I love the purity of new snow, the heartbreaking beauty of living in a world where we know that so many people are enchanted by snow, by the weather, by the poor joy of being alive.
That being said, I refuse to pray for the success of vaccinations that were designed by people who design vaccines using live dying babies (who can still fell pain) who were purposely aborted by parents who brought them to some disgusting facility to be aborted (fetuses is the word Democratic voters among us use, but they are really babies, our little sisters and brothers).
Please enjoy the next pure snowfall you see, wherever you live, and be a better person tomorrow than you are today.
They will be babies until the end of the world, and not a single one of you can do a single thing to make it right for any one of those babies who died in pain while the vaccine scientists "worked" on them.
You know what turns out to be an interesting project? Make your own playlist on spotify for different decades or times of your life. Go through the billboard hitsat the time to get started and pick the ones you like, then after a while more starts coming back, you remember albums you may have listened to with friends, or a girlfriend or someone, and you start to remember other songs that may not have been big hits as singles on certain albums you might have owned, but were still pretty good songs. Over time a lot of memories come back to you and you have a nice playlist or three and you don’t have to keep hitting skip.
"FullMoon said... Too many trolls on this thread. How much is Soros's paying?"
Listen to the memes blowing through the empty heads. Where do memes come from? Who generates them? A secret - there aren't many generators, just a lot of echoes.
Bank of America took it upon themselves to go through their credit card records and report every one of their customers who was in Washington DC on the 6th of January to the FBI. Of course, in order to do that, they had to look at the records of all of their customers. What legal activities do you suppose they'll decide to report to the Biden regime next? I cancelled my BofA visa. I hope you'll all do the same.
Jupiter, it was all in the Time article - evildoers in charge of companies agreed they would support violent riots if Trump was ahead on Nov 5 and would suppress them if Trump was behind on Nov 5 ---- they did not expect to get called out on it. On their part, it is still a gamble ---- maybe, 10 years from now, nobody will have noticed what they did, nobody who counts, anyway, or maybe, 10 years from now, they will all be where Ken Lay (a Democrat, by the way, I think - or at least certainly not a Republican with standards) was after Obama's creeps got through with him.
Anyway, the bigger moral issue is this ---- don't take the abortion-tainted vaccines. Don't let any one you care about take them.
That being said, I refuse to pray for the success of vaccinations that were designed by people who design vaccines using live dying babies (who can still fell)...
I have a lot of respect for the pro-life argument and agree with a lot of its arguments, but I am not as troubled by the existence of these cell lines. If all abortions were outlawed tomorrow, those same cell lines would still exist and be propagated.
"Democrats considering bill allowing parents to vote for children until children reach voting age."
In a law abiding world such a bill would favor Republicans, the reality would be that lots and lots of Democrats would suddenly have 10 kids to vote for from their 1 bedroom apartments in the big cities.
Also, since the kids are doing the voting for their dead relatives, it is only fair that the parents get to vote for the kids while they are alive.
Jupiter said... I cancelled my BofA visa. I hope you'll all do the same.
Indeed. And my Morgan Stanley account, which held a pretty good stash. They have stopped all political donations to any Republican who objected to electoral college certification. But of course not to Democrats who did same in 2016.
J. Farmer - that is what poor Bergoglio and many other proud old scholars have said. It is sad for me to say this, but the man is an evildoer, even though billions of people pray for him every day.
Leaving aside who is an evildoer or not, however, the issue remains ----- each of us, midwits or not, are called to love the least of the creatures God has made, with the understanding that we should have a special place in our heart for the humans who were made in God's image. Perhaps God will listen to my prayers that evildoers be forgiven as soon as they repent, immediately upon their repentance. That being said, I am old, and I know that old people are almost all in love with themselves, and are not quick to repent .....
Trust me, God is probably not going to let the success or failure of public health measures depend on whether I pray, or do not pray, for one of two outcomes: (a) the midwits in charge of our current vaccine blitzkrieg will some day be praised as saviors in a cold world where the suffering of the innocent is not important or (b) the midwits will wind up having achieved just as little as all the midwits who preceded them in history, and will have repented, with kind hearts at last, for their former cold-hearted midwittery.
That being said, nobody reading this, my guess is, cares at all what I pray for or what I do not pray for ------ which is understandable ----- but there is so much at stake any time any of us disregard the suffering of those who were abused by those who claim to have done so for the good of others. When I say it is no small thing to be kind to a creature who never had a friend in this world, I mean it.
In other words, you simply do not keep dying young babies alive, in pain, in order to extract medical information from them, from children who could have grown up to be happy and loved, if they had been given a chance. Next time you see poor old Bergoglio, or the other selfish old people of his ilk, tell him that. It is so sad that so few people understand what is going on. Any medical information any doctor ever obtained from the scientific torture of still-living survivors of abortion should be thrown into a bonfire and never looked at again.
Look into your heart, without thinking about whether you hate me or like me: you simply cannot say that medical information that doctors obtained from the scientific torture of still-living survivors of abortion should be used for any purpose at all.
Feel free to disagree, but don't say I didn't try and warn you. And no, the argument that little babies do not feel pain is not a valid argument. First, you can be von Neumann intelligent and still not be intelligent enough to know if that is true or not. Second, it isn't true.
I am really skittish about jinxing my teams, but Wisconsin is beating the living crap out of the 2nd in the nation gophers. 6-1 after two, after beating them 4-1 last night. Let's Go Red!
In other words, you simply do not keep dying young babies alive, in pain, in order to extract medical information from them...
That is not what happened. The original fetal tissue cells that originated the lines were from two post-aborted fetuses, one in the early 70s and the other sometimes in the 80s.
Look into your heart, without thinking about whether you hate me or like me:
Rest assured, my opinions on such matters do not rely on liking or hating anybody. I'd have the same point-of-view regardless of who I was speaking to.
J Farmer - your facts are wrong. It was much worse than that. Not two or three initial, but also the two or three hundred before the initial ones were just right, and the two or three hundred after the first ones, to make sure the first ones were right (at worst) and about ten percent of that in the less evil aguas de bruga.
That Bayer vaccine, which might be ready next year, has not to date depended on any torture of aborted babies. I will take that vaccine.
But I think much better of you, knowing that you were misinformed.
you know, I guarantee you that God will forgive anyone who wants forgiveness, whether or not I pray to God that they be forgiven ----- but that being said, I know exactly how those babies felt, and I know exactly what was stolen from them.
Tonight, the scientists who experimented on live babies are hoping to some day win a Nobel Prize, but all they really should hope for is to some day understand how profoundly wrong they were to do what they did.
It is said that Mengele drowned to death ---- I hope he repented in those frightful last moments when his lungs were filling with poisonous salt water. I pray for that.
J Farmer --- like I said, you apparently have never read the details of what was done.
You once heard a bromide about "fetal cell lines" and decided not to investigate any further.
Well, what happened was this. Some fetal cell lines looked good, but the investigators noticed some faults, so they asked for new fetuses, without the electric shock that occurs when a fetus loses its connection to the maternal body, and to get those fetuses, there had to be a way to keep alive the murdered children until the lab critters were able to exactly extract what they needed.
The best guess is, for the average current vaccine, it took about 300 hundred tries. And those were all second or third term fetuses. And a couple hundred or more to use as test result compatibles.
The pain our fellow humans underwent is almost impossible to imagine: the evil intent, and the lack of compassion, sadly, are real emotions in real scientists ----- there are many more Mengeles in this world than innocent young people like you can imagine.
It wasn't just the pain. Those were human beings, and they were just as aware as any of us in our worst nightmares are aware, that something isn't right. That they were not loved, not cared about, that their pain was, for some reason, a source of pleasure to evil people.
May GOD forgive the people who inflicted this evil on innocent children.
Cold rain here. That's the winter so far--cold rain, cold cloudy days, cold sunny day, repeat. We still have the chimney-related leak when the wind is west and the rain heavy, and my wife has yet a third expert coming to look Monday. The roofer says the chimney guy has no idea what he's doing, and vice versa of course. We'll see.
In light of some of the recent discussion of our knowledge (or lack thereof) of the workings of the human mind, I read something today of David Gelerntner's: The human mind is a room with a view, and we understand the view much better than we understand the room.
Get the real Mengele medicine from Bayer In 1925, Bayer was one of six chemical companies that merged to form IG Farben,[5] the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical company. The Allied Control Council seized IG Farben after World War II,[a][6] because of its role in the Nazi war effort and involvement in the Holocaust, which included using slave labour from concentration camps and the purchase of humans for dangerous medical testing. It was split into its six constituent companies in 1951, then split again into three: BASF, Bayer and Hoechst.[7][8]
Mark What if your catechism manual was actually written by Josef Mengele? Don’t say it wasn’t ... What if the New Testament is a forgery by Josef Mengele? It’s just ducking the question to say it isn’t ...
Catechist What does catechism say about the validity of sacraments performed by sinful priests? If you are a good catechist you should know they are valid. So what if you were baptised or married by a priest who did what Mengele did? Those would still be valid, right?
Yeah, heroin and cocaine were legal until it was outlawed.
Marijuana was legal until it was outlawed. Then it was legal again
Heroin gonna be legal again. My money on Oregon first,California second, Washington third.. Already a non-crime, free needles for years. Wonder if any politicians invested in needle manufacturers?. Just need to get the tax and inspections apparatus in place, then license install Pelosi , Clinton and Biden friends and family on board.
Chimney as old as the house--1954. Believe me, helpful commenters, the issues have been hashed over multiple times by all involved, various diagnoses made and solutions applied, at some expense already.
To maintain domestic tranquility, I have let the wife select a third expert to have a look rather than spend more money; perhaps they will see and fix what others cannot, more cheaply.
Thanks Tim. The complex calculations, if correct, have confirmed CO2 greenhouse forcing is driving global temperature increases. Hopefully the work will be audited to verify the results. Figuring out how models overestimate warming is a huge step in zeroing in on the future impacts.
And youll have the same problems the chinese had which provoked the opium wars, the french tried to use it for the basis of the currency in indochina it didnt work,
Well, what happened was this. Some fetal cell lines looked good, but the investigators noticed some faults, so they asked for new fetuses, without the electric shock that occurs when a fetus loses its connection to the maternal body, and to get those fetuses, there had to be a way to keep alive the murdered children until the lab critters were able to exactly extract what they needed.
What the hell are you talking about? The "investigators noticed some faults, so they asked for new fetuses"? Please send me a source for this claim.
We had to tear down and rebuild our1960 chimney because the mortar had crystallized, which caused it to leak. Similar story for a lot of the houses in our neighborhood.
Ken, in the Old Testament, there are 8000 distinct Hebrew words, and about 4,000 named individuals (There are no other documents from the ancient world with anything like such a ratio ---- whoever wrote the Old Testament, or Whoever, certainly liked to give out name checks). Among those 4,000, Melchizedek, Abel, Elijah, Elisha and Daniel are the only 5 named ones about whom it is even implied, even just a little bit, that they might have been sinless (and with respect to Melchizedek, Abel, and Elisha, the implication is not a strong one). There are some unnamed characters - the beloved spouse in the Song of Songs, the suffering servant in Psalms, the beloved wife in Proverbs, who might be considered sinless .... but if you add up the named ones and the unnamed ones, you are looking, at best, at 10 or 20 sinless and completely likable personages of the Old Testament among the thousands of named personages.
In the New Testament, we have Mary, the Mother of God, Nathaniel, the pure apostle from the Israelites, John the Baptist and his parents, Joseph, and a few others named in the Epistles of Paul, but once again, very few who are noted as being, either by direct evidence or by implication, people who have won favor in the sight of God, and who we can consider even close to being free from sin.
Trust me, I have known lots and lots of preachers and Biblical scholars, young ones and very very old ones, and they all know their faults.
This is not a sinless world, and we are all in it together, hoping for the best for each other. Don't take this personally, but my best guess is, one of the reasons that people who reject the word of God reject it without thought is the silly idea they have that the people who are telling them that God loves them think that they are closer to God than (the people being told).
It doesn't really work that way. Here is how it works. This is an unbelievably tough world to live in, full of hatred, pain, and mistreatment of the innocent by misfits and midwits. God loves us all equally, we all have different backgrounds, God loves anyone from any background who looks for a better world, and who, in doing so, responds with a good heart to God. Only God knows what any individual has to go through to reject whatever it is in the heart of so many of us that makes us think God is an illusion, that we are living in a world without God, that maybe this is all just a simulation, that WE ARE REAL and that whoever (or Whoever) created us is not. Such rejection of anti-God foolishness is not only intellectually honest, it is important because GOD TOO IS A PERSON and it just isn't very nice to pretend otherwise, as if a person as KIND AND LOVING as that were just some kid you ain't gonna invite to your birthday party because YOU ARE CONFUSED AND PROUD.
J.Farmer ---- talented historians of science typically make 120K a year if they work for a university.
Talented amateurs usually make a lot more than that at their day jobs.
Ask nicely, this is not a McDonalds, and I am not super eager to have you as a customer. I would be glad to have an interesting conversation among equals, but I am not gonna act as if I am your humble research assistant. I mean, in general, I am humble, but I am not your humble research assistant.
Also ---- do you speak German? It would be a lot easier for me if I could give you the original sources in the original German.
stephen cooper said... They will be babies until the end of the world, and not a single one of you can do a single thing to make it right for any one of those babies who died in pain while the vaccine scientists "worked" on them.
How about a citation or two to support your claim about the babies?
I am well informed on how bureaucracies handle their victims. The Pfizer victims have, sad to say , no place in any civilized graveyard, and there is no place you can go to grieve for them, and to express sorrow at their victimized demise ---- most of their mortal bodies were long ago lost in the sewer systems in the neighborhoods of the experimental hospitals of Oxford, England, and, of all places, Frankfurt, Germany, but there were other "cutting edge" hospitals near other sad lonely sewer systems where their bodies were disposed of. The Moderna victims --- I could be wrong, but I think that the sewer systems of Cambridge, England, is where most of their mortal remains were dissipated. Kind of sad, when you think about it, how less than 70 years ago Tolkien and Lewis used to jokingly argue over whether Oxford or Cambridge was a better place.
The climate models are not correct. They over predict the rise in temperature. They assume constant solar input. The only model that comes close is a Russian model.
Today's temperatures are less than the Roman warm period of 2,500 years ago and the even warmer Minoan warm period of 4,000 years. There's been no warming in Antarctica for the last two hundred years. The whole climate crisis is a fraud.
Ask nicely, this is not a McDonalds, and I am not super eager to have you as a customer. I would be glad to have an interesting conversation among equals, but I am not gonna act as if I am your humble research assistant. I mean, in general, I am humble, but I am not your humble research assistant.
First, you should ask nicely at McDonalds. Second, I said please. Third, you telling me where you got a piece of information from isn't "research."
Also ---- do you speak German? It would be a lot easier for me if I could give you the original sources in the original German.
I don't but know a couple of people who do. Go ahead and point me in the direction of those sources.
We also had to replace our chimney because the bricks were not properly fired. The clay washed out of the bricks, so some of them had great hollows. We replaced the brick chimney with a cinderblock chimney and saved about 1/3 on the cost of a brick chimney. It took about a week of solid work to remove the chimney and build the new chimney. We scheduled the replacement when we were at our time share in Newport, OR. so we didn't have to experience any inconvenience of the repairs.
I'm reading Peter Martin's biography of Samuel Johnson. The Gentlemen's Magazine can be counted as one of the forerunner's of modern journalism, and Johnson did some hack work for it. He reported on Parliamentary debates. He wasn't actually there at the debates, but he knew how everyone voted. He took the liberty of making up speeches for different members of Parliament. Someone praised him for his impartiality in reporting (or rather making up) these speeches. He replied: "I saved appearances tolerably well, but I took care that the Whig Dogs should not have the best of it.".....So there you have it. Right from the start, the press was slanted and playing favorites....The Whig party no longer exists. I don't suppose Johnson's reporting had much to do with its demise, but such reporting didn't help it flourish.
stephen cooper- I too am praying for a pro-life vaccine. I think about those poor murdered babies and know that people are so eager for an easy solution, they will toss any moral compunction aside. I'm a Catholic with Type 1 (not Type 2) diabetes. I have wrestled with this question and am not getting a shot until my pro-life concerns are addressed. So far, they haven't been. For those whom I love and know who already received the shot, I remember that the only person to whom Jesus promised heaven was the Good Thief. However, the Good Thief still had to suffer through death by crucifixion.
Start with the impassioned eloquence of poor Archbishop Vigano, and read the comment sections from those more familiar with him about practices in the fetal cell industry, then head to to MEdARxiv with a set of search terms that include "assay" and "fetal", but remember you sometimes have to read between the lines, and then, if you have friends who do this for a living, call one of them up and ask about it. Look at the 26 cites in the Linacre quarterly article on abuse of fetal cell tissues, 2018. You can find for yourself the more recent essays from the last few months, describing the practices of the midwits and their midwit techniques.
If you really have friends who speak German, the Bayer website has some information about what they refuse to do that you might find interesting.
AFTER YOU HAVE DONE SOME RESEARCH, get back to me, and if you are still entangled in ignorance, I will strive to continue to be helpful.
The whigs became the liberals (trolloppe was one) they faded after the first war. Then some time in the 60s they formed the alliance david owen was one of the lead figures.
The Whigs vanished in the 1850s. They were ascendant through most of the 18th century though it was the Tories in power during the American revolution.
Seriously, I would rather be talking about the underestimated parallels between the best sentiments in Paul's Prison Epistles and the last third of Finnegans Wake.
That being said, I know that at least one person is reading this and thinking I am sort of on the lunatic fringe with respect to the abuse of (mostly but not entirely minority) fetuses in the recent history of mRNA and similar vaccine/nonvaccine treatment therapies ----- and how I wish I were, but I know what I am talking about.
My friends, if you take nothing else from what I say, understand this:
the coronavirus, whether it is from a bat or from a lab with gain of function, is a very bad thing to have in your system. it makes you sick. THE VACCINES ARE MAKING PEOPLE JUST AS SICK.
and the vaccines are making young people sicker, after the vaccine, than they would be if they had just, like a soldier in a war, been infected with a biological weapon.
Please, please, think about it, pray about it, do what is right, and remember not to take a vaccine that was developed by people who heartlessly accepted the painful death of a little brother or sister, a little human brother or sister : Who cares, my friends, if the victim was a little smaller than the typical baby ---- the victims were ALL UNIQUE, they all would have loved to have been born, to have had that first taste of banana tapioca pudding from a Gerber's container, and would so so much more have loved to, even once, smile at a mother who smiled at them.
But because of scientific research, they never got to smile, never got to taste, even for as second, banana tapioca pudding. Think about banana tapioca pudding, think about it with love in your heart for your children or for those creatures who would have been your children if you were less unfortunate, and trust me, if you think about those things with love in your heart, you CANNOT even remotely consider me anywhere near to the lunatic fringe ---- quite the contrary ----- look at the sky, and thank God you have been given a heart to feel.
the sad thing is all those people saying HEY it is just an 18 month thing like in 1918 and all those other times and I am thinking WOW I HOPE THEY ARE RIGHT but .....
FFS there is a huge picture of MAO on the main square of Peking and NOBODY DENIES THAT the little fellow caused the deaths of tens of millions ----- and it gets worse ---- the whole gain of function thing is so evil that even the CCP is outraged to be accuse of it ----- but there is a good chance that this is a gain of function thing, not a pandemic thing.
in which case, trust me, if you are relying on the Faucis and the Bidens of the world (or even the Trumps - a great guy but his warp speed ideas were mediocre at best, sorry to say ---- well he can mock me for not knowing how to string along a WWE story thread, not that that makes us even) if you are looking to the poor Faucis and the poor Bidens of this world to find a clue about how to get you and those you love out of the mess, you too are part of the problem.
Well, the Tories are still around. The Whigs, as I understand it, were the wealthy titled landowners. They were in favor of limiting the perogatives of the King, but the policy differences were not stark. I admire the way that they were snobbish enough to look down upon the royal family. A bunch of kraut arrivistes. Not really our kind of people. This is snobbery of the highest order....Samuel Johnson has inspired a lot of fine biographies. The study of great writers is seldom edifying. Their merit as human beings is generally inversely proportional to their worth as writers. Johnson is the exception. It's reassuring for bookish peopl to spend time in his company. You can be a good scholar and still turn out as an okay person.
“ Their merit as human beings is generally inversely proportional to their worth as writers.”
Yeah. I learned young not to look too closely at authors you admire! Hammett was a horror. He gave speeches against lend-lease, because during the Molotov Ribbentrop pact period Moscow opposed it. Hellman was even worse.
AFTER YOU HAVE DONE SOME RESEARCH, get back to me, and if you are still entangled in ignorance, I will strive to continue to be helpful.
You're confusing fetal cell lines with fetal tissue. To the best of my knowledge, only two varieties of fetal cell lines have been used. Those two lines each developed from a single fetus. Your notion of them having "a way to keep alive the murdered children until the lab critters were able to exactly extract what they needed" has nothing to do with the fetal cell lines that have been used in the covid vaccine development.
Unless you're replacing the chimney for a fireplace, don't. Get rid of it. Replace the boiler or furnace, whichever you have, with a direct vent or power vent model. Small hole in the sidewall, or if in the basement, through one of the small windows which don't let in much light or ventilation anyway and which you've probably never opened.
Ken B said... A great thread on Twitter on SF https://twitter.com/webdevMason/status/1358223425202888705
If I had guessed it was SanFran rather than SciFi- I'd have skipped it.
Original Mike... Chimney teardown you describe is not unusual. Tile liners stacked atop one another are supposed to be seated on a bed of refractory cement between each tile. Many bricklayers use(d) brick mortar which deteriorates over time. The gaps between tiles can be enormous. Chimney tile's dimensions can vary wildly at the joint surface and with such gaps come damage. https://www.chimneyworksonline.com/what-is-refractory-mortar-and-where-should-it-be-used/ Water in masonry can be described as a gravity fed pile driver. Think freeze-thaw as worst scenario.
@stepencooper I care. I've been on this site at least once a day for at least a decade. I've always enjoy your posts. God Bless you.
@LouiseB My son has Type 1, and is in rehab for alcoholism. He was dx'd last week with COVID, and thank God he is just fine so far, very minimal symptoms. I'm praying it stays that way. I also thank God my son is doing great in recovery. As you know, alcohol for a Type 1 is a dangerous mix.
I too, am Prolife. Ten years ago, when I was dx'd with breast cancer, my onc said there was a new chemo drug out that should "melt the tumor away" and was my best chance for survival. I immediately asked him if he knew whether or not this new drug's R&D used hESC or any other fetal "parts." He said no. Before I agreed to have that drug added to my chemo regimen, I also contacted a friend that was close to a scientist at that drug company, and they confirmed nothing fetal was used.
Prior to the cancer, I always assumed I'd decline anything that involved fetal lines, but have to admit I was (pleasantly) surprised when that when the situation presented itself irl, take it or possibly die, I did not falter. How could I choose my measly life over untold numbers of tiny innocent lives? I couldn't.
. . . I refuse to pray for the success of vaccinations that were designed by people who design vaccines using live dying babies (who can still fell pain) who were purposely aborted by parents who brought them to some disgusting facility to be aborted (fetuses is the word Democratic voters among us use, but they are really babies, our little sisters and brothers).
So Stevie either does or perhaps doesn't support Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award recipient and newly-elected Missouri state representative Patricia Derges (R-Ozark) who has been charged in 20 counts of selling a fake Covid-19 cure containing stem cells (which turned out to be only acellular amniotic fluid).
@stephen cooper said... My friends, if you take nothing else from what I say, understand this:
the coronavirus, whether it is from a bat or from a lab with gain of function, is a very bad thing to have in your system. it makes you sick. THE VACCINES ARE MAKING PEOPLE JUST AS SICK.
Too late to pray about it, brother, since I got stuck with Pfizer #2 yesterday. Nothing but a sore muscle after shot #1 but I have been warned about possible chills and a headache following the second shot. But so far, so good - only another sore arm muscle from the thawed vaccine.
You are, of course, "dead" wrong about the vaccine danger. Millions upon millions of shots - no deaths.
I am going to go out for a cup of coffee with my copy of A Bright Ray of Darkness, a novel which shamelessly embraces the literary patrimony of the English language (Shakespeare looms large, the protagonist is an actor, after all) and the right of anybody to tell their story, even if they are rich and white and incredibly lucky and spoiled rotten.
This novel could never be taught in a lit class today, but from what I have read so far, it should be, just for first rate technique.
FullMoon asks, "When a diabetic with heart disease dies a week after getting the shot, will the death be attributed to the shot, or to heart disease and diabetes?"
To COVID and Trump, of course.
I'm a self-sacrificing sort, so those of you in a hurry to join the guinea pig herd are welcome to go ahead of me.
Thanks again for the chimney-chat. The crystallization was dealt with, and a new slab put around the flue, etc., but there may also be a roof issue. It's rare to get ice here, and our gutters are clear. The fireplace hearth is one of the major elements of the living room, but it's small, and gas, and we've never used it. Tear-down and roofing over has been mentioned also.
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१२१ टिप्पण्या:
Too many trolls on this thread. How much is Soros's paying?
We are gonna get 4 inches of snow tonight.
I love the purity of new snow, the heartbreaking beauty of living in a world where we know that so many people are enchanted by snow, by the weather, by the poor joy of being alive.
That being said, I refuse to pray for the success of vaccinations that were designed by people who design vaccines using live dying babies (who can still fell pain) who were purposely aborted by parents who brought them to some disgusting facility to be aborted (fetuses is the word Democratic voters among us use, but they are really babies, our little sisters and brothers).
Please enjoy the next pure snowfall you see, wherever you live, and be a better person tomorrow than you are today.
They will be babies until the end of the world, and not a single one of you can do a single thing to make it right for any one of those babies who died in pain while the vaccine scientists "worked" on them.
But q is crazy right
Democrats considering bill allowing parents to vote for children until children reach voting age.
You know what turns out to be an interesting project? Make your own playlist on spotify for different decades or times of your life. Go through the billboard hitsat the time to get started and pick the ones you like, then after a while more starts coming back, you remember albums you may have listened to with friends, or a girlfriend or someone, and you start to remember other songs that may not have been big hits as singles on certain albums you might have owned, but were still pretty good songs. Over time a lot of memories come back to you and you have a nice playlist or three and you don’t have to keep hitting skip.
The method behind the madness
"FullMoon said...
Too many trolls on this thread. How much is Soros's paying?"
Listen to the memes blowing through the empty heads. Where do memes come from? Who generates them? A secret - there aren't many generators, just a lot of echoes.
Feynman showed long ago there is only meme, moving backward and forward through time, weaving all the other memes.
I've liked, on Amazon Prime free video, "Small Apartments" and "Clay Pigeons."
The thing is that they don't invoke any plot cliches that tell you what the same formula story is going be if you continued to watch.
Just the interestingness factor, from moment to moment. No well worn plot plan looming over you.
Box after box of ballots arriving after the deadline in Detroit.
Bank of America took it upon themselves to go through their credit card records and report every one of their customers who was in Washington DC on the 6th of January to the FBI. Of course, in order to do that, they had to look at the records of all of their customers. What legal activities do you suppose they'll decide to report to the Biden regime next? I cancelled my BofA visa. I hope you'll all do the same.
You think visa mastercard chase citibank sid anything different
Trump should go on Keto and get tanned rested and ready for 2024
Jupiter, it was all in the Time article - evildoers in charge of companies agreed they would support violent riots if Trump was ahead on Nov 5 and would suppress them if Trump was behind on Nov 5 ---- they did not expect to get called out on it. On their part, it is still a gamble ---- maybe, 10 years from now, nobody will have noticed what they did, nobody who counts, anyway, or maybe, 10 years from now, they will all be where Ken Lay (a Democrat, by the way, I think - or at least certainly not a Republican with standards) was after Obama's creeps got through with him.
Anyway, the bigger moral issue is this ---- don't take the abortion-tainted vaccines.
Don't let any one you care about take them.
Nothing to see here
@Stephen Cooper:
That being said, I refuse to pray for the success of vaccinations that were designed by people who design vaccines using live dying babies (who can still fell)...
I have a lot of respect for the pro-life argument and agree with a lot of its arguments, but I am not as troubled by the existence of these cell lines. If all abortions were outlawed tomorrow, those same cell lines would still exist and be propagated.
And if the vaccines were developed from research by Josef Mengele and/or tested on Chinese slave prisoners?
"Democrats considering bill allowing parents to vote for children until children reach voting age."
In a law abiding world such a bill would favor Republicans, the reality would be that lots and lots of Democrats would suddenly have 10 kids to vote for from their 1 bedroom apartments in the big cities.
Also, since the kids are doing the voting for their dead relatives, it is only fair that the parents get to vote for the kids while they are alive.
An argument can always be made for one people being able to benefit/profit from the exploitation and suffering and death of others.
Jupiter said...
I cancelled my BofA visa. I hope you'll all do the same.
Indeed. And my Morgan Stanley account, which held a pretty good stash. They have stopped all political donations to any Republican who objected to electoral college certification. But of course not to Democrats who did same in 2016.
Choose sides, choose your customers.
"And if the vaccines were developed from research by Josef Mengele and/or tested on Chinese slave prisoners?"
They weren't.
Hence the "if."
But by all means, avoid the question.
I quite BofA more than a decade ago. But I'm wondering what I will do if all the banks [I use two others] start this kind of nonsense.
An argument can always be made for one people being able to benefit/profit from the exploitation and suffering and death of others.
For example, international borders.
Ken lay was picked by bob rubin, of goldman sachs, that outfit and bp were much more involved then say arthur andersen
Good Grammar rule for Feb. 6:
No sentence fragments.
"But by all means, avoid the question."
You're making shit up. I do not feel compelled to follow you down the rabbit hole.
Quit, not quite. Of course.
Simon un schuster (as rush used to call them) cancelled hawleys book but gave huntwe a book contract.
J. Farmer - that is what poor Bergoglio and many other proud old scholars have said. It is sad for me to say this, but the man is an evildoer, even though billions of people pray for him every day.
Leaving aside who is an evildoer or not, however, the issue remains ----- each of us, midwits or not, are called to love the least of the creatures God has made, with the understanding that we should have a special place in our heart for the humans who were made in God's image. Perhaps God will listen to my prayers that evildoers be forgiven as soon as they repent, immediately upon their repentance. That being said, I am old, and I know that old people are almost all in love with themselves, and are not quick to repent .....
Trust me, God is probably not going to let the success or failure of public health measures depend on whether I pray, or do not pray, for one of two outcomes: (a) the midwits in charge of our current vaccine blitzkrieg will some day be praised as saviors in a cold world where the suffering of the innocent is not important or (b) the midwits will wind up having achieved just as little as all the midwits who preceded them in history, and will have repented, with kind hearts at last, for their former cold-hearted midwittery.
That being said, nobody reading this, my guess is, cares at all what I pray for or what I do not pray for ------ which is understandable ----- but there is so much at stake any time any of us disregard the suffering of those who were abused by those who claim to have done so for the good of others. When I say it is no small thing to be kind to a creature who never had a friend in this world, I mean it.
In other words, you simply do not keep dying young babies alive, in pain, in order to extract medical information from them, from children who could have grown up to be happy and loved, if they had been given a chance. Next time you see poor old Bergoglio, or the other selfish old people of his ilk, tell him that. It is so sad that so few people understand what is going on. Any medical information any doctor ever obtained from the scientific torture of still-living survivors of abortion should be thrown into a bonfire and never looked at again.
Look into your heart, without thinking about whether you hate me or like me: you simply cannot say that medical information that doctors obtained from the scientific torture of still-living survivors of abortion should be used for any purpose at all.
For example, international borders.
Speaking of borders, day before yesterday, eleven Iranis tried to enter here in SW AZ.
Feel free to disagree, but don't say I didn't try and warn you.
And no, the argument that little babies do not feel pain is not a valid argument.
First, you can be von Neumann intelligent and still not be intelligent enough to know if that is true or not.
Second, it isn't true.
I am really skittish about jinxing my teams, but Wisconsin is beating the living crap out of the 2nd in the nation gophers. 6-1 after two, after beating them 4-1 last night. Let's Go Red!
Gophers are putting their 3rd goalie into the game for the 3rd period. Brand New Sieve, Brand New Sieve, …
@stephen cooper:
In other words, you simply do not keep dying young babies alive, in pain, in order to extract medical information from them...
That is not what happened. The original fetal tissue cells that originated the lines were from two post-aborted fetuses, one in the early 70s and the other sometimes in the 80s.
Look into your heart, without thinking about whether you hate me or like me:
Rest assured, my opinions on such matters do not rely on liking or hating anybody. I'd have the same point-of-view regardless of who I was speaking to.
J Farmer - your facts are wrong. It was much worse than that. Not two or three initial, but also the two or three hundred before the initial ones were just right, and the two or three hundred after the first ones, to make sure the first ones were right (at worst) and about ten percent of that in the less evil aguas de bruga.
That Bayer vaccine, which might be ready next year, has not to date depended on any torture of aborted babies. I will take that vaccine.
But I think much better of you, knowing that you were misinformed.
you know, I guarantee you that God will forgive anyone who wants forgiveness, whether or not I pray to God that they be forgiven ----- but that being said, I know exactly how those babies felt, and I know exactly what was stolen from them.
Tonight, the scientists who experimented on live babies are hoping to some day win a Nobel Prize, but all they really should hope for is to some day understand how profoundly wrong they were to do what they did.
It is said that Mengele drowned to death ---- I hope he repented in those frightful last moments when his lungs were filling with poisonous salt water. I pray for that.
@stephen cooper:
J Farmer - your facts are wrong. It was much worse than that. Not two or three initial, but also the two or three hundred
Fetal ell lines are grown in vitro and propagate indefinitely. They do not require abortions to propagate.
WI 8
MN 1
to complete the sweep of the (for the moment) #2 gophers in their own barn.
Badgers now in first place in the Big Ten.
Suck It, Gophers!
Hee, hee, hee…
J Farmer --- like I said, you apparently have never read the details of what was done.
You once heard a bromide about "fetal cell lines" and decided not to investigate any further.
Well, what happened was this. Some fetal cell lines looked good, but the investigators noticed some faults, so they asked for new fetuses, without the electric shock that occurs when a fetus loses its connection to the maternal body, and to get those fetuses, there had to be a way to keep alive the murdered children until the lab critters were able to exactly extract what they needed.
The best guess is, for the average current vaccine, it took about 300 hundred tries.
And those were all second or third term fetuses. And a couple hundred or more to use as test result compatibles.
The pain our fellow humans underwent
is almost impossible to imagine: the evil intent, and the lack of compassion, sadly, are real emotions in real scientists -----
there are many more Mengeles in this world than innocent young people like you can imagine.
narciso said: https://babalublog.com/2021/02/06/film-on-the-horrors-of-cubas-gulag-to-be-relesased-in-march/#comments
I sure hope they leave a ticket for Michael Moore at Will Call.
@Original Mike: Illinois 75 - Wisconsin 60
Hee, hee
It wasn't just the pain.
Those were human beings, and they were just as aware as any of us in our worst nightmares are aware, that something isn't right. That they were not loved, not cared about, that their pain was, for some reason, a source of pleasure to evil people.
May GOD forgive the people who inflicted this evil on innocent children.
Don't ever take a vaccine that was built on evil like that.
Just don't.
You don't know the history, Big Mike.
Wait for the Bayer vaccine. Real science, no use of Mengele-style abuse of innocent victims.
Cold rain here. That's the winter so far--cold rain, cold cloudy days, cold sunny day, repeat. We still have the chimney-related leak when the wind is west and the rain heavy, and my wife has yet a third expert coming to look Monday. The roofer says the chimney guy has no idea what he's doing, and vice versa of course. We'll see.
In light of some of the recent discussion of our knowledge (or lack thereof) of the workings of the human mind, I read something today of David Gelerntner's: The human mind is a room with a view, and we understand the view much better than we understand the room.
My room is pretty high up
How old is your chimney, Narr?
Althouse explaining her process in posting about the Time Magazine article:
Take the Money and Run - Stanley Krim (Cretin)
Oh gee, when you actually measure the greenhouse effect at the top of the atmosphere, the models overestimate warming!
If the leak is coming down the chimney, its different if its coming through the roof or the gutter guards.
Get the real Mengele medicine from Bayer
In 1925, Bayer was one of six chemical companies that merged to form IG Farben,[5] the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical company. The Allied Control Council seized IG Farben after World War II,[a][6] because of its role in the Nazi war effort and involvement in the Holocaust, which included using slave labour from concentration camps and the purchase of humans for dangerous medical testing. It was split into its six constituent companies in 1951, then split again into three: BASF, Bayer and Hoechst.[7][8]
All of us have at least one rapist among our great great great great grandparents.
Well, 99 percent of us.
Bayer is working,today, on vaccines the right way.
Of course bayer also patented heroin, and we see how well that worked out hoesch of course would come up with ru 486.
What if your catechism manual was actually written by Josef Mengele? Don’t say it wasn’t ...
What if the New Testament is a forgery by Josef Mengele? It’s just ducking the question to say it isn’t ...
Speaking of borders, day before yesterday, eleven Iranis tried to enter here in SW AZ.
Iranians from sw. Californicators from the north..
Progressive teachers brainwashing students.
Stick a fork in it, Arizona is done.
What if the host you had at your last mass was baked by Josef Mengele? Are you going to duck the question by saying it wasn’t?
What does catechism say about the validity of sacraments performed by sinful priests? If you are a good catechist you should know they are valid. So what if you were baptised or married by a priest who did what Mengele did? Those would still be valid, right?
They probably come up from argentina perhaps brazil cross into panama through darien up to mexico, best guess.
Of course bayer also patented heroin,
Yeah, heroin and cocaine were legal until it was outlawed.
Marijuana was legal until it was outlawed. Then it was legal again
Heroin gonna be legal again. My money on Oregon first,California second, Washington third.. Already a non-crime, free needles for years. Wonder if any politicians invested in needle manufacturers?. Just need to get the tax and inspections apparatus in place, then license install Pelosi , Clinton and Biden friends and family on board.
Chimney as old as the house--1954. Believe me, helpful commenters, the issues have been hashed over multiple times by all involved, various diagnoses made and solutions applied,
at some expense already.
To maintain domestic tranquility, I have let the wife select a third expert to have a look rather than spend more money; perhaps they will see and fix what others cannot, more cheaply.
Perhaps not
A great thread on Twitter on SF https://twitter.com/webdevMason/status/1358223425202888705
Applicable to more than just SF of course.
Thanks Tim. The complex calculations, if correct, have confirmed CO2 greenhouse forcing is driving global temperature increases. Hopefully the work will be audited to verify the results. Figuring out how models overestimate warming is a huge step in zeroing in on the future impacts.
And youll have the same problems the chinese had which provoked the opium wars, the french tried to use it for the basis of the currency in indochina it didnt work,
@stephen cooper:
Well, what happened was this. Some fetal cell lines looked good, but the investigators noticed some faults, so they asked for new fetuses, without the electric shock that occurs when a fetus loses its connection to the maternal body, and to get those fetuses, there had to be a way to keep alive the murdered children until the lab critters were able to exactly extract what they needed.
What the hell are you talking about? The "investigators noticed some faults, so they asked for new fetuses"? Please send me a source for this claim.
We had to tear down and rebuild our1960 chimney because the mortar had crystallized, which caused it to leak. Similar story for a lot of the houses in our neighborhood.
Ken, in the Old Testament, there are 8000 distinct Hebrew words, and about 4,000 named individuals (There are no other documents from the ancient world with anything like such a ratio ---- whoever wrote the Old Testament, or Whoever, certainly liked to give out name checks). Among those 4,000, Melchizedek, Abel, Elijah, Elisha and Daniel are the only 5 named ones about whom it is even implied, even just a little bit, that they might have been sinless (and with respect to Melchizedek, Abel, and Elisha, the implication is not a strong one). There are some unnamed characters - the beloved spouse in the Song of Songs, the suffering servant in Psalms, the beloved wife in Proverbs, who might be considered sinless .... but if you add up the named ones and the unnamed ones, you are looking, at best, at 10 or 20 sinless and completely likable personages of the Old Testament among the thousands of named personages.
In the New Testament, we have Mary, the Mother of God, Nathaniel, the pure apostle from the Israelites, John the Baptist and his parents, Joseph, and a few others named in the Epistles of Paul, but once again, very few who are noted as being, either by direct evidence or by implication, people who have won favor in the sight of God, and who we can consider even close to being free from sin.
Trust me, I have known lots and lots of preachers and Biblical scholars, young ones and very very old ones, and they all know their faults.
This is not a sinless world, and we are all in it together, hoping for the best for each other. Don't take this personally, but my best guess is, one of the reasons that people who reject the word of God reject it without thought is the silly idea they have that the people who are telling them that God loves them think that they are closer to God than (the people being told).
It doesn't really work that way. Here is how it works.
This is an unbelievably tough world to live in, full of hatred, pain, and mistreatment of the innocent by misfits and midwits.
God loves us all equally, we all have different backgrounds, God loves anyone from any background who looks for a better world, and who, in doing so, responds with a good heart to God.
Only God knows what any individual has to go through to reject whatever it is in the heart of so many of us that makes us think God is an illusion, that we are living in a world without God, that maybe this is all just a simulation, that WE ARE REAL and that whoever (or Whoever) created us is not. Such rejection of anti-God foolishness is not only intellectually honest, it is important because GOD TOO IS A PERSON and it just isn't very nice to pretend otherwise, as if a person as KIND AND LOVING as that were just some kid you ain't gonna invite to your birthday party because YOU ARE CONFUSED AND PROUD.
J.Farmer ---- talented historians of science typically make 120K a year if they work for a university.
Talented amateurs usually make a lot more than that at their day jobs.
Ask nicely, this is not a McDonalds, and I am not super eager to have you as a customer. I would be glad to have an interesting conversation among equals, but I am not gonna act as if I am your humble research assistant. I mean, in general, I am humble, but I am not your humble research assistant.
Also ---- do you speak German? It would be a lot easier for me if I could give you the original sources in the original German.
stephen cooper said...
They will be babies until the end of the world, and not a single one of you can do a single thing to make it right for any one of those babies who died in pain while the vaccine scientists "worked" on them.
How about a citation or two to support your claim about the babies?
Ken B said...
Feynman showed long ago there is only meme, moving backward and forward through time, weaving all the other memes.
And where did he do THAT?
The Mike v Mike fussing in this thread is cool. IMHO.
BTW, next time I change my name here I’m gonna be a Mike. I’m thinking about: ‘Small Unoriginal Mike”. SUM.
I am well informed on how bureaucracies handle their victims. The Pfizer victims have, sad to say , no place in any civilized graveyard, and there is no place you can go to grieve for them, and to express sorrow at their victimized demise ---- most of their mortal bodies were long ago lost in the sewer systems in the neighborhoods of the experimental hospitals of Oxford, England, and, of all places, Frankfurt, Germany, but there were other "cutting edge" hospitals near other sad lonely sewer systems where their bodies were disposed of. The Moderna victims --- I could be wrong, but I think that the sewer systems of Cambridge, England, is where most of their mortal remains were dissipated. Kind of sad, when you think about it, how less than 70 years ago Tolkien and Lewis used to jokingly argue over whether Oxford or Cambridge was a better place.
Next question?
“And where did he do THAT?”
Canadians do have the Perimeter Institute. So it’s not like they’re all totally Ken hosers.
"Feynman showed long ago there is only meme, moving backward and forward through time,"
time is too swift for those who fear
The climate models are not correct. They over predict the rise in temperature. They assume constant solar input. The only model that comes close is a Russian model.
Today's temperatures are less than the Roman warm period of 2,500 years ago and the even warmer Minoan warm period of 4,000 years. There's been no warming in Antarctica for the last two hundred years. The whole climate crisis is a fraud.
@stephen cooper:
Ask nicely, this is not a McDonalds, and I am not super eager to have you as a customer. I would be glad to have an interesting conversation among equals, but I am not gonna act as if I am your humble research assistant. I mean, in general, I am humble, but I am not your humble research assistant.
First, you should ask nicely at McDonalds. Second, I said please. Third, you telling me where you got a piece of information from isn't "research."
Also ---- do you speak German? It would be a lot easier for me if I could give you the original sources in the original German.
I don't but know a couple of people who do. Go ahead and point me in the direction of those sources.
We also had to replace our chimney because the bricks were not properly fired. The clay washed out of the bricks, so some of them had great hollows. We replaced the brick chimney with a cinderblock chimney and saved about 1/3 on the cost of a brick chimney. It took about a week of solid work to remove the chimney and build the new chimney. We scheduled the replacement when we were at our time share in Newport, OR. so we didn't have to experience any inconvenience of the repairs.
I'm reading Peter Martin's biography of Samuel Johnson. The Gentlemen's Magazine can be counted as one of the forerunner's of modern journalism, and Johnson did some hack work for it. He reported on Parliamentary debates. He wasn't actually there at the debates, but he knew how everyone voted. He took the liberty of making up speeches for different members of Parliament. Someone praised him for his impartiality in reporting (or rather making up) these speeches. He replied: "I saved appearances tolerably well, but I took care that the Whig Dogs should not have the best of it.".....So there you have it. Right from the start, the press was slanted and playing favorites....The Whig party no longer exists. I don't suppose Johnson's reporting had much to do with its demise, but such reporting didn't help it flourish.
stephen cooper- I too am praying for a pro-life vaccine. I think about those poor murdered babies and know that people are so eager for an easy solution, they will toss any moral compunction aside. I'm a Catholic with Type 1 (not Type 2) diabetes. I have wrestled with this question and am not getting a shot until my pro-life concerns are addressed. So far, they haven't been. For those whom I love and know who already received the shot, I remember that the only person to whom Jesus promised heaven was the Good Thief. However, the Good Thief still had to suffer through death by crucifixion.
Mike of Sn.... love Newport, Oregon!
Start with the impassioned eloquence of poor Archbishop Vigano, and read the comment sections from those more familiar with him about practices in the fetal cell industry, then head to to MEdARxiv with a set of search terms that include "assay" and "fetal", but remember you sometimes have to read between the lines, and then, if you have friends who do this for a living, call one of them up and ask about it. Look at the 26 cites in the Linacre quarterly article on abuse of fetal cell tissues, 2018. You can find for yourself the more recent essays from the last few months, describing the practices of the midwits and their midwit techniques.
If you really have friends who speak German, the Bayer website has some information about what they refuse to do that you might find interesting.
AFTER YOU HAVE DONE SOME RESEARCH, get back to me, and if you are still entangled in ignorance, I will strive to continue to be helpful.
Always fun to find out who read the Feynman lectures and who didn’t.
The best history book I read last year was The Club by Damrosch, which centers on Johnson.
The whigs became the liberals (trolloppe was one) they faded after the first war. Then some time in the 60s they formed the alliance david owen was one of the lead figures.
The Whigs vanished in the 1850s. They were ascendant through most of the 18th century though it was the Tories in power during the American revolution.
Trolls have a day off? No sign of the usual ones, Michael K, Pants, Chuck.
Yes charles fox leading whig was pro colonies and a sucker for the french revolution (i learned that from georgianna)
Like the labour figures like wilson who were pro soviet and later pro iranian
Always fun to find out who read the Feynman lectures and who didn’t.
Copy that. We were just discussing it down in front of JJ's Liquors and Smokes.
Seriously, I would rather be talking about the underestimated parallels between the best sentiments in Paul's Prison Epistles and the last third of Finnegans Wake.
That being said, I know that at least one person is reading this and thinking I am sort of on the lunatic fringe with respect to the abuse of (mostly but not entirely minority) fetuses in the recent history of mRNA and similar vaccine/nonvaccine treatment therapies ----- and how I wish I were, but I know what I am talking about.
My friends, if you take nothing else from what I say, understand this:
the coronavirus, whether it is from a bat or from a lab with gain of function, is a very bad thing to have in your system.
it makes you sick.
and the vaccines are making young people sicker, after the vaccine, than they would be if they had just, like a soldier in a war, been infected with a biological weapon.
Please, please, think about it, pray about it, do what is right, and remember not to take a vaccine that was developed by people who heartlessly accepted the painful death of a little brother or sister, a little human brother or sister : Who cares, my friends, if the victim was a little smaller than the typical baby ---- the victims were ALL UNIQUE, they all would have loved to have been born, to have had that first taste of banana tapioca pudding from a Gerber's container, and would so so much more have loved to, even once, smile at a mother who smiled at them.
But because of scientific research, they never got to smile, never got to taste, even for as second, banana tapioca pudding. Think about banana tapioca pudding, think about it with love in your heart for your children or for those creatures who would have been your children if you were less unfortunate, and trust me, if you think about those things with love in your heart, you CANNOT even remotely consider me anywhere near to the lunatic fringe ---- quite the contrary ----- look at the sky, and thank God you have been given a heart to feel.
Messing with gain function of mohiang strain was a bad move, how they went about it is a mystery.
If you already got the vaccine, don't worry about it, you didn't know.
But if you have not yet gotten it, give is some thought.
You're making shit up. I do not feel compelled to follow you down the rabbit hole.
You do know what a hypothetical is, don't you?
Stop being an ass.
The use or nonuse of unethical medical research is hardly a rabbit hole. It is a question that any decent society or any decent person must ask.
And by the way, Mike, you are the one that barged into a discussion with J. Farmer.
If you didn't like the hypothetical, you could have just as simply minded your own business and shut the hell up.
the sad thing is all those people saying HEY it is just an 18 month thing like in 1918 and all those other times and I am thinking WOW I HOPE THEY ARE RIGHT but .....
FFS there is a huge picture of MAO on the main square of Peking and NOBODY DENIES THAT the little fellow caused the deaths of tens of millions ----- and it gets worse ---- the whole gain of function thing is so evil that even the CCP is outraged to be accuse of it ----- but there is a good chance that this is a gain of function thing, not a pandemic thing.
in which case, trust me, if you are relying on the Faucis and the Bidens of the world (or even the Trumps - a great guy but his warp speed ideas were mediocre at best, sorry to say ---- well he can mock me for not knowing how to string along a WWE story thread, not that that makes us even) if you are looking to the poor Faucis and the poor Bidens of this world to find a clue about how to get you and those you love out of the mess, you too are part of the problem.
Feel free not be an intellectual elitist. But those who can, do.
Well, the Tories are still around. The Whigs, as I understand it, were the wealthy titled landowners. They were in favor of limiting the perogatives of the King, but the policy differences were not stark. I admire the way that they were snobbish enough to look down upon the royal family. A bunch of kraut arrivistes. Not really our kind of people. This is snobbery of the highest order....Samuel Johnson has inspired a lot of fine biographies. The study of great writers is seldom edifying. Their merit as human beings is generally inversely proportional to their worth as writers. Johnson is the exception. It's reassuring for bookish peopl to spend time in his company. You can be a good scholar and still turn out as an okay person.
“ Their merit as human beings is generally inversely proportional to their worth as writers.”
Yeah. I learned young not to look too closely at authors you admire! Hammett was a horror. He gave speeches against lend-lease, because during the Molotov Ribbentrop pact period Moscow opposed it. Hellman was even worse.
@stephen cooper:
AFTER YOU HAVE DONE SOME RESEARCH, get back to me, and if you are still entangled in ignorance, I will strive to continue to be helpful.
You're confusing fetal cell lines with fetal tissue. To the best of my knowledge, only two varieties of fetal cell lines have been used. Those two lines each developed from a single fetus. Your notion of them having "a way to keep alive the murdered children until the lab critters were able to exactly extract what they needed" has nothing to do with the fetal cell lines that have been used in the covid vaccine development.
@Ken B:
“ Their merit as human beings is generally inversely proportional to their worth as writers.”
Yeah. I learned young not to look too closely at authors you admire!
I always try to admire the art and not the artist. There's certainly no reason to expect talented people to be good people.
I’ve been waiting for the professor to state some conclusions about the Time article.
Somehow, that didn’t happen.
She left that one hanging.
This morning at the Farmers Market I saw something strange, a couple wearing matching t-shirts that said:
Vaccines cause adults
Unless you're replacing the chimney for a fireplace, don't. Get rid of it. Replace the boiler or furnace, whichever you have, with a direct vent or power vent model. Small hole in the sidewall, or if in the basement, through one of the small windows which don't let in much light or ventilation anyway and which you've probably never opened.
Ken B said...
A great thread on Twitter on SF https://twitter.com/webdevMason/status/1358223425202888705
If I had guessed it was SanFran rather than SciFi- I'd have skipped it.
Andy Ngô
“Burn it down,” they chant.
BLM-Antifa are marching through Washington, DC. #antifa
Original Mike... Chimney teardown you describe is not unusual. Tile liners stacked atop one another are supposed to be seated on a bed of refractory cement between each tile. Many bricklayers use(d) brick mortar which deteriorates over time. The gaps between tiles can be enormous. Chimney tile's dimensions can vary wildly at the joint surface and with such gaps come damage.
Water in masonry can be described as a gravity fed pile driver. Think freeze-thaw as worst scenario.
I care. I've been on this site at least once a day for at least a decade. I've always enjoy your posts. God Bless you.
My son has Type 1, and is in rehab for alcoholism. He was dx'd last week with COVID, and thank God he is just fine so far, very minimal symptoms. I'm praying it stays that way. I also thank God my son is doing great in recovery. As you know, alcohol for a Type 1 is a dangerous mix.
I too, am Prolife. Ten years ago, when I was dx'd with breast cancer, my onc said there was a new chemo drug out that should "melt the tumor away" and was my best chance for survival. I immediately asked him if he knew whether or not this new drug's R&D used hESC or any other fetal "parts." He said no. Before I agreed to have that drug added to my chemo regimen, I also contacted a friend that was close to a scientist at that drug company, and they confirmed nothing fetal was used.
Prior to the cancer, I always assumed I'd decline anything that involved fetal lines, but have to admit I was (pleasantly) surprised when that when the situation presented itself irl, take it or possibly die, I did not falter. How could I choose my measly life over untold numbers of tiny innocent lives? I couldn't.
Blogger stephen cooper said...
. . . I refuse to pray for the success of vaccinations that were designed by people who design vaccines using live dying babies (who can still fell pain) who were purposely aborted by parents who brought them to some disgusting facility to be aborted (fetuses is the word Democratic voters among us use, but they are really babies, our little sisters and brothers).
So Stevie either does or perhaps doesn't support Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award recipient and newly-elected Missouri state representative Patricia Derges (R-Ozark) who has been charged in 20 counts of selling a fake Covid-19 cure containing stem cells (which turned out to be only acellular amniotic fluid).
@stephen cooper said...
My friends, if you take nothing else from what I say, understand this:
the coronavirus, whether it is from a bat or from a lab with gain of function, is a very bad thing to have in your system.
it makes you sick.
Too late to pray about it, brother, since I got stuck with Pfizer #2 yesterday. Nothing but a sore muscle after shot #1 but I have been warned about possible chills and a headache following the second shot. But so far, so good - only another sore arm muscle from the thawed vaccine.
You are, of course, "dead" wrong about the vaccine danger. Millions upon millions of shots - no deaths.
Vaccines cause adults
Those shirts are sparking online controversy!
I am going to go out for a cup of coffee with my copy of A Bright Ray of Darkness, a novel which shamelessly embraces the literary patrimony of the English language (Shakespeare looms large, the protagonist is an actor, after all) and the right of anybody to tell their story, even if they are rich and white and incredibly lucky and spoiled rotten.
This novel could never be taught in a lit class today, but from what I have read so far, it should be, just for first rate technique.
You are, of course, "dead" wrong about the vaccine danger. Millions upon millions of shots - no deaths.
When a diabetic with heart disease dies a week after getting the shot, will the death be attributed to the shot, or to heart disease and diabetes?
FullMoon asks, "When a diabetic with heart disease dies a week after getting the shot, will the death be attributed to the shot, or to heart disease and diabetes?"
To COVID and Trump, of course.
I'm a self-sacrificing sort, so those of you in a hurry to join the guinea pig herd are welcome to go ahead of me.
Thanks again for the chimney-chat. The crystallization was dealt with, and a new slab put around the flue, etc., but there may also be a roof issue. It's rare to get ice here, and our gutters are clear. The fireplace hearth is one of the major elements of the living room, but it's small, and gas, and we've never used it. Tear-down and roofing over has been mentioned also.
Cold rain last night, cold clouds today
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