As for "the inmates are going to be running this ship" — the stock phrase is The inmates are running the asylum (or The lunatics are running the asylum). I don't know where Tester got a ship. The ship of state? What's he trying to say, anyway? That you don't want the Senators running the Senate?
A great story on the subject of lunatics running the asylum is Edgar Allan Poe, "The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether."
As for "get shit done" — well, it's funny to hear that from a fusty old Senator. I'm trying to figure out if "get shit done" is routine in the workplace these days. I can see that there are books on productivity with that in the title and motivational posters and mugs, but it didn't sound right to me.
I looked up Tester's life story: "Before his election to the Senate, Tester had never lived more than two hours away from his north-central Montana farm.... [H]e butchers and brings his own meat with him to Washington. He said 'Taking meat with us is just something that we do... We like our own meat.'"
Close to the farm, brings his own meat — I give him a total pass on "get shit done."
११८ टिप्पण्या:
How in the world does Montana send a Democrat to the Senate?
And of course, by "get shit done" he means "ram Far Left programs down the throats of Americans".
ESAD buddy. ESAD.
How in the world does Montana send a Democrat to the Senate?
With a big cooler.
The pretences to moderation and bipartisanship lasted a little longer than I expected.
Yesterday "unity", today "I won".
@Bob Boyd:How in the world does Montana send a Democrat to the Senate?
By bringing home bacon. Montana is a state people drive through on their way to other states. I-90 is perpetually under construction. He keeps the Federal dollars coming to the local contractors.
At least he recognizes and honestly categorizes the work product of a Democrat-led Congress as shit.
Get ready for a deluge of radical judge confirmations I guess.
Lives on a Montana farm, always has, no wonder he knows nothing about ships.
if they counted votes in Montana, like they do in Atlanta;
Montana would have TWO democrat Senators, AND a democrat governor
How to you get a Dem from Montana? The political lines are very much fuzzy in flyover country.
A raging left wingnut in Montana doesn't believe guns should be allowed... in the hands children under 12.
Iowa was responsible for Sen. Tom Harkin, Devout Catholic, who despised abortion but would never consider intruding on a woman and her Dr. (murdering babies aside). He retired, and our
Democrat House member ran for the seat(author of "cash for Clunkers)...and lost to Joni Ernst. I have no Idea how far leftist Harkin kept getting re-elected in Iowa.
Oh for crying out loud, Mike Mansfield and Max Baucus were from Montana. And Burton Wheeler, if you want to go way back.
Stop with the cowboy caricatures.
"Get shit done" could mean either accomplish nothing (shit), or get something (shit) done.
Enjoys using a chainsaw too, I'll wager.
Is anyone else as dismayed as I am that our country is currently being run by Pelosi, Schumer and Biden? Talk about failing upward!
What is the saying about repeating failure in search of success? What's the over/under on the number of Democratic politicians getting the Feinstein treatment in the next couple of years?
Just like every other pox on American politics. The filthy, pasty, potato eating Papists.
Too many damn Irish in Montana working the copper mines. Been electing democrats there for more than a century.
There is no state nor city in America that the Irish didn't ruin if they settled there in numbers.
"What's he trying to say, anyway?"
That the GOP is insane and Dems should do whatever they want.
For the sake of "unity," of course, and the calm normality that nice women claim to crave.
"I-90 is perpetually under construction. He keeps the Federal dollars coming to the local contractors."
I-everything is perpetually under construction.
Perhaps Tester has a harelip?
"Fusty, old"? We were born the same year. Save that insult for folks who qualify for covid vaccine priority.
they are being arrogant for having a tie, I know collins or murkowski or sasse might jeffords,
These cliché analogies aren’t rocket surgery!
captain pike suspends all oil and gas permitting,
The Senate isn't meant to "get shit done". They're meant to take their time and work out a good long-term solution to whatever issue is dominating the latest headlines. Or don't work it out, if no good solution is available.
Senators used to defend their deliberation-friendly rules. Apparently that's gone as well.
Wow. If only the Republicans had been as resolute and focused when they controlled both houses. What a contrast.
Though I question whether Democrat Senators 'getting shit done' is a good thing, his candor is refreshing.
Well Tester brings his own meat to Washington. That's fine--he's a man of the soil and given to "earthy" phrases. He's also a meathead and he's describing the contents of the Democrat agenda.
It's nice to talk butch and bluster; but unless Kamala Harris is going to be present in the Senate every day then the Democrats don't have a majority. But then as "Cactus Jack" John Nance Garner once described the value of his job as V.P. for FDR, being Vice President "isn't worth a bucket of warm s##t" So maybe it won't matter if she spends her day presiding over the Senate and breaking tie votes. That said, doesn't she have a much more important job--daily taking measure of senescent and comatose Shufflin' Joe and deciding when to pull the 25th Amendment trigger? You know she wants to do it.
So any time a Republican Senate has the majority, it needs like a 60-40 majority because the Democrats can always count on Collins, Romney, Murkowski, etc to stab the Republican party in the back.
Why don't the Democrats ever worry about that? Isn't there a single Democrat who isn't desperate to see Stalinism implemented?
I suppose the closest is Joe Manchin.... but he's not a fence crosser. None of them are. So much for "bipartisan."
the one who wants to force cruz and hawley out of the Senate, that moderate,
I can't keep track...
Is Tester, a Democrat, one of the radical Marxists?
Blogger narciso said...they are being arrogant for having a tie,
I noticed that too. Schumer may have the title “majority leader,” but he does not lead a majority. As for the inmates running the ship, WTH is he saying here? He’s talking about the Senate. Senators are supposed to run the ship. Or the asylum, or whatever he thought he was talking about.
The filibuster will be gone by the end of the year if Republicans filibuster anything of consequence to the Obama/Harris agenda. I don't expect them to filibuster anything of consequence. Amnesty will be passed by a filibuster-proof majority, and everything else will be fitted into reconciliation by hook or by crook. This is how the uniparty makes it look that there are two.
Meat from his farm and hunting is probably better than can be bought in DC.
It is unfortunate that Ernst, Collins, Daine, and Tillis won their races in November. The clarity of full and unfettered Democrat control in Washington is a thing to be desired at this point in time- it is a necessary metaphorical colonic. As it is now, all the failures of Napoleon Biden and Squealer Harris will be blamed on the opposition.
If Jon Tester were known for subtlety, one could hypothesize that his remark was a directed to some members of his own party. It would be interesting if the Republican Senators demanded that the Impeachment trial commence immediately and force Democratic Senators---there will be at least 10--come on board to show solidarity with the House.
A trial will serve as a huge distraction to Pres. Biden's ambitions, and Donald Trump's defense team will have a national platform to question why his speech was "incitement" and the Democrats' were not. And if the trial is canceled due to its un-Constitutionality, the event will be exposed as the political theater that it was. Don't leave Impeachment hanging. Make the Democrats move forward or kill it. Then the public will see that the Republicans don't have a monopoly on "inmates."
Basically, the country needs to get the government it "voted" for good and hard. There is nothing that is going to solve our problems unless we learn the hard lessons first, and even that might not work.
Oh Mitch is making Demands? That's so cute. And gee, it looks like the D's are so ungrateful to "Good ol' Mitch" who let them use the filibuster for 4 years and frustrate the R's. One wonders if this is all political Kabuki theater.
No doubt the D's are now going to make a big show of TRYING to get rid of the filibuster, but gosh darn it, they just can't get to 50 votes because -----fill in names---- decided to join Mitch and keep it.
This will allow Schumer to stop any Pelosi legislation his big donors don't like, while passing everything he does like. How? By saying its "not filibusterable under the rules". They did it with Obamacare and they can do it again.
From Wikipedia: “At the age of 9, he lost the middle three fingers of his left hand in a meat-grinder accident.” There’s a man who knew how the sausage was made before he came to Washington, DC. We “can” get “shit” done, we “ought” to get “stuff” done - that’s an interesting juxtaposition.
"Make the Democrats move forward or kill it. Then the public will see that the Republicans don't have a monopoly on "inmates."
While I completely agree with the sentiment here, Stephen, the public will never "see" anything. The trial, if it takes place, will be a farce with no defense allowed. This will be a bipartisan agreement made in a back room.
I hope Pennsylvania is happy they helped install Biden. They're about to get economically fucked via fracking bans.
"The last time the Senate was split 50-50, in 2001, lawmakers agreed on an organizing resolution that allowed both parties to share power. Under that deal, the parties agreed to split committee memberships and staff equally and changed the rules, making it so that if a tie vote prevented a measure from moving out of committee, either the majority or the minority leader could bring the bill to the Senate floor."
My reading is that Schumer is proposing something along these lines, and that McConnell says yes, but I want a commitment that there will be no vote to end the filibuster.
Jeez- It shouldn't be too tough for a Senator to keep their cliches straight. It isn't rocket surgery...
I can't believe McConnell would be dumb enough to go ahead with a trial, and not get all the R's and 2 Democrats to dismiss. But maybe he wants to destroy the R party and lose every R who votes to remove Trump.
And maybe Collins, Mittens, and Lisa Murkey, are so petty and vindictive they'd bar Trump from running again for President. I'd like to think that would end their careers, but R voters are the stupidest people on the planet. So forgiving, so forgetful, and so incredibly dumb.
There's a 3rd option. Mitch lets the trial go forward, then makes a big fuss about saving Trump and get 38 R's to vote not guilty. Suddenly Mitch is no long "Back-stabbing Mitch" "The great betrayer" but "Trump's savior". Now, his speech attacking trump and his betrayal of Jan 6th will be forgotten. All hail Mitch, playing both sides of the issue and winning over everyone.
"The last time the Senate was split 50-50, in 2001, lawmakers agreed on an organizing resolution that allowed both parties to share power. Under that deal..........."
We remember, at least the history hasn't been erased yet, how that deal was abrogated by the Democrats. I suspect something similar is going to happen, and is why Schumer refuses renounce ending the filibuster. History is calling on Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, or, most likely, Mitt Romney to take vows in the Democratic Party.
I can see anything happening. One thing is certain, the D's are NEVER going to *not* do something because its "against the constitution" or "against the norms" or "against political tradition". Only the R's do that. The D's just win. Their motto:
By any means necessary. Just win baby, just win.
Tester is a leftwinger. He campaigns as a moderate.
The people of Montana are represented by a fraud.
The difference between last year and this year is that the Democrats control the structure of any impeachment trial if all 50 hold together. Any trial will be run under their rules, not McConnell's- and, yes, the VP would get a vote in such rule-making.
Is McConnell dumb enough to aid such an endeavor? I don't think so, but I could easily be wrong here- the Trump hate is intense, and the Republicans in D.C. definitely don't want him running again. I doubt Trump will run again anyway, but they don't like the uncertainty.
"bar Trump from running again."
1. I don't think a Senate vote on impeachment - a vote that would remove Trump from office -- would bar him from running again. (I'm not putting myself forth as an expert, so I will read and heed informed opinions to the contrary.)
2. The 14th (?) amendment says that a person who taken an oath of office, and then has been convicted of "insurrection" cannot be elected President. (my loose interpretation, corrections also welcome.)
But can the Senate "convict" a former president of insurrection? Doesn't that require a action in a court?
3. At what point does the prohibition against bills of attainder restrict the Senate from punishing Trump.
when did the senate become 50-50? Last time I looked perdue and that dumb rich chick LOST. Care to clue me in?
readering said...
"Fusty, old"? We were born the same year. Save that insult for folks who qualify for covid vaccine priority.
Up here near Boston, even those of us who are fusty and old are being told we don't qualify for the vaccine---at least not until Albert DeSalvo, "The Boston Strangler", gets his.
It's so amazing that he's rural enough that he likes to "bring his own meat" and lives on a farm. Yet he can still have a Senate voting record exactly like ultra urban dweller and big city boy Chuck Schumer.
A leftist progressive is a leftist progressive whether dressed in tailored suits or coveralls. Tester has been cultivating this image for years as a down to earth regular guy but his views on policy are right at home in the urban blue cities and coastal elite conclaves.
Montana at least one populous college town, traditional blue collar types, an influx of lefties fleeing California, wealthy land owners from back east...
Also, I'm no expert, but a farm in Montana that grows meat- I've heard that situation called a ranch.
Just free associating like everyone else.
George bush told Clyburn he was "The countries savior" because he helped Biden win the nomination and "only Biden could've defeated Trump". IOW, Bush thought Biden was saving the country and Clyburn allowed Biden to do it.
Incredibly, Rush Limbaugh then criticized Bush for that comment today. NOT because Bush was celebrating Biden winning. No he criticized Bush because Bush was turning the other cheek and praising Clyburn. It seems Clyburn - way back in the 2000's" was calling Bush "Chimp-Hitler".
It was probably Rush's way of attacking his friend george bush in the mildest way possible for betraying the Republican Voters. He did the same thing with Mitch. Just mentioned Mitch and his wife were getting rich off the Chi-coms and left it at that.
h said...
"bar Trump from running again."
1. I don't think a Senate vote on impeachment - a vote that would remove Trump from office -- would bar him from running again. (I'm not putting myself forth as an expert, so I will read and heed informed opinions to the contrary.)
2. The 14th (?) amendment says that a person who taken an oath of office, and then has been convicted of "insurrection" cannot be elected President. (my loose interpretation, corrections also welcome.)
>>>the 14th says "engaged in" not "convicted of". Glenn Reynolds, a law prof at Instapundit says today he's been convinced that the 14th's language would bar a person from appointed offices, not elected. Alcee Hastings, an impeached FLA judge, sits in the House today, so that tends to favor his view. Then again, Hastings is a corrupt back Democrat, so that makes him one of "the gang". Totes OK.
But can the Senate "convict" a former president of insurrection? Doesn't that require a action in a court?
>>>They might argue that Trump's words were an incitement to violence and/or insurrection, and thus an impeachable High Crime or Misdemeanor. They would (speciously) argue that the legal definitions of sedition and incitement needn't apply, only their "political" definitions. But Trump's no longer POTUS, and it's Dershowitz's view, shared by many other con law profs, that he's now a private citizen and thus beyond the Senate's reach.
3. At what point does the prohibition against bills of attainder restrict the Senate from punishing Trump.
>>>That point has long since passed. Deep down, Schumer and the Dems must know they would be attempting to inflict unconstitutional punishment on a now-private citizen. But they're not going to get a conviction in any case. If Biden had a working neuron he would tell them to cool it. Myself, I would be shocked to see Roberts preside over such an unlawful show trial.
That's my two kopek's worth.
Alcee Hastings, an impeached FLA judge, sits in the House today, so that tends to favor his view. Then again, Hastings is a corrupt back Democrat, so that makes him one of "the gang". Totes OK.
Being convicted by the Senate after impeachment does not automatically bar that person from further office. That requires a second vote held after conviction. That second vote was never held for Hastings. I believe that only three men have been barred from office via that vote, and all were former Confederates.
Thanks wholelottasplainin and Gahrie for responses clear and on point.
Ranch? Depends on the meat. Cattle are raised on Montana ranches, even sheep (not sure if Wyoming would allow a sheepherder to call his spread a ranch). But pigs are farmed, everywhere in the West.
Blogger Known Unknown said...
I hope Pennsylvania is happy they helped install Biden. They're about to get economically fucked via fracking bans.
I hope you realize that Democrat voters, especially those alive, do not care about such things as fracking and "fossil fuel." They are government employees with pensions and good salaries paid whether they work or not.
Basically they want to lock up the opposition....
Freud de Freuge
Speaking of shit, we are in for it now - and deep.
“We got shit (meaning “Fuck-all”) done” means the same as “we didn’t get shit done”. Just like you can be sanctioned for giving sanction to something.
"I don't know where Tester got a ship."
Tester is not known for his intellect.
"We like our own meat."
Kinky! : )
"How in the world does Montana send a Democrat to the Senate?"
No frickin' idea.
It's a gorgeous part of the country and I have considered moving there.
But when I flee my shithole state I would probably go to Wyoming as they are more reliably least for now.
Democrats are spreading into red states like cancer.
If you set a precedent that someone now out of office can be impeached, convicted and barred from office, what would stop Congress from doing the same to a prospective candidate?
Sorry, I don't give him a pass on "get shit done." The people I know who raise and store their own meat don't use gutter language.
Blogger Known Unknown said...
I hope Pennsylvania is happy they helped install Biden. They're about to get economically fucked via fracking bans.
Nah, we've already got plenty of gas, so much we already can't squeeze it all out.
"If you set a precedent that someone now out of office can be impeached, convicted and barred from office, what would stop Congress from doing the same to a prospective candidate?"
Start with Obama as a past prez and move on to Michelle 'Big Mike' next.
Montana has pockets—deep pockets— of idiots. Take a trip to Calibozeman. The Montana legislature finally went GOP in this election.
Sen. Mike Mansfield saw the Great Society through the Senate as majority leader.
Fortunately it looks as if the Republican Party is permanently dead.
I would prefer if Mitt and Murkowski would just sign up as Democrats and get it over with.
Trump is probably starting a new party. This is the only way in my opinion. There are just too many grubby greedy traitors like Pence and McConnell and McCarthy in leadership positions.
I would be happy if they would all go join the democrat party.
The lines need to be clearly drawn.
But when I flee my shithole state I would probably go to Wyoming as they are more reliably least for now.
Democrats are spreading into red states like cancer.
The answer is a new frontier. Faster Jeff and Elon.
I would also prefer that Trump be in the lead as party leader, not running for office.
He is too nice.
"bar Trump from running again."
The prohibition addresses "officers". In several places in the constitution President, and Officer are mentioned together. They are two constitutionally different persons. Thus no prevention from running for future office.
Think about why impeachment exists. The need to remove a President so bad the vast majority of voters would turn them out to office, If, they only had the opportunity. This is a great teaching moment.
If Pelosi is so sure the President is evil and all the nation can see it, there is no way he could be elected. If however the Speaker of the House is abusing the power of impeachment. He runs for office and elected.
The question becomes, who is right? The people, or the government?
Our system always reverts to the people or those elected closest to the people.
And Bills of Attainder.
Gahrie said...
The answer is a new frontier. Faster Jeff and Elon.
Jeff will open little Amazon franchises that are thoroughly infested with his control mechanisms.
Elon is the only one who I believe will allow any sort of freedom on the frontier.
"Trump is probably starting a new party. This is the only way in my opinion."
I don't see a problem with a new party.
As long as the new party members caucus with the republicans (like Bernie does with the Dems) then there is no appreciable power shift.
Meanwhile, the new party can keep picking off squishy republicans like Murkowski.
Eventually with enough momentum, conservative republicans will switch voluntarily to the new party.
Can't be any worse than it is now...
It’s insane to me that Montana and West Virginia each have a Democrat in the US Senate. Until 2019, North Dakota did too.
At the same time, it’s a little crazy that states like Massachusetts and Maryland elect Republicans as governor.
see with every step, the extent of the fraud and the reason for it becomes evident, the jizda that is the iran deal, the give away to iran and russia, with the fracking ban, the push to root out 'systemic racism' and make the 1619 project foundational the push to drive out cruz and hawley, because they stood on constitutional principal,
Replying to Hlatky, who asks: "what would stop Congress from doing the same to a prospective candidate?" [once the precedent is set that a non-President can be impeached and "convicted" making him/her ineligible to run for President]. This (along with all the many many other reasons why a Senate trial for Trump is a horrible idea) is one I hadn't thought of and is, in my opinion determinantive.
the reform party, eventually replaced the progressive conservatives in canada, but it took one term, also their original nominee stockwell day was too nice, I don't know why they went back to the pcs for this last cycle, against zoolander, I mean trudeau
the independence party tried to replace the tories in england, but they were too small a rump faction, and the tories coopted them in the last few cycles, I think the lockdown probably neutralized any advantage johnson had,
"The Montana legislature finally went GOP in this election.'
It's been that way quite awhile. It's governor that finally went GOP after 16 years.
Oh for crying out loud, Mike Mansfield and Max Baucus were from Montana. And Burton Wheeler, if you want to go way back.
And Jeannette Rankin, the only Senator to vote against the US entering WW1 and WW2.
Montana is purple state. It's a little redder these days, but the farmers depend on federal subsidies and it has a big labor union history, especially in Butte.
Mt's last two governors have been Democrats, Steve Bullock and Brian Schweitzer. They just elected a Republican.
more of this,
The constitution concerning Impeachment of the President says(paraphrase) 'The Chief Justice shall preside over the trial of the President in the Senate.
Roberts has said he would rather not do a second Trump impeachment. I believe he offered that out loud, in public, as a warning to Pelosi for face saving purposes. Sounds like she is ignoring the warning.
He’s got that going for him- and a very capable wife:0)
Farmers are not wont to change.
If that’s used properly in that sentence.
Stubbornness abounds...
I do hope that Chuck can enjoy the new Whigs: the Republican party, who used to represent conservative values but now only represents Jon Tester's pigs at a feeding trough.
The constitution concerning Impeachment of the President says(paraphrase) 'The Chief Justice shall preside over the trial of the President in the Senate.
I'm just thinking out loud but Donald Trump is not the President...
W wasn’t a traitor, idk what he is now. I was called an “asswhipe” for W. He made getting through the border after 9/11 impossible w/out an enhanced license or passport and that was unforgivable to this man who’s livelihood depended on the breezing by of the good old days.
I’m very disappointed in W. Mitt- well- if it walks like a cuck...
At the same time, it’s a little crazy that states like Massachusetts and Maryland elect Republicans as governor.
In Massachusetts the heavily Democrat legislature has more than enough votes to override any veto from the governor. They prefer a Republican governor to blame when things get shitty...
Plus- they aren't really Republicans.
what would stop Congress from doing the same to a prospective candidate?" [once the precedent is set that a non-President can be impeached and "convicted" making him/her ineligible to run for President].
The constitution concerning impeachment,enumerates those partys eligible to be impeached. President, Officers, Judges. This is a separation of powers issue. Another reason congress could not bar persons from future elected office. That power would rest with the people
Interesting note: every single FakeCon our own FakeCon pro-marxist LLR-lefty Chuck has touted in recent years has already left the republican party (with some "officially" leaving the republican party at least once per week for almost 5 years) and/or publicly dedicating themselves to the goal of permanent democratical cintrol of government at all levels as well as the enactment of the entire liberal and far left policy objectives, without exception.
Those individuals include the LLR-lefty Chuck-approved child sex groomers at The Lincoln Project whom LLR-lefty Chuck adores.
They in particular have explicitly called for everything from AOC's The New Green Deal (socialism on steroids), post-birth abortion on demand as well as no borders at all as well as open voting.
This full embrace of the farthest of the far left is why it has been duly noted that Chuck is firmly on the far left of the democrat party. Chuck actually is further left than most democrats!
Which then comes full circle to his efforts to ensure the only competition for his beloved marxist left (like Warnock whom he endorsed) comes from a far left socialist 'republican" party.
It wont work of course but Chuck is going to keep on tryin'.
But when I flee my shithole state I would probably go to Wyoming as they are more reliably least for now.
I was in Jackson Hole a few months ago. It smelled like California.
I'm just thinking out loud but Donald Trump is not the President...
Yep. President Trump asks the CJ sitting in the senate presiding over an impeachment trial of a citizen. Not a person, as enumerated in the constitution, exactly what his role is?
We know judges are not bound by the constitution and can just make it up on the fly, but still fun.
The Tangerine Tornado: "A leftist progressive is a leftist progressive whether dressed in tailored suits or coveralls."
Just as a leftist progressive is a leftist progressive whether they claim to be a $1,000/hr / $40,000 minimum retainer LLR lawyer from MI or not.
Its plain as day.
I can promise that the stuff they manage to get done will be "shit."
You’ve been calling Romney, McConnell, McCarthy, Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush “traitors.”
This is why I remain convinced it's a parody account. I just can't imagine anyone genuinely passionate about supporting and/or defending this crew of pompous, corrupt or altogether mediocre nepot hacks. It can't be real. Or do I lack imagination?
"Perdue and Loeffler were votes 51 and 52. With them it was 52-48 GOP. Without them it's 50-50."
Thanks. So with Harris as VP - the D's control the Senate.
Fuck Schumer. It's almost an anagram.
"I don't think a Senate vote on impeachment - a vote that would remove Trump from office -- would bar him from running again. (I'm not putting myself forth as an expert, so I will read and heed informed opinions to the contrary.)"
1) The Senate can bar a President from running for President again, if convicted. This is what the D's are trying to do. ITs right in the constitution.
2) The question is whether A PRIVATE CITIZEN, aka an ex-President, can be barred. Mark Levin and Dersh say no. But the SCOTUS has never ruled on it, because no Senate has ever been so partisan and crazy as to waste time trying an EX-President.
3) Like everything else, the Constitution is what 5 SCOTUS judges say it is. Do you really think that Roberts and the 3 Democrats are going to help Trump? That leaves his fate in the hands of the other 5. I don't like those odds.
4) The Insanity of this! Trump committed no "High Crime" or "Misdemeanor". The house spent 2 hours. TWO FUCKING HOURS. Debating this impeachment. This is a pure Stalinist show trial. And it will only be stopped by the Republican voters telling Mitch they will hang any traitor who votes to convict Trump.
Here's the Constitution:
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
The trans-Pacific Planned Parenthood axis is complete. I guess they can abort the baby and have her, too. Forward!
IRC, Hastings a judge was impeached and removed as a judge but since the Senate didn't "Disqualify him" he was able to get elected as a House Rep. He was black of course. But the "Bitch didn't set him up".
So Tester can innocently ask his interns, "You want my meat?"
"I was in Jackson Hole a few months ago. It smelled like California."
Yes...that's the one part to avoid unless you're mega-rich. It's all tech money.
"I don't know where Tester got a ship. The ship of state?"
Yeah, what do people from Montana know about ships anyway?
If that ain't country
It'll hair lip the pope
If that ain't country
It's a damn good joke
We bring our own meat
cause it's fed on grass
If that ain't country
I'll kiss your ass
High Crimes and misdemeanors is not defined. A president can be impeached for farting in church. However, Trump is no longer president. This is all just a show, signifying nothing.
What if the assholes go through with this and vote to impeach Trump? (I don't think this will happen, mind you).
And Trump says--screw you, I'm running. Sure--the states can keep him off the ballot--if they want to--but 70 Million or so disagree and write him in. And a bunch of states put him on the ballot because they don't buy that the "impeachment" is legitimate.
Is the Supreme Court going to take that on? (Seems like a "political question" to me).
And it also seems like a pretty good way to start that civil war.
Maybe that "unity" guy with the mask on could come up with a way to prevent such a scenario.
I am very touched (in my funny bone!) by all the punting to SUPREME COURT to clarify the Constitution - is it not meant to be read and understood by normal ordinary citizens who nevertheless are supposedly able to give consent to be governed ?
Jon Tester and I were colleagues (organic agriculture and certification) back in the 90s. I disagree with his politics -- though for a Donk these days he's not bad -- but he's the real deal. Missing three fingers on one hand due to a farm accident.
As a farmer myself, I can say that our common experience with long, tough days on the land surpasses any differences in politics, education, ethnic background and so on. We need more farmers in Congress and fewer lawyers. Farmers have a common goal -- feeding people -- and lawyers with differing politics treat each other as opposing counsel.
There is lively debate on whether “office of honor” includes any elected office. So it’s not clear a Senate can actually do this ban, which is the only reason they want the trial in the first place. Seems that question needs to be answered.
But Schumer is another story. He is a do nothing Regressive Democrat who threatened to Change America if they won Georgia. Most Americans love America and don't want to live in Communist Cuba like Chucky and the left want for us.
rocean. Thanks for the clarifications on impeachment, etc. I feel like an idiot for not having actually gone to read the appropriate sentences.
"I don't know where Tester got a ship. The ship of state?"
That’s where the possibility of a harelip comes in...
Yeah, what do people from Montana know about ships anyway?
What do they need to know?
Treat Schumer like the Majority Leader. Wow!! The whole respect for the office thing changed so fast I almost got whiplash.
I was going to make a comment about Dem's double standards, but they have no standards at all. Being true marxists, they say and do whatever is necessary in the moment to exercise power.
"We like our own meat."
Not something you want to be saying in the age of Toobin.
Sen. Jon Tester
His real first name is "Raymond."
Why in heaven's name would you want to saddle yourself with the moniker "Jon Tester?"
"Chuck Schumer is the majority leader and he should be treated like majority leader. We can get shit done around here and we ought to be focused on getting stuff done."
I missed hearing you say that from 2017 - 2020, Tester.
So you can fuck off now.
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