capitol City spit on them. The Capitol Police revealed their allegiance by murdering Ashli Babbitt for daring to enter the 'sacred' hall of the 'People's House'. The smelly, unwashed People.
This thing we had is over. Not a Republic. Not a Democracy. The 'woke' are gonna get woke. New rules.
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. New rules.
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