२५ जानेवारी, २०२१
"[I]t was clear that he was getting input from people who were calling him up, I don’t know who, people he knew from business, saying, 'Hey, I heard about this drug, isn’t it great?' or..."
"... 'Boy, this convalescent plasma is really phenomenal.' And I would try to, you know, calmly explain that you find out if something works by doing an appropriate clinical trial; you get the information, you give it a peer review. And he’d say, 'Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this stuff really works.' He would take just as seriously their opinion — based on no data, just anecdote — that something might really be important. It wasn’t just hydroxychloroquine, it was a variety of alternative-medicine-type approaches. It was always, 'A guy called me up, a friend of mine from blah, blah, blah.' That’s when my anxiety started to escalate.... There was one time — we were in the Oval Office sitting in the chairs around the Resolute Desk. We had this interesting relationship, kind of a New York City camaraderie thing where we kind of liked each other in the sense of 'Hey, two guys from New York.' And he was holding forth on some particular intervention, and saying something that clearly was not based on any data or evidence. There were a bunch of people there, and he turned to me and said, 'Well, Tony, what do you think?' And I said, you know, I think that’s not true at all because I don’t see any evidence to make you think that that’s the case. And he said, 'Oh, well,' and then went on to something else. Then I heard through the grapevine that there were people in the White House who got really surprised, if not offended, that I would dare contradict what the president said in front of everybody. And I was, 'Well, he asked me my opinion. What do you want me to say?' [Interviewer: But no confrontation?] No, he was fine. To his credit, he didn’t get upset at all."
१२१ टिप्पण्या:
Fauci, who keeps flip flopping like a fish out of water? The Fauci who helped fund the Wuhan lab that released the virus?? That Fauci? Fauci hasn't met a TV camera he didn't fall in love with.
Somehow Fauci is under the impression this post-Trump presidency gossip will improve his (Fauci's) legacy. It will not.
Oh, please - let's celebrate the life of Steve Jobs once more, shall we?
He was a genius,...
He would take just as seriously their opinion — based on no data, just anecdote — that something might really be important.
it's IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND, that; when thousands of people are dying EACH DAY...
You can NOT investigate ANYTHING that has not been PROVEN to to work
Just because something 'might really be important' does NOT mean anyone should look at it
when thousands of people are dying EACH DAY...
1st, you HAVE TO have a PROVEN, existing treatment
2nd, you can evaluate how well that PROVEN, existing treatment works
3rd, you can be SORRY that thousands of people are dying... EACH DAY
new drugs? That's NOT an existing treatment and therefore... CAN NOT be considered
Coretta Scott King - dying outside a quack doctor's clinic - that made the news, right?
How did the actor, Steve McQueen, die, again?
Can we discuss Farrah Fawcett's last trip to Germany?
Or Bob Marley's?
And wasn't the left's embrace of "alternative medicine" the beginning of "alternative facts" existing in American society?
This attempt to pin the NewAge Movement on Trump is a much bigger joke than he can be.
It requires amnesia.
Interesting, you have to get pretty far down the excerpt to find out that he defers to the scientific opinion the moment he hears it. He throws out ideas freely and abandons the ones that don’t pan out. Refreshing, to the sensible person.
remember back in april?
when they were telling us that "it would be TWO OR THREE years; at least!
before we would have a vaccine?
That's the Fauci way. Step by peer reviewed step. By Step. By Step
they put 'death threats' together with 'How it was working for Trump'. As if somebody in NYT was trying really hard to suggest Trump threatened to kill Fauci. Also, many people not working for Trump get death threats for variety of reasons, so it doesn't even remotely qualify as a characteristics of working for him
Fauci would rather you just die....hydroxychloroquinehttps://nypost.com/2020/04/07/michigan-democrat-says-hydroxychloroquine-saved-her-life/
"It requires amnesia."
The left in general and democrats in particular have never suffered from an abundance of reason. As a group they vigorously pursue ignorance.
improve his (Fauci's) legacy. It will not.
let's review Fauci's legacy
he's eighty years old (even OLDER than Jo Biden!)
he's hasn't had a promotion since Nov, 1984 (THIRTY SIX YEARS in THE SAME JOB!)
NO ONE had heard of this senile coot before Last year (because WHAT had he EVER accomplished?)
Now, he thinks he's SUPER FAMOUS! (and, FOR WHAT?)
IF he wasn't senile, he would have retired, a LONG TIME AGO
IF he wasn't senile, he'd be Hoping that people would Soon forget All about him
Serious Question: In 5 years, IF anyone remembers him At All; what will they remember?
In 2005, the AIDS research division under Fauci’s agency was also required to reinstate a whistleblower, Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, its chief of ethics and regulatory compliance, after he and many lawmakers in both parties argued he had been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns in some of the agency’s research. Fishbein told Just the News that Fauci failed to take responsibility for the managers and researchers who worked under him when signs of trouble emerged. “Fauci is all about Fauci,” Fishbein explained to Just the News. “He loves being the headline. It’s his ego.”
Sounds like Trump was brainstorming, something we frequently do in engineering venues. I’m sure it goes on in most industries. The point is to raise ideas freely, without any of them being batted down immediately. These processes may bring other ideas forward through lateral thinking. The time for proper vetting of all ideas comes later. The fact that Fauci displayed a lack of understanding of this process, and not engage in it, is quite telling.
Dr. Fauci has admitted, somewhat proudly, to lying about Covid related things like masks and the magnitude of the health threat from the virus. This was for our own good, of course. Why would I believe him now?
The CDC is a giant bureaucracy that has had it's budget increased by 79% since Obama took office. Did they cure HIV? No, they used that money to hire leftists who work on "gun violence" & "climate change"
Breezy said...
"Sounds like Trump was brainstorming, something we frequently do in engineering venues. "
That's precisely what he was doing. Now, here's Gary Lachman, author of 9 books on the occult, explaining what's been happening to us:
"My own belief is we've marginalized this irrational, whatever-you-want-to-call-it, and sort of kept it on the side, and now - instead of integrating it in a positive way, in a way that's creative and can push us forward - it's come back. But it's come back in a way that many of us are not quite at home with. We don't feel comfortable with it. And that's one of the things I say in the book, I say, in some way, the occult community, let's say, the occult-friendly community I belong,...I'm a part of,...we, too, have kind of wanted, you know, the kind of western, logical, scientific ideas about truth and rationality, and all of that, to be a bit loosened, you know, we find them too strict. Too reductive, and too limiting, and so we too wanted them to be loosened up a bit, just like the postmodernists, just like the chaos magicians, just like the New Thought people. And, OK, that has happened, but it's not happening quite the way, quite the magical way many of us would've liked for it to happen, so,..."
Translation: Oprah and the NewAge Movement threw open Pandora's box - and the Furies flew out - but they didn't land on the intended. They landed on Trump. N
Now, forget if you believe that, the point is THEY BELIEVE IT - and they're acting on it. They're trying to fix their "mistake" like Mickey Mouse in the Sorcerer's Apprentice."
Speaking of “bad science,” how about Biden*’s 100-day mask mandate? What’s “scientific” about the number 100? Why not 87? Or 114? But because 10 fingers times 10 fingers = 100, that’s the number they pulled out of their ass.
Lancet published Wakefield on MMR and autism. It wasn't a legit study where he got his chi square backwards. It was fraud straight up.
But Lancet gave it credibility, gravitas, heft.
Anti-vaxxers were energized, parents were guilt-ridden.
But it was SCIENCE! by golly, until it wasn't.
There's a soap opera market for insider Trump disparagement. It would show strength of character to resist it.
I don’t believe a word the NYTimes prints. But there is one thing that IS true, Fauci killed people by telling us not to wear masks, that is a fact.
Richard Aubrey said...
Lancet published Wakefield on MMR and autism. It wasn't a legit study where he got his chi square backwards. It was fraud straight up.
But Lancet gave it credibility, gravitas, heft.
Anti-vaxxers were energized, parents were guilt-ridden.
But it was SCIENCE! by golly, until it wasn't.
100% true - and where is Andrew Wakefield now? He's celebrated in the Oprah community as Elle MacPherson's boyfriend. As are anti-vaxxers Jim (Joe Biden on SNL) Carrey, Robert (Robert Mueller on SNL) De Niro, and all the other Trump Haters. I'm telling you, these NewAgers are running a game on you, as surely as the Democrat Party and Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and their People's Temple did San Francisco voters in the '70s.
Nobody figured out how that worked either - until there was a whole lot of murder - and then they confessed: the Democrats HAD stolen an election after all. And no one's ever been punished for it.
Here's the story on Anthony Fauci. A short history of how Anthony Fauci has kept failing up since 1984
He seems to me to be a man heavily invested in how he appears, what his public persona is, and that he is respected- above all- as the US expert on infectious diseases. The reality is, he is not that person. But we've treated him and his word, as if he is.
Now that Trumps is safely out of office, it’s become possible to report on the CDC’s systemic rot and serial failures.
Or we can talk about Fauci - the man who dumped tons and tons of funding into looking for an AIDS vaccine, instead of pursuing the treatments ultimately development by the private sector. Why did he do that - because he’s an immunologist by training, so he dismissed other options.
Fauci isn’t a great scientist or even a great administrator - but he’s REALLY good at being the first one to the microphone.
As a huge spotlight whore, Fauci should probably be more appreciative of the guy who made him famous, maybe send a nice fruit basket instead of bad mouthing him at every turn
It was a curse on this country that Fauci was ever born.
Hard to take as fact any assertion by this known liar, admitted misleader of the public who was imbued with trust on this specific subject yet chose to be more hack than doctor when we needed actual doctoring. Way to go Fauci. Enjoy your ignominious future you little prick. Maybe consider retiring and letting someone competent run things now.
How the media, AND EVERYBODY ELSE, can't focus enough to recognize the inherent contradiction in "The Party of Science" being led by Oprah can ONLY be explained by the cult involvement of those "reporting" the news.
Interesting that Rand Paul also has Fauci’s “number”, so to speak... They obviously do not like each other. Fauci sees Paul as a threat to his brand. Rightly so.
Fauci says whatever needs to be said to make Fauci look good.
Its funny to hear Trump fans calling someone a media whore that likes the spotlight.
Where was that criticism the last 4 years?
A little late to the game
A totally ineffective bureaucrat who has knowingly lied to the American people on at least 2 occasions is a hero to the left, simply because he stabbed Trump in the back.
So what if thousands died because Fauci didn't push to have clinical trials run on vitamin d, vitamin c, zinc, quercetin, HCQ, Ivermectin, etc.
On top of that, he was the one who went around Obama's ban and funded the research in China that led to the creation of the virus. (See Steve Hilton show from last night).
Mark said...
Its funny to hear Trump fans calling someone a media whore that likes the spotlight.
Where was that criticism the last 4 years?
A little late to the game
No, what's late - and funny - is how you guys think history - and probably the world - begins and ends with one man. Where were you for the last 30 years Bill Clinton has been investigated for, known to have raped four women in the Democrat Party?
You guys really should stop trying to pose as ethical creatures because you're not.
You're just creatures.
I LUV Dr. Fauci! He tells the greatest bedtime stories! What a yarn-spinner!
Donald Trump is the first President in modern American history to never send poor blacks to die in a war - and the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, and all the rest, is FURIOUS.
He was supposed to be a racist.
Fauci was just asked on tv if “ the lack of candor in the Trump White House ” ended up costing lives.
Fauci said yes.
So I ask, why didn’t this asshat resign from his position if he really thought that he was part of an administration killing Americans?
Because he’s a worthless unelected slug telling us not to wear masks. I never voted for him. Gtfoh pos.
Remember when his vaccines stopped AIDS? Me neither.
Anybody else remember when the first big climate change guy wrote his "love" book featuring Shirley MacLaine?
Can you self-identify as a NewAger better than dreaming about Shirley MacLaine?
Nice whataboutism, Crack.
If you don't want to answer the question, just say something negative about Bill or Hillary.
You sound like a left drone, constant whataboutism and being up Trump.
Fauci is good friends with the Cuomo's. That should tell you all you need to know.
Like war where you have to accept the fact you're going to die only to be relieved when it doesn't happen and you get to go home, working for Trump or any politician, you have to be ready to be fired or quit at any time. If neither happens and you're happy about what you've done, it's a relief and reward.
They can't quit him at NYT. Trumpian mindshare is huge.
I'm puzzled: if Dr. Fauci, or anyone else, is so concerned about the facts, and truth, and getting this country "well" again, why does no one mention the Democrats have stolen an election before - using cultism - and we know it? Why is that fact not important - apparently even to Ann - as she's watched me go from standing alone, on this topic, to the whole world discussing it incessantly?
Is Trump a cult? I have nothing but contempt for any Democrat or Democrat supporter who would dare ask that, after they waited for almost a 1,000 black people to die, last time, before they confessed what cultism THEY were up to, in stealing an election for Jim Jones - just as I have no doubt they would for Oprah and Obama.
If they'll keep the Harvey Milk lies going, this long, they'll do anything.
Mark said...
"Nice whataboutism, Crack."
Thank you. Whataboutism is the acknowledgement there was a world before Trump came along - and you're on the side of a whole party of murderers, rapists, liars, and con artists - something you should've noticed when Obama showed up with Oprah AFTER DR. OZ.
You guys take the stupid cake. Tell me:
What were doing these last four years as Hillary's pal, Ed Buck, was murdering blacks for your vote? Let me guess: Calling Trump a racist.
But the NewAge ain't fucked with your mind, right? You fucking stooge.
The Trump haters loved this idea that Trump was more irrational than your average decision-maker, one aspect of his evil tendency to hurt people, etc. Not really very likely, and not a help to the so-called credibility of the media when they jump on this stuff.
I seem to recall a province in Canada where bureaucrats were briefing decision-makers on the need to improve seatbelt legislation. It was technically still possible to sit on the floor if the seats with seat belts were all taken; there was an exemption from wearing a belt if one had a doctor's note; another exemption for a driver who was backing up. Relics from the time when the two-part belt was uncomfortable, etc. One senior person said his pregnant wife couldn't possibly wear a seatbelt, and she had a doctor's note to prove it. How is the fetus safer, with or without the belt?
Then there was the introduction of the whole new world of child car seats, which really should have come first if the plastic technology was up to it. A senior person thinking about the kids issue said: you know what upsets me? Seeing pets loose in a car; they could be badly hurt. Yes, Minister, the staff would say, it would be great to deal with that some day, now back to the kids.
wendybar said...
"Fauci is good friends with the Cuomo's. That should tell you all you need to know."
Chris Cuomo's wife is a quackery-selling wellness expert - THAT should tell you all you need to know.
"No, he was fine. To his credit, he didn’t get upset at all."
Where's the denialism?
Lloyd W. Robertson said...
"The Trump haters loved this idea that Trump was more irrational than your average decision-maker, one aspect of his evil tendency to hurt people, etc. Not really very likely, and not a help to the so-called credibility of the media when they jump on this stuff."
The crazy people featured in the 2004 book "How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World" are almost all senior Democrats now. That many people with an investment in the irrational are naturally going to be intimidated by anyone who actually has to cope with reality enough to build things.
Democrats and their supporters can't answer the most basic questions:
If Trump escorted us into "The Age of Unreason" - why's that article written in 2005? And why's he not mentioned in it, but tons of liberals and Democrats are? You know, Fauci's friends?
I'm so confused.
No serious person pays this man any attention. He has admitted to lying to the country (world?) about aspects of the china-flu. He has zero credibility. Do you think if he were out there praising Trump that anyone in the media would care what he had to say? He is a hack who is a bit to fond of himself.
Everyone above has touched on how Fauci uses bureaucratic offense as defense.
Steve Hilton explained in detail why last night why: Fauci funded Wuhan "gain of function" research in contravention of a 2014 Obama administration ban on such research.
Steve Hilton investigates origins of COVID-19, links to US commissioned research: 'The Next Revolution' host breaks down the evidence surrounding the origins of COVID-19.
The last thing we want during a pandemic is someone trying to think outside the box!!
Then I heard through the grapevine that there were people in the White House who got really surprised, if not offended, that I would dare contradict what the president said in front of everybody. And I was, 'Well, he asked me my opinion. What do you want me to say?'
That makes me like president trump even more. If that were possible.
Isn't this exactly what a good executive would do? Seek out disagreement?
Especially in what sounds like a brainstorming session.
Neither citizen Trump nor president trump have ever struck me as having a lot of patent with yes men or yes women.
John Henry
And ditto to several comments on brainstorming.
That is how you come up with solutions. Especially to hard problems.
Just keep throwing out ideas, good bad or indifferent until you find one that works.
Or, often, you never find one that works. But by combining 2 marginal or even bad ideas you come up with one that works. Sometimes really well.
I'm a big believer and frequent practioner of brainstorming with my clients.
John Henry
If I was given six months to live I would put Trump in charge of my medical decisions before Fauci.Trump is about what will work, Fauci is all about politics.
And ditto to several comments on brainstorming.
That is how you come up with solutions. Especially to hard problems.
Just keep throwing out ideas, good bad or indifferent until you find one that works.
Or, often, you never find one that works. But by combining 2 marginal or even bad ideas you come up with one that works. Sometimes really well.
I'm a big believer and frequent practioner of brainstorming with my clients.
John Henry
Dr. Fauci says "Divisiveness has failed America in every single way" - which means he can't grasp he's in the world of politics. Get out, Fauci, NOW.
The only good thing I can say about this man is, so far, I've found no evidence he's a quack. Just a bad doctor.
Let's not forget Doctor ms Dr Fauci. A/k/a Dr Christine Grady.
She's also kind of sketchy. She's also buried pretty deeply into NIH.
Like a tick.
John Henry
All the character traits of a dog. Except loyalty.
"The occult community I'm a part of, we wanted western, logical, scientific ideas about truth and rationality, and all of that, to be a bit loosened, you know, we find them too strict. Too reductive, and too limiting, and so we too wanted them to be loosened up a bit, just like the postmodernists, just like the chaos magicians, just like the New Thought people. And, OK, that has happened, but it's not happening quite the way, quite the magical way many of us would've liked for it to happen, so,..."
I don't know how much more honest a confession that side - featuring Dr. Fauuci, Inga, the Democrat Party, Oprah, and whoever else is with them - can give us. They can't deny they're all together now - not when they're candidates like Marianne Williamson - so let's cut the bullshit:
We are dealing with a cult known as The NewAge Movement - and it owns The Democrat Party.
DC etiquette demands that officials save stuff like this for the book they write after they leave office.
Fauci probably assumes he'll die before retiring, or maybe just never retire or die at all.
It's strange how he can make so many mistakes and be such a douche and yet become so much the face of the COVID battle that he can't be replaced.
He's something of a throwback to the middle of the last century when the Washington Establishment was in the saddle and officials like J. Edgar Hoover or Harry Anslinger stayed in office whoever was president, whatever they got wrong, and however old or annoying or tyrannical them became.
I'm trying to think of what all this swooning about Fauci finally being able to Speak Out! is about. It's one of the top trends on twitter right now. But it sounds like....he always felt free.
What are some of the examples of Fauci feeling muzzled? He went on all the political shows!
My takeaway: Fauci isn't an ideas guy.
I would try to, you know, calmly explain that you find out if something works by doing an appropriate clinical trial; you get the information, you give it a peer review
you know, like we did with cloth facemasks, 6' social distancing, and lockdowns.
Mark: Nice whataboutism, Crack.
Also Mark: enough complaining about Fauci being a media whore, what about Trump?
Fauci is asshole
Fuck Fauci.
So if this whole corona thing is an unmitigated disaster and Fauci is the lead science guy...
"There was one time — we were in the Oval Office..."
This one time, at band camp...
how many times have you heard a boss/professor/mentor say:
There's No Such Thing, As a Stupid Question
How come Mr Fauci apparently NEVER heard about this?
Or, maybe he DID hear about it? Twenty years ago? When he was at retirement age?
"Speaking of “bad science,” how about Biden*’s 100-day mask mandate? What’s “scientific” about the number 100? Why not 87? Or 114? But because 10 fingers times 10 fingers = 100, that’s the number they pulled out of their ass."
"30 days to flatten the curve."
Those were the good old days...
It's getting fucking Fauci creepy.
Cart? Horse? One only investgates remedies that are proven?
/s And here I thought it was the investigation the established the efficacy and thereby proved or disproved the usefulness.
Sorry Dr Fauci, just one more follow-up . . . . That proof, you know, that justifies the investigation, what is its source? From you?
Wait just a minute . . . this is so familiar . . . .
"We need to investgate how Hunter Biden got that director job." There's no evidence of any wrongdoing so no investigation is needed.
"We need to investgate voter fraud." There's no evidence of any wrongdoing so no investigation is needed.
Compared to "I wonder if Trump talked to Putin on January 6?" Yea, me too; there needs to be an investigation!!
Blogger MayBee said...
The last thing we want during a pandemic is someone trying to think outside the box!!
Exactly. Let's review the history of government programs since the 1960s. The Human Genome Project was one such. It had Nobel Prize winner Jim Watson as Director. Projected solution was ten years. Craig Venter, using private technology, did it in three.
NASA has not had a successful program since the Space Shuttle blew up. "Muslim Outreach" was the Obama program for NASA.
The AIDS virus was identified by a French lab. The Pasteur Institute. Interestingly enough, the Nobel Prize winner, Luc Montagnier, now works in China.
The CDC has recently been preoccupied with "gun violence" although that had never before been identified as a communicable disease.
No bureaucracy is interested in "brainstorming." Sudden insight is not the job of bureaucrats.
Even more interesting is how HCQ, a drug in use by millions for 50 years, became "dangerous."
Convalescent serum therapy has been used for 100 years to treat deadly illnesses, such as pneumonia, measles, meningitis, plague, and scarlet fever. The FDA rushed it into experimental nationwide trials in March 2020. It is logical that if it works for those diseases by transferring antibodies from recovered patients to those who are ill or at high risk, it should work for Covid.
It is clearly different from some new unproven unrested drug.
Trump was right to think it had a very good chance of working.
I like how I can put a quote up, by a credible authority, saying ""The occult community wanted western, logical, scientific ideas about truth and rationality to be a bit loosened,...and that happened"
And you guys keep talking like I didn't. A group, that can move through politics, science, medicine - anywhere - undetected?
It could explain a lot of things, like "how HCQ, a drug in use by millions for 50 years, became "dangerous."
Clarke's three laws:
1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
“As every researcher just out of college knows,” he wrote, “scientists over fifty are good for nothing but board meetings, and at all costs should be kept out of the laboratory!”
"he’s REALLY good at being the first one to the microphone. "
And he is the best in the federal bureaus in getting funding. Also he is in a position for more than forty years enables him to see drug trial results as soon as possible. I would like to have a long look at his investment portfolio and overseas accounts.
Dr. Fauci:
"...And he was holding forth on some particular intervention, and saying something that clearly was not based on any data or evidence. There were a bunch of people there, and he turned to me and said, 'Well, Tony, what do you think?' And I said, you know, I think that’s not true at all because I don’t see any evidence) to make you think that that’s the case."
This is what concerns me the most about this whole debacle. From the description earlier in the quote, it sounds like Trump was brainstorming the use of any and all resources to combat the virus. Fauci was taking the approach that any course of treatment had to be proven on order to be used.
Never mind that it's a novel strain and at that point, no course of treatment could be said to be proven. This, and the purported scarcity of hydroxychloroquine, was used as an excuse to prevent its use even though now, in retrospect, it has been shown to be effective along with other potential medications. Remdesevir was used on Patient #1 in Washington State and he eventually recovered. Ivermectin has also shown promise, but there continues to be resistance to its use.
If the CDC were really serious about combating the virus, why wouldn't they use any and all approaches to treat it?
So much for "science" or, more aptly, as Angelo Codevilla has named it, 'scientism.'
With Trump, Operation Warp Speed produced a viable vaccine in 6 months.
Without Trump, the NYT must keep mentioning Trump to distract the populace.
Blogger ate my link on Patient #1 in WA State so here it is: First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States
Also, here are a couple of articles about hydroxychloroquine:
Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows
Henry Ford defends hydroxychloroquine study, 'saddened' by drug's politicization
Special Report: How U.S. CDC missed chances to spot COVID's silent spread
Critics have widely asserted that the CDC fumbled key decisions during the coronavirus scourge because then-President Donald Trump and his administration meddled in the agency’s operations and muzzled internal experts. The matter is now the subject of a congressional inquiry. Yet Reuters has found new evidence that the CDC’s response to the pandemic also was marred by actions - or inaction - by the agency’s career scientists and frontline staff.
Fauci didn't realize the virus would fade away even without a vaccine, so who can trust anything else he says?
"Fauci...the False."
"Politics lives downstream of culture." - Andrew Breitbart, who'd be shocked at how you guys insist on ignoring that edict.
From 2010: "Schools of nursing at major academic institutions would seem to be unlikely places to find beliefs in the paranormal and crackpot scientific theories being taught and personality cults flourishing. The author shares his surprise and alarm."
Funny, but you crackpots don't seem surprised, or alarmed, or even aware of how it's affecting what you all see, but can't explain.
There's been no problem in medicine that discussing politics can't cure - from 2017:
"Facing criticism, UC Irvine scrubs 'homeopathy' from it's roster of treatments
Yep, there's no cult problem in science and medicine, that you guys can find, I'm sure.
STILL think that Dr Fraudci isn't a complete piece of something?
Fauci backs 'double-masking' despite little evidence to support the guidance
Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser on COVID-19, said two face masks are likely more effective than one against the novel coronavirus, despite significant uncertainty on the subject.
Infectious disease experts from Stanford Health Care, Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University recently told Fox News there is little to no evidence on the issue.
Neysa Ernst from Johns Hopkins University, where she serves as nurse manager of the Biocontainment Unit, agreed, though she proposed that anecdotal evidence suggests additional layers could offer "psychological safety" to some.
See the difference? Trump was suggesting SOLUTIONS, which are BAD!
Dr Fraudci is offering "psychological safety", which is GOOD!
The Crack Emcee said...
"Facing criticism, UC Irvine scrubs 'homeopathy' from it's roster of treatments
Crack? are they SURE they scrubbed it? maybe they just Diluted it? So it's EVEN STRONGER?
From 2007: The Macho Response: Dr. Graham Sharpe Throws Down The Gauntlet ("Fascism It Is")
Fauci has said that Trump listened to his advice and did what he suggested. Any discussion of it beyond that is unnecessary, and as more time goes on, likely to be stories that get embellished to make Fauci sound better and Trump sound worse.
I believe it's quite likely that Trump said he heard this or that would be good. That's how people are, they toss out ideas because you never know, one of them might work. I also believe that the stories are getting modified to make Trump look worse because when people relate stories, they try to please their audience. Fauci knows his audience of journalists is a bunch of anti-Trumpers, so each telling is going to emphasize the anti-Trumpness a little more, especially if it makes him (Fauci) sound better. That also is just how people are.
From 2007 - when Trump was nowhere to be found - but Oprah and Jim Carrey were front-and-center in promoting anti-vaccine ideas that Trump later pickled-up, as did so many others.
"I regard SCAMs and quacks as basically harmless. One area of great concern to me is opposition to vaccination. This is popular amongst many quacks and must be resisted and attacked. Even worse is the pedaling of alternative homoeopathic vaccines by some quacks. This is potentially dangerous, from an individual patient and from a public health point of view."
The Crack Emcee said...
"Facing criticism, UC Irvine scrubs 'homeopathy' from it's roster of treatments
The huge donation by the wife of the Broadcom founder is what convinced them to authorize quackery. A lot of craziness in universities can be explained by money seeking. Not just "global warming."
Looks like it is still there.
Candidate Biden has repeated often that President Trump failed leadership failed to address the Covid pandemic resulting in 10's of thousands of deaths.
This weekend President Biden said we are in for a rough ride for a couple of months because there is nothing anyone can do to change the course of he virus.
Not surprisingly Wapooo has stopped counting Presidential lies.
Fauci? Wasn’t he the guy who stood up to correct the BS scientism when studies began to come in showing that hydroxychloroquine was actually saving lives and reducing symptoms?
He wasn’t? Oh. My mistake.
The number one item for the Biden Admin is to restore trust for the American people.
Watch Fraudci allow that Trumps lack of candor killed people. Yet Fauci never wavered and hung onto his Cush gubmint job.
Get him the F@#$ outta here. His mind is as good as his throwing arm.
Michael K said...
"Looks like it is still there."
So it is. How Doctors let this stand is beyond me. They are allowing the entire world to go to shit, just because (it looks like) they won't hold the line on the parameters of reality, when they deal with them everyday.
I'm terrified to die in a hospital surrounded by loonies.
And we wonder why there is no trust?
Michael K said....
No bureaucracy is interested in "brainstorming." Sudden insight is not the job of bureaucrats.
Agreed. A phrase I heard at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard when I worked there one summer as an engineering student was:
"Careful. You don't want to work yourself out of a job."
Michael K said,...
"A lot of craziness in universities can be explained by money seeking. Not just "global warming.""
I beg to differ. Or yes and no. This ain't my first rodeo in Cult World, remember, so I keep saying things like "from 2007" to remind you guys to take a longer and wider view of these activities. These people are RELENTLESS. They are part of a "movement" - as real as the Civil Rights Movement or any other one - but dedicated to wrecking reality. Back to Gary Lachman from Blondie:
"The occult community I'm a part of,...we have wanted western, logical, scientific ideas about truth and rationality, and all of that, to be loosened. You know, we find them too strict. Too reductive, and too limiting, and so we wanted them to be loosened up a bit, just like the postmodernists, just like the chaos magicians, just like the New Thought people. And, OK, that has happened, but it's not happening quite the magical way many of us would've liked for it to happen."
If you don't think his "Occult Community" is real, listen to my wife and a SF "psychic".
"If I was given six months to live I would put Trump in charge of my medical decisions before Fauci.Trump is about what will work, Fauci is all about politics."
Trump is about what will work for for him.
Cookie Fauci has already flip flopped a couple of times on the new "more deadly" virus, matcching his position to that of Shufflin Joe. Fauci is a very political animal. Not a very smart political animal--the best of them never admit to lying--and Fauci has admitted that he lied.
So it is. How Doctors let this stand is beyond me. They are allowing the entire world to go to shit, just because (it looks like) they won't hold the line on the parameters of reality, when they deal with them everyday.
Doctors have nothing to do with this. A friend of mine was Chief of Surgery at UCI in the 90s. He was a recognized expert with a number of publications and a book. UCI was trying to recruit a woman as a Dean of something in Humanities. Her husband was a surgeon and the U considered offering the Chief of Surgery job to this guy, who had no academic credentials, in order to recruit his wife.
When I was on the faculty, I worked up a proposal to improve the care of Medicare recipients, using a program that the U already had but expanding it. UCI medical center had little Medicare business and the faculty medical group was enthusiastic. The academic part would be funded by grants and the U would get more Medicare business.
It was vetoed by the administrator. No doctor's opinions desired.
Michael K said...
"Doctors have nothing to do with this."
Again, I beg to differ: if they stopped performing their duties until respected - and meant it - things would change. I've been listening to them bitching for over a decade now, without doing a serious thing to counter any of it - all they have is stories like yours.
Useless - and the world's going to Hell because of it.
Everybody who COULD be doing something has a reason why they're NOT.
Robert Cook said...
"Trump is about what will work for for him."
First President to never start a war.
Shut up, Cookie.
Trump was right. The social contagion and misinformation spread by experts, politicians, and media drove initial excess and accelerated deaths (e.g. Planned Parent/hood, cross-contamination in medical facilities), flattened the curve and prolonged exposure, and denied and stigmatized early (and even late stage) inexpensive, effective, low-risk treatments to mitigate hospitalization and death. We're still forcing excess infections through restrictive mandates, where people spend excessive time in spaces with a greenhouse effect and limited solar exposure.
First President to never start a war.
No new or saved wars, many were ended or drawn down in context, and an unprecedented reconciliation to mitigate conflicts on a forward-looking basis. The pro-peace marches were, of course, breathtaking in their deficit. Also, the first President in a long time to stand up for the American dream: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Monday, indigestion, bored... impeach the bastard and sequester his carbon remains.
Lurker21 said...
"Special Report: How U.S. CDC missed chances to spot COVID's silent spread...
Critics have widely asserted that the CDC fumbled key decisions during the coronavirus scourge because then-President Donald Trump and his administration meddled in the agency’s operations and muzzled internal experts. The matter is now the subject of a congressional inquiry. Yet Reuters has found new evidence that the CDC’s response to the pandemic also was marred by actions - or inaction - by the agency’s career scientists and frontline staff."
In “hack” parlance, that’s known as “Don’t kill the job”. The last thing these frauds want (including Fauci) is someone looking too closely at the men behind the curtain.
"We gotta protect our phony-baloney jobs, gentlemen!"
@Crack Emcee – glad to see your blog is back. And the ‘medical’ profession is likely allowing the quackery to remain because it’s generating revenue. Why else?
There are many things about Fauci upon which people rightly disagree about, but everyone agrees that he was fantastic as Sofia on The Golden Girls.
Is there any reason we're still listening to this clown? Any reason at all?
KellyM said...
"@Crack Emcee – glad to see your blog is back. And the ‘medical’ profession is likely allowing the quackery to remain because it’s generating revenue. Why else?"
I keep adding links, showing you there are passionate cult groups in science and medicine - as passionate as ISIS - and you guys keep asking "Why else?" like I never said a thing. It's willful blindness. I just experienced the same thing with my roommate. Clear evidence of what's going on and - nothing. I think it's the narcissism epidemic. Andrew Breitbart could scream "Politics is downstream from culture!" until the day he died - and he did - and you guys will still insist that because you like talking politics, damn it, that's where the focus is gonna be. Damn the evidence. Damn reality. Damn the decline.
We're lost.
"John henry said...
Neither citizen Trump nor president trump have ever struck me as having a lot of patent with yes men or yes women."
Oh, I'm pretty sure citizen Trump has had some patience with yes women.
Ever since 1995, when my wife walked in the house and said she could walk through walls, I have been living in the NewAge, hoping the ride would stop and I can get off. Instead, it's grown from wherever my wife was on Silicon Valley's Sand Hill Road to our government. I thought President Trump was finally putting an end to it, but now it's back with a vengeance - and with an emphasis on vengeance.
It's just not the same experience y'all are having at all. I've lost my wife to the guy who killed my Mother-in Law. My sister just laughed at me over the phone because she's now a reiki healer and I'm "closed-minded" and weak. My Governor fucked his best friend's wife and when he ran for office again the press asked her what kind of integrity he has - not her husband - just as they asked Bill Clinton to speak for Joe Biden as his four rape accusers looked on.
This is a living nightmare.
Perfectly sensible article. Seems to describe Pres. Trump fine. And a lot of us were okay with that. He pushes different ideas around to see what happens.
It is too bad that so many people flip out, in both directions. Those who think he has to be right, and those who think he has to be wrong.
I'm triggered by most of the magazines in the supermarket check-out rack. Anything to do with yoga - especially pictures at inappropriate places, like the bank, of women on mountaintops with outstretched arms in the lotus position - I want to kill 'em. Cut-aways in movies to Buddha statues and other religious/spiritual imagery. People who think "karma" exists loose my respect instantly. As does thinking "everything happens for a reason" and holding to conspiracy theories.
If the world can no longer tell the difference between water and medicine, then, we're an idiocracy.
It sounds like Fauci's personality is more like NASA and Trump's personality is more like Space-X.
I can't help but wonder who these other people were and whether they actually had a clue about how to successfully interact with Trump. We know it wasn't Nikki "When there is disagreement...I pick up the phone and call him or I meet with him in person" Haley.
If it's Fauci versus Trump, I'll take Trump.
without doing a serious thing to counter any of it - all they have is stories like yours.
Doctors are now the most regulated profession on earth. When I was practicing, it was fun and I think we did a better job. Now my wife and I are patients and that is not good. The quackery is following the money. The Broadcom guy gave UCI hundreds of millions and his wife gave them a huge amount to start that quack center. This is a college problem, not a doctor problem. Anti-vaxxer sentiment tends to be around Whole Foods locations. You can map it out. All about money. Steve Jobs finally admitted that his obsession with "alternative Medicine" cost him his life.
"The quackery is following the money."
Again with the willful blindness: "the paranormal and crackpot scientific theories being taught and personality cults flourishing"(since 2000) is NOT following the money - it's following a cult. UC Irvine is not following the money - the cult IS their money.
Until you guys can wrap your head around what weu're dealing with, you're less than useless. You saw Inga the other day, do a 180 degree turnaround on me - in a matter of hours - and you're gonna tell me you haven't seen other liberals behaving like that, too? How'd the Peace and Love crowd come to embrace HATE for,...well, Trump or anyone else? There are just too many bold-faced contradictions out there, right now, for any of you to credibly tell me I'm off the mark on this because the evidence is piling up and I've been collecting it. If you missed Oprah with Obama - and lept at him for being a socialist or black - then you missed his Achilles' heel right from Jump St., and can't be trusted with politics.
I think the same applies in science.
Michael K,
Show me the evidence the Doctors of the world stood up as one, when Oprah and Obama were running together, and declared them purveyors of pseudoscience.
Everybody knew who she was by then
Show me how they spared us this fate.
From a movie review Glenn Reynolds just linked to:
"What makes The Razor’s Edge compelling today? The spiritual hunger the story addresses."
I don't suffer from that. I also ain't "disillusioned, seeking answers to the deep spiritual questions" or a guy who "causes problems with his fiancée. At last he goes to Europe and then India in search of the meaning of existence" and - if I did - I'd at least have the courtesy to know I'm a totally wasteful asshole for being that way. I hate the Bruce Springsteen song "Hungry Heart".
I have NO IDEA what you people think you're doing.
I went looking for dirt on his Wikipedia page.
This is what mental illness looks like, people.
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