"The little pup dropped the ball in front of me for me to grab the ball ... and I grabbed the ball like this, and he ran, and I was joking running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on. That's what happened," Biden said with a smile. "Not a very exciting story."
Don't grab a dog's tail! Isn't that one of the first this you teach children about how to behave around a dog? Yes:
It’s probably one of the first things you learn when you are introduced to a dog: don’t pull his tail! A dog’s tail is an appendage, not just a bunch of hair shaking from side to side like a cheerleader’s ponytail....
Oh! And I was just thinking about Biden going after the hair of young women!
The tail is the end of Fluffy’s backbone. The muscles and tendons that make it move are connected to the rest of his body, particularly the anus, rectum, and pelvic diaphragm. In addition, anywhere from four to seven nerves are attached to these muscles.... Because the tail is connected by muscles and tendons and to his bum, pulling it can cause serious damage. The muscles he uses to relieve himself can be damaged if pulled too hard, which can cause constipation or loss of bowel control. Another potential problem is damage to the tail’s structure causing it to sag. If his tail sags, he cannot communicate his message or his scent. If you try to pull or even just touch your dog’s tail, he might become protective and he could either bark or bite. This is why it’s especially important not to pull his tail and to teach children that as well.
Come on, man. How did you not know this already?
And don't get me started on throw rugs! Isn't that the first thing you learn about making a house safe for the elderly: Get rid of the throw rugs!
७७ टिप्पण्या:
I don't know what's worse, that Biden's still lying about his broken foot, or that with all this time to concoct a story, his team couldn't come up with a better one.
If Biden really has a dog, then he knows not to pull its tail. Whoever wrote his excuse probably doesn't have a dog and this is just more evidence that Biden will give us the Anchorman presidency--he'll read anything on the teleprompter.
Hackers will have the most fun the next 4 years.
Breath-taking lie. If he has just picked up the ball, the next thing he would have done is throw it for the dog. That’s why you pick it up! Chasing him to grab his tail at that point is nonsensical. If he did grab the tail it was after Joe was falling due to losing his balance when picking up the ball. Joe grabbed the tail to try to squelch the fall. I think his tale is BS.
Biden grabbing the dog’s tail made me think of LBJ pulling his beagle’s ears to make it yelp in pain
Democrats enjoy hurting things.
we will be requested to wear a mask, but only for 100 days,
no No NO NO! THIS order is for 100 days, when it expired it will be replaced, with a NEW order, for another 100 days; FOR EVER
[see Gretchen HalfWhitmer's Enternal '30 day' executive orders]
We, as a Nation, have decided to abandon ALL civil liberties. We WON'T be getting them back
"Biden grabbing the dog’s tail made me think of LBJ pulling his beagle’s ears to make it yelp in pain..."
Yeah, me too.
Bending over and throw rugs: two fall risks.
I wager there will be more falls in Joe’s future.
As for wearing masks for. The 1st 100 days, I hope he makes that official while sitting in front of a fireplace with a sweater on.
"but only for 100 days"
I'll never forget Mike Pence with his "15 days" sign — just 15 days to flatten the curve.
serious question
Is there a person (on earth!) that could imagine a dog, SO SLOW, that sleepy Jo Biden could catch it?
i mean REALLY? THIS is the best story they could come up with?
how about... "I tripped and fell; and hurt my foot"
One of the Rules of lying is: do NOT add excessive information to your lie
Does anyone really believe that 78 year old Joe Biden was RUNNING after his dog?
A guy who doesn’t know you aren’t supposed to pull a dog’s tail is on the path to be the Commander-in-Chief and Leader of the Free World.
We are totally and completely fucked.
If Biden does become President on January 20, then he will begin his 100-day mask nonsense when the COVID season is ending. Like all COVID epidemics, the COVID-19 epidemic is seasonal (explanation in this video).
The normal season is November-January. People should stop (not start) wearing masks at the end of January.
In Cummin's new video, there is a discussion (beginning at 56:30) of the consequences of England's stupid decision in late July 2020 to require mask-wearing during a heat-wave. Apparently, this mandatory mask-wearing during the hot summer caused a significant number of people eventually to become fatally sick.
Do the dogcatcher, dogcatcher
Do the dogcatcher
Do the dogcatcher, dogcatcher
Do the dogcatcher
Do the dogcatcher, baby, do the dogcatcher
Why must I feel like that
Why must I chase the cat
Nothin' but the dog in me
Why must I feel like that
Why must I chase the cat
Nothin' but the dog in me
Just walkin' the dog
Oh, atomic dog
Here’s the other thing: This is a really bad lie; an obvious lie.
Ann Althouse has discovered Biden’s Blue Dress. Impeach!
And don't get me started on throw rugs! Isn't that the first thing you learn about making a house safe for the elderly: Get rid of the throw rugs!
I'm picturing Biden walking into the Oval Office for his first day on the job, and finding the entire floor is covered with loose throw rugs. "Compliments of Vice President Harris, sir!"
The more elaborate and detailed the story the less credible it is.
MIL just had all the carpet, including area rugs, removed from her home. Replaced with hard wood and tile. She's 88 yrs and in good health though not so steady on her feet as she once was. Now, if we could only convince her to stop driving.
We have seen from dave cullen in ireland how they are requiring a digital bealth pass, and they have far fewer cases, they will mandate this (a small piece in the irish times says the govt has protected the hospitals against lawsuits stemming from the vaccine)
So now we know what the official story is.
Wag the dog. Biden’s spin doctor is trying to divert our attention from Joe’s scandalous sniffing of Neera Tanden’s ponytail the other day.
CNN calls itself a platform...
I linked this a few days ago
How do hurt your foot slipping or tripping? When you slip you hurt something else trying not to fall or falling.
Biden probably kicked the dog and broke something made fragile by the corruption eating his bones.
Hey Joe, I'll put a mask on if you take the mask off.
Isn't Smokin' Joe's dog a Shepard?
Not noted for playing 'fetch the ball'. Not likely to run 'away'. Not likely to react to having tail pulled as 'play'. If Joe's telling the truth he was damn lucky to avoid more serious injury.
gilbar said...
we will be requested to wear a mask, but only for 100 days,
no No NO NO! THIS order is for 100 days, when it expired it will be replaced, with a NEW order, for another 100 days; FOR EVER
Putting it in place is hard. Once in place, keeping it there is easy. There were many periods in the last 8 months where we would not, given what we knew at that moment in time, have instituted shutdowns. But the shutdowns were already there so, what the heck? let's leave them there!
Instead of maintaining a high standard for shutdowns, we flipped to instituting a high standard for lifting them.
Rug pads for throw rugs are cheap and can be cut to size. With a good one that rug isn't going anywhere.
He's lying.
A more likely scenario:
Distracted by the dog, Biden forgot to take his foot out of his mouth before he put on his big ol' disease mask. He stood up to grab Major's tail and give it a sniff. The dog shied, Biden reached, lost his balance and fell full length right onto his jaw bone. His foot, trapped by the mask, was bitten half off by the force of the fall.
"but only for 100 days, and only beginning over a month from now. Why not start now?"
Because 100 days from his 20 January is the beginning of May. Know what ends in May? Flu season. Add that to wider distribution of the vaccine COVID rates will plummet, masks or no masks. Bidden gets to declare his decisive action asking for masks has saved America.
We all know a female Secret Service agent stomped his foot when he tried to get friendly after exiting the swimming pool nude.
Oh Yea said...Bidden gets to declare his decisive action asking for masks has saved America.
Not if half the country tells him to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut as to his mask rule.
I only wear one in stores and take it off as soon as I'm clear of the doorway. Not gonna wear one riding my bike or while doing other outdoor activities.
Biden should wear a Reagan mask.
A little noted thing biden promised ti friedman to remove all sanctions on revolutionary guard.
Danno said...Not if half the country tells him to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut as to his mask rule.
You're missing the beauty of this political theatre, he gets to claim victory in May no matter how many people wear a mask.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti-masker. I've used mask even when Fauci told us not to but like you I only wear them in areas were I'm at risk.
so serious about a clown
Gilbar said One of the Rules of lying is: do NOT add excessive information to your lie
Seriously. If you are going to tell a lie, keep it simple. If you add too much detail it is harder to remember all the details and you WILL get caught.
Better yet. Don't tell a lie.
So Biden is going to forced the entire nation to wear a mask for 100 days. First of all what kind of mask? I want a Darth Vader mask then. Second. Why 100 days. Is that some sort of magical cure. OMG ..Why didn't we try that already. Oh..wait....we have.
What next---> We all stand on our heads every Thursday?
Last questions. Who is going to enforce these insane nationwide mandates? The National Guard? Is there room in all the internment camps?
The CDC says that most Americans, meaning the great majority of the public, have been wearing masks since March. And we've been mostly locked down, businesses closed or on life support, since late spring.
Joe Biden has been in his basement, not even bothering to campaign, since March. He's had the better part of a year to ponder this, and his plan is to nationalize mask wearing in a nation that already wears masks? This is it, America! The Dems are in control, so the press will swoon over this active role from the White House. Such sophomoric BS.
Meanwhile, actual scientists are decrying the lockdowns as being more destructive than the Wuhan virus. This is empirical and obvious to any breathing humans. And the science on the benefit of masks is less than a sure thing. It is all over the board. Remember your high school biology classes? Remember how small viruses are? Do ya think your surgical mask is made to stop viruses? Or that cloth mask you bought on Etsy? How about that stream of foggy air on your glasses coming out of your mask. Or the sides. Or...just the front. How does that stop a virus?
It doesn't. It may stop your own droplets from getting out in front of you, spreading it to others. But it will not protect you.
However, it does make those on CNN and NBC feel better. It'll make the staff at NYT and WaPo feel more secure and that's what's important.
Like Iran hasn't been enriching uranium this whole time. Pffft!
They were probably doing it at demavand the facility mohsen was closest to
They never ask why was he there, also they are still going with the machine gun cover story.
"the little pup"
Now that's a practiced story.
Joe Biden hurt bending over - but will ask us to bend over for the next 4 years...
Hey! Where’s Laslo? We can’t have women in ponytails without Laslo!
If I’m going to risk pulling a dog’s tail, it ain’t going to be that of a rescued German Shepherd.
Lol. Just came here to say this needed a Laslo tag even if he doesn't chime in.
I wonder if Biden has a treadmill to exercise his dogs.
I'm so old, I remember when something like this would spawn a thousand jokes on late-night TV.
Why not start now? Because Biden isn't President yet?
Per Mike Sylwester, Biden is playing the seasonality of influenza: able to take credit if it follows seasonality, blame Trump if it doesn't.
JC. This guy can't even convincingly lie in English.
Big Mike said...
"Hey! Where’s Laslo? We can’t have women in ponytails without Laslo!"
Ponytail Girl is Biden Bait.
Kamala Harris put her stomped her foot in anger. Right on China Joe the potted plant's foot.
It is a trivial exercise to find online reports of the people who insist on mask mandates being seen in public without one themselves. If the virus is as deadly as they are claiming, they wouldn't be risking their lives going without one, right? And since they feel free to make a determination for themselves whether or not to wear a mask, everybody else should have the same choice, right? I mean- they're public servants, not dictators, right? And the government derives its powers from the consent of the governed, right?
Or are we past all that now?
30 days to flatten the curve...fucking joke.
spinning "heart-warming, down-home" yarns has been his stock in trade
and has had a part in the creation of his fake "Unkle Joe, regular guy" persona.
What rube couldnt resist the 'scampering after a playful pup' scenario?
...and the stuttering is part of it.
to evoke 'simpatico' and disarm you.
"That's just Joe being Joe" has worked well for him
First of all what kind of mask? I want a Darth Vader mask then...
Lone Ranger for me.
we will be requested to wear a mask, but only for 100 days, and only beginning over a month from now. [My emphasis]
And 1461 days later the of the next President will be to tell everyone the masks can come off.
So, did anyone watch the interview? I noticed it on the program guide- I think it was an interview with both Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris.
MY S-I-L, an intelligent, decent woman, seems to have developed an addiction to CNN. She has lost any ability to look at things objectively. I find it profoundly disturbing.
did y'all see? That Now his staff are adding the extra excess information, that he had just come out of the shower? And was playing with the dog's ball... While Naked?
Helloly SHIT! That IS tmi
This senile old pervert, running around the house NAKED! chasing his dog..... Trying to "Pull its tail"
Helloly SHIT! That IS tmi
This senile old pervert, running around the house NAKED! chasing his dog..... Trying to "Pull its tail"
Babylon Bee hardest hit.
Story makes sense if Biden was high on drugs.
Althouse gonna need a malarky tag
Pull his tail is variation of pull my finger joke
The lefties are thumbing their noses at us. And they aren’t even trying to hide it.
100 days past inauguration puts us at about May 1. That's when the deaths started declining this year without a mask mandate. Deaths will fall regardless, Biden will claim credit for something that would have happened anyway, and the press will claim it as a great victory.
This attention to vaccines is mistaken. I'm a bit surprised that so many people have been distracted by it, as if it was the only thing to do.
Vaccines are for an epidemic is NOT raging.
What is needed is Artificial neutralizing antibodies. This is the therapeutic that cured Donald Trump and Chris Christie.
See this web page: https://www.covidplasmasavealife.com
They started with convalescent plasma but now they've got something else given to people to be given to people as soon as they test positive.
(the only problem is, it is in short supply)
Scroll down the page till you see:
Outpatient COVID-19 Antibody Treatment Now Available
(New York, NY, December 1, 2020) Covid Plasma Initiative's lifesaving efforts have expanded to include the facilitation of a newly available, potentially life-saving treatment. Referred to as monoclonal antibodies, it is an infusion of lab manufactured, concentrated antibodies, similar to those in convalescent plasma. This is the same treatment given to President Trump; and now, as of last week, it is available to the public. ..
...Monoclonal antibody treatment can be accessed by anyone who tests positive (via PCR test, NOT rapid) and is considered 'at risk'. A person is defined as 'at risk' if they have one of the following factors: diabetes, obesity, immunosuppressed, over 65, and over 55 with hypertension. Other factors may qualify as well.
The FDA advises that monoclonal antibody treatment start as soon as possible after a positive test, preferably within 24 hours and no later than 10 days after symptom onset. It is therefore imperative to take a COVID-19 test right away if you have symptoms or were exposed. Contact your doctor immediately to discuss whether this treatment is appropriate for you and if so, to arrange access.
Hospitals providing monoclonal antibodies include Mt. Sinai (NYC), Maimonides (Brooklyn), Northwell (LI and SI), Good Samaritan (Rockland), Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus (NJ). (Please note that not all hospitals on this list are similarly recommended for COVID-19 inpatient care).
And they could go a bit beyond the evidence that's absolutely nailed down, and administer small doses of these antibodies to people who might become exposed, something like a temporary vaccine that works immediately and lasts for a few months.
You could spread out the supply that way, too.
To the poster with the demented CNN addicted sister-in-law; start getting a room ready for your brother..
Glad to see I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Laslo. In fact, until I clicked on the link I assumed Althouse was quoting him.
Darth Vader... Lone Ranger...?
Nope. For me it's a replica World War I gas mask; that feels like the right amount of mockery.
He's got these hairy legs that turn blond in the sun
[doggie tail swish; doggie tail swish]
And I wanted to see them pop back up when he got out of the shower, so I teased him with his favorite ball
[doggie tail swish]
I thought if he tried to chase me, the hairs would dry more quickly...
And supposedly 80 million people voted for this fool?
Yeah. Right.
Jim, voter fraud would be a less worrisome answer to that problem. My worry is 80 million people DID vote for that guy, which is worse.
If you are 78 and you fall you are not limber, you cannot twist yourself into safe landing spaces the way Tom Brady can. Joe Biden has a concussion, and they don't want us to know that. To go with the mild stroke an alert observer can deduce from his lip-corner droop for at least a year.
Is "pulling the dog's tail" a euphemism?
Let's go to our special correspondent Jeffrey Toobin for some background.
Assistant Village Idiot said...
Jim, voter fraud would be a less worrisome answer to that problem. My worry is 80 million people DID vote for that guy, which is worse.
Worry not. 80 million didn't vote for a half dead white guy.
My worry is the 5-20 million Trump voters that had their vote switched, not counted, or cancelled by fraud votes that will never vote again, opting for other means to be heard.
You should worry about that too.
When tyranny becomes the order of the day, then civil disobedience is the patriotic response.
Not 100 days of masking, but 100 days of F*ck Biden.
I consider myself as part of a 'control group', because it sounds sciency, and smart people know what a 'control group' means.
I haven't worn a mask this year. I'm considered old and vulnerable. (a little younger than Ann by 2 years) I...haven't 'locked down', and I am embarrassed by my fellow citizens who have.
The abyss we are diving into has happened countless times in history. It's not a new thing, but...if you allow barbarians to smash the windows of your town's business district, because 'they need space to destroy', and then you brag about the wonderful murals painted on plywood sheets covering your desecrated downtown YOU are the problem.
We have a legal process for contesting fraudulent election results, which we’re in the middle of, and it will work its way up to the Supreme Court. Yet even conservatives talk of Biden’s presidency as “when” instead of “if,” which I find very disturbing. It’s a tradition for an incoming president to lay out a plan for his first 100 days, so Biden naturally is throwing in that kind of language when interviewed. WHAT he says he’ll accomplish doesn’t matter, which is why what he said was so idiotic, even by his standards.
Why 100 days? Is coronavirus about the Biden presidency, or is it a disease?
A pleasant surprise occurred When Biden explained his walking boot because his explanation was easier to believe than than Trump's emergency trip to Walter Reed last year. Routine physical was the answer given at first but then Trump said that the physical was scheduled for July 2020. Later out of the blue, Trump denied that he had had a mini-stroke when no one said he did.
But us old folks know that old folks like Biden and Trump often need medical attention. If I had to guess, I would say blood clot, D-Fib or a type 2 diabetes flare-up. The man has gained an incredible amount of weight.
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