Said Joe Biden, yesterday, when asked about Trump's refusal to concede the election. Transcript.
I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now. I'll just give this my "I'm for Boring" tag to gesture at what I like about the emerging Biden administration.
IN THE COMMENTS: Balfegor points to this new poll, which Biden could not have seen when he spoke of "all the polling data" yesterday:
But notice the way the question is asked. It's not about whether enough votes were affected but whether the motive was to affect enough votes. Biden was talking about belief that he really did win enough votes. To believe that is not the same as believing that there were no stolen votes. In that light, these poll results are inconsequential. It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. The point at which you say that varies depending on whether you're happy with the outcome you're seeing now.Huge: "How likely is it that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win?"
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) November 20, 2020
Democrats - 30% - 20% say Very Likely (VL)
Unaffiliated - 39% - 29% say VL
Republicans - 75% - 61% say VL
All Voters - 47% - 36% say VL
Interesting that the federalist approach did not trigger “Trump-Ian” approach in your remarks.I didn't write it out, but I thought it. It seemed obvious. I'm not trying to suppress it. Throughout this year, I have defended Trump's federalism approach when he was criticized for not taking over with a top-down national approach. There's this, from April 11th:
I've seen some pressure on Trump to take more one-size-fits-all, top-down actions, and he has resisted because it's a big country and conditions are different in different places. Similarly, when Trump moves toward reopening, he is, I presume, going to continue with this approach, supporting opening the places where the conditions are most amenable to returning to work. We'll ease into it, watching as we go, and proceeding with caution.
And this, from April 14th (when the press painted Trump as a demented Captain Queeq):The Times says "people will be wary of resuming normal activities before the country has far more extensive testing," meaning testing to see who has the virus (or the antibodies). But another kind of testing is experimenting with opening the country back up in a gradual way, where conditions are best, observing how well it works, and moving forward learning from experience. This is the experimentation characteristic of American federalism.
Trump wants the governors to take responsibility and to do what works within each one's particular state. They're acting as though they are rebelling, and he'll stand his ground as the captain of the ship, insisting on his authority, so they can look like mutineers for the pleasure of the theater audience.... And the governors get the political cover they need to do what he probably would like to tell them straightforwardly to step up and do.
२२६ टिप्पण्या:
226 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Vote totals belie his percentages. If he was gonna pull a number out of the air why not %73. Oh, thats right, happy birthday! How old are you?
There'll be more of that crap coming along!
I don't believe we heard this kind of "calming" rhetoric in late 2016/early 2017. Wonder why...
Rasmussen Nov.17/18:
75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump ...
69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely ...
There's nothing more boring than socialism. Except for the starving in the dark part.
He's a puppet, a pawn, and an addled one at that. Whatever will the media do without Trump to sell their brand and advertising. They won't turn on Joe, they'll go after anyone that criticizes or doesn't fully embrace him as POTUS.
Boring is ok when evidence of clear and deliberate leadership. It is not when it is evidence of indecisiveness and incompetence.
The Hill uses different words to describe what was witnessed at the Biden press gathering:
Choreographed. Hospitable. Risk-averse
I would add "bootlicking" and "rumpswabbing" to the description.
It's like waking in the night, realizing there's a burglar in the room, and having your last thought of how bright the flash from a gun lights up the room.
Regardless of how illegal the election was, the criminal activity continues, there are thousand willing to commit crimes to preserve their power in office, and their next push is to disarm the citizens of the United States.
This is your most fucked up, inexplicable post ever, prof.
This part of your game is baffling and absurd.
Biden won’t be held accountable for anything by the press, and he’ll step aside for the DNC appointed Diversity candidate.
The DNC beat the hell out of us for the past year and you’re happy that these criminal fucks are playing nice now that they’ve got what they want?
Pull your head out of your ass.
He doesn't even know where he is....
As Humperdinck points out, Biden's numbers don't seem consistent with that Rasmussen poll. See, if this were Trump, they'd be editorialising like this:
Biden claimed without evidence that "over 78% of the American people believe it’s without question, it’s legitimate." A recent poll by Rasmussen found that in fact 47% of voters -- including 30% of Democrats -- believe it is somewhat or very likely that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win.
Biden won’t be held accountable for anything by the press, and he’ll step aside for the DNC appointed Diversity candidate.
The DNC beat the hell out of us for the past year and you’re happy that these criminal fucks are playing nice now that they’ve got what they want?
Pull your head out of your ass.
11/20/20, 5:41 AM
Agree!!! This is the Cloward and Piven Strategy in action....Make the world crazy with crazy conspiracy theories for 5 years, and then the calm steps in, and Voila....Socialism!!!
Interesting that the federalist approach did not trigger “Trump-Ian” approach in your remarks. Must be the cruelly neutral filter you have, turned completely left.
Re: Humperdink:
Only 20% of Democrats thought it was "very likely." 10% thought it "somewhat likely" to get to the total of 30%.
So you like this, do you? Biden is saying he'll do what Trump was doing- leave it up to the states, no national policy, and suddenly it's boring enough for you? You really are a sheep.
Election theft protest scheduled for tomorrow near my hometown. Yawn. It will take more than that.
It has been a standing joke for decades of election fraud in Philly and Chicago. The joke's over.
I’m 100% convinced Joe Biden will not be a legitimate president.
Not will Kamala Harris be a legitimate president when she offs him or suddenly the Hunter Biden corruption becomes publicly real.
So, you’re suing for peace after a year of the DNC punishing us with riots, looting arson, economic sabotage and cop killing because we elected a President they really hate.
These criminal tactics have been richly rewarded.
What do you suppose these criminal bastards will do next time they are challenged, prof?
The next Republican nominee will be literally Hitler, too.
Re: Humperdink:
"Only 20% of Democrats thought it was "very likely." 10% thought it "somewhat likely" to get to the total of 30%."
True, actual quote: "30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent)"
Like Shouting Thomas said...Rewarding hate and violence begets MORE hate and violence...THIS is the calm before the storm. Get your gun ready.
I’m exactly the same age as you, prof.
Over the past year, I’ve also often thought: “I’ll give up and cry uncle if these fucking bastards will just stop beating the shit out of me and my family and leave me the hell alone.”
After all, I’m only going to be around another ten to twelve years. Why not just give in to these fucking thugs so we can have some peace?
I do see the lure of that line of thinking.
Now that the Democrats know that you can be beaten into submission rather easily, what’s to limit their future actions?
Did you see that Kerry is touting a Great Reset via Biden’s media-ordained presidency? Think that’s gonna be boring? Not a chance.
"Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win."
Pretty clear implication there that the belief is that the stolen/destroyed votes made the difference.
" Kerry is touting a Great Reset "
The Middle East is never going back to what it was 4 years ago.
Polling data? He's citing polling data! After the horrendous screw up of polls before the election? A remarkable idiot.
They want unity? How about they apologize for four years and then I'll think of it.
You never give in to bullies. We've seen it here with the usual suspects. You know your right when all they have left is empty threats and snark. There is no substance there. There never was.
That's not the first Rasmussen poll showing significant numbers think the election is fraudulent, so Biden did know or at least had the opportunity to know.
As for his COVID strategy, in the next few years, we'll get a lot of opportunity to collect examples of how the media treats Trump policies when they are enacted by a Democrat. Everyone here knows how it will go, but it will be nice to have real world examples.
"Go easy on me, I know I killed my parents, but I am an orphan!”
What does it say about American democracy that the apparent winner is totally corrupt and the whole world knows it? What did it say in Ukraine about American democracy that a man who has stolen billions from the Ukrainian people could make his legal problems go away by paying off Americans connected to the presidency?
Same with Kazakstan, they want their stolen money back Joe! They want Borat and your fucking son to give them back their fucking money!
So we believe this Rasmussen poll, but none of them before 11/3.
It must be nice to pick and choose polls based on expediency
I suspect our Hostess will be occasionally posting things she likes about Biden to back up her not participating in the presidential vote.
Did you even see Biden struggling to get words out and compose a coherent thought yesterday? I suspect, immediately after Jan 21, that the complicit MSM will start talking about a Kamala presidency because of Biden's senility. I doubt he can hide it as he did during the campaign because HE doesn't believe there is anything wrong with him. His "Doctor" wife would have mentioned it
The best thing Biden could do to unite the country is support a thorough and unbiased inquiry into election fraud without regard to any timetable.
But that would most likely end his “Presidency”.
Mark said...
So we believe this Rasmussen poll, but none of them before 11/3.
It must be nice to pick and choose polls based on expediency
At least as nice as rejecting them based on expediency. If you're interested in being better informed (I make no assumptions about you), you might want to check on the reasons why people didn't trust election polls and see how many apply to this situation.
"I think they’re witnessing incredible irresponsibility, incredibly damaging messages being sent to the rest of the world about how democracy functions."
So, Biden supports a thorough and complete investigation?
It's been covered by the early commenters, but to summarize the response to this post:
1. It is NOT "incredibly damaging" and does NOT "send a horrible message about who we are as a nation". We have an electoral process which is not yet complete, and which includes the ability to challenge election results. What IS incredibly damaging is the very well known fact that a large number of US Democrat strongholds cheat like hell year after year and the Democrat Party not only turns a blind eye, but encourages it.
2. Biden, after blasting Trump's approach to the pandemic, then follows the Trump approach to the pandemic? What bold leadership!
3. We're still citing political polling data? After all of the outcomes for the past two decades which were 180 degrees off? We truly have learned nothing.
Our hostess is preparing herself and her blog to fully support the 'pro-slavery' side in the coming civil war.
"It sends a horrible message about who we are as a country."
No, Joe. What sends a horrible message is all the instances of actual vote fraud coupled with the instances that provide the appearance of fraud. Absent hard, tangible evidence your tribe can scream to the sky "prove it!" - while those who have been able or willing to read the accounts of blocked windows, refusals to allow poll watchers close enough to view/challenge, inexplicable stoppages of counting, ownerships of voting machines, huge vulnerabilities in security of voting machines, yada, yada see the horrific message that is being sent. It's not Trump's refusal, Joe; it is your intransigence in covering up/dismissing valid concerns/questions about voting irregularities.
Come on, man! Lead! Support a full investigation to prove there is no there there.
"I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now.”
And the laptop which nobody denies, will just go away if he takes over the DoJ and FBI, the money laundering investigation of his family will go away, and the press will refuse to print any stories about it, and there will be no more coverage of kids in cages.
COVID will even get better. The death clocks will all disappear... what a wonderful world it would be if Biden wins.
"So we believe this Rasmussen poll, but none of them before 11/3.”
If you followed Rasmussen, you were not shocked by the close outcome.
Rasmussen was one of the most accurate pre-election national polls, reporting on Nov. 2 that Democrat Joe Biden led Trump 48%-47%
Keep throwing shit against the wall Mark.
The current line is that Trump won massively and the software vote fraud wasn't enough to counter it, so ad hoc and clumsy counting fraud was added to complete the fix. Hence the unexpected stopping of counting while ballots were prepared.
So it relies on Trump having won massively to account for what is seen, rather than wondering whether what is seen is enough to account for the loss.
There's a huge background fraud operating first that took out most of the votes.
oh Come On! the ONLY polls that matter, were the Dominion polls back on Nov 4
But notice the way the question is asked. It's not about whether enough votes were affected but whether the motive was to affect enough votes. Biden was talking about belief that he really did win enough votes. To believe that is not that same as believing that there were no stolen votes. In that light, these poll results are inconsequential. It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. The point at which you say that varies depending on whether you're happy with the outcome you're seeing now.
It’s not often that Althouse goes into full rationalization mode.
No National COVID policy!
A flip-flop!
Despite what the experts are calling for!
In the face of spiking cases and increasing fears!
Ignoring his own campaign pledges!
Where is the leadership?!
Am I doing this right?
He's a puppet, a pawn, and an addled one at that.
He's been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate,
A poet, a pawn and a king.
He's been up and down and over and out
And he knows one thing:
Each time he finds himself, flat on his face,
He picks himself up and get back in the race.
If Joe doesn't make it this time, he will be running again in 2040.
The poetry was plagiarized, though.
Oh how they whine when the back a LOSER!
I’m old enough to remember when the news outlets were telling us to be calm and expect that we might not know the winner of the election for a long time, back when they thought Biden might lose. That was, oh, 3 weeks ago.
Bush was selected not elected. Bush did something funky in Ohio and many Congressional dems wouldn't vote to certify those results. Obama won. Obama won. Trump was put in place because Russia meddled.
Those are our last 20 years of elections in a nutshell. You'll forgive me if this time, with the Republican for once being the person complaining, that I don't find this to be the end of democracy.
Also...we see Democrats making plans to move to Georgia to vote for the Senate. Literally use their money and their bodies and upending their lives during a pandemic to try to get a Senate seat. Why do we think they wouldn't do whatever they could to get the presidency?
It's not about whether enough votes were affected but whether the motive was to affect enough votes.
I think the question is about whether the fraud determined the outcome:
"How likely is it that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win?"
What they didn't ask is, "Was fraud justified this time?"
ANYONE who believes there wasn't MASSIVE, MASSIVE voter fraud committed by the Donkeys should call me up; there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd REALLY like to talk to you about..
"Come on, man! We stole that election fair and square! You think I was kidding when I talked about the biggest vote fraud organization ever assembled? The press is on my side, and so is the "swamp" as you call it. No one is going to help you because we'll be the ones in power and in control of trillions of dollars in spending. Bend over and take your screwing like a man."
- Inner Joe Biden
I like the calmness, the modesty.
The aggressive bullies always advocated "civility" in front of the principal after they started a school yard fight. The fight most often started with a sucker punch from the bully. The principal always demanded that both sides apologize for fighting. ---But this is worse. The Democrats land a sucker punch and demand that the Republicans apologize to them. Fuck them and the liberal media jackasses they rode in on.
He’s right about one thing, it’s not good for the image of American democracy abroad when stories of election officials having their children threatened if they don’t vote to certify for Biden show up.
Here is one from Australia: A Democratic state politician told a female Republican election official to “think about your kids” and named their likely school, amid a tense stand-off on Tuesday night that briefly saw vote totals in Michigan held up from certification over unexplained irregularities.
The same people who pushed this idiotic russia conspiracies, now cry conspiracy.
"Also...we see Democrats making plans to move to Georgia to vote for the Senate.”
Which felony voter fraud, and Andrew Yang encouraged it on CNN.
No, I’m not concerned the vast majority of the American people [might question the legitimacy of my administration]. All the polling data has indicated, although the Republicans who worry about it, it’s higher, but over 78% of the American people believe it’s without question, it’s legitimate.
You mean those VERY same polls that showed Hillary winning in a land slide? The very same polls that showed Dems experiencing a blue wave in Congress? The same polling that showed all the toss-ups going blue? That polling?
Sure he does not care of the majority question his legitimacy, like Obama, he has a phone and pen. Once he has the power, it takes effort to undo his damage. Courts take time, process takes time. There is a possibility that not all the damage can be undone.
But sure, Trump and his team are the bad guys for shining yet another light on Dem corruption.
"Keep throwing shit against the wall Mark."
Says the guy gullible enough to believe Rudy Giuliani.
I hear he has a bridge to sell you, only $20,000 a day!
I was encouraged to see him embrace the decentralized federalism approach
Due to various reasons (senility, forgetfulness, drugs, whims of his masters) anything Biden says has a shelf life of maybe 60 seconds.
At this point "what difference does it make"? The press WON'T hold him to account. He can do and say what he wants while the Republicans play by the rules to reign him in. Good luck with that.
tim, the lady was part of an organization focused on Grosse Pointe schools. How hard is it to guess her kids go there?
Am I doxxing Ann by noting her kid likely went to West High based on where she lives in town?
Are we calling public knowledge to anyone in town now doxxing?
Look how they played the game
In that light, these poll results are inconsequential. It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate.
It’s called rationalization.
I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now. I'll just give this my "I'm for Boring" tag to gesture at what I like about the emerging Biden administration.
Funny. I am sure things were calm for most of the Germans under Hitler. For most of the population under communist Russia. For most of the peasants in N.K. Everything is so calm as you are calmly told what to do, where to go, what to think, while you slowly starve to death. Those with the power can always afford to be calm as they point their guns at you. But at least things are calm, peaceful, like a grave, a mass grave in the middle of no where.
It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate.
Why is it believable the overall vote is legitimate? It seems like one of those distanced and lazy things people say because they crave order and lack the inertia to make things right.
Our electoral process has easy and simple solutions in case of failure to follow the law and illegitimacy- let's use them.
Here is an interesting one I got via Steve McIntyre
In a sworn declaration, a respected mathematician says his analysis of election data and phone interviews with Pennsylvania voters raises questions about as many as 100,000 absentee ballots requested in the key battleground state where President Trump and Joe Biden are separated by just about 82,000 votes.
Williams College Professor Steven Miller, a Yale and Princeton trained math expert, said he analyzed Pennsylvania ballot data collected by former Trump campaign data chief Matt Braynard as well as 2,684 voter interviews conducted by a phone bank and found two concerning patterns. One involved possible votes that were not counted, the other ballots that appeared to be requested by someone other than a registered voter.
"I estimate that the number of ballots that were either requested by someone other than the registered Republican or requested and returned but not counted range from 89,397 to 98,801,"
Don’t worry your pretty little head America. Just because your electinons have becom a farce and a worldwide joke.
The issue for Biden is whether he won, not whether he won fairly. Otherwise he wouldn’t be a Democrat.
The issue for the 47% in the poll is the integrity of this election and the process for future elections. Trump and company have made their case, not for Trump, for the country. Democrats don’t care about corruption.
That’s shoe leather reporting, calling thousands of voters and getting their story on what they did with their ballots.
I think that the Dominion software is not fit for purpose, and the source of the software, Chavistas in Venezuela and the heavy ownership stakes of Democrats like Pelosi make it too suspect to use in our elections, but I think that calling actual voters is the way to fight this battle.
Given all that, tim, why did Tucker Carlson question the kraken last night?
When your lap dog Tucker questions the evidence you know it's all BS
Until claims are filed in court, this is all just press conferences and hot air.
The kraken has turned out about as much evidence as the Loch Ness monster so far. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for it to be openly provided.
...about the 'damaging messages to the rest of the world'- News flash: the rest of the world has been sending us warning messages because they recognize the shit lefties are trying to pull.
They know where you got the idea...
tim, if the Dominion machines are skewing the vote count, why did Georgia's hand recount verify that count?
Please explain why this does not completely invalidate the claims of falsified counting by Dominion machines?
Am I doxxing Ann by noting her kid likely went to West High based on where she lives in town?
If the child's attendance is past tense maybe not. Present tense- yes, that pretty much meets the definition of doxxing. Now if you also add a little context- like you're having a heated political discussion- and you bring it up, then it's definite.
Hope you learned something...
From our hostess: "I like the calmness ...."
Made me laugh.
A large percentage of Americans currently believe votes were stolen because they have become susceptible to propaganda: they believe the lies they want to believe, and take no responsibility for their naivety, even when the main liars are so obviously demented.
Literally use their money and their bodies and upending their lives during a pandemic to try to get a Senate seat
There are ground forces making that temporary transition easy for them...
About that
I said nothing about skewing the count, @Mark, sorry about your reading comprehension problem. It is said that the user can overwrite “audit logs” and that what should have been integer vote totals have been reported as floats with decimals. The Venezuela thing just goes to trust, because you have to put faith in this software. I think they should throw it out.
This kind of software can’t be that hard to write. Rock solid audit logs, count up the votes, report them, no extra features required. It should all be open source. We are allowed to read our laws, we should be allowed to read the software that counts our votes.
I also said that the real way to discover fraud is to call millions of voters. Thousands of voters were called in PA and it appears that enough funny business happened just with the Republican voters who were called to sway the election in that state. I can see why you are desperate to change the subject to Dominion.
In 2013 the Democrats nuked the filibuster in the Senate for judicial nominees. Over the last four years the Republicans used these new rules to confirm three Supreme Court justices and I don't know how many judges to other federal courts. And now Democrats talk of court packing to clean up the mess that they created.
You reap what you sow.
What if four or eight years from now the Republicans embrace the same tactics that I believe the Democrat's used this year. Dead people voting, people voting in multiple states, vote harvesting, counting in closed rooms, without observers. The list goes on.
We need to make it a national imperative to clean up our election system now. Democrats will fight because right now they think loose rules give them an advantage. They rely on their belief that the Republicans are not as dirty as they are. But history tells us that things change.
Biden will be stained by what almost half of the American people believe happened in this election. I fully believe that he will be a terrible President in any case, but we can't let this kind of thing go on forever. We need to restore credibility to our elections.
If the Democrats are smart, they will get on board. Otherwise they may have to resort to the equivalent of court packing to win elections in the future.
"I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now. I'll just give this my "I'm for Boring" tag to gesture at what I like about the emerging Biden administration."
Plus he's dreamy.
“When your lap dog Tucker questions the evidence you know it's all BS“
What a dumb thing to say..Sorry for you
Has anybody else noted the change in language about the actions being talked by the Presidents legal team? Yesterday morning and before, the narrative was always about allegations without evidence.
Now this morning the phrase has morphed into, allegations not proven in court.
Noted: Goal posts properly moved.
But at least they are smart enough to stop the lie about no evidence. There are reams of evidence.
"Given all that, tim, why did Tucker Carlson question the kraken last night? “
Don’t ask me to explain what a person who takes millions from Fox News which has taken a hard left, for a cushy job is thinking. Rachael Maddow collected millions of dollars telling rubes like you that Trump was a Russian agent, based on fantasy, and then claimed in court that nobody should be expected to believe a word she says.
Cable news, but congrats to Fox for getting Mark as a veiwer,
You are starting to sound desperate Mark
This post is ridiculous. Biden's "emerging" administration. Now we have to pretend he's actually in charge of it?
Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani spoke the truth yesterday. Fraud on a MASSIVE scale, including participation by PLENTY of Madison, WI residents.
Basically hear Althouse saying "I prefer the new boring totalitarianism, rather than the uncontrollable nature of freedom". Very Madisonian.
Our hostess is preparing herself and her blog to fully support the 'pro-slavery' side in the coming civil war.
This right here. It is submissions like this post today that makes this rube wonder just how clueless our intellectual elite can possibly be.
The media proclaims the election winner and the media decide the lawsuits. OK.
Tucker is a sellout, at least Chris Wallace of the Low IQ really believes what he says. If you have celebrity face and a celebrity voice, it doesn’t actually make you smart, but two out of three is enough to make Chris Wallace rich.
Opinions,whining,conspiracies everything but PROOF and Evidence.Thats what trumpers do..Say it long enough and the "uneducated"(trump really loves em) believe it..A landslide victory for Biden (ask trump about those landslide numbers,over 6 million ahead in popular vote,Contest not even close,Joe won the BLUE WALL of mich,Pennys,and Wisconsin 3x bigger than trump[80+ to over 200000 plus...NOT EVEN CLOSE FOLKS... back underground for next 8 years until the next Fascist rises up,and hope he 'll be smarter than this loser and dont get caught at all the criminality..SDNY waiting patiently for the corrupt DON THE CON and family.. SORE LOSERS never seen worse... SNOWFLAKES isnt that the term?
Tucker? Shit I haven’t watched Fox News since they said Nancy will win five additional seats, which was long before polls here in Cali were even closed! Nope. Gone and I don’t miss them. So who said what there? LOLGF as they say.
"I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now. I'll just give this my "I'm for Boring" tag..."
"This is fine."
Dominion claims to be an American company, but it’s private and it’s HQ is in Canada. Nationwide elections in Canada use paper ballots which are hand counted. Some local elections use “internet voting”, some of which are contracted through Dominion. Here is how a 2018 internet vote election run by Dominion went.
2018 Municipal Elections[edit]
Over 150 municipalities in Ontario conducted their elections primarily online, with physical polling stations either abandoned entirely or limited to only a few central polling stations for voters who could not or did not want to vote online.[49] Municipalities contracted with election companies, including Intelivote Systems,[50][51] Dominion Voting Systems[52][53] and Simply Voting Inc.[54] Voters used a PIN number to identify themselves.[55]
On election day, 51 of these municipalities, all of which had selected Dominion Voting Systems as their online voting contractor, were affected by a technical failure. Dominion subcontracted processing to another company (colocation centre), which capped internet connections in the early evening, without authorization from or consultation with Dominion. They could not handle the early evening increase in voting traffic, thus making it impossible for many voters to get through to the server between 5:00 and 7:30 p.m.[52][56] All of the affected municipalities extended voting for at least a few hours to compensate for the outage; several, including Pembroke, Waterloo, Prince Edward County and Greater Sudbury, opted to extend voting for a full 24 hours into the evening of October 23.
Note to Dinky.
Using lots of capital letters is a tipoff that you are not a serious person.
Fox News lost me forever when they took a week to take back the call they made when the polls were still open that Democrats were going to pick up 5-15 seats in the House. They were relying on polling and fundraising date, not incoming vote counts. They called AZ on a hair trigger when the race wasn’t provisionally decided for days. If it turns out in the end that they got it right, it would just be luck.
Not to mention that it took hours after the dust had settled and Biden had no way to win for them to call Florida. Fox News was just a psychological operation against Republicans election night.
Same thing will happen to the Republican Party if they back away from this fight and listen to the Cucks.
Dominion claims to be an American company, but it’s private and it’s HQ is in Canada. Nationwide elections in Canada use paper ballots which are hand counted.
Canada tweeted their superiority and polite disapproval at how fucked up it is for the US to use machines:
“We use paper ballots counted by hand in front of scrutineers and have never used voting machines or electronic tabulators to count votes in our 100-year history"
Beauty, eh...
This is for DINKY
In a sworn declaration, a respected mathematician says his analysis of election data and phone interviews with Pennsylvania voters raises questions about as many as 100,000 absentee ballots requested in the key battleground state where President Trump and Joe Biden are separated by just about 82,000 votes.
Williams College Professor Steven Miller, a Yale and Princeton trained math expert, said he analyzed Pennsylvania ballot data collected by former Trump campaign data chief Matt Braynard as well as 2,684 voter interviews conducted by a phone bank and found two concerning patterns. One involved possible votes that were not counted, the other ballots that appeared to be requested by someone other than a registered voter.
"I estimate that the number of ballots that were either requested by someone other than the registered Republican or requested and returned but not counted range from 89,397 to 98,801,"
Lawsuits are incoming my friend.
Basically hear Althouse saying "I prefer the new boring totalitarianism, rather than the uncontrollable nature of freedom". Very Madisonian.
Heh. I cut her some slack as she can no longer smell the bullshit.
Biden: “but I just think it’s totally irresponsible” What a joke. The guy is an international money launderer lecturing us about what is and isn’t responsible. Accepting the Presidency when you know the most massive coordinated voter fraud effort just made you the pretend president-elect would seem a bit more irresponsible.
Williams College Professor Steven Miller, a Yale and Princeton trained math expert, said he analyzed Pennsylvania ballot data...
Based on his analysis, make that ex-Williams College professor. We gave you tenure and we can take it away!
Appeals to authority lose their persuasiveness when said authorities fuck shit up as bad as Democrats have fucked up voting. The intimidation and physical violence against poll watchers should anger and disappoint 100% of voters! Regardless of other factors, and many weird things are obvious to any observer like changing rules mid-election, just the ejection of those appointed to true the vote should spark outrage and journalistic curiosity. That it has not and a total news blackout on reporting ANY FACTS about Election Day and the aftermath has made any further appeals to authority on the subject sound like mails on a chalkboard.
I, for one, wish a Happy Birthday to our President-Elect, since it could be his last in public life. I hope I got this in before today's lid.
The Althouse Waltz seems to center around steps towards and away from her affectation of "cruel neutrality".
As Democrats go, she is much better than most, but do not count on her to dance towards anything that smells of libertarianism or conservatism.
I will be interesting hearing the Republican GOTV message next election after this extended attempt to delegitimize the process.
'We know we proved to your LIV head that your vote is meaningless, but we need you to get out and waste your time throwing your vote away in a corrupt broken system.'
Good luck with coming back from this self inflicted wound.
The question is does Althouse believe or know there was massive coordinated fraud perpetuated by Democrats in the 2020 election? We won’t get an answer. Cruel Neutrality is a convenient cover. Such a strange value for a lawyer. Lawyers are advocates, not jurors. But, this will remain a mystery; to affirm voter fraud publicly in Madison, WI is a line that can’t be crossed. Self-preservation and pensions must be taken into consideration.
Regardless of where the truth lies, the trust many people once had for process and legitimate authority is ever lower.
There will be rules and there will be authority, but it may not be the kind any of us have been accustomed to.
This worries me the most. "Mark" a sockpuppet for Chuck or Inga? Or just a bot? (It's so hard to keep up...)
Good to see Trump out in front fearlessly leading the fight.
just another prog. moron we can ignore. Someday they'll send someone with, you know, an original idea.
Thanks for your concern Mark.
Sheep want to be led, they stay calm, all the way to the chop factory (aka Joe's Fine Meats}
Gusty, you keep making claims about Madison's voting, but I have yet to see proof.
Claims made in a press conference are vapor, don't tell me to go watch some conspiracy theory video.
Verifiable facts, provide some.
How They Did It
The Drop and Roll
Georgia; Trump leads 57% to 42%
Huge Drop of Biden votes gives Biden the lead
Next 53 batches have Biden 50.05%, Trump 49.95% exactly
"Said Joe Biden, yesterday, when asked about Trump's refusal to concede the election. Transcript.
The press conference was about handling the pandemic, and I was encouraged to see him embrace the decentralized federalism approach: "No national shutdown. No national shutdown, because every region, every area, every community can be different. And so there’s no circumstance which I can see would require a total national shutdown. I think that would be counterproductive."
From Politico, 8/21/20:
Biden says he'd lock down country if spread of coronavirus warranted it
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he would do "whatever it takes" to combat the spread of coronavirus within the country — including locking down the U.S. if deemed necessary.
“I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,” Biden told ABC’s David Muir in a joint interview with his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, to air Sunday. “We’re going to do whatever it takes to save lives.”
How They Did It
The Drop and Roll
Michigan; Trump leads 55% to 43%
6:31 AM 141,258 Biden votes gives Biden the lead
Almost every subsequent batch is 50% Biden to 49%Trump
How They Did It
The Drop and Roll
Virginia; Trump leads 52% to 46%
Huge Drop of 308,000 Biden votes in middle of night gives Biden the lead
Following batches have Biden 55%, Trump 45%. Exactly.
Not much to add. But I will simply say that this - "I like the calmness, the modesty" - is disappointing. Of course he's calm and modest. He's been anointed as our nation's savior. Rose petals are being thrown at his feet. Whatever course of action he takes will heal the nation and save millions of lives.
Let's see one reporter ask him about Hunter's laptop, or China's payments to the family, and see how calm he remains, if he can even sputter out a complete sentence. "I can do more push ups than you, you damn liar!"
Remember that the polling information is despite an all out news suppression effort on a par with what they did with Hunter’s laptop and the confirming stories from two other sources of emails from Biden Crime Family partners whom the Biden’s screwed over.
How They Did It
The Drop and Roll
Pennsylvania; Trump leads by almost 700,000 on election night
Democrats find over 1 million Biden votes in next 48 hours
Following batches set to only 40% Trump
The way that liberals pretend to believe in statistically improbable trillion to one miracles is just so cute. Stupid, illogical and completely unreasonable -- but cute. Also dangerous as hell.
If Democrats really believe that intelligent people are going to just accept the Biden fairy tale of a statistically impossible miracle, they're even more delusional than I ever thought. And that was really, really delusional.
"I like the calmness, the modesty."
Althouse, the stupid bastard probably doesn't even know they stole the election for him. Of course he's calm.
Blogger Mark said...
"Keep throwing shit against the wall Mark."
Says the guy gullible enough to believe Rudy Giuliani.
Mark obviously has a lot more shit to throw.
Althouse is reverting to her Democrat roots. Too bad. Libertarian was a better look.
This would be hilarious, if it wasn't so serious.
Search "Drop and Roll" on Duck-duck-go, you get a page of links to Gateway pundit's excellent video about how the election was stolen.
Search "Drop and Roll" on Google, you get a page of links about fire safety.
The election theft happened mostly one vote at a time in some places, and with huge dumps of ballots in others. One is going to require calling millions of voters as has begun in PA, which has already turned up some rot, and one is going to require audits of what went on in the vote counting, and denying Trump access to that audit data is not any kind of proof that fraud didn’t happen. In fact, it goes to a consciousness of guilt.
If nothing happened, why all of the efforts to prevent an honest examination, from the canvassing itself to denying Republicans audits of what happened.
If you want to really discredit Trump, and you ran an honest election, the best course is to throw the doors wide open and let people see that it was all honest and above board.
less than that and the election is a cruel joke and America should be derided around the world as a menagerie of cretans and criminal politicians.
"Mark obviously has a lot more shit to throw.”
I’m done with him, as a troll he has been weighed, measured, and found wanting. He should have kept his mouth closed more so as not to prove he was a fool.
"It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. The point at which you say that varies depending on whether you're happy with the outcome you're seeing now."
I don't believe that. There are people in this world that care about the truth and put the truth above their political preferences.
I don’t believe anything, will simply wait to see what the courts decide. It is weird how the media cannot simply do the same—the hysterics coming from them is weird. Maybe they don’t like power being taken away from them—as in they do not get to decide.
Have not watched the Biden press conference but doesn’t really matter he is not in control of much yet and the press do not ask him any decent questions.
As to the polling that should be ignored maybe it is sort of interesting because it might illustrate a sort of real politik or laissez faire attitude coming from Democrats about voter fraud.
The thing that does still interest me is the censorship coming from the media and the fact that they have driven a large segment of the population away from them. Not just Republicans but young people do not pay attention to them as well.
There is a revolution or evolution happening in news and the cracks in that disruption leave a lot of room for bad actors on all sides and there is not a good check on that.
It was funny to watch that press conference without realizing I did not really have permission from mainstream media to watch it, realize that they were going crazy about it on Twitter and then watch it again. The media pretends to fret about the reputations of Rudy and Powell too bad they did not worry more about their own when they had the chance. They do it every time after an election pretend like they should be more fair but hopefully people do not fall for that routine yet again.
"I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now.”
Trump is big and brash and had 15-20 women make different allegations of inappropriate behavior against him. In too many articles to count, reporters state those allegations as proven although most have barely been questioned.
Biden has an air of calm and geniality. In numerous videos he is seen touching, smelling and kissing women (and possibly underaged girls) without consent. Reporters laugh about "That's just Joe".
I agree - he has learned what he has to do to get a pass from questions about his behavior with women - as well as some of his other activities.
Neither man responds well to people questioning them and Joe Biden is no more humble than Trump, IMO.
Many assume that Joe will be replaced by Kamala before this term is up. I suspect it will be more likely Jill Biden runs the country than Kamala.
I have heard from various people that they voted against Trump to stop the "noise". If Kamala is marginalized in her role as VP, there will be "noise". If Biden is replaced, there will be "noise". If Kamala becomes President, she will have to name a VP who has to be approved (by a Republican Senate, I believe). There will be a LOT of "NOISE" then.
I expect Biden to become President in January 2021 and then 4 years of gridlock. Anybody tired of Presidential campaigns dragging on should be prepared for the next one to start the day after. 2022 election may be epic.
Calm? I say toked to the gills with a couple of Dr Feelgoods behind the curtain.
I would not be surprised to learn that there is a modified insulin injector loaded with Feelgood's mixture attached to his inner thigh.
Having been an intelligent functioning adult during the Kennedy/Johnson circus leads one to the above flights of fancy.
Well Mark, if the recount of MKE and MSN show that there were in fact 100k of absentee ballots that were cast in those two locales and those 100k ballots do not have a verifiable absentee ballot request attached then WI law says those 100k ballots are going to be tossed in the garbage.
What’s Bidens lead in WI again, I forget.
Oh, and why did WI elections commission officials attempt to change the recall manual, just 2 nights ago to say that elections officials “MAY” provide the absentee ballot request list to recount officials rather than “MUST” provide. That’s a strange change to make right before a recount, no?
How They Did It
The Drop and Roll
Michigan; Trump leads 55% to 43%
6:31 AM 141,258 Biden votes gives Biden the lead
Almost every subsequent batch is 50% Biden to 49%Trump
The Gateway pundit does not understand that data they have. The drop might be legitimate. The roll is an artifact of the Edison data. TGP is hurting the cause by trumpeting it.
Mark said...
Gusty, you keep making claims about Madison's voting, but I have yet to see proof.
Claims made in a press conference are vapor, don't tell me to go watch some conspiracy theory video.
Verifiable facts, provide some.
Or you could simply wait for the courts to decide, you aren’t going to “solve” it here.
What is amazing to me, given the how the main stream media either ignores the fraud issue or reports that it does not exist that there are 30% democrats that believe that Biden might have stolen the election. Imagine the polling totals if these ignorant rubes actually had access to all the news?
I firmly believe that the Dems commit massive election fraud in every national election, and probably many of the state and local ones. Can I prove it? No, I don't have the resources to do that. I wish I did.
Do the Dems cheat enough to change the results? In some cases, almost certainly. I'm pretty sure Governor Inslee in Washington State got into office fraudulently. Ditto Al Franken's Senate 'victory' some years back.
Was the cheating sufficient to turn this year's election? I don't know. I sure would like to know.
The Left generally believes in the concept of 'by any means necessary.' The power-brokers do, and the activist core certainly does. If you believe in 'by any means necessary' the election fraud becomes merely a logistical challenge, not a moral question.
Others have addressed this in other ways, but it bears repeating. How successful are parents who placate the two year old child throwing a tantrum in the store for the chocolate covered sugar bomb cereal? Sure they get all that calm afterwards. Until the next time. Althouse thinks that as long as the post election is calm, all will be well. So, keep supporting the dems, to avoid riots, and tantrums knowing that the polite Republicans won't burn your city down if they lose. Just remember the old adage: "Beware the fury of a patient man"
69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely ...
I think this is the same as proving that the majority of the people in the United States believe that Trump won the election.
Given that for a majority of the people, this below, which Ann Althouse wrote, is an accurate statement of how they think:
"It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. The point at which you say that varies depending on whether you're happy with the outcome you're seeing now."
Then if 30% of Democrats believe Trump actually won, despite their preference, then that is overwhelming proof that Trump won, or that people believe he won, given that so many other people can't see past their own preferences.
Or if one prefers a more cynical view, this would mean that 30% of the Democrats voted for Trump. But if that's the case, well then that also means Trump won the election.
There is no conflict between the media and Biden, that allows room for him to appear calm. It’s kind of false.
I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now. I'll just give this my "I'm for Boring" tag to gesture at what I like about the emerging Biden administration.
In honor of China Joe's upcoming installment, it seems appropriate to raise a glass and say, "May you live in interesting times". You truly deserve it.
Snowflakes evolving into jack booted thugs has been a big eye-opener to me.
Althouse: "It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. The point at which you say that varies depending on whether you're happy with the outcome you're seeing now."
This is a cop out explanation. There are no two rights here. WI, MI, PA, GA, AZ, NV all were massively manipulated by coordinated fraud. That is the truth, and it matters. Until this stuff gets to federal court, and we learn what our gov't is REALLY made of, we have to float around in the land of make believe.
Ballots MAILED out and RETURNED the SAME day...but sure, no fraud!!!
Doug said...
Our hostess is preparing herself and her blog to fully support the 'pro-slavery' side in the coming civil war.
Corporate alliance and Censorship. Brownshirts. Lots of Foreign wars. Targeted minorities.
The Democrats are more like the National Socialist Workers Party 1932 than the Antebellum South.
They also run a lot of parallels with Mao Communism.
Mark said...
"Gusty, you keep making claims about Madison's voting, but I have yet to see proof."
First Mark, you'll never see or accept any proof. It started with ballot harvesting in the Madison Parks. They new it was illegal and did it anyway. You either don't understand Madison, WI or you're part of it's arrogant shit culture.
Madison is basically a city that considers itself more equal than everyone else. They're the Napoleonic pigs that walk on two legs. Pretty simple.
Memo to Dementia Joe: Just think of the election as Trunalimunumaprzure Triumphant.
This site has devolved into a Spinal Tap of politics.
So comforting, thats the first thing I think of when i see Joe. Comforting. Especially when hes wrapping himself around 14 year old girls.
Joe the Pedo and Kamala the Ho
Swimming in comfort.
Both Canada and Mexico require voter i.d.
In PA you can mail in a ballot and the signature doesn't even have to match.
Et tu, Tucker?
“We invited Sidney Powell on this show, we would’ve given her the whole hour, we would’ve given her the entire week and listen quietly the whole time at rapt attention -- that is a big story.
"But she never sent us any evidence despite a lot of requests, polite requests, not a page. When we kept pressing she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.
"When we checked with others around the Trump campaign, people with positions of authority, they told us Powell has never given them any evidence of either, nor has she provided any today at the press conference.”
“So why are we telling you this? We’re telling you this because it’s true. In the end, that’s all that matters, the truth. It’s our only hope, it’s our best defense. It’s how we are different from them. We care what’s true and we know you care too. That’s why we told you."
Calmness? Some might say sedated.
Calls for calm after what the Dems did to Trump for fours years is stomach-turning. If Trump and his team turn this into the ugliest transition ever, it will be nothing less than the Dems deserve. Let Biden enter office reeking of the fetid swamp that he crawled out of.
When asked for proof, Gusty has none.
Kraken once again mythical like Nessie.
"It's easy to say I'm sure there was some fraud, in some places, and also to believe that overall the result we're seeing is legitimate. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. The point at which you say that varies depending on whether you're happy with the outcome you're seeing now."
Sure, there's just a little bit of shit in that sandwich. Go ahead and chow down.
Blogger Mark said...
When asked for proof, Gusty has none.
I referenced the Ballot Harvesting in the Park event for your remedial IQ, and gold fish like curiosity. It was a waste of time. My goodness, at least you libs are consistent in your douche-baggery.
"TGP is hurting the cause by trumpeting it.”
I have been saying this over and over again, he’s like one of those street vendors in Amsterdam, except that most of his herrings are red.
What we are seeing here at the Althouse blog is the same post-totalitarian survival instinct we are seeing at Fox News. Gotta eat, gotta go along. Doggy paddling for relevance matters or you won’t get invited to dine with the pigs in Farmer Jones’ house.
I haven’t had cable in years, so don’t really watch, but did download the Fox App on election night to watch the debacle. I don’t know how Brit Hume sat there all night. Even Brit sold out. The professor is just moving toward the adjustment at a rapid pace. Perhaps it's what she always wanted. Probably not so hard after decades in Madison and at UW. I don’t believe for a minute there is any moral depth behind this pretend fraud / no fraud middle ground. Especially from someone who made a living being a legal “expert”.
But, those are the experts of 2020.
It's nice to have moved past "there was no fraud" and no widespread fraud" into the "you cannot prove fraud to a metaphysical certainty" phase.
The foreigners I know are amazed at how corrupt this election seems to have been. They thought we were the one bright spot, the nation with laws that were fair, mattered, and were respected. This is not just disappointing to millions of Americans. The world mostly does not fear the United States as a superpower for just that reason. Now they have to worry that there is no power in the world that can be counted on for justice and respect for law. We were once exceptional, now we are for sale, and I fully expect to be sold out to China or anyone else who needs what we have, but doesn't want to buy it from working Americans. Our hard work and innovation will be sold out the back door by crooked management.
Suppose your doctor recommends that you see a particular specialist about your medical condition . You make an appointment to consult with this doctor. At first, the interview is going quite well and the specialist seems to be quite knowledgeable. But then he suddenly stops talking and begins to mumble something unintelligible about peanuts and stars. And then he suddenly stops and asks "who are you and where am I?. Anyone, including Ann, finding themselves in such a situation would immediately get the hell out of there.
Yet when it comes to Biden, this common sense reasoning falls on too many deaf ears.
Bill Whittle made a good point last night. He said when an entity gets caught in major cheating in a competition, they get banned from the competition, or at least lose that game. They don't just subtract the ill gotten gains. They take away much more. That's so that the cheating does not just become an expected calculation that's often worth the risk of getting caught.
It's not hard to appear "calm" and "measured" next to an paisan from Brooklyn and a real estate guy from Queens. Mr. Magoo was quite calm through all his misadventures. Jimmy Carter was calm and soothing when he was elected president. Let's see how this all plays out for Biden.
Mail in elections are, by their very existence, corrupt. Everyone knows this and, at one time, everyone admitted it. It is extremely easy to cheat mail in elections and very easy to get away with it if you are smart about it or if you have the protection of the party that benefits from the fraud.
The only way to even provide a fig leaf of legitimacy is to have very strict standards for mail in voting, and this election had the exact opposite of strict standards. In fact, in some states - important states - there were barely any standards at all and even the standards they did have proved to be surprisingly flexible when inconvenient. You cannot do this sort of thing and have anyone take the results as legitimate.
Furthermore, the Democrats found these paltry standards to be too much and wanted them to be even weaker. Then they blocked election observers who were there to make sure that what little standards there were actually followed. When one political party is actively lobbying for election fraud, you believe them.
When this is the evidence at your disposal, it is a conspiracy theory to NOT think something happened.
Mark said...
Gusty, you keep making claims about Madison's voting, but I have yet to see proof.
Claims made in a press conference are vapor, don't tell me to go watch some conspiracy theory video.
Verifiable facts, provide some.
Hundreds of poll watchers were removed from polling stations while votes were counted. Witnesses are proving testimony under penalty of perjury. Direct evidence.
The agreed to process was not followed.
The process is illegitimate.
MayBee. Also...we see Democrats making plans to move to Georgia to vote for the Senate. Literally use their money and their bodies and upending their lives during a pandemic to try to get a Senate seat.
I hope we keep tabs on these new “residents” who will be surprised that Georgia has an income tax. For which they should be chased, harassed, have their assets frozen, face contempt and fines.
I suppose I should add that it is common knowledge that vote fraud occurs in every election to some extent. It is a punchline with Chicago. Everyone knows that Philadelphia repeatedly has precincts that have over 100% (and this year over 200%) turnout, which is mathematically impossible. We had a house race in recently overturned due to fraud. There was a recent article about someone admitting that they do this sort of thing on a regular basis in a wide variety of elections. Yet, we have people claim with straight faces that vote fraud never happens, and then they want us to believe them when they say the election is on the up and up. You have to be an idiot to believe known liars.
Of course there was vote fraud in this election. There is vote fraud in every election. The only questions are whether (a) it was more than usual and (b) did it swing the election? The answer to the first one is obviously yes. Mail elections cause more fraud no matter what you do. The only question is whether it swung the election. Given that people who lie to me all the time insist that it did not and I would have be a conspiracy theorist to believe it, I am all but certain that it did.
Attonasi, like Gusty you seem to believe that if you claim it on a blog, link to a tweet, or post a link to YouTube that this is providing proof.
No wonder every case gets thrown out in court.
It's not that 30% of Democrats believe that Trump won. It's that 30% believe that there was cheating by the Democrats. The Democrats who were polled don't believe that Trump actually got more votes than Biden. 30% of them just recognize that election fraud happens and it's wrong to deny it.
We could do what the Tour de France did: take away [Lance Armstrong's] trophy and declare nobody the winner. But we won't. And the courts or state legislatures or Congress aren't going to just declare Trump the winner. There won't be a new election either. Too expensive and too much trouble and everybody is sick of Election 2020 anyway. Biden will obstruct and run down the clock until the electors vote and then declare himself to be confirmed as the winner. That's why he assembled his "voter fraud team." The media will gaslight for him all the way to inauguration day and beyond. The way to avoid all this would have been for Trump to win a clear victory in election week (no longer a single day this time), but that didn't happen.
Maybe Althouse considers it irrelevant whether enough votes were stolen to change the outcome, and apparently in some states that is the legal hurdle for consideration of a claim, but I don't.
There were massive irregularities in certain key counties in certain key states. It makes a difference as to the legitimacy of Biden's election whether or not those changed the outcome, but if that kind of vote fraud did occur and there are no consequences for the people who planned and did it, and no reforms of an election process designed to facilitate fraud, you will see exponentially more in the future and it will affect outcomes.
As a nation, we must decide whether we want to continue to honor, at least partly, the idea of free and open elections, or do we just give up on the whole "representative democracy" thing. Do we really want our government to come down to which side can steal the most votes?
Is there no principle worth defending any more, Ann?
I like the calmness, the modesty. He's displaying good instincts right now. I'll just give this my "I'm for Boring" tag to gesture at what I like about the emerging Biden administration.
Ann is telling Trump supporters to kick democrat poll observers out of republican controlled polling stations. Ann is telling Trump supporters to make sure their polling districts achieve 90ish percent turnout by any means possible. Ann is telling Trump supporters to attack their political opponents. Ann is telling Trump supporters to burn things down. Ann is telling Trump supporters to spy on their political opponents. Ann is telling Trump supporters to use the government to punish political opponents.
Cruel Neutrality should mean following likely paths and activities to their logical conclusion. The process of elections and sharing and transferring power in the United States was built for a reason. You will pay for abrogating that process.
This is the appeal of the battered wife to make the beatings stop. This never works. Ann is cruelly emotional, not Cruelly neutral.
Mark said...
Attonasi, like Gusty you seem to believe that if you claim it on a blog, link to a tweet, or post a link to YouTube that this is providing proof.
No wonder every case gets thrown out in court.
How many cases have Trump's lawyers had thrown out in court Mark?
Are you going to repeat the 29 cases lie?
Mark said...
Attonasi, like Gusty you seem to believe that if you claim it on a blog, link to a tweet, or post a link to YouTube that this is providing proof.
No wonder every case gets thrown out in court.
Were you completely comfortable with the relationship between the media and Biden this election cycle? Or the lids called early and often by the Biden campaign? Did that look normal to you? Do you think the media performed its function or duty to get information to voters?
Mark said...
Attonasi, like Gusty you seem to believe that if you claim it on a blog, link to a tweet, or post a link to YouTube that this is providing proof.
No wonder every case gets thrown out in court.
It is also telling that Mark does not address the fact that democrats broke black letter election law invalidating the process.
He merely tossed out a known lie.
You broke the law. The process is invalid.
It is also telling that Mark does not address the fact that democrats broke black letter election law invalidating the process.
Ya it’s gross. They took advantage of the fact that there was no force to match their thuggery at counting facilities and no force available to prevent them from doing that or to hold them accountable for it, yet they argue that Giuliani and Powell are the bigger threats to democracy.
Attonasi: Whoever this Mark "guy" is he's a moron. He doesn't even know the in the Park Ballot harvesting event held in Madison. He's obviously not paying attention; and not interested.
Hello this is for Tim in Vermont Joe Biden is the next president and all the theory and court rejections and conspiracies wont change that, sorry you'll have to try again in 8 years. Good luck , you might as well listen to Rudy "meltdown" Giuliani. When a court proves something I'll check back again in a week and we'll count the marbles, all the rest is nothing that holds up. Your backing a dead horse. Real proof and evidence proven in court is all that matters, all the rest :)
In an ideal world the election officials would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the election was fair and honest, instead of the wronged person having to figure out how the cheating was accomplished then proving that beyond a reasonable doubt.
Maybe we should just waterboard a few election officials in the interest of getting all the details of how the cheating was accomplished?
Look ! This is the time to come to heel, America.
Quit your barking, and Be a Good Dog
Taking the Left's old Diebold voting-machine conspiracy and repurposing it for the Right by making Hugo Chavez the techno-villain? Pure genius.
Re: Lurker21:
There won't be a new election either. Too expensive and too much trouble and everybody is sick of Election 2020 anyway.
If Trump forces a redo of the election, even a limited redo, I am pretty sure voters will punish him for it. People don't actually like voting all that much.
Re: Ann's response to the Rasmussen poll -- that's fair. That's actually approximately my response to the allegations in play at the moment too. It's ridiculous to claim that there was no electoral fraud, and irresponsible of the press to minimize it. In some states (e.g. Pennsylvania, thanks to Philadelphia), I could imagine the margin of fraud being large enough that it actually flipped the election in that state. But even if Trump had won Pennsylvania, the ultimate outcome wouldn't change. He'd still have lost Georgia and Arizona. He should go ahead with the recounts -- the Georgia recount did uncover net Trump votes that were omitted from the original count, so doing the recount enhances the credibility of the result overall -- but I don't have any expectation that it's going to be enough to flip.
Earnest Prole said...
Taking the Left's old Diebold voting-machine conspiracy and repurposing it for the Right by making Hugo Chavez the techno-villain? Pure genius.
Since nobody out here actually knows anything it is interesting to see how people to react to this assertion. Some believe it immediately. Some instantly dismiss it. Some people are in between.
We all suffer from confirmation bias. It is a genetic program and product of animal thinking.
Do you know how many government officials have already resigned in disgrace because of Dominion machines?
Why do you assume he didn’t see the poll? Biden lies routinely.
What percentage of people believe the "fine people" hoax thanks to Lyin Biden's campaign announcement?
Wa St Blogger said...
"The Gateway pundit does not understand that data they have. The drop might be legitimate. The roll is an artifact of the Edison data."
Could be. Do you have documentation for the Edison data format?
25% of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job by the federal government.
Gusty Winds said...
Attonasi: Whoever this Mark "guy" is he's a moron. He doesn't even know the in the Park Ballot harvesting event held in Madison. He's obviously not paying attention; and not interested.
I don't want to be mean and this isn't directed at you. Most of the commenting on this topic has been really stupid. A lot of rabbit holes and impossible to prove stuff. The Ballot Harvesting Event in Madison has many witnesses and certainly happened. But it is easily dismissed because just as Ann has admitted the democrats probably cheated but she just wants calm. It didn't change enough votes. blah blah blah. These people want the beatings to stop and they will do whatever it takes to get there. Battered Spouse Syndrome is a genetically wired animal reflex. Standing up to bullies does not pass on the genes, it gets you killed. So animals don't fight this kind of thing.
The process is what matters. We have an election process for a reason and we allowed that process to be destroyed. Now we have an easily steal-able election process and it is no longer a mutually accepted bargain.
The process now rewards power and force.
No matter who wins it ends badly.
"If Trump forces a redo of the election, even a limited redo, I am pretty sure voters will punish him for it. People don't actually like voting all that much."
Except when one side steals the other sides vote. Then watch them walk over hot coals to get in line to vote, again.
I am calm. Ann. I can do calm and pissed off at the same time. However my friends worry when I'm calm and pissed off at the same time. Things tend to go in directions no one anticipated.
Wa St Blogger said...
The Gateway pundit does not understand that data they have. The drop might be legitimate. The roll is an artifact of the Edison data. TGP is hurting the cause by trumpeting it.
Can you explain how incoming vote counts over a period of days come in at the exact same ratio as an artifact of the Edison data?
Balfegor said...
If Trump forces a redo of the election, even a limited redo, I am pretty sure voters will punish him for it. People don't actually like voting all that much.
This is a sure path to a tribal/despotic form of rule. If people are not willing to go through the process and protect the process then you will get rule by power. People may not like voting all that much. The alternatives are what they are.
Here is what the "fact-checkers" all say;
'When asked if the company had noticed these or any other anomalies in the voting data, Edison Research President Larry Rosin told The Dispatch Fact Check, “Edison Research created no such report and we are not aware of any voter fraud.”'
Which is to say, Edison Research made no attempt to discover any evidence of election fraud in its data. He does not say that such evidence is not there, nor does he say that those who claim to have found such evidence are misinterpreting the data.
Let's just say that when it comes to fraud and lying, it's not Joe's first rodeo. One thing I've noticed about consumate pathological liars is they have a sense of pride in their superior ability and are very good at projecting confidence and people skills. Honest people get upset over false accusations but liars stay cool as a cucumber. That doesn't mean that Joe knows the details of what happened and the sophisticated algorithms involved, but as a career politician he's got to be somewhat amazed by his historic victory considering how little he campaigned. He's not even honest about that. He's just focused on being recognized and getting his hands on the power. Hasn't said anything about the importance of election integrity or his confidence that when everything is examined closely his victory will be untarnished. No, it's all about Trump trying to steal the election and being an embarrassment. Or that people are "going to die" because of Covid if he's not part of the vaccine distribution planning. I don't find Biden's attitude soothing at all.
The great unpleasantness of the 2020 election is over or maybe not. We'll see, but I don't have much confidence in the courts. One ruled that election "observers" don't have to be able to see any ballots because the law only states they have to be present in the room. I think that ruling was in Michigan where observers were kept about 20-30 feet from any ballots. The Georgia recount was a sham, didn't identify or dismiss false ballots, just recounted them and found some previously uncounted ballots.
I'm a little upset by the prospect that voting is meaningless, we're just pawns going through the motions of participation.
Q: any difference between Battered Spouse v Battered Academic syndrome?
both evince co-dependent and enabler indicia
case in point for B_A_S : professora
Biden was disqualified in her view for lying
Biden has her swooning and in good books for lying again about Federalism in his administrative approach
25% of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job by the federal government.
Two-thirds of Democrats believe the Russians tampered with vote tallies to elect Donald Trump.
Three-fourths of Republicans believe Hugo Chavez programmed voting machines to bring down Donald Trump.
It all comes out in the wash.
People will believe what they want.
"But even if Trump had won Pennsylvania, the ultimate outcome wouldn't change.”
My hope is that we can have honest elections in PA in the future via court orders for better protections, like hi res cameras on the desks wherever canvassing is going on. Limits on absentee voting. Special attention to ballot requests out of nursing home. If we get fair elections in the future out of this, whether Trump wins or not this time is almost irrelevant.
"It's that 30% believe that there was cheating by the Democrats. “
All close elections go to the Democrats, Althouse’s preferred party. What could go wrong?
Earnest Prole said...
25% of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job by the federal government.
Two-thirds of Democrats believe the Russians tampered with vote tallies to elect Donald Trump.
Three-fourths of Republicans believe Hugo Chavez programmed voting machines to bring down Donald Trump.
It all comes out in the wash.
You don't measure the decision making process by the assertions made. You measure the process by the questions asked.
Rosalyn C. said...
The great unpleasantness of the 2020 election is over or maybe not. We'll see, but I don't have much confidence in the courts. One ruled that election "observers" don't have to be able to see any ballots because the law only states they have to be present in the room. I think that ruling was in Michigan where observers were kept about 20-30 feet from any ballots. The Georgia recount was a sham, didn't identify or dismiss false ballots, just recounted them and found some previously uncounted ballots.
I'm a little upset by the prospect that voting is meaningless, we're just pawns going through the motions of participation.
Process. Process. Process.
This will end badly if we do not return to the process.
Republicans are allowed to lose this fight, but they are not allowed to walk away from it, or their party will go the way of the NFL, PGA, MLB, Fox News, etc, etc...
"I like the calmness, the modesty."
The calmness is from whatever they're using to control the encroaching dementia. Get away from the transcripts and listen. The man is sedated.
As for modesty, really, Joe Biden?
"Hang on. I'm on my way. That's what I say to them. Not a joke."
There's no fool like an old fool.
Thank you Donald John Trump that Hillary was never president.
Jupiter asked:
Could be. Do you have documentation for the Edison data format?
I downloaded the Edison data. I don't recall where the original link was, Anyway, I was able to review the actual numbers and duplicate what the person cited by TGP had done.
Attonasi asked:
Can you explain how incoming vote counts over a period of days come in at the exact same ratio as an artifact of the Edison data?
I detailed this information is a previous post. I will copy it here:
The 4800 and 6000 values occur because the data sent is the total votes plus a rounded value of the candidate's percentage. The actual votes are then extrapolated from there. It is a stupid way to send over data. IF they sent actual vote totals for the candidates you can then calculate total and percentage. But the other way is ambiguous.
For example, if the vote total was 2,400,000 and And Trump had 50.2%, his vote total could be anywhere from 1,206,000 (50.24999%) and 1,203,600 (50.15000%) a difference of 2400 votes.When new votes came in causing Trump's percentage to drop from 50.1500 to 50.14999 and Biden goes from 49.84999 to 48.85000, the resultant "swing" in votes would look a lot like 4,800 votes. It also would mean prior to the "swing" it would appear that each got the same percentage of new votes for multiple updates because the votes they get are based on the reported percentage, rather than the vote count.
So, in summary, vote totals for the candidates are not sent, but rather percentage of the total vote, so that as the new votes are added in small batches, the rounded percentage of a large vote total won't change for a number of updates, and then when enough votes come in to tip the meter and change a candidates percentage, the calculated votes will appear to come in one large suspicious batch. Again, this is because the data sent is not the actual votes but a percentage of the vote total. So we would EXPECT the votes to be in the exact same ratio until enough have come in to change the percentage and then we see a large chunk going to whichever candidate had an increase in percentage. I can demonstrate this in states that Biden was gaining votes and ones where Trump was gaining votes. So if there as Fraud in Georgia for Biden then the data would also be showing Fraud for Trump in Kansas.
Actual Kansas sample:
Trump Biden Total Trump Percentage
333 257 589 0.564681725
1401 1080 2482 0.564681725
2811 2167 4977 0.564681725
490 378 868 0.564681725
1518 -748 770 1.970796979
372 286 658 0.565708419
So Trump was actually getting MORE than 56.5% of the vote at that time, and when he rolled over to 56.6, it looks like he got 1.971%, a suspicious count!
OOps. that was 197.1%
I'll add a caveat to my prior comments. The people who tell me that there was no vote fraud may not explicitly believe that there was no vote fraud. They may simply not care one way or the other and are pleased by the results regardless. These people are, arguably, worse. At least I know where the liars stand.
My hope is that we can have honest elections in PA in the future via court orders for better protections, like hi res cameras on the desks wherever canvassing is going on. Limits on absentee voting. Special attention to ballot requests out of nursing home. If we get fair elections in the future out of this, whether Trump wins or not this time is almost irrelevant.
You can hope away, but as you can see by the comments of some and the treatment of the issue by the politicians and media is that if you can't prove it (because we were able to destroy the evidence, run out the clock, and have judges unwilling to affect the outcome of the election) then it didn't happen, so there is no reason to change anything. In fact, our system was so great, given that no fraud was proven in court, we will continue to open up the process.
The ONLY way this will change is if the courts and the politicians have the stomach to take the fight to the end and actually provide consequences for violating the existing rules. That won't happen.
The dem fans will not accept anything other than full confessions from the perpetrators. That won't happen, of course, because they will be shielded by the politicians, judges and media who prefer the outcome that we have now, rather than the truth.
It would be like you come to your Jewelry store and see the window smashed, the casing smashed, lots of jewelry missing. you KNOW a crime was committed. You will have other shop owners with sworn affidavits saying they saw people do the smashing and taking the jewelry. The dems, however, say you have no proof. you don't have the criminals admitting to the crime, so you can't say a crime was committed. You can say: "Here is a guy wearing one of my watches. They will say: "You don't know if he took it. Maybe he found it."
Your vote was canceled.
Althouse tells you to shut up and take it. Twenty years ago she worried about offending Leftists. I worried about being able to take them all out.
Attonasi said...
“The Ballot Harvesting Event in Madison has many witnesses and certainly happened. But it is easily dismissed because just as Ann has admitted the democrats probably cheated but she just wants calm….Standing up to bullies does not pass on the genes, it gets you killed. So animals don't fight this kind of thing.”
I think that’s called cowardice; and the calmness is a delusion.
As far a “provable” let’s remember the OJ Jury didn’t think there was enough evidence for a conviction. We are now mired in some dark world where even if you cheat out in the open, like the Madison Ballot Harvesting in the Park, you have to “prove” it was cheating. A demand made by the fraudsters of places like Madison, WI. It’s their fake culture. But, between COVID fear and the summer’s violent destruction, I’m sure more people than just Althouse are ready for surrender. I’m sure they are ready to get back to pretending they are something they’re not.
Now, we are at the point where affidavits are not considered “evidence” by people like Mark. But…they want us to supposed to believe all women, and not look at the man behind the curtain. People are basically stupid. The dog found the Wizard behind the curtain, while the other four marveled in awe at the Wizard's misdirection.
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