November 17, 2020

"We don’t really want to see Mamaw at Thanksgiving and bury her by Christmas... It’s going to happen. You’re going to say hi at Thanksgiving, it’s so nice to see you..."

"... and you’re either going to be visiting her by Facetime in the ICU or planning a small funeral by Christmas." 

That's how the President of the State Health Office talks to Mississippians, as reported in the Mississippi Free Press.

And a doctor warned that if you travel you'd better drive with special care, "because there’s nowhere for you to go if you have a car wreck."


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Shouting Thomas said...

I never thought that I would live to see Americans bullied by their own government.

So far, no signs of even the desire to fight back.

A member of the congregation asked me to resume leading the congregation in hymns and I replied: “I think singing is prohibited in churches in New York.”

“By who?” he asked. “King Herod?”

gilbar said...

And a doctor warned that if you travel you'd better drive with special care, "because there’s nowhere for you to go if you have a car wreck."

really?? i guess maybe we should just listen to Zeke Emanuel and just start executing any one over the age of 75?
Dr. Zeke Emanuel once argued it's not worth living past 75

Lewis said...

I love her!

wendybar said...

But it's okay for Governors like Newsom to go to the French Laundry with his party of 12.....You peasants stay home and follow directions. We elites can do whatever we want!!!

Leon said...

It's an interesting sort of fear mongering. They aren't saying to old people if you see your family in person you'll die because a certain percentage will answer that we all die in the end and that they'd love to see the kids and grandkids. They're salty like that, them old folks.

Having ancient bent grannies tell you off is embarrassing and takes the wind out of your sails when you're a so called authority figure.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

Shouting Thomas said...
“I think singing is prohibited in churches in New York.”

why shouldn't the Government prohibit singing?
It's NOT like you have a Constitutional right to religion
Church is NOT a protected place; Protected Places are things like:
Strip Clubs
Tattoo Parlors
Marijuana Shops
Abortion Clinics

You have no more right to go to Church, than you do to Assemble, or possess guns
By Gaia! Next thing you'll be expecting to have a right to have votes correctly counted!

Shouting Thomas said...

That government official is lying that you won’t have anywhere to go if you wreck your car.

My son-in-law started out his career working for a local towing company. I still take my car to that company’s garage for repairs.

I guarantee you that the good old boys in Mississippi will come out to take care of you and make you comfortable if you encounter any kind of distress in your travels.

Be not afraid. You’re in good hands.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes this is exactly the panic-mongering I criticized in the school thread. It’s not just scientifically ignorant to talk this way, it is killing people and harming education irreparably. Why the hell do these people want children and innocent people to suffer? This is not the plague! What a frustrating year for the rest of us. We are powerless and have idiots in charge.

Jake said...

I’m sick of everyone trying to have cute names for grandparents. Mawmaw? Gimme a break.

Jaq said...

According to Zeke, we should just burn out the dry tinder already, so it makes you wonder what their real motivation is for the lockdowns they are proposing.

Fernandinande said...

If the eye offends, spell Mississippi with one eye.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Shut The Fuck Up! its for your own good!

mockturtle said...

Most of us realize that there's much more going on here than COVID-19.

JPS said...

Not endorsing this vein of government-to-citizens address, but curiously, Mississippi is the only state in the nation with a current R(t) value below 1 - and it's well below.

pacwest said...

And don't forget to wash your tennis shoes. My wife is probably not going to live to see another Thanksgiving or Christmas due to a deteriorating medical condition. Fuck you.

Mike Sylwester said...

Ivor Cummins' new Update on the Viral Issue - and Lockdown "Science"!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Nobody is promised even THIS Thanksgiving. pray for the Kraken, people.

Anon said...

"That's how the President of the State Health Office talks to Mississippians"

We are facing a pandemic of being patronized by our inferiors.

Of course, a fair number of Americans like it that way. Liberty, what's that?

MayBee said...

They aren't saying to old people if you see your family in person you'll die because a certain percentage will answer that we all die in the end and that they'd love to see the kids and grandkids. They're salty like that, them old folks.

The most inhumane thing was making sick old people die alone during the lockdown. Horrifying, really.

Shouting Thomas said...

Until I volunteered for a few years as an EMT, I had no idea of the intensity of volunteer devotion to helping those in distress in my county.

Really, I’m offended by this stupid bastard’s remarks.

Mississippi, like every other jurisdiction in the U.S., I guarantee you, is well served by a big network of volunteers who attend to the needs of people in distress. They respond without regard to weather or holiday.

These people are not the pieces of shit that occupy our political offices.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Per the article: "Over the past seven days, Mississippi has reported around 7,963 new COVID-19 cases and 102 additional deaths. "

My Wuhan Flu spreadsheet by state goes back to 8/7/20 when Mississippi had had 1,825 deaths to date. In the 14 weeks since then, thru 11/13/20, it had another 1,689 deaths which is an average of 120 per week since 8/7/20.

So if death rate is down a bit, why the hysteria?

Diamond said...

The article highlights the couple that went to church in August and died soon after from covid.

Not one word about the casinos in Biloxi. They reopened in May.

mezzrow said...

Folksy Fascism. That's NOT what I like about the South.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I can't help but notice our public health officials tend to be very unimpressive and very few have not even laid a hand on a real live patient in years yet they are revered as "experts". Many are MPH's and not MD's. The one in LA is a social worker by training, I think, and is paid big bucks $400K per year?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"My wife is probably not going to live to see another Thanksgiving or Christmas due to a deteriorating medical condition."

From delaying needed treatment because hospitals prioritized COVID over other patients? Or is this one of those rare COVID-caused illnesses?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

(Channeling the thoughts of tens of millions of fed up Americans)

These so called experts in the Government need to learn to stop talking trash. They keep threatening the public with exaggerated things that don't come true. Talking to us like we are children or even like we are slaves that must obey them. We aren't your children. We are NOT your slaves.

Millions of people are NOT dead or dying from Covid. Some people get sick. A few people die... just like EVERY flu that we have had for years. People gave it a good try for a few weeks and stayed home, wore masks. A month, a second, a third they are going for a year of this hysterical, breathless bullshit....WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!! Hysteria for the sake of power.

The numbers of times in my life that the media, the government, religious prophets, have forecast the END, are countless. People have freaked out about things which have not come true or not been end of the world events. The ice age didn't come in the 70's and we aren't in a monstrous heat wave either as threatened by Global Warmists. We went to Woodstock during one of the worst flu epidemics of my life time.

Stop with all the hyperbole and hysteria. WE don't believe you any more. WE KNOW what you are up to. Complete government control of every aspect of our lives. The power that you got in Spring to make people wear masks has gone to your heads and you think you can do more, more more. BACK OFF!!!!

This is dangerous because at some point there might, probably WILL be something really worth listening to. It might actually be important...but you have "Called Wolf" too many times.

We. don't. believe. you. AND if you don't shut up and butt out of our lives....we might find a way to make you.

robother said...

My mom, bailing me out of jail on graduation night (for minor in possession of beer): "This will kill your father when he finds out!"

And sure enough, 34 years later he died.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Fascists are going to fascist.

320Busdriver said...

“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said.

”This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”

Let that sink in

Humperdink said...

I've lived a good life. I would be ready at anytime to shed this weary body.

Lord Clanfiddle said...

Sweet Jesus. Leave us alone already. Some jerk tut-tutted me this morning for not wearing a mask OUTSIDE where I never came within 12 feet of any living person. I'm surrounded by highly-credentialed dimwits.

Temujin said...

Shouting Thomas said: "So far, no signs of even the desire to fight back."

The frustration and true cost of these shutdowns is coming to a head. The fight back will happen soon. And it will be an explosion that rocks this country from coast to coast.

Harsh Pencil said...

I have said the following about Thanksgiving: "Do I want to miss 5% of my remaining Thanksgivings with my family over this?" and answering "No".

For Mamaw, they are probably asking her to miss 20% or more. Why? When you are old enough to seriously worry about Covid, you are also old enough that Thanksgivings and Christmases with the family are the very thing you are living for.

Rick.T. said...

“I’m sick of everyone trying to have cute names for grandparents. Mawmaw? Gimme a break.”

Agree. Everybody knows it’s Meemaw.

Temujin said...

Among the things that this Wuhan virus has done, is to bring to the forefront the heads of the various State Health Departments or Public Health Departments. It has been enlightening, if not a bit disappointing. From Michigan to Washington, these people seem more on a quest, than looking at the overall state of public health, both mentally and physically. In many cases, they seem to be more or less a political, and not a public health statement. Not to mention a complete disconnect from the very real issue of businesses closing down en masse, no revenue, no tax revenue, no government.

Big Mike said...

@pacwest, sorry to read your comment. You have my sympathy.

Howard said...

It's all them coastal elite Libtards that dominates Mississippi like an iron maiden. This would not be tolerated in MAGA States.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

it's ok if it is a peaceful "Ingratitude Protest"

...or a Turkey Funeral. Bring refreshments to the wake

Fear is now a virtue, and makes them a better person

Big Mike said...

Mississippi? Are you sure that’s not someone from the Evers administration. Professor? Sounds like something a blue state official would say.

I Callahan said...

It's all them coastal elite Libtards that dominates Mississippi like an iron maiden. This would not be tolerated in MAGA States.

Do you always have to be such an asshole?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

pacwest My wife is probably not going to live to see another Thanksgiving or Christmas due to a deteriorating medical condition

I'm so sorry and do understand your pain, sorrow and anger. My best wishes to you and your family. what you have to do and eff the rules.

We were not 'allowed' to see my dying father early this year due to the Covid panic. One last moment to be there. One last time to hold his hand and kiss his cheek. Gone forever.

Even now, we are not getting together as a family to have a final send off, because some relatives are still in full Covid lockdown mode. Some for understandable health reasons. That is their decision and I respect it.

I feel very fortunate in that I had some major abdominal surgery recently 1.5 months ago) that probably has saved my life. It was at a (prestigious) teaching hospital on the West Coast. I am thankful. BUT...probably the only reason I was "allowed" the surgery is that it was for a rather rare/unusual condition and a procedure that isn't done very often. Our resident Doctor on this blog would be interested too.😕

The surgeon and the student doctors/surgeons who were observing were all very excited about it. Me..not so much but happy to be their guinea pig, anyway. If it weren't for the rarity and the teaching opportunity (yay???) nothing would have been done.

Using Covid as a means to LET people die or MAKE people die in order to retain power... is pure evil.

iowan2 said...

All we have to do is find the number of deaths of +70 year olds between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year for the last 10 years. My bet is, not an entirely rare event. Predicting things that we all know are going to happen is not much of talent. Such is the incompetence of the experts(bow down) making the rules.

daskol said...

Drunk on power, or just fucking drunk? These idiots just keep poking the bear. Poke poke poke.

DanTheMan said...

>>My mom, bailing me out of jail on graduation night (for minor in possession of beer): "This will kill your father when he finds out!"

When I was about 15, my dad called me aside one day and said "Danny, you're at that age where I don't know all of your friends, some of them have cars, and you go out sometimes and I don't know where you are or when you are coming back.
I just want you to know that if you get arrested, you get one phone call. Don't waste your call on me, because I'm not coming."

At the time, I just said something like "Ok, dad, sure, whatever."
But there were a few times later on when my friends were about to do something stupid, and I'd say "Just let me out here..."

mockturtle said...

Pacwest@8:00AM: I am so sorry to hear about your wife. You and she and your family will most certainly be in my prayers! God bless you both.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I Callahan... The Girl can't help it!

hombre said...

These government assholes are all the same. Despite Democrat/snowflake/leftmedia “tyrant” hysteria, Trump was the one who did stuff rather than just asking us to submit.

A hospital ship in New York, an Army CoE built hospital in Brooklyn empty while Gov. Grandma Killer orders nursing homes to take in China Virus patients and Fauci says “He got it right!” Now, Killer Cuomo is the goto guy for Covid bloviation.

The Killer and Beijing Biden are in and Trump is probably out. It’s really just beyond rational belief.

Skeptical Voter said...

Thoese Southern boys--and Southern Gentlemen in government do love to tell a good story--don't they. See Mamaw at Thanksgiving and bury her by Christmas. Well for some folks I guess it depends upon how they feel about their mother in law.

iowan2 said...

I'm still see no science to support covid is aerosolized. Best I find is "maybe".

Today, my go to conclusion, the answer does not support the narrative, so all reporting is curated to support lockdowns, favored by Dems, even though there is no evidence they are effective.

Todd said...

They are acting like this is the friggen "Andromeda Strain". What a bunch of soy-boys.

Wince said...

Jake said...
I’m sick of everyone trying to have cute names for grandparents. Mawmaw? Gimme a break.

Using Mawmaw to mau-mau the populace?

iowan2 said...

Dan the Man said
I just want you to know that if you get arrested, you get one phone call. Don't waste your call on me, because I'm not coming."

That's exactly, word for word what my dad told me.

It came at the same time we had "the talk" You know the "the talk" blacks talk about???
Yep white privileged(didn't feel privileged) kid getting "the talk". Dont lip off to cops. Follow their orders to the letter, say yes sir, no sir, be cooperative, and sign any citations on the spot. Never admit guilt.
I too, bailed on shenanigans because I would just as soon wake up in my own bed, even though I miss out on the "fun".

alan markus said...

iowan2 said...
All we have to do is find the number of deaths of +70 year olds between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year for the last 10 years.

Years ago I dealt professionally with elderly residents of our community. I sat on a few local United Way committees. One of our colleagues was the director of the county agency that provides services to the elderly. She said that her agency's peak times for incoming requests for information started the week after Thanksgiving and continued through Christmas. Basically, it was at that time significant declines in the health and well being of the elderly over the past year would be noted. Noted by the entire family at the same time, so everyone was pretty much on the same page that certain truths needed to be confronted.

Andrew said...

Am I the only one here who is thankful to NOT spend the holiday with family? To NOT attend Thanksgiving after this past election, and listen to everyone gloat at the dinner table? That would be like the Pit of Despair in The Princess Bride. I wouldn't have been there anyway, but the virus makes things simpler.

Just me and my kids this year. That's sufficient.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I would rather have Rodents Of Unusual Size..

Jeff Brokaw said...

What DBQ said at 8:16. This shit is way past tiresome.

That’ll be the day, when I need to get lectured by a career politician. On assessing risk for me and my family. Like they give a shit.

The phrase GFY keeps popping into my head lately.

tommyesq said...

It is not just a risk (the extent of which remains undetermined), "[i]t is going to happen" said the Party of Science (POS).

DanTheMan said...

>>Dont lip off to cops. Follow their orders to the letter, say yes sir, no sir, be cooperative, and sign any citations on the spot. Never admit guilt.

My dad was Sicilian, so our "talk" about what to say to the police went along the lines of "You just say "I don't know nuthin' about nuthin'."
Or, in the alternative,
"Officer! I'm a legitimate businessman."

I have passed this wisdom along to my children.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Our dear friend, who is the same age as my husband and who has a lovely wife and two elementary aged children, finally got in to see a doctor after months of weird-feeling swallowing but 'sorry only we're only open for covid.' Throat cancer, 50/50 shot now that they have caught it.

Thanks Washington State, fuck you very much, and also, I hope every single sanctimonious democrat government asshole dies in a fire.

AZ Bob said...

Why wasn't the media the least bit curious about what Gov. Newsom ate at the French Laundry? I think it would have been worth at least a sidebar. Here's a taste of what might have been on the menu. It is worth going to the link just seeing the pictures.

mockturtle said...

Dan the Man remembers: When I was about 15, my dad called me aside one day and said "Danny, you're at that age where I don't know all of your friends, some of them have cars, and you go out sometimes and I don't know where you are or when you are coming back.
I just want you to know that if you get arrested, you get one phone call. Don't waste your call on me, because I'm not coming."

That happened to my brother at about the same age. His friend's father came and bailed him out but my father let my brother spend the night in jail.

Skipper said...

Resistance may be futile, but resist we must.

stevew said...

How many of the people leading and staffing these State Health Departments or Public Health Departments are knowledgeable about virus transmission and pandemic crisis management? And not just in general but this specific one? What experience do they have in dealing with such an event? I would guess few to none given their public advocacy of measures that either are shown not to be effective or are simply unproven.

The Gov here in Maine was oh so proud of herself and the people just a month or two ago when the case, hospitalization, and death counts were barely above zero. Now the numbers are spiking, as they were predicted to do once Fall settled in, and she doubles down on the measures that don't work. Oh, and blames a wedding gathering up in Millinocket and all those visitors from Massachusetts.

The response has been interesting. Coinciding with a declaration that we all must wear masks whenever in public I am seeing fewer mask wearers. Seems Joe Public knows the truth and is acting accordingly.

Big Mike said...

@Misplaced Pants, I am so sorry to read your comment. I hope he makes it.

MadisonMan said...

When I was about 15, my dad called me aside one day and said "Danny, you're at that age where I don't know all of your friends, some of them have cars, and you go out sometimes and I don't know where you are or when you are coming back.
I just want you to know that if you get arrested, you get one phone call. Don't waste your call on me, because I'm not coming."

Dad said his Dad always told him (this in the 30s, and my Dad was quite a prankster): If the police come to me with a story about you, and I don't know about it beforehand, you're on your own. If I do know about it when they tell me, I'll do everything I can to protect you.
Good, sensible advice for any kid from a father.

Achilles said...

I Callahan said...

It's all them coastal elite Libtards that dominates Mississippi like an iron maiden. This would not be tolerated in MAGA States.

Do you always have to be such an asshole?

Howard has no soul.

He had to vote for a demented rapist who sold us out to China and he has no way to defend anything the democrats have done.

Howard can't tell you a single action that Biden said he would do.

People like this are empty and when you have no pride it hurts.

He lashes out and in Howard's case it is stupid taunts and dick waving.

mikee said...

Why are you picking on old Miss, when New York & New Jersey are still so very very badly run as to be the stuff of dystopian video games?

pacwest said...

Thanks to all. We have had a full life, rich with family, fun, friends, travel and careers. We have known for some time the day would come and have no regrets (other than coming just short of 50 years married:). The point of my comment was that we can and will make our own decisions in this. There has never been a single Christmas we have not all been together. We will not miss this one hiding in fear. Death comes to us all.

Her illness is genetic and not covid related, although she did have to delay an operation in April.

Achilles said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Our dear friend, who is the same age as my husband and who has a lovely wife and two elementary aged children, finally got in to see a doctor after months of weird-feeling swallowing but 'sorry only we're only open for covid.' Throat cancer, 50/50 shot now that they have caught it.

Thanks Washington State, fuck you very much, and also, I hope every single sanctimonious democrat government asshole dies in a fire.

Start networking. Get on Parler. Meet your friends at church.

Tell your Pastor not to bend the knee. Go to your small church meetings and get people together.

The church is going to be the backbone of the resistance. That is why they are trying to shut them down with COVID panic.

Achilles said...

mikee said...

Why are you picking on old Miss, when New York & New Jersey are still so very very badly run as to be the stuff of dystopian video games?

Because this has nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with keeping people isolated and alone and bending the knee to fear.

Shit is going to hit the fan within a couple days.

If Trump has the goods on Dominion Software, whose employees are all wiping their social media accounts, he will not go quietly.

The Democrats will have a choice to make soon.

Yancey Ward said...

"Mississippi? Are you sure that’s not someone from the Evers administration. Professor? Sounds like something a blue state official would say."

All of these bureaucratic institutions in local government are controlled by Democrats- even in the deepest red states. They have burrowed in, they never leave, and they make absolutely sure that no one who disagrees with them is ever hired. Seriously- to know this all you have to do is to look at every single state university and understand that the exact same thing happens to every other state institution.

bagoh20 said...

Case morbidity is down by 88% since the spring. Millions are now immune and millions more appear to have a form of partial immunity that reduces symptoms if they do catch it. This really pisses off some people.

Yancey Ward said...

I would rather have Rodents Of Unusual Size..

The obligatory.......ROUS's? I don't think they exist.

Howard said...

Bago: what you are saying is that flattening the curve via early lockdowns you were against actually worked.

n.n said...

2020-11-17 Sevier County Meeting

This is what it will take. Denninger assembles the facts and presents them to government officials, and anyone willing to listen, in a lucid manner. Go to his website. Read his in depth posts on a broad range of issues. Perhaps there will be more of his kind who will come forward.

Separately, America's Frontline Doctors

Great Barrington Declaration

And there are more, on the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 saga, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] global cooling... warming... change, etc.

CJ said...

The spelling "Mamaw" is probably entirely the work of the reporter, who is transliterating something spoken by a doctor at a press conference.

That said, public health officials are not the cream of the medical crop. This reminds me that a nurse friend of mine once advised me to stay away from any doctors who had served with Doctors Without Borders.

Browndog said...

MayBee said...

The most inhumane thing was making sick old people die alone during the lockdown. Horrifying, really.

Beyond horrifying. Too many ignore the spiritual aspect of dying. Even the condemned are afforded Last Rites.

bagoh20 said...

On her deathbed Mamaw may regret seeing her family for their last Thanksgiving, or she may regret not seeing them. I'd say that's up to her.

n.n said...

Case morbidity is down by 88% since the spring. Millions are now immune and millions more

Japan, no restrictive mandates. Over half of the population of Tokyo is estimated to be infected ("cases"). Around 3,000 deaths attributed to the virus, disease progression.

Community immunity (notably preexisting) reduces exposure through limiting vectors.

Yancey Ward said...

Be prepared to wear your face diaper for the rest of your life. At this point no one is even pretending that it has anything to do with virus suppression- it is all about power. The face diaper is the boot in the face, and it will be the least of the humiliations you will be ordered to endure.

n.n said...

Globally (i.e. signal diversity), the HCQ cocktail and early treatments are credited to reduce mortality and hospitalization by 80 to 90%.

Lewis said...

Because she;s like you amd I'm always in love.

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Houston announces plans to randomly sample for COVID.

By randomly knocking on doors and taking blood samples.

Just going to drop the mic and walk away from this one...

Thistlerose said...

From talking to people here in Dallas I think that most people have been slapping on a mask and going on with their lives. The leader of the county board who is all in on controlling residents, wants to go back to closing indoor dining and limiting public and private gatherings to 10 people. We had 4 covid deaths yesterday in a county with a population of 2.6 million. I sure hope our Governor filed his letter in the waste bin where it belongs because I don't see anyone around here willing to go back to the way he wants us to live.

William said...

This is why estate planning is so important. My will is in order and I get frequent visits from my family. They're in frequent touch both literally and figuratively. Lots of hugs and kisses. A little old head cold is no impediment for them to travel hundreds of miles in order to express their love and support as I wait for the sunset.

Lucien said...

I would be happy to rebel and go to an outlaw gym, barber shop, bar, etc. — but I don’t own any such business and can’t blame the owners or staff if they don’t care to be fined out of existence.

bagoh20 said...

"Bago: what you are saying is that flattening the curve via early lockdowns you were against actually worked."

The biology doesn't know about the lockdown. The virus is weakening and our immune system is strengthening, as we develop better treatments. A lot of that is due to exposure, not hiding.

Like most Americans, I was fine with the lockdown for the first coupe weeks to see what was happening. If it worked, why are we still doing it?

Yancey Ward said...

Has anyone else noticed YouTube's new 3 minute long ads?

Who pays for these ads? It has got to be the most wasted money in business at this point.

Sam L. said...

Ahhhh, the fear and loathing of our "betters"...

Balfegor said...

On the one hand, yes it makes sense to avoid gatherings of people coming from diverse locations at this time. I'm skipping Thanksgiving this year, myself. But on the other, it's credibility destroying when public health officials take this hysterical tone. Because guaranteed there will be thousands of people who see "Maw maw" over Thanksgiving and comparatively few of them are going to see deadly coronavirus outbreaks as a result. You think those people are going to trust public health officials next time? A significant fraction of the public is just going to blow them off as crying wolf next time. Actually, that's probably already the case (and understandably so) throughout most of the US. Public health officials need to focus on rebuilding their credibility, and crap like this doesn't help one bit.

bagoh20 said...

A flatter curve is a longer curve. It's like when you give kids a choice of two treats. Once they have gotten the one they chose, they want the one they didn't pick even more. We chose to flatter, so now we have longer, but the officials want to have it both ways. We agreed to sacrifice, and we did. Now leave us alone.

Lucien said...

Achilles, I can’t believe anybody can believe that a sample excluding everyone who says “Fuck off unless you got a warrant” could count as random.

Joe Smith said...

I am so sick of the fear mongering...

One of my dearest friends (a doctor) contracted Covid about four days ago.

He is almost 60, considerably overweight, single, etc...

He has lost taste/smell (which he says is bizarre) and had a low-grade fever for a couple of days (only at night). But breathing is normal, and he considers it nothing more than an inconvenience as he's had to cancel his usual surgeries.

He expects to be back at work by Monday...

Yes, anecdotal...but this is not the plague. This is an incredibly convenient and well-timed method of social control and election rigging.

Lewis said...

'Like you' - I'm being, as usual, 'ironic' - how can you be ironic about being ironic? - I bought this new Bluetooth mouse and I'm enjoying it - you know why? because last month, or the month before last, I ordered an old lg g5 - and the sent the box, guess what was inside? A Blackberry z60 - so amazon is in my black books but I wouldn't go to ebay. And I got this blootooth mouse, so there's that.

Lord Clanfiddle said...

We called my Mississippi-born grandmother 'Mamaw' and my Florida-born grandmother 'Mimi'. It's a Southern thing, I think.

stevew said...

Looking at the Johns Hopkins website I see that New Hampshire and Maine are spiking cases now, around 200 per day, but that unlike many other states did not have a similar spike back in the Spring. Both states have been open, more or less and with reduced capacity, since late June. The recent spike began in both states toward the end of October. The restrictions on people from MA traveling in to Maine were lifted toward the end of September, NH lifted the restrictions in July. Seems unlikely the Mass folks are the cause of the spikes.

We don't know how this works, how it spreads, at least not well. We do know that the tactics used for the last six months are, at best, ineffective. Stopping the spread has always been impossible.

Johns Hopkins: America is Reopening But Have We Flattened the Curve?

Darrell said...

A New Yorker assesses Cuomo's Pandemic Response.

Click This.

Freeman Hunt said...

Houston announces plans to randomly sample for COVID.

By randomly knocking on doors and taking blood samples.

Ha! What a weird plan. Who's going to give blood to a guy in a yellow vest at the door. I foresee many calls to the police. "Some freak is walking the neighborhood asking for people's blood!"

I'm Full of Soup said...

Johns Hopkins website reported total deaths in Missisippi as 3,514 on Friday 11/13/20. Just now, it shows 3,545 four days later - an increase of 31 deaths. So 8 per day.

NCMoss said...

Govt officials dressed up as household cleaning products are way more effective.

SGT Ted said...

I see the press fear porn is in full bloom

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Freeman I foresee many calls to the police. "Some freak is walking the neighborhood asking for people's blood!"

I really don't see this happening in MY area, because

1. There aren't any police. Only Sheriffs and about 1 or 2 guys to patrol an area of 2500 square miles (50 x 50 miles)

2. If you did call and they were lucky enough to be near you, they might respond in a half hour.

3. Strange people coming up to your house. You don't answer the door unless it is the persistent SDA people. Then you chat a bit and they feel good and leave.

4. Strangers coming to your door demanding entry and wanting to assault your body are likely to end up visiting the lava beds for their eternal resting spots.

Seriously. The legal challenges to this will be massive. People are NOT going to comply.

Harsh Pencil said...

"Hello. Can we have your liver?"

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Ha! What a weird plan. Who's going to give blood to a guy in a yellow vest at the door. I foresee many calls to the police. "Some freak is walking the neighborhood asking for people's blood!"

Right? And illustrative of how loss of trust due to incompetence, poor communication etc has hurt health departments and county government (esp Harris County; yikes). This could yield helpful data. Normally I would be delighted to help with such things. Now? Not a chance in the world am I giving those assholes any cooperation whatsoever. All they have shown is that they mishandle and misuse any information they get, and they are not on my side in any way.

Leland said...

In Braveheart the quote is:
Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

Now it is supposedly:
Aye, take our freedom. We trade all our days, so that one day we can die in solitude with no family or friends to see us. We do this to protect that .3%

Joe Smith said...

"Johns Hopkins website reported total deaths in Missisippi as 3,514 on Friday 11/13/20. Just now, it shows 3,545 four days later - an increase of 31 deaths. So 8 per day."

Just heard the hourly news lead with a covid case number update.

Since this same press is insistent on calling Biden 'president elect' how about we put all covid cases post-November 3 on his slate?

Howard said...

One big problem is no one really understands the how and why of super spreaders.

BUMBLE BEE said...

We do know this virus is eminently survivable at a rate of %99.

Achilles said...

SGT Ted said...

I see the press fear porn is in full bloom

It comes.

The fan and the shit have opposite charges right now.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If you're afraid or vulnerable stay home. Live life.

Achilles said...

BUMBLE BEE said...

We do know this virus is eminently survivable at a rate of %99.

Survivability is higher if you have sufficient Vitamin D/C levels.

That is why they want everyone locked inside.

Greg Hlatky said...

Houston announces plans to randomly sample for COVID.

Wonder who came up with that bright idea, the moron mayor Sylvester Turner or Teen Gauleiter Lina Hidalgo, the county judge.

rehajm said...

Meemaw died last Thanksgiving, so I'm good to go, right?

Narr said...

Turkey Day and Christmas used to mean houses full of people; this year my wife and I will host our son and my last brother. They're all anti-Trump to one degree or another; my son has been exposed and tested negative at work twice since the panic began, and my brother is so CNNed and MSDNCed that he may not even come--too DANGEROUS.

It's pretty easy for politicians to stampede Americans now--the media has primed us to be afraid, be very afraid.

Oma (and Opa briefly), and Granny

Howard said...

Speaking of Meema and Popop, has anyone heard from Allen S lately? I'm starting to worry about him.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I have passed this wisdom along to my children.

We also advise the children and grandchildren that along with politely complying with LEO requests, the proper response to any question is to say, “I choose to not make any statement at this time.” Especially not the classic, “Do you know why I pulled you over today?”

Mary Beth said...

By randomly knocking on doors and taking blood samples

And this is how you combine COVID testing with clearing up unsolved crimes for which you have DNA evidence.

Yancey Ward said...

You will see an orgy of shutdowns between now and January 20th. The goal will be to destroy the economy fully so that Joe Biden can come in at the very bottom to save the day. The other goal will be to win the two Georgia races in early January, which the Democrats are pretty certain to accomplish.

Michael said...

A positive test is not a fucking “case”. I know a dozen people who ran a fever for a few hours and tested positive. They did not go to the hospital. They did not go to a doctor. They are not dead. In fact they are fine. They had the dreaded covid19 and died not. As 98% who are infected. They died not.

Mattman26 said...

DBQ has received Mattman's highly coveted Comment of the Day Award. Congratulations. Prize should arrive in 4 to 6 weeks (or not).

Karen of Texas said...

"Steve Sisolak, governor of Nevada, recently scolded citizens of his state. Why, only irresponsible behavior can account for a rise in "cases" there!

So he's teling Nevadans that they have two weeks to get things under control.

He warned, "I’m not going to come back in two weeks and say I’m going to give you another chance.”

And then, three days later, Governor Sisolak himself tested positive for COVID-19.

Should we treat him like he's 7 and scold him for his irresponsible behavior, the way he just did to his citizens?

The governor was forced to admit: “You can take all the precautions that are possible and you can still contract the virus. I don’t know how I got it. How did we catch it? I don't know. We wore masks. We socially distanced. We avoided crowds. We haven't had people in our house."

Ha. Ha. Virus gonna virus. And...

"Arne Duncan

I so appreciate everyone's good wishers!

How did we catch it?
I don't know

We were masks
We socially distanced
We avoided crowds
We haven't had people in our house

And, I'm sure whoever gave it to us felt they did the same

COVID is in the air now- in almost every room you enter"

Now Arne's tweet might have a clue. Note the last sentence. " COVID is in the air now- in almost every room you enter"

Just what exactly do you think they are prepping for with statements like that?

This is a psyop founded on the fear of C19. Through demoralizing(shaming), dehumanizing(masks), escalating "crisis"(a "casedemic" vs pandemic), and normalization(New Normal), behavior is being modified (mask wearing, social distancing and accepting the troupe that even with a vaccine, masks and social distancing may still be necessary,  tyvm Fauci, and acceptance of health ids to prove receipt of mandatory vaccination thus allowing one to "fully participate in society), we are approaching a controlled world of smaller numbers of compliant people.

n.n said...

A positive test is not a fucking “case”

It's actually worse. A "case" is past (e.g. seroconverted), probable (i.e. correlation of symptoms), possible (e.g. viral fragments), and progressive (i.e. disease).

Rabel said...

"President of the State Health Office"


n.n said...

I see the press fear porn is in full bloom

Social contagion, not limited to reporting of the virus/disease... 16 trimesters and in progress.

Rabel said...

What you people are missing in all the kneejerk responses is that Mississippi has the least restrictive "lockdown" south of South Dakota and the discussion here was to encourage voluntary efforts to minimize transmission during the holidays as the cases spike.

It's pretty much what most of you have been calling for.

Leland said...

I just saw an article that NY county sheriffs are refusing to enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving limits on households. Why is it Democrats keep creating laws and rules to be scoffed?

mockturtle said...

A friend and I were on a trail this morning here in AZ and passed a couple--no doubt from California--wearing masks. On a hiking trail.

MadisonMan said...

Watch the Monsters are due on Maple Street. Substitute in COVID19 for Monsters.

mockturtle said...

Leland @11:04: Excellent! Time to watch Braveheart again. It's a serious questions, isn't it? Are we really willing today to fight for our freedoms? Or are our lives just too valuable to risk? While I'd like to think the former, I fear the latter.

Butkus51 said...

Covid wil be the reason for many things. Dems went to the Chinese a year ago and said, we have a problem, you have a problem, lets talk.

Now, prove me wrong. That's how it works now. I'm all in with the program.

boatbuilder said...

"What you people are missing in all the kneejerk responses is that Mississippi has the least restrictive "lockdown" south of South Dakota and the discussion here was to encourage voluntary efforts to minimize transmission during the holidays as the cases spike.

It's pretty much what most of you have been calling for."

So we should be just fine with public health officials spreading outrageous fear-mongering, because otherwise they will order us to comply?

Spiros said...

Michael Levitt and Michael Yeadon seem to think that "a lethal pandemic sweeping the land, killing thousands of people" would show up in "total mortality charts." But Covid deaths are not. Is this second or third or fourth wave of Covid just "misdiagnoses"?

MadTownGuy said...

gilbar said...

"why shouldn't the Government prohibit singing?
It's NOT like you have a Constitutional right to religion
Church is NOT a protected place; Protected Places are things like:
Strip Clubs
Tattoo Parlors
Marijuana Shops
Abortion Clinics

Also liquor stores and casinos.

Breezy said...

Just came back from a walk in our local state park. Cool weather, nary a soul but those we see are staying well apart, most without masks.

Signs up now to warn of $300 cost for violating mask wearing ordinance in any public space. Per violation.

MAsshole Gov Baker. I so hate this shit.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

To whoever mentioned the Pit of Despair: In the book it is the Zoo of Death, which IMO is much, much cooler.

wendybar, Newsom didn't have a "party of twelve," but a party containing members of twelve different households, which is considerably worse. AND Kinney (the lobbyist whose birthday it was) had the astonishing gall to chew out Kim Kardashian ON THE DAY OF HIS OWN PARTY for inviting 30 friends to celebrate her birthday on a "private island." And to remark, smugly, that he'd be spending his own birthday quietly at home. You'd think a lobbyist would realize that blatant falsehoods like that have a way of leaking out, sooner rather than later, but . . . it's not that the MSM would notice. The only falsehoods circulating anywhere were put out there by Trump.

Daddy Binx said...

mockturtle said...
"A friend and I were on a trail this morning here in AZ and passed a couple--no doubt from California--wearing masks. On a hiking trail."

I was in the San Isabel National Forest area in Colorado a few weeks back. Saw a family of 4 out for a bike ride along the highway, kids in the 8-12 year old range. All 4 were wearing masks, not one was wearing a helmet.

I Callahan said...

It's pretty much what most of you have been calling for.

What are you calling for, Rabel?

Rabel said...

"So we should be just fine with public health officials spreading outrageous fear-mongering, because otherwise they will order us to comply?"

You don't want Mamaw to die, do you?

But seriously, you had to move the goalpost a long way to come up with that response.

Balfegor said...

Re: Rabel:

What you people are missing in all the kneejerk responses is that Mississippi has the least restrictive "lockdown" south of South Dakota and the discussion here was to encourage voluntary efforts to minimize transmission during the holidays as the cases spike.

When you try to encourage voluntary compliance by telling people definitively something you know is somewhere between gross exaggeration and an outright lie -- viz. that seeing grandma over Thanksgiving means she's in an ICU or a grave by Christmas -- is straight up idiotic.

Just tell people the truth! The elderly are at greater risk if they are infected (and that risk sharply increases with age), and having large gatherings of people from different households increases the risk that one of you has been infected and might pass it on. If people look at the percentages, they may decide they're willing to take those risks. I realise public health
officials think they're saving lives by lying to the public exaggerate the risks. But lying to the public under these circumstances is just dumb. It's stupid. It's foolish and shortsighted. It breeds distrust in experts and public health authorities, who need to remain credible in order to persuade people to take appropriate measures in response.

Rockeye said...

CJ Said
That said, public health officials are not the cream of the medical crop. This reminds me that a nurse friend of mine once advised me to stay away from any doctors who had served with Doctors Without Borders.

Yeah, I've heard that too. Stay away from Harvard MDs too. Everyone I've met thinks public policy is what they should be doing. The last one I worked with seemed proud that he has never, ever, had a single, patient of his own. Never treated a single sick or broken person. He instead liked to prattle on about the Social Determinants of Health. Such twaddle. Very duck. Much quack.

DavidD said...

Or you can insist that Mamaw spend Thanksgiving alone and then find that she’s dead by Christmas anyway.

And you would’ve missed your last chance to spend some time with her.

bagoh20 said...

I heard a "newscaster" today say that "the Midwest is covered in Covid". Sounds like they line everyone up against a wall and hose them down with a pressure washer. You people must be dirty little animals.

I Callahan said...

Just tell people the truth! The elderly are at greater risk if they are infected (and that risk sharply increases with age), and having large gatherings of people from different households increases the risk that one of you has been infected and might pass it on. If people look at the percentages, they may decide they're willing to take those risks.

Which, in a sane world and free country, would be the limit of what government health departments are tasked to do. Not in this one, however, where bureaucrats are allowed to shut down businesses and threaten free people with fines because those businesses / people are not making decisions they way said bureaucrats want them to.

Rabel said...

"What are you calling for, Rabel?"

Primarily voluntary efforts to minimize spread with the heavy hand of government used only when hospital capacity begins to be overtaxed.

boatbuilder said...

Rabel:"...the discussion here was to encourage voluntary efforts to minimize transmission during the holidays as the cases spike."

"You don't want Mamaw to die, do you?

But seriously, you had to move the goalpost a long way to come up with that response."

I guess I missed your point. What was it? Do you think that it's OK, a good thing, right, correct, a positive step or anything other than WRONG for public health officials to gaslight and fear-monger the public? Did you completely miss the implied message?

tcrosse said...

Here in Vegas panic buying has hit the supermarkets again, just in time for the Holidays. Bummer.

n.n said...

Check people's temperature at the door. Take precautions with anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Wash your hands to mitigate fecal (i.e. asymptomatic) spread. For people who believe in masks, don't forget your goggles. That said, don't allow grandma to become the collateral damage of social contagion. As if Planned Parent wasn't enough.

JPS said...


Your comment at 9:45 is a great one. My best wishes to you both, and your loved ones.

Rabel said...

"When you try to encourage voluntary compliance by telling people definitively something you know is somewhere between gross exaggeration and an outright lie -- viz. that seeing grandma over Thanksgiving means she's in an ICU or a grave by Christmas -- is straight up idiotic."

If you bother to read past the Althouse quote you'll see that those "gross exaggerations" were issued with the proper caveats, i.e. "We'll see some of that. It's going to happen."

And that is true, not a lie.

M Jordan said...

We live in a madhouse. Social distancing, lockdowns, masks have proven worthless but here we go again. What’s the point of all these measures anyway? To slow the spread? What, so we can suffer for five more years while the virus does what viruses all do?

There are only three real options: 1) herd immunity (let er rip), 2) vaccine (which is in vitro herd immunity), 3) therapies. Everything else is a terrible, terrible joke.

I'm Not Sure said...

"It breeds distrust in experts and public health authorities, who need to remain credible in order to persuade people to take appropriate measures in response."

If that ship hasn't already sailed, it will be departing shortly.

Scott said...

more fear porn. These people are enjoying their time in the limelight, while the cure remains worse than the disease

Rabel said...

"Do you think that it's OK, a good thing, right, correct, a positive step or anything other than WRONG for public health officials to gaslight and fear-monger the public?"

I see no gaslighting in the meeting referenced and warning the public about a communicable disease is not the same as fear mongering.

If you believe the virus is a hoax, or not a danger to the general public, or a trick by elitist globalists like the Governor of Mississsippi!!! to take control of the USA then we'll just have to disagree.

Achilles said...

Gavin Newsome has awesome party with lobbyists. Locks the rest of his state and his Winery competitors down.

He exempted his winery from the lock downs too.

But yeah we are trying to stop COVID.

Achilles said...

Rabel said...

I see no gaslighting in the meeting referenced and warning the public about a communicable disease is not the same as fear mongering.

If you believe the virus is a hoax, or not a danger to the general public, or a trick by elitist globalists like the Governor of Mississsippi!!! to take control of the USA then we'll just have to disagree.

How many people have died of COVID?

Do you know?

What is your source of information?

Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Jess said...

We're having a large Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe the festivities will include a serious trouncing of a public official thinking they should interrupt. I can only hope.

n.n said...

For people concerned about large gatherings, they should be concerned with any association, where the other person has liberally socialized in time, place, and diversity. Think HIV/AIDS, another virus primarily spread through fecal transmission.

Rusty said...

”This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”
Said the moron who has no idea how markets really work.

robother said...

Mississippi. Drivin' my pickup truck to Meemaw's, getting in a wreck, no room in the ER, had to bind up my wounds with duct tape. Now, we're burying Meemaw on Christmas, 'cause of the 'rona we gave her.

David Alan Coe, John Prine, Steve Goodman, thou shouldst be living at this hour!

effinayright said...

My Primary Care doctor in the vaunted Lahey Clinic system has refused to give me a written waiver from wearing a mask during vigorous exercise, something graciously permitted by our obtuse governor.

She did this despite knowing that my cardiologist has advised me to "push it" when getting cardio exercise, and ignoring my statements that I can't "push it" on a treadmill or elliptical machine while wearing a goddamn mask. (my gym, btw, has the dimensions of a basketball court, has its machines spaced for covid compliance, and is never crowded. The Dr.'s husband goes to that gym, so she KNOWS that gym and what it's like there.)

The way I see it she's violated her Hippocratic Oath. I am deep-sixing her immediately.

Let's face it: we're living under a political, public health and medical TYRANNY.

Nonapod said...

And that is true, not a lie.

Lots of things are true.

It's true that your going to die.

It's true that people lie.

It's true that all human beings make bad decisions.

It's true that somewhere a person is going to die in a car accident within they next few minutes.

And... well there's cancer, given that in the US over 600k people die a year from it, it's true that a person will die from cancer by the time you finisher reading this sentence.

So sure, it's true that out of something like 140 million households that will be celebrating Thanksgiving next week, it's probably a pretty safe bet to say that some small amount of these events will result in the transmission of covid to an elderly person who will then go onto die from it. But that has little to do with whether or not it's appropriate or necessary for a health official to engage in hypotheticals about killing "Mamaw" at this point.

Balfegor said...

Re: Rabel:

I see no gaslighting in the meeting referenced and warning the public about a communicable disease is not the same as fear mongering.

You, ah, you think this is an accurate and sober description of the risks here?

“It’s going to happen. You’re going to say hi at Thanksgiving, it’s so nice to see you, and you’re either going to be visiting her by Facetime in the ICU or planning a small funeral by Christmas,” the MSMA president said.

In like 90, 95% of cases what's actually going to happen is absolutely nothing, not either of the two possibilities this joker is claiming will happen. And lots of people are in fact going to have Thanksgiving celebrations where nothing happens so for a lot of people, this pronouncement is going to be falsified immediately in the next 30 days or so. You think that isn't going to create problems down the line when public health experts are trying to persuade people to take other voluntary measures?

If you want people to respond voluntarily -- as I do -- you should want public health authorities to be scrupulous in their portrayal of risks and the effect of countermeasures. Public health authorities' credibility is already in a pretty deep hole because of flip flops on masks, early dismissal of the concern over coronavirus as racist, the bait and switch where lockdowns were sold to the public as "flattening the curve" and then authorities pretended they always said lockdowns had to continue indefinitely to crush the curve, and other various and sundry bits of dishonesty over the past nine months. At some point, they need to try and dig their way out of that credibility hole, and this kind of thing isn't helping. But if you can't even see how this kind of exaggeration is exaggeration in the first place, I don't think rational discussion is even possible.

5M - Eckstine said...

Doom and Gloomers are right 1 year out of 20. They shout every New Year's baby down with the refrain. "I was right once you know, you'd better listen to me today, or else."

Arashi said...

Washington state is one of the states that has a high degree of compliance with the face diaper and social distance advisories from our erstwhile commandante inslee. We actually have a very low death rate from the WhuFlu despite an increase in 'cases' - this from tests that have a high level of false positives, but thats the test we have. The hospitals are not overwhelmed - I check out the details page at Evergreen Hospital regularly (they were the ground zero hospital here in Washington). But now we are back in super double secret lockdown becasuse commandante inslee is following the 'guidance' of his more knowledgeable counterparts, commandante newsom and commandante brown..

But it is still OK for blm/antifa to burn loot and murder in Seattle (fortunatley the violence has not spread outside Seattle much and the eastside police hit the early looting hard). But by commandante inslee you will not celebrate Thansgiving, nor Christmas, nor gather with friends, etc. But himself and his supporters are free to go to whatever fancy resturant they choose and tell us all to go to hell when they are questioned about it, with the full compliance of the 'free and non-servile media'.

Leadership is when you set an example for others to follow . It is not telling people what to do with threats of the police if they do not, while you go aobut your daily like unimpeded. Rules for they but not for me is totalitarian - period. We are not Venezuela or Cuba yet - but the people in government at the moment who believe themselves to be our rulers can always hope.

5M - Eckstine said...

Mental health executives with low self esteem and weak characters unconsciously ingrain the worst of the problems they face into their psyche. That's like 90 percent of them. A few of them advise world leaders. They should have been required to have been a real doctor with patients for 20 years.

daskol said...

I suppose it was overly optimistic to think that after the election, we'd return to a saner perspective on how we might manage this pandemic. Our elites are grasping, incompetents whose schtick doesn't play so well in the digital age, so of course they will cling to their fear-mongering. I don't know about all the Qanon pedophilic stuff, but our "deep state" elites are absolutely a goddamned death cult. We need to get these fuckers off our backs.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


If you bother to read past the Althouse quote you'll see that those "gross exaggerations" were issued with the proper caveats, i.e. "We'll see some of that. It's going to happen."

There is no reason to make Gross Exaggerations in the first place. These are 'supposed' to be professionals. How about just say the truth. Older people may be more succeptible to Covid and to have large gatherings possibly will put them at risk. Talk to us like the adults that we are.

Instead...we get the WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE routine...the sky is falling! run! hide! lock yourself in a closet until we tell you to come out!

Too many times exaggerating, crying wolf.

We...don' people...anymore (if ever)

I'm Full of Soup said...

"I suppose it was overly optimistic to think that after the election, we'd return to a saner perspective on how we might manage this pandemic."

This is all panicdemic drama designed to drag down the economy to new depths until Jan 20th 2021 so a recovery, under Biden, will look better.

It is also, IMHO, part of a Dem scheme to damage or fatally wound small business owners who tend to vote Republican. Dems view that as a positive byproduct of shutdown theater.

Michael K said...

Even in Mississippi, the health officers are leftists. I've known a bunch of them. They are all bureaucrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Newcasters" in the corporate press are nanny state baby sitters.

Do you need burping?

effinayright said...

In the Free Press article a health guy says there were no hospital beds in Mississippi, but if you look at the actual data published by the state you'll see that's total bullshit:,21994,420,873.html#beds

Out of 6700-odd beds more than 1800 are available.

Out of 800 ICU beds 144 are available.

It's bullshit all the way down.

Joe Smith said...

"Even in Mississippi, the health officers are leftists. I've known a bunch of them. They are all bureaucrats."

Rule of thumb; Any government official with the word 'Public' in their title is guaranteed to be a socialist.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Here in Philly, a reporter wrote a similar staory about beds filling up. She went to two Dem policticans for her sources. So I wondered why didn't she call a few of the big area hospitals to confirm the alleged bed status? It's all political theater.

Rabel said...

"There is no reason to make Gross Exaggerations in the first place."

I wouldn't expect criticism of Mississippi officials' handling of the Coronavirus to be coming from a California resident.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Rabel I wouldn't expect criticism of Mississippi officials' handling of the Coronavirus to be coming from a California resident.

You obviously don't know me very well nor have you read any of my postings.

iowan2 said...

I heard a "newscaster" today say that "the Midwest is covered in Covid". Sounds like they line everyone up against a wall and hose them down with a pressure washer. You people must be dirty little animals.

Dirty little animals that live in the midwest. Nighttime low was 17F this morning. being driven inside due to the season. I hang with lots farmers, so vitamin D is not the problem, conversely, with harvest, they have unintentionally been living in pods, and social distancing can be measured in acres, not feet. But I have run across more people contracting the virus than I did in April. I guess my point is, if the experts are right, this should not be happening in rural Iowa.

Rabel said...

Check your sources. The Mississippi Free Press is an "alternative" publication which has the primary purpose of electing Democrats to office. Often times it does this by painting non-Democrats in the worst light possible.

Rabel said...

"You obviously don't know me very well nor have you read any of my postings."

I've read darn near every one of your comments here and elsewhere and almost always agree with them, but you live in California and you chose to jump on the bandwagon criticizing Mississippi officials when your own officials are the worst in the country outside of Michigan and New York, so I made note of the glass walls that surround you.

You might not have built the house but you live in it.

Rabel said...

"But if you can't even see how this kind of exaggeration is exaggeration in the first place..."

I didn't say it wasn't exaggeration. I did say it wasn't gaslighting and would not go so far as to call it "fear mongering."

Again, check your source, and check exactly what was said by whom and to whom and you'll see, I think, that you have fallen for a propaganda piece that is not an accurate recounting of events.

I Callahan said...

The Mississippi Free Press is an "alternative" publication which has the primary purpose of electing Democrats to office. Often times it does this by painting non-Democrats in the worst light possible.

Fair point. Here in the Detroit area, we have the "Metro Times", which is a sanctimonious hippie rag.

The question then becomes: how did our hostess pick this article to post about? I can see her going to NYT and WaPo, but how did she find this one?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Fair enough Rabel. You have been a respected commenter here for years, IMO, so I take what you say at face value.

KellyM said...

If you can find the audio of Gov. Gruesome's non-apology, I encourage you to listen. It is a master class in ducking responsibility when you're caught flat out. What a slippery eel.

The thing I can't get over is how much fawning still goes on over French Laundry. It's been around a long time, you'd think it would have just melted into the background as other, more trendy places came on scene. Full disclosure: I've eaten there, and it was a lot of "sound and fury, signifying nothing". Yes, the surroundings were lovely, and the locale was superb. And while the waitstaff was well trained and knowledgeable, they were a bit overbearing. And whoopee, we got a nice tour of the kitchen afterwards and some glad-handing from Thomas Keller but it just made me itch.

Joanne Jacobs said...

A few days ago, we were at a small, outdoor funeral in Chicago for my husband's 92-year-old family member. (Fifty-two years ago, she got him out of jail when he didn't have $25 for bail. After she was widowed, he cared for her like a son.) It was very cold and windy. We didn't want to infect her two 92-year-old friends -- they met in high school -- but we may have given them double pneumonia. That night, my husband made pot roast for his three kids. They ate in the garage, with the door open.

Chennaul said...

Fearmongering—it’s relative.

gadfly said...

Unlike a common trip in your car, we are now in a liminal space - at the threshold between what was and what will be. Thanks to COVID-19, normal is what was. It is gone and will be gone for quite some time. Maximum protection happens when contact with potential carriers is eliminated - stay home, install a Merv 16 air filter in your home HVAC system and use outside service providers for acquiring needed food. Hope you can find a work-from-home gig.

Or you can add N95 facemasks, goggles and protective clothing and you can minimize the risk of moving about if social distancing and frequent hand-cleaning are part of your routine. But otherwise, anti-social limits must be part of the new way of living until vaccinations appear.

If your children are not studying at home, you are suddenly the substitute teacher. Teachers need to understand that they are replaceable as technology takes over their jobs- with or without the coronavirus.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

In Washington, the peak hospital count was 75 for a state with 87 hospitals. That was 7 days ago. The 7-day rolling average is 60 beds. The deaths/day have been holding at about 7 per/day since mid-August. The detected infections, not cases, are increasing, they're about 1,500 (7-day rolling average). There is no correlation of deaths per detected infections.

My wife had a minor temperature (calibrated hand on the forehead temperature check) last week and she was very tired. We were on vacation in Newport, OR. Was this CCP Flu? Don't know. Not going to get a test. If it was, it was mainly just an inconvenience, as she couldn't go to Nye Beach during low tide.

The media and the Dems, but I repeat myself, want to generate covid-panic. King Jay I is doing his part by closing down the gyms, restaurants and bars, where infections do not occur. He's such a douche.

rehajm said...

I've eaten there, and it was a lot of "sound and fury, signifying nothing".

I thought it was a good meal done well. Do I need to return? Nah...

...I do make the ad hoc fried chicken at home. It's a huge hit during lockdowns!

Lucien said...

Seems like a few sheriffs in NY have announced that they won’t enforce Cuomo’s edicts around Thanksgiving. Good idea. Maybe everyone acquainted with someone in law enforcement should ask them to decline to enforce any lockdowns or mask mandates.

Howard said...

If you go to Yountville for anything but the Vets Home, your just another tourist. Also, Ronny R frequently featured local BV wine, which was au courant in hoi palloi norcal winesnob circlesof the 1980's.

The Godfather said...

I agree that a lot of the lockdowns being imposed by State governments are excessive and unnecessary. Where I live, the County Government has announced it won't be enforcing the State mandates, which means they're essentially voluntary -- and most folks are volunteering pretty reasonably. But my wife and I are in our late 70's, with serious underlying health issues -- we are the kind of people that many commenters here refer to when they say "Covid isn't a serious risk except to . . . [M/M Godfather]". We haven't seen our grandchildren since Christmas, even though they live less than 100 miles away, because we and their parents have been worried about them infecting us. That's not an unreasonable concern. Don't let that idiot in Mississippi with his "Mawmaw" make you forget that there really are lives on the line. In fact, if you could do so, you might tell that idiot and all the idiot-Governors to focus their attentions on the people who are really at risk, and let younger, healthier people alone to make their own judgments about their health.

KellyM said...

@rehajm - I should also add that the dinner reservation we originally had ended up being converted to a midday 'tasting menu' as some big mucky-muck threw a boatload of $$$$ at the restaurant in order to take the space that evening for a private event. Sooo, as a sop, we all got the booby prize. Given the circumstances, it just seemed like the staff was likely laughing up their sleeves at everyone who decided to stick it out. If it had been up to me, I would have bowed out but it was a complicated birthday arrangement with five other people involved. The food was good, and the wines superb, but all in all it was not worth the $1K per person it cost. That was with the wine pairing. Again, not my idea.

KellyM said...

@Howard - I agree with you. Most of Napa is jumped up like that, and sadly, Sonoma is going down that road. All the eclectic shops in the town square have gone out of business/moved to less pricey space in favor of wineries setting up tasting rooms to keep drunken tourists from cycling through vineyards and having accidents. Luckily Sonoma raceway is still there to save it from being too full of itself.

Merny11 said...

Pacwest so sorry. Hope things turn around for you and your family

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Well. I'm going to spend thanksgiving with my father.

We are grownups. We know the danger and we choose the danger.

I set out a goal before the pandemic to spend either Thanksgiving or Christmas, if not both, with the folks. And that's what is going to happen.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

He is exaggerating, perhaps badly, but the other point is he's not wrong. This will in fact be the reality for some families if they go forward heedlessly. The ones it doesn't happen to will scoff and say "It happened to no one. Don't be a fraidy cat."

When you are only endangering yourself and "consenting adults," then fine, do as you will. But when you are endangering others in the nursing home or assisted living or family, you are giving away something that you do not own and have no rights over. "Grandma would rather take the risk! How sad for her not to see her grandchildren during her last months!" And the woman in the next room?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I have read the comments, BTW. Churches have services and people have actually died from the infection after going. Framing this in terms of freedom and courage and rights is to be narcissistic. Other people's lives are in your hands. Do you owe them nothing, because your resentment at being told what to do, as teenagers are resentful, is more important?

If you wish to argue that the government does not have the right, I tell you that is irrelevant. You share a family, a town, a county with other people. You have obligations to them morally, whether the government says so or not. Stop focusing on how insulted you feel and be an adult.

Quayle said...

Get the government out of the dining room.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

sadly, a real-life mamaw lamented

..."I'd rather die of Covid than loneliness"

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