I haven’t been able to find much information on how the Dominion voting system actually functions. Does it leave an auditable paper trail, or are the votes all just machine data? Can anyone explain how it works? Is there any way to check the reported vote totals against actual votes cast? If not, how could such a system be allowed to be used? (I think I know the answer to that last question?)
Wayne County refuses to certify the vote. Shit's getting interesting. Sidney Powell travels the interview circuit tossing election irregularity accusations and bombs. Shit's getting interesting. Biden hides out and issues feeble whines along the lines of, "It's not fair!".
Personally I think it's all a lot of bluster. Possibly to protect against the expected cheating in the GA Senate election. Shit's getting interesting.
Pandemic Panic is headed to 11 - the regular peeps I interact with aren't buying. The government and so called elites are trying to mess with American's favorite holiday. No takers.
@Louie, two things bother me about the Dominion software. The first is that — I have read — that patches were apparently uploaded to Dominion software after it was supposedly locked down. This should never happen. The second is that no one is, apparently, conducting a full forensic audit of the software as it was on November 3. If it is not audited, then it must be under suspicion.
The uncounted votes in Georgia were largely for Trump because they were in red counties. What's the evidence that partisans supporting Biden were responsible for the error? Seems more likely pro-Trump officials messed up.
Ohio. Ohio Department of Health will be issuing a 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. statewide curfew beginning on Thursday, November 19. The curfew will be in effect for 21 days. The curfew will not apply to those going to or from work, those who have an emergency, or those who need medical care. The curfew is not intended to stop anyone from getting groceries or going to a pharmacy
I particularly don’t like the word curfew. Looks like i will be doing late evening walks to the grocery or pharmacy. Bastards.
“It’s really an insidious, corrupt system and I can’t tell you how livid I am with our government for not paying attention to complaints even brought by Democrats” about the systems, Powell said.
How bad of a system does it have to be, that Democrats complained?
COVID worry just blew up our Thanksgiving plans, so thinking about a last minute trip somewhere. Curious, is there anywhere left in this country where a person can sit at a bar, enjoy a beverage and watch sports? I know it’s basic and maybe even selfish, but it’s one of the simple pleasures of life that has disappeared over the past 8 months. Anyone know of a place where this is still permitted?
IANAL, my understanding is President Trumps stratagey has never been to swing close states by a recount. He was always looking to throw out the vote certification, throwing the naming of electors to the state legislature. Lawyers are going to have to school us on the mechanics of that. In this case, do the Wayne county votes note count? Giving President Trump the lead in legal votes counted.
"So after they certify, now thet want to audite wayne county."
Not sure what the angle is here. What happens if Biden is awarded the election, and then the audit reveals that he didn't win? Supreme Court or Civil War 2.0?
If the President felt like it, he could claim that the Wayne County certification was made under duress and call a halt to the proceedings, pending a full investigation.
"is there anywhere left in this country where a person can sit at a bar, enjoy a beverage and watch sports?"
Try South Dakota. Lots of wilderness. No mask requirements but in fact they were worn in grocery stores except by the really hard core. Or your local airport. At airports, you don't have to mask while eating. But it isn't much fun watching sports where there are no locals. At least it didn't from where I was it look like fun
So I keep hearing that this or that has been 'filed'..
When do the courts actually *do* something? The clock is ticking and it doesn't seem like all of this 'filing' has led to any sort of actual action, either up or down..
“IANAL, my understanding is President Trumps stratagey has never been to swing close states by a recount. He was always looking to throw out the vote certification, throwing the naming of electors to the state legislature. Lawyers are going to have to school us on the mechanics of that. In this case, do the Wayne county votes note count? Giving President Trump the lead in legal votes counted.”
Option one is that the stare courts do the right thing and throw out all ballot groups where there are ballots that were not properly handled, under the laws at the time (ignoring and executive meddling or redoing of election laws). If Republicans were prevented from watching the checking of names, or birthdates, ballots were brought in in other than sealed cases etc. - eliminate the whole batch from the counts.
Option two is cases in federal court all the way up to the Supreme Court arguing that votes cannot be counted that were in a batch that weren’t processed in conformance with black letter law. The two big theories are that the legislative and not executive or judicial branches is authorized under our Constitution to determine election rules, plus an Equal Protection argument. Both arguments were made in 2000, with the latter one being the basis of the decision I favor of Bush ad the former being in a concurrence by CJ Rehnquist, J Alito, and J Thomas.
Option three is for the state legislature to demand an audit, in counties where a lot of fraud is alleged, and when they are ignored by election officials, refuse to certify the Biden electors. Already underway, it appears, in MI.
Why? Because discrepancies between ballots cast and votes counted were only small? A little cheating is fine?
I see Pennsylvania (Philly) found 80,000 more votes to count today...2 weeks after the election. Normal, totes normal.
Simple things to clean up the fraud. 1)Retain all signature envelopes. 2) a hard number of votes cast no later than midnight night of the election. Returns can not exceed the number of votes received.
It's not that warm, for the first time since April, I have the A/C off and the windows open. Supposed to go down into the 60s tonight. Might have to throw a quilt on the bed tonight.
Thanks Bruce. So was President Trumps plan all along was to pounce on the certification proccess?
Some place I thought I understood that state legislators(the House specifically) were the first failsafe to choose Electoral College electors. Theory being that elections need to be decided by voters, not judges. Fraudulent election, then falls to the Peoples representatives
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays The cat is on a ventilator and the power just went out. Quote Tweet Hot Takes with Matt Gaetz @GaetzTakes · 8h FLASHBACK: Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica in 2017 estimated 1 MILLION votes in the Venezuelan election were fraudulent.
"...this would not have occurred if the auditors of all political parties had been present at every stage of the election."
Historical Ignoramus readering: "Think our system that fragile?"
Lets go to the videotape:
2/3rds of democraticals believe Putin altered vote totals in 2016 to elect Trump
Jim Scuitto (reporting on CNN) in 2016: "Some computer scientists are privately urging her (HRC) campaign to ask for a recount in several crucial rust belt swing states. Why is that? Because they say Clinton got fewer votes than she should have in critical counties that use, specifically, electronic voting machines, and those scientists say there could be a pattern there and this is potentially explosive, indicating those machines could have been manipulated or hacked."
In 2019, Amy Klobuchar and Mark Warner, amongst other democraticals, sent a letter to the 3 largest vendors of election systems in our country, including Dominion Voting Systems, Elections Systems and Software and Hart InterCivic: "The integrity of our elections is directly tied to the machines we vote on - the products that you make...[there] has been a lack of meaningful innovation in the election vendor industry and our democracy is paying the price."
Democrat Val Demings of FL (2017): "Even hackers with limited prior knowledge, tools and resources are able to breach voting machines in a matter of minutes."
LLR-lefty Chuck Favorite Adam Schiffty of CA (2019) : "I continue to think that our voting machines are too vulnerable..."
LLR-lefty Chuck Other Favorite Sheila Jackson Lee of TX (Sep 2020): "Researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that ballot recording machines and other voting systems are susceptible to tampering..."
Zoe Lofgren of CA (2019): "In Arizona, malware was installed in the state election's website. Voters in Georgia and Texas saw electronic voting machines deleting votes and switching them to other candidates."
Ron Wyden of OR (2018): "Our election system and our digital infrastructure are still exceptionally vulnerable to attack."
Wyden continues: "Unsecured machines that might as well have the words scrawled on them "Please Hack Me Comrade" in Russian."
What this means is that readering now will really have his/her/xer work cut out for him/her/xim in pretending none of these things was ever uttered by this bevy of LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved democraticals.
readering will simply have to file these statements next to the all the under oath testimony and documents proving obambi's CIA/DOJ/FBI fabricated "evidence" to spy on the Trump campaign as well as running confidential human sources at minor Trump campaign minions in order to facilitate the russia collusion lie.
I suspect readering is fully capable of ignoring all of these democratical statements as effectively as he/she/xe ignores tangible evidence of spying because, in the end, you really have to pretend to not know alot of things to be a democratical and/or LLR-lefty democratical.
Glanced through several MSM outlets writing something, anything, about the election today. All the articles, every single one, had this line or similar:
"There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the election"
Seems to me they're trying to sell something. If there's no evidence of fraud, you do not have to keep pointing out that there is no evidence of fraud, as it's obvious. If you keep pointing it out- it makes one think they're covering something up. That's how people think.
One or even two oddities about any election, well, not totally unusual. Off the top of my head:
Republicans appear to have won all swing district election for the House, riding on Trump's coattails- and Trump lost reelection. AFAIK, this has never happened before. >50% job approval rating on election day- and Trump lost reelection. Again, AFAIK, this is a first. More votes for Trump on his reelection than when he was elected- yet the challenger got even more! And Trump lost. That stinks to high heaven. Where did all these never voted before people come from? And it blows the hell out of any theory that anyone anywhere switched their votes from Trump to Biden. In the swing states that Biden won- after midnight, the number of POTUS only votes as a percentage of votes is far greater than Trumps, far greater than any historic record, and far greater than in other non-swing states. Again, that says obvious fraud.
And there's more analysis that shows remarkable unlikely math type things. That I can't recall off the top of my head. If you understand numbers, and I do, it's obvious Biden won by fraud.
Now the question is, since I'm resigned to the fact that Biden is going to be inaugurated- unless he dies before the electoral votes are counted, what happens after Biden bows to liberal pressure and orders the arrest of Trump and family? Don't even begin to say there aren't people demanding that- I can show you the facebook posts otherwise. That turns us into a banana republic- but does it turn the civil war hot?
The state can't certify without the state board's approval in Michigan is my understanding. Of course, the two Republicans in Wayne County folded by cheap suits for a promised audit that I am sure the Secretary of State will get right on by at least Spring of 2022.
Trump's only hope here is get certification blocked by a federal court in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and to get that his legal team will have to have evidence that will convince judges on SCOTUS that the violations of the state's own laws were large enough to warrant such an injunction. The cleanest way to do this is actually demonstrate that the fraud was electronic vote changing, but I don't think that is what the Democrats did.
What the Democrats did was drive at least a couple of million of fraudulent mail-in ballots into the counts in WI, MI, PA, NC, TX, and AZ, and probably NV, NM, MT, and OR. This was easy to do since no one apparently not in a red county actually tried to authenticate any of the mail in vote. You apparently had to leave the signature line blank just to get the ballot rejected, and even then the Democrats were Johnny on the Spot with curing teams to cure Democrat ballots, but not Republican ones.
Trump's real legal aim should be an equal protection claim- when counties in a state use differing levels of ballot authentication, that is illegal at the federal level, especially so since the state law is pretty fucking clear that you have to have some measure of ascertaining that a signature is authentic.
Will Trump win this- I doubt it- his team seems to be chasing lots of different strategies, but I would focus on getting a court to order recanvassing under court supervision applying the state law as it stands in all these states. The way the Democrat run counts did the authentication, anyone could have mailed in anyone else's ballot with complete impunity, and that is exactly what happened on an unprecedented scale.
Now, the legislatures could act without the federal courts, but they won't since they are largely Mitt Romney Republicans who enjoy losing since it is an opportunity to appear honorable, which is irresistable to such a creature.
The Georgia SoS initially ordered exactly the thing Trump needed, but then, for reason, changed his mind and simply went with the hand count. That is part of the problem with constantly talking about electronic fraud- it allows the Democrats and their allies to debunk the wrong theory.
I guarantee you that if you do signature matching in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona, that Biden's lead evaporates in all of them except, possibly, Michigan, but even in Michigan, the outliers in turnout appear to have enough fraudulent mail-in vote to undermine Biden's lead there, too.
I think they paused, Walter, to throw out and hinder the observers from seeing where the ballots were coming from and how they were being counted. I don't for second think this had anything to do with electronic fraud. The reason I believe this is because such fraud is too easily proven by the very first hand count of a suspect jurisdiction. The Democrats aren't that stupid. I mean, you aren't talking about Chuck, Inga, or Steve Uhr here- you are talking about competent election officials good at their job of getting Democrats into office.
Both sets existed when the ballots were opened and marked off the registers. I do think that in some places the envelopes have probably accidentally been blown by indoor winds and ended up in a dumpster fire or were stolen by hooligans, most likely Boogaloo Bois. The thing is that these sorts of records are supposed to be open to FOIA requests- if the election officials won't do their jobs right, someone will, at some point, get their hands on all of this or have the officials be forced to admit they allowed official records get destroyed, by accident, of course.
Yancy, I find it hard to believe that Trump won OH by such a margin and lost in MI and PA, especially with Biden's spoken record on fracking and Trump's pro-industry message and trade deal successes. What say you?
" I mean, you aren't talking about Chuck, Inga, or Steve Uhr here- you are talking about competent election officials good at their job of getting Democrats into office." So you bet against Powell, Lin etc with likely an underground of sympathetic data geeks. Btw, there was bipartisan/dem op concern over these systems prior to their being deemed helpful. We were fully prepped for a long process, until we weren't.
Here is someone doing some of the hard work of demonstrating how the mail-in vote was used by the Democrats. He took the list of Republicans that the state of Pennsylvania claimed had requested and been sent a mail-in ballot, but had not returned it. He asked them two questions- (1) did they request the ballot, and (2) had they filled it out and mailed it back? There were 165,000 such non-returned ballots from registered Republicans as claimed by the Pennsylvania Board of Elections. He had, as of yesterday, talked directly to 1706 of them- 1/3 of them, 555 said they never requested a ballot. Of the 1137 of them who did request the ballot, 453 claimed they filled it out and returned it, yet the state claims they never did.
Now, it is a survey, and you can question whether or not these people are answering honestly, but I doubt that many of them are lying here. It is pretty clear many counties in the state were just filling out applications for people and sending the ballots out somewhere, and it also looks like some counties were probably canning Trump votes sytematically- 453 out of 1706 can't all be liars, I believe. I am waiting for him to finish collecting his data- he is doing other states, too. However, if even only 200 of those registered Republicans told the truth about mailing them back, that is probably 15-20K Trump votes statewide (and other Republican candidates) whose votes were "lost in the mail" like a rent check. Maybe they are on lost memory sticks, too.
Braynard should also ask those who are listed as returned ballots by the states for whom they voted. His full data should be very enlightening.
And the missing question that should also have been asked of the 1707 people- did they actually receive the ballot- we know that 453 of them did claim to have return them.
The biggest indicator of fraud to me are the outlandish win rates Biden had in the mail in vote in PA and MI- across the entire states, not just the Democratic strongholds. Those need to be explained in a criminal investigation.
Blogger narciso said... Three counties in ga, including walton, found uncounted votes guess who for?
"Trump and Biden and likely all down-ballot candidates" is the correct answer. Net change in counts netted about 1,000 additional votes for Trump, so Biden will win with almost a 13,000 ballot plurality.
The electronic votes contained in a single batch in each of three counties were omitted from uploading to the election commission as a result of human error and the recount found and resolved the problems easily.
So the election run by the Republican majority and a principled Secretary of State was done right. We conservative Republicans had just about given up on the party because of Trump's revolting ethos.
On Tuesday evening, Democrat election official Ned Staebler threatened two Republican board members after they failed to certify the election results in Wayne County, MI.These Republicans initially refused to certify the results because of the huge discrepancies they found in the county. However, after this threatening rant by the Democrat official, they changed their minds and decided to go ahead with the certification.Apparently, these thug tactics from the left worked.Staebler said "When you try to sleep tonight, just know that millions of people on Twitter know your names"
...I find it hard to believe that Trump won OH by such a margin and lost in MI and PA...
Correlation between up/down ballot and between like minded states are the most historically accurate voting fundamentals. This election violates these and most other fundamentals.
Take note what happened tonight. 2 Republican officials in MI stood up to the machine. Within minutes they were doxxed, threatened, and CNN/Politico labeled them racists. Where does this behavior lead?
Much of the current mindset seems to be Well ya, rules were violated, laws were broken, dead people voted, there's a bunch of suspicious irregularities like turnout and unexplainable counts but we're tired and corona so just give it to the guy. Our system has fair procedures for when this shit happens and thier use isn't unprecedented. Let's use them...
“Trump's real legal aim should be an equal protection claim- when counties in a state use differing levels of ballot authentication, that is illegal at the federal level, especially so since the state law is pretty fucking clear that you have to have some measure of ascertaining that a signature is authentic.”
I don’t think that you can discount the claim/theory that Article II § 1 ¶ 2 of our Constitution (“Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress”) requires that the legislatures determine voting rules for national elections, and that a lot of the problem resulted from members of the executive branch waiving or otherwise modifying election statutes. In the Bush v Gore case the Equal Protection argument won by if I remember correctly, 7-2. But the A II § 1 ¶ 2 argument that only the legislature can change the rules earned a three vote concurrence, and of those three, two are still on the Court: Alito and Thomas. And they have been joined by four other Republicans. I am fairly comfortable with Gorsuch and Barrett. That would give the Cert. they would just need to bring over Kavenaugh, to get a majority, and that will bring along CJ Roberts to keep Thomas or Alito from writing a broad decision.
Thing is, that at this point, it realy doesn’t matter, except maybe for the remedies. Either would probably win it for Trump. You can plead both, and I expect that is what we will see - have seen already in at least one case I have seen filed. Because Bush v Gore went with Equal Protection, I would lead with that theory or cause of action. The advantage of the A II § 1 ¶ 2 theory though is in remedies. In 2000, the question was the standard for recounts, and the Dems were pushing recounts in only heavily counties, and applying arbitrary standards. The two Dem Justices who signed on to the 7-2 opinion would have just gone with a statewide recount.
The problem here is that they don’t need a recount this time. That is because the fraudulent Biden ballots are no doubt there, in the system, and a recount will just count them again. What they need is for batches of ballots that were handled outside the legislature determined laws and rules to be excluded from the tallies, at least if it can be shown that tainted ballets are included in the batches. And that can be done by showing that a lot of the ballots have the same birthdate (1/1/1900), weren’t signature matched, belonged to dead people, belonged to people who will testify that they didn’t get the ballots, or didn’t vote them, came in and were processed when Republican poll watchers or election judges were being excluded, or had been sent home, etc. The remedy has to be to exclude the entire tainted batch of ballots, because there is no way, at this point, to tie the fraudulent paperwork, such as signatures, birth dates, mailing dates, etc to the underlying, invariably Biden, ballots. You can fit this under EP, but the Article II § 1 ¶ 2 theory fits better - the legislatures set out voting laws and rules, and election officials overrode or violated them, and the ballots involved therefore cannot legally be counted.
Sydney Powell has an affidavit explaining how the Dominion software is designed to shift votes at will. He claims this was a feature, not a bug. It was peddled to despots like Chavez and Maduro, and used liberally in those Venezuelan elections where the right guy always wins.
I'm guessing it was the Venezuela Special software that was uploaded right before the election.
Let me add to my Article II § 1 ¶ 2 argument that Justice Alito spoke publicly recently. My memory is that he mentioned his Bush v Gore three vote A II § 1 ¶ 2 concurrence. But he also talked about how COVID-19 has been heavily used this last year to deprive Americans of the various Constitutional rights. That suggested to me that he, at least, would look very carefully at the COVID-19 justification for state executive branch employees had without legislative branch concurrence, implemented mail in balloting, sent ballots out to people who had not requested them as required in most of these states, extended voting deadlines, etc. They might survive Rational Basis review, but likely nothing less differential. There was no real reason to implement massive mail in voting, except to perpetuate ballot fraud. Most voters could vote normally more safely than go to store, where they routinely go, because it is far easier to keep a polling place decontaminated, than a store. Just cycle pens, swab down between voters, and use gloves when necessary. And everyone else could have requested an absentee ballot. (As was, my county in MT had to pretend that I was voting by mail, was picking up my ballot from the County Clerk and turning it back in 5 minutes later, never having left their offices, and using their recycled pens).
My memory is that all of a sudden, in maybe August or so the meme that the country needed to go to mass mail in balloting this year because of COVID-19 seemed to spring fully formed from elite opinion. I found myself over at Reason, a putatively (but not very) libertarian site, arguing that it wasn’t really rational, and questioning the basis of it. I was, essentially, told that the decision had been made - but never told who made that decision. It surely wasn’t made by the Trump Administration. So who made the decision and turned it into common knowledge and consensus, without any real debate?
Part of why I think that Alito may be headed this direction, is that, while he refused to issue an injunction against the Philadelphia balloting policies that effectively changed voting laws in the state, he did require that those ballots be sequestered. Why would he do that? My guess is that he was contemplating throwing out all of their late received, etc ballots.
Comrades Mark and Readering pointedly ignore any evidence counter to the Party narrative. They are both vying for leader in the Peace and Reconciliation committee. Perhaps they were both bullied in high school.
The following Georgia case on Dominion voting machines, decided in federal district court in Georgia only weeks before the election is REALLY WORTH A READ despite its length. It is my understanding that depositions in the case are even more revealing. https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ga-voting.pdf
Douchebag crying for four years election in 2016 was stolen by Russians and believing our elections were hacked now claims nothing is wrong in 2020.
You are such an empty transparent hypocrite.
11/18/20, 12:11 AM
Be kind, Achilles. Readering is merely impatient.
He wouldn't be annoying us with all this double-talk if he merely had the power to say, ha, ha, we fucked you before, we've fucked you now, and we will fuck you forever, and there's nothing you can do about it.
However, his side hasn't got quite that much power yet, so he has to make obeisance to the hypocrisy of "we won it fair and square according to the will of the American people," but he's slipping. It's hard when you are a wannabe tyrant and you can't tyrannize. Not quite. Almost, but not quite. So close...
< I was, essentially, told that the decision had been made - but never told who made that decision. It surely wasn’t made by the Trump Administration. So who made the decision and turned it into common knowledge and consensus, without any real debate?
My understanding is that most of these actions were included in Pelosi's HR 1 bill that passed the House but was largely implemented by lawsuits. I think this was discussed in Kim Strassell's WSJ piece last week.
My non-lawyerly take on the GA case presented by TickTock based on a quick scan.
1. The Dominion BDM system represented a significant cybersecurity risk which could be affected either by thumb drive or through an internet connection.
2. This risk meant that voters could not be assured that their vote would be accurately counted as required by GA law.
3, The system is designed in a way as to be inauditable, again in violation of GA law.
4. The State Election board did a piss-poor job of convincing the court otherwise, but there wasn't enough time to change to another system prior to the election.
5. The court issued an injunction requiring the State to implement a better system in time for 2021 elections.
Ann: would like your take on this. Also suggest a new post based on your thoughts.
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९४ टिप्पण्या:
I haven’t been able to find much information on how the Dominion voting system actually functions. Does it leave an auditable paper trail, or are the votes all just machine data? Can anyone explain how it works? Is there any way to check the reported vote totals against actual votes cast? If not, how could such a system be allowed to be used? (I think I know the answer to that last question?)
Wayne County refuses to certify the vote. Shit's getting interesting. Sidney Powell travels the interview circuit tossing election irregularity accusations and bombs. Shit's getting interesting. Biden hides out and issues feeble whines along the lines of, "It's not fair!".
Personally I think it's all a lot of bluster. Possibly to protect against the expected cheating in the GA Senate election. Shit's getting interesting.
Pandemic Panic is headed to 11 - the regular peeps I interact with aren't buying. The government and so called elites are trying to mess with American's favorite holiday. No takers.
Three counties in ga, including walton, found uncounted votes guess who for?
Proof media will ignore
@Louie, two things bother me about the Dominion software. The first is that — I have read — that patches were apparently uploaded to Dominion software after it was supposedly locked down. This should never happen. The second is that no one is, apparently, conducting a full forensic audit of the software as it was on November 3. If it is not audited, then it must be under suspicion.
The uncounted votes in Georgia were largely for Trump because they were in red counties. What's the evidence that partisans supporting Biden were responsible for the error? Seems more likely pro-Trump officials messed up.
Over in The Atlantic James Hamblin has written an article titled simply “Cancel Thanksgiving.”
The answer is, simply, We. Will. LIKE. HELL!!!
Wisconsin WEC acting like a predatory landlord raising costs of a recount 4x 2016's. 2m to 8m.
That's a lotta cheddah.
Scored 24 rolls of toilet paper. No tapioca.
Nbc like the times never reads their archives
Ohio. Ohio Department of Health will be issuing a 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. statewide curfew beginning on Thursday, November 19. The curfew will be in effect for 21 days. The curfew will not apply to those going to or from work, those who have an emergency, or those who need medical care. The curfew is not intended to stop anyone from getting groceries or going to a pharmacy
I particularly don’t like the word curfew. Looks like i will be doing late evening walks to the grocery or pharmacy. Bastards.
The left bit down so hard on the 'Russian's under every bed' lie...
This is what you get now.
A corrupt D-hack press who sell lies and hide truth - and then call you a Russian spy when you call them out on it.
Tonight ABC News's radio broadcast said that Trump was "baselessly" alleging fraudulent voting.
That bit of editorial snot was in a "news" broadcast.
From the enVolve link/NBC report above:
“It’s really an insidious, corrupt system and I can’t tell you how livid I am with our government for not paying attention to complaints even brought by Democrats” about the systems, Powell said.
How bad of a system does it have to be, that Democrats complained?
Wayne cty R's caved it seems.
Rough town for the law abiding.
So after they certify, now thet want to audite wayne county.
Why do you think axel foley kept returning to beverley hills.
COVID worry just blew up our Thanksgiving plans, so thinking about a last minute trip somewhere. Curious, is there anywhere left in this country where a person can sit at a bar, enjoy a beverage and watch sports? I know it’s basic and maybe even selfish, but it’s one of the simple pleasures of life that has disappeared over the past 8 months. Anyone know of a place where this is still permitted?
IANAL, my understanding is President Trumps stratagey has never been to swing close states by a recount. He was always looking to throw out the vote certification, throwing the naming of electors to the state legislature. Lawyers are going to have to school us on the mechanics of that. In this case, do the Wayne county votes note count? Giving President Trump the lead in legal votes counted.
If there is parity in the electors, the state legislators can step in
The state will certify Wayne county.
If it comes to that
Think our system that fragile?
"So after they certify, now thet want to audite wayne county."
Not sure what the angle is here. What happens if Biden is awarded the election, and then the audit reveals that he didn't win? Supreme Court or Civil War 2.0?
If the President felt like it, he could claim that the Wayne County certification was made under duress and call a halt to the proceedings, pending a full investigation.
What schemes blossom, when the die is cast...
It's obviously vulnerable to manipulation by determined asswipes.
Any questions
"is there anywhere left in this country where a person can sit at a bar, enjoy a beverage and watch sports?"
Try South Dakota. Lots of wilderness. No mask requirements but in fact they were worn in grocery stores except by the really hard core. Or your local airport. At airports, you don't have to mask while eating. But it isn't much fun watching sports where there are no locals. At least it didn't from where I was it look like fun
Curious, is there anywhere left in this country where a person can sit at a bar, enjoy a beverage and watch sports?
SC. You have to wear your mask from the door to your table or the bar, but that's it.
FL also, and it's warm.
So I keep hearing that this or that has been 'filed'..
When do the courts actually *do* something? The clock is ticking and it doesn't seem like all of this 'filing' has led to any sort of actual action, either up or down..
“IANAL, my understanding is President Trumps stratagey has never been to swing close states by a recount. He was always looking to throw out the vote certification, throwing the naming of electors to the state legislature. Lawyers are going to have to school us on the mechanics of that. In this case, do the Wayne county votes note count? Giving President Trump the lead in legal votes counted.”
Option one is that the stare courts do the right thing and throw out all ballot groups where there are ballots that were not properly handled, under the laws at the time (ignoring and executive meddling or redoing of election laws). If Republicans were prevented from watching the checking of names, or birthdates, ballots were brought in in other than sealed cases etc. - eliminate the whole batch from the counts.
Option two is cases in federal court all the way up to the Supreme Court arguing that votes cannot be counted that were in a batch that weren’t processed in conformance with black letter law. The two big theories are that the legislative and not executive or judicial branches is authorized under our Constitution to determine election rules, plus an Equal Protection argument. Both arguments were made in 2000, with the latter one being the basis of the decision I favor of Bush ad the former being in a concurrence by CJ Rehnquist, J Alito, and J Thomas.
Option three is for the state legislature to demand an audit, in counties where a lot of fraud is alleged, and when they are ignored by election officials, refuse to certify the Biden electors. Already underway, it appears, in MI.
The state will certify Wayne county.
Why? Because discrepancies between ballots cast and votes counted were only small? A little cheating is fine?
I see Pennsylvania (Philly) found 80,000 more votes to count today...2 weeks after the election. Normal, totes normal.
Simple things to clean up the fraud. 1)Retain all signature envelopes. 2) a hard number of votes cast no later than midnight night of the election. Returns can not exceed the number of votes received.
"FL also, and it's warm."
It's not that warm, for the first time since April, I have the A/C off and the windows open. Supposed to go down into the 60s tonight. Might have to throw a quilt on the bed tonight.
Thanks Bruce.
So was President Trumps plan all along was to pounce on the certification proccess?
Some place I thought I understood that state legislators(the House specifically) were the first failsafe to choose Electoral College electors. Theory being that elections need to be decided by voters, not judges. Fraudulent election, then falls to the Peoples representatives
Depends if you're talking south, central or north florida
Scott Adams
The cat is on a ventilator and the power just went out.
Quote Tweet
Hot Takes with Matt Gaetz
· 8h
FLASHBACK: Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica in 2017 estimated 1 MILLION votes in the Venezuelan election were fraudulent.
"...this would not have occurred if the auditors of all political parties had been present at every stage of the election."
My winter experience of Fl is that once I get below Jacksonville, I can open the car windows.
I lived in south florida for 30 years, its a little brisk up here
Historical Ignoramus readering: "Think our system that fragile?"
Lets go to the videotape:
2/3rds of democraticals believe Putin altered vote totals in 2016 to elect Trump
Jim Scuitto (reporting on CNN) in 2016: "Some computer scientists are privately urging her (HRC) campaign to ask for a recount in several crucial rust belt swing states. Why is that? Because they say Clinton got fewer votes than she should have in critical counties that use, specifically, electronic voting machines, and those scientists say there could be a pattern there and this is potentially explosive, indicating those machines could have been manipulated or hacked."
In 2019, Amy Klobuchar and Mark Warner, amongst other democraticals, sent a letter to the 3 largest vendors of election systems in our country, including Dominion Voting Systems, Elections Systems and Software and Hart InterCivic: "The integrity of our elections is directly tied to the machines we vote on - the products that you make...[there] has been a lack of meaningful innovation in the election vendor industry and our democracy is paying the price."
Democrat Val Demings of FL (2017): "Even hackers with limited prior knowledge, tools and resources are able to breach voting machines in a matter of minutes."
LLR-lefty Chuck Favorite Adam Schiffty of CA (2019) : "I continue to think that our voting machines are too vulnerable..."
LLR-lefty Chuck Other Favorite Sheila Jackson Lee of TX (Sep 2020): "Researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that ballot recording machines and other voting systems are susceptible to tampering..."
Zoe Lofgren of CA (2019): "In Arizona, malware was installed in the state election's website. Voters in Georgia and Texas saw electronic voting machines deleting votes and switching them to other candidates."
Ron Wyden of OR (2018): "Our election system and our digital infrastructure are still exceptionally vulnerable to attack."
Wyden continues: "Unsecured machines that might as well have the words scrawled on them "Please Hack Me Comrade" in Russian."
What this means is that readering now will really have his/her/xer work cut out for him/her/xim in pretending none of these things was ever uttered by this bevy of LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved democraticals.
readering will simply have to file these statements next to the all the under oath testimony and documents proving obambi's CIA/DOJ/FBI fabricated "evidence" to spy on the Trump campaign as well as running confidential human sources at minor Trump campaign minions in order to facilitate the russia collusion lie.
I suspect readering is fully capable of ignoring all of these democratical statements as effectively as he/she/xe ignores tangible evidence of spying because, in the end, you really have to pretend to not know alot of things to be a democratical and/or LLR-lefty democratical.
Glanced through several MSM outlets writing something, anything, about the election today. All the articles, every single one, had this line or similar:
"There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the election"
Seems to me they're trying to sell something. If there's no evidence of fraud, you do not have to keep pointing out that there is no evidence of fraud, as it's obvious. If you keep pointing it out- it makes one think they're covering something up. That's how people think.
One or even two oddities about any election, well, not totally unusual. Off the top of my head:
Republicans appear to have won all swing district election for the House, riding on Trump's coattails- and Trump lost reelection. AFAIK, this has never happened before.
>50% job approval rating on election day- and Trump lost reelection. Again, AFAIK, this is a first.
More votes for Trump on his reelection than when he was elected- yet the challenger got even more! And Trump lost. That stinks to high heaven. Where did all these never voted before people come from? And it blows the hell out of any theory that anyone anywhere switched their votes from Trump to Biden.
In the swing states that Biden won- after midnight, the number of POTUS only votes as a percentage of votes is far greater than Trumps, far greater than any historic record, and far greater than in other non-swing states. Again, that says obvious fraud.
And there's more analysis that shows remarkable unlikely math type things. That I can't recall off the top of my head. If you understand numbers, and I do, it's obvious Biden won by fraud.
Now the question is, since I'm resigned to the fact that Biden is going to be inaugurated- unless he dies before the electoral votes are counted, what happens after Biden bows to liberal pressure and orders the arrest of Trump and family? Don't even begin to say there aren't people demanding that- I can show you the facebook posts otherwise. That turns us into a banana republic- but does it turn the civil war hot?
The state can't certify without the state board's approval in Michigan is my understanding. Of course, the two Republicans in Wayne County folded by cheap suits for a promised audit that I am sure the Secretary of State will get right on by at least Spring of 2022.
Trump's only hope here is get certification blocked by a federal court in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and to get that his legal team will have to have evidence that will convince judges on SCOTUS that the violations of the state's own laws were large enough to warrant such an injunction. The cleanest way to do this is actually demonstrate that the fraud was electronic vote changing, but I don't think that is what the Democrats did.
What the Democrats did was drive at least a couple of million of fraudulent mail-in ballots into the counts in WI, MI, PA, NC, TX, and AZ, and probably NV, NM, MT, and OR. This was easy to do since no one apparently not in a red county actually tried to authenticate any of the mail in vote. You apparently had to leave the signature line blank just to get the ballot rejected, and even then the Democrats were Johnny on the Spot with curing teams to cure Democrat ballots, but not Republican ones.
Trump's real legal aim should be an equal protection claim- when counties in a state use differing levels of ballot authentication, that is illegal at the federal level, especially so since the state law is pretty fucking clear that you have to have some measure of ascertaining that a signature is authentic.
Will Trump win this- I doubt it- his team seems to be chasing lots of different strategies, but I would focus on getting a court to order recanvassing under court supervision applying the state law as it stands in all these states. The way the Democrat run counts did the authentication, anyone could have mailed in anyone else's ballot with complete impunity, and that is exactly what happened on an unprecedented scale.
Now, the legislatures could act without the federal courts, but they won't since they are largely Mitt Romney Republicans who enjoy losing since it is an opportunity to appear honorable, which is irresistable to such a creature.
Well great: Godaddy is down. I guess blogger does have its plusses.
I sure hope I don't have to set all that stuff up again.
The Georgia SoS initially ordered exactly the thing Trump needed, but then, for reason, changed his mind and simply went with the hand count. That is part of the problem with constantly talking about electronic fraud- it allows the Democrats and their allies to debunk the wrong theory.
I guarantee you that if you do signature matching in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona, that Biden's lead evaporates in all of them except, possibly, Michigan, but even in Michigan, the outliers in turnout appear to have enough fraudulent mail-in vote to undermine Biden's lead there, too.
RE: The mini Red Wave. Big coattails, but no coat?
Just not believable.
Do your concerns address the pause that refreshed?
And regarding signature matching, do both sets exist to allow a matching?
I think they paused, Walter, to throw out and hinder the observers from seeing where the ballots were coming from and how they were being counted. I don't for second think this had anything to do with electronic fraud. The reason I believe this is because such fraud is too easily proven by the very first hand count of a suspect jurisdiction. The Democrats aren't that stupid. I mean, you aren't talking about Chuck, Inga, or Steve Uhr here- you are talking about competent election officials good at their job of getting Democrats into office.
My sense is that the vulnerability of the physical (like harvesting and discarded envelopes) pushes legal toward systems and data.
Anyone seen the Kraken yet?
Have you contributed to the Wisconsin recount $8 million?
Both sets existed when the ballots were opened and marked off the registers. I do think that in some places the envelopes have probably accidentally been blown by indoor winds and ended up in a dumpster fire or were stolen by hooligans, most likely Boogaloo Bois. The thing is that these sorts of records are supposed to be open to FOIA requests- if the election officials won't do their jobs right, someone will, at some point, get their hands on all of this or have the officials be forced to admit they allowed official records get destroyed, by accident, of course.
Yancy, I find it hard to believe that Trump won OH by such a margin and lost in MI and PA, especially with Biden's spoken record on fracking and Trump's pro-industry message and trade deal successes. What say you?
" I mean, you aren't talking about Chuck, Inga, or Steve Uhr here- you are talking about competent election officials good at their job of getting Democrats into office."
So you bet against Powell, Lin etc with likely an underground of sympathetic data geeks. Btw, there was bipartisan/dem op concern over these systems prior to their being deemed helpful. We were fully prepped for a long process, until we weren't.
Is there a timeline of when swing states paused counting?
Here is someone doing some of the hard work of demonstrating how the mail-in vote was used by the Democrats. He took the list of Republicans that the state of Pennsylvania claimed had requested and been sent a mail-in ballot, but had not returned it. He asked them two questions- (1) did they request the ballot, and (2) had they filled it out and mailed it back? There were 165,000 such non-returned ballots from registered Republicans as claimed by the Pennsylvania Board of Elections. He had, as of yesterday, talked directly to 1706 of them- 1/3 of them, 555 said they never requested a ballot. Of the 1137 of them who did request the ballot, 453 claimed they filled it out and returned it, yet the state claims they never did.
Now, it is a survey, and you can question whether or not these people are answering honestly, but I doubt that many of them are lying here. It is pretty clear many counties in the state were just filling out applications for people and sending the ballots out somewhere, and it also looks like some counties were probably canning Trump votes sytematically- 453 out of 1706 can't all be liars, I believe. I am waiting for him to finish collecting his data- he is doing other states, too. However, if even only 200 of those registered Republicans told the truth about mailing them back, that is probably 15-20K Trump votes statewide (and other Republican candidates) whose votes were "lost in the mail" like a rent check. Maybe they are on lost memory sticks, too.
Braynard should also ask those who are listed as returned ballots by the states for whom they voted. His full data should be very enlightening.
And the missing question that should also have been asked of the 1707 people- did they actually receive the ballot- we know that 453 of them did claim to have return them.
readering said...
Anyone seen the Kraken yet?
Have you contributed to the Wisconsin recount $8 million?
Douchebag crying for four years election in 2016 was stolen by Russians and believing our elections were hacked now claims nothing is wrong in 2020.
You are such an empty transparent hypocrite.
The biggest indicator of fraud to me are the outlandish win rates Biden had in the mail in vote in PA and MI- across the entire states, not just the Democratic strongholds. Those need to be explained in a criminal investigation.
It might be interesting for a constitutional prof to weigh in on some of this. Where might we find one?
readering loves arbitrary cost increases..so long as on his adversaries.
Blogger narciso said...
Three counties in ga, including walton, found uncounted votes guess who for?
"Trump and Biden and likely all down-ballot candidates" is the correct answer. Net change in counts netted about 1,000 additional votes for Trump, so Biden will win with almost a 13,000 ballot plurality.
The electronic votes contained in a single batch in each of three counties were omitted from uploading to the election commission as a result of human error and the recount found and resolved the problems easily.
So the election run by the Republican majority and a principled Secretary of State was done right. We conservative Republicans had just about given up on the party because of Trump's revolting ethos.
I guess Lin Wood is such a master regarding defamation defense that Kemp and co don't dare say what the consensus must say.
It is quite curious how low profile Kemp has been.
Lin Wood!
Is the Trump attorneys’ apparent strategy a smokescreen hiding the real play?
"Those need to be explained in a criminal investigation."
The DOJ could put Durham on the case. He's an expert at getting to the truth in an expeditious manner.
Methinks that Achilles and the election truthers have been crying wolf so much they are about to be ignored.
As they decried the Mueller investigation, they beclown themselves with even more implausible claims with even less evidence.
The grief process can take time it seems. We have been stuck in anger for weeks now.
Also, has anyone checked on the Kraken recently?
It had been MIA for a while now and I am starting to worry about its well being.
On Tuesday evening, Democrat election official Ned Staebler threatened two Republican board members after they failed to certify the election results in Wayne County, MI.These Republicans initially refused to certify the results because of the huge discrepancies they found in the county. However, after this threatening rant by the Democrat official, they changed their minds and decided to go ahead with the certification.Apparently, these thug tactics from the left worked.Staebler said "When you try to sleep tonight, just know that millions of people on Twitter know your names"
AmeriKa is here.
The mini Red Wave. Big coattails, but no coat?
...I find it hard to believe that Trump won OH by such a margin and lost in MI and PA...
Correlation between up/down ballot and between like minded states are the most historically accurate voting fundamentals. This election violates these and most other fundamentals.
It. Never. Happens. This. Way.
Take note what happened tonight. 2 Republican officials in MI stood up to the machine. Within minutes they were doxxed, threatened, and CNN/Politico labeled them racists. Where does this behavior lead?
Much of the current mindset seems to be Well ya, rules were violated, laws were broken, dead people voted, there's a bunch of suspicious irregularities like turnout and unexplainable counts but we're tired and corona so just give it to the guy. Our system has fair procedures for when this shit happens and thier use isn't unprecedented. Let's use them...
My bad... attribution of 5:16AM — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 18, 2020.
A Taste of Elvis... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BanwTz8_Fk
“Trump's real legal aim should be an equal protection claim- when counties in a state use differing levels of ballot authentication, that is illegal at the federal level, especially so since the state law is pretty fucking clear that you have to have some measure of ascertaining that a signature is authentic.”
I don’t think that you can discount the claim/theory that Article II § 1 ¶ 2 of our Constitution (“Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress”) requires that the legislatures determine voting rules for national elections, and that a lot of the problem resulted from members of the executive branch waiving or otherwise modifying election statutes. In the Bush v Gore case the Equal Protection argument won by if I remember correctly, 7-2. But the A II § 1 ¶ 2 argument that only the legislature can change the rules earned a three vote concurrence, and of those three, two are still on the Court: Alito and Thomas. And they have been joined by four other Republicans. I am fairly comfortable with Gorsuch and Barrett. That would give the Cert. they would just need to bring over Kavenaugh, to get a majority, and that will bring along CJ Roberts to keep Thomas or Alito from writing a broad decision.
Thing is, that at this point, it realy doesn’t matter, except maybe for the remedies. Either would probably win it for Trump. You can plead both, and I expect that is what we will see - have seen already in at least one case I have seen filed. Because Bush v Gore went with Equal Protection, I would lead with that theory or cause of action. The advantage of the A II § 1 ¶ 2 theory though is in remedies. In 2000, the question was the standard for recounts, and the Dems were pushing recounts in only heavily counties, and applying arbitrary standards. The two Dem Justices who signed on to the 7-2 opinion would have just gone with a statewide recount.
The problem here is that they don’t need a recount this time. That is because the fraudulent Biden ballots are no doubt there, in the system, and a recount will just count them again. What they need is for batches of ballots that were handled outside the legislature determined laws and rules to be excluded from the tallies, at least if it can be shown that tainted ballets are included in the batches. And that can be done by showing that a lot of the ballots have the same birthdate (1/1/1900), weren’t signature matched, belonged to dead people, belonged to people who will testify that they didn’t get the ballots, or didn’t vote them, came in and were processed when Republican poll watchers or election judges were being excluded, or had been sent home, etc. The remedy has to be to exclude the entire tainted batch of ballots, because there is no way, at this point, to tie the fraudulent paperwork, such as signatures, birth dates, mailing dates, etc to the underlying, invariably Biden, ballots. You can fit this under EP, but the Article II § 1 ¶ 2 theory fits better - the legislatures set out voting laws and rules, and election officials overrode or violated them, and the ballots involved therefore cannot legally be counted.
Sydney Powell has an affidavit explaining how the Dominion software is designed to shift votes at will. He claims this was a feature, not a bug. It was peddled to despots like Chavez and Maduro, and used liberally in those Venezuelan elections where the right guy always wins.
I'm guessing it was the Venezuela Special software that was uploaded right before the election.
Let me add to my Article II § 1 ¶ 2 argument that Justice Alito spoke publicly recently. My memory is that he mentioned his Bush v Gore three vote A II § 1 ¶ 2 concurrence. But he also talked about how COVID-19 has been heavily used this last year to deprive Americans of the various Constitutional rights. That suggested to me that he, at least, would look very carefully at the COVID-19 justification for state executive branch employees had without legislative branch concurrence, implemented mail in balloting, sent ballots out to people who had not requested them as required in most of these states, extended voting deadlines, etc. They might survive Rational Basis review, but likely nothing less differential. There was no real reason to implement massive mail in voting, except to perpetuate ballot fraud. Most voters could vote normally more safely than go to store, where they routinely go, because it is far easier to keep a polling place decontaminated, than a store. Just cycle pens, swab down between voters, and use gloves when necessary. And everyone else could have requested an absentee ballot. (As was, my county in MT had to pretend that I was voting by mail, was picking up my ballot from the County Clerk and turning it back in 5 minutes later, never having left their offices, and using their recycled pens).
My memory is that all of a sudden, in maybe August or so the meme that the country needed to go to mass mail in balloting this year because of COVID-19 seemed to spring fully formed from elite opinion. I found myself over at Reason, a putatively (but not very) libertarian site, arguing that it wasn’t really rational, and questioning the basis of it. I was, essentially, told that the decision had been made - but never told who made that decision. It surely wasn’t made by the Trump Administration. So who made the decision and turned it into common knowledge and consensus, without any real debate?
Part of why I think that Alito may be headed this direction, is that, while he refused to issue an injunction against the Philadelphia balloting policies that effectively changed voting laws in the state, he did require that those ballots be sequestered. Why would he do that? My guess is that he was contemplating throwing out all of their late received, etc ballots.
We shall see.
Here is the url for the Sydney Powell interview courtesy of The Conservative Treehouse.
Comrades Mark and Readering pointedly ignore any evidence counter to the Party narrative. They are both vying for leader in the Peace and Reconciliation committee.
Perhaps they were both bullied in high school.
Glad AA saves the comments.
I'm done with facebook - restarted the blog - hit me.
You know you want to,...
Louie, Bruce
The following Georgia case on Dominion voting machines, decided in federal district court in Georgia only weeks before the election is REALLY WORTH A READ despite its length. It is my understanding that depositions in the case are even more revealing.
Douchebag crying for four years election in 2016 was stolen by Russians and believing our elections were hacked now claims nothing is wrong in 2020.
You are such an empty transparent hypocrite.
11/18/20, 12:11 AM
Be kind, Achilles. Readering is merely impatient.
He wouldn't be annoying us with all this double-talk if he merely had the power to say, ha, ha, we fucked you before, we've fucked you now, and we will fuck you forever, and there's nothing you can do about it.
However, his side hasn't got quite that much power yet, so he has to make obeisance to the hypocrisy of "we won it fair and square according to the will of the American people," but he's slipping. It's hard when you are a wannabe tyrant and you can't tyrannize. Not quite. Almost, but not quite. So close...
< I was, essentially, told that the decision had been made - but never told who made that decision. It surely wasn’t made by the Trump Administration. So who made the decision and turned it into common knowledge and consensus, without any real debate?
My understanding is that most of these actions were included in Pelosi's HR 1 bill that passed the House but was largely implemented by lawsuits. I think this was discussed in Kim Strassell's WSJ piece last week.
My non-lawyerly take on the GA case presented by TickTock based on a quick scan.
1. The Dominion BDM system represented a significant cybersecurity risk which could be affected either by thumb drive or through an internet connection.
2. This risk meant that voters could not be assured that their vote would be accurately counted as required by GA law.
3, The system is designed in a way as to be inauditable, again in violation of GA law.
4. The State Election board did a piss-poor job of convincing the court otherwise, but there wasn't enough time to change to another system prior to the election.
5. The court issued an injunction requiring the State to implement a better system in time for 2021 elections.
Ann: would like your take on this. Also suggest a new post based on your thoughts.
Let me read it again, now that I have it, before I comment.
I don't want to say too much or the really smart commenters here will uncover all our secret vote-manufacturing factories in Venezuela.
Apparently Tim and Readering are waiting for instructions from their handlers before responding.
Rusty, I follow our blog host's practice for comments.
If they are interesting or the person has shown a desire for honest conversation in the past .... and I am not busy ... I often reply.
But I have little interest answering your fake news factoids from conspiracy land or chasing everyone you shout squirrel. Too many d bags here not worth the time.
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