and where do you think that amazing defense came from? They have Tom on their team and they believe!!! Tom can make it happen .. I'm from Boston and I approve of this message.
Surprised GB lost. TB is amazing, at his age and so consistently great over his career. Pats fans looked forward to seeing who mattered more: Brady or Belichick. So far Brady by a landslide.
There is a person, a police lieutenant, identified as the killer of Ashli Babbit. This person has not been named, but is under investigation and currently on leave while the inquiry progresses. It is not clear if it is paid leave. If I had to guess I would say this is a situation wherein the officer was poorly trained and unfamiliar with the best way to address the situation he/she encountered. The officer incorrectly assessed the threat and fired the weapon inappropriately.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. This was bad luck for Ashli Babbit, fatally so because her killer was unprepared.
Meanwhile, no snow on the ground in Maine (southern, coastal area). I'm not complaining. It's pretty sweet living in a house that has heat throughout. Nothing like the upper midwest, but we topped out at 29 degrees F today. Windchill made it "feels like" 5 degrees F.
So, one of the things we know about treatment for the dreaded covid is that like every other disease and malady known the earlier treatment is started the better the outcome.
How many people do you know who have been diagnosed with the dreaded covid? I’m up to 6, including two sons. Upon diagnosis each and every one of them was told the same thing- go home, isolate, and if it gets worse go to the ER, this office doesn’t want to see you. In other words- no treatment. One of the 6, my son, got worse and I transported him to the ER (sans masks) where he was admitted and spent one night. Sole treatment during the stay? On oxygen shortly after arriving until the next morning when I picked him up. While there he had his second negative dreaded covid test. Doctors told him ignore the test results- he had it. But that great medical expert practicing medicine without a license, Dictator Cuomo forbade doctors from giving a third test at the time- and the test at the time was known for false negatives. But he had it. Red Cross blood donations show dreaded covid antibodies in his blood.
So among all the people her, others of you know people diagnosed with the dreaded covid. Maybe even had it yourself. Do you know anyone who has received any treatment upon first symptoms? Or knowing that early intervention works best has everyone been told go home, iso, go to the ER if it gets worse?
To be a Superbowl level QB, you cannot be a beta male who is pretending to be an alpha male and expect to win. You might win, but it won't be because of you. That is why I am never surprised when people like Aaron Rodgers lose.
That being said, it is just a game.
Played by rich kids, mostly, well fed since youth, living a life where the 'rents' are always ready to put out another chunk of cash to help the young ones get to the next level, where they are coached by progressively more intense old guys who, themselves, will never win a single game again, if they ever did.
Some people think it is a good deal, compared to working for a living, but .... it is better to be a winner at an ordinary task than to be a loser, even if you are a loser with an NFL salary.
Ken B - ask the Saudis and the Kuwaitis who gave me very prized medals for my devotion to duty, ask Reagan who personally signed off on my commission ....
no duty is not a concept I find puzzling.
Why did your parents give you a hairdresser's name?
Was informed today that a guy I played with last Monday and his wife had been briefly in company with a couple on Tuesday who tested positive afterwards. Friend and wife took two tests, and she got two negs and he got one neg and one pos--while also remarking that he had thought he was getting one normal slow test and one fast one, but both were slow. A third test whose results he got back today were neg.
I can't speak to early treatment, but the confusion over the fast and slow tests doesn't inspire confidence.
Ironically, my friend is a few years older and can't wait to get a vaccine-- I can!
I’m of two minds. I wish the pats had made the playoffs at least. I’m jealous we’re not there and out TB is elsewhere and there. I hope we’re in a quick rebuild phase. Good luck to TB and Gronk though. Seems like they’ll be facing KC at this point. That will be a good game!
I’ve lost count of the people I know who have gotten the covid. But two of them are below the age of 60 and nearly died. A good friend spent 33 days in the hospital and was just shy of the vent a couple times. He’s been home for nearly 2 months and is on 100% O2 all the time and doing pulmonary rehab. My 83 YO Aunt did not require hospital care just as the countless neighbors and gym goers have not.
Now the question is whether or not to get the vaccine.
Did you hear Hank Aaron died? He got his vaccine 10 days earlier.
Ken B --- No I know what the guy was thinking. Are you so lame as to think I am thinking he was a hero who shot because he thought he was doing his duty???
Please come back to reality.
Thousands and thousands of police officers, every day, can shoot someone, and they almost never do. This guy shot an innocent woman who was unarmed.
And don't think I am impressed when you tell me what I know and don't know. We are both humans, and we both know better than that.
I am disturbed at the comments section to that article which shows how wide-spread is the sentiment that the government should take actions to outlaw publications that oppose the Biden administration. This is not the liberal-democratic position that I knew in my youth.
She was 33 when the coward shot her in cold blood, meaning she did not join the AF more than 15 years ago - 2015 - when she was 18 - which is by coincidence the last year I was active duty in the AF. So maybe she was a fellow soldier, back in the day. I am loyal to everyone who ever was a fellow soldier with me, at any time.
So please, poor "Ken B", stop celebrating her death, and stop lying on behalf of evil forces you do not understand in your cold-hearted stupor. You really need to take a good look at your heart.
In our youth, the unpopular opinions were mostly on the left. That's why the First Amendment was so important. Now the popular or, at least, anti-establishment opinions are mostly on the right. That's why we now know that the First Amendment is not absolute and should be curtailed in cases of hate speech and allegations of voter fraud.....I understand that there are some verses in the Koran that advocate religious toleration. These were written when Mohammed lived in Mecca and Islam was a minority faith. The verses written in Medina when Islam was the dominant faith are no longer tolerant.....A lot of faults, conservative and liberal, Christian and Muslim, are more common to human nature than to specific beliefs about human nature.
Re Ashli Babbit: The police officer screwed up, but Ashli allowed herself to be part of a damn fool scene.....These people who surround and pound on cars don't deserve to be run over, but they're damn fools, nonetheless.....If you're part of a potentially violent mob, there's always the risk that the person you direct your anger at is going to overreact.
Ken B said... "Duty. A concept you find puzzling I'm sure."
The duty to shoot an unarmed woman for trying to climb through the window of a public building? Ya know, Ken, I've tried to cut you some slack, even though you're a Kovid Koward, but I'm thinking rcocean has got it about right. Could you make some choking sounds, maybe clutch at your throat? We all need a laugh.
Daughter's friend is the only one I know who got covid. Positive pcr test (one). Lost sense of smell and taste and felt fatigued. Spoke to doctor over the phone (doc in a box) who told her to stay home for 7 days.
OM, I had about 6 months too, but we're way off. Theres a reason the gaurd is held over til March. I mean the man is sitting in the Oval Office with an EO in front of him and doesn't know what he is signing. There's a voice "Sign it anyway." Watch the people around him. Priceless. I might be reading to much into the reactions I saw, but I'm led to believe that Pelosi is the one in charge of the WH. I doubt Harris has the guts to stand up to her.
As I've said here before, we had 6+ years of the Pelosi/Schumer administration when Obama decided to take a break in place and concentrate on being a celebrity.
Jupiter Try “climbing through a window” of an army weapons depot and see what happens. Not all “windows” are equal. She had already committed a crime just getting to that barricade, and she wasn’t coming through it peacefully or lawfully.
Brady is a great QB. Two of the interceptions were tipped by his own receivers and not his fault. That said, I was pulling for Green Bay. KC will beat TB in the SB.
If it was a legitimate shooting, the American public would know everything about it. A news conference would be held by the authorities explaining in great detail the particulars.
Engelbert No, it wasn’t a weapons depot. It was an even worse area for her to try to break into. It was a restricted area with senior citizens whose lives were threatened by a mob of criminals trying to get in, Babbitt first among them.
I take it back. I know a second person who got covid. In a nursing home suffering from dementia but seems to have now recovered from the virus. His wife could not see him for almost a month but is now able to visit.
The shooting of Ashli Babbitt is 'under investigation', and, just like every other Leftist outrage, will remain so until it's conveniently shoved down the memory hole.
Mockturtle Is Rittenhouse still “under investigation “? The riot was less than 3 weeks ago. It’s not remotely strange that it should still be under investigation.
Wife just got her second and final dose of the Pfizer vaccine (she's a nurse) with absolutely no adverse reactions except for a sore arm and feeling a little tired.
I don't spend much time remembering things that have happened to me ---- I hope that as life goes on I will continue to have friends who like conversation, and who do not expect anecdotes ---- but yesterday at Trader Joe's there were these yellow roses on sale for 4 dollars ----- that is not nothing, 4 dollars, but the roses were adorable, and I bargained with myself, saying, Steve, last year you found out from a sibling who foolishly sent her DNA off that she is part Finnish (who knew? I studied Finnish vocabulary for a couple years back in the 80s, it is a beautiful language, as almost languages are (trust me, when people say "laughing hyena" I say ---- well, there is a lot more to it than that) ....and after I brought those yellow roses home, and put them in the very very cheap vase my sister gave me after she moved out of her ex-husband's house, I remembered this, a sad Coronavirus story ---- an old friend, who, like me, loved the weather in spring and who was sort of a poet (think "When Lilacs in the Dooryard last bloomed") had died a few months before, and, at the church where I attend (and where I have donated thousands of dollars over the years), along the side of the parking lot, is a little line of lilac bushes, so here I am, a couple months into the alleged pandemic, driving down the road almost to the church (at the time, believe it or not, I was bringing grocery supplies to a friend who could not leave her apartment, as she had conditions that made her susceptible to very bad reactions to the coronavirus), and I think, well, my friend died last winter, maybe I can pull into the church parking lot (remember, I worked hard for every single one of the thousands of dollars I gave to that church) and .... well, I parked next to the lilacs.
It was a windy day.
To smell the lilacs on a windy day, you have to hold them in your hands the way a mother holds a baby, tenderly and with care, and I did that, because I wanted to remember what my friend loved in this world, this world where me and her will never meet again.
You will never guess what happened next. An angry priest, who lived on the other side of the parking lot, drove over, parked next to my car in an aggressive way, and shouted "what are you doing". Long story short, the angry priest used violent language against me, accusing me of wanting to steal the lilacs. SAD THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME I HAD THE CONSOLATION OF KNOWING MY FRIEND LIKED LILACS AFTER SHE DIED and the angry man just wanted to show his hatred for me, as if I were a thief. That is my coronavirus story.
Self confessed low-life lilac thief Cooper, I have a question for you. Was the priest sincere? Did he think you were stealing the flowers? If so, he was right to admonish you, correct?
I ask because if the cop thought Babbitt, who was a criminal committing a violent crime, and her mob was threatening the safety of his charges, wouldn’t he be right to defend them? Wouldn’t that be his duty?
"an old friend, who, like me, loved the weather in spring and was sort of a poet" died a few months before the coronavirus hit, and in May of 2020 I was innocently enjoying the FIRST TIME I had smelled the flowers of the lilacs that me and my friend both loved, and SOME CRAZY priest who had no idea he was about to yell at one of the most generous contributors in his parish accosted me and started saying aggressively unkind things about me, insinuating I was stealing the lilacs, when all I was doing was remembering, with great love in my heart, a friend .....
here is the funny thing. the poor guy loved those lilacs too. I wish I did not know this, but I know it ...... all of us are special to God, even wackos who yell at me when I am innocently enjoying, for the first time after the tragic death of a friend, an innocent enjoyment we had once shared, pure-hearted love for the BEAUTY OF THIS WORLD, in this case, the beauty of lilacs in May.
Big Mike I saw reports it was a Capitol Hill cop, but that might not be correct. Preliminary reports are usually wrong. However, the idiots in charge of security turned down help from other agencies. There doesn’t seem to have been anyone else. Maybe secret service?
Had there been enough cops with orders to put down rioting immediately things would never have gotten to the point it did.
Surprisingly, April Stevens is still amongst the living- 91 years old according to Wiki.
"Deep Purple" was one of the 45s I "inherited" from my mother when I was a kid (she was in high school in 1963). I was just scanning some of the 1963 hits from the same time of the year, and there were two other 45s she had that she gifted to me- "Blue Velvet" by Bobby Vinton and "500 Miles Away From Home" by the great Bobby Bare.
Yes Joe, just ignore she was a violent criminal committing a violent criminal act as part of a violent criminal mob threatening the safety of lawmakers, many of whom are elderly and feeble.
You dipshits harp on “unarmed”. You should look at some of the videos of cops attacked and killed by unarmed criminals. Or notice she had a backpack with who knows what in it, certainly the cop couldn’t risk assuming it, and which itself can be swung as a weapon. Even unarmed violent people are dangerous.
An unarmed thug threatening violence and committing violence is still a violent thug.
"Or notice she had a backpack with who knows what in it, certainly the cop couldn’t risk assuming it, and which itself can be swung as a weapon. Even unarmed violent people are dangerous."
You are a bloodthirsty idiot.
Let's find out what exactly was in the backpack. Aren't you curious to know?
Let's just kill everyone.
I suppose I should agree to that sentiment as liberals and anarchists (the folks on your side) seem to be the ones doing most of the rioting.
We could have gotten rid of hundreds of thousands of Antifa and BLM scum this summer alone.
And where are we at regarding who determined the paltry level of security for that known event? Imagine if some seriously determined bad actors (think global) blew in with guns a blazing? Pathetic.
You know what would be great? it would be great if Trudeau and Biden got into a beef over the XL pipeline, and Biden got agitated with Trudeau, said "Come on, Man!" and nuked Canada.
Sarah Sanders, Trump's 2nd Liar to the White House Press Corps, has announced her candidacy to become Governor of Arkansas. Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication.
Sarah will likely to be asked at her first press conference to explain how her brother, David Huckabee, ruthlessly broke animal cruelty laws by killing a stray dog at Boy Scout camp by hanging when he was 17 in 1988. This family sensitive incident wasn't helpful to her daddy, Reverend Mike, when his hat was in the ring for GOP presidential candidate in 2007. Mike Huckabee was serving as Arkansas Governor when the dog died.
"Sarah will likely to be asked at her first press conference to explain how her brother, David Huckabee, ruthlessly broke animal cruelty laws by killing a stray dog at Boy Scout camp by hanging when he was 17 in 1988." Wipe yourself off when you're done Gadfly. Hey..that Hunter shit never happened!
"Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication."
When will the obsequious DC press corp ask Biden about fucking DOCTOR Jill when she was still married?
After Clinton getting his cock sucked in the oval office, and liberals applauding him for it, you'd think you'd be smart enough to lay (sorry) off the questions of infidelity.
Packer loss can be traced to the NFL zebras. Near the end of the second quarter with Pack driving Aaron Rodgers threw deep over the middle to Allen Lazard but corner Sean Murphy-Bunting grabbed jersey and put himself in position to intercept. A few plays later Brady completed a touchdown pass with time running out at half. Point turnaround was likely a field goal for GB to a touchdown for TB.
For the entire game no defensive pass interference calls (Let 'em Play) were made until the end when a very late flag was thrown against the Packers that extended Tampa Bay's possession to prevent a possible final comeback.
And the winner of the NFL MVP, not Aaron, not Tom. Gotta be Patrick Mahomes.
Sarah Sanders, Trump's 2nd Liar to the White House Press Corps, has announced her candidacy to become Governor of Arkansas. Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication.
Not to mention the counterfeit Pecan Pie you people salivated over.
The shooter was on camera and surrounded by fellow officers. Accidental weapon discharge makes the most sense but the least mentioned because it's got to be political.
Had there been enough cops with orders to put down rioting immediately things would never have gotten to the point it did.
One could say that about Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Madison, Kenosha, and other places. But the cops there didn’t shoot, except with nonlethal munitions (and not even that in most places).
I was struck by the physical size of the 'Lieutenant'. Could have been the camera angle, but the size said 'female' to me. With all those cops coming in on the scene with M4s, I don't think there was much of a threat. YMMV. We'll never know. What does Vegas say?
They may find that the shooting was unwarranted, and there may be consequences for the cop (though we’ll see more BLM rioting if the white victim gets the “justice”), but it doesn’t make any sense to ignore Ashley Babbitt’s contribution to her death. This wasn’t random. She was a key participant in the events that led to her shooting.
I'm starting to wonder whether it was a cop. Something's smoky that the name still has not been released almost 3 weeks after the event.
I'm forced to work of rumors because the DC law requires the name of the officer be released immediately. We know the shooter was a rabid hater of President Trump, and has left a trail of threats against supporters of President Trump on social media. The delay is working to scrub all evidence.
Also remember police can only kill threats, because that Constitutional POWER has been delegated to them by the people. An enumerated power.
Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication.
I see the lies are being embedded in history. Stormy Daniels had a photo with Trump at a golf tournament. That is common at golf tournaments. I have some with celebrities although I tended to avoid them. There was NEVER any evidence of a sexual relationship or event. The money paid was nuisance money to avoid a mini-scandal before the election. It is commonly known as blackmail. Her lawyer had a few weeks of fame by Democrats but is now on his way to prison.
Blogger Ken B said... Yes Joe, just ignore she was a violent criminal committing a violent criminal act as part of a violent criminal mob threatening the safety of lawmakers, many of whom are elderly and feeble.
Once again, Ken B reveals his troll tendencies. Is this just the usual Canadian hate of America or something else ? This guy is sick.
Everyone I know that has had Covid19 was sent home, just as you describe. One relative died (age 65 healthy beforehand). The only personal story I know about where the doctor was aggressive was Dr. Drew Pinsky and his personal doctor. He is on Instagram and Youtube and has put up many videos about his experience surviving Covid. He had daily phone calls with his doctor and received ivermectin, steroids, monoclonal antibodies, doxycyline, zinc, extra vitamins D and C. His treatment started on day one. Not after he was in crisis.
I'm leaving my current doctor as he has already told me if I was positive he would send me home. I am furious about this.
Here's Ken B's problem: all of the other cops in the Capitol - including the heavily armed ones just behind her - DID NOT shoot Ashli Babbit or anyone else. Indeed, as soon as the cop gunned Ashli Babbit down in cold blood the other cops stopped the murderer from firing any further rounds.
It's all in the video, which we have all seen if we wish to.
So, in Ken B's world, none of those other cops was doing their duty, only the one who gunned down an unarmed, peaceful protester. To Ken B and his fellow anti-Americans, that is what democracy looks like.
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११८ टिप्पण्या:
Tom Brady is so amazing
Who killed Ashli Babbit, and was she killed because the person who shot her hated Trump supporters?
Why don't we know?
"gemma said...
Tom Brady is so amazing"
Oh come on. He was barely average today. QBR 75. Three INTs! What was amazing was the TB defense in crunch time.
and where do you think that amazing defense came from? They have Tom on their team and they believe!!! Tom can make it happen .. I'm from Boston and I approve of this message.
Surprised GB lost. TB is amazing, at his age and so consistently great over his career. Pats fans looked forward to seeing who mattered more: Brady or Belichick. So far Brady by a landslide.
There is a person, a police lieutenant, identified as the killer of Ashli Babbit. This person has not been named, but is under investigation and currently on leave while the inquiry progresses. It is not clear if it is paid leave. If I had to guess I would say this is a situation wherein the officer was poorly trained and unfamiliar with the best way to address the situation he/she encountered. The officer incorrectly assessed the threat and fired the weapon inappropriately.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. This was bad luck for Ashli Babbit, fatally so because her killer was unprepared.
Aaron Rodgers is now 1-4 in NFC Championship games.
He played well enough. The Packers have the same problem they had with Brett Farve. The rest of the team isn’t good.0
Meanwhile, no snow on the ground in Maine (southern, coastal area). I'm not complaining. It's pretty sweet living in a house that has heat throughout. Nothing like the upper midwest, but we topped out at 29 degrees F today. Windchill made it "feels like" 5 degrees F.
So, one of the things we know about treatment for the dreaded covid is that like every other disease and malady known the earlier treatment is started the better the outcome.
How many people do you know who have been diagnosed with the dreaded covid? I’m up to 6, including two sons. Upon diagnosis each and every one of them was told the same thing- go home, isolate, and if it gets worse go to the ER, this office doesn’t want to see you. In other words- no treatment. One of the 6, my son, got worse and I transported him to the ER (sans masks) where he was admitted and spent one night. Sole treatment during the stay? On oxygen shortly after arriving until the next morning when I picked him up. While there he had his second negative dreaded covid test. Doctors told him ignore the test results- he had it. But that great medical expert practicing medicine without a license, Dictator Cuomo forbade doctors from giving a third test at the time- and the test at the time was known for false negatives. But he had it. Red Cross blood donations show dreaded covid antibodies in his blood.
So among all the people her, others of you know people diagnosed with the dreaded covid. Maybe even had it yourself. Do you know anyone who has received any treatment upon first symptoms? Or knowing that early intervention works best has everyone been told go home, iso, go to the ER if it gets worse?
Aaron Rodgers lacks leadership skills.
When will Biden’s phone calls get leaked?
When will anything leak?
The questions nobody are asking because Democrats play for keeps.
The Republican Party is one giant circle-jerk.
Important news
If you don’t think this is important you don’t understand the important difficulty of irrigation.
As Napoleon said, give me generals who are lucky.
Gospace, I heard regeneron really works well but is just sitting on the shelves.
To be a Superbowl level QB, you cannot be a beta male who is pretending to be an alpha male and expect to win. You might win, but it won't be because of you. That is why I am never surprised when people like Aaron Rodgers lose.
That being said, it is just a game.
Played by rich kids, mostly, well fed since youth, living a life where the 'rents' are always ready to put out another chunk of cash to help the young ones get to the next level, where they are coached by progressively more intense old guys who, themselves, will never win a single game again, if they ever did.
Some people think it is a good deal, compared to working for a living, but .... it is better to be a winner at an ordinary task than to be a loser, even if you are a loser with an NFL salary.
You don’t know who shot Babbitt, but you know his politics?
Brady is an alpha male, Rodgers isn't.
If you want to understand today's NFL, understand that.
Just asking, Ken B.
I have encountered angry mobs quite a few time and never had a desire to shoot anyone.
Why did this guy who killed Ashli Babbit have that desire?
It always amazes me how much people like to watch millionaires sweat.
And it wasn't even an angry mob.
Duty. A concept you find puzzling I'm sure.
This is the USA, we have a right not to get shot and killed when we are part of a non-angry mob.
Ken B - ask the Saudis and the Kuwaitis who gave me very prized medals for my devotion to duty, ask Reagan who personally signed off on my commission ....
no duty is not a concept I find puzzling.
Why did your parents give you a hairdresser's name?
"The Republican Party is one giant circle-jerk."
Yeah, but they're right-handed!
Was informed today that a guy I played with last Monday and his wife had been briefly in company with a couple on Tuesday who tested positive afterwards. Friend and wife took two tests, and she got two negs and he got one neg and one pos--while also remarking that he had thought he was getting one normal slow test and one fast one, but both were slow. A third test whose results he got back today were neg.
I can't speak to early treatment, but the confusion over the fast and slow tests doesn't inspire confidence.
Ironically, my friend is a few years older and can't wait to get a vaccine-- I can!
The world is my guinea pig
"You don’t know who shot Babbitt, but you know his politics?"
That's the point...we'd like to find out.
It seems to me, that as an employee of the government, we have an absolute right to know the name of the shooter.
I’m of two minds. I wish the pats had made the playoffs at least. I’m jealous we’re not there and out TB is elsewhere and there. I hope we’re in a quick rebuild phase. Good luck to TB and Gronk though. Seems like they’ll be facing KC at this point. That will be a good game!
Ugh. Is proofreading required on this blog :)?
If a man does what he thinks is his duty, and you ask him “what made you want to do that?” then you don’t understand duty.
I’ve lost count of the people I know who have gotten the covid. But two of them are below the age of 60 and nearly died. A good friend spent 33 days in the hospital and was just shy of the vent a couple times. He’s been home for nearly 2 months and is on 100% O2 all the time and doing pulmonary rehab. My 83 YO Aunt did not require hospital care just as the countless neighbors and gym goers have not.
Now the question is whether or not to get the vaccine.
Did you hear Hank Aaron died? He got his vaccine 10 days earlier.
Ken B --- No I know what the guy was thinking.
Are you so lame as to think I am thinking he was a hero who shot because he thought he was doing his duty???
Please come back to reality.
Thousands and thousands of police officers, every day, can shoot someone, and they almost never do. This guy shot an innocent woman who was unarmed.
And don't think I am impressed when you tell me what I know and don't know.
We are both humans, and we both know better than that.
You forget we saw the video.
As of 9:30 pm EST, the most read article in WaPo is Fox News is a hazard to Democracy .
I am disturbed at the comments section to that article which shows how wide-spread is the sentiment that the government should take actions to outlaw publications that oppose the Biden administration. This is not the liberal-democratic position that I knew in my youth.
She was 33 when the coward shot her in cold blood, meaning she did not join the AF more than 15 years ago - 2015 - when she was 18 - which is by coincidence the last year I was active duty in the AF. So maybe she was a fellow soldier, back in the day. I am loyal to everyone who ever was a fellow soldier with me, at any time.
So please, poor "Ken B", stop celebrating her death, and stop lying on behalf of evil forces you do not understand in your cold-hearted stupor. You really need to take a good look at your heart.
Biden sitting in the Oval Office with an EO in front of him. "I don't know what I'm signing."
Who had less than 2 months on their bingo card? "Salute the Marines."
In our youth, the unpopular opinions were mostly on the left. That's why the First Amendment was so important. Now the popular or, at least, anti-establishment opinions are mostly on the right. That's why we now know that the First Amendment is not absolute and should be curtailed in cases of hate speech and allegations of voter fraud.....I understand that there are some verses in the Koran that advocate religious toleration. These were written when Mohammed lived in Mecca and Islam was a minority faith. The verses written in Medina when Islam was the dominant faith are no longer tolerant.....A lot of faults, conservative and liberal, Christian and Muslim, are more common to human nature than to specific beliefs about human nature.
It'll be funny when Ken B. dies of cancer.
Re Ashli Babbit: The police officer screwed up, but Ashli allowed herself to be part of a damn fool scene.....These people who surround and pound on cars don't deserve to be run over, but they're damn fools, nonetheless.....If you're part of a potentially violent mob, there's always the risk that the person you direct your anger at is going to overreact.
Ashli Babbitt has been forgotten. I guess she wasn't worthy of 4 nation-wide televised funerals like George Floyd.
"Who had less than 2 months on their bingo card? "Salute the Marines.""
I have less than 6 months and he's impeached. By the democrats. Will Republican senators vote for President Harris?
Quit making excuses for murder. Dumbshit. If you die of cancer or get murdered it'll be your own fault. Right?
Bill Maher said She died because she did blah...blah....
No she was murdered. All she did was show up at a protest. The policeman killed her. She didn't do anything.
Shes an unperson thats how the punk who runs business insider who was sanctionedby the sec feels about her
Here's the Trump White House's list of Trump accomplishments. I reposted it on my blog because the Biden Administration memoryholed it off
Rcocean: “ It'll be funny when Ken B. dies of cancer.”
Who says Trumpkins are bitter haters?
Ken B said...
"Duty. A concept you find puzzling I'm sure."
The duty to shoot an unarmed woman for trying to climb through the window of a public building? Ya know, Ken, I've tried to cut you some slack, even though you're a Kovid Koward, but I'm thinking rcocean has got it about right. Could you make some choking sounds, maybe clutch at your throat? We all need a laugh.
Daughter's friend is the only one I know who got covid. Positive pcr test (one). Lost sense of smell and taste and felt fatigued. Spoke to doctor over the phone (doc in a box) who told her to stay home for 7 days.
That was it.
She's fine now.
A neighbor got at his doctors office everyone was masked it was a bad week but he got through it. He has some pe consitions so he was concerned.
I had about 6 months too, but we're way off. Theres a reason the gaurd is held over til March. I mean the man is sitting in the Oval Office with an EO in front of him and doesn't know what he is signing. There's a voice "Sign it anyway." Watch the people around him. Priceless. I might be reading to much into the reactions I saw, but I'm led to believe that Pelosi is the one in charge of the WH. I doubt Harris has the guts to stand up to her.
"Biden sitting in the Oval Office with an EO in front of him. "I don't know what I'm signing."
It's been reported Biden's limo driver will keep the left turn signal on for the entire ride - for old times sake.
As I've said here before, we had 6+ years of the Pelosi/Schumer administration when Obama decided to take a break in place and concentrate on being a celebrity.
We survived it once and we will survive it again.
Try “climbing through a window” of an army weapons depot and see what happens. Not all “windows” are equal. She had already committed a crime just getting to that barricade, and she wasn’t coming through it peacefully or lawfully.
You people forget, the rest of us saw the video.
close enough for Potter-verse
Whether or not the shooting was justified, Ashli Babbitt was not innocent, and did not 'just go to a protest. Those are lies.
She chose to join in a riot, and was shot attempting to breach her third defensive perimeter.
Ken B. I saw the videos, from multiple angles. She was murdered. The killer step out to execute her. It was not a weapons depot.
Brady is a great QB. Two of the interceptions were tipped by his own receivers and not his fault. That said, I was pulling for Green Bay. KC will beat TB in the SB.
If it was a legitimate shooting, the American public would know everything about it. A news conference would be held by the authorities explaining in great detail the particulars.
They have something to hide.
Joe Smith said...
When will Biden’s phone calls get leaked?
When will anything leak?
You set me up for this.
No, it wasn’t a weapons depot. It was an even worse area for her to try to break into. It was a restricted area with senior citizens whose lives were threatened by a mob of criminals trying to get in, Babbitt first among them.
I take it back. I know a second person who got covid. In a nursing home suffering from dementia but seems to have now recovered from the virus. His wife could not see him for almost a month but is now able to visit.
The shooting of Ashli Babbitt is 'under investigation', and, just like every other Leftist outrage, will remain so until it's conveniently shoved down the memory hole.
Is Rittenhouse still “under investigation “?
The riot was less than 3 weeks ago. It’s not remotely strange that it should still be under investigation.
@Ken B. Lives threatened? I saw no one who was armed, did you? I saw no one with molotov cocktails, did you?
Unarmed and gunned down. The new standard as authorized and endorsed by Ken B.
"She had already committed a crime just getting to that barricade..."
From the videos I saw, many of the protestors walked into open doors while cops looked on and let them pass.
"She chose to join in a riot, and was shot attempting to breach her third defensive perimeter."
How many unarmed Antifa and BLM protesters, who also chose to both instigate and join riots, were murdered?
There's no troll like a Canadian troll.
"It was a restricted area with senior citizens whose lives were threatened by a mob of criminals trying to get in, Babbitt first among them."
Those same senior citizens were Babbitt's employees.
"She had already committed a crime just getting to that barricade..."
Like every illegal who comes across the border.
Wife just got her second and final dose of the Pfizer vaccine (she's a nurse) with absolutely no adverse reactions except for a sore arm and feeling a little tired.
“Unarmed”. What a laugh.
First, the cop cannot know if the mob is “armed.”
Lots of things are weapons. Key chains, pens, backpacks, knives.
And weapons are not needed, especially to attack infants and octogenarians.
You used to be sane. Now you're basically Chuck. “Sad.”
Was he referring to our geriatric congress critters as senior citizens in his comment? Did he really mean that? Good grief.
“ Those same senior citizens were Babbitt's employees”
Shorter Trumpkin: It's okay to terrorize the help.
Karen B seem really active these days.
I wonder why.
I don't spend much time remembering things that have happened to me ---- I hope that as life goes on I will continue to have friends who like conversation, and who do not expect anecdotes ---- but yesterday at Trader Joe's there were these yellow roses on sale for 4 dollars ----- that is not nothing, 4 dollars, but the roses were adorable, and I bargained with myself, saying, Steve, last year you found out from a sibling who foolishly sent her DNA off that she is part Finnish (who knew? I studied Finnish vocabulary for a couple years back in the 80s, it is a beautiful language, as almost languages are (trust me, when people say "laughing hyena" I say ---- well, there is a lot more to it than that) ....and after I brought those yellow roses home, and put them in the very very cheap vase my sister gave me after she moved out of her ex-husband's house, I remembered this, a sad Coronavirus story ----
an old friend, who, like me, loved the weather in spring and who was sort of a poet (think "When Lilacs in the Dooryard last bloomed") had died a few months before, and, at the church where I attend (and where I have donated thousands of dollars over the years), along the side of the parking lot, is a little line of lilac bushes, so here I am, a couple months into the alleged pandemic, driving down the road almost to the church (at the time, believe it or not, I was bringing grocery supplies to a friend who could not leave her apartment, as she had conditions that made her susceptible to very bad reactions to the coronavirus), and I think, well, my friend died last winter, maybe I can pull into the church parking lot (remember, I worked hard for every single one of the thousands of dollars I gave to that church) and .... well, I parked next to the lilacs.
It was a windy day.
To smell the lilacs on a windy day, you have to hold them in your hands the way a mother holds a baby, tenderly and with care, and I did that, because I wanted to remember what my friend loved in this world, this world where me and her will never meet again.
You will never guess what happened next. An angry priest, who lived on the other side of the parking lot, drove over, parked next to my car in an aggressive way, and shouted "what are you doing".
Long story short, the angry priest used violent language against me, accusing me of wanting to steal the lilacs.
SAD THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME I HAD THE CONSOLATION OF KNOWING MY FRIEND LIKED LILACS AFTER SHE DIED and the angry man just wanted to show his hatred for me, as if I were a thief.
That is my coronavirus story.
Self confessed low-life lilac thief Cooper, I have a question for you. Was the priest sincere? Did he think you were stealing the flowers? If so, he was right to admonish you, correct?
I ask because if the cop thought Babbitt, who was a criminal committing a violent crime, and her mob was threatening the safety of his charges, wouldn’t he be right to defend them? Wouldn’t that be his duty?
Yellow is the national color of Finns.
the moral of the story ---
"an old friend, who, like me, loved the weather in spring and was sort of a poet"
died a few months before the coronavirus hit, and in May of 2020 I was innocently enjoying the FIRST TIME I had smelled the flowers of the lilacs that me and my friend both loved, and SOME CRAZY priest who had no idea he was about to yell at one of the most generous contributors in his parish accosted me and started saying aggressively unkind things about me, insinuating I was stealing the lilacs, when all I was doing was remembering, with great love in my heart, a friend .....
here is the funny thing. the poor guy loved those lilacs too. I wish I did not know this, but I know it ...... all of us are special to God, even wackos who yell at me when I am innocently enjoying, for the first time after the tragic death of a friend, an innocent enjoyment we had once shared, pure-hearted love for the BEAUTY OF THIS WORLD, in this case, the beauty of lilacs in May.
No, Ken, I would never have stolen the lilacs, I was just smelling them.
if the cop thought Babbitt
I'm starting to wonder whether it was a cop. Something's smoky that the name still has not been released almost 3 weeks after the event.
this is not back and forth Ken, I am speaking to you heart to heart.
Tell me Cooper, how would the priest know?
Never mind that you were stealing them.
The shade of my friend was at my side, smelling them with me!
In such circumstances, even the worst of us are not tempted to steal!!!!
Big Mike
I saw reports it was a Capitol Hill cop, but that might not be correct. Preliminary reports are usually wrong. However, the idiots in charge of security turned down help from other agencies. There doesn’t seem to have been anyone else. Maybe secret service?
Had there been enough cops with orders to put down rioting immediately things would never have gotten to the point it did.
Trust me Ken you amuse me, and I thank God that he created you.
The people who made you so ornery, on the other hand ---- trust me, they do not want to know what I know about ornery people.
Great season by the Packers regardless of the outcome today. There is next season.
"Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay"
Well, I will lock up my lilacs if Cooper comes to town.
"Here in my deep purple dreams"
written for piano in the 30s
a big hit for April Stevens when I was a teenager a few years later
"First, the cop cannot know if the mob is “armed.”
Lots of things are weapons. Key chains, pens, backpacks, knives."
You are an amusing putz.
So there is a new standard:
Police are now entitled to shoot anyone wearing a backpack, or anyone that 'might' be carrying a key chain, pen, or knife.
You don't have to know they are, but better put a round in their head from close range just in case.
Better yet, spray the crowd with bullets 'just in case.'
Jesus, what a dick.
Surprisingly, April Stevens is still amongst the living- 91 years old according to Wiki.
"Deep Purple" was one of the 45s I "inherited" from my mother when I was a kid (she was in high school in 1963). I was just scanning some of the 1963 hits from the same time of the year, and there were two other 45s she had that she gifted to me- "Blue Velvet" by Bobby Vinton and "500 Miles Away From Home" by the great Bobby Bare.
“As Napoleon said, give me generals who are lucky.”
Do you mean Biden? Luck had nothing to do with it.
Yes Joe, just ignore she was a violent criminal committing a violent criminal act as part of a violent criminal mob threatening the safety of lawmakers, many of whom are elderly and feeble.
You dipshits harp on “unarmed”. You should look at some of the videos of cops attacked and killed by unarmed criminals. Or notice she had a backpack with who knows what in it, certainly the cop couldn’t risk assuming it, and which itself can be swung as a weapon. Even unarmed violent people are dangerous.
An unarmed thug threatening violence and committing violence is still a violent thug.
“Oh that poor Mr Albert DeSalvo, he was unarmed!”
"Or notice she had a backpack with who knows what in it, certainly the cop couldn’t risk assuming it, and which itself can be swung as a weapon. Even unarmed violent people are dangerous."
You are a bloodthirsty idiot.
Let's find out what exactly was in the backpack. Aren't you curious to know?
Let's just kill everyone.
I suppose I should agree to that sentiment as liberals and anarchists (the folks on your side) seem to be the ones doing most of the rioting.
We could have gotten rid of hundreds of thousands of Antifa and BLM scum this summer alone.
Except unlike you, I have morals.
"As Napoleon said, give me generals who are lucky"
"Are you a lucky General?" MacArthur used to say to generals newly assigned to his command.--American Caesar by William Manchester.
How many of the capitol "mob" are being charged with the labels the MSM are placing on everyone in the vicinity?
And where are we at regarding who determined the paltry level of security for that known event?
Imagine if some seriously determined bad actors (think global) blew in with guns a blazing?
You know what would be great? it would be great if Trudeau and Biden got into a beef over the XL pipeline, and Biden got agitated with Trudeau, said "Come on, Man!" and nuked Canada.
Sarah Sanders, Trump's 2nd Liar to the White House Press Corps, has announced her candidacy to become Governor of Arkansas. Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication.
Sarah will likely to be asked at her first press conference to explain how her brother, David Huckabee, ruthlessly broke animal cruelty laws by killing a stray dog at Boy Scout camp by hanging when he was 17 in 1988. This family sensitive incident wasn't helpful to her daddy, Reverend Mike, when his hat was in the ring for GOP presidential candidate in 2007. Mike Huckabee was serving as Arkansas Governor when the dog died.
"Sarah will likely to be asked at her first press conference to explain how her brother, David Huckabee, ruthlessly broke animal cruelty laws by killing a stray dog at Boy Scout camp by hanging when he was 17 in 1988."
Wipe yourself off when you're done Gadfly.
Hey..that Hunter shit never happened!
"Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication."
When will the obsequious DC press corp ask Biden about fucking DOCTOR Jill when she was still married?
After Clinton getting his cock sucked in the oval office, and liberals applauding him for it, you'd think you'd be smart enough to lay (sorry) off the questions of infidelity.
Nope...too damn dumb.
Packer loss can be traced to the NFL zebras. Near the end of the second quarter with Pack driving Aaron Rodgers threw deep over the middle to Allen Lazard but corner Sean Murphy-Bunting grabbed jersey and put himself in position to intercept. A few plays later Brady completed a touchdown pass with time running out at half. Point turnaround was likely a field goal for GB to a touchdown for TB.
For the entire game no defensive pass interference calls (Let 'em Play) were made until the end when a very late flag was thrown against the Packers that extended Tampa Bay's possession to prevent a possible final comeback.
And the winner of the NFL MVP, not Aaron, not Tom. Gotta be Patrick Mahomes.
Blogger gadfly said...
Packer loss can be traced to the NFL zebras.
Probably Trump voters. Had it in for Wisconsin while favoring Florida. Obviously.
gadfly said...
Sarah Sanders, Trump's 2nd Liar to the White House Press Corps, has announced her candidacy to become Governor of Arkansas. Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication.
Not to mention the counterfeit Pecan Pie you people salivated over.
Sex fantasies or violence fantasies? Discuss.
The shooter was on camera and surrounded by fellow officers. Accidental weapon discharge makes the most sense but the least mentioned because it's got to be political.
Engaging our Canadian friend .... key chains, pens, senior citizens, poor judgement on my part.
Had there been enough cops with orders to put down rioting immediately things would never have gotten to the point it did.
One could say that about Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Madison, Kenosha, and other places. But the cops there didn’t shoot, except with nonlethal munitions (and not even that in most places).
I was struck by the physical size of the 'Lieutenant'. Could have been the camera angle, but the size said 'female' to me. With all those cops coming in on the scene with M4s, I don't think there was much of a threat. YMMV. We'll never know. What does Vegas say?
Maybe Lt. Neidermeyer?
They may find that the shooting was unwarranted, and there may be consequences for the cop (though we’ll see more BLM rioting if the white victim gets the “justice”), but it doesn’t make any sense to ignore Ashley Babbitt’s contribution to her death. This wasn’t random. She was a key participant in the events that led to her shooting.
Readering said...
"Sex fantasies or violence fantasies? Discuss."
I don't know. Ask gadfly. He's into that shit.
"if the cop thought Babbitt"
I'm starting to wonder whether it was a cop. Something's smoky that the name still has not been released almost 3 weeks after the event.
I'm forced to work of rumors because the DC law requires the name of the officer be released immediately.
We know the shooter was a rabid hater of President Trump, and has left a trail of threats against supporters of President Trump on social media. The delay is working to scrub all evidence.
Also remember police can only kill threats, because that Constitutional POWER has been delegated to them by the people. An enumerated power.
Blogger Readering said...
Sex fantasies or violence fantasies? Discuss.
Everyone will recall how Sarah denied that Donald had paid Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about Trump's affair just hours before he admitted to his fornication.
I see the lies are being embedded in history. Stormy Daniels had a photo with Trump at a golf tournament. That is common at golf tournaments. I have some with celebrities although I tended to avoid them. There was NEVER any evidence of a sexual relationship or event. The money paid was nuisance money to avoid a mini-scandal before the election. It is commonly known as blackmail. Her lawyer had a few weeks of fame by Democrats but is now on his way to prison.
The lie is important to a few losers.
Blogger Ken B said...
Yes Joe, just ignore she was a violent criminal committing a violent criminal act as part of a violent criminal mob threatening the safety of lawmakers, many of whom are elderly and feeble.
Once again, Ken B reveals his troll tendencies. Is this just the usual Canadian hate of America or something else ? This guy is sick.
Everyone I know that has had Covid19 was sent home, just as you describe. One relative died (age 65 healthy beforehand). The only personal story I know about where the doctor was aggressive was Dr. Drew Pinsky and his personal doctor. He is on Instagram and Youtube and has put up many videos about his experience surviving Covid. He had daily phone calls with his doctor and received ivermectin, steroids, monoclonal antibodies, doxycyline, zinc, extra vitamins D and C. His treatment started on day one. Not after he was in crisis.
I'm leaving my current doctor as he has already told me if I was positive he would send me home. I am furious about this.
Here's Ken B's problem: all of the other cops in the Capitol - including the heavily armed ones just behind her - DID NOT shoot Ashli Babbit or anyone else. Indeed, as soon as the cop gunned Ashli Babbit down in cold blood the other cops stopped the murderer from firing any further rounds.
It's all in the video, which we have all seen if we wish to.
So, in Ken B's world, none of those other cops was doing their duty, only the one who gunned down an unarmed, peaceful protester. To Ken B and his fellow anti-Americans, that is what democracy looks like.
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