"What are you going to do and how will you sustain each other for the attacks you know are coming your way?" Colbert asked. "Case in point, I know you want to be as bipartisan and reach across the aisle, but as much as you don't want it to happen, you know that the people who want to make hay in Washington are going to try to use your adult son as a cudgel against you. How do you feel about that, and what do you have to say to those people?
"We have great confidence in our son," Mr. Biden told Colbert. "I am not concerned about any accusations that have been made against him. It's used to get to me. I think it's kind of foul play but — look, it is what it is. And, he's a grown man, he is the smartest man I know, I mean from a pure intellectual capacity. And as long as he's good, we're good."
As long as he's good, we're good! Colbert had to rush in to help:
Colbert responded: "As a father I understand that and I admire that. But I mean, in terms of your job as president, can you reach across the aisle to people who'll be using this as an attack on you when it is such a personal attack because it's about family?"
Notice how both times Colbert asked a question on this topic, he signaled to Biden that he needed to attack his attackers. Your antagonists are using your son as a cudgel, they're going personal — aren't they awful? Biden responded blandly:
"But if it benefits the country, yes. I really mean it," Mr. Biden said. "Because we know who we are."
१८९ टिप्पण्या:
Smarter even than Obama?
Biden has dementia, and his entire family is a RICO indictment waiting to happen.
He had to be pretty smart to take all those bribes while leveraging his dad's Vice Presidency.
Text messages written by Uday "Hunter" Biden
Drjillbiden and Mr. Drjillbiden chose their interviewer wisely.
I'm surprised that we're not ordered to speak of him as "Dr. Hunter Biden">. He does have a JD, amirite?
IOW, Joe thinks Hunter is too smart for his own good. I predict Hunter will get off on technicalities and Daddy will claim it proves his innocence. No media follow-up.
Hunter's problem is he's neither clean or well spoken.
And, he's a grown man, he is the smartest man I know, I mean from a pure intellectual capacity.
WOW, just wow! Biden is in DC and has been for YEARS. He has rubbed elbows with all sorts of people and Hunter is the smartest man he knows? OMG! This is the person the Dems selected, millions of people voted for, and the DNC frauded into the office of the President. OMG and may God help us!
If Hunter is the smartest man Joe knows, we are in bigger trouble than I thought. What about Bill Clinton? Barack Obama? Ron Klain?
More osculation of posteriors by media lickspittles.
Notice Colbert didn't ask about the truth of the allegations, he asked about how Joe Brezhnev felt about the mean attacks on his little boy.
Hunter is the most intelligent man Joe Biden knows. And our government's systems just got massively hacked, worst case ever, apparently by Russia. I sense an important assignment coming Hunter's way.
Who would want that fool Donald Trump in charge now?
He became addicted to crack, had an affair with his brother's widow just after his death, knocked up a stripper, left a laptop filled with hugely compromising material on himself, his family and others at a repair shop, left a handgun in a public area... yeah, he's brilliant.
Best I can do, heres my shocked face
Fantasy Joe: "I know you [Joe] want to be as bipartisan and reach across the aisle"
Actual Joe: "They want to put ya'll [black Americans] back in chains."
Maybe Colbert should ask Kamala her thoughts?
Gawd. The slobbering goes to 11, and the Dunce from Delaware hasn't even been inaugurated. The Biden administration will last less than a year, but it will feel like 4.
"He is the smartest man I know, I mean from a pure intellectual capacity"
Counterpoint: I have seen a video of HB puff on the crackpipe and the shave his own balls with a razor.
Now, one's grooming habits are one's own business, so it's not the shaving his balls that makes him an idiot.
And, plenty of smart people have substance abuse problems, so that doesn't make an idiot either.
For me: it's the video. Why would you make a video of yourself smoking crack and shaving your balls? What's the possible upside for you there?
Let's start a pool: Who will be the vice-president in the Harris administration?
Is "reaching across the aisle" changing from a metaphor to a euphemism in the Biden era?
knocked up a stripper, left a laptop filled with hugely compromising material on himself, his family and others at a repair shop, left a handgun in a public area... yeah, he's brilliant.
taking cannoli (stripper) and leaving gun in public area >>> is that from the movie Godfather
As Rocco gets out the car, Clemenza says: "Leave the gun – take the cannoli." He takes the food as Paulie lies slumped against the steering wheel.
Colbert is aiding in the cover up of Biden criminality.
Nothing new. Colbert is a loyal democratic.
The Clintons would NEVER have tolerated a son like Hunter. They are far smarter at graft than Joe Blow-It-Off Biden & Son.
In Joe’s current condition, it’s entirely believable that Hunter is the smartest person he knows.
"As long as he's good, we're good!" That could be a line out of the Godfather. Hunter just needs to wet his beak a little bit.
I remember during Obama's campaign against McCain, McCain commented that he couldn't use the smartphones of the time; Obama ran ads making fun of McCain as out of touch and old. This was the response ad that the Obama campaign put out to the McCain campaign's... brutal congratulation ad McCain ran in an attempt to actually have a civil campaign. Because McCain thought Obama was the nice guy people wanted him to be, not the by any means necessary Chicago politician he really was.
What McCain had meant was that due to the years of torture he'd received, he couldn't manipulate the old style phones easily and conveniently. At the time, Biden argued against the ad, according to sources, if I remember, but ultimately, Biden signed on to the ad.
The point of the story? Biden would use McCain's actual torture as a cudgel against McCain -- so I don't think he'd have any reservations about attacking Trump or any other Republican over a child's failings. Biden has proven when the choice is between principles or power, principles can be left wanting.
A tax charge is the best-case scenario for the Bidens.
Meeting of the Hunter legal defense team:
"We have some friends in Washington that assure us these troubles can be taken care of. You may have to pay some back taxes, a big fine, but there will be no prison."
It is said montana is based on one of the characters from the joe exotic show tabraue,
“My wife was the brains behind my campaign. I would never have made it here without her. It’s hard to imagine ever going through another campaign without her. She was the most intelligent human being I have ever known. She was absolutely brilliant. I’m smart but Neilia was ten times smarter. "
From the Kitty Kelley interview in 1974
I thought the phrasing of his compliment of Hunter sounded familiar.
Blogger WK said...
Maybe Colbert should ask Kamala her thoughts?
Shortest TV interview of all time. 5 minutes of giggles.
I agree with Howard that Hunter will skate. If they can fix the fuckin election, what's a little crime to fix?
Ugh. Someone pass the vomit bag. Could Colbert lick his ass any harder? He should’ve asked him how Hunter compares to other crackhead pols like Marion Barry and Rob Ford.
Stephen Colbert is a tool.
On the alternative, people have been wondering what is the thing that will force Biden to step down? My conspiracy theory is this: Biden, finally unable to protect Hunter, pardons Hunter, and realizes that after doing that, he's fatally wounded as president and resigns. I doubt it will REALLY happen, but it has everything the media would want. The wronged man-child Hunter; redemption for Joe Biden in giving a second chance to his flawed son; Kamala stepping in to ensure a return to "ethical" leadership. And at the bottom, it is all the Bad Orange Man's fault for looking in to Hunter Biden. If only he could have averted his eyes, think of all the pain and suffering that could have been avoided. Everything the media would want.
I'm sure he be more than happy to have Hunter compare his IQ with Colbert!
Of course the corrupt left/Biden family international grift - will skate. They skate because:
1) they are democrats
2) they have most of the media and the tech oligarchs to play cover for them.
3) the democrat party is corrupt and taking over everything like a toxic cancer.
The deep state have no plans to take down the man they just inserted.
Eventually - Biden might willingly step down due to his cognitive decline - but then we get Kamala. As planned.
you know that the people who want to make hay in Washington are going to try to use your adult son as a cudgel against you.
Politics is easy. You just have to believe the other side has no legitimate interests or value as human beings.
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin.
It's the proven path to success.
Colbert's purpose used to be to make people laugh.
Now his purpose is to feed the narcissism of liberals by making them feel they're better than those icky Republicans.
Colbert's purpose used to be to make people laugh.
Now his purpose is to feed the narcissism of liberals by making them feel they're better than those icky Republicans.
I am very impressed Colbert didn’t drop to his knees to properly finish that “interview”
Yesterday the CBS promo for "State-shtuppin' Steve" Colbert's show announced the Bidens' appearance later that evening, and made sure that the peasantry knew she was "DOCTOR Jill Biden." Of course. Good little serf, Stevie!
Maybe we’re selling Hunter short. Someone is running the Biden family grift operation. It sure isn’t the guy who frequently had trouble remembering what political office he was running for.
Blogger hawkeyedjb said...
Let's start a pool: Who will be the vice-president in the Harris administration?
I am curious about that as well mostly because I feel (feelings, not facts) that we may have a Gerald Ford situation brewing. The person who takes that position may be the president by the 2024 election.
These last months have been so bizarre that I would not be surprised in the Hunter Biden scandal blows up but takes out Kamala Harris but not Hunter Biden. Apparently Beau Biden and Kamala Harris were good friends. Who knows how what connections may have been made.
Notice how both times Colbert asked a question on this topic, he signaled to Biden that he needed to attack his attackers. Your antagonists are using your son as a cudgel, they're going personal — aren't they awful? Biden responded blandly:...
Biden cannot hear that, his narcissism has lead him to believe that he, and only he, can unite the country. The next couple of years will be interesting to say the least.
Serius question: has there ever been a political family so obsessed with appearing "smart"? Just ask them and they'll tell you how smart they are!
I am quite confident Colbert must be impeached by the House of Representatives now.
Anybody who looks into Biden family corruption is impeached.
Everybody in DC knows that.
Surely such a once in a generation genius like Hunter Biden should be working in a field like high energy physics or quantum computing or artificial intelligence. It's a great travesty that such a gifted individual being wasted on whatever the hell it is he's doing now.
Nonapod said...
Surely such a once in a generation genius like Hunter Biden should be working in a field like high energy physics or quantum computing or artificial intelligence. It's a great travesty that such a gifted individual being wasted on whatever the hell it is he's doing now.
That's what happens when the Designated Family Bagman (Beau) dies. Someone's got to step up. Omerta means something after all.
I remain astonished that Biden, ridiculed endlessly for running in the first place, losing the early primaries badly, emerged from the pack to win the nomination and ultimately all the marbles.
Trump was improbable enough, but ye gods....Biden?????
there's only one letter distance from 'kicking a politicians ass' to 'licking a politicians ass'. It's easy to mix the two, judged by watching some TV hosts
Hence the fraud.
Hunter's not stupid, he just does stupid shit.
And, he's a grown man, he is the smartest man I know, I mean from a pure intellectual capacity.
You mean the son who abandoned his laptop computer with all the incriminating evidence at a repair shop?
"And, he's a grown man, he is the smartest man I know, I mean from a pure intellectual capacity."
I guess in the long run we should all be thankful that Joe didn't call Hunter a "grown-ass man".
Colbert is a known democrat.
Lets see Joe Biden interviewed with someone who isn't a paid hack(D)
Joe Biden: Using Hunter Biden's Deals to 'Get to Me' Is 'Foul Play.'
uh huh.
Notice Joe's use of "Foul Play"... he's signalling to the entire press - DO NO COME AFTER ME.
I wonder if Tony Bobolinski is still alive?
"And, he's a grown man, he is the smartest man I know, I mean from a pure intellectual capacity."
Uh, oh. Smarter than Barack? Smarter even than Dr. Jill?
"Stephen Colbert's ludicrously leading question"
They'll have to lead him a lot more in the coming months. He needs all the help he can get. But then, progs are shameless, so they do what they can.
"I know you want to be as bipartisan and reach across the aisle"
"use your adult son as a cudgel against you"
Yeah, trading on the family name and influence with unsavory charters from Russia to Ukraine to China is a "cudgel."
"We have great confidence in our son"
Hey, Joe, how often do you see the grandchild he had with the stripper?
"And as long as he's good, we're good."
Sure, sure, we know the big guy gets his cut.
"As a father I understand that and I admire that."
As I said, they are shameless.
Time to call in a special counsel on Hunter and Joe Biden
Hunter is the bag boy. Joe is the king pin.
"He's the smartest man I know..." Super smart people can't function in society. Joe didn't mean this as a compliment. It's an explanation.
Howard: "I predict Hunter will get off on technicalities and Daddy will claim it proves his innocence. No media follow-up."
Howard goes out on a limb to "predict" the pro-democrat DOJ/FBI/CIA et al, who have spent years undermining republicans and even framing them while letting democrats off on technicalities and rewritten/customized rules, will go easy on Hunter and Jim and Joe as well as the legacy 100% pro-democrat media will let it drop with no followup.
A real "cutting edge" prediction.
Next expected "prediction" from Howard: Dan Rather, in his public appearances in 2021, will show himself to be somewhat pro-democratical.
“Joe, your son is a lying grifting crackhead who likes young hookers. The only difference between you and your son is maybe the crack habit. After you two successfully took millions from China and grifted Ukrainian foreign aid money, don’t you have anything negative to say about the people who are pointing this out?”
Stephen Colbert is an empty soul. Sucks that late night television, which Carson made a lot of fun for everyone has all turned in to liberal propaganda shows. Democrats ruin everything.
Charlie said...
Serius question: has there ever been a political family so obsessed with appearing "smart"?
Melania Trump is reported to speak 5 languages. Dr. Jill Biden's dissertation doesn't indicate that she knows English all that well. But yeah, "smart."
Will one of the liberal commenters here PLEASE make the argument that Joe Biden wouldn't be the dumbest person to ever be president?
I am serious about this. I know, the easy choice is W, but he was smart enough to learn how to fly a military jet, so you'd lose that argument.
And I will be clear, I would not be opposed to a Biden presidency if he were not beholden to the crazy radicals on the left and to Chinese influence.
I would be fine with him if he was just a normal Bill Clinton liberal, but we're way beyond that now.
Come on liberals..make the case. What president was dumber? What other president flunked third grade? What other president says Hunter Biden (crack-smoking, porn-making, stripper-impregnating) is the smartest person he knows?
Let's start a pool: Who will be the vice-president in the Harris administration?
Stacey Abrams has to be the top of the list...
Colbert has truly become an absolute self parady. It really is cringe inducing to watch stuff like this. No self respecting comedian should be participating in a gentle tongue bath of a president elect like this. It's repulsive.
I can honestly say I never found Colbert to be particularly that funny. Some of the voiceover work he did was quite good (stuff like The Ambiguously Gay Duo, The Venture Bros, and Harvey Birdman). But that's about all I can think of that I found mildly amusing.
YOU wanted boring.
You got boring and stupid.
Who will really set the agenda?
It takes most people who make millions of dollars years of hard work, dedication and sacrifice. Hunter does it in his spare time.
I am not concerned about any accusations that have been made against him. It's used to get to me. I think it's kind of foul play but — look, it is what it is.
That's why they and the media are working overtime to frame this as a tax issue rather than a counter-intelligence matter.
Colbert wants to be Biden's cock holster.
Hey, man, they used him to get to me, but now I'm gonna use me to get to me and that's the next 45 dropping from the spindle, E-O-S.
"And, he's a grown man, he is the smartest man I know, I mean from a pure intellectual capacity."
Hold on there. We know have a battle of the "experts." Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss claimed.
Who will win?
You mean the son who abandoned his laptop computer with all the incriminating evidence at a repair shop?
Come on, man! He was high that day.
"Trump was improbable enough, but ye gods....Biden?????"
I guess you haven't figured out that Obama and Jarrett are running everything (why stay in DC and have Jarrett living in your home?) behind the scenes.
Obama wants radical Harris in charge and Biden is the tool to make that happen.
Obama put out the word and gave the orders for the other candidates to drop out.
He has a lot of money and a lot of dirt on all of them.
This is why Biden was the candidate.
Hacks are going to circle Joe and protect him..
Scream 'It's all lies! you have no proof!" over and over...
You know- It's "foul play" to even ask.
Is he really a grown man?
"Stacey Abrams has to be the top of the list..."
That's Gov. Abrams to you. Or Dr. Abrams, I forget.
Colbert wants to be Biden's cock holster.
worth a repeat.
It's entirely possible that the drug addled, morally challenged Hunter Biden is the smartest man in the Biden family. Why Hunter could probably graduate say as high as 73rd in a Syracuse Law School class of 82. He might not have to plagiarize or cheat on the exams either.
Joe is right. His son is the smartest man he knows. C’mon guys, listen when Joe talks.
Hunter has been the Achilles heel in the Biden family for a long time, and while there maybe no direct proof of the father financially benefiting from the son's dealings, senior can no longer turn a blind eye and he will have to let the investigation play out.
There are carloads - multiple laptops full - of evidence of Joe Biden directly financially benefiting, r/v. And witnesses. I can't think of what kind of possible evidence could exist that is missing.
Michael K said...
I agree with Howard that Hunter will skate. If they can fix the fuckin election, what's a little crime to fix?
12/18/20, 9:55 AM
Hell, by the time the media is done with this, at least one of the Mensa member Democrat voters will start a go-fund-me campaign to help pay the poor lad's tax bill. Odds say it will exceed the target funding level as the rest will be happy to give...
Biden is corrupt fraud, and a Chi-com asset. But thanks to all you white men and old Boomers who voted him in.
Hell of a job.
"The Dems lose the House? They're already likely to lose it in 2022."
How can they possibly lose the House? They can make up as many votes as they want.
He became addicted to crack, had an affair with his brother's widow just after his death, knocked up a stripper, left a laptop filled with hugely compromising material on himself, his family and others at a repair shop, left a handgun in a public area...
Well, everyone has a bad day now and then.
Remember: 1. The Iowa caucuses--no one was ever declared the winner, so Joe never "lost", despite "finishing" fifth; 2. It was verboten for the current DOJ (not Obama's, of course)to investigate a candidate for president. Once there was knowledge about how deep Hunter and Joe were in with Ukraine, China, and Romania based upon Hunter's laptop and earlier investigations, it was important to "dirty up" Trump by accusing him of interfering in Ukraine, thereby taking the heat off Joe "Son of a bitch, he got fired"; 3. Trump was impeached as a pure distraction move, and to make radioactive any attempt to reveal the foreign corruption of the Biden crime family.
The big guy is a train wreck.
Blogger I Callahan said...
Stacey Abrams has to be the top of the list...
And Stacy "Tank" Abrams would absolutely CRUSH the competition.
Joe and his cock-holster press continue to separate Joe and Hunter. They are connected - all of their deals were done because Joe had the power.
It's ridiculous to believe otherwise. It's insulting that the hacks want us to buy their BS.
btw- the fact that all Daytime and night-time TV talk shows are ALL PRO-democrat - that is no accident.
I can honestly say I never found Colbert to be particularly that funny. Some of the voiceover work he did was quite good (stuff like The Ambiguously Gay Duo, The Venture Bros, and Harvey Birdman)
I thought he was pretty good as the idiot President in Monsters vs Aliens. I kind of wanted a sequel to that one.
---thanks to all you white men and old Boomers who voted him in.
Nobody voted him in! Trump won bigly, look at the bellwethers. The rest was counting fraud but especially computer fraud.
It's almost as if Steve Colbert's mouth was a "c*ck holster" for Joe Biden.
Even as clean and articulate as the Lightbringer is? Seriously Joe.
I'm curious about who watches Stephen Colbert any more.
I'm embarrassed for Nora O'Donnell on CBS Evening News, for having to promote the fact that Colbert got the first interview with President Elect Joe Biden.
Colbert isn't funny for the same reason a lot of the fake conservative/Republican/Right leaning people/jokes/gags aren't. Satire and cruel making fun of are very, very, very close to each other. For example, Airplane! is beautiful satire because the people doing it clearly have a love for both what they're doing and the things they're making fun of. Same with Police Squad/Naked Gun. Compare that to more modern "parody" movies that are often just disconnected gags that don't really understand the thing they're making fun of -- that's where Colbert usually felt like for me. Like, he knew "Republicans don't like abortion..." but instead of figuring out WHY to create an effective, and somewhat human, character, he just decided "Screw it, let's use the same one-two formula that always gets the crowd to applaud."
And, comedy that is cruel CAN work... but you need to be the victim of the cruelty, not other people, at least some of the time. Colbert may be a comic first, but comedy is already a risky thing, and to be needlessly cruel during it isn't going to make you friends. But, I'm not a comic. Maybe mindlessly making fun of people IS comedy.
Media matters.
The march towards Democrat Party TV - is a success. They are all cock-holsters for the corrupt democrat party elite.
What is Dr. Hunter Biden's IQ?
"Will one of the liberal commenters here PLEASE make the argument that Joe Biden wouldn't be the dumbest person to ever be president?"
Nobody? No libs will defend the incredible intellect of Joe?
Thought not.
You're all dishonest hacks.
al from chgo
never trust a fed
Bronfman $$ backing Humper’s “art” exhibit?
major patron? Why?
Aren’t Bronfmans on the hot seat re: NXIVM?
Payoffs? Money laundering?
Do we really believe Humper is a legit artist?
"the corrupt left will never stop harassing Trump."
-- Just like Romney and Bush and McCain, they'll find "strange new respect" for Trump by 2024. They'll say, "yeah, I didn't like him, but I wasn't part of the crazy anti-Trumpers. He's not a good president, but he's better than Republican Candidate 2024, who is a literal Nazi."
And the people on the left who cling to the anti-Trumpian shibboleths that saw them through the dark days of 2016-2020 will suddenly realize why even their lefty friends started to slowly withdraw from them from 2020 on. They'll realize that the left has used them and has no further use for them. It's kind of sad; it's the same way with the people on the left who were weakly still crying "Bush Lied, People Died... why are you accepting him? WHY?!" as the left heralded Bush as a means of getting at Trump. And, while the actual left leadership and people feted Bush and treated him as a human after having called him literally Nazi Hitler... there is some quiet, confused group of leftists wondering "when did the left change?"
It never did. They never cared about Bush. Or you. They cared about using you to hurt Bush, because at the time, Bush was something that stood in the way of their power. Now, Bush could be used against Trump, and so, the left will use Bush. And they probably won't even give a second thought to all the "activists" who spent years of their lives waiting to frogmarch Bush and Cheney to the Hague, because the left doesn't care about those activists any more than it cares about the people who worked against Trump now that Trump is out of the way.
It’s sad, all the way down.
I didn't watch the video, but did Colbert swallow Biden's cum with a smile on his face, or a grimace?
How about this?
Between Christmas and the 5th,xiden has a a stroke or some such. Real or not doesn't matter. He steps out.
PDJT pardons all Biden's. Because they have no other options congress certifies pdjt for 4 more years.
And maybe Chuck pays me $15.unlesshe already paid me $30.he's been silent on that so maybe it wasn't him.
John Henry
Joe has called Hunter the smartest guy he knows before. I heard him say it in another softball interview. As if being the smartest guy in Joe’s estimation is some kind of thing to be esteemed. Like a Ed.D. degree. That prestigious.
Joe calling Hunter the smartest guy he knows doesn't say much for the intellect of anybody in DC, or around the world for that matter, for the past 50 years.
That's a big fucking insult.
It is funny how when you ask for something OTHER than “good results” like say “give me boring” the unintended side effect is incompetence. Trumps worst fault was being rude. Great choice in not voting Althouse.
"...press continue to separate Joe and Hunter. They are connected - all of their deals were done because Joe had the power."
It's not just that the press is biased, they're all doing it, too. Parceling out jobs, school slots, financial opportunities with family and cronies.
Matt Sabian:
That has indeed always been the routine, but in Trump's case I think you're wrong. Bush (and McCain and Romney) were always swamp creatures used as placeholders to keep any actual conservative from being elected, and the Left always knew that. All of their supposed rabid opposition to him was purely for show, to con conservatives into believing that they had any representation. Those are the ones who get the benefit of rehabilitation once they've served their purpose to the Swamp after they leave office.
Trump is different. Trump is not part of the swamp. They will attempt to destroy him utterly when he leaves office. In 2024.
So little time, so much tongue lapping from Mr. Colbert.
It has been fairly conclusively demonstrated by the events of the past few months that the swamp can elect whoever they want regardless of merit, or even what the electorate says.
The question is--why Joe Biden? Does he (or more correctly his handlers) really have dirt on...everybody?
The sudden concession/collapse of all the Dem primary candidates, with nary a peep from--well, anybody. It's all very strange.
“It doesn’t mean I wasn’t angry and it doesn’t mean if I were back in the days of high school I wouldn’t say, ‘come here,’ and go a round.”
The linked article left out Joe's tough guy act.
Joe's back to wanting to beat up Trump - behind the bleachers.
How lame.
*but it tickled Colbert's anus -that's for sure.
So the smartest man Joe Biden knows is a drug addict...
Clearly, Joe's wants more than his customary 10%.
"We'll see what happens."
"So the smartest man Joe Biden knows is a drug addict..."
-- Counterpoint: Sherlock Holmes was an addict. Counter-counterpoint: Sherlock Holmes was fictional.
Matt Sablan said...
"So the smartest man Joe Biden knows is a drug addict..."
-- Counterpoint: Sherlock Holmes was an addict. Counter-counterpoint: Sherlock Holmes was fictional.
Counter-counter-counterpoint: Sherlock Holmes was not the smartest person Sherlock Holmes knew. Mycroft Holmes was not a drug addict.
Matt S-
I do agree with most of that. The left are predictable that way. The next Hitler is the real Hitler, esp if the collective left can use the old Hitler to smear the latest Hitler. who is of course -the worst Hitler...
This time, Trump lifted the curtain and showed us all what a trash heap our insider government really is.
I hope I am wrong - for Trump's sake, but I think the corrupt left lost their minds over their loss of power for 4 years and their frothing rage is still at peak frothing rage. How DARE some charlatan like Trump disrupt their gravy train. He must pay.
The corrupt left will probably harass Trump in every direction to make an example out of him.
That's how Soviet-democratics roll.
But it's not like he has great comic timing at rallies. Now that's a talent.
"smartest man is Hunter"
LOL - poor Obama.
Now - what side of smart is it - Hunter's porn side? or his crack side? HIs leaving his laplop filled with proof and porn at a repair shop and forgetting to pick it up? no no no - must be the family sex spin the bottle... no no no - It's how hard Hunter worked to make the selling of the Biden name work out so well financially for the entire clan.
BFTPFCP is on fire in this thread. 100% on point.
"Because we know who we are."
And so do the Chinese, the Russians, the Ukrainians, and the Kazakhs. As well as 74 million + Americans. We all know who the Bidens are. Which is what makes this dance so pathetic and nausea inducing.
Readering - focus on Biden. Do you have anything to add about Biden? This thread is about Biden - not Trump.
We know you, like all hiveminders, are consumed with Trump and must turn everything into "but Trump!" - but at this point, it is intellectually lazy.
Despite a YLS degree, Hunter Biden lacks Donald J Trump's comic timing at rallies. There, made it clearer.
blah blah blah - Readering - attempt to leave Trump out of it.
You can't.
sterling Blue- why thank you.
Matt Sablan said...
Colbert isn't funny for the same reason a lot of the fake conservative/Republican/Right leaning people/jokes/gags aren't. Satire and cruel making fun of are very, very, very close to each other.
Colbert, Daily Show, and John Oliver aren't funny because while they take themselves uber-seriously their comedy doesn't hold up if you think about any of it for more than 10 seconds or so. Someone once described what they do as "clapughter"; something designed to get a predisposed audience to hoot, cheer, and applaud when voiced. It isn't much better that college football rivalry humor which is only even mildly humorous to fans of the teams involved and means very little to outsiders.
Also, don't you mean broodminder?
At least they get paid a lot of money. Being unfunny for no money. That's sad.
Let me know when Trump concedes so I can think about President-elect Biden more.
Still no liberals defending Joe's intellect.
Joe is a paste-eating dolt and the left knows it, but doesn't care.
Our enemies in the world are going to rape this nation every which way they can if that idiot is sworn in...
Get the lube and the mouthwash ready.
Now that's hilarious. Sex reference, am I right?
Smart criminals don’t get caught. He got caught six ways to Sunday. This doesn’t speak well for the other people that Joe Biden* knows.
I would say that maybe Joe Biden* knows some smart WOMEN, but the ones he’s choosing for his administration make that exceedingly unlikely.
Clyde said...
I would say that maybe Joe Biden* knows some smart WOMEN, but the ones he’s choosing for his administration make that exceedingly unlikely.
12/18/20, 1:50 PM
Well to be fair to Biden, he did say that he knew. Likely those ARE the smartest women HE knows. Remember, his comparison is against the Mensa member DOCTOR (of Education) Jill Biden! So there is that.
#Resist2020 #NotMyPresident2020 #POTUS2020FRAUD
"Because we know who we are."
I think the Bidens are so elite and entitled - Their crooked money whoring is just fine and dandy. The same is true for the Clintons. They are untouchable. Their crimes are right there for all to see - but we cannot call them on it - because the elite democrat deep state are above the law.
China Joe, Fraudelent-elect via election fraud, defends his worthless son. They're all part of the Biden crime family, dedicated to selling access to China Joe to anyone who will pay their fees. China, Ukraine and Russia are just some of their high-visibility clients.
They have principles. If you don't like them, they have other principles.
yep Mike of Sno-q.
& It's just a happy coincidence that chi-com virus arrived right on time to aid chi-com Joe.
Readering said... Let me know when Trump concedes so I can think about President-elect Biden more.
Why would any Democrat want to think about President-Select Biden for a second?
Isn't is deeply embarrassing?
I hope Trump never concedes. Why should he? Trump should tell everyone what he thinks - which is what the rest of us think. All sorts of evidence exists that vote fraud was used to give Joe the "votes" he needed. We know this.
It won't change the inauguration of creepy corrupt Joe(D)
btw- Readering - Why would you creepy Joe Bidenist supporting hiveminders care if Trump concedes or not?
Joe and Dr Edith just pimped out Joe's dead first wife by holding a photo op at her burial site.
Stay classy guy..the Kennedy family
Bob fearlessly predicts 3 months from now Pelosi and her whole crowd will be bragging openly about how they got rid of the EvilTrump.
Because then he would focus on the Russian intrusion, keeping the government from shutting, keeping the economy from shutting down, fighting covid, or more likely whom to pardon.
So many funny guys on Biden. Can't keep up or compete.
Biden's main talent is that he's not Trump. But he is not unique in this.
I intend to call the White House weekly after Jan 20 to tell them China Joe was elected by election fraud, that I know it, they know it and the whole country knows it.
Russian intrusion?
The entire Russian collusion hoax was brought to us by..... Hillary Clinton. Someone who profited off of.... Russian grift.
Sure seems like Joe’s handlers don’t want him doing live interviews by himself. Jill always seem to be at his side to handle cleanup duties when necessary.
I wonder how they plan on handling the SOTU. I can’t imagine him speaking for any length of time without making a fool of himself, even if just reading from a teleprompter. And they can’t very well put Jill up there at the podium with him to “clean up in aisle 2” when Joe’s goes off script. Maybe they’ll use COVID as an excuse to have Joe deliver a short canned speech from his basement instead.
Readering thread. Back to my book.
Thanks for leaving your scent first.
The SOTU will be broadcast on tape-delay from the White House because of COVID and social distancing requirements. China Joe will have as many takes as it requires to get his speech right. So no problem with him developing a total fade-out stare during his speech.
Obvious, but a drug addled, morally decrepit, unrepentant grifter is the smartest man Biden knows?? This is going to be a hoot for as long as Kamala and Company let it last.
He became addicted to crack, had an affair with his brother's widow just after his death, knocked up a stripper, left a laptop filled with hugely compromising material on himself, his family and others at a repair shop, left a handgun in a public area... yeah, he's brilliant.
He was a 42-year-old Navy ensign that failed his first drug test, and was immediately tossed out of the service.
Presumably, Joe Biden believes that he can continue to pretend that he sees nothing problematic in his son's behavior for as long as necessary. One wonders exactly how long he thinks that is.
I guess Joe looked this "Hunter" guy up on Wikipedia:
Since the early months of 2019, Hunter Biden and his father have been the subjects of debunked conspiracy theories pushed by U.S. president Donald Trump and his allies concerning Hunter Biden's business dealings and Joe Biden's anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine on behalf of the United States during the time he was vice president.
Wikipedia has been spinning like crazy to avoid giving any credence to the Hunter Biden story. Shameful.
Notice that he doesn't deny any of the accusations, such as that Hunter was the bagman for bribes Burisma paid to have Joe use the power of his position to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired. If he denied anything, he'd be calling someone a liar, and they could sue him. So he just keeps saying that he is proud of his boy and doesn't see any problem. That might work for another month. Maybe he thinks that is long enough.
"... Hunter Biden and his father have been the subjects of debunked conspiracy theories ..."
Joe did the deed, Hunter collected the payoff. That's a "conspiracy theory"?
Since Slo Jo does not need to actually be in public anymore, why don't his handlers just Max Headroom him for all of his 'speeches'? They might as well go full CGI since everything about him is made up. That way, they can eliminate the whole brain freeze issue and all of his speeches will be the most inspired thing ever.
Unless the plan is to see if the gaslighting of DiFi will work to get rid of her. Then the 'Oh My Dog, Hunter Biden is a crook' meme will cause enough concern so that they can tell Slo Jo (actually 'Dr. Biden') he can go quietly, or they will throw Hunter under the bus and SLo Jo with him.
Then they get Heels Up and whoever the swamp wants as new vp.
Good times I tell you..
I would respect the notion that Joe Biden loves his son, supports him, and advocates for him, except that he and Hunter (and Joe's brother) are complicit in corrupt self-enriching activities derived from senior's government position. Rather I conclude that he is abusing his son and using him to fill his pockets with cash. Evil.
Joe Biden as president? How far America has fallen, being saddled with this befuddled, loud-mouthed, do-nothing grifter.
The old man will fuck this up BIG Time, as predicted by BIG Zer0 Barcky.
but it tickled Colbert's anus - that's for sure.
Any stranger with candy has had this opportunity for well over two decades now...
"Now that's hilarious. Sex reference, am I right?"
Ask your mom.
She was hilarious last night in a sex kind of way...
That was awesome how you insulted Biden by not really insulting him. Very clever!
Once we overthrow the election results and dismantle the courts then I guess we can afford to be less subtle once more.
1- so Hunter is an unstable genius?
2-if Biden was a Repub, the media would be tracking Hunter's old classmates, teachers and high school report cards.
Give Hunter some credit for absolutely disappearing..quarantining.
Give Barr credit for keeping the Hunter investigation from becoming "political"
(robble, robble)
If Hunter's been in rehab eight times, it means he's a hopeless junkie.
Hunter Biden is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
That Joe Smith is such a card. Hw knows all the naughty ones!
Hard hitting journalism!
And yes, I know that Colbert is not a "journalist". But do you think anyone in the media will actually ask a more difficult question?
If you laid a bunch of tax-free cash on me I would consider you very smart indeed.
Well, Colbert is a comedy show...and Joe is a joke...So it was a good fit. Too bad Democrats love to be lied to, and take this as gospel. They are going to get fucked, good and hard. Enjoy!!
Notice that Chuck and Inga are silent about this?
I can't believe the CCP actually spent money to get this guy elected. I mean it's not even a secret that the Biden family is for sale. But they're all so fuckin'.............mediocre.
Yeah. "Vote for Joe! He's gonna homogenize you milk!" If the whole thing wasn't so shabby and pathetic it would be comedy.
When is Biden’s halo going to make its first appearance?
Here's what I take away: Joe Biden has spent his entire adult life 60 years or so in the elite echelons of the Democratic party. And the smartest person he has ever met is Hunter Biden.
"When is Biden’s halo going to make its first appearance?"
Forget the halo, what about Hunter's new daughter?
DJT relies on smart guys. Calls evening oval office meeting on election strategy for ... Giuliani, Powell, Flynn, Meadows and Cipollone.
God keep Joe Biden, lest we get the Hyena.
"I can't believe the CCP actually spent money to get this guy elected."
Well, me either...because there's no proof they did.
Your critique of Colbert’s softball is so immediate and sophomoric. Where is the flight of fancy in pondering questions like how if Trump had been Colbert’s heart throb the sorts of questions that he would formulate — about 25th Amendment, prostitutes peeing in Obama bed or the emoluments clause.
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