Politico reports. [B]y Wednesday morning, party officials and the rank and file were in panic mode as they awaited the results of nearly 20 members of the Democrats’ historic freshman class that handed the party control of the House just two years ago. And already they were saying goodbye to at least a half-dozen of their centrist Democratic colleagues, who were stunned by GOP challengers on Tuesday, including Abby Finkenauer in Iowa and Donna Shalala in Florida....
“It’s a dumpster fire,” said one lawmaker, who declined to be named.... Democrats were already engaging in rapid-fire finger-pointing... Several centrist Democrats blamed their more progressive colleagues, saying moderates in Trump-leaning districts couldn’t escape their “socialist” shadow....
५५ टिप्पण्या:
It could get worse for Democrats. Right now the GOP has won 185 seats. There are 52 races still to be called, and the GOP leads in 33. 185 + 33 = 218. That's a House majority, folks. Cannot believe no one is talking about this.
Demster fire has a nice ring to it.
Progress. Never kneel. Good for the Republican boys and girls.
Only in today's progressive Democrat party, could Donna Shalala be considered centrist or moderate.
President Trump claims victory in Pennsylvania based upon numbewr of reemaining uncounted votes in the state.
Another area the pollsters and newscasts were horribly wrong. Fox projected early on that Dems would expand their majority in the House by at least 15 seats. There is now a slim chance that the House might flip to GOP control. Probably not happening, but it's clear that Nancy will be working with a smaller majority rather than a larger one.
"Rapid-fire finger pointing” would make a good TikTok video.
God has a sense of humor.
Did anyone really expect the Bait-Switch ticket to have coattails?
There's an outside chance --- like, the orbit of Pluto --- that the remaining House races could flip the House with a one-seat Republican majority. Oh, wouldn't it be fun to see Pelosi give up her gavel!
I prefer clown-car dumpster-fire.
It was my privilege and delight to vote last week for incoming Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM2), whose election to the House two years ago was stolen at the last minute when, "unexpectedly," a trove of ballots was found for her opponent in this county that President Trump won by more than 10 percentage points in 2016.
Republicans had to flip about 18 seats. Looks like they'll get about half of that. I don't see anything to cheer about.
"Centrists" That's a good one Politico!
Hay hay hoe hoe Nancy Pelosi's got to go
"House Democrats stunned that they didn't oust a single GOP incumbent."
But things seemingly keep swinging Biden's way in the swing-states. Yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...
I was sure Bullock would knock out Daines. He was ahead when I turned in.
Bullock was running on healthcare ie medicaid expansion that he did cleverly wrest from a GOP legislature. People are such bleeding hearts I thought it would work for him.
The red counties really came through. Yay Montana.
This makes the fraud on the presidential level even more stark and obvious.
The Dims did well in 2018 was because it was Russia, Russia, Russia and imminent impeachment or whatever with the MSM blaring ceaselessly.
@rcpjr, shhhhhh!!!
Polls said they were going to win, too.
This is the point where the theory that polls are for pushing a narrative rather than actually measuring what they claim to measure has gone from a conspiracy theory to common sense.
The rot is deep.
Blogger tcrosse said...
Did anyone really expect the Bait-Switch ticket to have coattails?
Excellent question.
Can't believe they're giving up so easily. Surely there are some random ballot boxes sitting in some random trunks somewhere.
rcpjr: "It could get worse for Democrats. Right now the GOP has won 185 seats. There are 52 races still to be called, and the GOP leads in 33. 185 + 33 = 218. That's a House majority, folks. Cannot believe no one is talking about this."
Wait until the car trunks pop open across the nation and more "Judge Roberts" ballots are "discovered".
The democraticals have already removed John James thru their Michigan cheating and thats likely to hold.
My district flipped back. Won in 2018 by a massive ballot harvest which could not be repeated. Its a red district historically and hard for a Nancy Pelosi adherent (90%+) to hold it.
I looked through the entire list- it is unlikely that the Republicans even get to 205 House members. What is noticeable is that what was left of the moderate Democrats in the House are now completely gone except for Steny Hoyer. It is almost a full California/New York/Black Caucus caucus now for the Dems. This actually might make Pelosi's job easier- she doesn't have please anyone to her right in the party caucus.
If this were a mob movie, Nancy would get whacked.
This makes the fraud on the presidential level even more stark and obvious.
How so? Maybe people like republicans (in general) more than they like Trump.
When Democrats lose, it's always because of "voter intimidation" which is never proven.
When republicans lose it's always because of "voter fraud" which is never proven.
When the Packers lose it's always because of a phantom holding penalty (this one is actually true).
No one ever loses just because they suck.
If the Dems hold a weakened majority in the House (and assuming Kamala Biden is elected President), the Dems will have a poor hand to play for the next two years. Particularly so if the Republican majority in the Senate holds. Compare the first 2 years of the Clinton and Obama administrations. Clinton, a masterful politician, ended up trimming his sails and compromising with the Republicans, and doing relatively little harm to the country (interns, not so much). Obama used the "Great Recession" crisis and his partisan power in the first two years to create Obamacare and a hugely wasteful program of federal anti-recession spending; after that, he was Mr. Executive Order. Kamala Biden doesn't have either political skill or a national crisis (no, Covid won't work), so by 2022, the country will be ready for a Republican House, along with a Republican Senate. A great opportunity for the Republican Party to rebuild on a more populist model. But with Kamala in the WH, how do the Dems rebuild? They had such a weak Presidential bench in 2020 that they had to settle for Kamala Biden. Where do their fresh young leaders come from?
They only planned to cheat against the president.
128,000 consecutive votes in Milwaukee with no other candidates chosen except Biden.
Senator John James for about the next 36 years.
And the House is shaping up nicely.
18 districts in Pennsylvania and Republicans will hold 13 of them.
But you're telling me he lost the state?
I call shenanigans.
It looks increasingly likely that Biden takes the lead in Georgia at some point in the next 12 hours. It just gets worse for Trump, I am afraid. I really don't understand why it takes this long to count what basically has amounted to about 500,000 votes in the last 24 hours- this goes for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona. What the fuck is different about these states when Texas and Florida managed to get a count from much larger vote totals with just as many mailed ballots? Why, exactly, does it take Wayne County a week to count the same amount of ballots as Dallas County did in about 6 hours last night? It is shit like this that draws suspicion.
On Georgia, Trump's lead is down to 57,000 votes, and the NYTimes claims there are about 300,000 still to count, and if you look at the counties, it is all mostly in the Biden counties total wise. Right now, I would predict that Biden has the lead by morning of at least 20,000.
@ Birkel
Where are you getting this info from? "128,000 consecutive votes in Milwaukee with no other candidates chosen except Biden." I want to learn more about this, can't find any reporting.
The democrats in power live and breathe to make themselves and their cronies rich and powerful.
That's it.
Ron Kind almost lost his seat in southwestern Wisconsin. He'll hold on, but that was not supposed to be a close race. He'll be a bit wary to jump into the sack with AOC and her gang and will have to be somewhat moderate.
Couple of observations. Political experts predicted that as goes President Trump, so goes the House and Senate.
Leads to the conclusion President Trump did not lose. His agenda and policies were re-affirmed by the voters.
Even with the propaganda pushed by media arm of the DNC, voters are not buying what Nancy and Chuck are selling.
The House and Executive are both lame ducks until their respective terms come up again in front of the voters. The have of popular mandate to govern.
128,000 consecutive votes in Milwaukee with no other candidates chosen except Biden.
That by itself is proof of fraud.
93% turnout in Wisconsin? I'll bet an actual comprehensive audit, which will never be done, will show at least 1% of those voters were deceased before they received their ballots.
"Another area the pollsters and newscasts were horribly wrong. Fox projected early on that Dems would expand their majority in the House by at least 15 seats."
I saw this as well. I think it was so ridiculously early that west post polls hadn't closed yet. I think it was Martha McCallum.
"When republicans lose it's always because of "voter fraud" which is never proven."
Spare me the "both sides are just as bad" bullshit. Let me know when Republicans consistently advocate changes to election rules that make "voter intimidation" nearly impossible to detect, when I can't think of a single voter integrity law anywhere that Dems don't rabidly oppose.
When republicans lose it's always because of "voter fraud" which is never proven.
The little boy seems to have missed a few stories but he's new here.
We don't take bullshit lightly.
"Wouldn't it be delicious to see Pelosi give up her gavel ?"
Again ? Yes, it would, and it would be great to never have to hear from that rancid bitch again.
D. D. Driver -
No one ever loses just because they suck.
McCain did in 2008.
Notice all of the irregularities always occur in Democrat counties and precincts? Somehow there are never overtime voting in Republican counties and districts nor at the last minute magically appearing ballots. Philadelphia County has one million less residents than Miami Dade County but us spics in Dade are capable of holding a clean election. Lets see how the lawfare works out this election. That said, assuming Biden gets the rotten win there is no reason for the Republicans to compromise with him at all. McConnell better shove in as many judges he can while he can.
"No one ever loses just because they suck.
McCain did in 2008."
Actually, I live near Philly, and the Black Panthers definitely did engage in blatant, baton-wielding voter intimidation. Fox News even interviewed an Iraq veteran live attesting to their blatant intimidation. The Black Panthers were sued, they lost by virtue of not showing up to court, and then Obama's AG and self-professed "wingman" Eric Holder dropped the case.
That alone should've had Obama, or at least Holder, impeached.
I guess continual obstruction and resistance to a president you don't like is the winning formula from now on. Good to know. Lets see how a Biden-Harris presidency fails with only half of the country thinking its legitimate and now know the secret to power is to resist at all costs. Screw the country and the common good.
@ rcpjr,
As far as I am concerned talking about it might jinx it. Why not just let it sneak up on the Democrats as a very pleasant surprise? ^_~
Methinks Pelosi's speakership is now gravely wounded...and The Squad will be circling her like ravenous hyenas.
Popping the Redenbacher in anticipation of enjoying the show.
Shouting Thomas said...
This makes the fraud on the presidential level even more stark and obvious.
11/4/20, 3:54 PM
Exactly. What are the odds that the nation sustains and even boosts PDT's supporting allies in the national legislature (largely due to his campaigning for them), but decided to reject him?
This is some bullshit and must not stand.
Yancey Ward said...
... I really don't understand why it takes this long to count what basically has amounted to about 500,000 votes in the last 24 hours- this goes for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona. What the fuck is different about these states when Texas and Florida managed to get a count from much larger vote totals with just as many mailed ballots?
In PA, the boneheaded R-dominated General Assembly adopted the election law that is now at the center of multiple lawsuits. One of its features was to forbid the vote counters from counting any mail-in ballots prior to election day, so the state people couldn't get a head start on it, as other states have. It also clearly says that the signatures on mail ballots don't matter. Folks are blaming the Governor and the courts for the result, but they are really just reading the statute.
The last thing I heard was that as of this afternoon there were still 1 million mail ballots to count.
I'm guessing that the phone calls from the Trump campaign to the Republican leaders on this have not been friendly.
Obadiah said...
Yancey Ward said...
... I really don't understand why it takes this long to count what basically has amounted to about 500,000 votes in the last 24 hours- this goes for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona. What the fuck is different about these states when Texas and Florida managed to get a count from much larger vote totals with just as many mailed ballots?
In PA, the boneheaded R-dominated General Assembly adopted the election law that is now at the center of multiple lawsuits. One of its features was to forbid the vote counters from counting any mail-in ballots prior to election day, so the state people couldn't get a head start on it, as other states have. It also clearly says that the signatures on mail ballots don't matter. Folks are blaming the Governor and the courts for the result, but they are really just reading the statute.
The last thing I heard was that as of this afternoon there were still 1 million mail ballots to count.
I'm guessing that the phone calls from the Trump campaign to the Republican leaders on this have not been friendly."
In 2000 the Supreme Court settled this matter in ruling that election laws can't be changed in the midst of an election. Yet the court allows this in PA in this election.
Most egregious election fraud in history given how many different states they had to steal in the wee hours. The worst part of it all is that the Democrats aren't even pretending to be honest. All the indicia of fraud are evident. Every damn one of them.
The House still has to certify the election. GOP has a majority of delegations. They need to demand a serious hearing on all the evidence of fraud. If convinced, they can make Trump president.
Trump won the honest votes. He should be president. The constitution anticipates the House being the final arbiter. They should make the legitimate election winner president as they have the power to do.
Okay. I've fucking had it. I need to vent. I need to rant.
Lefties who are arguing "there's no evidence of voter fraud", I need to explain something to you.
We *know* that we could provide a MOUNTAIN of evidence, and you will still robotically keep saying "no evidence!" How do we know this? Because it's HAPPENED, over and over and over.
Like when you say "no evidence!", we link to the Heritage site with 1298 documented instances of voter fraud:
And suddenly the goalposts get motorized. You assholes just casually move from "no evidence whatsoever" to "it's not statistically significant", even though a lot of those single instances involve thousands and thousands of votes (about half the time, I get lefties deliberately pretending "instances" means "single votes", even though an even cursory look makes that obviously not the case).
Heritage found these 1298 instances *despite* that. Your side does it *so fucking much* that even though you've made literally unlimited voter fraud virtually untraceable everywhere Democrats have political power, we *still* manage to catch it, occasionally, a tiny percentage of the time, if we spend insane hours of research and man hours to do so for each instance, far more time than it takes you guys to actually steal the votes. And we can document over a thousand cases of it, and you still pretend it doesn't matter.
And you know this. You do this deliberately. And because you know you have TOTAL control of the media and big tech, which censors virtually any attempt to make the population aware of it (big tech is going overtime slapping "disputed" flags on any video of witnesses to voter fraud saying what they saw, but never does a leftie EVER get a disputed flag, even though - guess what, motherfuckers - WE DISPUTE VIRTUALLY EVERY WORD YOU UTTER.)
It's pure gaslighting. You guys cheat MASSIVELY. You've been doing it for DECADES, that's how you've maintained monolithic one party rule in most major cities for literally over a *century* in many cases. And you commit all your fraud in black districts so you can scream "Racist!" whenever we catch you at it.
And you do it because, with a compliant media and a captured DOJ that looks the other way even under Republican Presidents, that always always works.
No more.
And when you're wrong, when we prove inevitably and indisputably that there was massive fraud all along, years after the fact and after you've actually got to run your cities and dominate the population for decades, what fucking good will your apologies do?
Oh. That's right. You'd never fucking apologize anyway.
You can do that.
Or as the great Breitbart said - Fuck you. War, motherfuckers. You've destroyed any trust in the voting system. Civil wars have started for much less.
I know that's what you *want*. You've been gaslighting us trying to provoke us into civil war for years. But the only alternative you've left us is to submit to being your slaves.
You think we're cowards because we've let you get away with it for so long.
But you've gone way too far now.
What is noticeable is that what was left of the moderate Democrats in the House are now completely gone except for Steny Hoyer. It is almost a full California/New York/Black Caucus caucus now for the Dems. This actually might make Pelosi's job easier- she doesn't have please anyone to her right in the party caucus.
I agree. It's going to be much easier to put straight party-line votes together. I have a feeling we're going to see a whole lot of bills pass with no defections on either side. With a Republican Senate we'll be lucky if they can agree to keep the lights on.
What Qwinn said! At this point I have no faith in Federal elections or most of the Federal government. Fuck you, you motherfucking cheating criminal scum!
Here ya go chuckleheads-you know who you are;
Dems failed? "All the Whos down in Whoville will all cry 'Boo Hoo!' Now that is a sound that I simply must hear!" And the Grinch paused and put his had to his ear.
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