From "From Cool to Cringe: what’s happened to American culture?/From Miles D to Cardi B" by Will Lloyd (The Spectator).
३ जानेवारी, २०२१
"The Sixties set the stage, the players and the rhetorical range of cultural life. The counterculture became a co-culture, then..."
"... a co-opted culture and eventually a co-opting culture. Cool was absorbed by consumerism, and became a manufactured good, like the battle between liberals and conservatives, or fights between the sexes. The old ferocity and subversiveness was bought off, lobotomized and placed in a zoo.
Over half a century, the quality of the animals on display declined. Lenny Bruce became Hannah Gadsby, Joan Baez became Taylor Swift and Malcolm X became Ibram X. Kendi.... There was no Cool left in America by the time the Trump era began, just noise.... Over there: howling patriots, conspiracy lunatics, Nazi bodybuilders, militarized trolls, hustlers and grifters. Over here: brittle liberal worthies, nerds, meritless meritocrats, academic Torquemadas, trust-funded podcasters, pseudoscientific TED speechifiers, hysterical talking heads and way too many lawyers. Not to mention all the creepy racists, the OnlyFans fans, the ‘wine o’clock’ mothers, the whining, weepy- kneeling athletes, the hate-crime fakers, the wannabe Bolsheviks, the acorn-brained influencers, the over-exposed YouTubers, Jerry Falwell Jr’s pool boy, Bret Stephens versus the 1619 Project.... [A]ll the psychotic grouplets of American life studied each other incestuously, searching for their enemies’ blunders and fails.... Cool was an impossibility... Awkwardness and shame brooded over the land...."
४८ टिप्पण्या:
Everything and everyone sucks. He’s not wrong.
Drop out, y’all. All of it. Fill your brain with things of value. Disregard bullshit; acquire strength.
Also if you’re a grown ass adult watching these piece of shit superhero movies, you are the problem and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
The number of supposed men on my FB timeline discussing the latest Wonder Woman movie is a disgrace. Grow up. Get some taste.
Why do they pretend that more than half of what the left does is done exclusively on the right. This is why you can't take them seriously.
@Pants, thanks. You said it all for me.
Also if you’re a grown ass adult watching these piece of shit superhero movies,
Hear, hear.
Empty vessels, prettified failure, corporate progressivism. That's the 00's for you. Few of today's political class have ever had a thought, much less an original thought. Told what to say and think, they don't ask: Is it good? They ask if it will sell. It's as though the team that thought up New Coke went into politics and is now managing the country.
Pants: thread winner, right there. Thanks.
This dude must think he's the next Tom Wolfe, laying down a hyperactive track of clever phrases. Meh.
Endlessly recycling the same thing (in this case, rendered cultural by-product) always results in Kultural Kuru.
I blame the no personal responsibility Boomers! As the oldest Boomer was in the 6th grade when I graduated high school I never knew one until I returned to college in mid 60's. The entitled self importance coupled with ignorance celebrated as intellect was frightening. Such traits have only been maximized in the progeny.
It reads like a Dennis Miller rant.
"Cringe" is the perfect word for the WinRed bot emails filling my inbox for the Ga. runoff.
The American Century summarized by Eric Hoffer:
"Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket."
Don't worry, Joe Biden is on the case.
Blogger I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Also if you’re a grown ass adult watching these piece of shit superhero movies, you are the problem and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
The number of supposed men on my FB timeline discussing the latest Wonder Woman movie is a disgrace. Grow up. Get some taste.
I wholeheartedly agree with this take. I would only add that I extend the condemnation to all still using Facebook. How much abuse must one witness to recognize what it has become and the damage it does?
Pants, that was cool!
The essay was pretty cool, too; we need some neo-Menckens and Hitchenses redux.
Even if half the names and episodes were completely unknown to me, it was a worthy screed.
Pity the land that has need of superheroes
Will Lloyd sees Nazi bodybuilders. I bet.
Hannah gadsby is that even a thing.
Hat Tip? - Billy Joel, "We Didn't Start The fire", 1989
Speaking broadly, the fundamental urge in the old culture was libertarian; the fundamental urge in the new culture is puritan.
Blogger MikeD said...
I blame the no personal responsibility Boomers! As the oldest Boomer was in the 6th grade when I graduated high school I never knew one until I returned to college in mid 60's. The entitled self importance coupled with ignorance celebrated as intellect was frightening. Such traits have only been maximized in the progeny.
Goddamn Baby Boomers! Passed the New Deal, started the war in Vietnam, ruined the country with the Great Society programs, abandoned the gold standard for the dollar, the perfidy! The perfidy!
Iman, you are completely correct. I have a few community things I haven’t stay up to date on through FB but I only look at my timeline once a week or so, and it annoys me every time I do. That’s another old habit that’s largely gone but I need to finally push off the roof.
The usual nonsense where some mythical "extreme Right wing" has to be imagined to balance off the Liberal/left. Howling patriots? As opposed to what "normal patriots"?
As for the counter-culture, the name says it all. The hippies/yippies could only subvert and riff off the existing culture which had been around for 200 years before they popped up in the 60s. Once they had more or less wiped that out, they had nothing. Just like the white rock and rollers could only copy and riff off black music.
We have no "culture" and haven't had one for 40 years. Anything that exists is just a copy and paste of job. I suppose they are artists but they are distracted and consumed by the commercial money culture or are censored by the Left-wing gatekeepers who want nothing that disagrees with "The narrative" to be heard or seen.
"The Death of _______"
I think I will never live to see the death of "The Death of ______" thinkpieces.
One thing I've noticed is that center-right magazines like the Spectator can't just attack the Left. No matter how Left-wing our society is, they always have play this game of coupling any attack on the Left with an attack on the Right, even if "the Right" has zero power or doesn't even exist.
We have Marxists/socialists/communists in the USA, many in high positions in academia and the arts. We have ZERO Nazis/fascists/racists. They simply do not exist in significant numbers. Yet we're always hearing about the KKK, racism, Nazis, and other mythical creatures. Its like Stalinist Russia talking about "counter-revolutionaries".
Henry rodgers is a fake like michael dyson or cornel west.
Getting back to the "Culture". We were told back in the 80s that the "Old arts" Theater, jazz, classical music, painting, novels, poetry were "Dead" but that was OK, because the "New Arts" TV/film/Rock and roll etc. would replace them and give us great and beautiful art.
So, where is it? where are the great films of the last 20 years? Where is the great rock n' roll, or rap, or hip-hop music? Where is the great TV shows?
Even at its best, what do we get? TV Shows about Gangsters, Middle aged white Drug dealers, Black drug Dealers, 14th Century Rape-Violence porn complete with Dragons, etc. Its pathetic. Even Star Wars has devolved into 2nd rate copy and paste job, complete with feminist hero, and a black side kick.
The Spectator took a look at the artistic/cultural decline some months back: Who Killed the American Arts? The decline from Duke Ellington and Aretha Franklin to A$AP Rocky and Lizzo is a slide from civilization to barbarism.
The Old World likes to write about the New World's failures so as to forget their own (and take pride in the cleverness of their writing).
Will Lloyd's version is more politicized, but maybe he's right and American culture doesn't have much to say apart from talking about race/gender/sexual orientation and the political/cultural divide.
"Cool" was a way of being bohemian or avant-garde without losing credibility in the respectable bourgeois world. Now everybody can be bourgeois-bohemian. Indeed, it's hard to find people who are purely one or the other, so "cool" lost its cachet.
Art, I suppose, was likewise a way of stepping out of the bubble of ordinary life to reach something higher or at least different. But the sphere of everyday life is so large now and the belief in anything above or beyond it is so weak, that there may not be that much left for art to say or be.
What he says about Obama was truer about Kennedy, and the cycle of admiration, imitation, self-parody, and disillusionment that he describes was true of Kennedy and the Sixties.
The difference is that the movements which the 60s gave us in response to the disillusionment with Kennedy are what the culture's been living off for the past 60 years and there's nothing new on the horizon to replace it.
Christopher Booker's The Neophiliacs, about Britain in the 60s, is good on these cycles of exhilaration and exhaustion that make up modern cultural life.
"Nazi bodybuilders." Even the Spectator has its clickbait editors, who throw in terms like that to punch up the think pieces.
But now that the Meme has arisen, we need a tough-minded journalist like Andrew Sullivan to get to the bottom of this emerging threat.
Who is Will Lloyd? American? Over 30? (I need to know if he is to be trusted.)
Shorter Will Lloyd: nobody's cool 'cept me.
Also if you’re a grown ass adult watching these piece of shit superhero movies, you are the problem and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Jawohl, Mein Fuehrer!
"The number of supposed men on my FB timeline discussing the latest Wonder Woman movie is a disgrace. Grow up. Get some taste."
That Gadot chick is a sexy as a cardboard cutout...she looks like a gay man's version of pretty...there is nothing there...quite generic.
Our culture is exhausted. It has nothing “new” to contribute in the way of beauty or transcendence, so it can only deconstruct. Ugly is the new pretty. Tattoos, shaved heads, ripped clothing are the fashionable manifestation of the culture of death. Recent holiday movies are cynical parodies of the classics. Woke literature will end badly, in a bonfire, who knows, perhaps to keep us warm.
Have a nice day!
"Our culture is exhausted. It has nothing “new” to contribute in the way of beauty or transcendence, so it can only deconstruct. Ugly is the new pretty. Tattoos, shaved heads, ripped clothing are the fashionable manifestation of the culture of death. Recent holiday movies are cynical parodies of the classics. Woke literature will end badly, in a bonfire, who knows, perhaps to keep us warm."
Nice! Very well put. The culture has coarsened beyond repair.
In the era when men wore hats and doors were held for all women, there was always incivility lurking underneath. There were drugs and pornography and child abuse. But at least they were hidden and there was some actual civility on the surface.
Now? Civility is scorned.
Hold a door for a woman and you're branded a misogynistic freak who doesn't see 'womyn' as equal if not superior.
You had to be a solid member of the criminal class to get any kind of drug. Now that's sold by the government.
Porn? Streamed 24/7 into your home and onto your 10-year-old's laptop. Oh the things they'll learn.
This country needs a reckoning. And when it comes, it will not go well for the far-left drivers of this push into the cultural abyss...
White rock and roll was better than the black rock and roll it ripped off.
The obligatory pox on both their houses.
White rock and roll was better than the black rock and roll it ripped off.
Christian psalms evolve as Christian rock. Now, we get burned while rapping around the fire.
If we're going to start the New Year by playing the blame game, then let's blame Elvis Presley for our cultural decline.
My mother, born in 1942, just yesterday told me she loved listening to Mario Lanza as a girl, had a major crush on him... and then Elvis! arrived. According to her, out went Mario, and Perry Como and Dinah Shore. Rock n Roll was here to stay. Imagine how her parents felt when she switched from Lanza to Presley as a teen.
(She still loves both Mario and Elvis. We spent a few hours listening to Lanza yesterday; Amazon prime is good for something.)
It's hard not to see the origins of today's repressive Woke culture in "A Critique of Pure Tolerance," which was published in 1965. It is here that we find the concept of "repressive tolerance," contained neatly in the theory that some speech is (or should be) More Equal than other speech. And therefore it's not merely acceptable to repress speech you dislike, but your moral duty to do so.
This baby had a long gestation period, but, it's demonic self has not only been born but rapidly matured into its full malevolence.
Everyone seems to want to see little but love, peace and tolerance in 1960's counterculture, yet the seeds of today's violently intolerant Wokeness were always there, awaiting.
It's hard not to see the origins of today's repressive Woke culture in "A Critique of Pure Tolerance," which was published in 1965. It is here that we find the concept of "repressive tolerance," elaborated into a theory that some speech is (or should be) More Equal than others. And therefore it's not merely acceptable to reporess speech you disagree with, but a moral duty to do so.
This baby had a long gestation period, but, it's demonic self was not only born but matured into its full malevolence.
Everyone seems to want to see little but love, peace and tolerance in 1960s counterculture, yet the seeds of today's violently intolerant Woke were always there, just awaiting their time.
Caligula, you can say that again, again.
Roughcoat, how do you demarcate R & R racially? Who fits neatly into your categories, past and/or present?
I am not really a Toynbeean Toynbeean (though I play one on the Interwebz) but IIRC he has an apt observation that exhausted cultures' elites lose themselves in antiquarianism and/or futurism-- and the overblown mystico-spiritual PC fantasies of violence and vengeance that pass for epic on page and screen indicate that in our case it's both.
We're like the late Romans, but only in our vices
I suppose that the rough creature has finally slouched it’s way to Bethlehem, and is born. I don’t like the gyre we are in, and am ready for another.
We are so arrogant, western culture has seen a lot of upheaval since the collapse of Rome. England’s parliamentarians cut off Charles’ head in 1651. Revolution in 1776. There was war in 1861 and 1941. Peace seems to make us silly and corrupt, then nature says it’s time for something else.
Over there: howling patriots, conspiracy lunatics, Nazi bodybuilders, militarized trolls, hustlers and grifters. Over here: brittle liberal worthies, nerds, meritless meritocrats, academic Torquemadas, trust-funded podcasters, pseudoscientific TED speechifiers, hysterical talking heads and way too many lawyers. Not to mention all the creepy racists,
Wait, what?
Racism not specifically ascribed to "over there"?
I love me some Torquemadas..with a tall Modelo Negra.
But rap has helped inspire so many aspiring creative citizens.
If pop culture is represented by a fat negro screeching about her wet ass pussy, maybe we've reached bottom and there's no place to go but upward.
"...and there's no place to go but upward."
Or inward : )
I dunno. I thought Wil Lloyd pretty much nailed it.
There is genuinely transgressive and subversive culture out there, but you're not going to read about it in The Spectator because it's an analog rag in our digital age. What Lloyd is bemoaning is that he's separated from it, it is inaccessible to him and beyond his control, beyond his ken. It may not be cool, in fact these days it's a bit warm, getting hotter, but the Bronze Age pervert (I suppose that's the "Nazi Bodybuilder" Lloyd refers to) and the rest of the "based" punks are coming for Lloyd, and he can smell it.
White rock and roll was better than the black rock and roll it ripped off.
Why pit one against the other?
And how did this become the topic?
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