३० डिसेंबर, २०२०

Andrew Sullivan detects anti-gay bigotry: "So you agree not wanting to have sex with someone because they have a vagina is a form of bigotry, right?"

I had trouble understanding whether Molly — DFW was (at any point) joking. Until she says, she's free to say (at any point) that she was joking. (Cf. "Schrödinger's Douchebag " (Urban Dictionary "Word of the Day," December 24, 2020.)

Does genitalia matter? I can see thinking that a person's inner being matters far more than what's on the outside, and that "gender identification" is part of what's on the inside, but when it comes to sexual attraction, we're not required to go solely by what's on the inside, and indeed, if only the inside — the mind — counts, why are we having sexual intercourse at all? How can you say genitalia is irrelevant when what you're talking about is something you do with your genitalia?

ADDED: We shouldn't conflate rejecting somebody socially with rejecting somebody sexually. It's one thing to be respectful and friendly to all sorts of people, quite another to be open to having sex with them. 

This is all very ordinary. We all have our standards. Any given heterosexual person might think: I don't want to have sex with anyone who's overweight or not good looking. You'd be awful to behave disrespectfully to such a person socially, but there's nothing wrong with not wanting to have sex with them. 

But these 2 kinds of rejection merge when you start speaking openly about your sexual preferences. It's one thing to think to yourself there's no way I'd have sex with a fat/ugly man/woman, but you would be thought ill of if you said that out loud. If Sullivan makes a big deal about the penis as the sine qua non of gay sex, he's a bit like the heterosexual man who says "No fatties." Your speech is in the social realm. You can refrain from stating what is, in fact, your strict policy. 

But speaking publicly about sexual preference has been a big part of the gay rights movement:

३५५ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   355 पैकी 201 – 355
Jupiter म्हणाले...

"But these 2 kinds of rejection merge when you start speaking openly about your sexual preferences."

You are suggesting that sex is different. And you are right. Sex is different.

That's why we are all so "bad" on this topic. What are you supposed to say to people who claim that dogs are cats, and insist that you agree?

Gunner म्हणाले...

SJWs could lynch Sullivan from a streetlamp in San Francisco, but he would still vote for their guy over a conservative Republican.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

It's not only in the realm of possibility, it's already happening.

What you’re describing has been happening for over half a century. Ever heard of the civil rights act?

Kay म्हणाले...

I Callahan said...
The only thing I'd disagree with here is the "gradually more free" part. I'm just not seeing it.
12/30/20, 10:49 AM

I thinking about things like 40 hour work week, child labor laws, worker’s comp. These things made people a little more free from private companies. Think about how much power bosses had over employees lives before that. But we haven’t addressed thought policing by these companies as vigorously, and it’s really all the same thing as far as I’m concerned.

Inga म्हणाले...

“This will impact everyone will penalize churches who don't compy. Biden has said that 'Churches can't be havens for hate".”

What is the worry here? Do you think that an Equality Act will force churches into doing something that doesn’t reflect the tenets of their faith? I don’t believe this is a realistic worry.

gregory म्हणाले...

J. Farmer said:
"That isn’t a short jump; it’s a gargantuan leap."

I like you J. Farmer, I really do. You are smart and interesting and intellectually honest.

And also strangely blind on this topic.

How would you characterize the leap from "gays should be able to legally marry" (which I agree with) to "you will bake a gay wedding cake or be prosecuted" (which I am willing to die fighting against.) Can we agree to call that leap gargantuan?

Gay marriage became forever legal nationwide on June 15th, 2015. That should be a national holiday. You and I can celebrate it together.

The Colorado Court ruled against the Cakeshop on August 13, 2015. That leap took 59 days.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

I know your workplace is not like this Farmer -- here is a tip -- you don't know everything about every corner of the universe. Because you are not experiencing forced acceptance of a political/sexual ideology does not mean it is not happening.

Luckily, I own the workplace. But as for “forced,” your husband can’t quit? And clearly, your husband doesn’t accept the ideology.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

I went to www.4chan.com. There was just a lot of thumbnails of people's junk.

JML म्हणाले...

Farmer and the leftest mob are practicing the art of death by 1000 cuts. In this case, the death is our Western Society based on Judeo-Christian values and culture. If you don't conform to the new "values", you will be canceled. No job, no rights, nothing. But that is OK, it is for your own good.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

4chan was a bit much for me. I just wanted to come back here. It's my mom's fault. She sheltered me. Maybe I should start with some old Stooges videos and work my way up gradually.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


How would you characterize the leap from "gays should be able to legally marry" (which I agree with) to "you will bake a gay wedding cake or be prosecuted" (which I am willing to die fighting against.) Can we agree to call that leap gargantuan?

The flaw in this reasoning is that one caused the other. The lawsuit was brought under Colorado’s state anti-discrimination law which predates gay marriage. Even if gay marriage was illegal nationwide Colorado would still have a law that prohibited discrimination against gay people in public accommodations.

p.s. thank you for the kind words. I appreciate them.

Bilwick म्हणाले...

I could live-and-let-live with the LGBT community if they didn't bring along a lot of State-shtupping.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


Farmer and the leftest mob are practicing the art of death by 1000 cuts.

You really don’t know my politics. My quixotic solution is to add political orientation to Title VII. What other solution is there?

JML म्हणाले...

"What is the worry here? Do you think that an Equality Act will force churches into doing something that doesn’t reflect the tenets of their faith? I don’t believe this is a realistic worry."

So, a church that does not believe in and support elective abortion should not be forced to carry the provision that covers abortion in their health insurance for employees, correct? WRONG!

Leftists lie at will. All for another little cut to bleed out our society.


PM म्हणाले...

As citizens, we participate in public agreements to stop at red lights, pay for bus rides, line-up at the check-out. When a child is born, we record its vital statistics, one of which is whether it is male or female by its obvious sexual organs. These observations, as dispassionate as one's eye color on a driver's license, are for the public record. It appears that now, in addition to these observable facts, personal 'feelings' are now acquiring a legal standing, outside of and destructive to, our social contract.

Inga म्हणाले...

“My quixotic solution is to add political orientation to Title VII. What other solution is there?”

Brilliant! Protection for those who see “socialists” or “gay mafia” under their beds at every turn. I am serious, it’s a good solution, if it ever were to come to pass. Maybe it would make people less paranoid about being punished for their political ideologies, aka “wrong think”.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“ Main point: What Bruce Hayden was referring to was human drive.”

“I understand that. But the drive men have is to cum, not to get somebody pregnant. Men don’t to go out on a Saturday night thinking, “I really hope I knock someone up tonight!””

And, yet men mostly do have standards. Of course, those standards go down a bit as the night progressives. The Beer Goggles effect. Most guys have standards of sorts, where they are going to cum. For me, and probably a lot of other guys, it is staying with cis women who aren’t too fat. I shudder still, to this day, at thoughts of the one time I almost transgressed that, 40 years ago. There were four of us left over from a party, and we were probably going to pair up. I was kinda almost flirting with the fat one. Then she paired off with the other guy, and the short almost ugly one took off her pants.

It really does matter to most straight guys who they date. There is a whole science devoted to these preferences. Symmetrical features are really attractive to everyone: men, women, children, and babies. They strongly suggest good genes and health. The preference for the classic 3:2:3 figure in women crosses race and ethnic boundaries and is fairly universal. Dating implies expending resources to find a mate, at least from a straight cis male’s point of view. Knock the wrong woman up, and you could spend the next 18 years supporting her raising a kid that you wouldn’t bring to a family function.

I am in the weird position of having almost unknowingly ended up with a woman every other guy wants to date. She was a 12 on a 10 scale at 21, in Las Vegas, home of more good looking women than almost anywhere else. Probably hit on by more famous guys than anyone else you know, and esp if they were in Vegas in the mid to late 1970s (except sfor Elvis and Bill Cosby, who were both perfect gentlemen). Celebrities performing there, casino owners (and their wayward sons), even some mafia. And every grifter who moved there to get rich. Moved to PHX with her two young kids after she was widowed to get away from it. And at 3x that age now, she still has to endure that, when she is out in public. Not as bad, of course. Thankfully. I think that I ended up with her because I didn’t really notice the perfect features, perfect figure, dancer’s grace, etc, and instead saw her mind instead.

The point though of bringing up the 10 point scale is that we straight guys really do rate women. We do it instinctively. We rate women in terms of desirability. One standard for dating. A higher one for marriage and a lower one for sex. Straight women know this, which is a big part of why so many spend so much time and money enhancing their desirability for men. While we have almost unlimited cum (and sperm), dating is usually about more than sex. What is usually in short supply are the resources that we can expend raising our kids in a monogamous relationship. We are wired to pick the best mate that we can acquire for that purpose, because the kids from a pair bond are much more likely to flourish and have their own kids, and, critically, grandkids.

Oh, and as for hysterectomies, partner had one decades ago. Didn’t affect her desirability - but mostly, probably, because she has been on hormone replacement since then, so it is almost impossible for males to detect. Not surprisingly, female desirability drops significantly after menopause, absent such.

Narr म्हणाले...

I often read that gay flashcard as "Science = Death." (I see now that I'm not alone.)

And yes, the large institutions--public and private--that run the country are delirious with the prospect of continued and intensified PC indoctrination of their serfs and smurfs.

I'm of the generation that believes if you fuck guys you're gay, no matter which end of the dick you're on.

Even phantom dicks

Inga म्हणाले...

“So, a church that does not believe in and support elective abortion should not be forced to carry the provision that covers abortion in their health insurance for employees, correct? WRONG!”

The Courts will decide if the aggrieved party has been denied the protection of the First Amendment, as is their purpose. No?

JaimeRoberto म्हणाले...

This reminds me of Walter Williams' comments on discrimination. He said something along the lines of "Discrimination means making a choice. When I married my wife I discriminated against millions of women".

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Bob [Boyd said...Well, I] hope

Bob Hope said "In California homosexuality is legal. I’m getting out before they make it mandatory."

JML म्हणाले...

Title VII has become a monster - promoting someone based on their abilities is secondary to the avoidance of lawsuits and maintaining 'equality' and 'diversity.' Asians can be discriminated against by Harvard because they are too smart and upset the percentages that get reported, same for whites. When will there be a category to report the number of gay men, lesbians, trans, etc? Now boards HAVE to have a woman, etc. It is just a matter of time.

Inga म्हणाले...

“Oh, and as for hysterectomies, partner had one decades ago. Didn’t affect her desirability - but mostly, probably, because she has been on hormone replacement since then, so it is almost impossible for males to detect. Not surprisingly, female desirability drops significantly after menopause, absent such.”

A woman who should be post menopausal by age and biology harms herself by taking hormone “replacement” therapy indefinitely. Higher risks of hormone related cancers, etc.

Thuglawlibrarian म्हणाले...

This is so confusing.

Michael K म्हणाले...

You and anyone who is so upset over these mandatory lectures, have the right to seek employment elsewhere or maybe go to the EEOC and file some complaint.

And STILL clueless. The EEOC has never been an ally to normals, at least since Clarence Thomas ran it long ago. January 21 will see the lunatics in charge.

walter म्हणाले...

Seems time to revise the dictionary again with a word that puts clits and dicks on "a spectrum". Penoris is probably too tied to old thinking.
Should be more along lines of Ze and Zir etc. Zing?
Or maybe add on another slash to the he/him identifiers so folks can identify their Zing accordingly. /Zinger vs /Zinga or the like.
We can do this!

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

@Bruce Hayden:

And, yet men mostly do have standards.

Sally: How do you know?
Harry: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally: So you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry: No, you pretty much want to nail 'em too

Inga म्हणाले...

“The EEOC has never been an ally to normals...”

So the categories of people that the EEOC does protect, none of them fall into his group of “normals”. That says a lot about this person.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


That’s why I called it quixotic ;)

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

It's MY decision who to have sex with.

If only that were true...

Michael K म्हणाले...

The point though of bringing up the 10 point scale is that we straight guys really do rate women.

Yes and "The Hot Crazy Matrix" is a baseline. You Tube keeps deplatforming it but it can be found.

As for taking estrogen after menopause, it also prevents osteoporosis.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Joe Smith said...
I love GOML Ann : )

12/30/20, 10:58 AM

Ha ha. Thanks. I learned a knew term. Yeah, that's me!

I Callahan म्हणाले...

What you’re describing has been happening for over half a century. Ever heard of the civil rights act?

And that negates my point exactly how? As a "separatist", you ought to be a bit more circumspect on this subject when you approach it thinking about the idea of freedom of assembly.

That aside, goalposts moved. It's still force, and Inga's and your point still hinge on the idea that force is the deciding factor.

Charlie म्हणाले...

In my experience in the real world, biological women are vastly different creatures than biological men who try to fake being women. So genitalia transformations and hormonal therapies can never actually transform men into women or women into men. There is an essential masculine and feminine that's baked in to our DNA and is formed by life experience that can't be taught in a few Masterclass sessions to someone who wishes they were what they are not. And it's that essential feminine authenticity that heterosexual men are attracted to, not just boobs and pussies. It's not bigotry to reject a trans woman as a romantic partner, any more than it would be for a black man to turn down a white chick who pretends to be black. If blackness has an authenticity that can't be -- shouldn't be -- faked, why would sex be any different?

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Here's the Ace of Spades post. Embarrassing!

How was it embarrassing?

Was it that the person that they think straight men should want to have sex with is depicted as a little kid? I thought it was pitiful and creepy.

Anne-I-Am म्हणाले...

Freedom and equality are two competing values.

Freedom means not being forced to 1) bake the cake; 2) share your pronouns; 3) profess attraction to someone who claims to be the sex you say you are attracted to.

Equality means 1) getting that cake baked by whomever you want to bake it; 2) having everyone share their pronouns so you don't feel left out; 3) having your gender identity (@@; I hate that language) affirmed to the point of having others deny their sexual orientation by affirming their attraction to you, a person with genitalia they don't like.

That isn't exactly perfectly phrased, but one gets the drift.

And I just don't get this:

Effeminate young men, who are homosexual (attracted to men), are now claiming to be women. But they aren't attracted to women; they aren't coming out as lesbians. They want to keep having sex with men. So why do they expect men who like men (and that means man parts and manliness, the way *I* like man parts and manliness, being a heterosexual woman), to now want to have sex with someone who looks like a woman?

Are they trying to attract heterosexual men? But why would a heterosexual man want an ersatz woman? From what I understand, most trans people don't get surgery. They just fart around with hormones. So a male (produces small gametes) now has breasts and more subcutaneous fat, maybe less hair...he still has a dick. Why would a heterosexual man want a dick?

Similarly, a man claims to be a woman, doesn't transition, and then wants woman to have sex with him. Why would a heterosexual woman want a "woman" who has a dick? And masculine build etc--you can't get rid of that with hormones. Why would a lesbian want to have sex with a "woman" with a dick? That business about "imagine it's just a clitoris?" Who buys that bullshit?

Forget claims of bigotry. This is imbecilic.

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

Looks like we have gone from "My coworker keeps pestering me for sex -- fire that hate-filled sexist!" to "My coworker won't have sex with me -- fire that hate-filled sexist!"

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

@I Callahan:

. It's still force, and Inga's and your point still hinge on the idea that force is the deciding factor.

That was never the force I was talking about. Recall that it was this claim I was reacting to: “you have to celebrate their "transition". They insist the we be involved in their personal "journey".”

Whatever my complaints of the civil rights act are, it’s not that I’m forced to celebrate black people.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“Yes, my point is that pregnancy is the consequence of the drive, not the drive itself. Men have more orgasms alone and with women. Our biological drives are mediated through social processes. It’s evolutionarily acceptable for a man to have sex with a 12 year old but it’s not socially acceptable.“

I expect that, as a gay guy, you don’t fully appreciate the role of pair bonding in reproducing couples. For us, there is a difference between leaving our cum all over the place, and mutually deciding with a woman whether to pair bond. And that is a big part of what dating, for us, is about. While we have almost unlimited cum, we typically have strictly limited resources that we can put into raising kids. And traditionally (before the welfare state), raising kids in a stable dedicated pair bonded relationship greatly increased the likelihood that they would grow up and have kids themselves, and keep them from starving. The children resulting from expended cum on the side are just evolutionary bonuses. This has been the case for humanity for probably a couple million years now, since we evolved to have an extended dependency period, due primarily, I think, to the necessity of delayed brain maturity, due to our larger brains, combined with the ability to easily walk upright (which puts significant limitations on the birth canal). Kids would often die, absent the resources that a male could provide, but the males wouldn’t waste their precious resources on raising kids fathered by other males. Hence pair bonding. And the two sexes have evolved to facilitate this, with hidden ovulation and year round sexual availability in the females, and mood hormones in male ejaculate (cum).

tomaig म्हणाले...

I think what our hostess is saying is something along the lines of:
"Please don't dominate the rap, Jack, if you've got nothing new to say."

Anne-I-Am म्हणाले...

LIke with everything else on the Left, there are two layers here.

Layer One: Power and control. The issue is never the issue. The goal is humiliation of one's enemies. This is really just Marxism warmed over and reheated--given a different name on the menu.

The Masterpiece Cake Shop issue is a perfect example. Now the same person who sued in the first place is trying to get him to bake a Satan cake (among others) and is suing over that. She is out to humiliate, degrade and break this man. Why? (Evil) Power and control. No matter how you cloak the issue, it is totalitarianism.

Layer Two: Useful idiots. These are the people who think they have good intentions. Who think, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if...". The people who think it really is just about "marriage equality" or "love" or equal accommodation or ...

These are the people who are surprised when the scorpion stings them.

n.n म्हणाले...

Sex: male and female. Gender is physical and mental (e.g. sexual orientation) sex-correlated attributes: smasculine and feminine. Trans is a state or process of divergence from normal. Trans/neosexual differ from both trans/homosexual and trans/intersexuals in its rejection of physical attributes, thus the "stability" argument. The one-time belief is that limiting incongruence between an individual's sex and gender will reduce their cognitive dissonance. In the best case, a trans-social identify (e.g. transvestite) is sufficient. Then there are couplets where the each member has a gender identity preference (i.e. one member is more masculine and the other more feminine). This the transgender spectrum that is rejected by "pure" trans/homosexuals and why the seek to socially distance themselves from other bands in the spectrum. This is why the definition of sex and gender was changed. Why "gay" was appropriated and "lesbian" introduced. So, normalize (i.e. celebrate, promote), tolerate, or reject?

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

If you are opposed to employment nondiscrimination then how can you oppose cancel culture?

John henry म्हणाले...

Back in 1967 Paul krassner wrote about lbj "penetrating" (to use the WaPo polite language) jfk's neck wound as his corpse was being flown back to DC.

Most people, even 18 year old, Realist fan and lbj hater me found this pretty icky.

Ann even blogged about it and we still do.


My understanding, and I've never been curious enough to Duck for any pictures, is that the surgical vagina is basically a gaping wound. Like Kennedy's but in a different location.

Why would that be any less icky? Why would any normal man want to penetrate that? It brings to mind the phrase "I wouldn't fuck her with your dick"

I don't see how that makes me homophobic.

And on the same lines, if this person is supposed to be a true woman, wouldn't not wanting to date her make me hetero- not homo- phobic? And misogynistic to boot.

It's so hard to keep track of these things.

John Henry

n.n म्हणाले...

Back in 1967 Paul krassner wrote about lbj "penetrating" (to use the WaPo polite language) jfk's neck wound as his corpse was being flown back to DC.

Sex and intercourse. Conflation of terms and concepts, or outright redefinition to suit the political congruence of the day, is a progressive condition.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

"Here's the Ace of Spades post."

depicted as a little kid?

Dollars to donuts it's fake.

An image search on "trans rights campaign", the name itself is suspiciously generic, only shows that image on sites where people are complaining about it.

rwnutjob म्हणाले...

Society is circling the drain™

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“ A woman who should be post menopausal by age and biology harms herself by taking hormone “replacement” therapy indefinitely. Higher risks of hormone related cancers, etc.”

Mostly due to having ovaries. Full hysterectomy greatly reduces the problem. No ovaries means no ovarian cancer, etc. She regularly feels herself up to check for breast cancer, and just had a clean mammogram. So far, with half her lifetime on hormone replacement, no issues whatsoever, except her post menopausal primary care provider trying to convert her every year, and not refilling her hormone replacement prescriptions until she has had a mammogram (we knew that her latest, earlier this month, had come back clean, when I got a text message a couple days ago that her hormone prescription had been refilled, two weeks early. They sent it to the wrong pharmacy, so I need to move it in the next two weeks).

Anne-I-Am म्हणाले...

And now that I am on a roll, let's talk about trannies who get surgery:

I have no desire to have sex with a female (large, immobile gametes) with a hunk of her forearm removed, stuck between her legs, and shaped into a fascimile of a penis. Just as I have no desire to eat a plant that is shaped like a hamburger and given added flavorings to make it taste sort of like meat.

And why would a man want to stick his dick into a gash between some other man's legs that has been sort of, kind of made to seem like a vagina? (A gash, by the way, that is always and forever an open wound.)

What the fuck? Again, this really is mental illness on the part of those who mutilate themselves. "Look at my penis!" What complete and utter bilge.

This reminds me of my vegan friends who wax poetic about vegan "cheesecake." Girls, it ain't cheesecake.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

...and this reddit post.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

@Bruce Hayden:

You’ve completely missed my point, which was, “There aren’t a lot of social questions that can be answered by evolution.” Clearly, I except that human beings are biological organisms whose capacities have been shaped by a process of evolution. Yet, family types, structures, and relations with kin vary among human populations. There is something more than simply evolution at work here. Namely, culture.

John henry म्हणाले...

I once read that there was an album of a stalin speech. Back when albums were actual albums with multiple 78 rpm records in them.

The last disk was nothing but applause.

It might have been solzenitzen. He also told how at Stalin's speeches the first person to stop clapping would be singled out for special attention. Applause would sometimes last for an Hou because nobody wanted to be the first to stop.

I sometimes feel we are approaching that point. It's not enough to accept, we have to applaud and woe betide the person who fails to do so. Or who is even just the first to stop clapping.

John Henry

Michael K म्हणाले...

So far, with half her lifetime on hormone replacement, no issues whatsoever, except her post menopausal primary care provider trying to convert her every year, and not refilling her hormone replacement prescriptions until she has had a mammogram

My wife same thing. Plus, of course, the hormone preparation has a price that has quintupled, if not more.

I Have Misplaced My Pants म्हणाले...

Farmer, as a business owner, do you force your employees to listen to and clap for your views on white separatism? Do you think that while it’s your right in an at-will state to require your employees to cooperate with that or resign, it’s a healthy society that operates its workplaces in that fashion?

Sure, my husband can quit. He can go to work for far less money or in another field. It’s coming for everyone, eventually, though, which is why we are putting our ducks in a row for him to retire early. Straight white guys who go to church with their wives and six children are not welcome in corporate America in the year of our Lord 2020.

Does this state of affairs seem better than maybe trans people and the allies whose pets they are settle the fuck down and learn to be adults and live with the fact that not everyone wants to cheer for

Narr म्हणाले...

And hormone prep for the senior poon isn't covered by insurance either!

Yes, I pay for sex

John henry म्हणाले...

n.n said...

Sex and intercourse. Conflation of terms and concepts, or outright redefinition to suit the political congruence of the day, is a progressive condition.

Are you saying that sex and intercourse are not the same thing?

Could you explain the difference please? I don't see any.

I assume you mean sexual intercourse here. "intercourse" certainly has non sexual meanings too.

John Henry

Oso Negro म्हणाले...

J. Farmer said...
Main point: What Bruce Hayden was referring to was human drive.

I understand that. But the drive men have is to cum, not to get somebody pregnant. Men don’t to go out on a Saturday night thinking, “I really hope I knock someone up tonight!”

Farmer, you are a good fellow, but you clearly have never experienced the joy of "firing one for effect". Cheers, Oso

Rusty म्हणाले...

"It's MY decision who to have sex with."
And the polite thing is to keep it to yourself.
Mamas ain't teachin' they boys manners no more. Girls either for that matter.

Jason म्हणाले...

256 comments and I have no idea what Ann's f***ing bugaboo is.

I'll just repeat the observation I've been making since Memories Pizza: When the topic turns to LGBT, Ann sheds at least 30 IQ points.

Where the hell is Shouting Thomas when we need him?

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

@I Have Misplaced My Pants:

I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I’ve been commenting while driving so I haven’t been as thorough in explaining my point of view as I’d like to. Regardless of what I think about personal pronouns or implicit bias training I don’t think it makes sense to describe that as being forced to celebrate gay or transgender people. I agree that such policies are silly, but does your husband actually believe that abiding by those policies are compromising his values or morals? Do you believe the state should play a role in preventing companies from having such policies? If not what’s the solution?

Gator म्हणाले...

I like J. Farmer, do you know what public accomodations are?

Buying a Big Mac at McDonald's - public accomodation.

Making a personalized cake, not a public accomodation, but a contract.

Its not as if every attorney that puts a billboard up for DUI, has to take every client. Its a contract.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

Farmer, you are a good fellow, but you clearly have never experienced the joy of "firing one for effect". Cheers, Oso

Since I don’t even know what that means it’s probably true ;)

Rabel म्हणाले...

"This is unfair to me, and I am going to be forced to believe that you are intentionally hurting me."


Let's not judge.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


Buying a Big Mac at McDonald's - public accomodation.

Making a personalized cake, not a public accomodation, but a contract.

Hence, I never agreed with the lawsuit. So I’m not sure where you think we disagree.

Nonapod म्हणाले...

I’ve been commenting while driving

Are you using speech-to-text?

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Oso Negro observes: Farmer, you are a good fellow, but you clearly have never experienced the joy of "firing one for effect". Cheers, Oso

Nor the pleasures of a casual conversation sans footnotes and references.

n.n म्हणाले...

I assume you mean sexual intercourse here. "intercourse" certainly has non sexual meanings too.

Yes, you're right. It was my intent to distinguish between sex and sexual intercourse (i.e. through a vagina, an anus, a mouth), with a reproductive organ, an object, etc.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

Are you using speech-to-text?

Some. Mostly typing. Adaptive cruise control and Lane keeping are very helpful ;)

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


Are you ever not a cunt?

n.n म्हणाले...

Buying a Big Mac at McDonald's - public accomodation.

Making a personalized cake, not a public accomodation, but a contract.

The conflation of concepts and engendering a legal twilight was inevitable when they combined Progressive Church and State. Rather than working with a political congruence ("="), it would have been better for the State to offer civil unions for all couples and couplets. Other kinds and classes of unions will have to wait for liberalization and social progress.

Anne-I-Am म्हणाले...

Farmer, I work for a very, very large pharmaceutical company (you're welcome, all of you, by the way). Our email feeds and our company's intra-net site are filled with intersectional virtue-signalling. In February every year, we "celebrate" LBGT families! (No, we never celebrate "all" families.) There are special groups for every possible grievance-mongering constitutency (Puerto Ricans! Gays! Trans! Women! Blacks!). We are told by the executive leadership team (CEO, CFO, executives VPs) to read various tomes that berate those of us who happen to be white.

One can, of course, ignore, ignore, ignore. Still, it all makes me want to vomit. NO ONE who works for my company is underprivileged. (No one benefiting from all this bullshit, anyway; the janitors aren't on the internal company website.) They are all incredibly well-paid, celebrated, people who can also gain satisfaction for doing meaningful work. That there needs to be endless tongue-bathing for those who don't happen to be straight, white males is nauseating to me. And it just pisses me off.

One important reason it pisses me off is that the company spends money on this stuff. We pay people to do this. Why? It isn't our mission to celebrate trans families. It is our mission to come up with medical breakthroughs that meaningfully improve the health of all people. A dime spent celebrating gay employees in a photographic essay is a dime not spent on developing a new therapy for skin cancer. Hours spent by employees in a circle jerk discussing their blackness or their gayness or the Puerto Rican-ness or their vaginas are hours not spent educating physicians how safely to use our medicines or getting an important document to the FDA.

Not only that, but the message to those of us who do not fit (or do not want to fit (I *am* a woman)) into the specially celebrated groups is, "Shut up. You ain't special. Other employees matter more than you do."

Let me say this again, channeling Obama (Let me be clear): there have been no lawsuits against my company for unfair employment practices on a large-scale. There are no complaints that women are paid less (we aren't), that blacks are paid less (they aren't), that gay people are discriminated against. It is all just asinine, virtue-signalling by a bunch of progressives who want to fit in with their fellow progressives when they go to New York parties.

It is divisive. It is reducing morale amongst the peons. It is taking away from the very, very important work that we have to do. I am not detailing a drug for blood pressure. I detail drugs for acute leukemia. People sometimes die in the day or two it takes to get diagnosed and treated for leukemia. I am, in the main, a happy warrior. I love my job and am exceedingly good at it. But I am beginning to not love it, because I am beginning to hate my company. I am figuring out how to retire early. Then someone will take my place who may be far less good at the job than I (it is hard to replicate 25 years of experience and contacts when you hire a 25 year old). And patients will suffer.

So, long explanation. TL;DR: This PC propaganda machine is harming people.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...


I think that we are in the classic nurture/nature debate. Yes, there are cultural aspects to sexual preferences. But I expect that you are underestimating the nature side of this debate, because you face different issues as a gay male. Part of sexual attraction in heterosexual humans involves the differences between the two sexes. The 3:2:3 hourglass figure, emphasizing the broader hips and breasts, the lighter facial construction, the different walk (due to broader hips), and even blond hair, are all attractive in females precisely because they aren’t as common in males. Most straight guys are probably not going to be overly attracted to people who started out as male. Moreover, I expect that pheromones are also going to clash.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed म्हणाले...

Anything "trans" is boring, there is nothing new or interesting about it. Why a blog owner would take it personally that her commenters aren't following her instructions is a bit weird. Maybe it's a mental illness inherent in retired law professors.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Maybe it is more instinctual. I find females, for the most part, to be delightful, aggravating, creatures. 9 months, or 99 years old. Doesn’t really matter. There is some sort of frisson there, between them and me, as a heterosexual guy. Unless they are neurologically homosexuals, as opposed to bisexuals. Then, they feel like males to me. Then there is no frisson (or whatever that feeling is). Yes, I can usually tell the difference between homo and bi lesbians. I have been attracted to more than one bi lesbian over the years. But never to a neurologically homosexual lesbian. Nor, to the gay guys who have hit on me over the years. They all feel dead to me in the way that says “female”, and thus interesting. I don’t know how a trans woman ever develops that connection to straight males.

Ken B म्हणाले...

EvenAnne gets it
“LIke with everything else on the Left, there are two layers here.
Layer One: Power and control. The issue is never the issue. The goal is humiliation of one's enemies.”

Exactly right. This is what Inga misses. No one is being forced to have sex with anyone. They are being forced to say they'd be willing to.
Bend the knee.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


So, long explanation. TL;DR: This PC propaganda machine is harming people.

I don’t deny that. my entire political orientation has been arrayed against it since I was 18 years old. But my question remains: Do you believe the state should play a role in preventing companies from having such policies? If not what’s the solution?

I Callahan म्हणाले...

Clearly, I except that human beings are biological organisms whose capacities have been shaped by a process of evolution. Yet, family types, structures, and relations with kin vary among human populations. There is something more than simply evolution at work here. Namely, culture.

I'm glad you brought this up.

Are there any cultures around the world that are not "developed" (not modern by American or European standard) that doesn't have traits that fit traditional roles - heterosexuality being the norm, men being in leadership positions, women taking care of families / children, etc.? Because from what I can tell, there are very few if any. And there is a reason for that: this really is the HUMAN norm.

Cultural changes to that norm are, by definition, abnormal. The fact that 30% of women under 25 think they're trans or gay is not a sign of normalcy; it's a sign of abnormality.

All that said - not all cultures are good, and there are fair arguments for saying certain cultural traits are inherently wrong.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


I’m not talking about sexual attraction. What do you think I disagree with what you just wrote? What I said was evolutionary biology cannot answer social questions.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

@I Callahan:

What about the abnormality of 13-year-old girls not having babies? That’s the human norm. Again, what position of mine do you think this point about biology is a counter to?

Jupiter म्हणाले...

"If Sullivan makes a big deal about the penis as the sine qua non of gay sex, he's a bit like the heterosexual man who says "No fatties." Your speech is in the social realm. You can refrain from stating what is, in fact, your strict policy."

So, Don't Ask, Don't Tell?

Michael K म्हणाले...

Sure, my husband can quit. He can go to work for far less money or in another field. It’s coming for everyone, eventually, though, which is why we are putting our ducks in a row for him to retire early. Straight white guys who go to church with their wives and six children are not welcome in corporate America in the year of our Lord 2020.

My firefighter son is considering when to retire. An early choice is that his daughter is enrolled in U of Alabama next fall. His son missed out on the entire high school football season this year, so maybe an athletic scholarship has gone glimering. My leftist trial lawyer son is happy in California and sailing is his sport.

I have suggested to my son that his son might do better going into the Marine Corps instead of college, unless he gats that scholarship. Let him grow up (He is 6-4 at age 15) and mature. College these days is risky for a male student. Maybe a STEM major is OK.

Michael K म्हणाले...

What I said was evolutionary biology cannot answer social questions.

Maybe you should read "Blueprint, although the presence of a new "afterward" may suggest some chickening out by the author.

Plomin reports that genetics explains more about the psychological differences among people than all other factors combined. Nature, not nurture, is what makes us who we are. Plomin explores the implications of these findings, drawing some provocative conclusions—among them that parenting styles don't really affect children's outcomes once genetics is taken into effect.

His book suggests that 50% of adult behavior is genetic. I can see how that could get him in trouble with the usual victim groups.

Anne-I-Am म्हणाले...


I may be mis-remembering, but it seems to me you pushed back a bit on Pants, suggesting that her husband wasn't really being harmed at all by his company's progressive demands.

I do. not think there is a role for government here in stopping this. (I don't think there is a government role for most problems.) However, I think that part of this is in response to what government has done. Companies legitimately fear being sued for discrimination--and even those who do not truly discriminate fear the process.

Most of it, though, is just the progressive agenda being carried out by useful idiots. (I would love to see my VP of Sales get the mau-mau treatment when he fails to be quite woke enough.)

No, what it will take is for those of us who are unprivileged in the progressive hierarchy of grievance to bring lawsuits. If and when I have to sit through a training seminar where I am told to cop to being a racist by virtue simply of being white, I will be hiring an attorney.

Further, since our entire leadership team has now said out loud that they will be hiring and promoting by percentages (we WILL have 19% of our leadership positions filled by blacks by 2022), they have opened themselves up for lawsuits. While affirmative action is still legal, quotas are not. And having quotas means someone passed over for promotion in favor of a black has one leg up on claiming illegal discrimination. I have, in the past five years, lost out on promotions four times--all four to blacks. It is starting to look like a pattern.

I'm Not Sure म्हणाले...

"This PC propaganda machine is harming people."

Progressivethink: People, as individuals, are not important. People, once pigeonholed as a member of a group, are. Or, at least, the group is.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...

His book suggests that 50% of adult behavior is genetic. I can see how that could get him in trouble with the usual victim groups.

That was the same figure given in my physiological psychology class from 20 years ago. I don’t deny behavioral genetics. There’s an old joke: “liberals think nothing is genetic except homosexuality; conservatives think everything is genetic except homosexuality.”

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


I do. not think there is a role for government here in stopping this.... No, what it will take is for those of us who are unprivileged in the progressive hierarchy of grievance to bring lawsuits.”

I think there’s some tension there ;)

Jim at म्हणाले...

Who knew insanity could be so tedious?

Darkisland म्हणाले...


I wonder if that is the same large pharma company, one of the USA big 5, that makes me sit through a video on diversity whenever I am waiting in their lobby.

Not specifically forced to view it like a safety lecture before I start working. Just a big screen TV with a 5 minute video on continuous loop.

Lots of info on trans. Lots of posters around the plant about trans.

Makes me wonder if the company prez is trans or something.

I probably saw it, or was exposed to it, 100 times in 2019. I haven't been there much in 2020 though I still have a PO for a project. Currently on hold until whenever.

John Henry

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Farmer asks: @mockturtle:

Are you ever not a cunt?

Are you?

ALP म्हणाले...

I have read 80% of the comments. To echo/add what others have said - I only get annoyed with this subject when it intrudes in the workplace. Why? I am much more private than most, keeping pretty strict boundaries between work/personal life. For example, I doubt any of my team could name my parnter of 26 years or whether we are married or not. I don't want to be a shoulder for anyone to cry on, and you are not my "family".

I work with another woman who could not be more different - and she's managed to be really quite offensive. We'll be discussing a mundane subject - then she'll suddenly tell me what she masturbates with! She will transfer a case to me, then mention: "double check the beneficiary's address as her husband has been cheating on her". She has sent our entire team photographs of some god awful bruise/clot thing that sent her to the emergency room. She has bi-polar disorder, was adopted - and she's gabbed my ear off about her whole life story without my asking.

I don't care about a co-workers preferences/gender issues in the same way I don't care what a plain old cis woman uses to masturbate with. You have no reason to care what kind of relationship I have outside of work and I don't have a reason to care about yours either. I don't care about your transitioning in the same way that I don't want to know the details a co-workers medical condition or bi-polar disorder.

The fact that we are required to take *training* about an aspect of a co-worker's life I never cared about in the first place is asking me to intrude in places I don't want to go. It is forcing intimacy with your co-workers. My only relationship with co-workers is to get the work done. I have never spent so much time in the workplace having to concern myself with shit that is not in any way relate to GETTING THE JOB DONE! The trans/gay/lesbian thing in the workplace is something I see as indicative of this creeping overfamiliarity that some employers are keen on, the obsession with 'employer as family'.

In closing, the only staff that have added the preferred pronouns are the ones for whom there was NO ISSUE or question on what to call them! What is the point of stating the obvious in your signature line?

walter म्हणाले...

"When I sucked on my formers lovers dick since she was pre op transwoman for me was just a big clit."
Thrusting and ejaculation might hinder that fantasy.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


Farmer asks: @mockturtle:

Are you ever not a cunt?

Are you?

I’m never a cunt. I’m a prick.

n.n म्हणाले...

Progressivethink: People, as individuals, are not important.

Diversity dogma of the Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics") denies individual dignity, individual conscience, and intrinsic value for the sake of social progress, justice, capital, and control. It's especially amusing when diversitists collect colorful clumps of cells from India, China, Japan, etc. and call them "Asian" and distinguish the from "Russians", or from Africa, etc. as a basis for affirmative discrimination.

Inga म्हणाले...

“Exactly right. This is what Inga misses. No one is being forced to have sex with anyone. They are being forced to say they'd be willing to.
Bend the knee.”

Exactly wrong you are. I know this is what you people fear will happen, but in REALITY, it’s not, at least not in any huge mass movement sort of way. This actually sounds paranoid. People here thought you were being paranoid or unrealistic about Covid, why are you embracing this sort of overblown emotionalism? This sounds like some wack conspiracy theory, which the right is really good at falling headfirst into.

No one expects you to bend your knee to gay people, trans people, LGBTQ people. How about not using their sexual preferences, sexual identity to discriminate against them when it comes to jobs, housing, health care, etc. why not just let them live with the same protections that the rest of the US enjoys and stop imagining that because they want equal protection that they will rob you of your protections under law and in society.

Charlie म्हणाले...

"When I sucked on my formers lovers dick since she..........."

Waiter, check please!

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Farmer responds: I’m never a cunt. I’m a prick.

Don't flatter yourself. ;-)

Inga म्हणाले...

Also, when it comes to private companies forcing their employees to attend these types of meetings and seminars, I can understand it would be frustrating to the employee. I think there is an entire field of entrepreneurs that have made a fortune by scamming private companies into presenting these seminars to excess. Maybe these companies need better legal representation or a HR department that is less willing to waste company money on the forced training sessions.

Anne-I-Am म्हणाले...

@ Farmer,

Yes, using the government (lawsuits) is getting the government involved...but you knew what I meant. There is no role for yet more laws/statues/rules/regulations.

@John Henry,

Possibly. I haven't been to our HQ in awhile and never spend any time in the lobby except to check in. One of our EVPs is a lesbian. She is extremely vocal and is probably the prime mover behind the LGBQWERTY bullshit.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

If Elliot Page gets rejected at the bar he can throw a fit and cry bigotry.

The likely result of Elliot Page's fit is a knuckle sandwich. Since Elliot page now believes she is a man, she can take it like a man and fight back like a man. Otherwise, she is just a woman in drag, not to be taken as seriously.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

Bruce @ 12:16pm,

Inga is just parroting that completely discredited women's health study that incorrectly showed HRT to be a problem. (That study is--literally--a textbook case and how not to do statistical research.)

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"Don’t like attending mandatory lectures? I can understand, but these are private companies that have the right to expect their employees to adhere to their demands, do they not? You and anyone who is so upset over these mandatory lectures, have the right to seek employment elsewhere or maybe go to the EEOC and file some complaint."

You don't want to make this argument.

If you do, you could use the same justification that a private company doesn't have to hire blacks, or gays, or women...

After all, those 'classes' of people have the right to seek employment elsewhere.

Or the private company could demand that everyone must wear a visible crucifix, or pray out loud at every break.

You get the point...

Inga म्हणाले...

“If you do, you could use the same justification that a private company doesn't have to hire blacks, or gays, or women...”

Wrong. Your argument is not well thought out. To force employees to attend any and all training sessions they feel are necessary is the company’s right. Having said that I can understand the employees’s frustration at forced attendance. No one will put you in the bigot jail for not attending, you can refuse. There are no laws forcing you to attend. However there ARE laws against discrimination based on the protected classifications. There are no laws protecting you if you refuse to attend, but you can be fired. You can sue your employer if they fire you, good luck.

The company isn’t forcing you to have your gay neighbors over for dinner.

Skippy Tisdale म्हणाले...

I will delete all the comments that fall short by the standard I just stated.

My goodness! How Zuckerbergian!

Michael K म्हणाले...

The fact that we are required to take *training* about an aspect of a co-worker's life I never cared about in the first place is asking me to intrude in places I don't want to go. It is forcing intimacy with your co-workers. My only relationship with co-workers is to get the work done.

This is the thing that Inga, and others like her, will never understand. I heard OR nurses complaining about two lesbian nurses that spent 8 hours a day taking about sex and partners, etc.

It's like having a couple of vegans over for dinner.

Michael K म्हणाले...

There’s an old joke: “liberals think nothing is genetic except homosexuality; conservatives think everything is genetic except homosexuality.”

Think a lot of things like homosexuality are genetic. Alcoholism is another. My father and my first wife's father were alcoholics. My older son is also one, fortunately sober since age 26. I don't know the genetics yet but I am sure it is there.

Skippy Tisdale म्हणाले...

For some reason this topic reminds me that the Nazis killed gay men but not Lesbians, because Lesbians were "wombs for the Motherland".

PS, I have been non-binary since preschool. My sister is openly gay, a noted LGBT* pioneer with a Wikipedia page as a matter of fact (she didn't create it. Decades ago, we both came to the conclusion that mutilating one's body to conform to one's gender dysmorphia is a very sad, unnecessary act, but me more so, because I can easily imagine just how much it would hurt.

*I'm old enough to remember when it was GLBT, but of course in this enlightened age, ladies first.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"The company isn’t forcing you to have your gay neighbors over for dinner."

I have no animus against my gay neighbors...they keep their yard very tidy.

Btw, Adam Corolla does a funny bit about houses in LA, and why you want to live in West Hollywood.

How about this scenario, Inga:

I own a private company. I hire an outside lecturer to come to my private company and spend one hour each quarter lecturing on the the superiority of the white race, or the belief that only Christians will get to heaven, or that a woman's role in life is as a homemaker, or that the only good progressive is a dead progressive.

Do you approve of an employers' right to hold such meetings and to discipline employees for non-compliance?

If not, why not?

It sounds silly I know, but some people do have those views, and some of those people own private companies.

RobinGoodfellow म्हणाले...

“Blogger David Begley said...

I just watched the move Moonstruck. One of the questions was, ‘Why do men chase women?’ Answer: Pussy.”

Wrong. It’s because they fear death.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM म्हणाले...

Meade posted "First, Cancel Culture came for "right-wing bigots," and I did not speak out"
Others also cited the cancelling/deplatforming nature/danger of hanging the lethal "Bigot" tag on someone. Who gets to be the 'Woke Police', and will it not be hypocritical?
So earlier we asked"wasnt "Straight Is Hate" floated recently?

This tit-for-tat between Sullivan and Molly DFW, whether real or comedic,
along with countless other online exchanges could be fodder for future cancellation/punishment for perceived bigotry.
We referenced that with "... considering credit scores to be based on internet history",where the question in the link was asked " Who will be entrusted to judge what searches are deemed favorable or unfavorable?"

"...but when it comes to sexual attraction, we're not required to go solely by what's on the inside, and indeed, if only the inside — the mind — counts, why are we having sexual intercourse at all? "How can you say genitalia is irrelevant when what you're talking about is something you do with your genitalia?"

Sex can involve strictly genitalia, or a whole-body affair, involving body parts that arent considered "genitalia". Can "sexual attraction" not involve genitalia? Consider (and with trepidation we cite this example) 2 lesbians engaging in anal fisting. Is this a "sexual encounter"? It could be said yes, if it is sexually titillating, but then, the encounter is "on the inside"(mind) vs genital-oriented. So we asked "is the anus (or pick another preferred zone/part) included as genitalia"
Strictly speaking, no-- but in reference to the general experience...

these italicized questions comprised entirely our post earlier, but perhaps may survive now in the evening.

Narr म्हणाले...

Vegans for dinner? Aren't they stringy?

As appetizers, maybe

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"Wrong. It’s because they fear death."

No, it's pussy.

jaydub म्हणाले...

Anyone other than me ever wonder why Inga and Farmer can't think out their comments before publishing. Why should it take Inga 20+ comments and Farmer 40+ to make their points? Not that I read them, but it is annoying that over 20% of a 311 comment post comes from two narcissists that can't ever seem to make their point.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Sullivan's an idiot.

The only sexual orientation that is natural is heterosexuality, since heterosexuals are the breeders. Men want to have sex with biological women, and women want to have sex with biological men, because our sex drive is a reproductive drive.

Yes, it's sexual discrimination. It's highly relevant sex discrimination. If you want to make a baby, you need a man and a woman. Nothing has changed in this regard. Everything else is just shits and giggles, fun and orgasms.

There is no biological gay gene. It doesn't exist because gay people do not reproduce and pass genes to offspring. If you're a gay man that can have sex with a woman--and apparently Sullivan is up for it--then you might as well quit pretending that your sexual orientation is set in stone.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...

I wish what Inga believes about how openminded and tolerant the left is were true, but it isn't.

Just try going on a lgbtq website and expressing anything but full support of trans issues, try questioning the wisdom of transpeople being in the military and requiring special medical leave, etc., or transwomen without any hormone treatment or being treated for a year being allowed to compete professionally in sports. You will get threatened and attacked for being a bigot and homophobe and worst of all, being right wing. (Martina Navratilova and JK Rowling each have been relentlessly attacked for expressing a contrary opinion.) Those who claim they are not bigots but are gay are told you are not gay and not welcome in the community. Their comments will get deleted and they just stop bothering. Log Cabin Republicans are ridiculed and dismissed as self hating and no attempt is ever made to discuss issues or hear their point of view. People stop bothering, it's almost like they don't exist. So much for openmindedness and tolerance on the left. It does not exist.

As far as the politics of transwomen calling non-consenting lesbians bigots is concerned, I'll say that the whole point is shaming lesbians into relationships with transwomen.* Trying to bully someone into having a relationship with you is oppressive.

The saddest thing about transgenders is that they really have a hard time finding partners after transitioning and usually are limited to dating other transgenders.

I was looking for the stats on which groups are most receptive to dating transgenders and that was unavailable. I've seen it before, but couldn't find it today. However I did find this interesting item about men who ARE attracted to transwomen and why. 3 reasons men are choosing the transgender side chick Pathetic and sad.

*On the subject of how lesbians are being erased by transwomen I am also posting LESBIANS AT GROUND ZERO: LESBIANS AND THE COTTON CEILING

I think Sullivan was being passive aggressive and sarcastic.

Skippy Tisdale म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
The Gipper Lives म्हणाले...

Democrats and the Uni-Party Swamp no longer believe in elections. In their mad quest for the Great Reset, a new hi-tech Tower of Babel, they want us enslaved and stripped of our Rights and they mean to see it, no matter how many viruses they need to release, elections they have to steal or cattle cars they have to fill.

It is sad that the ideology of our civilization’s enemies and their collaborators have come to nest amongst us. It brings me no joy to say so, but nonetheless, it is so. That is why our Founders used the phrase “against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. Like it or not, This is War.

Silence = Death? I agree.

ALP म्हणाले...

Anne-I-Am @ 1:16pm

A hell of a post - I am in a similar environment but Big Law. You have my empathy. I am very, very, very thankful that covid has allowed me to work from home and avoid dealing with much of this in person. I was able to meet my required diversity training by 'self paced study via videos'. I just let them run while I spackled holes in my home office in preparation for painting. If I gotta watch this shit I can at least get something useful done in the process.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

I am a live and let live kind of guy. Between 2 (or 47) consenting adults, I don't care what you do in your private life.

But in a very short time it's gone from tolerance to acceptance to celebration.

There has been a concerted effort from fanatics that demand that you celebrate their decisions.

I would bet that 95% of the commenters here would tolerate gay, trans, bi, etc. people without any issues.

My biggest beef is making me pay for it (government programs) and making me celebrate it (bake the damn cake).

It's a power play.

Remember, up until 1973 the American Psychiatric Association (actual medical doctors) considered homosexuality to be mental illness...

अनामित म्हणाले...

Ann has created a thing here...this blog. It's pretty cool. She got wound up about this topic and I read her, and listen to her.

Gonna go with Mock on this one, though.

Diggin' me some Ann Althouse.

Narr म्हणाले...

I'm just gonna hang out on old threads and post bad jokes until the Prof opens a cafe, or moderates my offerings away.

A: There are many kinds of love: the love between husband and wife, the love between mother and child . . ."

B: Don't forget the love between two women. That's my favorite!

h/t Woody

Bunkypotatohead म्हणाले...

The internet amplifies the complaints of the tiny percentage of trannies in the world, making the problem seem larger than it is.
But the problems of trannies and homos will disappear in the future, like the problems of Downs syndrome children. Once medical science can detect it in the womb, the parents will just kill them off before they see the light of day.
The right to choose, they call it.

Readering म्हणाले...

Remember in 1974 almost 40% in US favored laws against interracial marriage.

Readering म्हणाले...

Wonder what a transgender foetus looks like.

mockturtle म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
mockturtle म्हणाले...

The prisoner who had repeatedly raped his 10-year-old daughter and demanded a sex-change operation is getting one paid for by us taxpayers. Insane. Totally fucking insane.
[Note: I'd be willing to do the external part for free!]

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Gipper, I agree 100%.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"Remember in 1974 almost 40% in US favored laws against interracial marriage."

Primarily in the Democratic South.

Nice try.

Narr म्हणाले...

I'm all for the right of women to choose not to have retarded, tranny, or homo kids if that's the situation they find themselves in.

Especially rape victims

Mark म्हणाले...

2 plus 2 is 5, damn it!! You will agree and publicly demonstrate your agreement. Or else.

Mark म्हणाले...

Frankly, I'm tired of vainly trying to point out the obvious to a country that is impervious to the obvious and is wedded to the obtuse.

daskol म्हणाले...

ALP would make a great astronaut.

daskol म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
daskol म्हणाले...

Or sailor, apparently.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


Not that I read them, but it is annoying that over 20% of a 311 comment post comes from two narcissists that can't ever seem to make their point.

If you read (instead of counted) them, you’d see that they were not an attempt to make a single point. It was a dialogue between several people covering a range of subjects.

Readering म्हणाले...

By 1974 becoming the Republican South but irrelevant.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

"By 1974 becoming the Republican South but irrelevant."

In 1974, the Southern States had 18 Democrat senators and 13 Republican senators with 1 Independent.

One of those Dems happened to be a former Exalted Cyclops in the KKK, and another, Bill Clintons mentor, was a virulent segregationist.

Btw, 'becoming' is a weasel word...they were either Republican or they weren't. They could have just as easily become more Democratic.

Nice try.

n.n म्हणाले...

The only sexual orientation that is natural is heterosexuality, since heterosexuals are the breeders.

Normal as in distribution. Normal as in evolutionary fitness. Normal as in social stability. Normal as in biological design. Note that our ancestors recognized that the transgender/homosexual male intercourse through the anus posed a viable transmission path (i.e. digestive system). They recognized that friends with "benefits" (i.e. promiscuity) engendered progressive conditions. They overturned ancient secular religions that were notably selective, opportunistic, relativistic (e.g. "ethics"), Twilight faiths (i.e. conflation of logical domains), and liberal (i.e. divergent) ideologies that were first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic dysfunctional convergence and great leaps/resets.

Tina Trent म्हणाले...

Only the intentionally obtuse, the obsessive fantasist, or the Marxist liar would deny that LGTBQetc. political movements have and continue to forcibly transform our schools, workplaces and legal system in dangerous and non-optional ways, and we are far past the point of being able to retain free speech, which is the next big target.

We have been spending outsized amounts on “medical research” (mostly tax dollars handed out to activists to fuel their opinion wars) for lesbians and gays, and now transgenders, since the late 1960’s. Generous grants to activists to, for example, repeatedly poll lesbians about their drinking habits, began nearly fifty years ago. Such grants lead to more outsized and generous grants to address lesbian drinking habits. I’m just using this as an example. The movements funded by our tax dollars have forced legal redefinitions of gender that are now impacting grade school budgets, all education and all educational employment, all major corporations, criminal justice, and yes, access to the internet. In other countries, your opinion on such matters impacts your access to healthcare. Here it will too. It already broadly affects the ability of opinion writers to access bank accounts, let alone online financial services.

Based on recent history, I don’t see any reason to doubt that young children and teens will soon be forced to experiment with their own sexual preferences in school, if only imaginatively, in order to demonstrate appropriate submission to and enthusiasm for the LGTBQetc. political agenda.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Well said, Tina.

Narr म्हणाले...

Tina's is a depressing comment to see first thing in the morning, but she ain't wrong.

Am I bad person for being glad I don't have grandkids?

Narr म्हणाले...

Am I "a" bad [etc]?

Old editors never die

Gator म्हणाले...

The hilarious thing is J. Farmer is so obtuse he doesn't know what a public accommodation is.

Doug म्हणाले...

Blogger Narr said...
I'm all for the right of women to choose not to have retarded, tranny, or homo kids if that's the situation they find themselves in.

Especially rape victims

Please indicate where in your post I can find the indicator that this comment is meant sarcastically.

Narr म्हणाले...

The comment was sardonic, not sarcastic.

I saw a segment on Tucker a few weeks ago, where some lady was all weepy about the Danes, who recorded only 18 Down Syndrome births last year.

And I'm, so?

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

It was certainly surprising to find out that all the commenters here are gay.

It reminded me of college days. I had a pretty good idea that everyone in the department was gay, but it didn't occur to me that the odds were very good that every new student coming into the department was gay - and that they would assume that everybody already in the department was gay (including yours truly). Very awkward.

I will be very careful from now on and follow the advice given in the film How to Lose Friends and Alienate People:

You can't ask a musical comedy star whether he's Jewish or gay. From now on, just assume they are all Jewish and all gay.

अनामित म्हणाले...

DBQ-'Are there anti LBGTQ etc bigots. Sure'

Love your comments DBQ, but this is just weakness, pandering to the totalitarians. This happens all the time at National Review: They say, "Well ok, some Republicans are rayciss, but...

Stop right there. Who? Name the Republicans that are rayciss. DBQ, name the 'anti LGBT'.

For me, I don't want a Pride Month. Pride is the most corrosive of all human emotions. People in this world that Satan rules are gonna let their freak flag fly. You do you. We're here for a short time.

I don't want to encourage that. Do your thing. I want no part of it. Am I a bigot?

It began as 'tolerance'. Then acceptance as normal. Then celebration required. Heroes!

Who rules this world?

Narr म्हणाले...

I can't stay in these closets any more! Yes, I'm gay, and Jewish, as well as Jewish, and gay tra la tra la!

IIRC, the recently cited Joseph Epstein published a most amusing memoir of a college roadtrip with a brilliant new friend, who . . . . It may have been in American Scholar a few years or decades ago.

I'll see if I can locate the citation

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


The hilarious thing is J. Farmer is so obtuse he doesn't know what a public accommodation is.

The hilarious thing is you are such a clueless dipshit, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. What I said: “ Even if gay marriage was illegal nationwide Colorado would still have a law that prohibited discrimination against gay people in public accommodation.”

From Colorado’s Anti-discrimination Act, Part 6 - Part 6 - Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation:

“(1) As used in this part 6, "place of public accommodation" means any place of business engaged in any sales to the public and any place offering services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations to the public, including but not limited to any business offering wholesale or retail sales to the public;...

(2) (a) It is a discriminatory practice and unlawful for a person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from, or deny to an individual or a group, because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry, the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation...”

-§ 24-34-601. Discrimination in places of public accommodation

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...

DBQ-'Are there anti LBGTQ etc bigots. Sure'

Trans/homosexual social distancing, yes. Otherwise, sanctimonious hypocrites, in what respect? #HateLovesAbortion

Bilwick म्हणाले...

Hercules, not that one: I wouldn't object to a Pride day, week or month (stupid as they sound), if it were pride in some valuable achievement. If homosexuality isn't a choice (as we've been assured time and again ), then being proud to be a homosexual is like being proud over one's height or hair color.

Norm MacDonald has a great bit about that lame form of pride, based on seeing a poster or bumper sticker saying "We're proud of our Gay son." Norm has the parents bragging, "Yes, our son graduated first in his class at Yale . . . and now he made partner at his prestigious law firm . . . and oh, yeah--he likes cock! Can't get enough of it!"

अनामित म्हणाले...

Sexual perversion is an unfortunate fact of human behavior and, among consenting adults, should not be criminalized but neither should sexual deviancy be a cause for celebration, either by the participants or by the rest of us. Just keep it to yourselves, please!

Mock gets it.

In High School, I had 3 tight friends. ('60s) Don and Tommy. Tommy got ahold of a '58 Buick, and man we rode that thing everywhere. Tommy was the 1st of us to get laid. There was a girl in Neptune (a town) who knew what Tommy was about. I didn't, but she figured it out. She wanted to fix him. Didn't work.

Tommy went to the Univ of Maryland, and died of AIDS in 1976.

Don and I buddied up and went to the US Fk'n Army in 1971. Man, we wanted to break things and blow things up. Got that chance and it was glorius.

We come here to live our lives, and play the cards we are dealt.

Don died in Austin, TX 1978. Just throwin' that out there. Good friend.

ken in tx म्हणाले...

"I Callahan said...
But the drive men have is to cum, not to get somebody pregnant. Men don’t to go out on a Saturday night thinking, “I really hope I knock someone up tonight!”

Consciously? No. But if that weren't the case, would anyone get knocked up during those encounters? It certainly happens, doesn't it?

Here is the thing: men are hard-wired to do just that. The biological REASON to "cum" is to get somebody pregnant."

Most single men have never had as much sex as they want. For those that have, it becomes boring after a while, to find one more female willing to spread her legs to him. It has become a thing for certain men to secretly seek to impregnate the random women they hook up with. They slip the condom off during the act. Some have been charged with rape for this in foreign countries.

Readering म्हणाले...


autothreads म्हणाले...

"When I sucked on my formers lovers dick since she was pre op transwoman for me was just a big clit.

Inquiring minds wonder, did she swallow?

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