January 12, 2021




Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

no loons

...just a crane.

Michael K said...

Sheldon Adelson has died at 87. I stayed at his Venetian hotel a few times and employees, who were non-union , unusual in Vegas, were very happy with their jobs.

Readering said...

I stayed at his Venetian a few times. Pretty much the same as the other stip casino hotels I stayed at I've the last 20 years.

Readering said...


Ignorance is Bliss said...

Suggestion for a future post, when you have time to moderate:

What can we do to reduce partisanship in this country? This is intended to be a brainstorming session, so we're looking for positive ideas. If you don't have such, you are cordially invited to move on to another post.

Explicitly off topic and will be delete:
* any suggestions of revolution, violence, reeducation camps, etc
* any statements saying it can't be done
* any criticism of other people's suggestions
* any statement about what the other side must do to reduce partisanship. (You can make suggestions on what we can do to encourage people on the other to be less partisan )

Temujin said...

What a beautiful birthday morning! The sun and all of Madison wishing you a beautiful day.

I'm Not Sure said...

"What can we do to reduce partisanship in this country? "

The more power government has to micromanage peoples' lives, the worse partisanship will become.

Most people can figure where to go from there if a reduction is desired. Spoiler alert- plenty of people don't have a problem with partisanship as long as they get to do the micromanaging.

daskol said...

Anyone else triggered by the that Capital-building resembling rotunda in the picture?

rhhardin said...

Another rotten Rush guest host today. Mark Steyn is the only hope for the franchise, and even he has trouble with daily new material. He tends to be more of a structure guy.

Joe Smith said...

Sunrise, sunset, Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze
Sunrise, sunset, Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Is this subtle birthday commentary?

J. Farmer said...

Happy Birthday to Ann, one of the den mothers of the blogosphere. I always liked the blog format and was disappointed to see it fall out of favor. I am grateful you have kept it going for so long, and I've always loved your sort of semiotic approach to topics.

It's fitting that Ann, Rush, and Stern all share the same birthday. They're all practitioners of media studies.

chuck said...

even he has trouble with daily new material.

Do you mean keeping up, or having new things to say.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Sheldon Adelson has died at 87. I stayed at his Venetian hotel a few times and employees, who were non-union , unusual in Vegas, were very happy with their jobs.

I wonder what percent of them were illegal. Adelson was a big amnesty backer. He was a vert malign influence on the GOP.

Breezy said...

Lovely photo. Happy Birthday, Ann. And thank you for your intellectually stimulating blog.

Narr said...

Right, Happy Birthday to the Prof.

The only way to reduce partisanship in this country is to make me God-Emperor.

Don't say you weren't warned

stevew said...

"What can we do to reduce partisanship in this country? "

There needs to be a common goal that binds us to each other. Big wars have done that in the past, perhaps space exploration too. Not recommending the former, and we're sort of engaged in the latter.

On a personal level, commit yourself to treating your opponents and those you disagree with fairly and well, as you would like to be treated. Don't question their motives, don't insult and vilify simply because you disagree, and commit to try to understand their point of view. Would be a good start. The biggest challenge are the people that refuse to participate and behave this way, the bad actors.

Also agree with I'm Not Sure: reduce the size and scope, and therefore stakes, of government, especially including elected office holders. If the office of POTUS returned to its Constitutional duties, as did Congress, there would be a lot less at stake in these elections.

Beautiful photo and Happy Birthday to Ann.

Ken B said...

Old Hegelian
Remember you said you thought you had Covid a year ago? Still believe that? Had a serum test?

Ken B said...

Happy Birthday.

Narr said...

You can blame buwaya for this.

Youtube Zoltan Kocsis Beethoven op124, the 2019 version.

Lousy video and crackly audio, but O.M.G.

It's like I'd never heard it before

Mr. Forward said...

I hope they cheated. Otherwise it means over half the country obeyed their corporate overlords.

Kai Akker said...

Stock market has been fracturing badly after the Biden rally wore out last week.

Readering said...

Wow Michael Beller hangs out in a cafe and says dumb shit to a stranger. He could be an AA commenter.

Laslo Spatula said...

"*any statements saying it can't be done"

The macro problem: too many people and institutions -- government workers and retirees, universities, media elite, etc -- are comfortable whether America is successful or not.

America can fail -- depression, war, unemployment, riots, liberty itself -- and they will be cocooned from the damage to Shantytown America (at least, they believe this to be true). Boiled down, this is the conceit of the Elite: they believe China can do more for them personally than the United States.

As such, it really isn't a question of partisanship anymore, when the success of America is unnecessary to a large part of the population (and the people who want to be credentialed into that group).

We are a lot closer to living in The Crack Emcee's worldview than Zuckerberg's.

Eloi and Morlocks.

I am Laslo.

MadTownGuy said...

Benjamin Franklin’s Final Remark, Federal Convention

"The following remarks were recorded by James Madison at the close of the Constitutional Convention.

Whilst the last members were signing it [i.e., the Constitution] Doct FRANKLIN looking towards the Presidents Chair, at the back of which a rising sun happened to be painted, observed to a few members near him, that Painters had found it difficult to distinguish in their art a rising from a setting sun. I have said he, often and often in the course of the Session, and the vicissitudes of my hopes and fears as to its issue, looked at that behind the President without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting: But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.

Now I don't think he would be so assured.

mandrewa said...

"Wow Michael Beller hangs out in a cafe and says dumb shit to a stranger. He could be an AA commenter."

He's you, Readering. I mean I'll give you credit, you wouldn't write words as malignant and revealing as Beller's on this forum. Although who knows what you say in private to your friends.

By the way, I can testify from personal experience, although I don't have any recordings that I can produce to document it, but there are many people in the D.C. bureaucracy that will just spontaneously tell someone out of the blue for no apparent reason how much they dislike people from middle America. I have heard that over and over and over again.

In fact, it's so routine that if you get together with a random sampling of D.C. people whose jobs are in and around the government for an evening, you are more likely than not to hear that message during the evening.

But the reason I'm saying that he is you, Readering, is not because I assume you say the same things. No, it's because this is the party you are supporting. And you have to know that this is the kind of thing they say and think.

YoungHegelian said...

Ken B.

Old Hegelian
Remember you said you thought you had Covid a year ago? Still believe that? Had a serum test?

Yes, I did have an antibody test on 5/14/2020. It came up negative, and the doctor thought that it was very unlikely that it was a false negative. So, seemingly, I did not have COVID.

Interestingly enough, I went to an orthopedic guy for my shoulder in mid-October and I asked the doctor how COVID was treating him & his staff. He got very dour, and glared at me and said "I got something in March that knocked me on my ass for ten days. I've had two [antibody]tests since then and they both came back negative. I don't believe it. I don't believe a bit of it".

So, clearly I'm not the only one who left wondering. I know quite a few folks who had some sort of respiratory crud in the January to March, 2020 time frame. We all had flu shots, and so we sit around and wonder "Well, what the hell did we have?".

Gahrie said...

I was originally on keeping my head down and my mouth shut the next four years, but I don't think I'm going to be able to. Luckily I'm single with no kids, and I'm only responsible for three cats, so there's no guilt involved. I fully expect to get cancelled.

YoungHegelian said...

As for Michael Beller, I've lived in the DC area since 9/1979. For most of that time I was a liberal. Shit like what Beller said is par for the course. It;s like discovering that minorities don't really like each other very much after you befriend or work with them for a while.

Oh, and the Lefties. Ah, the true hard Lefties. I have this wonderful habit of enraging Lefties because when they find out I have conservative leanings they make all sorts of dumb assumptions. They then find out that I know the origins of left wing ideology (Marx & beyond) much better than they do. They just go bazoo, especially if alcohol is involved. They'll say all sorts of genocidal shit in a heartbeat.

I once told one of my lefty friends who was bitching about Reagan, "P., if Reagan's in charge we get what we've got now. If you were in charge, we'd have Khmer Rouge Cambodia". He laughed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Happy Birthday, Ann.

Wince said...

Readering said...
Wow Michael Beller hangs out in a cafe and says dumb shit to a stranger. He could be an AA commenter.

Let us know which AA commenters are executive legal counsel for broadcast TV networks that receive federal money for educational purposes, who talk about forced reeducation camps for children and throwing Molotov cocktails at the White House.

Or if you know of any similar job openings.

wildswan said...

I'll just say Happy Birthday, Althouse. "What can we do to reduce partisanship?" is a good question that leaves me at a loss. Let me put my problem this way: if you are convinced that the other person is not being honest about agenda and principles, then how do you treat them and their side? Take, for example, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi who claim to be Catholics like myself while working to advance a fanatical abortion agenda. I can argue with pro-abortion secularists more easily than with these two who I know are insincere.

daskol said...

A negative antibody test doesn't mean you didn't have COVID, even if it's not a false positive. In my family, we all got very sick in Feb/March. No test during illness as that was when you needed to go to a hospital, and we were fortunate not to need that. Wife and son tested positive for antibodies, as did both my parents, but not me and not the other kids. Mine was just below the threshold, and I was probably sickest in immediate family.

Michael K said...

I wonder what percent of them were illegal. Adelson was a big amnesty backer. He was a vert malign influence on the GOP.

Don't recall any of them that had any trouble with English. My point was that they seemed happy with their jobs even though, or perhaps because, nonunion. How many illegals do you think are holding non-union jobs in Vegas?

Ken B said...

Old Hegelian
Interesting, thank you.
Step daughter is a nurse and got vaccinated Monday.

Lucien said...

Beller’s comments seem liking things one might say if being interviewed by Ali G, or if you suspected Project Veritas was behind it.

Michael K said...

If you want crazy, Biden's new Civil Rights nominee should be of interest.

Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994.

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards.” Kristen Clarke wrote.

The next two years should be exciting.

Yancey Ward said...

What can we do to reduce partisanship in this country?

An impossible task given the power and scope of the federal government. In short, the only way to reduce partisanship is to make the power of the federal government far smaller.

Nonapod said...

“Americans are so fucking dumb,” said PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller, who was chatting with one of Project Veritas‘ undercover self-described guerilla journalists. “You know most people are dumb.”...Beller suggests removing the children from parents who supported Trump and then sending them to enlightenment camps.(here)

So camps... to help them concentrate. We're in for a messy 4 years.

mccullough said...

Sunrise looks like a flaming cue ball near the corner pocket.

Immanuel Rant said...

Washington Times:

“President-elect Joseph R. Biden on Monday said he is looking for ways that the Senate could hold an impeachment trial for President Trump while working on the new administration’s agenda.”

How's that healing and unity pledge holding up after (checks watch) 24 hours?

Nonapod said...

By the way, I can testify from personal experience, although I don't have any recordings that I can produce to document it, but there are many people in the D.C. bureaucracy that will just spontaneously tell someone out of the blue for no apparent reason how much they dislike people from middle America. I have heard that over and over and over again.

In fairness, I've said some pretty horrible things about the Washington elite myself, but only after I understood exactly what they think of middle America. I know that the elite mostly disdain the very people that have empowered them. I just wish that more voters and regular citizens in general would wake up to the fact that these are hateful people who don't deserve any respect. I'm not suggesting a specific solution, there aren't any easy ways to ensure that only decent people achieve power. I just hope that more scrutiny is applied to those who would be our rulers.

rehajm said...

I'm sorry he's passed. He was a giving philanthropist...

...that said, several years ago my wife got a call from an attorney who said Sheldon Adelson was looking to set up a family office and Adelson heard she was the best. He wanted to hire her and was not going to take no for an answer.

So the wife asked around to those in the know. Everyone said Adelson was a sonofabitch.

She said no...and he took it.

mandrewa said...

Happy Birthday, Ann.

Howard said...

More modern neuroscience put in practice. No wonder Althouse is so productive.

Observing sunrise brain hack

Lurker21 said...

With the dome it looks like sunrise over the Neva. You'd have to tear down all those buildings on the left and replace them with a Winter Palace, though.

I finally saw Arnold's video. It was all over TV and radio. That's quite some appropriation/trivialization of the Holocaust at the beginning. BTW, some people even object to the term "Kristallnacht" because it wasn't just windows that were broken. Buildings were burned, property was destroyed, and many people were beaten or killed. It was much more than what happened last week, as unfortunate as all that was.

Arnold is bidding for a "Profiles in Courage" award, I guess, and a tearful reunion with Maria (Maria the wife, not María the maid). He doesn't look so good, though. After watching him and his scraggly beard for fifteen minutes I felt like I was watching an unholy cross between Saddam, the Ayatollah and Mandy Patinkin. It was riveting, and I guess it was worth pulling him up out of whatever well he's been hiding in for the last few years.

I could sympathize with what Arnold said about his childhood in Austria, though. Should I die of lung cancer, blame my time in Germany when all there was to do at night was watch TV in a room full of drunken, chain-smoking ex-Nazis (well, that and the ten years of cigarettes I smoked).

Clyde said...

Michael K said...


The next two years should be exciting.

I predict a boom year for personal security services and mortuaries.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

how will the media comport themselves in this new world of reduced partisanship?

Flat Tire said...

Happy Birthday Ann and thank you for this blog.

Owen said...

Laslo @ 11:49: “Eloi and Morlocks.” Yup. And that worked out so well.

Yancey Ward said...

I have been collecting some of the stories from those caught up in The Great Siege of D.C. I will republish them here over the next several days for posterity, but try to guess whose stories they are:

"I was with my staff taking room measurements in the office of the Senate President when Trump's shock troops broke through our brave security's front lines. We tried a fighting retreat from the office, but we were soon overtaken by the enemy's blazingly quick stroll, a stroll that brought to my mind the goose-stepping Nazis in Paris in June 1940. We quickly found ourselves surrounded by the regiment armed with the latest technology that was posting our dire straits directly to social media. Facing immediate extermination, we surrendered. During the occupation I offered myself as a consort to the leader in order to get some extra rations and a promised position in the AG's office of the new government."

Francisco D said...

Kai Akker said...Stock market has been fracturing badly after the Biden rally wore out last week.

The market will go up after the Dems give everyone $2K, but once that is spent, look out.

People need to stay in the market in order to deal with inflation. The Biden-DNC administration is going to greatly outspend Trump (who was no deficit hawk). Where does that money come from?

1. The government printing press (increases inflation)

2. Government bonds (mostly bought by China)

Francisco D said...

Happy birthday Ann.

Yancey Ward said...

The market won't like inflation. If you want to hide from inflation, you will have to buy commodities.

farmgirl said...


Another take-
Happy Birthday to Ann... &many many moo-oooore!

Dave Begley said...

Check out the letter authored by the Yale Law School Dean and signed by 156 others including Creighton and Wisconsin. Astounding.

Tomcc said...

Adding my wishes for a happy birthday to our hostess!

Howard said...

Will Michael Beller be cancelled?

Gusty Winds said...

With the sunset of the American Republic at hand, it seemed appropriate to place my Waukesha County sunset rant in the comments of a photo of the Rising Sun over Madison. Congratulations to its subjects on the upcoming installation of our new Emperor. Your ballot harvesting knows no bounds inside Dane County.

Here’s some honesty that we haven’t seen on this blog during the election of 2020. We did see it during the coverage of Act 10 protests in 2011. The contrast is stark and apparent. Back then Althouse risked and exposed via video the frothing attempt to cancel Scott Walker and the rest of his voters through the legal means of recall. It didn’t work. But cancel culture took root as a political tool. And law-fare through John Doe.

Walker supporters were all Hitler. She knew that wasn’t true, and took risks. Today the risk taking is gone. Now we get the NYT and Wash Post shoved at us as legit. Source material has narrowed. Plan B has been implemented; all out liberal Wisconsin participation in election fraud. The love that dare not speak its name.

We Walker/Trump Deplorables are still accused of being Nazis. Three fifths human, rats, savages. Now Domestic terrorists. The stakes are greater, and the game has changed. We’ve gone from recall to repossess, confiscate, demonize, isolate, and cancel. To Madison, WI places like Waukesha County, WI are filled with heretics that no longer deserve protection of their laws. Laws they no longer obey, only impose. Madison does not believe in equal protection.

I deleted my FB page yesterday. Eleven years. I was quite vocal. Very vocal. Wiped it out. Not in protest. I don’t think our new WWII Italian Corporate syndicate rulers are hurt by my absence. Now I’m scared. And I’m not afraid to admit it. You people are nuts.

I’ve got some Generation Z kids that still need me. This is why I don’t believe Althouse is being honest any more. She is scared too. And she is closer to those running Central City. Who would want to be outcast to the outliers? And I fully believe there are PLENTY in her Madison community that would torch property and people in Red areas of SE Wisconsin with glee.

They already torched their own town. And there are plenty, who out of moral obligation would turn in their neighbors. Starts with Governor Evers public mask shaming encouragement…and goes from there. Evers let Kenosha burn. What else do you need to see?

I don’t fear COVID. Haven’t all year. I fear those that fear COVID. In line with Voltaire’s warning, they have already been convinced to believe absurdities. Will we now be entertained with Act II? Act 10 will seem mild.

We are accused of being fascists by people who don’t know what it is. They think it is about dictatorship. It’s more than that. You have to understand Mussolini’s corporatism after his 1922 march on Rome to understand it is what is unfolding in 2020/2021 America. Democrats / Bureaucrats / GOPe / and BIG TECH. Same model. Bigger scale.

But Ann. I’m sure you’ve already pondered and dissected all of that. Say it with me Ann. My final gasp of capitulation. UNCLE!!!

Karen said...

Publish a book of your sunsets. Please!

rhhardin said...

"By the time they dropped Archie back at the consolate, the sun's lower rim was nearly touching the sea's surface to the west." (Tom Clancy)

He's thinking of "limb," or else he would have said "edge."

daskol said...

just the limb

Howard said...

Rain forecast in center Mass Saturday. Hopefully they get enough snow in New Hampshire for snowshoeing.

The lemon snickerdoodles were a big hit with my hiking club on Sunday. The secret is to substitute citric acid for cream of tartar.

Howard said...

The short Netflix series Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat is worth watching.

Inga said...

Salt fat acid and heat...sounds delicious!

Leland said...

Happy Birthday Althouse! Thank you for producing such a wonderful place to share ideas.

J. Farmer said...


The short Netflix series Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat is worth watching.

I have not watched it, but I have the book and have seen Samin do various appearances. She does a great job of explaining the fundamentals to building flavor in dishes.

iowan2 said...

We know the leftist are dumb, and the media listens to the answer to their questions, and don't push back a bit, when they are so wrong

1. Biden thinks the Senate can work on his agenda in the morning and impeachment in the afternoon. No. The Senate Shall take the impeachment, and shall not take up any business but impeachment until a verdict is reached.

2. Some goofball Democrat want Cruz and Hawley put on the no fly list. The media scribe never asked the congressman if he actually believed either man was a danger to take down a passenger jet liner. But more than that, It is a violation of the constitution to for law enforcement to interfere, or detain any congress critter in their travels to, or from Congress.

This seems like basic stuff to me. Biden actual ran an impeachment, he knows the rules.
The congress critter? Who knows? Maybe he believes Guam is in danger of tipping over.

A fun aside, 10-15 years ago the House Transportation committee had a request to eliminate cattle guards on the Interstates in the western states. One of the congress critters in one of those western states she would go along, if, they appropriated funding for training and education to take care of the unemployed cattle guards. Hint: cattle guards are not people

The Crack Emcee said...


Healthcare Workers Are Refusing the COVID Vaccine Because No One Is Immune to Bad Ideas - Vice News (2021)


"Read this!" my wife said when she came home from the start of a new term at nursing school. The book she handed me was Martha Rogers’ "The Science of Unitary Human Beings". The more I read, the more I thought I was the butt of an elaborate joke she had somehow put together. "You’ve got to be kidding," I said.

"I’m not. This is one of the texts for our Nursing Theory course," she replied, with a tone of voice and facial expression that showed her disapproval.

It wasn’t just the book that was suspect. My wife’s Nursing Theory course itself had a number of the hallmarks of a cult indoctrination: Any serious intellectual challenge to the basic ideas was treated as troublemaking, the leader was held in reverent awe and was regarded as having knowledge beyond the current reach of science. As I did more research into the topic, I discovered that this brand of nursing theory was widespread."
- Jef Raskin (2000)

The late Jef Raskin was a writer, interface design consultant, and cognitive psychology researcher. He created and led the Macintosh project at Apple Computer Inc.

Howard said...

J Farmer: It's culinary chemistry. I'm surprised she didn't include sweet in the equation.

J. Farmer said...


J Farmer: It's culinary chemistry. I'm surprised she didn't include sweet in the equation.

To be fair, you don't often hear amateur cooks complain about insufficient sweetness in their dishes. It terms of "culinary chemistry," I still think Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking is the gold standard. In terms of more traditional cookbooks, I like Paula Wolfert, Waverly Root, Marcella Hazan, Judy Rodgers's Zuni Cafe Cookbook, and though it can be hard to find Claudia Fleming's pastry cookbook The Last Course is amazing. Fleming was the head pastry chef at Gramercy Tavern before opening The North Fork Table and Inn in Long Island with her husband, Gerry Hayden. He tragically died of ALS several years ago.

Gospace said...

On the dreaded covid- and when it really appeared. We know from stored blood sample it's been in the U.S. since at least NOV 2019. My wife had the crud that wouldn't go away in February. Including loss of taste and smell. That was before there were tests for it.

There was a test in March when my middle son was diagnosed with it. Two negative tests. Loss of taste and smell. Overnight on oxygen in a hospital when he stood up wearing the pulse-oximeter and his O2 level dropped like a rock. As he left the doctors told him he had covid, the tests had a high false negative rate, and that that noted medical expert Dictator Cuomo had forbidden doctors from giving a 3rd test. Dictators can make medical decisions in a dictatorship, not a free country. He tested positive for antibodies when he gave blood. My youngest came down with the symptoms including loss of taste and smell when he started the extended spring break from campus that lasted until the next academic year. He wasn't tested, and hasn't given blood since. So two, maybe 3 close exposures for me. Haven't gotten it yet. 1 Jan was my 3rd blood donation since the covidiocy started, 3rd no antibodies.

My supervisor just came down with it, tested positive. Except for his age- mid 50s- he's a walking bundle of comorbidities. The only symptoms he had was the loss of taste and smell. Except for me, everyone at the plant is wearing masks religiously. One of my coworkers loss his sense of taste and smell back in June or July he told me. We've signed all kinds of training forms saying we've read the symptoms, not to come in if we have them, and to call employee health. He told me he didn't know that was the telling symptom....

Kai Akker said...

--- The secret is to substitute citric acid for cream of tartar.

A little tip from your friend Titus?

donald said...

Oh yeah, I meant war criminal. He should swing from a light post next to his dupe.

Howard said...

Fuck. I just fingered out your handle Kayaker. I first started with the Sonoma Co SAR group called the Bonzai Bozos in 1991. We would also paddle with the Tsunami Rangers from Half Moon Bay. Did a lot of rock bashing and surfing. As I got older, just did kayak fishing from Pigeon Point down almost to PT Lobos.

Where do you yak?

Howard said...

Jesus Farmer. Is there a topic you haven't mastered?

Gospace said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"Read this!" my wife said when she came home from the start of a new term at nursing school. The book she handed me was Martha Rogers’ "The Science of Unitary Human Beings". The more I read, the more I thought I was the butt of an elaborate joke she had somehow put together. "You’ve got to be kidding," I said.

Female led institutions are hotbeds of alternatives to real science. Real science is hard. There was one that was taught in nursing schools similar to touch therapy- except the practitioners didn't actually lay hands on the person. I remember took a teenager to completely falsify that one. But let's talk touch therapy itself. Complete and utter nonsense. I mean, such utter nonsense doesn't even need research. But yet, googling "is touch therapy taught in nursing schools" got me this as the first result:

"Then Krieger's professional research and writing increased its popularity, particularly among nurses. The practice grew mostly through a grassroots effort of nurses throughout the United States. Today, therapeutic touch is taught at hospitals and health centers worldwide, and is most commonly practiced by nurses.

Off the top of my head, there are very few cults that attract more men than women. I was going to say that Hale-Bopp cult was the only one I could think of, but I was wrong. "The 39 adherents, 21 women and 18 men between the ages of 26 and 72 are the ones who killed themselves to get to the mothership. SO off the top of my head, I can't recall any.

Howard said...

Kai: I'm still rocking my whitewater and surfer Yahoo! Ocean Kayak I traded for with Tim Niemier himself at a big Kayak surf contest at Steamers Lane back in 1992.

What do you paddle?

Kai Akker said...

Rivers and lakes in eastern PA and Delmarva; bays and the Pine Barrens in NJ, in an Advanced Elements inflatable tandem.

Howard said...

That's a nice looking boat at only 50-lbs. I just now realized you shouldn't fish from an inflatable.

Kai Akker said...

Right, not a fishing boat, except with great care. When I saw one, I realized it would solve the city living and transport issues. The tandem re-seats as a solo, although it's not great in that mode, but good enough. It makes it more likely that my wife will come out with me on some paddles. And I can keep it in the trunk of my car when I am expecting to want to go off somewhere on short notice.

Howard said...

Every boat has it's mission. My brother had a similar inflatable. He and lady friend traveled the world with it. I have to have two boats for wife grandkids, etc. Only planned scheduled trips. This is making me want to go paddling.

Anonymous said...

"Well, what the hell did we have?". You got sick, like every human on the planet since time began.

Haven't you heard. The Covid panic is over. Biden will be installed. You can take off your mask now, for those dumb enough to have worn them. You can stop getting 'tested'. We can open businesses now, like Gov Cuomo just announced.

You identified yourself. You will do as you're told despite common sense and your own ability to reason. You've proven yourself to be part of the collective.

Michael K said...

This is making me want to go paddling.

Try Malibu, or Cape Cod.

Anonymous said...

"Well, what the hell did we have?". You got sick, like every human on the planet since time began.

Haven't you heard. The Covid panic is over. Biden will be installed. You can take off your mask now, for those dumb enough to have worn them. You can stop getting 'tested'. We can open businesses now, like Gov Cuomo just announced.

You identified yourself. You will do as you're told despite common sense and your own ability to reason. You've proven yourself to be part of the collective. The easiest people to con, are the people who think they're really smart.

Readering said...

Highest daily US covid death toll just reached.

Anonymous said...

I think ur post is biased. Check out my blog for some tips and tricks.

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